What does a day hospital at a clinic mean? Day hospital at the clinic

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The data set allows you to obtain information about day hospitals and see their location on the map, as well as the exact address, opening hours and other contact information. For example, in Eastern administrative district There are 12 day hospitals, of which:

· 7 day hospitals at city clinics;

· 1 day hospital at a psychoneurological dispensary;

· 1 day hospital at a drug treatment clinic;

· 1 day hospital of the outpatient department of the city hospital.

There are a total of 158 day hospitals in Moscow.

A day hospital is a structural unit of a medical and preventive institution, including outpatient clinics, hospitals, clinics, medical research and educational institutions and is intended for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation activities patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision, using modern medical technologies in accordance with standards and protocols for patient management.

Day hospital - this is a special department in a medical institution where additional treatment, prescribed by the attending physician, while patients are in the hospital only during the daytime.

The day hospital performs the following functions:

· Conducting health and therapeutic measures.

· Carrying out complex and complex therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.

· Selection of adequate therapy

· Aftercare after discharge from hospitals

The current situation with day hospitals in Russia

An analysis of the reporting data of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation showed that in 2001, 8336 day hospitals were organized and operated in institutions of the Russian Federation various types in which almost 130 thousand beds were deployed, 3.6 million people received medical care there. Overall in Russian Federation behind last years the number of day hospitals based on medical institutions increased by 3.8 times, on the basis of hospital institutions - by 12.4 times, and the number of hospitals at home increased by 4.4 times.

Day hospitals based on outpatient clinics are the most widespread form of organization among all hospital-replacing technologies.

In recent years, the number of day hospitals based on outpatient clinics has increased 4.9 times and amounted to 4,721. In the Russian Federation, the provision of day hospital beds for the population was 12.5 per 10 thousand population.

Current situation in day hospitals in Moscow

In 2007, the city operated 194 day hospitals in outpatient clinics and city hospitals with a total bed capacity of 408 beds, in which 102,064 patients were treated. In total, 6,487 sick children were treated in 2007, with average duration treatment of a child in day hospitals (children from 0-17 years old) was 5 days.

The data set allows you to get detailed information about objects, see their location on the map. For each day hospital you can see its full name, exact address, work schedule, full list work performed and functions performed, website and other contact information. In addition, for the convenience of users, information about the head of the institution is published in the data set - his full name, position, contact phone number and email address.

Do you know what?

For the first time, hospital-replacing forms medical care were created in Russia in the 30s. In 1930-31 on the basis of the psychoneurological hospital named after. P.B. Gannushkina day hospital was opened. It served as an intermediate link between the hospital and the dispensary.

The intensification of work on the creation of hospital-substituting forms of medical care, which began in the 60s, made it possible to evaluate positive aspects their activities, justify their medical and organizational feasibility.

In the 80s, the activities of day hospitals were regulated by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 1278 of December 16, 1987 “On the organization of hospitals (departments, wards) day stay in hospitals, day hospitals in clinics and hospitals at home.” Taking into account a number of advantages in treating patients in non-hospital conditions, day hospitals were organized in various cities and with various profiles.

Naturally, there are many advantages of such treatment. Here are some of them:

  • Ability to lead a normal lifestyle. The main thing is to arrive for all prescribed procedures on time and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Possibility to choose your own menu. Again, it is important not to deviate from the prescribed diet and to eat only approved foods prepared in the appropriate way.
  • Stay and sleep in familiar conditions. If someone spends the night in an unfamiliar place, on an unusual bed, in a room with strangers, causes serious stress - this can adversely affect the results of treatment.
  • Full-fledged treatment course . Treatment and consultations in day hospital are a course identical to traditional inpatient treatment.
  • Opportunity to live a comfortable social life. Day hospital is often chosen by women during pregnancy, as well as patients with oncological diseases for a course of chemotherapy.

Of course, this method of treatment also has its disadvantages.

  • No 24/7 surveillance. If something goes wrong, things get worse, or the medicine gives unexpected results. side effect– you will have to call an ambulance or get to the clinic yourself. And all this takes time.
  • Failure to comply with doctor's recommendations. Naturally, if a person diagnosed diabetes does necessary procedures, and after leaving the clinic he goes straight to the diner to swallow burgers, pouring them with mayonnaise and lemonade - positive results there is no need to wait for treatment.
  • The need for regular visits. Still, I feel sorry for the time spent on the road. And you need to get to the clinic strictly at the appointed time. And if the clinic is very far away, you involuntarily ask the question: “wouldn’t it be easier to just lie down without leaving?”

In general, that's all. As you can see, the only probable risk factor in treatment is the patient himself. If you miss a dose of a drug, are tempted by a forbidden treat, or miss a visit to the clinic, all hopes for a quick and full recovery may collapse. But active, business-like and responsible people usually go to day care, so there shouldn’t be any problems with organization.

Who needs a day hospital and why?

