Financial assistance for patients with diabetes. General rules regarding social benefits for diabetics. How to receive a social package from government agencies

According to the National Research Center for Endocrinology under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, currently about 8 million Russians suffer from diabetes mellitus and approximately 20% of the country's total population is in a pre-diabetic state. Making such a diagnosis forever changes a person’s life, which involves a lot of inconvenience associated with constant monitoring of the body’s condition, as well as significant treatment costs. In order to support such citizens, the state establishes a set of social benefits for them. Next, we’ll talk about what these benefits include and how diabetics can receive government assistance.

Composition of benefits for patients with diabetes

The range of benefits for patients with diabetes may vary depending on the form of the disease and the presence or absence of confirmed disability.

All diabetics, without exception, have the right to free provision of medications and means of monitoring the course of the disease. This right was approved by the Government of Russia in P.

For type 1 diabetes, the following is provided from budget funds:

  • insulin;
  • syringes and needles;
  • 100 g of ethyl alcohol per month;
  • glucometers;
  • disposable test strips for glucometers in the amount of 90 pcs. per month;
  • medicines for diabetes and its complications.

Type 2 diabetes entitles you to:

  • sugar-lowering agents and other medications;
  • glucometer;
  • test strips in the amount of 30 pcs. per month.

A number of benefits are provided depending on the patient’s gender:

  • men are exempt from military service;
  • for women giving birth, their stay in the maternity hospital is extended by 3 days, and the duration of maternity leave is extended by 16 days (including for patients diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which manifests itself only during pregnancy).

A significant proportion of diabetics have some type of disability, therefore, along with the above benefits, they are provided with a full social package intended for people with disabilities. It includes:

  • payment of disability pension;
  • payment for sanatorium treatment with travel reimbursement (once a year);
  • free medicines (not only for diabetes, but also for other diseases);
  • preferential use of city and intercity public transport;
  • 50% discount on utility bills.

The list of benefits can be expanded through regional programs. In particular, these could be tax preferences, the provision of conditions for physical therapy, the establishment of easier working conditions, etc. You can find out about the programs operating in the region in the territorial social body. protection.

Benefits for diabetic children

Unfortunately, not only adults, but also children are susceptible to diabetes. It is even more difficult for a young, fragile body to resist the disease, and with the insulin-dependent form of diabetes (type 1), children are automatically assigned a disability. In this regard, the state provides them with:

  1. disability pension;
  2. vouchers to sanatoriums and children's health camps (travel is paid for both the disabled child and the adult accompanying him);
  3. free medicines, medical products and dressings;
  4. discounted travel on public transport;
  5. the right to free diagnosis and treatment, including abroad;
  6. special conditions for enrollment in higher educational institutions and passing the Unified State Exam;
  7. 50% discount on utility bills. Moreover, if in the case of disabled adults the discount applies only to their share in the total volume of resource consumption, then for families with a disabled child the benefit applies to general family expenses.

Parents of disabled children and their guardians are entitled to tax deductions for personal income tax, credit for the period of caring for a child with disabilities, early retirement, and if they are unemployed, monthly compensation payments in the amount of 5,500 rubles.

Diabetic children without disabilities are provided with the same benefits as adults, depending on the form of the disease.

Conditions for assigning disability to diabetic patients

The presence of a disability group significantly expands the list of benefits for diabetics, so it would be useful to consider in what cases it is prescribed to diabetic patients.


To obtain the status of a disabled person, a diagnosis of diabetes is not enough. The group is assigned only if there are complications that prevent the patient from living a full life.

Assignment of the 1st disability group occurs only in severe forms of the disease, accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • severe decrease in vision up to blindness;
  • gangrene;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • coma caused by sudden surges in blood sugar levels;
  • irreversible brain damage:
  • inability to independently serve the needs of the body, move around and engage in labor activities.

Group 2 disability is assigned for the same symptoms of severe diabetes, but at the initial stage of their development. Group 3 is prescribed for mild to moderate forms of the disease, but with rapid progression.

All manifestations of complications of the disease must have documentary confirmation, which is given by the relevant medical specialists. All medical reports and test results must be submitted to the medical and social examination. The more supporting documents can be collected, the greater the likelihood that experts will make a positive decision.

Disability of the 2nd and 3rd groups is assigned for a year, of the 1st group - for 2 years. After this period, the right to status must be reconfirmed.

Procedure for registration and provision of benefits

Registration of the basic set of social services, including free medicines, treatment in sanatoriums and travel on public transport, is carried out at the local branch of the Pension Fund. There you need to provide:

  • application of the established form;
  • identity documents;
  • OPS insurance certificate;
  • medical documents proving your right to receive benefits.

After checking the documents, the applicant is issued a certificate confirming the right to use social services. Based on it, the doctor will write prescriptions for free medications and devices needed to control the body's condition in diabetes at the pharmacy.

In order to obtain a voucher to the sanatorium, they also contact the clinic. The medical commission evaluates the patient’s condition and, if the conclusion is positive, issues him certificate No. 070/u-04, confirming the right to rehabilitation. You must contact the local FSS office with it, where you will additionally submit an application for a voucher, a passport (for a disabled child - a birth certificate), and a certificate of disability. If the patient has a voucher, it is issued within 21 days, after which he is again sent with it to the clinic to receive a sanatorium-resort card.

The certificate issued by the Pension Fund also gives the right to purchase a social travel card, according to which a disabled diabetic can travel free of charge on all types of public transport, with the exception of taxis and commercial minibuses. For intercity transport (road, railway, air, river) a 50% discount is provided from the beginning of October to mid-May and once in both directions at any other time of the year.

Financial compensation

A disabled diabetic may forego benefits in kind in favor of a lump sum benefit. A refusal can be made from the entire set of social services. services or partially only from those for which there is no need.

The lump sum payment is accrued for the year, but in fact it is not a one-time payment, since it is paid in installments over 12 months as an addition to the disability pension. Its size for 2017 for disabled people is:

  • RUB 3,538.52 for group 1;
  • 2527.06 rub. for group 2 and children;
  • RUR 2,022.94 for the 3rd group.

