Good meetings - Anniversary creative evening of composer Vladimir Lebedev. Scenario for the “Girls’ Benefit Performance” holiday

Scenario of the poetry evening “While the candle burns...”

Presentation of the collection of local poets “Familiar knitting of letters”

1 presenter: Poems are not written - they happen

Like feelings or like a sunset.

The soul is a blind accomplice.

I didn’t write it - that’s what happened.

2 presenter: These lines from the poem by Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky can be taken as the epigraph of our poetic evening “While the candle burns.”

1 presenter: Good poetry is always a mystery. Of course, nothing would have happened if there were no poems. The world would not have collapsed, but it would have been poorer and sadder spiritually. Sometimes we just don't notice that poetry is always with us.

2 presenter: Poetry is an amazing thing. It makes us look at the world in a new way. It gives you the opportunity to express your feelings that have accumulated in your heart. Poetry elevates us above the world of everyday life, everyday life, enriching us spiritually. It helps us to be kinder, more decisive, more gentle, more courageous.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that poetry is a part of our lives. For some it is big, for others it is completely unnoticeable, but, of course, for everyone it is important. But there are people for whom poetry and creativity are life.

1 presenter: And in our city there are people for whom creativity is an important part of their life. The weekly “Gorod” has had a literary association “At the Unfading Candle” for many years, which unites more than 30 people: from 10 to 80 years old. The collection “Familiar Knitting of Letters” is the result of the creative activity of members of the literary association.

2 presenter: The authors of the collection range from 14 to 75 years old. People of different generations, but they are united by a love of prose and poetry. The book “Familiar Knitting of Letters” includes poems that are almost professional and completely amateur, but they are all very sincere. The experiences and feelings of talented people were reflected in their literary lines. They are about love, new meetings and discoveries, about regrets and separation, understanding good and evil and, of course, about the Motherland.

Reader: Boris Pakhomov “Motherland”

All other people's roads are dearer to me

My native off-road

And the beach on the shore of Khopr,

And a mischievous child

frolicking by the river.

And heads like floats

During the morning bite-

They will appear and disappear again,

And the whiteness of water lilies,

Mushroom autumn and spring,

With its rebellious spill -

Only here am I happy.

1 reader: Galina Derlovskaya.


Our old house. Road in the field.

And a path running into the forest...

How dear this expanse is to me

The versatility of these miracles!

The wind strokes the tall grass

With a patient and warm hand.

And, touching the silver surface,

Freezes, admiring the river.

Near the boat a blade of grass drooped,

And the reeds near the backwater fell silent.

Turkey, looking blackberry

With a blue eye from its leaves.

Here the clearings are full of elecampane,

The enchanting forest is multi-sounding...

Maybe Russia comes from here:

From these mysterious places?

2 reader : Boris Pakhomov “On Mount Tarasova”

On Mount Tarasova near Khopr,

I met Autumn yesterday.

The redhead said: “Don’t be sad,

No one can escape autumn.

It's been like this since creation -

This is the wisdom of God, not evil.

Look, I myself am not eternal,

Winter will soon overcome me,

Swaddled in a shroud of snow -

Are you ready to face winter?

Just remember, the main thing is ahead:

There will be time to bloom again.

And Winter passes, followed by Spring.

The sleeper will be awakened from his sleep,

Tender sprouts will fill the New

Everything will return: Youth and love"

I answered Autumn: “Why am I sad?

Time for the fast train - so be it.

I'm riding on this train by the window,

There a new distance is visible all the time.

And I don’t want to be sad - I’m on my way.

There will be a station soon to get off.

I'll go out, everyone comes out someday,

I’ll rest so I can set out on a new journey.

(Maybe reality will be there, or maybe a dream?!)

And then I’ll jump into another carriage.

In a past life I'll leave snow somewhere

And I’ll rush towards a new Spring..."

On Mount Tarasova near Khopr

I made friends with Autumn yesterday...

1 presenter: Set in the gold of the fields and the tremulous emerald of the forests, permeated with the sapphires of rivers and ponds, lies in the middle of Great Russia its small particle - the Balashovsky region. The brooding silence of pine forests, the tremulous beauty of the banks of the Khopr, and the alluring coolness of the river cannot be compared with any other beauty.

3 reader : Vladimir Alekseev “Sunny spruce”

I love going to the pine forest:

Listen to the silence.

I love eating a slender figure,

What rushes to the heights.

I'll touch her shaft

And the heart will sing,

As if with a cloud above

It's swimming towards me.

And the rays of the sun flared up,

And the spruce trembled from the caress,

And the needles suddenly sparkled,

Like sparks from a fire.

Reader 4: Lyudmila Semenkova

I rejoice at the autumn wonder,

I've never seen this before:

Fell on a plum tree in the garden

Shards of blue sky.

The heavenly reflections are sweet,

The harvest is ready for harvest -

Thin branches bent

From the heaviness of ripe fruits.

I say goodbye to the autumn miracle,

What's hiding under the leaves?

And I will remember for a long time

Sapphires overhead.

Reader 5: Antonina Baeva

I'm walking along the path.

Rustling with a stick from stump to stump.

I looked up and saw Kalinka

He calls me warmly.

Calls and waves me with a handkerchief

Treasured, scarlet like the dawn;

Know I ended up in a forest

Today is not in vain.

I approached, she was clear to me

He whispers in my ear: “Here, pick it,

Try how nice she is

Burns like the fire of love."

I tore off the bead with my lips -

A piece of bright fire -

It burst and trembled

And she bled me.

Well, what else can compare?

Wild berry flavored?

Kalinka whispers to me anxiously:

"Don't go, stay with me,

Cut some wonderful berries into a basket,

Yes, be careful, don't remember.

And come again, let's stay

Here, in silence with you, alone"

Song “Corner of Russia”

2 presenter : Poetry and love are synonymous words. No poem can exist without love. Love for the Motherland, for native places, love for near and dear people.

6 reader : Valentina Ivanova “Take care of your loved ones”

Take care of your loved ones and relatives,

Protect yourself from the worries of this life,

Do not bear grief, empty words,

Protect them from unnecessary fuss.

Protect them from grief and anxiety,

Comfort them when they are sad.

This world can be so cruel.

And we are not perfect at all.

Give your loved ones a warm look,

So that it radiates from the heart,

Let their eyes burn with warmth,

Like a newly born baby.

Tell them about happiness and love,

Fulfill their deepest desires,

Let the sad days be forgotten

And loving memories will remain.

7 reader : Nadezhda Kovaleva

I'm not breathing, I'm barely alive

I'm afraid I'll startle the dance of the leaves.

And webs of thin threads

Like solar lace.

Lemon smoke of charm,

Like in childhood, curiously new,

And nature's lush withering

Intertwined with the concept of love.

Autumn enchanted, scorched

Cherry crimson, alder gold.

What divine power

It drove away the melancholy from me completely.

And the sky is blue to tears

My mother's eyes are dear to me.

And the pages of the past come to life,

But it’s a pity that you can’t touch them.

