Yellow discharge in women: causes, types, treatment. Yellow discharge without odor and itching in women. At what point should you worry?

Transparent or whitish, light vaginal discharge can be called natural and normal only if it does not have a strong odor and is not accompanied by other symptoms. Yellow discharge and itching in women in intimate places may indicate a malfunction of the internal genital organs or the development of other pathologies. The amount and thickness of mucous secretion may change during pregnancy, breastfeeding, taking hormonal medications, as well as during certain phases of the menstrual cycle and various diseases.


In most cases, women who go to the doctor with such a problem receive a disappointing diagnosis. The most common cause of yellow discharge is the development of a pathological process, the presence of infectious and fungal diseases, and inflammation. A feeling of itching in the vagina, accompanied by a yellowish discharge, may be due to the following reasons:

  • Colpitis. With this disease, in addition to discharge, swelling of the external genitalia is observed. Patients often complain of pain in the back and abdomen, as well as during sexual intercourse.
  • Salpingitis. The abundance of discharge during the disease will depend on its form. In the chronic course of salpingitis they are very scarce, and in the acute form their number increases and changes color.
  • Adnexitis. Symptoms of this disease, which occurs in an acute form, are yellowish discharge, severe irritation of the external genitalia, pain in the lumbar region, and a constant urge to go to the toilet.
  • Bacterial vaginitis. It is characterized by abundant yellow discharge of an unnatural color and severe itching in women in the vagina. When bending over, pain is felt below the abdomen.
  • Cervical erosion. With this disease, there is a slight change in the color of the vaginal secretion, its quantity is also small. After sexual intercourse, bloody discharge is observed.
  • Trichomoniasis. Leucorrhoea with this disease has a foamy character and turns yellow or green. The smell is very pungent and unpleasant, there is itching and burning during urination and intimate relationships.
  • Chlamydia. The symptoms are similar to trichomoniasis, but the discharge from this disease is purulent and thick.


First of all, the gynecologist must collect a detailed medical history and conduct a visual examination of the external genitalia. You should also tell your specialist about the possibility of sexual transmission, if present.

Then the doctor conducts a traditional gynecological examination and prescribes the necessary tests. If there is yellow discharge, complaints of itching and burning, standard tests are taken in a certain sequence.

First of all, a bacterioscopic smear is made, then, if necessary, a bacteriological examination is carried out. If necessary, DNA diagnostics is performed.

Drug treatment

Treatment of yellow discharge should begin only after identifying the cause of its appearance. If they become a symptom of the development of infectious diseases, for example, trichomonas vaginitis, then the following drugs are prescribed for topical use: metronidazole, tinadazole, clotrimazole. The sexual partner should also be treated.

When diagnosing diseases in elderly patients whose symptoms are yellow discharge, estrogen replacement therapy is used. The most commonly used are vaginal tablets and cream. This form of release of the drug is most convenient for older patients.

Therapy at home

It is necessary to treat diseases of the genital area comprehensively. Effective folk remedies should be used in conjunction with drug treatment, as well as adjusting diet and lifestyle. By following your doctor's recommendations and paying attention to your health, you can speed up the healing process and reduce associated symptoms.

It is better to find out from a specialist how to treat yellow discharge in women at home, since such therapy must take into account several factors: the characteristics of the woman’s body, her age, the amount of discharge, etc. General recommendations include the following:

  • It is necessary to drink vegetable juices from carrots, spinach, celery and other greens as often as possible. There are more cucumbers and cabbage.
  • It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to plain water.
  • If there is heavy discharge, you can drink one tablespoon of nettle infusion several times a day. This solution also eliminates pain and burning in the intimate area.
  • To eliminate itching in the vagina, you can use pine baths. Some pine needles should be poured with boiling water and left to steep. Then mix the liquid with regular warm water and take baths before bed for about 15-20 minutes.

Treatment of discharge of any nature should begin only after identifying its cause and conducting a full examination. The vaginal ecosystem is quite complex; it can easily be disrupted by improper treatment, and then it will take a long time to restore its microflora. Therefore, if you notice yellow discharge, as well as itching, you should contact an experienced specialist and not self-medicate.

Each representative of the fair sex has an individual vaginal environment and therefore color variations also vary greatly.

In addition, they can be supplemented by odors and unpleasant sensations.

These include:

Itching in the intimate area;

Burning of the labia and urethra;

Pain in the lower abdomen;

Painful urination.