In 2018, it is planned to index payments by 6.4%. The final amount of the benefit can be found out at the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, where you need to apply for its registration. An application, a passport, a certificate of disability are submitted to the fund, and a certificate is also submitted granting the right to use the social package, if it has previously been received. Submission of the application is strictly limited in time - no later than October 1. For this reason, it will no longer be possible to replace benefits with cash payments for 2018. You can only submit an application for 2019.


You can simplify the procedure for applying for benefits or monetary compensation by contacting the multifunctional center. And citizens who have problems with movement can send a package of documents by mail or via.

Decide which form of receiving benefits is more convenient for you - in kind or in cash - and be sure to contact government agencies for help. Social support measures for diabetics are difficult to compare with the damage caused by the disease, but they can still make the patient’s life a little easier.

The state by law guarantees free medications for type 2 diabetes. To receive benefits, the patient will need to collect a number of documents and submit them to the Pension Fund.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases of our time. The number of patients with this disease is increasing every year. Treatment of this pathology is not simple and requires a lot of money. But not many people know that the state provides benefits to such people. As of 2015, the current law clearly defines the criteria that allow type 2 diabetics to receive medications and other compensation without payment.


Important! Many people are not aware of what benefits they are entitled to or, out of fear, do not ask their doctor about them. Do not be afraid of such questions and the doctor’s reaction. The rights of a diabetic are protected by law, and free medications are provided for. Therefore, if the necessary medications are not provided, you should find out what the patient is entitled to and understand this situation.

What free benefits are available to people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Every year, a certain amount is allocated from the state budget for patients with type 2 diabetes, regardless of disability. Special territorial committees distribute material resources that are due to diabetics (medicines, money, social privileges).

Patients can expect to receive:

  • free medicines;
  • free rehabilitation;
  • financial payments.

For this disease, people are prescribed special pharmacological agents. Free medications are provided depending on the category to which the patient belongs (insulin dependent or not). In addition to medications, what patients are prescribed includes glucometers and special tests in the form of strips.

In addition, benefits for type 2 diabetes include the provision of free trips to sanatoriums, hospitals, and recreation centers. Regarding the amount and accrual of financial resources for patients with diabetes, they are determined and issued individually for each specific case. The patient can also refuse a trip to the sanatorium in exchange for monetary compensation.

As for minors with type 2 diabetes, according to the law, such children under 14 years of age are paid financial assistance in the amount of the average salary. These funds are allocated to purchase subsidized medications for the child and support the normal functioning of the young person. In addition, the treatment program for children with type 1 diabetes includes annual fully paid trips to a sanatorium together with their parents.

The list of preferential pharmacological drugs for type 2 diabetes is not small. These are mainly sugar-lowering pharmacological agents. Free medications for type 2 diabetes, their quantity and how many test strips are required are determined by an endocrinologist. The written prescription is valid for a month.

List of free medicines:

  1. Tablets (Acarbose, Repaglinide, Gliquidone, Glibenclamide, Glucophage, Glimepiride, Glibenclamide, Gliclazide, Glipizide, Metformin, Rosiglitazone).
  2. Injections (Insulin in suspension and solution).

In addition, for type 1 diabetes, syringes, needles and alcohol are provided free of charge. But for issuance, you will need to collect documents and contact the appropriate authorities. It is the hostility to bureaucratic processes that is often the reason for the refusal of state benefits for diabetics.

To obtain the right to discounted medications for diabetics, you will need to submit documents to the Pension Fund. After registration, this organization will transmit data to government medical institutions, pharmacies and health insurance funds.


Important! In order for the Pension Fund to take into account the patient’s candidacy and assign a benefit, it is necessary to provide a number of documents. Therefore, it is better to find out the list of papers in advance by phone, otherwise repeated trips to the institution and long queues will cause a lot of trouble.

You must also obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming that the person does not refuse benefits for people with diabetes. This document will be required by the doctor who will write a prescription for free medications.

In addition, when visiting a doctor, you must have:

  • passport;
  • a certificate certifying the right to benefits;
  • individual insurance number of the personal account;
  • health insurance.

The attending physician must write a special prescription with which a patient with type 1 diabetes must go to the pharmacy. But diabetics can only apply for free medications from government organizations. If a person does not have information about such medical institutions, you can find out their location at your place of residence by contacting the Ministry of the Region. healthcare.

Very often, patients refuse what is required for patients with diabetes, preferring monetary compensation. Even if a patient with type 2 diabetes feels great, you should not reject benefits for diabetics. After all, financial payments are much less than the cost of treatment. When refusing legal free therapy, people with type 2 diabetes should take into account that if the condition suddenly worsens, it will no longer be possible to undergo government treatment.

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Knowing what benefits type 2 diabetics have will help those with the disease receive the necessary assistance from the state to maintain their health. When asked what benefits type 2 diabetics have, many patients will only indicate the free provision of glucose-lowering medications and glucometers. But this is only a small part of what is required for people with type 2 diabetes; there are many more benefits to ensure a full life for the patient. But only knowledge of one’s rights will help a person, even if he does not have a disability due to a disease, but suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus, to get what he is entitled to by law.

What should patients do?

The law of the Russian Federation provides the following benefits for diabetics:

  1. Providing medications.
  2. Rehabilitation.
  3. Cash payments.

It is necessary to consider each of these points in more detail.

For some reason, many people suffering from diabetes are sure that sanatorium-resort treatment is only available if they are assigned a disability due to the disease.

But in Russia, benefits for diabetics include the possibility of free sanatorium treatment and without disability due to illness.

In addition to the free trip, benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes include compensation:

  • travel expenses;
  • nutrition.

Children with type 2 diabetes are provided with free travel to the place of treatment, accommodation and meals with their parents.

Monetary compensation to an adult can be paid for an unused resort voucher, unissued medications, or for the costs of examinations and treatment procedures necessary to restore a person’s health, but not covered by the health insurance policy.

But compensation payments for travel vouchers or medicines not taken are always small, and patients are recommended to take the required medications and sanatorium vouchers.

If type 2 diabetes is diagnosed in a child under 14 years of age, then such children are entitled to a monthly payment in the amount of the average salary.

