Compensation to military personnel for sanatorium-resort treatment. Opportunity for disabled people to receive compensation for unused travel vouchers

58 Penza region

Date of publication: 08/23/2016

Edition: Newspaper "Young Leninist"
Subject: Social tax deduction

Many Penzyak residents still choose various sanatoriums as a vacation spot. But not all of them know that part of the funds for such treatment (both yours and your children’s and parents’) can be returned. Today “ML” will tell you what needs to be done to compensate yourself for at least some amount spent on vacation.

Documents for deduction

If you work (this also applies to working pensioners), paying income tax individuals, and paid for your treatment or the treatment of your children, spouse, wards or parents, then you can count on a tax deduction or, in other words, get back 13 percent of the cost of treatment. In order to receive a tax deduction for treatment, you must prepare the following documents:

  • tax return in form 3-NDFL;
  • certificate issued by a medical institution confirming payment medical services for submission to the tax authorities (the certificate form was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated July 25, 2001 No. 289/BG-3-04/256);
  • A document confirming the degree of relationship (for example, a birth certificate);
  • A document confirming marriage, provided in case of payment for the treatment of a spouse (for example, a marriage certificate);
  • Application for personal income tax refund.

Voucher minus treatment

You will not be able to receive a tax deduction if the medical services that were provided to you are not included in a special list. It was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 201 of March 19, 2001. You will also not be able to count on a refund if the organization where you received treatment does not have a license to provide medical services, if the treatment took place at the expense of the employer or outside the Russian Federation, or if you did not have income at the rate of 13 percent. An incomplete package of documents or documents executed in violation also do not give you the right to receive a tax deduction.

One more detail regarding spa treatment. 13 percent will not be returned from the entire cost of a trip to a sanatorium, since it usually also includes the cost of accommodation and food, but only the cost of treatment. Therefore, when relaxing in a sanatorium, make sure to obtain a separate certificate about the costs of treatment.

If the organization gives you a certificate with the amount for the entire voucher, then you will also need a contract for the provision of services, which should spell out what is included in the price of the voucher. If you vacationed, for example, in a boarding house and paid only for room and board, then you will not be able to count on a tax deduction.

Algorithm of actions

To receive a tax deduction, you must do the following.

Step 1. Collect Required documents(a package of documents required for filing a tax deduction is given above).

Step 2. Fill out the 3-NDFL declaration and application for a tax refund.

Step 3. Submit documents to the tax office. In person, or through a representative (by proxy), or by mail to electronic form via telecommunications channels or via .

Step 4. Receive the results of a tax inspection regarding the provision of a social tax deduction. The procedure for obtaining a deduction takes up to four months.

Where to contact

There are two ways to receive a tax deduction for treatment.

The first is through a tax agent (employer). In this case, the employer provides the taxpayer with a deduction until the end of the tax period (calendar year).

The taxpayer should contact the employer with a written request and submit the notice issued tax office, to confirm the right to receive a tax deduction for treatment. In this case, the taxpayer will not have to fill out a tax return.

The second way is through the tax authority. In this case, you will need to fill out a tax return in Form 3-NDFL at the end of the tax period.

If the treatment was carried out and paid for, for example, in 2015, then you should apply for a deduction this year. If the treatment took place in 2016, then you can apply for the deduction starting in January 2017.

Good to know for everyone!

Here is what is included in the list of medical services, payment for which is taken into account when calculating the social tax deduction:

1. Diagnostic and treatment services when providing emergency services to the population medical care.

2. Services for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation when providing outpatient medical care to the population (including day hospitals and general (family) practitioners), including medical examination.

3. Services for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation in the provision of inpatient medical care to the population (including in day hospitals), including medical examination.

4. Services for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and medical rehabilitation when providing medical care to the population in sanatorium and resort institutions.

5. Health education services provided to the population.

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Compensation for spa treatment

What is the algorithm for receiving compensation for sanatorium- spa treatment in Crimea to an ordinary non-working pensioner living in Vladimir?