1 presenter : At our evening we performed works that were included in the collection “Familiar Knitting of Letters”. Of course, we have read only a small part of the total number of works included in the collection. And here there are not only poems, but also prose miniatures, interviews with famous poets from the editor of the weekly Gorod, Viktor Pangaev, and a series of articles on Orthodox topics.

2 presenter : Today our guests are the authors whose works are included in the collection “Familiar Knitting of Letters.” These are people who put a piece of their soul and heart into those poems and miniatures that are presented in the collection. This

1 presenter: The floor is given to the head of the literary association at the weekly Gorod, deputy editor of the newspaper, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia Irina Vislova.

1 presenter : Thank you very much for participating in our evening, best of luck to you so that more collections of wonderful works will see the light of day.

2 presenter: I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands,

The people's path to it will not be overgrown.

He ascended higher with his rebellious head

Alexandrian Pillar.

No, all of me will not die,

The soul in the treasured lyre will survive my ashes

And decay will flee. And I will be glorious

How long will at least one piit be alive in the sublunary world?

1 presenter: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was right, his work is that poetry will live forever, because there are people for whom writing and creating is a spiritual necessity, this is life.

A. Makarevich’s video for the song “While the Candle Burns”

Venue: Malinovsky SDK

Time: 07/13/2012 at 13.00


Fanfare - tr. 1 The screen is frozen

“What is a song without a button accordion?”

What's a song without a button accordion?

What's dawn without dew?

What is Olga without Ivan?

What is the Volga without Rus'?

You fly from the Volga to the Urals,

My crane song!

Live a hundred years

Fly around the whole world

But return to your native land.

If life turned out like a song,

This means the song is about life.

About my native land

So, accordion, play it, (turn off music)

To live and sing from the heart.

Exit Yankova O.G. – tr. 3

He comes to the table, sits down and says:

O.G.– How many times have I appeared on this stage... how many times have I said good evening to you, my most grateful, beloved and faithful friends... I’m glad that you came to visit me today for my anniversary... the anniversary concert of my creative activity... I’m happy, that we are together again today...

Yankova O.G. takes the accordion and sings.

Musical number: “What a song without a button accordion”

Background - tr. 4

O.G.- From early childhood I dreamed of singing. I dreamed of playing the accordion. I dreamed of playing my little life performance on stage, and today my dream came true. The plot of the play is my life, where the main role, of course, is me, and the characters are you, my relatives, my big friendly family. And so dear friends, good luck! I invite you all to remember my childhood, walk through the pages of my life, my world of illusions, dreams and plans, because music does good!

Musical number: “I’m standing at a stop.”

"I'm a country girl."

Background - tr. 5

Yana: Yes, Olga Grigorievna’s real life is just beginning, and it is still ahead, but what happened before?

So, 60 years ago, on July 13, 1952, on a beautiful summer day, a female baby was born into the Onisar family and he was named Olga, a song-like sonorous name that was very common at that time. And, either the name had such an effect, or the stars aligned, from this baby a respectable Malinovskaya lady grew up, capable of a lot and achieved a lot:

School, college and state institute of culture, work as a pioneer counselor, painter, janitor, singing teacher at a school and a rural cultural center, permanent leader of the folk amateur group “Malinova Krinitsya”, director of the cultural center, deputy of the village council of 6 convocations and, most importantly, honored Ukrainian cultural worker

and despite all life’s difficulties, Olga Grigorievna continues to sing, delight us all with her creativity, believe in a star that will lead to the heights of success, happiness and prosperity.

Let the audience's applause always sound towards you and never cease in your creative life. Happy Birthday to you, dear Olga Grigorievna! Happy anniversary!

Musical number: Y. Vashchuk “I congratulate you” - tr. 6

Firecrackers. Flowers.

Yana: Dear friends, legends are usually made up about people like Olga Grigorievna, novels are written, newspaper articles are written and, of course, films are made about their lives. Attention to the screen!

Showing part 1 of the film. Freeze frame "Parents".

A parable sounds in the background of “Professional”.

Yana: The day before birth, the child turned to God:

I am very afraid! I don’t know at all why I am needed in this world? How can I live without making irreparable mistakes? Who will help me in difficult situations and love me, no matter what happens to me?

And God answered:

- I will give you an Angel, he will always be by your side. He will protect you from all troubles and bad weather.

- What is his name? - asked the child.

- It doesn't matter what his name is. You will call him “MOM”!

Parents are the most sacred thing every person has. Each of us, both in joy and in sorrow, always wants our dearest people, those closest to us, to be nearby. Even today, Olga Grigorievna has her children, her beloved and caring husband next to her, but her most dear person, Mom, is not next to her. Memories of her mother, of a carefree childhood never leave Olga Grigorievna’s lips, but most of all she sings songs about her mother and parents.

Musical number: "Mama".

O.G.: (story about mom, about parents).

Musical number: “Cherry is growing.”

“My hut, my white hut.”

Yana: For many years, hand in hand, in joy and sorrow, next to Olga Grigorievna was her loving and caring husband, Ivan Fedorovich. Everything happened over the years of family life, but love still lives in their hearts.

Musical number: “How happy I am that I have it.”

O.G.: (story about her husband).

“I am your Cossack girl.”

"Sweet berry."

Yana: As I already said, mother is the most sacred thing that every person has. And no matter how old we are, 5, 15 or 60, we love, appreciate and remember them. Today at the celebration next to his most caring and beloved mother, the only and long-awaited son Andrei.

Congratulations from Andrey – tr. 9

Musical number: “My mother told me quietly.”

O.G.: (story about his son).

Musical number: “Andryusha”.

Background – tr. 10

Yana: Olga Grigorievna calls Malinovka her second homeland. Here her son was born, here her grandson Nikita is growing up, here she made new friends and acquaintances, here she was born and became a musician, performer, a wonderful leader and an honored cultural worker of Ukraine. Here she completes the construction of her dacha, planting a garden and flowers, and draws from the very depths of folk life the rituals and traditions of folk songs.

Musical number: “Raspberry Krinitsya” “Oh guy, little green guy.”

Musical number: “Music near home” - tr. eleven

Musical number: TK "Unix" - "Spanish" - tr. 12


Showing part 2 of the film. Freeze frame “O.G. in Ukrainian costume."

Background – tr. 13

Yana: Olga Grigorievna gradually surrounded herself with talented admirers and connoisseurs of folk music. Imperceptibly, the vocal group was replenished with new members, growing into a new creative team. And for 30 years now, Olga Grigorievna has been the permanent leader of a unique team, which is rightfully considered the pearl and pride of Malinovka, the district and the region! Some people think that leading a large team is easy, but in creativity, apparent ease is achieved with great difficulty. Olga Grigorievna knows how to combine the indomitability of her impulsive impulses, emotional experiences in front of art, with the awareness of her artistic duty to a grateful viewer. Now just one number will be heard... But if you think about the fact that behind dry statistics there is something more, then you, dear friends, will now applaud!

Over the years of her creative activity, Olga Grigorievna began her creative activity at the age of 7 and gave more than 16 thousand concert performances!