What medications should be provided free of charge?

Probably, most people with diabetes do not have problems receiving free sugar-lowering medications, but few patients know that benefits for type 2 diabetics also include the provision of other medications for the treatment of disorders that may accompany the underlying disease.

These include:

  1. Phospholipids (drugs to maintain normal liver function).
  2. Drugs that help improve pancreatic function (Pancreatin).
  3. Vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes (in tablets or in the form of injection solutions).
  4. Medicines to restore impaired metabolic processes (medicines are selected individually by the attending physician from the list of free medicines).
  5. Thrombolytic drugs (drugs to reduce blood clotting) in tablets and injections.
  6. Heart medications (all groups of medications necessary to normalize cardiac activity).
  7. Diuretics.
  8. Medicines for the treatment of hypertension.

If necessary, antihistamines, analgesics, antimicrobials and other medications necessary for the treatment of diabetic complications are added to the list for people with diabetes.

In addition to medications, patients are given free glucometers and test strips.

The number of test strips depends on what glucose-lowering medications the diabetic uses:

  • for insulin-dependent people, 3 strips per day are prescribed;
  • for those who are independent of insulin - 1 strip.

Insulin-dependent patients are also given syringes for injection, their number depends on how many times a day insulin needs to be administered.

How to exercise your rights

First you will need to collect the necessary package of documents.

It includes:

  • 2 photocopies of passport;
  • a certificate confirming your diabetic status (the attending physician is aware of the disease, but it is recommended to carry the certificate with you in case you need to prescribe medications from another doctor);
  • 2 photocopies of SNILS;
  • certificate of a disabled person (if there is a disability);
  • new type insurance policy.

If you need to receive medications on a preferential basis, you need to come to the doctor with all the documents and ask them to write out a prescription for the required drug for beneficiaries. If the medication is on the list, then in most cases it is possible to obtain a prescription on a special form. Next, the doctor must indicate the addresses of pharmacies where it is possible to obtain the prescribed medication.

In rare cases, when a refusal is received from the head physician, you need to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor.

The complaint must indicate:

  • a justified right to a benefit;
  • the health necessity of the required medicinal product;
  • circumstances under which the prescription of subsidized medications was refused.

You can send a complaint by letter or fill out the appropriate form on the Rospotrebnadzor website.

To receive a voucher in addition to the documents already collected, you must additionally take certificate No. 070/u-04 for adults and No. 076/u-04 for children from the clinic, and then write an application for a sanatorium voucher to the Social Insurance Fund. You must apply for a voucher in advance, no later than December 1 of the current year. Notification about the allocation of a voucher will arrive in 10 days, but the date of arrival at the sanatorium will not be earlier than in 3 weeks. In case of refusal to issue a voucher, you must also contact Rospotrebnadzor.

With monetary compensation it is a little more complicated: funds for unused benefits can be obtained from the social insurance fund by writing an application at the end of the year and submitting a certificate of benefits unused during the year. It is more difficult to compensate for the costs of additional treatment and examination: this will require collecting a lot of papers confirming the need for medical procedures, but even in this case the costs will not always be compensated.

Knowing their rights will help people with type 2 diabetes receive from the state everything they need to stay healthy. You just need to show a little patience and perseverance and not retreat at the first refusal, but turn to higher authorities to restore your rights.

Diabetes is a serious problem for individuals and for society as a whole. For public authorities, the medical and social protection of such citizens should be a priority activity.

Who is entitled to

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease, a violation of the absorption of glucose by the body and, as a result, its significant increase in the blood (hyperglycemia). It develops due to insufficiency or absence of the hormone insulin.

The most striking symptoms of diabetes are fluid loss and constant thirst. Increased urine output, insatiable hunger, and weight loss may also occur.

There are two main types of disease. Type 1 diabetes mellitus develops due to the destruction of pancreatic cells (its endocrine part) and leads to hyperglycemia. Lifelong hormonal therapy is required.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common, affecting 90 percent of people with diabetes. It mainly develops in people who are overweight.

At the initial stage, type 2 diabetes is treated with diet and exercise. At later stages, medications are used. There is no effective therapy yet. In most cases, the symptoms are eliminated, not the disease itself.

Having diabetes is not a reason to be considered disabled. It is established only if there are disturbances of varying degrees in the endocrine system.

From the moment of diagnosis, in accordance with Federal Law, the patient is guaranteed health rights.

Which ones are provided?

At the legislative level, the following benefits are provided to patients with type 2 diabetes without disability: provision of medications, cash payments and rehabilitation.

The goals of social protection of patients are to create the necessary conditions for life and health protection.


According to the law, patients must be provided with free medications and self-monitoring devices:

  • genetically engineered high-quality insulins (if indicated) and means of their administration;
  • medications that lower sugar and prevent complications;
  • self-monitoring tools for determining glucose, sugar, disinfectant readings
  • choosing insulin on the recommendation of your doctor (if necessary).

Social protection

In addition to free medicines, patients with the second type of disease are entitled to:

  • the right to specialized services in state and municipal institutions;
  • training in the basics of disease compensation;
  • compulsory health insurance;
  • ensuring equal opportunities in all areas: education, sports, professional activities, the possibility of retraining;
  • social rehabilitation, adaptation;
  • health camps for children under 18 years of age for medical reasons;
  • the possibility of refusing medical and social services.

Fringe benefits

Some more benefits available for type 2 diabetes:

  1. Rehabilitation in sanatoriums, health courses, compensation for travel and food expenses. Treatment is required at least once every two years. Priority for travel is given to disabled people with diabetes and disabled children. But patients with the second type also have the right to this. No matter how high-quality the treatment in a hospital setting is, rehabilitation in a sanatorium is incomparably higher due to the technical base. An integrated approach improves individual patient performance. It should be remembered that there are a number of contraindications for sanatorium treatment: infectious diseases, cancer, mental disorders, pregnancy in the second trimester.
  2. Exemption from military service. If a conscript is found to have diabetes, its type, the presence of complications and the severity of its course should be determined. When diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, if there are no organ dysfunctions, he will not have to serve full time, but he may be called upon, if necessary, as a reserve force.
  3. Increase in maternity leave by 16 days. Hospital stay after childbirth increases by three days.