First you need to contact social media. protection.

Does a group 1 disabled person with a work injury have the right to receive compensation for sanatorium and resort treatment? If a disabled person cannot travel. And he is prescribed every year? together with the caregiver.

Hello! No, you will not be able to receive monetary compensation for spa treatment. Not provided by law. You need to insist that sanatorium and resort treatment be provided for these categories of people.

Can a school director refuse to reimburse a teacher for sanatorium treatment if the teacher has not received such compensation since 2008? The teacher worked for 35 years in schools in St. Petersburg, but is registered and lives in the Leningrad region. The latter was the refusal on the part of the director to include this teacher in receiving compensation. Is this legal? One of additional measures social support workers government agencies is financial compensation costs for organizing recreation and recreation in the amount of 2.5 basic units once every 5 years at the expense of the budget

Is a military pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (a military veteran of 30 years of service) and his wife entitled to compensation for an unused voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment?

This question has already been answered.

Is a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs entitled to compensation for non-use of a sanatorium-resort treatment voucher ( military rank p/p-k combat veteran of 30 years of service) and his wife.

Yes, but not in full.

I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is not the first time I have received sanatorium-resort treatment and questions about travel compensation have never arisen. This year, the pension department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs refused travel compensation because the period of stay in the sanatorium was less than 14 days. They refer to clause 20 of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2016 No. 279 n “On approval of the Procedure for organizing sanatorium and resort treatment.”

Not a very clear question. But in order to receive compensation, you must submit all the required documents, and if these documents are submitted, you must pay. Violation of the deadlines specified in clause 20 is not the fault of the patient, but the fault of the medical institution.

If arbitrage practice on the recovery of compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment from state civil servants of regional authorities, despite the fact that previously these sauces with a guarantee approved by regional law were stopped.

Judicial panel By civil cases Sakhalinsky regional court consisting of: presiding Prokopets L.V., judges of the Sakhalin Regional Court Krylova N.A. and Vishnyakova O.V., having considered the civil case based on the claim of P.V. to the State Organization of the SRO Fund social insurance on the recovery of compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment in 2010 and compensation for moral damage; By appeal P.V. on the decision of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin City Court of February 27, 2012, which denied his claim. Having studied the case materials and discussed the report of judge O.V. Vishnyakov, the appellate court found: on December 27, 2011 P.V. filed a lawsuit against the Sakhalin Regional State Institution of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to recover compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment in 2010 and compensation for moral damage. In support of the stated requirements, he indicated that he was a disabled person of group II; on March 25, 2010, he submitted an application to the Branch of the State Institution of the SRO FSS in the city of Kholmsk for a voucher to the Aralia sanatorium, but in January 2011, P.V. V orally refused to provide a voucher, thereby violating his right to receive sanatorium treatment at the expense of budget funds. Based on the foregoing, he asks the court to impose on the State Administration of the SRO FSS the obligation to pay monetary compensation for sanatorium-resort voucher for 2010 and recover compensation for moral damage in the amount. In the court case P.V. the claim was upheld; representative of the defendant Nosikov K.S. did not admit the claim. The court ruled the above decision, which P.V. is appealing; in his appeal he asks to cancel it and make a new decision to satisfy his demands. Indicates that he did not refuse the trip for 2010 and 2011; the defendant did not notify the plaintiff of the need to update the certificate of form No. 070/у-04; the period referred to by the defendant refers not to 2010, but to 2011.

Compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment after 39 years of service.

Good evening. Not all categories of beneficiaries are provided with compensation. Veterans, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, Compensation is provided Disabled combatants Compensation is provided Disabled people Compensation is provided Disabled children Compensation is not provided Military personnel, employees of the Air Force Compensation is provided Honorary donors Compensation is not provided Other categories Compensation is not provided Persons who suffered during the period of repression Compensation is provided.

What is the current amount of monetary compensation for unused sanatorium and resort treatment for military pensioners?

