Book and colloquial speech as varieties of modern. rus. lit. language. Book and colloquial speech have written and oral forms

The assignment of words to a certain style is explained by the fact that words that have the same meaning can differ in emotional and stylistic coloring, therefore they are used in different styles (lack - deficit, liar - liar, squander - waste, cry - complain). In everyday dialogue, characteristic of oral speech, predominantly colloquial vocabulary is used. It does not violate the norms of literary speech, but its use is unacceptable in official communication (the words blotter, dryer are acceptable in colloquial speech, but are inappropriate in official communication).

Colloquial words are contrasted with book vocabulary, which includes words of scientific, technical, journalistic and official business styles. The lexical meaning of book words, their grammatical design and pronunciation are subject to the norms of the literary language, deviation from which is unacceptable.

Colloquial vocabulary is characterized by concrete meaning, while book vocabulary is predominantly abstract. The terms book and colloquial vocabulary are conditional; book words, typical for written speech, can be used orally, and colloquial words - in written form.

In the Russian language there is a large group of words, used in all styles and characteristic of both oral and written speech. They are called stylistically neutral.

16. Conversational style

Spoken speech is the oral form of the existence of language. The distinctive features of oral speech can be attributed entirely to the conversational style. However, the concept of “colloquial speech” is broader than the concept of “conversational style”. They cannot be mixed. Although the colloquial style is mainly realized in the oral form of communication, some genres of other styles are also realized in oral speech, for example: report, lecture, report, etc. Colloquial speech functions only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, friendship, family and etc. In the field of mass communication, colloquial speech is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. Conversational speech can also touch on other topics: for example, a conversation with family or a conversation between people in informal relationships about art, science, politics, sports, etc., a conversation between friends at work related to the speaker’s profession, conversations in public institutions, such as clinics, schools, etc.

In the sphere of everyday communication, a colloquial-everyday style functions. The main features of everyday conversational style:

1. Relaxed and informal nature of communication;

2. Reliance on the extra-linguistic situation, i.e. the immediate context of speech in which communication takes place. For example: Woman (before leaving home): What should I wear? (about the coat) This is it, or what? Or that? (about the jacket) Won't I freeze?

Listening to these statements and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what they are talking about. Thus, in colloquial speech, the extra-linguistic situation becomes an integral part of communication.

3. Lexical variety: general book vocabulary, terms, foreign borrowings, words of high stylistic coloring, and even some facts of vernacular, dialects and jargons. This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks, and secondly, by the implementation of colloquial speech in two tones - serious and comic, and in the latter case it is possible to use a variety of elements.

4. Conversational speech is characterized by emotionally expressive assessments of a subjective nature, since the speaker acts as a private person and expresses his personal opinion and attitude. Very often this or that situation is assessed in a hyperbolic way: “Wow! It’s crazy!”, “There are a sea of ​​flowers in the garden!”, “I’m thirsty! I’ll die!” It is typical to use words in a figurative sense, for example: “Your head is a mess!”

5. The presence of colloquial vocabulary, which is heterogeneous:

A vernacular that is on the verge of literary use, not rude in nature, somewhat familiar; for example: potatoes instead of potatoes, ingenuity instead of ingenuity, become instead of happen;

Extraliterary, rude colloquialism, for example: drive up instead of achieve, plop instead of fall;

6. Availability of colloquial vocabulary, which includes:

Colloquial professionalisms, slang words (pleisir - pleasure, fun; plein air - nature),

Argotisms (to split - to betray; new guy, new kid - young, inexperienced),

Slang vocabulary can be associated with the age community of generations (for example, in the language of youth: spurs (crib), pair (deuce).

All these categories of words have a narrow sphere of distribution; in terms of expression, they are characterized by extreme reduction.

7. The originality of syntactic structures, which also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles, interjections, constructions of a phraseological nature are typical: “They tell you and tell you - and all to no avail!”, “Where are you going? There’s dirt!” and so on.

Characteristic of colloquial speech is silence, incompleteness of statements, an abundance of ellipses and incomplete sentences, numerous repetitions, inserted constructions, the predominance of coordinating sentences over subordinating ones, and the dialogical nature of the statement.