Success and recognition come only when a creative and friendly atmosphere develops in the team. After all, this is, so to speak, essentially a second family.

What about the first one? She is where the stage ends and ordinary human life bubbles up. Nature endowed Olga Grigorievna with the ability to create real miracles. She is not just a woman - she is a unique and inimitable phenomenon. And this is manifested in everything - in the expression of her face, the movement of her hands, her gait, and most importantly in the sound of her voice.

Exit O.G. Yankova. He sits down at the table.

Musical number: "I am an acacia."

Musical number: “Crimson ringing.”

"Can't bring it back."

Background – tr. 16

Yana: We mean nothing without friends.

When we laugh and we are sad and we cry.

We live for them and it’s clear that

That without friends we mean nothing.

Turning around in my own affairs,

Meeting success with failure,

We are not mistaken in the friends we choose,

After all, without friends we mean nothing!

One of the main advantages of Olga Grigorievna is her friendliness, sociability and loyalty to friendship. That is why there are so many relatives and friends here in the hall today. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone in the life of Olga Grigorievna:

Background – tr. 17

· From the People's Deputy of Ukraine, deputy head of the Party of Regions Dmitry Shentsev, head of the public reception Borisov ______________________.

· Head of the district department of culture Kuleshova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

· Congratulations from the Malinovsky village council.

· Congratulations from the leaders of the Malinovsky organizations.

Musical number: “Girlfriends” - tr. 20

Congratulations to the vocal ensemble “Lebidonka” of the Malinovskaya gymnasium – tr. 15

Background - tr. 5

Yana: Olga Grigorievna!

You are 60, but is that really age?

Your smile is oh, so young!

The same stars are above your head,

Only the years have added wisdom...

Time flies inexorably,

There is no hope of bringing him back

Nothing will happen again

Behind a series of flying years.

But every year is a memory,

It cannot be crossed out

After all, he is not a dream, not a contemplation,

And creative and noble work!

The years pass, changing generations,

They only add joy to life,

And on this day, a wonderful birthday

Friends and colleagues congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!


Screening of part 3 of the film.

Freeze frame “O.G. with accordion."

Background – tr. 10

Yana: 60 - gold,

60 - labor,

60 - Life has counted down for you!

60 is a moment

60 is life

60 is just the beginning!

Anyone who thinks that 60 years is a time of quiet oblivion is terribly mistaken! During these years, there is a change in the established rhythm of life, a change of scenery in the play called life! Everyone has their own decorations, their own transformations, but since Olga Grigorievna can transform herself, no one can!

Musical number: “Murka”.

Fanfare "Happy" - tr. 25

Taking out the cake with candles.

O.G. blows out the candles.

Yana: Dear, respected and beloved Olga Grigorievna, let this anniversary be a holiday not only of memories and experience, but also of new ideas, dreams and hopes! After all, as long as a person dreams and hopes, he is alive, he is always young! We wish you the most important thing in your life - health and youth of soul! Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!

Scenario of the creative evening by O.G. Yankova

“Sing, magic microphone!”
Scenario for a creative evening for graduates and soloists

Exemplary vocal artistic group

"Song Constellation"

Sypko Daria, Kamenskaya Tatiana and Morozov Alexey
(head Shalimova G.V.)

Fanfare. Leila: Man, like a star is born

Among the vague foggy milkiness,

At infinity it begins

And it ends in infinity...

Created by generations

Century after century, the Earth is imperishable...

Man, like a star is born,

So that the Universe becomes brighter!

Natasha: Hello, dear friends!

We are glad to see you in our school, where there is always music! Today we are holding the first creative evening of graduates,soloists of the Exemplary vocal art group “Song Constellation” Daria Sypko, Tatyana Kamenskaya and Alexey Morozov (director G.V. Shalimova).

Yes, our team was awarded this honorary title last year, and today it says goodbye to its best students.

Vasya: Music is a beautiful art, but not easy. It must be discovered for yourself as a great secret. Now no one argues about whether a person needs music. It is clear. We also need a serious one, one that makes us think, reflect, worry. And light, cheerful, from which the legs seem to start dancing on their own... Music opens up to us the world of human feelings. In his unique and special language he tells us about the beauty and grandeur of nature. In a word, without music our life will become much poorer and more boring.

Leila: And one must comprehend this great art, just like mathematics and literature, from childhood. And the sooner the better. This is what our teacher-organizer Galina Vasilyevna Shalimova thought about 10 years ago, who once had a wonderful idea - to organize a school vocal group “Song Constellation”.

Today on stage are the soloists of this wonderful group, students of the 11th grade, laureates of regional, All-Ukrainian and International competitionsSypko Daria, Kamenskaya Tatyana and Morozov Alexey.

1. “Magic sing, microphone.”

Natasha: No one will dispute the truth that every time gives birth to its heroes, of whom the land that gave birth to them has the right to be proud. From time immemorial, the Donetsk land has nurtured and continues to nurture wonderful people who are worthy of honor and respect.

6 years ago in vocalcollective "Song Constellation"a star appeared, which immediately became his decoration. Her voice and artistry were admired by everyone who had ever heard songs performed by her.

Let's greet this girl with applause and express our admiration for one of our heroines of this evening.

Meet! A beauty who goes through life with a love of song! On the stage

Sypko Daria.

2.“ Run to you"

Leila: And now I would like to say that our school is happy for each of its graduates, who overcame all the difficulties and difficulties of their studies, and became one step higher in spiritual and moral terms. And to this feeling of joy is always added a feeling of pride for those guys for whom music has become not just a friend in life, but life itself, for those who have found their professional calling in the field of art.

Dear friends, have you ever wondered why a talented person is often compared to a star? Maybe because talent is given from above. Or maybe because a talented person illuminates our life, makes it brighter, more interesting and richer. So where does he get the strength for creativity, for the music of his soul? Where do they come from, our talents?

Natasha: 4 years ago another star appeared in the Song Constellation team. Although at that time no one even knew about it.

I can't live a day without music!

She is in me, she is around me.

And in the singing of birds, and in the noise of cities,

In the silence of the grass and in the rainbow of flowers,

And in the glow of dawn above the earth...

She is my companion everywhere and forever.

Meet Tatyana Kamenskaya!

3. "Swans"

Natasha: The next hero of today's celebration came to us in Dzerzhinsk from our neighboring Lugansk region. He came to the boarding school in 2008. But my encounter with the song began much earlier, back in my previous school. Our hero always studied well, read poetry, took an active part in the cultural life of the school, the city, and his region.

And so, for as long as he can remember, he always walked through life with a song.

Leila: In 2008, he began studying in the vocal group “Song Constellation”. There he continued “his hobby.” And in 2009, a health problem occurred: during the mutation, the vocal cords were seriously injured, and further vocal training became impossible. For 2.5 years our hero was vocally silent, the hope for a full restoration of his voice was practically dead. But his great desire to sing helped him overcome the disease and return to the stage.

