Monthly cash payments (MCP). Monthly cash payments to federal beneficiaries The procedure for paying EDV to federal beneficiaries

The payment provided to disabled people of various categories, veterans and other needy persons once a month, designated as EDV, is social support. In addition to a certain amount, the EDV includes a set of social benefits. services or NSO (free travel, vouchers, etc.). The EDV has been in effect since 2005 with the goal of providing people with disabilities and other socially protected persons with acceptable living conditions. However, since 2019, EDV has not been paid to working pensioners. Read on to find out what features are inherent in the cash payment in question, under what conditions and how much you can count on.

Who is entitled to EDV and where to apply?

They have the right to apply for social assistance:

Persons with acquired or disability from birth (childhood);

Former concentration camp prisoners who were under 18 years of age at the time of captivity;

Heroes and holders of the orders of labor and glory;

Victims of the Chernobyl accident;

Combat veterans.

It is also possible to issue EDV for a third child born after 2012 and living in a region with a difficult demographic situation.

Grounds for paying EDV to disabled people

First of all, it is important to have a disability group (1,2 or 3). This fact is confirmed by an extract from the report received during the survey within the framework of ITU. Among other things, EDV is awarded to disabled people who belong to a special category - these are combat disabled people. WWII, those who suffered as a result of man-made disasters and prisoners of concentration camps.

Depending on the basis, one or another amount is formed. If there are several grounds (for example, we are talking about a disabled person of group 1, a former prisoner of a concentration camp), the applicant is given the opportunity to choose on which of the two grounds he will receive money.

As for obtaining information on the nuances regarding payments, its main source is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In the territorial office of this institution, specialists must:

Determine the grounds for obtaining EDV;

Help write the appropriate application;

Tell me what documents are required, what is missing, etc.

The application should be made at the applicant’s place of residence.

How is the monthly cash payment for disabled people calculated?

When determining the amount, various factors are taken into account. The maximum in rubles is 5000, and the minimum is 600. For example, the category to which a disabled person belongs is taken into account. Those who have the status of a hero of the Russian Federation, the USSR, are a holder of the Order of Glory, the Order of the Customs Union, etc. have the right to count on the summation of payments.

Steps to register EDV

The algorithm as a whole consists of three specific steps:

1. After assigning a disability group, you can immediately submit documents to the Pension Fund.

2. As soon as the papers are accepted, they are checked (usually no more than 10-15 days from the date of application). If everything is in order, specialists generate a notification about the accrual of EDV.

3. Direct assignment and issuance of funds, occurring from the 1st day of the month following the month of circulation. A specific amount will be added to the pension every month.

What documents does a disabled person need to accrue EDV?

Based on the previously mentioned grounds and the category of citizen, you will need to collect a package of documents with minor differences. In general, you may need:

Passport or residence permit;

Application for payment;

Extract from the ITU act (as evidence of disability of 1, 2 or 3 groups)

A document giving an idea of ​​the preferred method of delivering funds.

A disabled person from combat or WWII will need appropriate identification (for example, a military ID, etc.). And the extract from the act states that there is a direct connection between the disability group and the injury.

If the applicant survived the consequences of a man-made disaster, he cannot do without a certificate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidator, as well as an extract indicating that the group was assigned as a result of radiation exposure, radiation sickness, etc.

Experts recommend submitting documents before October 1 of the current year.

Features of filing an application for payment of EDV

Only a correctly executed document will be accepted for consideration, so we pay attention to the points that are mandatory:

Full name of the applicant and his passport details;

Exact residential address, plus obligations to submit data if the place changes;

The basis on which the amount of payment will be determined;

Date of application with signature.

Accompanying papers are attached to the application. If a guardian or relative is involved in the registration, you will need a certified power of attorney. The payment will be counted from the date of application for it, but at this moment the disabled person must have the right to receive funds.

Please note that if there is no account, representatives of the Pension Fund of Russia will open one to transfer the amount. If the recipient is a minor or incapacitated, the account is created in the name of his representative. And if the beneficiary dies, funds not withdrawn from the account can be inherited.