As already mentioned, for the most part, day care is the choice of business people who cannot just go on vacation and do own health thoroughly. Still, this is a significant time saving.

The following people come to the day hospital of the Medicine 24/7 clinic:

  • women during pregnancy, because expectant mothers have so many other concerns;
  • people with cancer undergo chemotherapy courses, as this procedure should be carried out an experienced doctor, sometimes impossible with the use of special equipment and at home;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • condition after myocardial infarction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • disorders of central and peripheral circulation;
  • chronic ischemia brain;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • neuritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • diabetes(including with complications);
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and a number of other diseases are successfully treated or controlled in a day hospital.

For successful treatment in the “Medicine 24/7” clinic, the main thing is the patient’s willingness to act in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, to follow a diet and regimen during treatment, and not to forget that the doctor is always in touch, and, if something happens, not to rely on the dubious advice of “sofa doctors" on the Internet, and inform the doctor about any changes in the condition.

Regulations on the organization of day hospital activities in medical and preventive institutions

General provisions

1. Regulations on day care.

1.1. A day hospital is a diagnostic and treatment department that is part of a medical and preventive institution, including outpatient clinics, hospitals, and clinics of medical educational institutions.

1.2. The day hospital is intended to carry out preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision, using modern medical technologies in accordance with the standards and protocols for patient management.

1.3. In its activities, the day hospital of a medical institution is guided by legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, governing bodies healthcare of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Program of State Guarantees for Providing Citizens of the Russian Federation with Free Medical Care, the Order on Staffing Standards medical personnel No. 000 of 1979, SanPiN and these Regulations.

1.4. The bed capacity and profile of a day hospital are determined by the head of the medical and preventive institution in which it was created, in agreement with the relevant health care authority, taking into account the existing health care infrastructure, as well as the morbidity of the population.

According to the profile, day stay beds are structural part bed capacity of the department (ward).

The capacity of a hospital is determined by the number of round-the-clock and day-care beds.

Registration of day care beds in hospitals and the movement of patients is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

The procedure for referral and hospitalization to a day hospital, the conditions for discharge or transfer to a medical institution are approved by the head of the medical institution.

The operating hours of the day hospital are determined by the head of the medical institution, taking into account the volume of medical activities carried out in 2 shifts; if necessary, work in 3 shifts is possible.

Medical and medicinal assistance the population in a day hospital is provided within the framework of the territorial Program of State Guarantees for providing citizens of the Russian Federation with free medical care, as well as on the basis of voluntary health insurance or paid medical services in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

In day care units at hospitals, the number of medical staff positions is determined according to the current staffing standards provided for departments of the corresponding profile. Meals in drug treatment , psychiatric , phthisiatric, psychoneurological and pediatric day hospital departments is carried out at the expense of the medical institution. Two meals a day.

Patients are admitted to the day hospital from doctors' offices in outpatient clinics, prevention departments, specialized institutions, as well as from hospitals.

In the day hospital, established medical records and reports are maintained:

Medical record of an inpatient (form 003-u);

Journal of admission of patients and refusals of hospitalization (form 001-u);

List of medical prescriptions;

The book for issuing certificates of incapacity for work (form 036-u) is located in the office “Med. Part";

Card of a patient being treated in physiotherapeutic department (form 044);

Journal of procedures (form 029-u);

Notice of side effect medicinal product(form 093-у);

Transfusion media transfusion registration sheet (form 005-u);

Journal of registration of transfusion of transfusion media (form 009-u);

Log entry surgical interventions(form 008-у);

Statistical card of a person leaving the hospital (form 066);

Sheet for recording the movement of patients and hospital beds (form 007-u);

The activities of the day hospital are carried out in accordance with the work plan approved by the administration of the institution.

The management of the day hospital is carried out by the head (in the absence of a vacated position - by the chief physician or one of his deputies).

1.11 Control over the activities of the day hospital is carried out by the head of the medical institution and (or) the deputy for medical affairs and the clinical expert commission of the medical institution.

1.12. The day hospital has internal rules for patients, approved by the head of the institution.

1.13.Equipment of a day hospital medical equipment, tools and dressing materials is produced at the expense of medical and preventive institutions and attracted funds from industrial enterprises, institutions and organizations.

1.14. Examination, treatment and follow-up treatment in a day hospital are carried out with extensive use of the capabilities of diagnostic and treatment units based on the interaction and interrelation of doctors of these units.

1.15. Consultation of patients in day hospitals is carried out by specialists from this institution.

1.16. The organization and liquidation of a day hospital is carried out by decision of the head of the medical institution in agreement with the relevant health authority.

2. Regulations on hospitalization at home.

2.1. Inpatient care at home provides medical care at home.

2.2. Inpatient care at home is organized on the basis of a medical and preventive institution:

Outpatient clinic;

Women's consultation;

A specialized dispensary and is its structural division.

2.3. Observation and treatment of patients in a hospital at home is carried out by a local therapist, medical specialist, and local medical officer. clinic nurse.