How is discharge formed and what determines its color? Let's try to figure it out.

How does yellow discharge appear in women?

A myth that should be immediately dispelled is that vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) does not normally appear in a healthy woman. This false information roams the forums and confuses many representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Vaginal discharge consists of the following components:

Cervical mucus;

Secretion of the vaginal glands;

Dead cells;


The epithelium (which makes up the inner lining of the vagina and uterus), dying, combines with mucus and gives it a white tint. Vaginal discharge plays the role of natural lubrication of the vagina, preventing infection by harmful microorganisms.

Discharge during the menstrual cycle

In the first half they are more viscous and most transparent. In the second they become milky, which is why they received the popular name “leucorrhoea.” Normally, they should have no odor and also have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. Yellow discharge in women can be normal, as well as green discharge.

The amount of vaginal discharge is not very stable (from 2 to 5 ml per day). At different times, for one woman they can be completely different from each other. Factors influencing their number and color are:


Degree of sexual arousal;

Phase of the menstrual period.

Normal situation

Many women turned to the doctor with the question: “Which discharge is considered normal and which is not?” It is worth understanding this issue in great detail. First, it’s worth saying that not every discharge that you consider rare is an unhealthy symptom. Normal ranges from clear whitish to slightly yellow. Therefore, there is no need to worry if they suddenly suddenly decide to change the shade.

The minimum amount of vaginal discharge appears immediately after menstruation. After a week it becomes more, and then the process begins to decline. The discharge acquires a creamy consistency, becoming white or yellowish. Younger representatives of the fair sex have a more pronounced character of their education.

Microbes: where is yours and where is someone else’s?

Both beneficial and harmful microorganisms play a significant role in the formation of vaginal discharge. Reaching puberty marks a change in their biobalance. During this period, lactic acid bacteria develop especially actively. There are about 109 colonies in 1 ml of secretion. The higher the intensity of the occupants of the female organ, the more fluid it will produce.

Lactobacilli, being normally in the body of a healthy sexually mature woman, produce acid that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic organisms.

It shouldn't be this way

We've figured out the norm. Now we need to move on to consider the pathological situation. If you notice that there is more vaginal discharge, and in addition there is itching, swelling or burning, you need to seek medical help.

There are some signs of a problematic situation, however, the doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the presence or absence of pathology.

1. The labia become swollen, significant itching appears, and the color of the discharge also changes to green and becomes a cheesy consistency - candidiasis can be suspected. It is a type of fungal infection.

2. The abundance of vaginal discharge, its yellowish tint, fishy odor and the absence of itching with redness are symptoms of trichomoniasis.

3. Bacterial vaginosis (a decrease in the number of lactobacilli) is characterized by the abundance and yellowness of discharge from the female organ.

These signs are classic indicators of abnormal functioning of the microflora of the female organ. For example, a doctor can determine thrush without any additional examinations; he can rely only on information about the secreted fluid. However, this disease often develops on the basis of another pathology, which needs to be eliminated.

Yellow discharge with an odor in women indicates an inflammatory process. They are often accompanied by itching and burning of the labia. These are signs of gonorrhea (sexual disease). Complications of this disease can even lead to infertility, so it should be treated immediately. Gonorrhea is caused by sexual contact with someone who is sick.

The correct treatment is prescribed by a venereologist. You shouldn’t even think about trying to get rid of the disease on your own. Modern methods of combating gonorrhea are:



All participants in sexual intercourse must be cured of gonorrhea, otherwise you can become infected again.

Yellow and green

Yellow-green discharge in women may be odorless, which means that natural processes are occurring normally.

However, if there are additional symptoms: burning, pain, itching and unpleasant odor, we can talk about serious pathologies.

These include:

Thrush – caused by the proliferation of fungal microorganisms;

Gonorrhea – inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted pathology, one of the few that can be transmitted through household objects;

Inflammation of a nonspecific nature.

Most of these diseases are sexually transmitted and quickly spread to many organs of the genitourinary system.

Without smell

Yellow discharge in women without odor - every woman has encountered a similar phenomenon.

This type of discharge is not dangerous. It is not a symptom of serious diseases, which means it is not worth serious worries. However, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. Symptomatic treatment does not bring the desired results. It only delays the appearance of serious problems with the female body as a whole.

Let's find out what is done in a medical institution when such symptoms are detected.

