Dagestan conscripts staged a massacre in a military unit in Altai? “Perhaps someone helped”: a Chelyabinsk conscript was found shot dead at an airbase near Perm

People 15 Feb 2018 - 14:55

Ethiopian. writes:

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Muslim Aliev 15 Feb 2018 - 14:55

People writes:

Ethiopian. writes:

In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.

On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

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People 15 Feb 2018 - 15:02

Muslim Aliev writes:

People writes:

Ethiopian. writes:

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

poor Ethiopians can't wait for the Yankees to free you from slavery))

You are right about slavery, an ordinary citizen in this country is worth nothing, and he has no legal rights, but only obligations to the state-regime and its proteges

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Ethiopian. 15 Feb 2018 - 16:38

Muslim Aliev writes:

People writes:

Ethiopian. writes:
In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

poor Ethiopians can't wait for the Yankees to free you from slavery))

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Non-Russian Man 15 Feb 2018 - 16:46

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Ramses 2 15 Feb 2018 - 16:58

Non-Russian Man writes:

One thing is not clear - this girl is on trial, and Russian mercenaries from Syria who suffered from US strikes are treated in the best clinics of the Ministry of Defense? What is the difference?

You are confusing dear. Putin calls them volunteers. Oh no, volunteers are only in Danbass and Luhansk, but then who is there? Not really "little green men" or "polite people". Whatever you call them, they are the same gangsters who have no moral and ethical education, they are ready to do anything for money. Then only cry from their labors, why is the state doing this to them and their families.

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People 15 Feb 2018 - 17:57

Muslim thinks that if Trump comes, he will take away the container and the only cow from him)))...
And the muftiate needs to prepare for the dua to Trump and NATO, and suddenly, you never know what. They were opportunists at all times

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Zanzibar 15 Feb 2018 - 18:02

People writes:

Ethiopian. writes:

In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

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new look 15 Feb 2018 - 19:46

I can't say how much it cost the Chechen authorities to rescue the militants' wives from Syria. But without a doubt, I am sure that the maintenance of their families, you and I, dear taxpayers, will cost many times more.

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ALL ZNAYKA 15 Feb 2018 - 20:03

What kind of nonsense...? In your opinion, are the Wagners also to blame for the blue fuel crisis that America is experiencing today and at the same time covertly importing it from Russia? And behind the stock indices, which collapsed twice in a week in the United States, are also PMCs? Or are you trying to blame the massive shelling of students, which takes place almost every month in the schools of Pindos, on the mercenaries who destroy the Vakhis in Syria?

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SSS1111 15 Feb 2018 - 21:38

PMC Wagner, and the analogy suggests itself to PMC "Russia.," or PMC Russia forever and for all time, but as the classic said,
mountains are forever!

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Muslim Aliyev 15 Feb 2018 - 22:44

Ethiopian. writes:

Muslim Aliev writes:

The people write:

Ethiopian. writes:
In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

poor Ethiopians can't wait for the Yankees to free you from slavery))

Don't be afraid, Muslim! What difference does it make to you who makes dua!? I will ask Trump to give permission ... You will do it to him.

Ethiopian. writes:

Muslim Aliev writes:

The people write:

Ethiopian. writes:
In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

poor Ethiopians can't wait for the Yankees to free you from slavery))

Don't be afraid, Muslim! What difference does it make to you who makes dua!? I will ask Trump to give permission ... You will do it to him. Zanzibar writes:

People writes:

Ethiopian. writes:
In 13 years, Russia will fall apart... She need not worry.

SASHA has already come to grips with RUSSIA. Russian gopnichestvo is slowly subsiding, now all that remains is to chew snot and brandish nuclear weapons))
In Syria, the US military killed about 100 Russian mercenaries and wounded about 30 people who are being treated in hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The Soviet tank T-72 was destroyed.
The Americans were also behind the attack on the Russian base in Syria.
On the Black Sea, the British fleet ship Enterprise crossed the path of the Russian transport ship Kyzyl-60 and “passed just a few meters” from it, i.e. NATO spat in the direction of the Kremlin.

The number of Russians killed recently from PMC Wagner in Syria is an order of magnitude higher, multiplied by 5. Recently, another 15 were killed right at their base. It is not clear why Russia needed to help Bashar al-Assad at all ... Instead of taking care of their country, economy, pensions, they spend money and the lives of their soldiers for the sake of some kind of Assad ... They did not learn the Afghan lesson. They have been at war with terrorism for 25 years, and they won’t fight in any way, they want to compete with the United States, although they don’t have a damn thing for themselves. The vaunted aircraft carrier Kuznetsov, and he floats on fuel oil ...