2.4. Medical institutions, the structural unit of which is a hospital at home, provides the doctor with transport.

2.5. The management of a hospital at home can be carried out by one of the managers therapeutic department(clinic, hospital), who visits the patient at home 1-2 times during the treatment period in order to monitor the quality of diagnosis and correct treatment.

2.6. The selection of patients for inpatient treatment at home is carried out by the attending physician of a hospital or outpatient clinic in agreement with the head of the department.

2.7. The following are subject to inpatient treatment at home:

· patients discharged from the hospital to complete the course of therapy in their home bed under the supervision of a physician;

· sick moderate severity and severe in the absence of indications for hospitalization in a 24-hour hospital, such as:

Threat to the patient's life: acute cardiovascular failure, spicy respiratory failure, spicy liver failure, spicy renal failure, acute disorder cerebral circulation, shock of various etiologies, acute poisoning, coma of various etiologies, acute heart attack myocardium;

The threat of the above violations occurring on the first day;

The need for constant medical supervision;

The impossibility of carrying out diagnostic and therapeutic measures in an outpatient setting;

The need to perform treatment procedures around the clock;

Isolation for epidemiological reasons;

Threat to the life and health of others.

· patients in need of rehabilitation treatment if it is impossible to carry it out on an outpatient basis;

· patients with chronic diseases for planned treatment.

2.8. The inpatient at home uses in its work all the advisory, treatment and diagnostic services available in the treatment and preventive institution.

2.9. The operating hours of a hospital at home are established by the head of the institution in accordance with the needs of the population for this type of care and local conditions.

2.10. To adjust treatment and prolong the leaflet temporary disability A clinical expert commission is carried out at home within a time frame established by law on examination of temporary disability.

2.11. A report on the activities of hospitals at home is submitted in the prescribed manner and within the established time frame.

2.12. Duration working week doctor and hospital nurse at home is 38.5 hours.

2.13. On the weekend, holidays Inpatient appointments at home are performed by nurses on duty at an outpatient clinic; seriously ill patients are examined by the hospital doctor on duty.

2.14. If the patient's condition worsens, life-threatening conditions arise or round-the-clock medical supervision is necessary, the patient is transferred to a round-the-clock hospital.

2.15. The length of stay of a patient in a hospital at home is determined by the patient’s condition, on average 12 days, for gerontological patients - 14 days.

2.16. Payment for treatment of patients is made at the expense of the compulsory medical insurance fund upon presentation of invoices for services provided. medical services according to the profile of patients treated or for budget account.

Purpose and functions

1.1. The purpose of the day hospital is to improve the quality of medical care in outpatient clinics and inpatient conditions, as well as increasing the economic efficiency of medical institutions based on the introduction and widespread implementation of modern resource-saving medical technologies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

1.2. In accordance with this goal, the day hospital performs the following functions:

1.2.1 Selection of adequate therapy for patients with first-time established diagnosis disease or chronic patients with exacerbation of the process, change in the severity of the disease.

1.2.2 Conducting a comprehensive course treatment using modern medical technologies for patients who do not require round-the-clock medical supervision.

1.2.3. Implementation of rehabilitation and health complex course treatment for sick and disabled people, pregnant women women.

1.2.4. Reducing the incidence of morbidity with temporary disability.

1.2.5. Conducting an examination of the state of health, the degree of disability of citizens and resolving the issue of referral for a medical and social examination.

1.2.6. Carrying out comprehensive preventive and health activities persons at risk of increased morbidity, including occupational ones, as well as long-term and frequent illnesses.

Hospital at home.

2.1 The purpose of the work of a hospital at home is to improve the quality of provision of qualified and specialized assistance patients staying at home, development and improvement of new treatment methods aimed at developing out-of-hospital care and resource-saving technologies.

2.2. In accordance with this goal, the hospital at home performs the following functions:

2.2.1. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in accordance with indications for hospitals at home.

2.2.2. Aftercare of patients after the stage of intensive treatment using modern means and methods of out-of-hospital medical care.

2.2.3 Relationship and continuity with various treatment and preventive social security institutions.

Structure and staff

Day hospital on the basis of outpatient clinics and hospitals

3.1. The structure of a day hospital may include:

· wards equipped necessary equipment and inventory;

· treatment room;

2.7. Label cleaning equipment, ensure its safety and keep it in a designated place.

3. Rights

A nurse at a day hospital has the right to:

3.1. Require visitors to maintain cleanliness and order in the premises.

3.2. Make demands on the head of the day hospital to create necessary conditions to perform their duties.

4. Performance appraisal and responsibility

The assessment of the work of a nurse at a day hospital is carried out by the manager, doctors and the nurse responsible for the sanitary and hygienic condition of the day hospital based on an analysis of her performance of her duties. functional responsibilities, compliance with internal regulations, labor discipline.

The day hospital nurse is responsible for poor performance of the duties provided for in this job description.