Amount of daily allowance for disabled people in 2019

The payment is fixed and, for example, for disabled people 1 group from February 1, 2019 is equal to3.782,94 rubles. The size of the payment can be influenced by choosing the form of NSS (in kind or cash).

At the same time, disabled people 2 groups are entitled to 2,701.67 rubles, A third group - 2,162.62 rubles. And here changes are possible if, say, a person has a disability group and is a participant in the Second World War. Then he has a chance to receive a payment based on one of the bases (as a rule, the one that is larger is accrued).

NSO for disabled people

A set of social services is included in the EDV and, if desired, can be replaced by a specific amount. In 2019, for example, disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 will be charged 1,121.42 rubles (monthly) if they refuse the NSU. In general, holders of all categories of disability receive the following benefits:

Free trip once a year to the place of treatment (the benefit also applies to the accompanying person);

Providing orthopedic shoes and dental prosthetics services free of charge;

Free dressings, medicines and medical products, if you have a doctor’s prescription for them;

Medicine provision within 863.75 rubles;

Vouchers to a sanatorium (up to several times during the year);

Shortening the working week (if we are talking about a disabled pensioner);

Non-competitive admission to a university, etc.;

Discounts on public transport;

30 days vacation if the working week is 6 days;

Ability to work 35 hours a week without salary reduction;

50% discount on payment for utilities;

The right to purchase a plot of land near your place of residence;

Caring for those in need, providing food and other assistance.

It is necessary to formalize the refusal from the NSO in full or in part and write an application for the issuance of money before October 1 of this year.

Changing the group and paying EDV to disabled people

If a lower or higher group was established, payments are subject to recalculation. This will happen on the basis of a report that will be received by the Pension Fund from the ITU Bureau after the examination. That is, you do not need to write an application.

If a disability group entitles you to a larger amount of EDV, it will be paid from the date of assignment of the new disability group. When the payment is reduced, it is accrued from the 1st day of the month following the one for which the previous disability group was assigned.

When does EDV increase?

This payment may change as a plus every year during indexation. For example, on February 1, 2019, the EDV increased by 4.3%. Also, making a larger payment will allow you to waive the NSO, since the funds are added up.

When is EDV denied?

Reasons for refusal will be:

Lack of status required to assign funds (World War II participant, disabled person, etc.);

Errors when filling out the application;

The documents attached to the application do not comply with the law.

Advantages and disadvantages of EDV

The type of social assistance considered has a number of advantages:

This is additional monthly support;

Not the smallest payments for some categories;

Possibility to register NSO.

Among the negative aspects stand out:

Unavailability of payments for all citizens;

It is not always possible to combine EDV and NSO, and sometimes you have to partially refuse funds.

In addition to standard forms of state support, certain groups of residents of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a special type of social support - a monthly cash payment. A monthly cash payment is assigned to citizens and pensioners who have an additional preferential status, duly confirmed.

What is EDV and to whom is it paid?

EDV is a compensation payment that is paid to citizens from the federal budget and does not depend on the fact of establishing a pension.

As of 2019-2020, monthly cash payments are provided for social security of the following groups of beneficiaries:

  1. subjects having one of three groups;
  2. citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the accident at;
  3. persons with status in certain categories;
  4. subjects who have special merits in the form of state awards, etc.;
  5. former minor prisoners of fascism;
  6. other groups of beneficiaries directly specified in regulatory legal acts.
Note! EDV for old-age pensioners can be established only if recipients of pension payments can additionally confirm the presence of a special status.

Legislative regulation

Since there is no unified law on EDV, monthly cash payments in 2019-2020 will be assigned and transferred according to the norms of the following legal acts:

  1. in relation to certain groups of veterans - Federal Law No. 5-FZ;
  2. for persons with a confirmed status of one of the disability groups - Federal Law No. 181-FZ;
  3. for entities with preferential status of Chernobyl victims - RF Law No. 1244-1;
  4. for citizens who have received certain state awards or noted for special merits - Federal Law No. 5-FZ and RF Law No. 4301-1.

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Payment terms

EDV in 2019-2020, as in previous years, is accrued when applying to the territorial departments of the Pension Fund. The assignment of this social benefit will be carried out regardless of the establishment of pension payments. To qualify for payments, it is not necessary to meet the conditions regulated for applying for a pension.

