Living wage for pensioners in Chuvashia. Living wage in Chuvashia

The cost of living in Chuvashia for the 4th quarter of 2018 (current) was established by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic dated February 13, 2019 No. 23.

The cost of living for the main socio-demographic groups of the population was, rubles:

  • per capita - 8657;
  • for the working population - 9193;
  • for children - 8639;
  • For pensioners, the minimum cost of living is 7099.

Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2018, decreased, rub.:

  • per capita -134 (-1.55%);
  • for the able-bodied -138 (-1.5%);
  • for pensioners -71 (-1%);
  • for children -195 (-2.26%);

Living wage calculated based on 2018.

The cost of living for the 1st quarter of 2019 in Chuvashia is expected in the first half of May 2019.

Who belongs to which socio-demographic group?

To calculate the subsistence level of a family, the belonging of each of its members to one of the main socio-demographic groups of the population is determined:

  1. able-bodied citizens - men aged from 16 to 59 years inclusive and women aged from 16 to 54 years inclusive, with the exception of non-working disabled people of groups I and II of this age;
  2. pensioners - men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55, as well as persons receiving a disability pension;
  3. children aged 0 - 15 years.

Belonging to a socio-demographic group is not affected by the fact of study, work (except for disabled people of groups I and II), or the birth of a child among minors. A disabled child, until the day he turns 16, belongs to the socio-demographic group “children”, and from 16 years to the day he turns 18, he belongs to the “pensioners”.

Recipients of pensions under the age of 55 and 60 years (women and men, respectively), who are not non-working disabled people of groups I and II, belong to the socio-demographic group “able-bodied citizens”, regardless of whether they work or not.

Minimum pension in Chuvashia

The living wage for a pensioner in Chuvashia (for calculating the minimum social pension) for 2019 is set at 7953.00 rubles, Law of the Chuvash Republic No. 65 dated 10/19/2018.

Dynamics of changes in the cost of living in Chuvashia

Table of living wages in Chuvashia

QuarterPer capitaBy main socio-demographic groups of the populationResolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic
working populationpensionerschildren
4th quarter 188657 9193 7099 8639 13.02.2019 №23
3 quarter 188791 9331 7170 8834 14.11.2018 №443
2 quarter 188741 9248 7101 8930 08.08.2018 №300
1st quarter 188417 8905 6854 8582 10.05.2018 №159
4th quarter 178236 8719 6716 8365 14.02.2018 №41
3Q 178779 9303 7134 8916 22.11.2017 №460
2 quarter 178806 9330 7186 8910 24.08.2017 №325
1st quarter 178448 8931 6917 8591 10.05.2017 №170
4th quarter 168346 8837 6849 8420 22.02.2017 №54
3 quarter 168376 8888 6847 8409 23.11.2016 №472
2 quarter 168434 8922 6873 8596 24.08.2016 №344
1st quarter 168375 8854 6828 8555 08.06.2016 №204
4 quarter 158071 8555 6597 8142 15.03.2016 №77
3 quarter 158191 8695 6677 8236 28.10.2015 №382
2 quarter 158591 9120 6995 8649 09.09.2015 №318
1st quarter 158352 8844 6796 8496 25.06.2015 №227

Consumer basket in Chuvashia for 2018

The consumer basket in Chuvashia is valid until 31.12.2020 , established by the Law of the Chechen Republic of March 6, 2013 N 7 (as amended on December 21, 2017) “On the consumer basket in the Chuvash Republic” (adopted by the State Council of the Chechen Republic on February 26, 2013).

Food products included in the consumer basket in Chuvashia for 2018.

Name Volume of consumption (average per person per year)
working population pensioners children
Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, legumes), kg 131,0 103,4 78,7
Potatoes, kg 87,8 70,0 81,0
Vegetables and melons, kg 121,1 110,0 123,3
Fresh fruits, kg 60,0 45,0 118,1
Sugar and confectionery in terms of sugar, kg 23,8 21,2 21,8
Meat products, kg 58,5 54,0 44,2
Fish products, kg 20,0 17,0 20,1
Milk and dairy products expressed as milk, kg 258,6 230,8 360,2
Eggs, pieces 210 200 201
Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats, kg 13,0 10,0 6,4
Other products (salt, tea, spices), kg 4,9 4,1 3,5


Today, March 7, an extraordinary session of the Parliament of Chuvashia took place. It was convened suddenly, just a few days after the deputies held the previous meeting. The sudden nature of the general collection gave rise to many rumors. There was an assumption that the State Council would consider some fateful personnel issue. But nothing like that. At the very beginning, Parliament Speaker Albina Egorova explained to her colleagues that rather prosaic reasons prompted them to convene on the eve of the women’s holiday. Regions were required to approve amendments to the law on social assistance, submitted to the State Duma in order to fulfill the instructions of President Vladimir Putin, voiced in his Address. The discussion was about indexing pensions for low-income pensioners. As you know, a sad incident happened to them: it seemed like they were given a modest addition, but in fact they didn’t add a single ruble.


Today the Nizhny Novgorod District Court issued a verdict former mayor Nizhny Novgorod. Oleg Sorokin was found guilty of kidnapping and taking a bribe; he was sentenced to 10 years in prison to be served in a maximum security colony.


The prosecutor's office demanded that MVK Ecocenter LLC and the administration of the rural settlement set up sites for collecting solid waste and organize its removal in the village of Kozhar-Yandoba, Vurnarsky district. The re-operator faces punishment in the form of a fine or suspension of work for up to 90 days.