Natasha: Over the past two and a half years, Alexey Morozov, having a chronic throat disease, has made a dizzying leap: thanks to his desire, hard work, and talent, he has become a participant, prize-winner and winner of many famous prestigious vocal and artistic city, regional, all-Ukrainian and international competitions. He is a regular participant in school, city, and regional cultural events.

Spectators in any hall always treated him with warmth and received his performances with a bang.

Leila: In preparation for this evening, we asked Alexey what artists he likes. He replied that his favorite singer is Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and the Okean Elzy group. And he sings their songs with pleasure. Meet Alexey Morozov on stage!

4. "Hallelujah"

Leila: Several dozen simple words and 10-15 notes of the normal range of the human voice. What can be done from them? A song. You probably already guessed that today we will talk about one of the most beautiful creative genres. This is truly the closest, simplest and most understandable form of musical art. There is hardly any need to talk about the huge place songs occupy in a person’s life: funny, sad, fast, slow. Romance is one of the favorite genres of listeners. It combines a beautiful melody, light and expressive accompaniment, and a bright, memorable image. Many romances are widely known. Performers are happy to include them in their concert repertoire. And our Daria is among such performers.

5. "Chopin".

Natasha: A song is always some kind of story. In order for a song to touch the hearts of listeners, the performer must “live” the song, “pass it through himself.” Since childhood, Tanya has heard those around her sing. Songs were constantly heard in their house, and Tanya also began to sing. Together with dad, mom and sister. And singing together as a family develops the ability to sing solo, which can become interesting for everyone. This is exactly what happened to Tanya. In the “Song Constellation” team, Galina Vasilyevna believed in her and helped her take her first solo steps on the big stage. Tatyana Kamenskaya sings for you.

6. “Zoryana”

Natasha: Sometimes the songs of specific authors acquire nationwide fame, become firmly established in everyday life, break away from the name of their creator and become truly popular. Alexey Morozov is on stage.

7. "Solovonka"

Leila: Vocal art is multifaceted. Today the concert will feature folk songs, romances, and modern original songs. They all have one thing in common - they undoubtedly decorate our lives, make it brighter and spiritually richer.

8. "Unrequited"

9. “Ah, I loved you”

Leila : “We all come from childhood”... Having once left our parents’ nest, we try to live independently, study, work, and sometimes we don’t notice that such glorious holidays come.

And, no matter what heights in life we ​​reach, vivid pictures of childhood remain forever in our memory: parental parting words and instructions, first tests of strength, our cherished dreams that everyone wants to come trueNecessarily!

10. "Dream"

Natasha: One of the eastern sages said about human life like this:

Look at the world with a reasonable eye,

Not the way you looked before.

The world is a sea. Do you want to swim?

Build a ship out of good deeds!

In my opinion, our heroes tonight managed to create such a ship and achieve an important life milestone on it!

11. “Taka, yak ti”

12. Video of the International Festival “ Nazustrich mriya » ,

performance with Ukrainian pop star Renata Stiefel.

"There, by the cherry orchard"

Leila : The song not only educates the soul, but also improves health. And if the song is humorous and cheerful, then what a boost of cheerfulness it gives a person! Better than any medicine! The creative duet of Daria Sypko and Alexey Morozov began with such a song

13. “Kings can do anything”

13. "Friend"

Natasha: Tatyana Kamenskaya, as you have already noticed, chooses songs that are very difficult in terms of quality of performance in her repertoire. It is commendable! Her motto is: do not look for easy and useless ways. So, welcome! Tatiana with a song

14." Sweet People »

Leila : We mean nothing without friends.

When we laugh and when we are sad and cry.

We live for them and it’s clear that

That without friends we mean nothing.

We spin, we spin in our affairs,

Meeting success with failure,

We are not mistaken in the friends we choose,

After all, without friends we mean nothing!

Today the best friends of our graduates, their relatives and friends gathered in the hall. And Daria Sypko gives this musical gift to all her friends.

15. "Feeling Good"

Natasha: Success and recognition come only when a creative and friendly atmosphere develops in the team. And the “Song Constellation” team, so to speak, is essentially a second family. And today, on this wonderful evening, dear graduates of the group, accept this song as a gift. You are congratulated by those who remain in your place, your younger comrades.

16. “Farewell song”


II part of the concert

Leila: Let's start the second partcreativelyWoweveningAgraduates,soloists of the Exemplary vocal art group “Song Constellation” Daria Sypko, Tatyana Kamenskaya and Alexey Morozov. In their creativity, the guys could not help but pay attention to songs dedicated to the exploits of our people! And now they will perform songs that convey everything that those who fought and waited and waited for the return of their loved one from the war felt...

17. "19 years"

18. "White Dance"

19. “About war”

Leila : In every person's life there are many people, each of whom means something to you or not. We take an example and imitate great people, stars, artists, both living and those who left a deep mark with their bright lives. In the lives of Lesha and Dasha there was one wonderful person who put them on the path of knowledge and gave them an impetus for development... This is a wonderful teacher Serafima Viktorovna Dobroshtan.(Photo by S.V. Dobroshtan on screen) Unfortunately, Sima Viktorovna is no longer with us, but she will forever remain in our memory and in our hearts. This song is dedicated to the memory of such people...

20. "Clouds"

Natasha: How wonderful it is that there are children at school

Whose intelligence and knowledge bring her glory,

After all, it is about them that one day they will say:

You are the pride and hope of our days!

Leila : What good children have grown up,

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It’s easier for them to get through, it’s easier for them to achieve.

Let's say they say it's harder

Perhaps it’s true that these competitions...

They, the children, know better...

But the children grew up very good!

Of course, we must say sincere words of gratitude to the relatives of our today's graduates: grandmothers, mothers and fathers, who always support the children in difficult moments of life, rejoice at their successes, believe in them, want all their dreams for the future to come true. Alexander Nikolaevich and Marina Vitalievna! Yuri Alexandrovich and Oksana Alexandrovna! Tatyana Alekseevna! The next song is for you!

21. “Let’s pray for our parents”

Natasha: Low bow to moms and dads who, fulfilling their parental duty, did everything to make their children happy today. A word from the director of our school, Olna Nikolaevna Ganzyuk.

(Presentation of thanks to parents and certificates to graduates.)

22. "Girl"

Leila: The great Shakespeare once said:

Listen to how friendly the strings are

And the notes, merging into a young hymn,

They sing in happy rapture!

And again, I urge you to plunge into the wonderful world where Her Majesty, the Song, reigns!

23. " Blue Suede Shoes » A. Morozov

24. “Сabaret” by D. Sypko

Natasha: Love is a mysterious feeling

The soul knows no peace with her,

Our hearts are empty without her -

With love, the world is completely different.

25. "More than the sky"

26. “They do not renounce, loving”

27. "Ice"

28. "N" Yes »

Tanya: It so happened that today’s creative evening coincided with another significant event. Today is the birthday of a wonderful woman, our beloved class teacher, teacher Elena Ivanovna Yatsukevich.