To exercise the right to apply for a benefit, the following circumstances must be taken into account:

  • within the framework of one specialized law, which provides for the possibility of a beneficiary to receive EDV simultaneously on several grounds, the payment is established on the basis with a higher monthly payment amount;
  • if a beneficiary has the right to receive benefits under several laws at once, he is obliged to make his own choice when contacting the Pension Fund department;
  • an exception to the above rules is contained only for Chernobyl victims; they have the right to simultaneously establish social benefits on two grounds.

For example, the establishment of EDV for disabled people who simultaneously have the status is carried out by officials of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by comparing the final amount of payments that the citizen will receive. In this case, there is no right to choose; the EDV will be established by the Pension Fund department according to a more advantageous option.

The procedure for paying EDV to federal beneficiaries

If a citizen is included in the list of persons entitled to receive social benefits of this nature, he must contact the local Pension Fund department to assign a payment.

When applying, you need to fill out an official application form, as well as submit documents, the composition of which will depend on the category of the beneficiary:

  • monthly cash payment will be assigned;
  • when a citizen submits an official certificate from the MSEC authorities regarding the establishment of a certain disability group;
  • monthly cash payments are assigned to combat veterans and other categories if their preferential status is confirmed by an official ID;
  • social payments for residents of besieged Leningrad are established on the basis of an appropriate certificate confirming residence in the besieged city;
  • monthly cash payments to survivor pensioners will be assigned by the Pension Fund of Russia department automatically upon confirmation of the right to a pension payment.
Note! If the applicant’s preferential status requires periodic confirmation (for example, in case of disability), a valid certificate is submitted to the Pension Fund department ITU certificate confirming disability..

For example, for disabled Chernobyl victims, the re-examination period is five years; for other disabled people, this procedure can be carried out annually. Establishing a monthly cash payment to the Pension Fund also requires the presentation of a civil passport and a SNILS certificate. It is possible to contact the authorized body through a representative; for this you need to have a notarized power of attorney.

The assignment of monthly payments to pensioners will be carried out simultaneously with the establishment of state support. Further confirmation of the right will be carried out according to the general rules.

Indexation and recalculation of EDV

The amount of the EDV is established by federal legislation and is subject to indexation according to the general rules of state social security.
This means that the amount of the EDV will be indexed simultaneously with the publication of the act on increasing pensions.

The amount of EDV assigned to disabled people is recalculated when another disability group is established. Moreover, it takes place without a declaration on the basis of an extract from the inspection report received by the Pension Fund of Russia from the ITU authorities.

In the direction of increase - from the date of establishment of the disability group giving the right to a higher monthly allowance.

Towards a decrease - when establishing a disability group that gives the right to a lower monthly allowance, it occurs from the 1st day of the month following the month for which the previous disability group was established.

Recalculation of the amount of EDV for family members of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory is carried out if the number of family members has changed. Such recalculation will be made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which these circumstances occurred.

Amount of payments in 2019-2020

The next indexation of the EDV amounts was carried out in February 2019, based on the actual consumer price growth index at the end of 2018.

Amount of monthly cash payment for certain categories of citizens in 2019 with a complete refusal of a set of social services compiled:

  • for disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 5403.22 rubles;
  • for citizens who took part in the Second World War, prisoners with disabilities - 4052.40 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 1 - 3782.94 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 2 - 2701.62 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group 3 - 2162.67 rubles;
  • for residents of besieged Leningrad and combat veterans - 2972.82 rubles;
  • disabled Chernobyl victims, as well as - 2972.82 rubles;
  • subjects who have been awarded the title Hero of the USSR or the Russian Federation, as well as members of their families in the event of the death of heroes - 63,708.25 rubles.

It must be taken into account that the full composition of EDV recipients is much wider than the indicated categories. The full list of EDV recipients is presented in the table.