In a conversational style the following are presented:

Frozen structures that cannot be clearly divided (what is true is true; what is harmful is harmful);

Constructions with uncontrollable forms (homework is in order);

- “dismemberment” and connecting structures (I respect her - for her honesty and integrity; I’ll go home. To my granddaughter);

Sentences with a “displaced” construction (I don’t even know where to get water), etc.

Book style.

Book speech must be built according to the norms of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; sentences must be complete and logically connected to each other. Book speech serves the political, legislative, and scientific spheres of communication.

Colloquial - everyday style. Neutral vocabulary is used, although there are also colloquial words. Conversational words are distinguished by great semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

Colloquial speech not so strict in observing the norms of literary language. It allows the use of forms that are classified in dictionaries as colloquial. Colloquial speech is used in semi-formal meetings, meetings, etc. Book and colloquial speech have written And oral form.

Scientific style. Abstract, terminological vocabulary predominates: theory, problems, function, process, structure, mechanisms, methodology, content, principles, forms, methods, techniques. Its purpose is to provide an accurate and clear understanding of theoretical concepts. Words are used in a direct, nominative meaning. There is no figurative language or emotionality. The sentences are narrative in nature and predominantly have direct word order. As a type of scientific - is often considered technical style. Examples of technical terms are: bimetal, centrifuge, stabilizer; medical terms – X-ray, sore throat, diabetes; linguistic – morpheme, affix, inflection and etc.

Newspaper - journalistic style- this is the sharpness and brightness of the presentation, the author's passion. The goal is to influence the mind and feelings of the reader and listener. A variety of vocabulary is used: terms of literature and art, general literary words. The means of verbal expressiveness, artistic definition, and inversion are actively used. Developed stylistic constructions predominate, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are used. A very diverse vocabulary is used: terms of literature and art ( poet, work, image, poetry, artistic merit); common literary words ( mystery, personality, creation, reading). The journalistic style is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning: humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving. Many words have a high style connotation: to anticipate, to envisage, to anticipate, to admire. Means of verbal expressiveness are actively used, for example, artistic definition ( a true poet, living forms, a clear image, universal human content, were vaguely and vaguely sensed), inversion ( What should one do for this when studying his works?), expanded stylistic constructions predominate, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are used.

Formal - business style- this is a concise, compact presentation, economical use of language. Clichés are used ( We gratefully acknowledge; We inform you that...; in case of manifestation; We will inform you further), verbal nouns ( receiving, considering, manifesting). The document is characterized by “dryness” of presentation, lack of expressive means, and the use of words in their literal meaning: plenum, session, decision, resolution, resolution. A special group within the official business vocabulary is formed by clericalisms: listen(report), read out(solution), forward, incoming(number).

The concept of modern Russian literary language and

Trends in its development

Language, Russian

When we talk about modern Russian literary language, then we mean, firstly, the state of the language in a certain historical period and, secondly, the name of the main linguistic course among philological disciplines.

Language- this is a form of reflection of real reality in the human mind, which is expressed by a natural, historically established and developing system of sound, lexical (verbal) and grammatical means intended for communication in human society.

Language reveals the functional needs of the individual in society: it forms consciousness, stores and transmits the experience of generations, unites people in their practical activities, and is the material basis of works of art.

Russian the language was formed as the language of the Russian nation, a historically established community of people united by the unity of territory, economy, psychological structure and language. Russian language has a long and complex history. By its origin, it belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, the Slavic branch, the East Slavic group ( Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian), western group ( Polish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian), southern group ( Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian). The formation of the Russian language from Old Russian dates back to the 14th century. This period is characterized by the development of a language focused on the dialect of Moscow and its surrounding settlements. And the completion of the development of the Russian language dates back to the first decades of the 19th century.

Modern Russian language

Concept modern Russian language used in different meanings. In the broad understanding of the term “modern”, which prevails in linguistic literature, this is the language “from A.S. Pushkin to the present day." The role of the great Russian poet in the formation of the modern Russian literary language is explained by the fact that he not only streamlined the artistic means of the Russian national language, but also significantly enriched its lexical, grammatical and stylistic resources.

Works of A. S. Pushkin- truly a definite milestone in the history of the Russian literary language. His works are still read with ease and pleasure, while the works of his predecessors and even many of his contemporaries are read with some difficulty: one feels that they wrote in a language that now looks outdated.

When reading the works of A.S. We don't need Pushkin translators. Speech communication retains its spontaneity; it is direct communication. Therefore, the opinion about the modern Russian language from the era of Pushkin to the present day is quite realistic.