How to use

Citizens with type 2 diabetes can apply for the main set of benefits at the Pension Fund branch. For example, free medicines or treatment in a sanatorium, as well as payments if you refuse them.

Specialists must present the required documents (the list can be obtained in advance by phone or on the website) and write an application for the right to preference.

Officials will compare the papers with photocopies, verify that the application is filled out correctly, and issue the citizen with a certificate of acceptance of the documents. Then the information received is checked along with the basis and, provided that everything is in order, the applicant will be issued a certificate of the right to use state support.

The application form can be downloaded here.

Based on the certificate, the doctor will write free prescriptions for medications and equipment necessary to check your health status; he will also tell you the addresses of pharmacies that dispense such medications.

To allocate a voucher to a sanatorium, you will also have to contact your attending physician. A commission will gather that will examine the patient and, upon a positive verdict, issue him a certificate of the need for rehabilitation.

It should be submitted to the social insurance fund along with the application, preferably before the first of December.

The applicant will receive a response within ten days. The health resort organization must correspond to the profile of the disease. Check-in time will be indicated in the notice.

The voucher will be issued three weeks before the intended trip. It cannot be resold, but in case of unforeseen circumstances it can be returned (no later than a week before the start of rehabilitation).

Is it possible to monetize

Instead of benefits, you can use financial compensation, although it will not cover all the costs of treatment. Money can be paid for unissued medicines or unused spa vouchers.

Benefits can be waived once a year. To apply, you should contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence with an application and documents.

The application shall indicate the name of the authorized body; Full name, address and passport details of the citizen; a list of social services that he refuses; date and signature.

Documents must be submitted by October 1 of the current year. Then compensation will be accrued from January and throughout the year.

You should know that you do not have to give up all benefits at once. You can refuse a free voucher and travel to the place of rehabilitation, but continue to receive medications. That is, each beneficiary has the right to make a choice independently.

By writing an application for monetization, a citizen will not win anything, since the amounts offered are simply meager. The payment for refusing sanatorium treatment is 116.83 rubles, free travel - 106.89, and medicines - 816.40 rubles.

Required documents

To obtain a certificate for the right to use social benefits you will need:

  • citizen's passport;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • SNILS;
  • documents proving the right to use benefits.

Documents for obtaining a voucher to the sanatorium:

  • Russian passport of a diabetic patient;
  • application for a voucher;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from the clinic, issued no later than six months before its submission;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of monetized benefits for a given year.

To waive benefits you must:

  • applicant's passport;
  • statement;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate confirming benefits;

The number of patients suffering from diabetes is growing year by year. They need rehabilitation and expensive medications, often for the rest of their lives. People do not always have enough material resources to purchase them. Therefore, the state provides them with medical and social support measures.


The state by law guarantees free medications for type 2 diabetes. To receive benefits, the patient will need to collect a number of documents and submit them to the Pension Fund.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases of our time. The number of patients with this disease is increasing every year. Treatment of this pathology is not simple and requires a lot of money. But not many people know that the state provides benefits to such people. As of 2015, the current law clearly defines the criteria that allow type 2 diabetics to receive medications and other compensation without payment.


Important! Many people are not aware of what benefits they are entitled to or, out of fear, do not ask their doctor about them. Do not be afraid of such questions and the doctor’s reaction. The rights of a diabetic are protected by law, and free medications are provided for. Therefore, if the necessary medications are not provided, you should find out what the patient is entitled to and understand this situation.

What free benefits are available to people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Every year, a certain amount is allocated from the state budget for patients with type 2 diabetes, regardless of disability. Special territorial committees distribute material resources that are due to diabetics (medicines, money, social privileges).

Patients can expect to receive:

  • free medicines;
  • free rehabilitation;
  • financial payments.

For this disease, people are prescribed special pharmacological agents. Free medications are provided depending on the category to which the patient belongs (insulin dependent or not). In addition to medications, what patients are prescribed includes glucometers and special tests in the form of strips.

In addition, benefits for type 2 diabetes include the provision of free trips to sanatoriums, hospitals, and recreation centers. Regarding the amount and accrual of financial resources for patients with diabetes, they are determined and issued individually for each specific case. The patient can also refuse a trip to the sanatorium in exchange for monetary compensation.

As for minors with type 2 diabetes, according to the law, such children under 14 years of age are paid financial assistance in the amount of the average salary. These funds are allocated to purchase subsidized medications for the child and support the normal functioning of the young person. In addition, the treatment program for children with type 1 diabetes includes annual fully paid trips to a sanatorium together with their parents.

How to get free medicines?

The list of preferential pharmacological drugs for type 2 diabetes is not small. These are mainly sugar-lowering pharmacological agents. Free medications for type 2 diabetes, their quantity and how many test strips are required - is determined by the endocrinologist. The written prescription is valid for a month.

List of free medicines:

  1. Tablets (Acarbose, Repaglinide, Gliquidone, Glibenclamide, Glucophage, Glimepiride, Glibenclamide, Gliclazide, Glipizide, Metformin, Rosiglitazone).
  2. Injections (Insulin in suspension and solution).

In addition, for type 1 diabetes, syringes, needles and alcohol are provided free of charge. But for issuance, you will need to collect documents and contact the appropriate authorities. It is the hostility to bureaucratic processes that is often the reason for the refusal of state benefits for diabetics.

To obtain the right to discounted medications for diabetics, you will need to submit documents to the Pension Fund. After registration, this organization will transmit data to government medical institutions, pharmacies and health insurance funds.


Important! In order for the Pension Fund to take into account the patient’s candidacy and assign a benefit, it is necessary to provide a number of documents. Therefore, it is better to find out the list of papers in advance by phone, otherwise repeated trips to the institution and long queues will cause a lot of trouble.

You must also obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund confirming that the person does not refuse benefits for people with diabetes. This document will be required by the doctor who will write a prescription for free medications.

In addition, when visiting a doctor, you must have:

  • passport;
  • a certificate certifying the right to benefits;
  • individual insurance number of the personal account;
  • health insurance.