Category nameEDV from 02/01/2019, indexation amount 1,043 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/24/2019 No. 32 “On approval of the indexation coefficient of payments, benefits and compensation in 2019”)
taking into account NSOexcluding NSO
1 Invalids of war5 403,22 4 281,80
2 WWII participants who became disabled5 403,22 4 281,80
3 Military personnel and private and commanding personnel who became disabled during service5 403,22 4 281,80
4 WWII participants4 052,40 2 930,98
5 Combat veterans2 972,82 1 851,40
6 Military personnel from 06.22.41 to 09.03.45 are not included in the active army1 622,00 500,58
7 Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”2 972,82 1 851,40
8 Family members of fallen (deceased) IVOV and UVOV and BD veterans1 622,00 500,58
9 Family members of those killed in the Second World War from self-defense and air defense groups1 622,00 500,58
10 Family members of those killed in the line of duty1 622,00 500,58
11 Family members of military personnel who died in captivity1 622,00 500,58
12 Parents and wives of deceased servicemen, eq. to the participants of the Second World War4 052,40 2 930,98
13 Persons who worked during the Second World War1 622,00 500,58
14 Disabled people (III group)2 162,67 1 041,25
15 Disabled people (II group)2 701,62 1 580,20
16 Disabled people (I group)3 782,94 2 661,52
17 Disabled children2 701,62 1 580,20
18 Citizens who suffered radiation sickness as a result of the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
19 Disabled citizens due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
20 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-87.2 701,62 2 701,62
21 Participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-90.2 162,67 2 162,67
22 Citizens living (working) in the territorial residence zone with the right to resettlement540,66 540,66
23 Citizens living (working) in the territorial residence zone with preferential social-ec.status540,66 540,66
24 Citizens living (working) in the resettlement zone before their resettlement to other districts540,66 540,66
25 Citizens evacuated (including those who left the exclusion zone) in 1986.2 162,67 2 162,67
26 Children (others) under 18 years of age, children of 1st and 2nd generations living in the zone1 350,82 1 350,82
27 Children (others) under 18 years of age, permanently residing in an area with preferential social-economic status811,88 811,88
28 Children (other) - disabled, suffering. diseases due to the Chernobyl accident2 701,62 2 701,62
29 Children (others) suffering from illnesses due to the Chernobyl accident2 162,67 2 162,67
30 Disabled citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 701,62 2 701,62
31 Citizens who have received occupational diseases associated with radiation exposure.2 162,67 2 162,67
32 Citizens who received a total effective radiation dose of more than 25 cSv (rem)2 162,67 2 162,67
33 Citizens who received a total effective dose of radiation from 5 to 25 cSv (rem)677,14 677,14
34 Children under 18 years of age, 1st and 2nd generation, obtainable effect. radiation dose over 5 cSv677,14 677,14
35 Citizens who suffered radiation sickness as a result of the Mayak accident in 1957.2 162,67 2 162,67
36 Citizens who became disabled as a result of the accident at Mayak in 1957.2 701,62 2 701,62
37 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1957-58.2 701,62 2 701,62
38 Citizens sent to liquidate the consequences of the accident at the Mayak Production Association in 1959-61.2 162,67 2 162,67
39 Citizens living in settlements where the radiation dose is more than 1 mSv (0.1 rem)540,66 540,66
40 Citizens, evacuees, resettlers, who voluntarily left the Mayak and Techa loading zone2 162,67 2 162,67
41 Children of the 1st and 2nd generations suffering from illness due to exposure to radiation in the birth.1 350,82 1 350,82
42 Citizens without disabilities from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
43 Disabled citizens from special risk units2 701,62 2 701,62
44 Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos - disabled people5 403,22 4 281,80
45 Former minor prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos4 052,40 2 930,98
46 Heroes of the USSR, Russian Federation, full Cavaliers and members of their families since 01/01/2006.63 708,25
47 Heroes of Socialist Labor, full Cavaliers since 07/01/2006.46 975,44

In addition, the size of the EDV amount depends on many additional factors (for example, in case of refusal of NSO, etc.).

Advice! The exact amount of the EDV amount can be found out when submitting an application to the Pension Fund department and indicating what additional services and benefits the applicant will use.