Good evening! Compensation for non-use of sanatorium-resort treatment (SRT) is not paid to military pensioners! Previously, compensation was paid in the amount of 100 (one hundred) rubles, which was paid according to the current law, this amount could hardly be called compensation, and even monetary! This mockery of military pensioners has been cancelled! You need to use real SCL! Moreover, the process of obtaining vouchers to military sanatoriums has been greatly simplified! And there are significant benefits when paying the cost of SCL! The military registration and enlistment office pays for travel expenses to the sanatorium and back! Health to everyone! Thanks for visiting the site!

A military pensioner has the right to receive compensation for unused sanatorium and resort treatment for 2016 and 2017 with the rank of major of the Russian Federation.

Hello! Military pensioners entitled to sanatorium-resort treatment (STC) cannot receive compensation for non-use of STC, because are not entitled to compensation! There is a right only to real (actual) SKL! Previously received 100 rubles. were a mockery of human rights and people, simply a mockery! Thank you for your question and for visiting the site!

Is it possible for me, as a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and my husband, to be compensated for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment, if I am a working citizen and my husband too, and we want to fly by plane.

Good day. Dear Marina Valerievna, compensation for travel to sanatorium and resort treatment is provided for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All the best, good luck to you.

Is compensation for travel to the place of sanatorium-resort treatment reimbursed to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs only of a specialized institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or of any type of institution? If of any type, what documents and where should I submit them?

GOOD DAY The cost of travel is reimbursed ONLY when vacationing in organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a requirement of the law GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND ALL THE GOOD

I am a municipal employee. Am I entitled to compensation for sanatorium treatment when returning from maternity leave?

Hello. Unfortunately, it's not allowed. Because this is maternity leave, and not a vacation intended for your health. All the best. Thank you for your request.

Pensioner. Not working. Is there compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment? What is the amount of compensation in Moscow?

Good day! If you are not a military pensioner and not disabled, then you are not entitled to any compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment by law.

☼ Hello, There are no compensation for sanitary resort treatment for pensioners, vouchers are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and mainly to disabled people. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Good day! The state does not provide this opportunity to all beneficiaries; pensioners, unfortunately, are not included in it.

Good day to you. An ordinary pensioner is not entitled to any compensation for sanatorium treatment. Good luck and all the best.

Is compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment given to all pensioners or only to disabled people?

Thank you.

Good day! The law provides for compensation for unused sanatorium and resort vouchers. The decision to assign monetary compensation to disabled people for sanatorium and resort treatment is made by the authorities that assigned them a pension, based on an application.

Cash compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment is paid during the first quarter of the year following two calendar years during which disabled people entitled to the said compensation did not use vouchers to a sanatorium or rest home.

Compensation to a military pensioner for unused sanatorium-resort treatment, how much in money.

Good afternoon, contact the social department of the administration and find out in order to receive detailed recommendations on this issue, please contact your chosen lawyer for work by mail or by phone. And clarify everything.

Is a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and his wife entitled to compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment? 35 years of service in preferential terms. What document is it defined by? Mailbox - [email protected]

Hello, You are not entitled to any compensation, you can only use your benefits, no one will give you money. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Is it allowed monthly compensation when a disabled person of group 2 refuses sanatorium treatment? If so, in what size?

Hello, Tatyana Stepanovna! You can write an application to the Pension Office to replace sanatorium treatment with cash payment! It will be 200 rubles per month and will be paid from 01/01/2018. I was glad to help you! Good luck in all your endeavors and in protecting your rights!

I have been a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1994. Am I entitled to compensation for unused spa treatment?

No. You are not entitled to compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment. To obtain a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, please contact the pension department at your place of registration.

Are FPS employees entitled to compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment or not?