Lesha: Without theories, calculations,
We know about your holiday.
And congratulate you today
Our whole class rushed in.
Dasha: We wish you good luck,
So that every day of life,
Was just as bright for you,
Just like a birthday.
Tanya: All my life in anxiety and excitement
And in concern for the children:
Let today be your birthday
Peace of mind will come soon!
Lesha: Today, on your birthday,
We would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Patience and love, health and luck,
Good students every time!

29. “May you be lucky in love”

30. “Fly, my angel”

31. " Sway »

Leila : The applause never stops! Dear spectators, now a person who arrived on this creative evening will take the stage to sincerely congratulate you, our dear graduates, on a solo concert. The soloist of the Exemplary artistic vocal group “S” is invited to the stagebooze» Center for Children and Youth Creativity, laureate of International, All-Ukrainian, regional competitions for young vocalists Nikita Khvostik.Applause for Nikita! This is an old and very close friend of our team.

32. "Mirrors"

Natasha: And now we pass the microphone to the leader of the Exemplary artistic vocal group “Song Constellation” Galina Vasilyevna Shalimova.

This is how it goes in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

How beautiful the flowers are.

Our children are our strength,

Extraterrestrial lights!

If only there was a future

As bright as they are!

Unique, wonderful time,

When the lilac knocks on the window with a branch,

Last mark received -

And you leave the school yard.

Towards the sun, light and warmth

The world and the school windows will be wide open.

It rang for you, a cheerful call,

And he slammed the door to childhood in the morning.

So ten school years flew by.

We lived them happily in our common home.

A portrait will remain of the cute girls and boy

In my computer album.

Slightly sly eyes

And carefree youth in the look:

What a pity that the years cannot be returned back!

The last notebooks are filled with notes.

All songs are sung to the end...

Latest bugs fixed:

Oh, how careless the look of the face is -

There is not even the slightest shadow in the smile!

Probably, happy years will pass,

When dozens of them rush past,

Then, probably, the girls and my boy will understand,

That everything in this life is unique!

Beautiful words are out of place here,

But parting is worse than a tsunami!

I give you the islands as a souvenir,

Slightly visible in the sea fog.

And this lonely moon

A lighthouse burning with a little hope,

I also give you a noisy wave,

And the farewell call of the snow-white gulls.

How to succeed in this life?
How can you get what you want?
How to realize everything you dreamed of?
The answer is simple - let me dare!

Let yourself dare to love yourself,
Giving no room for grievances,
Distributing love everywhere
And appreciate every moment of life!

Allow yourself to be yourself
Living, not playing roles!
To be an expression of your will,
And not crushed by fate!

Let yourself dare to change yourself!
Watching movies, reading books,
Studying and gaining cones,
Dare to gain wisdom!

Allow yourself to dare to grow,
Raising the bar all the time!
No need to go inside out at all,
But dare to be always on the go!

Allow yourself to dare to dream,
Without clipping the wings of dreams,
Fearing only your powerlessness
In dreams of flying under the clouds!

Dare not to worry,
About what you can’t change!
But if you want to live beautifully,
Have the strength to change your life!

Dare to control your life!
Making your decisions
Making dreams come true,
Dare to transform your life!

Allow yourself to love life!
Admiring everyone in this life,
Enjoying every moment,
Dare to live fully!

The world is a taleAvery interesting

And intriguingly large!

Let the songs make you happy,

Let the continent be small!

Let there, beyond the horizons of dreams,

The wind of wanderings will fill the scarlet sail,

But wherever your boat wanders,

You will return home one day.

We will be waiting for you...

And remember:
The best day is today!
The best rest is work!
The best job is the one you love!
The biggest need is the need to communicate!
The greatest wealth is health!
The greatest gift is love!
The greatest joy is creativity!
Remember this and never regret anything!

Children, relatives, I wish you good luck.

Believe in yourself, but also don’t lose school friends.

Remember that I am always waiting for you with hope.

It will be difficult for you - call, I will come to help

33. "Snow" duet Shalimova G.V. and C ypko D.

34. "Angel of Tomorrow" duet Shalimova G.V. and Kamenskaya Tatiana

Natasha: And now we give the floor to our main heroes of today's holiday.

Dasha. Words of gratitude for the manager, film. Congratulations to the parents.

Dasha. Everything passes, only music is imperishable,
It sounds in dreams and in reality,
She flies like a bird into the blue,
On a wonderful morning, having escaped from captivity.
There are no barriers to her, and, listening to the foliage,
Let's kneel together
And the walls of mistrust
They will easily fall into the green grass.
Lesha. We'll be back again
So that the sky lights up with stars.
We'll be back again
So that love shines over the world.
We'll be back again
So that the best things in life come true,
And it sounded from heaven
Above the ground is a magic lyre.
Tanya. We dream that the world
Reigned for all time,
To people around
We wished everyone love and health,
So that from good heavens
The big moon was shining
Filling the whole world
Inspirational and tender love.
We will be back again, we will be back again...

35. "Angels of Hope"

Galina Vasilievna: This is how, Gentlemen, pop stars are lit! Daria, Tatyana, Alexey, you were born to sing! I invite you, dear viewers, to fire the final salvo with your palms! Applause! But we are not saying goodbye, and we hope that our singers will delight you with their songs more than once! Goodbye!Thanks to everyone who spent this evening with us, see you again!


    Video presentation for the creative concert “Magic Sing Microphone”

    Video presentations about each graduate

    Video presentation “We are worthy of our memory”

    Video presentation of the prologue “Magic Sing Microphone”: photo collage about graduates

    Video presentation “The most worthy men” for the song “Fly, my angel”

    Video from the International Festival «Nazustrich mriya» , performance with Ukrainian pop star Renata Stiefel. “There, by the cherry orchard”

    Video presentation “The Tale of the Good Fairy”, about the leader

Shalimova G.V.

    Video for the song “19 years”

    Video of concert performances.


electroacoustic music ensemble “MAGIC STYLE”

Music is playing. Girls in dresses go up to the stage. Performed by the ensemble it sounds


(ANYA KOTOMKINA) - How many times have we begun our concerts with this wonderful Minuet by the modern French composer Paul Mauriat. Previously, the Minuet opened court balls, and today we are opening our benefit performance - a benefit performance of the ensemble "MAGIC STYLE"!

(YULIA DEBELAYA) - Do you remember how it all began? Only two synthesizers and an old piano, touching music by Sviridov (Nadya plays 2 bars of WALTZ from the play “Blizzard”), and grateful tears of the audience!

(ANYA) - Do you remember the concert “Play, Harmony Zarinskaya!” and our catchy ditty!

2. PART arr. Alaparova

(NADIA VASIKOVA) – It was so interesting, so fun - we are together! We are a real ensemble! And every ensemble needs to have a name! Maybe Magic Sounds?

(ANYA) –Or Magic Keys? Magic rhythm?