The attending physician must write a special prescription with which a patient with type 1 diabetes must go to the pharmacy. But diabetics can only apply for free medications from government organizations. If a person does not have information about such medical institutions, you can find out their location at your place of residence by contacting the Ministry of the Region. healthcare.

Very often, patients refuse what is required for patients with diabetes, preferring monetary compensation. Even if a patient with type 2 diabetes feels great, you should not reject benefits for diabetics. After all, financial payments are much less than the cost of treatment. When refusing legal free therapy, people with type 2 diabetes should take into account that if the condition suddenly worsens, it will no longer be possible to undergo government treatment.


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    I am 78 years old. I have had type 2 diabetes for 15 years. In March 2017, I received free medications with a prescription: Glucophage 500 mg and Glimax 4 mg. At the end of March I received prescriptions for the same medications for April, but I could not get them due to lack of at the pharmacy. The medicines were literally crushed in a few hours: they started dispensing them at 8 am, and by 3 pm, when it was my turn, there were no more medicines. The pharmacist announced that there would be no more medicines in April and new prescriptions needed to be filled out for May. It turns out that they threw one bone to a pack of hungry dogs and calmed down. Groysman.........!

    I should have not waited from the pharmacy, but contacted the Ministry of Health with questions from the population and everything would have been received, since the pharmacy does not provide it! Water does not flow under a lying stone.

    Good afternoon, I have type 2 diabetes, but I am NOT DISABLED. Both the clinic and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation claim that a conversation about free medicines is possible only in case of disability. I have a written response from the Pension Fund of Russia. In this regard, the question is: is it possible to provide links to current (2017) regulatory documents on the basis of which the article about free medications for type 2 diabetes was written? Thank you.

  1. I have been suffering from diabetes since 1996, I was treated with herbs in 2014 I was in a sugar coma, I was immediately put on insulin, during all this time they gave me test strips once and the insulin they give is different every time, what should I do about the sanatorium, don’t even stutter

    I have type 2 diabetes for over 3 years. I don’t go for medicine. because can't get to the doctor. need to leave work. to make an appointment with a doctor. Then within a week an appointment will be made with a doctor. They did not offer any test strips or a device for measuring sugar.

    The preferential medications Janumed and Glycozid prescribed to me for the treatment of Diabetes 2 allowed me to reduce the sugar level in my blood from 10.5 to 6.5 units.
    Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to obtain these medications in the Ramensky district of the Moscow Region. They disappear immediately after information about their availability in regional state pharmacies is posted on the government services website.
    Test - strips are not issued by decision of some Medicine Commission.
    According to the Ramensky Department of Social Protection of the Population, vouchers to a sanatorium are not issued to type 2 diabetics if the pensioner’s income exceeds 8.5 thousand rubles. per month.
    Based on the above, we can conclude that the Laws of the Russian Federation on the social protection of type 2 diabetics in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region are not observed.

    I have type 2 diabetes, stage II hypertension, syndrome - X. I always received all the drugs for free, but in January the general practitioner said that only hypoglycemic drugs were free, and antihypertensives, antiaggregants, antiarrhythmics were at full price?

    Diabetes mellitus type 2 for more than 12 years, on insulin for 8 years. I have never received a glucometer (I only buy it with my own money), I haven’t received a test strip for 3 years, because... They said they were removed from the federal list. I have been injecting Lantus (Glargine) for 8 years, since November 2017 the Lantus pharmacy has replaced Tujeo (it is cheaper), sugar has increased to 17 units. I contacted the regional health department and they responded very tactfully: “Everyone’s sugar doesn’t rise, but yours does.” I contacted the regional diabetes center and changed my treatment. They prescribed new Galvus tablets, they said it was on the preferential list, get it! I got to the Ministry of Health, my letter was sent to the Department of our region, and they answered that they have it, so we’ll write it out.

    Since December I haven’t received free medicines, I buy them for my pension: the test strips, the medicines they gave me, do not lower my blood sugar. The doctor does not prescribe other medications. I find out the medicines myself and try them on myself. This is the treatment. I also bought the glucometer myself, because... They didn't offer me anything.

    Diabetics are entitled to benefits. The state guarantees free medicines. There are two possible situations here: 1. The state allocates everything that is required in full, but the medicines are stolen and redirected to paid pharmacies. We don't get medicine because they were stolen. Those. The people responsible for medicines make a business out of them. 2. The state does not fulfill its obligations and does not provide the required amount of free medicines. That is, they steal at a higher level.

    In August 2016, I was admitted to the hospital with pleurisy, and there I learned that I had had type 2 diabetes for a long time. The endocrinologist at the hospital prescribed glidiab and banned metformin; at the local clinic they said that only metformin and glyczalide were available. None of these medications worked, as they made me suddenly gain weight.
    I buy Glidiab at my own expense, but it has stopped helping. I can’t understand why the list of free medications for patients with type 2 diabetes cannot be expanded; the prices for other medications are not much different from those offered.

    I agree….. the treatment and provision for diabetics is shameful and terrible………… they prescribe medications for free that do not help in any way….. you only damage the liver, but you can’t beg for phosphogliv……

    My husband has had type 2 diabetes for a year, we live in the Chekhov district, at first we tried to fool around with the fact that there is no cure, no test strips, etc. etc., my husband is a serious man, now they prescribe everything that is prescribed and within three days we receive all the medicines! Thank you!

    Larisa Viktorovna, could you share how to step by step solve the problem of providing medicines? I buy Forsiga (2,400 rubles) myself every month, and now I buy Metglib myself - it’s not in the pharmacy for the third month. Instead of glucophage - prescribed - metformin is given - every month from a new manufacturer. Where to start - with whom to communicate in order to get rid of the leapfrog...

    In 2016, when it turned out that I had type 2 diabetes, the doctor at the clinic prescribed expensive Januvia, which I had to buy at my own expense, but didn’t say a word about the fact that I was entitled to subsidized drugs. Why is Russia such a madhouse?