Yellow discharge in women is a sign of some serious diseases, the presence of which cannot be recognized independently.

Therefore, as soon as you notice such symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

In order to establish the exact cause of the disease, the doctor may need a wide range of objective data. So don’t be lazy to go through the entire prescribed range of tests. This, firstly, will save the specialist’s time, and secondly, will be the key to establishing an accurate diagnosis, and as a result, treatment.

If for some reason the tests were not prescribed for you, ask the specialist about it again.

Surely it is simply impossible to carry them out at the place of treatment, but you can do it in another institution.

So, to identify the disease you need pass the following tests:

Bacteriological cultures (taking a smear from the vagina for analysis);

Enzyme immunoassay blood test (allows you to determine the stage of the disease);

DNA-PCR (polymerase chain reaction).

The last method is considered the most accurate; the probability of an erroneous diagnosis with it is only 5 percent.

Is it possible to get rid of yellow discharge in women?

You have identified an unhealthy yellow discharge. What to do? Yellow discharge in women, the causes of which are unclear, should be considered as signs of potential danger. If you have already been diagnosed, then you should follow the prescribed treatment.

If you decide that you can cope with the disease yourself, you should not self-medicate or follow traditional methods.

Firstly, you will waste time, which can be detrimental to your health.

Secondly, it can cause other, more serious diseases or allergic reactions.

Therefore, as soon as you realize that something is threatening the health of your genitourinary system, immediately make an appointment with a gynecologist. Remember that before going to a specialist, you should not take medications whose exact effects you do not know.

You should also not do aspirating, as this may negatively affect the results of the tests prescribed for you.

Most diseases that cause yellow vaginal discharge are sexually transmitted.

Therefore, during the treatment process, it is important that your partner also undergoes examination and subsequent treatment. If there were several partners, everyone must undergo treatment, otherwise there may be a risk of illness.

If a woman has yellow discharge again? Why is rehabilitation so important?

You completed a course of treatment and the symptoms disappeared, so you can avoid seeing a gynecologist for another couple of years?

Do not under any circumstances ignore final appointments with a specialist.

In addition to treatment, diseases of the gynecological spectrum require rehabilitation.

This is due to a number of factors:

1. Such diseases require not only individual selection of strong antibiotics, but also a course of concomitant medications that prevent their possible harmful effects on other organs.

2. Gynecological diseases are often caused by excessive proliferation of bacteria living in the microflora of the genital organs. And this happens due to problems with the immune system (with its weakening). Therefore, after getting rid of the infectious disease, you may be prescribed a general course of immunomodulators.

3. Rehabilitation actions are not just a guarantee that the disease will not overtake you again in the near future. This is a guarantee of restoration of the total loss of strength that the body spent on healing.

How to avoid yellow discharge? Prevention

Prevention is the key to health. It is better to reduce the likelihood of the disease occurring altogether than to treat it. After all, any illness does not arise out of nowhere. Many factors contribute to this, but we can reduce them, or even eliminate them altogether.

Prevention of gynecological diseases is actually very simple, just follow a series of next steps:

Visit a gynecologist once every six months;

Have a blood test and vaginal smear at least once a year;

Don't ignore physical activity;

Use contraception during sexual intercourse.

Maintain a balanced diet;

Maintain basic hygiene;

Avoid high humidity and hypothermia of the genitourinary system;

Have sexual contact with trusted partners.

Following these simple rules will significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. After all, a woman’s health is the key to her happiness.

A woman secretes secretions from the vaginal cavity, and this is considered a normal physiological process. But not all discharge is normal. Every woman should know for herself which of them speak of the norm and which of them indicate pathology. Therefore, let’s look at why yellow discharge appears at different periods.

Normal yellow discharge

If a woman has discharge that is slightly yellow in color, without odor or other signs of discharge, then doctors consider this to be normal.

Basic parameters of the norm:

  1. Normal light yellow discharge should not be released in large quantities. To make it more clear, the norm is no more than 1 teaspoon. Such discharge can occur during sexual intercourse, as well as during the menstrual cycle.
  2. The discharge should not be very thick or profuse. But, it should be noted that during the menstrual cycle or during ovulation, the consistency of normal discharge also changes.
  3. There should be no bright yellow traces in the mass.
  4. No discharge remains on the bed linen, including the underwear.
  5. There is no smell.