Employees and members of their families have the right to sanatorium treatment and recreational recreation in sanatoriums and centers rehabilitation medicine and rehabilitation, boarding houses and tourist bases of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for a fee. These employees pay 25%, and members of their families - 50% of the cost of the voucher, except in cases where, in accordance with federal laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation other payment terms are determined. Also, employees are annually paid monetary compensation in the amount of 600 rubles, and wives (husbands) and minor children are paid compensation in the amount of 300 rubles, regardless of the purchase of a voucher, the length of service of the employee in the year of leave, or the duration of the vacation. Compensation is also paid for the previous year if the employee did not use vacation.

Is compensation due for non-use of resort and sanatorium treatment for a reserve officer with 25 years of service? Thank you.

Good afternoon, Vladimir! Compensation for unused vouchers (vacations) for military personnel is usually not paid on a voluntary basis, but compensation can be obtained through the court, if interested, please contact us!

I'm a military woman. Since 2014, I have not received compensation for spa treatment. Am I eligible to receive in 2017 for the previous 3 years? Thank you in advance.

Dear Svetlana Yes, you have the right to receive this compensation that you did not use. Good luck to you and all the best

Is a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs entitled to compensation for sanatorium treatment in a non-departmental sanatorium, as well as for travel there and back?

Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ (as amended on December 19, 2016) “On State social assistance"(as amended and supplemented, entered into force on 01/01/2017) Article 6.1. The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set social services In accordance with this chapter, the following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services: 1) war invalids; 2) participants of the Great Patriotic War; 3) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 Federal Law“On Veterans” (as amended by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of January 2, 2000); (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2004)) (see text in the previous edition) 4) military personnel undergoing military service V military units, institutions, military educational institutions who were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period; 5) persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”; 6) persons who worked at facilities during the Great Patriotic War air defense, local air defense, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear boundaries of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, on front-line sections of railways and roads, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned in the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states; 7) family members of fallen (deceased) war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans, family members of those killed in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War persons from among the personnel of self-defense groups of facility and emergency teams of local air defense, as well as members of the families of deceased workers of hospitals and clinics in the city of Leningrad; 8) disabled people; 9) disabled children.

No, this is not provided for by law. In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2011 N 247-FZ “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” only departmental sanatorium

Is a certified UIS employee entitled to compensation for sanatorium treatment? what to do if it has not been paid since 2013.

Good afternoon, dear visitor! Yes, compensation is due. Collect it in court. Good luck and all the best, thank you for contacting us!

Is it possible to receive monetary compensation for a trip to a sanatorium-resort treatment?

Hello Valery No, it’s not possible. The state does not pay any monetary compensation. Take advantage of your benefits, go on vacation. I wish you good luck and all the best!

Good day. If you are the owner of a benefit for the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment, then you can use it in kind; no compensation can replace this benefit.

Can I receive compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment and in what amount if I carried it out at my own expense? I am a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thank you!

Good afternoon. Your treatment at the sanatorium had to be agreed upon with the administration of the clinic. Currently, write a report and attach the relevant documents and treatment costs and submit it to the pension department at your place of registration. They will decide on payment there.

No you can not. Since in in this case the procedure for allocation and acquisition was violated discounted vouchers: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2006 No. 895 dated November 8, 2006 N 895 “On approval of the Regulations on the organization medical care and sanatorium-resort treatment in medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"

Please explain whether I can receive compensation for sanatorium treatment if I did not receive it for several years before the compensation was cancelled.

If compensation is not received on time due to your fault, then it must be paid for the previous period, but not more than for three years.


Is it possible to reimburse the costs of a trip to a sanatorium in the Russian Federation from the Social Insurance Fund (Voucher for employees. We can pay either from an individual - an employee of a company, or from a legal entity). If we can, in what size and how.


The Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation will reimburse vacation pay for the period of sanatorium treatment for an employee (and provide a sanatorium-resort voucher) who:

- suffered from an accident at work;

- received an occupational disease.

Let us recall that an employee injured as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease has the right to a number of payments (Clause 1, Article 8 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ of July 24, 1998, hereinafter referred to as Law No. 125-FZ). Among them:

— temporary disability benefits;

- monthly insurance payments;

- payment of additional expenses.