    I have had diabetes 2 since 1996, I am 77 years old, I was on insulin for 1.5 years and my sugar was 21 units. Now my sugar level in the morning is 3.2=4.5 units. True, I also take Maninil 3.5 tab. Since April last year I have been drinking unrefined cold-pressed flaxseed oil, one teaspoon before meals, adding it to salads and cereals. It’s been more than a year since I forgot about insulin. This oil contains 57% Omega 3 and 26% Omega 6. Try it, it should help like me,

    I have type 2 diabetes. Since 2010, she has been registered with an endocrinologist. During this time, the clinic has had 3 doctors, now the 4th. Since November 2018, in addition to Tujeo insulin, short Apidra. Today I found out that the endocrinologist is taking me off the register, I have the right to only 2 consultations with him a year, and now a therapist will select my insulin doses. They say this is an order. But they finally revealed a medical secret to me - with suspicion of diabetic foot, I should contact a neurologist and they even made an appointment with him. Bingo! Of course, I will ask questions to the insurance company and the Ministry of Health. But it’s very interesting, is this in our clinic (Moscow) or is it common throughout the country?

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Free in Russia

The issue of diabetic status, despite its complexity, is rarely discussed both in the media and at hospital appointments. You need to know that all sick people have the right to the benefits provided by law for diabetics.

For those with diabetes, consultations with all doctors and tests are provided free of charge. An example of a diagnostic center where you can get appropriate help is the Endocrinology Center at the Moscow Medical Academy.

In addition, it is provided:

  • payment for necessary medications and diagnostics and research;
  • discount on utility bills of 50%;
  • pension;
  • for women, child care leave is extended by three weeks.

The amount of medications is determined by the doctor; the patient’s task is to visit him regularly and receive medications according to the issued prescriptions. In order to undergo the examination, you can, according to the law, obtain an exemption from work or study. In addition to standard diagnostics of the thyroid gland and liver, you can check your vision, nervous system and heart function. In addition to the benefits listed, there are additional benefits depending on the severity of the disease.

For 1 type

  1. Free medications and consumable medical supplies, the latter being provided in such quantities that the patient can be tested for insulin levels.
  2. If necessary, a social worker is provided to provide all necessary assistance.
  3. If diabetes has resulted in disability, the patient receives all the benefits provided for this status.

For type 2

  1. It is possible to receive a voucher to a sanatorium for recovery with compensation for travel and food costs or compensation for its cost.
  2. Social rehabilitation, including the possibility of retraining and changing professional fields.
  3. At the subject level, health courses and sports activities are offered.
  4. Vitamin complexes.

Benefits depending on type of diabetes

The diagnosis itself is not a reason for disability. Requires a certain degree of endocrine system disruption (inability to self-care). Depending on these characteristics, one of three disability groups is established, which affects the amount of benefits provided.

In the most severe group, the first group, a person can receive a glucometer and tools for measuring sugar levels free of charge. Material payments will be higher, for example, a lifetime pension for diabetics of the first type is 9,919 rubles, while with the second type - 4,959 rubles, and with the third - 4,215 rubles, the monthly cash payment is 3,357, 2,397 and 1,919 rubles, respectively .

Insulin dependent diabetes

Insulin dependence most often refers to the first diabetic type. Patients with this disease are given a monthly supply of special test strips to determine the amount of sugar in the blood, injection syringes and sugar-lowering medications. Instead, you can take financial compensation, but it will not cover all the necessary treatment costs.

Insulin-resistant diabetes

There are no special benefits for patients with insulin-resistant diabetes; most often it belongs to the second type and is treatable much better than the first. Often diet and exercise are simply prescribed. Consultation with specialists and physical education classes are provided free of charge.

Who is eligible for disability?

The first group includes patients who, due to diabetes, have partially or completely lost the ability to see, have damage to the heart, blood vessels or brain, as well as those who have fallen into a coma or cannot do without outside help. The same signs, but with a lesser degree of severity, belong to the second group. The third group is prescribed if the symptoms are mild.

Benefits for disabled people

All patients with an established diagnosis have the right to a number of benefits, including: assistance from qualified doctors, social rehabilitation (providing education and work), measures to restore health, cash payments, and a discount on housing and utility costs.

Benefits for children with diabetes

Diabetes in children is much more difficult, therefore, regardless of its type, they are always assigned a disability and are provided with a number of benefits:

  • referral to a sanatorium and free travel, both for the child himself and for his accompanying person;
  • tax exemption;
  • pension;
  • treatment in clinics abroad;
  • assistance in applying for studies and special conditions for passing the Unified State Exam.

Parents whose children have diabetes have the right to work a shorter week, receive additional days off and the right to early retirement. If the child is under fourteen years old, then it is possible to receive a payment in an amount equal to the average earnings.

How to get benefits?

A disability group and benefits for diabetics can be obtained by taking a referral from a doctor during a commission at the Bureau of Medical Examination under the Ministry of Health. The commission makes a decision within ten working days based on the results of the examination and the patient’s medical record.

For medicines

The list of benefits for patients includes a number of free medications, including both hypoglycemic drugs and drugs for the treatment of various complications after illness:

  • phospholipids and pacreatin;
  • thrombolytic drugs, diuretics;
  • vitamins in tablets or injections;
  • test strips;
  • injection syringes.

In 2019, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, this list was expanded to include all categories of drugs necessary for the treatment of hepatitis and complications caused by it.

The doctor refuses to issue a prescription: what to do?

It is worth remembering that not all doctors have the right to issue a prescription for free medicine. A list of available medications can be found at the hospital; they must provide it upon request. If the doctor refuses to issue the required prescription, you must file a complaint with the chief physician. In case of repeated refusal or obvious delay of time, you need to complain to the office of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, for example, using their official website

Pharmacies do not give out discounted medications: what to do?

If the pharmacy refuses to dispense the medicine or claims that they don’t have it, then don’t panic, it’s better to contact the Ministry of Health by calling the toll-free hotline 8-800-200-03-89 or file a complaint on the official website reception/appeals/new.

Additionally, you can inform the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare ( and the prosecutor's office. In the latter case, you will need a passport, a doctor’s prescription and documents confirming your right to receive benefits.

You should make copies of all documents in advance in case you need to go to court later.