Supporters of such a chronological framework of the modern Russian language argue that the language is one of the most stable phenomena.

In recent years, points of view have emerged on the possibility of narrowing the historical period to which the modern Russian literary language is usually attributed. Thus, the famous scientist M.V. Panov proposes to consider the language of the mid-second half of the 20th century modern. Without a doubt, the language of the late 20th century. It differs from the language of Pushkin's era phonetically, lexically, semantically and grammatically.

In a number of linguistic works, the language of the 20th century is called modern, distinguishing between two chronological periods: from October 1917 to April 1985 and from April 1985 to the present.

The October Revolution led to radical changes in the state and economic structure of the country. A powerful totalitarian state was created - the USSR. This is reflected in linguistic processes: on the one hand, many words suddenly become historicisms, going into the passive reserve of the language (tsar, nobleman, merchant, shopkeeper, policeman, volost, district, etc.); on the other hand, the vocabulary of the Russian language begins to be intensively replenished with new words reflecting new state and social realities (RSDLP, NKVD, NEP, Bolshevik, pioneer, Komsomol, collective farm, etc.). Many place names (cities, streets) are being actively renamed. These and other facts were supposed to indicate a complete renewal of the life of the country.

All these changes could not but affect the language system. It should be noted that the vocabulary of the Russian language has significantly expanded with new words and the process of updating a large number of words that previously belonged to the passive stock (business, commercialization, management, realtor, computer, floppy disk, file, consensus, governor, strike, private owner, charity, gymnasium, lyceum and many others).

Literary language

The basis of the modern Russian language is the literary language, the system of norms of which is considered universally binding, enshrined in dictionaries.

The Russian literary language emerged as a result of the interaction of the Russified version of the ancient Slavic literary language (Church Slavonic) and the literary language that developed from living Russian folk speech.

Modern rus. A literary language is a generally binding, fixed in use, “exemplary” language. Lit. language is the language of writing, science, culture, art. literature, school and higher education. Lit. language literally means written language.

A literary language is a historically developed, processed form of a national language, or national language, understood by speakers of a particular language as exemplary.

One of the most important features of a literary language as the highest form of a national language is:

1) him normativity;

In addition, signs include:

2) processing;

3) multifunctionality;

4) supra-dialectality;

5) standard;

6) the presence of oral and written forms of speech implementation.

1) Standards exist for both oral and written speech. For example, accentological (stress) and orthoepic (pronunciation) norms relate to oral speech; Orthographic (spelling) and punctuation norms are characteristic of written speech. Word formation, lexical, morphological, syntactic norms must be observed in oral and written speech.

2) Processing. “The first who perfectly understood this was Pushkin,” wrote A.M. Gorky, he was the first to show how the speech material of the people should be used, how it should be processed.” A.S. Pushkin believed that any word is acceptable if it accurately, figuratively expresses the concept, conveys the meaning.

And in the future, Russian writers and poets took part in the enrichment of the Literary language: Krylov, Griboyedov, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov, etc. Scientists, cultural and artistic figures, journalists, radio workers participate in the processing of the Russian Literary language and television.

3) Multifunctionality: the literary language must convey information that is very different in content: from an everyday story to a complex scientific message;

4) Trans-dialectality, because The Literary language becomes widespread and becomes universally binding for all members of a given community.

5) Standardity: the literary language maintains internal unity and integrity, otherwise it will lose its universal binding nature.

6) Literary language: oral and written forms, book and colloquial speech

Literary language has two forms - oral and written, which are characterized by features both from the lexical composition and from the grammatical side of the grammatical structure, since they are designed for different types of perception - auditory and visual. Written literary language differs from oral language in the greater complexity of syntax, the predominance of abstract vocabulary, as well as terminological vocabulary.

Book and colloquial speech as varieties of modern. rus. lit. language

The modern Russian literary language is usually divided into two varieties: book speech and colloquial speech.

Book speech mainly written, spoken - oral.

In modern research, book speech is defined as literary, mainly written speech, which is characterized by:

(I) general literary and specific book and written language means;

(2) codification (from lat. Codex- book and codification - systematization) - description of the set of rules for the use of language units, their ordering and systematization in textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, manuals, etc.;

(3) functional styles of speech: official business, scientific and journalistic.