Among the additional expenses (paragraphs 5 and 6, paragraphs 3, paragraph 1, article 8 of Law No. 125-FZ):

— treatment, food and accommodation in a sanatorium, including a voucher;

— travel to the place of treatment;

— vacation pay for the period of travel and treatment in a sanatorium.

The fact of an accident at work or an occupational disease is confirmed, in particular (clause 7 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2000 N 789):

— report of an industrial accident in form N N-1, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73;

- who occupational disease in the form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2000 N 967.

The employee receives a sanatorium-resort voucher at the branch of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of residence. How to do this is stated in the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 12, 2013 N 736n (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations).

The employee must submit (clauses 22 and 23 Administrative regulations):

- passport;

- statement. Its form is given in Appendix No. 3 to the Administrative Regulations;

— rehabilitation program;

- medical report from a medical commission.

Based on these documents, the branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation (clauses 70 and 75 of the Administrative Regulations):

- decides on payment of expenses for medical rehabilitation;

— issues a permit to the employee.

The decision to pay for medical rehabilitation expenses, including travel vouchers, is made by the head of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. There is no unified decision form.

Fund specialists are required to notify the employee about the decision taken within three days (paragraph 1, clause 70 and clause 16 of the Administrative Regulations). The employee can receive the original decision at a personal reception (paragraph 2, clause 70 of the Administrative Regulations).

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  • a child with a disability;
  • participant in the Great Patriotic War;
  • a combat veteran or a serviceman who served in the Second World War current composition armies;
  • a person from among those who have the insignia of a resident of besieged Leningrad during the Second World War, as well as those who worked for strategically important for the country in war time objects;
  • patients from among the working citizens of the country who, in accordance with a certain list of diseases, need to undergo further treatment after hospital conditions;
  • employee and pensioner of some government agencies(Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, UDP of the Russian Federation, Government, etc.) in accordance with certain norms of departmental regulatory legal acts.

An unused voucher to a sanatorium by these citizens is subject to reimbursement, but only in cases strictly defined by law.

Get compensation and benefits

Based on the results of consideration of the application, the amount constituting tax deductions will be returned to the taxpayer’s bank account. Amount and terms The amount of compensation for independently purchased vouchers is set by each region separately.


An application for the need to compensate for the health of children must be submitted no later than two calendar months from the date of expiration of a specific voucher. For example, for orphans and those who are being brought up in a foster or foster family in Moscow and meet the conditions established above, compensation is made in the amount of 100% of the cost of the voucher, as well as full price travel to and from your vacation spot.

The final amount cannot exceed more than three times the amount living wage per person, established on the day of filing the application for compensation.

Compensation for a pensioner's trip

  • the sanatorium is located on the territory of our country (Russia) and has a license to conduct activities aimed at improving the health of citizens;
  • the taxpayer made a payment for himself, his spouse, minor child/ward or parents;
  • a citizen has an official source of income, from which income tax is withheld at a rate of 13 percent.

Even a pensioner can apply for compensation if:

  • having reached retirement age, he continues to work and receive a salary subject to a 13% tax;
  • he took out a pension and left workplace, but did not have time to use the personal income tax refund for the trip purchased when he was still working.

It is worth remembering that in order to receive the benefit, you need to collect documents yourself and submit them to the tax service.

Is it possible to receive monetary compensation instead of a voucher?

In this case, you must have with you documents confirming your upcoming stay in a sanatorium, holiday home or tourist center (it will be enough to present a voucher). This will be followed by consideration of your appeal by the same territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia, and a positive decision on providing the compensation you have requested will be made if there are special coupons (or directions) for you to receive a travel pass from the transport organization.


The Pension Fund independently enters into an agreement with the transport organization, which in turn takes responsibility for delivering you to the sanatorium and returning you home. For a transport organization, the presence of this coupon guarantees that the cost of the travel pass will be reimbursed from the budget by the local Pension Fund of Russia.

How to get social vouchers to a sanatorium for retirees?