Apart from this, with a normal slightly yellow tint, no additional symptoms should occur. For example, severe pain or other discomfort in the reproductive organs.

Causes of yellow discharge with odor

It should be noted that this symptom may appear at different times, including during lactation or pregnancy. Peculiar discharges may indicate the presence of various pathologies and diseases.


  1. Detected when chlamydia, in which a rather sharp, not very pleasant odor is noted. They begin to flow down the walls, directly into the vaginal cavity, thereby additionally creating an unpleasant feeling of discomfort, burning, and often itching occurs with this disease.
  2. These signs may occur if the woman's history is trichomoniasis. At the initial stage of the disease, white, slightly yellow discharge is observed. As the disease progresses, the discharge becomes deep yellow, and in rare cases, greenish discharge is also released. In this case, the woman has a rather unpleasant putrid odor.
  3. They may talk about the presence gonorrhea. In this case, the discharge takes on a specific color. In particular, they have a rich yellow hue; they stand out in fairly moderate quantities. In addition, bleeding also occurs with gonorrhea. Additional symptoms include pain, which is acute or aching in nature. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen or on the inner thighs.
  4. At thrush similar discharge with a characteristic odor is also released.
  5. The most common cause of these discharges is the presence ureaplasmosis or talk about the presence of a woman mycoplasmosis. Characteristic signs: a large amount of discharge, pain or burning is additionally associated with such diseases, there is severe redness of the mucous membrane directly in the vaginal cavity at the time of the diagnostic examination.

In addition to these reasons, these discharges also occur against the background. With this disease, the discharge takes on not only a thick consistency, but also a fishy smell. In addition, with bacterial vaginitis, pus or blood may be found in the main discharge.

In addition to the reasons described above, you need to be aware of other problems that cause yellow discharge, but at the same time the woman does not have such an unpleasant odor.

Yellow discharge without odor

You can detect signs of adnexitis or colpitis; a woman often produces these discharges, which do not have an uncharacteristic odor.

Also noted:

  1. May indicate the presence of cervicitis.
  2. An allergic reaction to the mucous membrane, as well as in the area of ​​the reproductive organs.
  3. After undergoing artificial

Often appear at different stages of gestation. Therefore, in order to determine whether they are normal or pathological, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist in time and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

Why does yellow-green discharge appear?

They may indicate the presence of the diseases described above.

And also there are:

  1. Due to the penetration and active reproduction of fungal microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa.
  2. If a woman has a history of inflammatory diseases in which the urethra is damaged.
  3. In the presence of certain sexually transmitted pathologies, which are transmitted not only sexually, but also through household objects.

Note that if this symptom occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, it is necessary to immediately undergo a course of drug therapy. Otherwise, it can lead to a chronic process or infertility.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often during this period, white or slightly yellow discharge appears. Let's consider the main reasons for their occurrence. Causes:

  1. With an incorrectly selected hygiene product for intimate hygiene.
  2. If you frequently wear synthetic underwear during pregnancy.
  3. Using sanitary pads that are impregnated with fragrances.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  5. For diseases that affect the entire genitourinary system. For example: for diseases of the uterus, tubes, as well as for diseases of the bladder or ovaries.
  6. With the penetration of nonspecific pathogens, such as staphylococcus or with the penetration of E. coli.
  7. With clarified or unclear etiology of erosion.
  8. Dysbiosis.

At 6 weeks, slight yellow discharge may also occur, and this is considered normal. But, if there is itching or additional signs, including an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to clarify the causes of the disease.

At 8 weeks they may leak in moderate amounts - this is normal, provided, of course, that there are no additional signs. Often during this period of pregnancy, during a routine examination, candidiasis is detected. The main cause of the disease is a decrease in immunity and a change in the pH of the environment in the vagina. Gentle treatment methods are prescribed for thrush.

What to do if you have yellow-brown discharge? If yellow-brown discharge occurs early in pregnancy, this is normal. Since at this moment the embryo begins to attach directly to the endometrium, therefore a small amount of blood and discharge data comes out.

But, at this moment, you still need to see a doctor. It is necessary to exclude more serious pathologies, for example: detachment of the ovum, frozen pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage.

In late pregnancy, yellow-brown discharge indicates an abnormal location of the placenta, or when a plug is expelled after 38 weeks, which indicates a harbinger of physiological labor.