By preliminary agreement with the All-Russian Sambo Federation, next year the Chuvash Republic will host the All-Russian Sambo Championship. This was stated by the head of the republic, Mikhail Ignatiev, at a gala evening in honor of the athletes.

Wednesday - 03/06/19


It's already the second day Nizhny Novgorod appears in federal media like a city where civil liberties questioned. At the bus stop public transport detained Chief Editor online publication Koza.Press Irina Slavina, who was accused of organizing an uncoordinated march in memory of the former Nizhny Novgorod governor Boris Nemtsov. Law enforcement officers considered that a walk with friends along Bolshaya Pokrovskaya with a portrait former leader region - this is probably the coordination of a political action, with which the journalist categorically disagreed. Slavina did not have to spend the night at the police station: at 23.00 a resolution from the Nizhny Novgorod district prosecutor Anatoly Lavrentyev was delivered there on the release of “a person illegally subjected to administrative detention.” And this morning, March 6, the first court hearing took place, at which the hearing of the case was postponed to the 13th. Reason: calling witnesses to the trial from the police.

Social policy in Russian Federation implemented by dividing powers between the center and the regions. Pensions are assigned according to federal legislation.

Let's look at how to apply for pension benefits in Chuvashia in 2019 and where to apply. Is it possible to increase the minimum accruals? What should an applicant for social benefits do for this?

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General provisions of the pension system

Residents of the Chuvash Republic are subject to federal legislation regarding the assignment of pension benefits. This means the following:

  1. Citizens can also apply for additional savings:
    • having reached age limit compulsory participation in labor activities:
      • 55th anniversary for women;
      • 60th birthday for men;
    • disabled people;
    • having the following cumulative indicators on their personal account:
      • more than 9 years;
      • points - 13.8.
  2. accrued to persons:
    • after the 60th birthday for women;
    • after the 65th birthday for men;
    • those who have lost their breadwinner and are unable to work;
    • disabled people who do not meet the criteria for length of service and accumulated points.

Regional authorities can establish additional measures social support for pensioners living in a subject of the federation. Thus, pensions in Chuvashia in 2019 are brought to the subsistence level.

Attention: pension benefits can be assigned from the date of birth of the recipient. This occurs if the baby's parent has died. The child is entitled to a survivor's benefit.

Statistical data for Chuvashia

Future and current pensioners are interested in data on expected payments in old age. The government constantly monitors accruals. In addition, its tasks include organizing social assistance for low-income pensioners.

In 2018, the following data is relevant for residents of Cheboksary and the entire republic:

Hint: in 2017, pensioners received more than the minimum wage.

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What determines the amount of payments for pensioners?

Benefits on the pension payout vary. The specific accrual to a person depends on two important factors:

  • periods of official employment, when the employer paid contributions to Pension Fund(PFR);
  • the amount of earnings in each specific period (affects the number of accumulated points).

In addition, the following factors influence the amount of future old-age support:

  • the birth of a child to a woman (a certain number of points are added for each);
  • time spent caring for the baby (only one and a half years are taken into account);
  • period of service in the armed forces.

Conclusion: residents of Chuvashia find themselves in the most advantageous position at retirement age:

  • those who worked officially;
  • receiving a large white salary.

Additional payment for insurance content

Having changed the method of calculating pensions, the Government of the Russian Federation was faced with a very unpleasant fact:

  • the majority of elderly citizens in Chuvashia receive very small amounts of money, not reaching the subsistence level.

This situation has developed throughout the country. It had to be resolved by introducing a new legislative norm. It consists of the following:

  • pensioners whose income does not reach the minimum wage are entitled to an additional payment (one of):
    • regional;
    • federal;
  • it is provided on an application basis (the applicant must proactively write an application).
Hint: They are not entitled to a surcharge.

In addition, the non-working old man can choose only one additional payment from those indicated. As a rule, people focus on the one that is larger absolute indicators(sizes).

Cumulative payments

The program for creating savings for old age started in 2008. Unfortunately, it was frozen in 2019.

However, some residents of Chuvashia managed to take advantage of its benefits. Now they are reaping the fruits of their foresight. According to the latest data, 99% of those who chose savings ordered a lump sum payment. In 2016, 175 million rubles were spent for these purposes.

For information: 155 residents of the Republic decided to receive savings under the urgent program (within 10 years). Their addition to the insurance content averages 900.0 rubles. per month.

Methodology for assigning pension benefits

Applicants for benefits from the Pension Fund budget must complete the following steps:

  1. Collect a package of documents including:
    • passport;
    • SNILS;
    • work book (LC);
    • contracts with employers for those periods that were not included in the Labor Code;
    • information about:
      • earnings;
      • presence of dependents;
      • benefits.
  2. Take the papers to the local Pension Fund office and write an application there (the form will be provided by specialists).
  3. Wait for the verification to complete.
  4. Bring additional documents if required.
  5. Select a method of receiving money:
    • by mail;
    • on the map.

Hint: social benefits are assigned without work book. To obtain it in some cases you will need:

  • certificate of disability;
  • death certificate of the breadwinner and documents on family ties.

Where to contact

The state system of working with pensioners is organized on a territorial basis. Therefore, you need to choose the nearest PFR branch:

Hint: you should contact PFR specialists at the specified time from Monday to Friday.

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