For superior rooms you will have to pay extra out of pocket.

  • Single pensioners who do not want to share a room with a stranger also need to pay for single occupancy.
  • If you want to undergo procedures that are not included in the price of the tour, you will have to pay for them with your own funds.
  • Money may be needed to pay for leisure activities - excursions, concerts, etc.

Can I take my grandson with me? It is possible if the sanatorium policy allows the presence of children. In any case, you need to contact the medical institution, check the availability of places and agree on the terms of accommodation. Of course, your child will have to buy a ticket at his own expense. Is it possible to change the dates of the trip? No, the travel dates cannot be changed.

However, no one is stopping you from leaving earlier, or, if there are free places in the sanatorium, staying longer. long time, paying for the extra days.

How can a pensioner receive compensation for travel to and from a vacation spot?

It is important to remember that if you traveled, for example, in 2013, then deadline Submission of documents to receive compensation is December 31, 2014. Don't forget about the two-year period. If you did not manage to contact us in time this issue, then no compensation will be paid.
Documents required to receive compensation for travel When submitting documents to receive compensation, you must personally appear at the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence. Next, obtain a special form in the prescribed form for writing an application requesting payment of travel compensation. Or you can contact a specialized multifunctional center that provides municipal and government services.

Is it possible to reimburse expenses for a sanatorium for pensioners?

But please note that in this case, the term “family members” means the spouse of a military pensioner and children under the age of 18 (if the children of the beneficiary are full-time students, they can take advantage of a 50% discount up to 23 years of age). The same vouchers are provided free of charge if the former military man belongs to one of the following categories:

  • Hero of the USSR and Russia;
  • Hero of Socialist Labor;
  • full holder of the Order of Glory;
  • full holder of the Order of Labor Glory.

For a quarter of the price, vouchers to departmental sanatoriums can also be purchased by widows of military pensioners - Heroes and Knights of Glory and Labor Glory.

Tours and weekend excursions for pensioners in 2018 The legislation does not provide for pension benefits for tourist trips.

So what about vouchers for pensioners and veterans? difficult to get?

  • the trip to the sanatorium was paid for from the citizen’s own savings for himself and/or family members (if the trip was paid for by the employer, compensation for the sanatorium cannot be provided);
  • if compensation is issued when purchasing medications, they must be recommended for use by a doctor, as evidenced by the written prescription (medicines must be purchased at your own expense, not at a discount).

It is worth noting that, although the law provides for the provision of compensation not only for treatment (in the case of a social deduction - only for treatment), but also for rehabilitation, medications, procedures, classes with a personal instructor and other services of a health enterprise, accommodation and a ticket to You will have to pay for the trip to the sanatorium and back at your own expense. The only thing is that travel can be paid for from the budget for preferential category citizens.

Compensation for a trip to a sanatorium


If the taxpayer fails to act, no compensation will be provided to him. How much money can you get back? General rules In accordance with paragraph.

2 tbsp. 219

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, compensation for sanatorium and resort treatment (social deduction) cannot exceed 13% of 120,000 rubles for one year, which in “pure” form is 15,600 rubles. Plus get a refund income tax It is possible only from those funds that were spent directly on paying for medical services.

You should not count on compensation for travel, excursion services, entertainment programs and other additional services. But if a visitor to the sanatorium used additional medical services that are not included in the price of the main voucher, he will be able to return part of the money without problems - the main thing is not to forget to get a document confirming the fact that such costs were incurred.