Watery yellow discharge during pregnancy can mean both normal and pathological. If there is no smell, pain, burning or other discomfort, this is normal.

Pathology of watery yellow discharge:

  1. Found in genital herpes during pregnancy. In this case, the nature of the discharge is scanty. The main reason for watery discharge with a yellow tint is the formation of vesicles, directly against the background of the inflammatory process in the perineal area.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. There is an unpleasant odor, pain, itching, burning and impaired urination.
  3. Often these discharges indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. There is a slight sweetish odor.

Additional causes of watery yellow discharge include the presence of a specific, nonspecific bacterial infection in a pregnant woman.


Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the exact pathology of the disease. The woman is prescribed a general blood test and a vaginal smear is taken in the gynecological office. If this data is not enough to make a diagnosis, then PCR diagnostics and enzyme immunoassay are prescribed.

Local and antibacterial therapy is prescribed as treatment. Additionally, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed to improve blood circulation and normalize the microflora in the vaginal cavity.

If trichomonas vaginitis is detected at the time of diagnostic examination, then doctors prescribe the drug Tinidazole or Clotrimazole. The first drug has an antimicrobial and antiprozoal spectrum of action. The active component of the tablets is able to penetrate into anaerobic microorganisms, thereby inhibiting synthesis and disrupting its DNA.

Clotrimazole is a synthetic antifungal drug. Designed for outdoor use. Do not use if you are individually intolerant to the composition, otherwise there is a risk of side effects.

  • severe burning sensation in the genital area;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • erythema;
  • allergic reaction.
  • peeling of the skin in the area of ​​external organs.

If a fungal infection is detected in a woman, the following medications must be taken.


  1. Fluconazole, has fairly high activity against fungal cells. The drug suppresses their growth and reproduction.
  2. Tsiskan, is a derivative of Trizol. The drug has a good selective spectrum of action, thereby being able to inhibit the synthesis of sterols.

Can also be used as a treatment for fungal infections Orunit or Pimafucin. Before using the medicine, carefully study the instructions; each drug has its own list of contraindications and side effects.

During menopause, with the gynecological diseases described above, doctors prescribe vaginal tablets that contain estrogen. The drug has proven itself well Ovestin. The active component of the drug is micronized estriol, an analogue of the natural female hormone. If a woman has atrophy of the mucous membrane, then the medicine helps to normalize the epithelium, which is located in the genitourinary tract, thereby quickly eliminating the inflammatory process.

As for infectious diseases, in this case it is necessary to take more aggressive medications.


  1. Hexicon in the form of candles. The drug has an antiseptic and disinfectant spectrum of action. With its help, the development of harmful microbes is inhibited, thereby causing the death of pathogenic microflora. The course of treatment depends on the severity and type of disease, but usually lasts from 7-10 days. If necessary, the course of therapy is extended to 20 days.
  2. Terzhinan It is a fairly strong drug, as it belongs to the group of antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antifungal agents. You can use Terzhinan for vaginitis, trichomonas vaginosis, dysbiosis, or another type of vaginitis of unknown etiology. The drug is often prescribed as a treatment for chronic recurrent colpitis.

In addition to drug therapy, doctors can also prescribe traditional methods of treatment. Decoctions for douching, tinctures for internal use from chamomile, string, sage and other herbs.

Important! During pregnancy, if even slight discharge is detected, you should not use medications and traditional methods of treatment on your own.


Preventive measures will help prevent the development of the disease.

  1. Maintain intimate hygiene.
  2. Give preference to natural underwear.
  3. Change sanitary pads or tampons more often.
  4. Be careful during promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  5. Do not use scented intimate hygiene products.
  6. Eat properly.
  7. Increase immunity.
  8. Contact your doctor promptly. Get examined by a gynecologist every six months.
  9. Do not take medications on your own during menopause to eliminate symptoms.

If yellow discharge with an uncharacteristic odor occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a comprehensive diagnosis will help determine the type of disease and doctors, based on the data obtained, will prescribe adequate treatment methods.

All women have discharge from the genitals. They do not cause any discomfort, are odorless, and appear transparent, white or yellowish-white. If you notice yellow discharge, this will not necessarily be the cause of any disease. We will try to help you figure this out.

Discharge is considered normal if:

  • there is no smell;
  • color white-yellow;
  • a healthy woman usually secretes 3-6 ml per day (but do not forget that the amount of fluid secreted constantly changes throughout the month, this is all related to hormonal changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle);
  • their consistency can be either liquid or thick;
  • The discharge is not accompanied by burning or itching.