(JULIA) - Magic style, not bad either... Oh! Eat! MAGIC STYLE! We were just learning an excerpt from “The Nutcracker” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and probably the Sugar Plum Fairy herself quietly suggested this name to us. (lights turn off)

3. P. I. Tchaikovsky “DANCE OF THE PIECE FAIRY”

(at the last sounds, HARRY POTER appears)

(HARRY POTHER) - Vagrium Leviosa! I hear some unusual sounds and talk about magic! But this is my element! I am Harry Potter (bows to everyone, approaches the girls and introduces himself to them one by one)

(The girls answer): - Julia,

Nadya-ensemble “MAGIC STYLE”!

(HARRY POTHER) - “MAGIC STYLE”, “MAGIC STYLE” (thinks) I’ve already heard this name somewhere. .. A! This is the topic of my friend Ron's doctoral dissertation... So there are three of you and you are "MAGIC STYLE"!?

(ANYA) - We have long been not three, but four, because at one fine moment another member appeared in our ensemble - Kira (KIRA GLUKHOVA comes on stage), who plays the flute wonderfully. It was a gift of fate, because it was precisely such a wonderful living instrument that we were missing so much!

(HARRY POTHER) -Oh, yes! Flute, synthesizers, piano - these are miracles of sound synthesis! Reducto!

(KIRA ) - Not a word about autumn, but I’ll have to forget again...

Tell her everything with your heart, she will understand

Without knowing the letters, without feeling the notes,

And what has been done will be postponed until tomorrow...


(HARRY POTHER) -Wonderful, wonderful! I have never heard this beautiful Arietta by composer Skulte in such an arrangement! Well, now let me ask you some questions! Your ensemble is called “MAGIC STYLE”, but do you know what magic is?

(ANYA) - This is magic, witchcraft, sorcery...

(G.P.) - And not only! This is a whole science of changing the environment with the help of certain rituals. This is the science of practical creation! So you can create something yourself?

(KIRA GLUKHOVA) - Of course! How can we! For example, our Yulia composed very interesting musical sketches inspired by a visit to the Kungur cave.

(G.P.) - Oh! Caves are so mysterious and enigmatic! I'm just intrigued, tell me more!

(YULIA DEBELAYA) -Yes, I was really simply shocked by this beauty of natural creation, this miracle! And already there, in the cave itself, I imagined the crystal sounds of the “Stalactites”, the brilliant shimmer of the “Diamond Grotto” and the “Underground Lake”. This is how the cycle “Secrets of the Kungur Cave” was born (verses are read by YULIA before each play) (the lights are turned off, the lanterns and a film about the Kungur Cave)


1. "Stalactites"

How enviable is their fate -

Far from the busy world,

Stalactites flicker in the cave...

2. "The Diamond Grotto"

Scatterings of diamonds everywhere...

Frozen world

ABOUT! How weird he is...

3. “Underground Lake”

Drop by drop flows down...

Silence is deceptive...

The underground lake keeps a secret.

(G.P.) - Yes... it was really amazing! It was as if I had been in these caves myself. You are real creators! And now I will show you my art of magic. The simplest thing is teleportation - moving objects in space! Wingardium Leviosa!!! (the lights turn off, the lanterns, the girls quickly leave, the lights come on).

(G.P.) -Well, you see! I'm a real wizard! While miracles of transformation are happening to these creatures somewhere out there, in intergalactic space, I will tell you that, in fact, I have long known everything about this company of young Muggles and arrived at their benefit with the honorable mission of presenting them with certificates of Masters of Creative Sciences! I know their whole history, their successes and defeats, I know who was the creator of “MAGIC STYLE” And now I will show and tell you everything! (film-presentation about the ensemble) (At this time the girls change into concert costumes)


(G.P.) - Well, meet me again! Ensemble "MAGIC STYLE"!

By the way, the signature recipe of your creativity consists of:

Diverse talents of participants,

The perseverance of tireless teachers,

Endless rehearsals and concerts, plus a sea of ​​jokes and laughter during these rehearsals and concerts!

Mix everything well, shake and you will get a “MAGIC STYLE” cocktail!

(ANYA) - Your recipe, Harry, is absolutely accurate! And the main ingredient in this cocktail is laughter! There is no shortage of humor in our lives! For example, you can expect surprises from our electronic instruments at any time: all the settings will go wrong, the electricity will go out, or the power supply will break just before the performance... Isn’t this your tricks?

(G.P.) -Well, no, I’m a decent magician, and only the evil Voldemor is capable of such jokes...

(KIRA) - And how many unexpected things happen on our trips to competitions and concerts... Just look at the performance at the “Eighth Note” competition in Perm, when we almost had to go on stage, and we are still on the other side of the city. This is where your teleportation miracles would come in handy. You can only approach this with humor!

(YULIA) - And we even have such a play in our repertoire: Rodion Shchedrin Humoresque.


(G.P.) - You know, we wizards have a whole set of different spells, rituals and magical objects in our work. And for you, as I understand it, these are musical works. And they are united by some strange word, I recently heard it... Reducto... Reparto....?

(ANYA) -Repertoire!

(G.P.) - Oh! Yes! Yes! And how many works are in this repertoire of yours?

(KIRA) - About twenty! And we want to do one of the last ones. Schnittke Postlude.


(G.P.) - We’ve dealt with magic, let’s now talk about style. In Dahl's scientific treatise, style is an image, taste, unity of artistic direction, but I prefer the encyclopedic definition of style - as a philosophy of life, a road. And I have already heard works of various styles performed by you - classical, romantic, modern. Maybe you tried yourself in some other direction?

(ANYA) - Yes, last year we decided to play jazz! It was very funny!

(YULIA) -We had to use synthesizers to imitate a drum kit, something like this. (shows)

(YULIA) - Of course, we did not become real jazzmen, but at least we touched on this style. So we present to you - Myasoedov Archaic - blues, Dvorak Jazz etude.



(G.P.) - You amused me so much and got me so excited that I just wanted to create something like that... Oh! invented. Come to me. I will now teach all of you (to the audience) the most difficult thing in the art of magic - levitation, that is, lifting and holding an object in the air. Well, for example... (looks appraisingly at Anya, at Yulia and eventually finds a balloon to the side and takes it) Our task is to keep this object in the airspace for as long as possible. You can blow, you can toss it with your nose, with your head, but you can’t touch it with your hands. So, Vargium Leviosa!!! (music. Game with the audience “Keep the ball in the air” at this time: lower the racks, put a chair.)

-(during the game HARRY POTER comments) The game is over. Everything is in place.

(G.P.) - You know, I just thought, when this school year ends, you will all scatter in all directions, like these balls. And there will no longer be an ensemble “MAGIC STYLE”?

Why won't it happen? We already have successors - little wizards. So, welcome!!!



(raise one synthesizer, remove a chair, girls take microphones)

(ANYA) - Once upon a time we were so small.

(G.P.) - Once upon a time I was so small!

(ANYA) -Where does it all go?