Waiver of benefits

To receive compensation for unused benefits, you must write an application to the Social Insurance Fund and provide a certificate stating that the benefits were not actually used. However, it must be taken into account that the compensation payment will be much less than the total cost of treatment and travel to the sanatorium, so it is better to use this right only in extreme cases, for example, if it is impossible to go on a trip.

Benefits and spa treatment

After receiving disabled status, a person can qualify for free treatment in a sanatorium or resort. To do this, you need to contact the Social Insurance Fund or the Ministry of Health with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate of disability;
  • a document from the Pension Fund confirming the availability of benefits;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate from a therapist.

Documents must be reviewed within ten days, and information about the departure date must be provided along with the response. Afterwards, you need to obtain a sanatorium-resort card from your attending physician. Tickets are issued three weeks before the departure date.

Fringe benefits

Additional benefits affect the social and medical spheres of the patient’s life. Every year you can undergo diagnostic treatment free of charge, and if you have the first disability group, you can receive a glucometer and the materials necessary for glucometry.

Many benefits depend on the specific situation and diseases accompanying the underlying illness. Regardless of the type of diabetes, everyone needs to know what benefits they are entitled to.

Benefits for diabetics depend on the degree and nature of the disease. They can be both material and social. Who can apply for them and how to get them if diagnosed?

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Hello, dear readers! I want to talk today about the role of the state in the life of every person who has the misfortune of becoming a diabetic. How much does the state help such people? I want to make a reservation right away that here you will not hear hystericalPtalk about the imperfection of the medical service, the theft of government money and mediocre doctors.

This does not mean that I fully supportwhat is happening in our country, since I myself sit tightly in this common harness. However, I believe that a positive attitude, faith in success and the search for alternative, non-standard solutions to problems that arise are much more productive and effective than sad complaints and whining that everything is bad.

To begin with I want to say,that preferential provision for adults and children occurs differently.Children with diabetes mellitus immediately after discharge are given the opportunity to register for disability (childhood disability). In this case, the child receives all support and benefits at the federal level. With publiclyOrderatMinistry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 117dated 4.07.91 “Procedure for recognizing a child as disabled”

Since January 1, 2000, the category “disabled child” has been established up to the age of 18 years.But recently I learned that the issue of lowering the age for determining disability is being discussed. Now it is possible that children will only have disabilitiesdabout 14 years old.Upon reaching this age, the child switches to regional preferential support.

Adult diabetics, upon diagnosis, are transferred to preferential benefits in each case, but the coverage may beat the expense of the state budget or at the expense of the regional budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Simply put, every diabetic automatically becomes a regional beneficiary, but under certain circumstances can apply for the establishment of a certain disability group and become a federal beneficiary. Receiving regional benefits, is not considered disabled.

From a financial and practical point of view, being a federal beneficiary and having some kind of disability group is more profitable, because the list of free distribution of medicines, technical means of self-control and for administering insulin is expanding, and the right to sanatorium treatment appears. Plus extrasocial payments, subsidiesand benefits due to a person with a disability.

However, is it so easy for an adult to become disabled due to diabetes? Many people thinkT, that the disease “diabetes mellitus” itself already presupposes the establishment of a disability group. This is far from true, or rather not at all true.

Let's define the term disabled. A disabled person is a person with disabilities who has lost his ability to work due to injury, illness or old age. Those. a person newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitusat the age of 45without complications cannot become disabled because he is not a person with limited abilities. Such a person canto work successfully, and with active treatment and taking measures to improve his health, he may never take advantage of the opportunity to register a disability.

It’s another matter when an elderly person with a long history of diabetes and many crippling complications of diabetes and associated pathologiesy. Hecannot fullydon't work, don't even servebe yourself. In this case he, undoubtedly,a disability group must be established and most likely he will receive it.

But eThere is a category of patients who subjectively consider themselves the sickest people in the world,Awhen undergoing an examination, it turns out that this is just his own feeling of ill healthbecause there is no objective evidence of serious health impairment. In this case, it is possible to prepare all the documents to recognize a person as disabled, but it is not at all necessary that the ITU authorities (medicalOcial examination) recognize this person as a person with limited abilities and assign a disability group.Simply put,there is a risk that all actions will be in vain. Therefore, always consult with your endocrinologist or the head of the clinic whether you should begin the procedure for preparing your documents for examination, so as not to waste your time and money first of all on undergoing numerous studies and procedures .

At all, recognition manAIt is very difficult for a disabled person due to diabetes. A lot of objective arguments in favor of this must come together. As a rule, this should include severe chronic complications of diabetes and severe concomitant pathology.

The provision of medicines and technical equipment to disabled children and to regional and federal beneficiaries is completely different. Lists of drugs and additional disease control agents are compiled by the governing authorities. In the case of children and adults with disabilities, this is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in the case of regional beneficiaries - the ministries of health of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In theory, all federal beneficiaries should have the same security, regardless of the region in which they live, butit's only on paper. In reality, everything happens differently and the situation is different in different regions.

In the case of regional beneficiaries, everything is even worse. Each region helps its diabetics to the best of its ability, or it depends on the degree of generosity of the authorities of a particular region. It must be assumed that in subsidized regions, provision is poorer and simpler than in regions withself-sufficiency. However, even between such regions there is a huge difference.

So that everything- To find out what medications a person is entitled to free of charge, you need to ask an endocrinologist for a list of subsidized medications in your region. But something tells me that you are unlikely to get it. Guess why...

I’ll tell you a little about the medications that are included in the free lists. Firstly, if you hope that you will be prescribed a medicine of the latest generation, then give up hope, everyone who enters here.Imagine for yourself that you are an employer and you have an idle employee hanging around your neck who requires large investments. Is it profitable for you to maintain such an employee when he brings absolutely no benefit? But from a social point of view, there is no way you can leave this person, because right awaywill fly togetherthe public will begin to wag its finger: "Ay-yay-yay! How can you, because he alone will disappear. Have a conscience, humanity, etc. "Then you, as an employer, decide to continue to finance the dependent, but spending a minimum of funds, i.e. just enough so that he doesn’t become indignant, and if he becomes indignant, then proudly say that you are fulfilling your duties to the best of your ability.