But if you notice that the discharge is bright yellow, swelling of the external genital organs, which causes discomfort in the form of itching, burning, or an unpleasant odor, then this is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist.

Pathological yellow discharge

Discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning

The causes of pathological discharge may be:


Adnexitis is an inflammatory process that can be asymptomatic in the initial stage. According to its course, adnexitis can be unilateral or bilateral. The causes may be:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • STI infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • abortions,

Features of discharge during adnexitis:

The discharge is mucopurulent. In the acute stage, the discharge is bright yellow and has an unpleasant odor.


This is the same adnexitis. (see above)


Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa. Other names for this disease are vaginitis, vaginosis. There are several forms of colpitis: chronic, acute, subacute. The causes of the disease are:

  • STI infections;
  • improper intimate hygiene;
  • chronic diseases;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • stress.

Features of discharge during colpitis:

The discharge may be yellow, liquid or foamy, and may be mixed with pus. Such discharge causes itching and burning.


Cervititis is an inflammatory process of the cervix. This disease mainly occurs in women who are constantly sexually active. Many women may not know about this disease. Since its symptoms can be asymptomatic. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. For infection, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, etc. are enough, all of them are transmitted through blood and lymph.

Features of discharge with cervititis:

The discharge is mucous, cloudy, and may be mixed with pus.

Bacterial vaginitis

Bacterial vaginitis is a disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. It mainly occurs against the background of decreased immunity, inflammatory diseases, and the use of an intrauterine device. The main reasons are considered:

  • hormonal disbalance,
  • taking antibiotics,
  • frequent douching or washing,
  • after childbirth,
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Features of discharge with bacterial vaginitis:

The discharge is abundant, with a distinct specific odor. (smell of fish). There is itching and burning.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the cervix. There are two types of erosion: true and false. The cause of erosion is considered to be:

  • STI infections (if sexual intercourse began at an early age),
  • genital injuries,
  • menstrual irregularities.

However, there are no symptoms of this disease. This disease is detected only when examined by a gynecologist on a gynecological chair using a gynecological speculum.

Features of discharge during uterine erosion:

They are not observed in all cases, since local pathological changes in its mucosa may not manifest themselves in any way. In various cases, you may experience: red, pink or brown discharge, white discharge, yellow and green discharge.


There may be diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

Features of discharge during STIs:

The discharge is yellowish in color with a sharp, specific odor.

Allergic reactions

Allergies can occur to tampons, pads, condoms, underwear, powder and much more.

Features of discharge during allergic reactions:

The discharge may be yellowish in color.

Yellow discharge without odor

There is yellow discharge that has no odor and does not cause discomfort. They have a mucus-like consistency. There is no need to treat such discharge. The reasons for these discharges are:

  • before the arrival of menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • after childbirth;
  • hormonal changes (adulting, aging);
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • stress.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background changes dramatically. This is why discharge occurs that the woman usually did not observe.

During pregnancy up to 12 weeks, yellow, thick discharge that is odorless may appear.

At the same time, the woman has neither itching nor burning.

In the second half of pregnancy, the discharge may increase slightly in volume. These discharges also cannot cause any discomfort to the woman.

But if a pregnant woman notices that a sharp unpleasant odor has appeared and the color has turned bright yellow, then this is a reason to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During menopause, hormonal levels change dramatically. Therefore, a woman’s discharge may be different until the body is completely rebuilt.

If a woman observes odorless yellow discharge that does not bother the woman in any way (no itching, burning, irritation), then this is considered normal.

These discharges can occur during the body’s usual onset of menstruation or after it. There may also be yellow discharge in the middle of the cycle.

But if you see yellow-green discharge that has a sharp unpleasant smell (most often of rotten fish), pain, burning, then this is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist. The causes of such discharge can be both infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.

Yellow discharge after sex

What does yellow discharge after sex indicate? They can say a lot, so you need to pay attention to the exact shade, consistency, volume and, of course, smell. Light shade: more of a natural lubricant that mixes with male and female secretions. Dark yellowish discharge with a foul odor may be a sign of infection. Consistency: viscous and thick, foamy. A yellow secretion may indicate inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

The discharge is yellow in color, not profuse, has no odor, has a uniform consistency and does not cause increased urination, no itching, no burning, discharge that may increase before the onset of menstruation - does not require treatment.