Low-income families in Moscow can count on compensation of 50% of the total cost of the trip, but the final amount should not exceed 5,000 rubles. If it is higher, then it will not be possible to receive more than this established amount. Application for compensation payments must be reviewed within one month from the date of filing the application for compensation. Based on the results of the review, a decision must be made to satisfy the claim or to refuse compensation. Compensation is made government agency, in charge of cultural issues in a particular region, or the social protection department. When calculating the amount of compensation, the number of days spent in health institution. A stay in a sanatorium with a voucher purchased for more than 21 calendar days is not subject to payment, the number of days that exceeds the period established by law.
The issuance of vouchers for the listed categories of citizens is somewhat different. Terms of issue social voucher for pensioners Every citizen of our country who has officially retired has the right to receive a social voucher. Moreover, it does not matter how this happened - upon reaching retirement age, preferential service, or medical indications. The main thing is that you have in your hands a certificate issued in Pension Fund according to all the rules. This right can be used once a year. Although there are exceptions here too. For serious medical reasons, you can get an additional voucher if doctors consider it necessary. True, in practice this is rarely used, but there is a possibility, please take note. Important! You cannot exercise the right twice. If you received a voucher as an ordinary pensioner, then it is impossible to go for treatment a second time using a different benefit.

Receiving monetary compensation for a trip to pensioners

For example, you may be a veteran. There are two programs available to you - as an ordinary pensioner and as a veteran. Going for treatment twice with different benefits will not work.

A social voucher is issued on the basis of a certificate from medical institution. The main condition for granting the right to free treatment For an ordinary pensioner, these are medical indications.

Doctors must confirm that you require spa treatment. As a rule, people who have reached retirement age already have a history of chronic diseases, all that remains is to prioritize, choose the “sore” that most requires attention.

Important! Free vouchers are issued only to pensioners who do not work. A waiver of monetary compensation for this benefit must be formalized.

In some cases, after claims were made for payment of compensation for a sanatorium-resort voucher, which was not provided, although it should have been provided, the situation was resolved by providing the necessary sanatorium-resort voucher. To implement the proposed mechanism: - it is necessary to receive a written refusal from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to provide a voucher or to have a fact of its non-provision; — you independently purchase a sanatorium-resort voucher in accordance with the terms of the IPR; — purchase travel tickets to and from the place of treatment; — save documents confirming the purchase of vouchers, travel tickets, and receipt of sanatorium-resort treatment.

Opportunity for disabled people to receive compensation for unused travel vouchers

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  • Compensation

Some categories of the population have the right to receive a free trip to sanatorium treatment every year. But this possibility is not always possible to realize various reasons. In this case, can a citizen count on compensation for unused opportunities with money? Not many people know about this, but even for citizens who are not beneficiaries, who are entitled to sanatorium treatment every year, it is possible to partially compensate their costs for these expenses.
In this article we will look at how compensation for health resort treatment is processed and what documents need to be provided.

Compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment for disabled people

Instead of benefits, you can receive compensation for a trip to a disabled person in cash, giving up privileges in whole or in part. To issue a voucher, the following documents are provided:

  • passport indicating place of residence;
  • certificate of disability;
  • certificate F-07/u-04 about indications for treatment.

Payment of expenses is carried out by the FSS at the expense of funds from the budget of the Russian Federation allocated for this purpose and distributed among the regions, in proportion to the number of beneficiaries who do not receive monetary compensation for sanatorium treatment disabled people. Compensation for unused sanatorium and resort vouchers for disabled people: how to get B current legislation There are no clearly defined rules regarding the frequency of receiving preferential vouchers.

How can I receive compensation for an unused trip?


Compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment for group 2 disabled people. question number No. 3317861 read 3925 times Urgent legal consultation8 800 505-91-11 free

  • There is no compensation for non-use of benefits. Send gratitude to https://money. in person messages (prepayment, see above). Personal consultation Thanks for your answer!
  • Compensation for SCL has been abolished since 2012.

Drawing up documents, consultations. Sincerely, Magola Violetta Olegovna8-916-503-17-39e-mail:violetta51@3. The procedure for assigning and paying certain categories of disabled veterans monetary compensation for expenses for sanatorium and resort treatment (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1995 No. 701) 1.

No. 135: refund money for unused spa treatment

In Moscow, full compensation children's recreation laid down if we're talking about about the recreation of orphans, those who are left without parental care, are brought up in foster care (more than 3 children are accepted into the family) or in foster family, a teacher or one foster parent accompanying the child to a place of rest (if accompanied by no more than 3 children), as well as two teachers or foster parents if they accompany 4 or more adopted children. Partially compensate for the costs of purchasing a voucher for children from low-income families receiving benefits in accordance with Moscow Law number 67, dated November 3, 2004.