(G.P.) - Where does childhood go?... Zatsepin sl. Derbeneva SONG “Where does childhood go” (K. Glukhova on synthesizer, N. Vasilkova on piano, sung by A. Kotomkina and Yu. Debelaya)

(G.P.) - You touched me so much, but I must fulfill my honorable mission to the end. So, Hogwart Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry awards you the title of MASTER OF CREATIVE SCIENCES and gives you these certificates. Kotomkina Anna, Debelaya Yulia, Vasilkova Nadezhda, Glukhova Kira (presents certificates to each, boys - candy)

(G.P.) -And now I give the floor...Galina Nikolaevna Novikova, Head of the Department of Culture, Tchaikovsky

(ANYA) - And now, at the end of our benefit performance, we want to perform for you our favorite Tango by Natalia Smirnova.


(ANYA) - We were very glad to see you at our creative evening. See you again!

(G.P.) - Vagrium Leviosa!!! I will instantly teleport everyone to the hall!

The idea to hold a benefit performance for the electroacoustic music ensemble “MAGIC STYLE” was not born by chance. The ensemble existed on the basis of "Children's Music School No. 2" for several years, and these years were so interesting, fruitful and rich in various competitions and concerts that by the time the girls graduated from music school, they wanted to do something meaningful and memorable. At the same time, the ensemble members have accumulated a really large repertoire over the years and performed various concert programs. I wanted to choose the brightest, most beloved works from them and perform them again for my family and friends, classmates and teachers, school administrations and the city.

For the city of Tchaikovsky, such an ensemble was a unique phenomenon, one of a kind, and was in demand, since many concert venues did not have stationary instruments, and the ensemble could always be transformed to suit the existing conditions. A very diverse repertoire was also in demand; it was not for nothing that one of the concert programs was called “FROM CLASSICS TO JAZZ”. In the first years, the ensemble consisted of two synthesizers and a piano, but with the advent of a “live” flute in its composition, it began to sound new, which of course immediately affected the competitive results. Annually performing at various competitions, the ensemble came step by step closer to the highest awards. It was a great joy to receive the title of laureate at the International Electronic Music Competition “Music and Electronics” in Moscow. But outdated instruments did not allow us to take part in the Gala concert, so we, the leaders of the ensemble, decided: we will do a BENEFIT! We thought for a very long time about an idea that would unite all the concert numbers, we even had to ask the school teacher of the Theater Department for help. And when the script appeared in our hands, which featured Harry Potter - the favorite of all modern children, we realized - this is it! Then everything went much faster. We made a complete script, created a presentation of the history of the creation of the ensemble, a short film for the series “Secrets of the Kungur Cave”, prepared the necessary technical equipment: computers, projector, screen, music and lighting design. And of course, rehearsals and more rehearsals. Especially for the benefit performance, another group of kids, “Little Wizards,” was created, who performed there for the first time. Well, we had to teach more girls not only to play but also to sing and recite on stage.

Miroshnikova Irina Ivanovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 21 named after pilot Igor Shchipanov

village of Yasenskaya, Yeisk district, Krasnodar region

The script for the benefit performance at the literary and artistic salon “Green Lamp” was compiled independently, without the use of additional sources or the use of Internet resources.

The literary and artistic salon "Green Lamp" was opened at Yasensky secondary school No. 1 in 1993. A psychologist conducted a survey of high school students and identified their interests and inclinations. Its results were discussed at the teachers' council. Here it was decided to open a salon in which people of different ages could meet, who came here at will in order to discuss some interesting issues with like-minded people, introduce them to their creative endeavors, and talk about literature , painting, music.

During the existence of the salon at the school, the center of attention of its guests was the work of A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin, V. Vysotsky, A. Voznesensky and others. More than once the participants in the meetings were united by the poetry of Kuban writers. The Yasen folk choir introduced schoolchildren to folk songs and customs. Meetings and competitions for young poets have become traditional. The premiere of a handwritten collection, the presentation of books with poems by school authors - these are non-standard forms of encouraging and developing the creative abilities of children.

Participants in meetings in the salon have repeatedly become winners and prize-winners of regional competitions and literary festivals.

Many graduates carry their school hobbies into adulthood, and some connect their profession with literature, music, painting and other types of art, developing and improving their creative abilities.

Thus, meetings in the salon contribute to the formation and development of the child’s personality.

The benefit performance held in December 2008, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the “Green Lamp”, was a kind of summing up of the school’s work in developing the creative abilities of students.

Benefit performance script dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the salon

"Green Lamp"

(The sound is “Waltz” by G. Sviridov to A. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm”).

HOST: Fifteen years ago a wonderful event happened at our school.

To the sounds of this waltz, to the applause of the assembled students, teachers, and guests, on a December evening like this, a green lamp was lit, under the soft light of which, creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and creativity, the first meeting was held in the school literary and artistic salon, called "Green lamp". It went well. And we realized that there should be a school salon!

Today is his anniversary, today is the benefit performance of the “Green Lamp”, which brought together those who were at the origins of the birth of our salon, and those who were participants in our meetings, and our guests, in whose souls and hearts the fire of creativity and love also burns to literature, art, life. And now comes the solemn moment. The green lamp will light up again, opening our anniversary meeting.

(To the applause of those present and the music of G. Sviridov, the lamp lights up).

6th grade students congratulate the salon on its anniversary.

(To the music, surrounded by dancing little girls with flowers in their hands, depicting roses, the muse of poetry appears - Euterpe).


God Apollo, patron of the beautiful in life,

He convinced everyone that art is a source of light.

He is surrounded by muses who live on the mountain tops,

From which springs of light flow.

There is inspiration in these sources

People draw creativity from them, they give them to people.

And the people of the earth flourish with their talents,

Filling your soul with joyful creativity.

My name is Euterpe, I came to congratulate you

On the anniversary of the Green Lamp salon.

With sisters - muses, I express hope,

that your inspiration will never die.

Let the school be famous for your talents,

Let the “Green Lamp” shine ever brighter!

We will serve creativity faithfully,

Giving you a gift from the gods - inspiration!

Happy anniversary!

(The girls put a bouquet of roses in a vase near the lamp, everyone leaves to the music) HOST:

It is probably no coincidence that our anniversary (as fate decreed) takes place on the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, who back in 1819 became a member of the literary and theatrical society, which also had the same name " Green lamp." We in no way lay claim to the laurels of this society. The consonance of the names is a tribute to the talent of Pushkin and his like-minded people; it is a continuation of the traditions of developing creative abilities and talent. And the motto of that society “Light and Hope” is so consonant with us.

Paying tribute to the great Russian poet, let us today remember the circle of which he himself was a member.

(G. Sviridov’s waltz sounds, 2 students come on stage).

1st student: After graduating from the Lyceum, having arrived in St. Petersburg, Pushkin became a member of the Arzamas literary society, and in 1819 - the Green Lamp literary and political circle.

2 I student: It got its name because of the lamp of this color that hung in the hall where they gathered. The society's motto consisted of the words "Light and Hope."

1st student: The chairman of the society was Yakov Tolstoy, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. Its founders were also the Decembrists Sergei Trubetskoy, a lover of theater and literature N. Vsevolozhsky.

2 I student: Among the members (and there were about 20 of them) were Fyodor Glinka, Alexander Ulybyshev. Many lampists are future Decembrists.