But, if the discharge has become cheesy, has a pungent odor, and if you feel even slight discomfort in the intimate area, then this is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist.

In order to understand the cause of these discharges and make a correct diagnosis, you need to take a smear.

Diagnosis and treatment

You can diagnose the cause of pathological discharge at an appointment with a gynecologist, who will examine you in a chair and. Based on the results of the smear, the doctor will recognize the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment is divided into topical tablets and general tablets. Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotics are prescribed. All this depends on the disease. Usually prescribed: Flucostat, Mikomax, Irunin, Pimafucin and others.

Basically, Polygynax is prescribed for fungal or bacterial diseases.

For vaginosis or to restore normal vaginal microflora, Lactagel is prescribed.

Douching or baths are also prescribed in the complex.

Prescribe medications to support and restore immunity.

How to prevent relapse of the disease? The importance of rehabilitation

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Measures to prevent yellow discharge:

  • proper intimate hygiene;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • protected sexual intercourse;
  • When taking antibiotics, it is imperative to prevent vaginal dysbiosis.

During treatment, you should completely abstain from sexual activity. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor and carry out all procedures. Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a properly balanced diet.

After treatment, you must take a second test (smear). And then, for two weeks, take vitamins and medications to support the immune system.

Both partners need to be treated. If you have a regular sexual partner, then he should contact an andrologist for testing.

All this will help you avoid relapse (recurrence) of the disease.

Treatment at home: traditional methods

Do not forget that treatment at home or traditional medicine gives the effect of additional treatment to the main one prescribed by the doctor.

Proper nutrition

Initially, what is needed is to restore proper balanced nutrition. You should completely exclude from your diet:

  • sesame,
  • seeds,
  • fried,
  • spicy,
  • salty,
  • bold
  • conservation.

The diet should include as many fresh fruits, vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery and much more), berries, and juices as possible.

Intimate hygiene

Proper intimate hygiene is the key to healthy genital organs. To do this, it is necessary to properly care for the external genitalia. It is necessary to wash yourself at least twice a day using intimate products.

Baths using pine or pine extract

To do this, you need to take 3 liters of water and add 150 ml of pine or pine needle extract. Boil the resulting solution for 40 minutes, cool. This type of bath is used before bed once a day for a week.

Douching is carried out using:

Blueberry leaves
To prepare, you need 1 tablespoon of leaves per glass of water. Boil all this for 15 minutes, strain and douche before going to bed.

St. John's wort
Preparation: 3 tbsp. St. John's wort, 2 l. water. Boil for 30 minutes, strain and syringe 2-3 times a day.

Preparation: 2 tablespoons of leaves per half liter of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Douche 2 times a day.

Oak bark
Preparation: 1 tbsp. herbs for 1 liter. water, cook for 20 minutes. Douche 2-3 times a day.


You can also use decoctions for oral administration. Here is one of the recipes.

Immortal sandstone flowers. Preparation: 1 tbsp. l. flowers per 200 ml of water, boil everything for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to leave for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml before meals - once a day.

Women's health is a sensitive issue. Many women try to solve the problem of yellow discharge on their own, without consulting a doctor. This is facilitated by the large amount of available information on the Internet and on women's forums. But, alas, not all information is reliable, and it is difficult to perceive what you read critically when it comes to the most precious thing - health.

One of the questions that a gynecologist often has to deal with is: “What to do with yellow discharge.” We will try to debunk the most common misconceptions in this matter and explain what to do if a woman has yellow discharge.

Myth one. A healthy woman does not have discharge.

Nature has rewarded a woman with an excellent mechanism for protecting her main reproductive organ - cervical mucus. Cervical mucus forms a kind of plug on the way from the vagina to the uterus, and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering. This mucus mostly makes up vaginal discharge. Moreover, its quantity and appearance largely depend on the day of the cycle. For example, in its first half, during the period from the end of menstruation to the beginning of ovulation, cervical mucus gradually becomes liquid under the influence of hormones. A woman may observe a transparent, stretchy discharge similar to egg white. After ovulation, the amount of discharge decreases, it becomes creamy and almost disappears.