In 2019, the UDV indexation was carried out in February in the amount of 4.3%. The range of benefits in kind has been similarly increased. After the events, the cost of social services reached 1121.42 rubles, which includes: provision of medicines - 863.75 rubles, provision of vouchers to sanatorium institutions - 133.62 rubles, free travel on public transport, city, suburban, intercity (to the place treatment and back) - 124.05 rub.

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If citizens are assigned a pension and they receive EDV, the indexation provided for by law will be carried out simultaneously by the Pension Fund of Russia.

Receipt procedure

Pension Fund officials have 10 working days to consider the application for the appointment of this social support measure.
During this period, the grounds for the application are checked, as well as the compliance of the submitted documents with legal requirements. After a decision has been made on the merits of the application, the response must be sent no later than five days to the applicant’s address.

Attention! The monthly payment is established from the day the citizen applies, but not before the right to this benefit arises.

The decision must necessarily indicate the period for which the payment is established, or establish the unlimited nature of the transfers.

Receiving a monthly payment is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • when receiving one type of state pension, the monthly additional payment will be transferred simultaneously;
  • if the subject does not have the right to receive state pension benefits, the applicant himself chooses the method of receiving the monthly payment;
  • the specified social payment will be paid for the current calendar month.
Note! If, during the period of receiving the specified social payment, a citizen loses his preferential status (for example, the disability group is cancelled), the recipient is obliged to notify the relevant Pension Fund department about this.

If such notification is not made, an overpayment of budget funds will be recorded, which will be recovered voluntarily or judicially. A similar requirement is established when there is a change in preferential status, which affects the amount of the monthly social benefit. The recipient is obliged to immediately notify the territorial department of the Pension Fund of this fact in order to avoid overpayment.

Watch the video about EDV

June 30, 2017, 22:32 Oct 5, 2019 23:31

Many disabled people of group 3 prefer to apply for EDV rather than use the one offered by the state.

But are there any advantages to this? Is it better to receive social services?

How to apply for EDV if there is a need for it? Is it possible to refuse it? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation

The calculation and procedure for providing EDV for disabled people of group 3 is regulated by the same legislative norms as.

If we talk about this in more detail, then we are talking about about such laws:

Accrual conditions and refusal procedure

To obtain EDV instead of the required package of social services, it is enough comply with several conditions:

It is worth noting that it is necessary to apply for registration of EDV at your place of residence to the territorial department of the Pension Fund.

Every disabled person, regardless of his disability group, has every right to both apply for and refuse EDV.

Refusal procedure but, like the design, it’s quite easy. It is as follows:

  1. Submit an application for a social package of services by October 1 inclusive (you must indicate the refusal of the EDV).
  2. Wait until the beginning of next year and receive the required list of services (it is worth keeping in mind that receipt of EDV or NSU (service package) may only be available at the beginning of next year).

In this case, you can refuse the entire list of services or some items and receive both EDV and NSU together (but in this case, EDV will be recalculated accordingly).

The size of these payments and what is included in them

Under the very definition of “EDV”, Federal Law No. 122 clearly defines a monetary payment that can be issued as a result of refusal of the social package of services provided by the state.

If we talk about what exactly included in this service package, then the list is as follows:

  • the opportunity to receive expensive medications either free of charge or with a 50% discount. But at the same time, the drug must be prescribed only with a prescription, otherwise you will have to pay the full amount for it;
  • travel by suburban railway transport, as well as by intercity transport to the place of treatment where the disabled person was sent (free tickets in both directions);
  • provision of a free voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment (if there is an appropriate recommendation from the treating specialist).

Depending on which list of services the disabled person refuses, the final amount of EDV may be reduced (if the entire package is refused, EDV is paid in full, as established by the state).

After the indexation of these payments was made on February 1, 2019, EDV amount for disabled people of group 3 is 2162 rubles 67 kopecks. This amount includes the cost of a set of social services. If a disabled person of the 3rd group is provided with a full range of social services, then the amount of EDV will be equal to 1041.25 rubles.

Registration procedure

The process of applying for this monetary compensation is quite easy and anyone can handle it.

Let's look at the registration process point by point.

Where to contact

Registration of EDV is carried out at the territorial office of the Pension Fund directly at the place of residence of the disabled person.