Colloquial speech- this is the speech of native speakers of a literary language, functioning orally in conditions of relaxed, unprepared communication. It is characterized by:

(I) expressive language means: big guy, forgetful, run over, crush, big;

(2) extralinguistic signs: unpreparedness, informality of the speech situation, gestures and facial expressions.

Both book and colloquial speech can be presented in both oral and written forms, despite the initial predominance: book speech - written, colloquial - oral.

Thus, a scientific article for a magazine is a book speech in written form. A speech at a conference with the same article is a book speech in oral form. A letter to a colleague with impressions of the conference - spoken language in written form. A story among colleagues about a trip to a conference is colloquial speech in its oral form.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “literary language” and “language of fiction”. Literary language- this is standardized book and written speech in its functional styles. Language of fiction- this is the author’s speech, in which m.b. dialect and vernacular speech, author's new formations, changes and increments in the meanings of words, etc. are included. (M. Sholokhov, V. Shukshin).

Of the many properties of the modern Russian literary language, first of all, it is necessary to highlight the following:

(1) the ability to express all the knowledge accumulated by humanity in all areas of its activity, from which it follows that the literary language is applicable in all areas of communication;

(2) the universality of its norms;

(3) stylistic richness.

New conditions for the functioning of the modern Russian literary language at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. define it new properties and trends:

(1) The large number and diversity of participants in mass communication (by age, education, official position, religious and social views).

(2) A significant weakening of official censorship, which allows more relaxed, free, open expression of one's opinions, thoughts and feelings.

(3) The predominance of oral (“not written”), often spontaneous speech, which is facilitated by communication situations: rallies, negotiations, debates, etc. Lack of preparation, spontaneous speech, including people speaking publicly, lead to a decrease in speech culture.

(4) A noticeable trend is a decrease in interest in the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR that have become independent states, a reduction in its study and functioning as a language of interethnic communication.

Related information.

1. What is oral speech?

2. What is written speech?

3. What is included in the concept of “colloquial speech”?

4. What is “book speech”?

The Russian language exists in oral and written form.

Oral speech is spoken speech, which presupposes the presence of verbal improvisation, which always takes place in the speaking process - to a greater or lesser extent (this depends on the preparedness for the statement, on its nature, etc.). Oral (spoken) speech is designed for semantic perception created at the moment of speaking the spoken speech. At the university, the teacher uses the oral form of literary speech and strives to ensure that students perfectly master this form of language - no less than the written one.

Written speech is speech recorded in writing; it is designed for visual perception (art, scientific works, articles in newspapers and magazines, business documentation - certificates, acts, protocols, etc.).

Both oral and written speech can be spoken or bookish.

Colloquial speech is speech used in everyday communication.

Book speech is speech used in works of art, scientific books, newspapers, business papers, as well as in reports, lectures, messages, etc.

There are complex interactions between the spoken (as well as written) form of a language and its styles.

Let's compare several texts on the same topic, which have characteristics of different styles.

I. A melody is a monophonic sequence of sounds organized in modal and metro-rhythmic relationships. The melody is based on an arpeggiated arrangement of sounds, in which not a single note is lost or obscured by another. In the second section of development, clear melodic contours are lost...

(From a textbook on elementary music theory)

The text is in a scientific style.

II. “... a sweet, passionate melody captured the heart from the first sound; she was all shining, all languishing with inspiration, happiness, beauty, she grew and melted...

(I. Turgenev)

The text refers to the artistic style. The author figuratively and emotionally conveyed his impressions of the melody.

III. - Well, what a concert!

I like it. I advise you to listen to this group. But in general the reaction of the audience was very different. Some were delighted with the music, others had absolute indifference on their faces...

And I actually regret that I went. Lost time. The group, of course, is not bad, but I’m not a fan of rock, I don’t perceive such rhythms, tempo, melodic contours.

The text has features of a conversational style. The text is emotional. The dialogical form enhances these features.

More on the topic §4. Two forms of existence of language. Colloquial and book speech:

  2. Book vocabulary. Book vocabulary groups. Derivational features of book words. Stylistic notes in explanatory dictionaries characterizing the book form of the modern language.
  3. Conversational vocabulary. Spoken vocabulary groups. Derivational features of colloquial words. Stylistic notes in explanatory dictionaries characterizing the colloquial form of the modern language.
  4. 50. colloquial speech as a special functional variety of language. Main features. Conditions for effective communication. Communication failures and their causes.