ThoseThe state has the same relationship with people with disabilities. Therefore, the lists of free medicines contain the cheapest and sometimes outdated drugs, and in order not to spend money on original drugs, officials came up with other exit- write recipes With generic themtradingAnd name yami(INN). In other words,AndIndianenalapril And Renitek from Holland contains the sameenalapril, but the difference in clinical effectiveness is striking. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the pharmacy gave you some kind of Russiangliformin instead of FrenchGlucophage. According to the papers, all formalities have been completed and that’s it.

In addition, given the economic situation in the country, the government is beginning to promote an idea like “Let's help the domestic manufacturer!” and requires ministries to replace some imported really cool drugs with domestic ones. I have nothing to forgivehisfatherland, but we must admit that we have not learned how to make medicine. No matter what we do, we still end up with a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

We are years behind Western technology... ALWAYS. So isn’t it better to admit this than to admit that we don’t know how to build passenger cars, it turns out to be the same automatic machine. Maybe it's better to quitAllstrengthsand funds to those areas where we are really strong, for example,for productionThatth same automatic AKalashnikov orin agricultureand livestock farming. Got off topic...

In addition to medications, diabetics in our country are entitled to free means of administering insulin (syringes andsyringe pens) and needles for them , controls (glucometers) Andtest stripsto them, and for some reason no one needs ethyl alcohol..., as well as federal beneficiariesit's supposed toSpa treatment.

But again, all this is most likely on paper. Basically there is nothing of this, and if it happens, it is designed for a very tiny amount, which is not enough for everyone.

However, in all this darkness of hopelessness there is a ray of light. I believe that in our country the provision of children with diabetes is more or less at a high level. I understand that that amounttest strips, what they give out every month is a meager amount, but they give out regularly, at least here in Tatarstan, I can’t say for the country inin general. Children get the bestimportedinsulins, and regularly, unlike adults, who are now being en masse transferred toRosinsulin, provide freeglucometers. Currently, in many regions, including Tatarstan, there are programs to provide children with insulin pumps, and this is quite an expensive pleasure, if it is even possiblecall it pleasure.

Below I present benefits and payments, in addition to medication and technical support, that are entitled to children with disabilities due to diabetes and their parents or guardians.

  • social pension and supplements to itin size 11 445 , 09 Raccording toArt. 18 Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ "About statepension provision in the Russian Federation"(data as of April 1, 2015)
  • compensation payments to the unemployedable-bodiedparent or guardian,caring for a disabled child in the amount of5 500 R(see Decree President of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2013 N 175)
  • Pension benefits are provided for the parent or guardian providing care in the future (time of caring for a disabled child forschcounts towards work experience andThe mother of a disabled child has the right to early retirement if she raised him to 8 years of age and has 15 years of insurance experience).
  • Depending on the established disability group in accordance with the Federal Law“On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” EDV are installed,size which Ouchin 2015 amounted tofor disabled children - 2 123, 92R
  • The right to annual free sanatorium-resort treatment is granted not only to the child, but also to one accompanying parent or guardian.
  • According to the second part of the tax codeRF (Article 218) parents of disabled children under 18 years of age, and in the case of full-time education at an educational institution with the established 1st or 2nd group up to 24 years of age, are entitled to a standard tax deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles.
  • There are numerous benefits under labor law, housing and transport benefits.
  • There are educational benefits for disabled children.

For disabled adultson diabetesThe following benefits and benefits are provided:

  • Social pDisability pension depending on groupfrom April 1, 2015 (if there are dependents, the amount becomes larger depending on the number of dependents)
  • 1 group - 9538.20R
  • 2nd group - 4769.09R
  • Group 3 - 4053.75R
  • Monthly cash payment (MVD)is set depending on the group
  • 1 group - 3137.60R
  • Group 2 - 2240.72R
  • 3rd group - 1793.74R
  • Federal social supplement non-workerthawing pensioners, whythincome below the subsistence level
  • Guardians and persons caring for disabled adults are givenmonthlycompensation payment according toDecreeatPresident of the Russian Federation from26.12.2006 1455
  • A person accompanying a disabled person of group 1 is provided with a voucher and travel under the same conditions. Working disabled people are provided with a 50% benefit. Non-working people FREE (ticket + travel)
  • A set of social services, which includes free medicines, sanatorium treatment and free transport. The total amount is 930.12 rubles. If you refuse the social package. services, then you get this money, but lose everything else. Therefore, before refusing, you should think about drug provision. If your medications cost much more, then there is no point in giving up social services. no package
  • ANDdisabled people of groups 1 and 2 receive benefits in the field of education (admission without exams and payment of scholarships)
  • Housing and labor benefits
  • Tax benefits and deductions

Well, this is roughly how the state takes care of its citizens with diabetes, with or without disabilities. In any case, it’s good that we are getting at least some help at all. I understand that the help is not first class, Not everything is always and not always done, but everything listed is on paper, which means it can be implementedOin real life. Is it worth it to achieve everything?what you are owed, from the authorities, if you haven't received something, it's up to you to decide.

Finally, I want to say that you shouldn’t rely too much on government help.I know how muchlife is comfortable and expensive for people with disabilities or people with diabetes without disabilities, parents Withdisabled children. It's hard to stop hoping when you've done just that all your life.Nobody owes you anything, just like you too. Accept help as a giftwith thanks, and not as a matter of course and obligatory.To a gift horse, as they say...

If you think about it carefully, we are in a very comfortable positionand lives in the best country, compared to some other countries. I agree that somewhere, perhaps, it’s even better, but you need to accept life as it is and make efforts yourself if you want to change it, and notwait for gifts from fate, otherwise you risk staying on the edge.

Use your heads, start developing, read more and learn new things, tune your mind to effectively solve complex life problems, persevere through difficulties and don’t rely on anyone. This is how you will avoid bitter disappointments, maintaining in your soul a positive attitude towards life and an unshakable belief in success.Nurture the same qualities in your children, it will be much harder for them than for us.

And remember nand it's never too late to start your life from scratch! Doesn't matter , how your start began, the main thing, how your finish will end!

With warmth and care, endocrinologistDilyara Lebedeva