In addition to cervical mucus, the cervical canal and vagina work to create secretions: it secretes secretions, clearing bacteria and dead cells. These processes help maintain a woman's health and renew her reproductive system.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that the presence of discharge is abnormal. It is much more correct to talk about a healthy amount of discharge, the presence or absence of odor or foreign inclusions (for example, bloody) 1.

Myth two. Yellow discharge is a sign of sexually transmitted infection.

We already have a rough idea of ​​what healthy discharge should look like, why it changes during the cycle, and what it consists of. But where does the yellow discharge come from?

Reason 1 – Physiology.

Yellowish discharge without odor or itching may be normal. The color of the discharge can range from clear or white to cream and pale yellow. At the same time, healthy discharge will not cause discomfort in the form of burning or itching, will not stain underwear and will not appear in an amount of more than 5 ml per day (this is the volume of 1 teaspoon). Normally, such yellow discharge is odorless or has a slight sour odor, which indicates the action of protective lactic acid bacteria - normal representatives of microflora 2.

Reason 2 – Inflammatory diseases.

The cause of diseases in most cases are microorganisms - bacteria, which are normally either present in the body in very small quantities or are absent altogether. Under certain conditions (decreased immunity, other diseases, decreased barrier and protective function of the vagina) they begin to multiply intensively and cause inflammation. Often, against the background of a bacterial disease or due to a decrease in immunity, a fungal infection appears, which women know by the name “thrush” and candidiasis.

Yellow discharge in a woman may be accompanied by:

  • Discomfort, burning or itching sensation.
  • Redness and inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Discharge in women that is yellowish in color with an odor is associated with the activity of pathogenic microflora (putrid or fishy odor).
  • If it is a fungal infection, then a “curdled” discharge with a distinct sour odor often appears.
  • In inflammatory diseases, they can be not only yellow, but also greenish.
  • Specific symptoms depend on which microorganism caused the problem. At the same time, it must be emphasized once again that inflammatory diseases are not always sexually transmitted infections. A simple decrease in immunity, hypothermia, poor hygiene and even intestinal dysbiosis can cause the proliferation of bad bacteria. Only a doctor can accurately determine what caused the disease and, according to the diagnosis, prescribe the correct treatment 3 .

    Reason 3 – Allergy.

    The manifestation of an allergy on the genital organs is sometimes difficult to distinguish from an infection. The appearance of itching, redness and inflammation, dryness, yellow odorless discharge is sometimes caused by allergens, not bacteria. The most common cause is synthetic underwear, aromatic pads, washing powder, intimate hygiene products, shower gels, latex condoms, lubricants, vaginal suppositories and pills (including contraceptives) 3 .

    Myth three. Yellow discharge can be cured with folk remedies or douching.

    The treatment tactics for yellow discharge that is not normal will depend on the cause of the disease.

    If the cause is inflammation or sexually transmitted infection, the doctor, based on the results of examinations (smears, ultrasound, examination), prescribes appropriate medications.

    If the immune system and natural microflora of the vagina are impaired, medications are prescribed to restore protective functions.

    If the cause is an allergy, but the allergen is not obvious, sometimes additional research is required, for example, taking allergy tests. Although most often a woman will simply be advised to exclude all possible irritants, and the odorless yellow discharge will disappear on its own 3.

    And in case of hormonal imbalances (this especially applies to women during menopause), the doctor often prescribes hormone replacement therapy 4 .

    Obviously, home remedies - herbal baths, soda washes, douching - will only bring temporary relief, but will not eliminate the problem. Moreover, they can cause harm. For example, a soda solution dries out the delicate mucous membrane and destroys beneficial bacteria, in the absence of which harmful ones begin to multiply. Douching can help remove pathological discharge, but it also washes out beneficial microflora and only contributes to increased inflammation.

    • 1. Savelyeva G. M. Gynecology (textbook) / G. M. Savelyeva, V. G. Breusenko. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. – 432 p.
    • 2. Uvarova E. V. The vagina as a microecosystem in normal conditions and during inflammatory processes of the genitals of various etiologies (literature review) / E. V. Uvarova, F. Sh. Sultanova // Gynecology. – 2002. – No. 4 (4)
    • 3. Zubakova O. V. Diagnosis and treatment of nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis (diss.) / O. V. Zubakova. – M., 2001; 26 p.
    • 4. Balan V. E. Urogenital disorders in menopause (clinic, diagnosis, hormone replacement therapy) (diss.) / V. E. Balan. – M., 1998; 305 pp.