Compensation for a trip to a sanatorium


Working conditions are harmful (fumes of chemicals from boiling instruments in the dental office, while there is a complete lack of supply and exhaust ventilation). Must pay compensation in milk for harmful conditions labor, but they refuse citing the fact that there is no money. They also don’t provide special clothing, you have to buy it yourself...

  • 03/19/2015: Purchase compensation Good afternoon! I am 24 years old, I live and am registered in Moscow, I am disabled group 2 indefinitely.

Recently I was in the hospital; based on the results of examinations, I was diagnosed respiratory failure and the need to breathe at home, that is, on an outpatient basis with oxygen. We live together with our mother, she is a medical worker, my father died a long time ago, we took out a bank loan and bought an oxygen concentrator for 75 thousand. Please tell me whether I can count on monetary compensation (at least partial) for this purchase on social media.

The assigned monetary compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment, which is not received by disabled people in a timely manner, is paid for the entire past time, but no more than three years before applying for its receipt. Monetary compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment not received by disabled people due to the fault of the body appointing it is paid for the past without any time limit. It's worth noting that this is just a general answer to many questions similar to yours. Therefore, he may not take into account some details related to your particular case. In addition, I understand that arguing with officials, through whose fault (perhaps) you were unable to get a ticket, is extremely difficult. Some people have received practical results from attempting to compensate for the costs of self-providing spa treatment through administrative or judicial procedures.

Law on compensation for disabled people for unused vouchers

Cash compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment is paid during the first quarter of the year following two calendar years, during which disabled people entitled to the said compensation did not use vouchers to a sanatorium or rest home. Cash compensation for sanatorium-resort treatment is sent to disabled people by mail by transfer or transferred to the savings bank of the Sberbank of Russia system. The assigned monetary compensation for sanatorium and resort treatment, not received by disabled people in a timely manner, is paid for the entire past time, but no more than three years before applying for its receipt.
IN Lately There is a persistent trend towards increasing prices for sanatorium-resort treatment for both children and adults. The majority of those who previously could afford to go to a sanatorium on vacation or send their children to camps in the summer, today can no longer afford this. Therefore, the state decided to contribute in every possible way to the improvement of the health of Russians and agree to compensate certain categories of citizens for the costs of recovery. What are we talking about? Quite often, in order to improve the health of yourself or your children, you have to wait too long for your turn when you can finally get a ticket. Moreover, the current legislation does not clearly establish a time frame during which a citizen should be provided with a sanatorium-resort voucher.


Security free provision vouchers for people with disabilities physical capabilities due to illness, injury, is one of the responsibilities of the state. Is it possible for disabled people to receive compensation for unused sanatorium-resort treatment and how to do this? Let’s try to figure it out. Online store Med Plus. Seasonal Sale wheelchairs

The procedure for providing vouchers is determined by the Ministry of Social Development. Disabled people of all groups, including war and childhood invalids, can count on the voucher. Duration of stay:
  • general – 18 days;
  • for children – 21 days;
  • for spinals – 24-42 days.

Sanitation treatment for the underlying disease and travel to the sanatorium are included in the list of NUS, which is a monthly benefit.

Based on the results of consideration of the application, the amount constituting tax deductions will be returned to the taxpayer’s bank account. Amount and terms The amount of compensation for independently purchased vouchers is set by each region separately. An application for the need to compensate for the health of children must be submitted no later than two calendar months from the date of expiration of a specific voucher.

For example, for orphans and those who are brought up in a foster or foster family in Moscow and meet the conditions established above, compensation is made in the amount of 100% of the cost of the voucher, as well as the full cost of travel to the vacation spot and back. The final amount cannot exceed more than three times the minimum subsistence level per person established on the day the application for compensation is submitted.