But it is worth considering some nuances:

  • in the absence of registration, the applicant for registration of monetary compensation must contact the Pension Fund, which is located at the address of actual residence;
  • if a disabled person has already received a pension, you should contact the PF where it was issued earlier;
  • when living in a social institution, disabled people of group 3 must contact the nearest Pension Fund branch, regardless of what kind of registration and whether there is a pension.


First of all, it is necessary to understand that this monetary compensation cannot be issued without corresponding statement.

In addition to the application itself, it will be necessary to present accompanying documents, which include:

  • copy and original of the disabled person’s passport (all completed pages);
  • copy and original certificate of a disabled person of group 3.

These documents are handed over to the PF employee along with the written application.

Drawing up an application

It is necessary to understand that this document must not contain any errors or omissions. If errors are found, the application will not be accepted.

When compiling it, it is necessary to remember its content, which should contain the following information:

  • Full name of the disabled person (written without abbreviations);
  • passport details (residence address according to passport, etc.);
  • actual residential address;
  • on what grounds is EDV issued;
  • consent of the disabled person to mandatory notification of PF employees in the event of a change of residence;
  • signature of the applicant (disabled person);
  • date when the application was written.

In the event that a disabled person himself, for some reason, cannot independently process financial compensation, he has the right to entrust this to his relatives or friends. But at the same time, the person who will submit the documents must have a notarized power of attorney.

The registration procedure and conditions for receiving it remain the same, but indexation is carried out only once a year.

This prompts many recipients of monetary compensation to think about what is beneficial? EDV or a package of social services? Here everything depends on the preferences of the disabled person himself; if it is more profitable for him to receive an increase in his pension, he issues monetary compensation. If there is a need for medicine, he receives social services instead of compensation.

Given that increases will now be very slow, most disabled people are likely to prefer services rather than an increase.

The latest news regarding payments to citizens with disabilities concerned the determination of the amount of the monthly allowance. The state classifies such people as the most vulnerable segments of the population, therefore people with disabilities are provided with various social support measures in the form of benefits, discounts and other preferences. In addition to assistance provided in kind, we are talking about material support for citizens with disabilities.

The most famous and popular form of providing financial assistance in Russia is the payment of monthly allowance. Any person who has been officially declared incompetent can receive a single cash payment. In this article we will talk about what types of benefits people with disabilities of different groups receive, and also consider the issue regarding the amount of assistance offered in monetary terms.

Before finding out in what amounts EDV is paid to disabled people of group 3 in 2019, as well as to persons with the status of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, you will need to find out what EDV is, which groups of citizens are entitled to such a payment and in what amount it is calculated.

EDV is a cash benefit that is provided to certain categories of citizens in exchange for refusal to receive benefits due by law. For example, if a disabled person does not want to use benefits, but wants to receive an increase in his pension benefit, then he can visit the Pension Fund and apply for a payment.

The procedure for registering EDV is specified in detail in Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” In Art. 28.1 specifies the names of government bodies involved in calculating EDV for citizens with disabilities. The Pension Fund is responsible for providing benefits without taking into account the citizen’s disability category.

How is the payment amount determined?

The benefit amount is determined every year on April 1. From this date, the current benefit is indexed taking into account the level of current inflation. To date, payments for disabled people are the following amounts:

Certain categories of citizens also have their own payment amounts. For WWII veterans who have become disabled, financial assistance is provided in the amount of 5,054.11 rubles, and for disabled children, the payment once a month is 2,527.06 rubles.

The size of the social package for disabled people for the next year is not yet known; the inflation rate used for recalculation at the beginning of April 2019 will be of great importance. If a person cannot obtain funds on his own, then he must entrust this right to a third party.

If there is a revision of status and the group is given with a decrease or increase, then the amount of payment must be revised. The basis for payment may be a medical report drawn up at the relevant institution.

Procedure for obtaining the right to payment

The right to obtain EDV arises when a disabled person wants to receive monetary compensation instead of the required government benefits and privileges. It is important to remember here that you cannot just start receiving payments. A citizen is required to go through a special transfer procedure, which is mandatory for every person.