1st student: With passionate interest they discussed not only poetry and theatrical novelties, but also political problems, they freely spoke “about a fool, an evil nobleman, about a slave, about a heavenly king, and sometimes about an earthly one.”

2 I student: On Saturdays, in the house of the founder of the “Green Lamp” Vsevolozhsky, where the society gathered, merry feasts were held, but serious topics were also discussed and poems were sung.

1st student: Pushkin’s poems are addressed to friends - lamp-makers. (Participants of the benefit performance, dressed in tailcoats, appear on stage, portraying A. Pushkin, A. Delvig, F. Glinka).

Pushkin: (addressing the audience and friends on stage)

Hello, dashing knights

Love, freedom and wine!

For us, young allies,

The lamp of hope is lit!

Delvig: My friend Pushkin! My singing nightingale! I want to dedicate this verse to you and call it “Russian Song” (reads the poem). Liked?

Pushkin: Thank you, Delvig! “I will sigh in silent delight, listening to the sound of your strings!”

F. Glinka: My friends! I present my poem for your consideration. I want to call it “The Dream of a Russian in a Foreign Land.” It is about the fact that even the most beautiful, but foreign land cannot replace the “native side”. Remember, from Derzhavin: “The smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.” So listen up! (Reads the poem: “The Dream of a Russian in a Foreign Land”).

Pushkin: Thank you, Glinka! How true, how poetic! The Russian land, the fate of the Fatherland are so dear to everyone. So I love my village. But my soul was disturbed by the thoughts that arose in my head at the sight of this calm, serene, dear to my heart picture of rural nature. Listen. (Reads the verse “Ancient” - “I greet you...”).

(At the end of the reading, friends applaud.)

Pushkin: How we would like our Motherland to become free and happy, so that our descendants will retain in their souls the same love for the Fatherland that burns in our hearts.

Delvin: I believe that our land will not run out of talented and gifted people.

Glinka: Let our descendants remember us.

Pushkin: And may it come true!

(They leave).

(Waltz music to "Blizzard" sounds).


Such a dialogue was able to take place thanks to our gifted guys, who perfectly managed to convey the mood and spirit of the lamp makers, as well as our imagination.

There are many stars shining in the heavenly expanses, but among them there is no star or planet bearing the name of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. But his poetry is a guiding star for every thinking reader; in his multifaceted poems one can find answers to many questions. "Pushkin is our everything." The graduates of our school, standing on the threshold of a big, adult life, want to tell us about this today.

(Speech by 11th graders).


“Light and Hope” - these words are very symbolic. Having seen a spark of ability and talent, at our school we do everything possible to ensure that the children develop their abilities, so that the sparks of their talent flare up more and more brightly. And we hope that our students will be extraordinary, creative people, that they will become individuals who are not like others.

HOST: Today at our anniversary evening there are those who were the first. They have already graduated from school, changes have occurred in their lives. Not everyone, unfortunately, was able to come, but we remember everyone. We invite guests to the stage.

(Former students go up on stage, reminisce about meetings in the salon, and give their gifts).

Bubuk E. (now an employee of the rural cultural center) remembered the first meeting, when they cut the ribbon, they talked about A. Voznesensky’s poem “Juno” and Avos,” many children read their poems and poems of famous poets. His gift for the anniversary of the salon was dance "roses" accompanying the Muse of lyrical poetry, because he is the head of a ballroom dancing club.

Kosov D. (now a police officer) came to the meeting with his wife. He, together with I. Turov, who wrote poetry, took part in the literary festival "Victory Salute!" in the city of Sochi in 1995. Dima, a school bard, presented his songs about the war there and became a winner, and then a participant and laureate of the All-Russian Festival in Smolensk. He remembered his trips, sang songs of those years and, together with his wife, a new one, dedicated to his friends (a gift to the salon).

Gopalo A. recalled the successful meeting dedicated to the work of F.I. Tyutchev, where he read the poet’s poems written in French and Russian, as well as the successful performance of himself and his comrades at the regional literary festival. Falling in love with the French language and the desire to study it thoroughly in order to read French literature not in translation, but in the original, became even stronger after becoming acquainted with these poems by Tyutchev. Now he is preparing to enter a pedagogical university at the faculty of spatial languages.

The guys recalled active participants in all creative activities in the “Green Lamp”: Ivan Turov, a school poet, now a student at the Faculty of Journalism at KSU,

Alexey Kondratyev, now a law student, who continues to actively participate in student theater performances.

Art school teacher Tregub R.A., mother of two school graduates Daniil and Ekaterina, who illustrated many literary works, and are now students at the Academy of Culture and Art College in Krasnodar (respectively), brought the current works of her children, witness talking about creative growth, showed those present and invited everyone to attend a class at the art school, with which secondary school No. 1 cooperates (donates to the salon the work of Gromova’s student E. 10b grade “Fallen Angel”, etc.)


We are grateful to all the guests for participating in the anniversary evening and are giving as a souvenir a collection of poems, “Beautiful Gusts of the Soul,” which includes the works of those guys who were at the origins of the Green Lamp salon. These books were designed by computer science teacher V.A. Morozov. Thank you, and don't forget our salon.

Life does not stand still. New poets, artists, and musicians are growing up at the school.

A recent exhibition of drawings showed wonderful works by the children and others. By order of the school, gratitude was expressed to them.

And the competition of school poets, participants in meetings in the salon, showed that the skill of regular participants is growing, new names are appearing.

And now the guys offer you their works:

    Kapishton E. (7th grade) - waltz "Cat".

    Fomenko D. (6th grade) - poem “A lot of words have been written about mother.”

    Biryukova M. (grade 11) - poems “Writing about Pushkin.”

    Uvarova A. (8th grade) - a poem about Yeisk.

(The poets were given books about versification as souvenirs).


An attempt to express one’s “I”, oneself, one’s soul through creativity is common to many people. Today I am pleased to introduce a creative family: this is mother and daughter - Berestok L.G. and Lyuba, a 6th grade student. Mom plays the guitar beautifully and sings songs and romances together with her daughter.

(Mother congratulates everyone on the anniversary of the salon, wishes them creative success, they perform songs and romances).


Songs and poems were sung.

Eyes sparkle, faces shine.

No, our school will not get tired

Be proud of the children's talents!

Congratulations to the salon from the library, psychologist, director

Memorable souvenirs are presented to performance participants and literature teachers - calendars with the image of A.S. Pushkin.

The district library, represented by I.B. Grabar, presents the salon with a greeting card in the form of a green lamp with a memorable note and a candle for future meetings there.


The school and its friends congratulate all the participants in today's meeting on their 15th anniversary and express the hope that, under the light of the green lamp, enthusiastic and talented children will meet for a long time. Every person has abilities. The main thing is to understand this in time and reveal them. Try your hand, don’t be shy, you will succeed

Creativity is a movement of the soul!

Our meeting is ending, but new ones await you. We invite everyone and, of course, look forward to the 20th anniversary of the Green Lamp.