In this lesson you will learn what our statements depend on, which speech is called colloquial and which is bookish, where it is used

- What a bright toy! Painted in crimson, yellow, green.

- And the face is white. The eyes and mouth are drawn with dots.

- On the skirt, look how beautiful the Christmas trees and suns are!

- He holds a bird in his hands.

Miracles made of clay.

Almost all Filimonov toys are whistles. They were believed to ward off evil spirits. The prototype of the Filimonov lady with a chicken-whistle in her hands was a pagan female deity who personified fertility. This is what is depicted on embroidered towels, surrounded by birds, which signified warmth, and horses, in which our ancient ancestors saw the Sun. The Slavic goddess, traveling through time, tried to keep up with fashion. INXIXcentury, young ladies dressed up in bell-shaped skirts and fashionable hats with feathers.

The 1st passage is a dialogue, colloquial speech. He is characterized by short phrases and emotionality.

2nd excerpt - prepared monologue, book speech.

Prove that the passage is written in a conversational style

...I come home, and my mother asks:

- How are you? What did you receive today?

“I got a deuce,” I say, “I got it, that’s what!”

Mom looked at me and shook her finger:

- Oh, sly one, you know that today is the first of April, so you’re playing it. Show me your diary soon,” and she laughed.

I didn't feel like laughing at all. What a laugh if it turned out that I was playing a prank on myself...(Yu. Ermolaev)

Mother and son are talking in an informal setting.

Determine your speaking style. Find words and expressions characteristic of this style.

- What is Italy like?

- Italy, son, is good. It’s hot there, there’s a lot of sun, all kinds of fruits grow, they’re sweet and tasty. Everyone there walks black from the sun, but there is no winter at all.(Yu. Kazakov)

This is colloquial speech. Characterized by ease of conversation and the use of everyday vocabulary: Italy is good, it’s hot there, all kinds of fruits are black from the sun, not at all.

Imagine that on Saturday your class is going to a museum. You need, firstly, to announce the excursion to the students in the class, and secondly, tell your parents about it.

Compose two texts.

In which of them will you use colloquial speech, and in which - bookish?

Book speech.

Attention! On Saturday, 3rd grade students are invited to an excursion to the Russian Museum. The tour starts at 12 o'clock. Topic: “Russian artistic crafts.” You will get acquainted with the wonderful works of old folk masters. The guide will tell you about the history of its origin, the path of development and the traditions of each craft.

Colloquial speech.

Mom, our class is going on an excursion to the Russian Museum on Saturday. I really want to go. Last time I liked the toys from the village of Filimonovo. I'm interested in seeing other clay and wood products.

In the lesson, you learned that our statements depend on where we speak, with whom and why, that is, on the speech situation. Speech is divided into colloquial and bookish. Colloquial speech is used in casual conversations between familiar people, usually in a homely, informal setting.

Book speech is addressed to many people. It is used in books, newspapers, radio and television, in official speeches and conversations.


  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N. S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003.
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.


  1. Read the texts. Determine where the speech is colloquial and where it is bookish.

    Along with the dampness came the time for mushrooms. They were seen everywhere in abundance... Their bizarre outlines resembled some kind of fantastic, unearthly world. There seemed to be no end to the variety of shapes and colors. Mushrooms are pink, like icing sugar, gray and silky, like the skin of a cat, mushrooms with caps curved up and exposing their plates, like the pages of a book, or like umbrellas turned inside out by the wind... (J. Darrell)

    How I love wandering through the forest! Oh look! A boletus hid in the grass. His hat is dark brown. The leg is plump and light. What a handsome man! It’s a shame to cut such a mushroom! Let's take a picture of him first!

  2. Read the text. How could you discuss this topic with your friend? Write the text in a conversational style.
    Did you know that once an unprecedented rain of silver coins fell in Meshchery, and in 1904 a hurricane with rain of wheat swept over Spain? At different times, the inhabitants of the planet observed rains of jellyfish, frogs, etc.
  3. Imagine that you and your class went on an excursion to a museum. Now you must describe the exhibit first from the position of a tour guide, and then share your impressions with a friend. What style do you think the first text will be? Will it be a monologue or dialogue? What about the second text? Find information and compose texts.
  1. Internet portal ().
  2. Internet portal ().