First, a citizen who has expressed a desire to receive EDV must contact the Pension Fund office at the place of his registration to submit an application in the prescribed form. If the payment is made in relation to a child, then one of the parents (legal representatives) of the child must contact the Pension Fund.

Sometimes there are situations in which the baby’s parents do not live together. In this case, the parent who is the official guardian of the child and with whom the child lives applies for payment.

The application must be submitted at the place of registration of the minor and the parent. A child has the right to visit the Pension Fund on his own only after reaching the age of 14, and the presence of parents or other official guardians is not required.

In this case, deadlines are also not set. This means that a disabled person can apply any day after receiving the group. Along with the application, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • applicant's passport;
  • confirmation of the right to assign and pay EDV;
  • certificate from the place of residence confirming registration;
  • passport or other identity card confirming the right of a child’s representative if he is under 14 years of age.

The application is submitted to the Pension Fund office and reviewed by fund employees within 10 days. If a positive decision is made, the payment begins to accrue from the moment the person has all the grounds for this.

The funds are transferred to a special personal account with the Pension Fund, however, if the person who submitted the application is already registered with the Pension Fund, then such an account will not need to be opened. In case of refusal to pay, an appropriate response is sent to the applicant within five days.


If you think that you do not need the benefits provided by the state, then you can contact the Pension Fund at your place of registration and apply for monetary compensation in the amount established by the state. The procedure for obtaining benefits consists of submitting an appropriate application and a mandatory package of documentation and further use of the presented right.

Features of receiving a monthly cash payment for disabled people of group 3 (EDV). The concept of EDV, composition, registration process and amount of payments.

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The monthly cash payment was introduced in 2005 to replace some benefits with cash payments.

In fact, such a payment was introduced in order to equalize the rights of recipients, since not everyone could actually take advantage of the benefits provided, and the funds could be used for any purposes that the recipient considers to be of paramount importance.

Main aspects

The monthly cash payment, in fact, is a replacement for previously existing benefits to which certain categories of the population, including disabled people of the third group, were entitled.

In fact, social assistance to those in need is provided at the expense of budget funds. At the same time, the benefits that were provided to citizens also had to be financed.

But at the same time, some citizens did not have the opportunity to use these, or they did not need them.

In fact, the legislator decided to give the right to dispose of funds and independently determine their purpose in connection with existing needs.

Moreover, persons who receive such payments have the right to a certain set of social services, called NSO

This set is part of the EDV and serves the purpose of providing a person in need with some services free of charge.

In fact, each person has the right to choose whether to receive a monthly payment or replace it with a set of services. In this situation, each recipient must evaluate which option seems more profitable to him.

There is also the possibility of partially replacing payments with services; to do this, you need to submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund office.

Initial Concepts

Monthly cash payment (MAP) This is the amount of funds paid by the state to certain categories of persons. The payment is aimed at replacing existing benefits and may replace them in whole or in part
Disabled person This is a person who, due to his illnesses, injuries or injuries, cannot independently provide for his needs in whole or in part.
Disability group This is a criterion established by the state for the severity of disability, depending on the actual capabilities of the person. There are three groups, where the first is considered the heaviest
Set of Social Services (NSS) This is a measure that can be used instead of EDV at the person’s choice

Includes a number of services, such as dispensing medications or free travel on public transport.

Accrual conditions

A monthly cash payment is assigned in cases where a person belongs to one of the following categories:

In addition, in order to receive this payment, a person must submit a corresponding application and a list of required documents to the Pension Fund. Until this moment, no payment will be accrued.

Appointed on a permanent or temporary basis to disabled people of group 3 in 2019. How long the payment will be assigned depends on the period for which the person has been assigned disabled status.

If a person has several grounds for calculating payments, then the one for which the amount of payments appears to be the largest will be used. Payments are not cumulative.

Current standards

The legislator has issued several legal acts on each category of citizens who are entitled to receive EDV.

At the same time, regarding disabled people there is. Establishes the right of disabled people of any group to receive this payment.

In addition, it establishes the obligation of the state to ensure the social rights of citizens and support for various sectors of society.

What is EDV for disabled people of group 3

Disabled people of group 3 are entitled to EDV in 2019. What amount will ultimately be received depends on which of the list of NSOs will be replaced with payments.

The accrual of funds and distribution of services is carried out on a general basis, as in the case of other recipients.

The only difference will be in the amount of payments, since it is set differently for each category.

Amount of deductions

The amount of contributions for disabled people, including the third group, will be as follows:

In some situations, a citizen is a disabled person of the third group (or another), while he has a different status, for example, a participant in the Second World War.

It turns out that he has two or more grounds due to which he receives the right to an appropriate payment. The one that is larger will be used.

So, the amount of payments for other categories of citizens is as follows:

Category of citizens Payment amount
Received disability during WWII 5054.11 rubles
A person who participated in WWII 3790.57 rubles
Veteran of other military actions 2638.27 rubles
Heroes of Russia and the USSR, as well as holders of the Order of Glory 59,591 rubles 94 kopecks
Concentration camp prisoners who became disabled 5,054.11 rubles
Prisoners who have not received disabled status 3,790.57 rubles
Persons who were exposed to radiation as a result of certain disasters From 505.73 to 2527.06 rubles

The monthly payment amounts were changed at the beginning of the year. The increase was almost five and a half percent. At the same time, the cost of a set of social services also increased.

How much a person receives depends on what services were selected by the citizen from the list of NSOs. Based on the balance, the exact size of the EDV will be formed.

At the same time, the cost of a set of social services is 1048 rubles 97 kopecks, which includes:

The legislator allows these services to be replaced with payments, either fully or partially.

What does it consist of?

The monthly cash payment consists of the basic amount of the EDV and the Set of Social Services.
NSO, in turn, consists of three components:

  1. Free travel on suburban and intercity transport.
  2. The cost of medications that are provided free of charge.
  3. Cost of sanatorium vouchers.

Most often, these services are replaced by citizens with payments, since not everyone needs travel and vouchers, and many difficulties arise in practice with the actual availability of free medicines. Often there are simply not enough of them and the disabled person cannot get them on time.

Registration procedure

EDV is issued at the local branch of the Pension Fund. The registration is of an application nature, that is, until a person entitled to this type of payment submits an application, they will not be paid.

The application must contain all the necessary information, including the grounds for payment of the EDV. The Pension Fund will make a decision within a period not exceeding ten days from the date of filing the application.

Then, within a period not exceeding five days, the citizen must be notified of the decision made by the Pension Fund.

The payment will be established from the day the person submitted the application, but this day cannot come earlier than the person has the corresponding right. If a person subsequently “loses” his disabled status, then payments stop.

Required documents

To obtain an EDV, you need to submit an application and the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  1. A document that can confirm the identity of the applicant. This may be a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document with a similar function.
  2. A paper that confirms the applicant's citizenship.
  3. Documentation that confirms the applicant’s right to reside in the Russian Federation and his place of residence.
  4. Papers that confirm disability.

All documents must be provided in the form of copies, but you will also need to take the originals with you.

Drawing up an application

It must be drawn up correctly, based on the form provided to the Pension Fund. All information must be taken from official documents and correspond to them.

The application must include the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant and documents confirming their replacement (if such a fact occurred).
  2. Series and number of the identity document, as well as its other details.
  3. Information about a person's citizenship.
  4. Address, both postal and actual.
  5. Address of the Pension Fund department where the pension file is located.
  6. Indication of the basis for calculating the EDV.
  7. Consent to the obligation to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about changes that have arisen (for example, cancellation of disabled status or change of group).
  8. Information about the applicant's representative.
  9. Date and signature.
  10. List of applications.

The application must be signed by the applicant or his representative.

The procedure for receiving a package of social services

The person receives the amount of EDV for the current month. If the recipient is a pensioner, then he will receive this amount along with pension payments in the same manner (for example, through Russian Post).

If the recipient is not a pensioner, he will have to separately select the delivery method

Can they refuse payments?

Payment of EDV may be refused on the following grounds:

  1. The citizen does not have the status required for accrual (disabled person, WWII participant, and so on).
  2. The application was made incorrectly.
  3. The attached package of documents does not comply with the requirements of the law.

Other reasons for refusal to pay are not allowed.