The other characters amaze me. Dagis who went with their wives to fight in Syria for the sake of the United States or under the flag of ISIS, where the “caliph” is an employee of Masada Adu Bakr Baghdadi. their wives were handed over to other militants. and now when they are not paid money there, they engage in looting or call their parents to send money. I know the poor fellow who send a pension there to survive.

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about the death of servicemen in the Army.
Here she is. Verbatim:

“Two servicemen hanged themselves in Dagestan. Suicides occurred in the Buynaksk region. At 3 km from the highway Buynaksk-Untsukul, the corpse of 30-year-old capital M. Malygin was found. He was the commander of the 1st company of the 1st battalion of the motorized rifle brigade of military unit 63354. He was found hanged. In addition, 29-year-old G. Gereev, an ordinary contract soldier, was found in the same condition in the courtyard of his house in Buynaksk. He served in the military unit 16544, stationed in the settlement Borzoi of Chechnya. A serviceman was on leave in Dagestan.

It's shocking that all this is happening today. Today. Now...
And not in the area of ​​​​combat operations, but on the territory of Russia.

From the comments:

Sarvat Seidov
My Commander was a good man, I don’t believe that he could do this with himself, he always enjoyed his life, built us and told us I have a house, a beautiful wife and two children, and in the end I have a beha, remember we love the commander .

Oleg Tishchenko replied to Sarvat
Sarvat, also half a year was my commanders on urgent terms. He could not do it himself, he was a strong character ...

Denis Rogatin
My classmate and friend. He was a good man. Honest and decent officer. Loving husband and wonderful father. Strong and courageous and fair. I would never lay hands on myself. Eternal memory and glory to you. May the earth rest in peace brother...

It all hurt. Something was wrong here, reminiscent of reporting on the deaths of military personnel in the “dashing 90s” and early 2000s.
I started looking online for information about what happened.

I quote another note verbatim.

Relatives of a deceased soldier from Buryatia suspect murder because of money and obstinacy

Doubts about the reality of what is happening among relatives arose immediately at the word "suicide". A strong athletic guy was not inclined to give up in the face of difficulties.

Simultaneously with the death of the guy, the details of his life began to be revealed in recent months. The soldier told his brother that he regretted the part in which he signed the contract: “What the hell, I came here, here the bosses issue loans of 150 thousand for contractors.” He spoke about this to a close friend, indignant at the impunity of the perpetrators. In order not to disturb his mother, he almost stopped answering her calls in recent months, only passing through his peers that everything was in order.

On June 16 (on the eve of his death), Bator was at the morning formation, but did not appear on the guard appointed in the evening.

- They say they allegedly called, and his number was unavailable. But he called and sent voice messages to his brother the same day. You won’t find the truth, my mother whispers.

According to Yevgeny, Bator said that a certain “Dagestan roof” was operating in the unit, and all the conscripts on the contract “unfasten their money” from their salaries - 10-15 thousand each. One of the last voice messages to my brother was that he was “gotten” in part.

- Everything is already tired, every day they get me, every day they beat me and demand money. Why should I pay them, I will not pay them, - Aunt Raisa translates Bator's voice message from the Buryat language.

In another message, Bator warns: "In two days, you will pick me up in a coffin." How Bator knew how many days he had left to live, now no one will know. Whether it was murder or incitement to suicide will be decided by the investigation. If it will be. Today the official version is suicide.

Also, neither in the unit, nor in the police, no one could answer where the guy’s gold seal worth 12 thousand rubles and the expensive watch bought by the soldier from his first salary. All these details, together with the posthumous posture of the deceased and his bank cards “lost” in part, do not fit well into the picture of suicide.

After all, the calendar does not show the beginning of 2000, when “cargo 200” was a common occurrence, but the parents of sons drafted into the Russian Army spent days and nights near sources of information, at a window or mailbox, waiting for the postman and the long-awaited envelope, in which there will be mean words from native blood, written with a tired hand: alive, healthy, everything is fine ...
And then, at a personal meeting, involuntary tears will be wiped away, seeing how the son has emaciated from banal malnutrition, how he is trying to hide the blackness under his eyes from sleepless nights, without saying a word about the lawlessness of “hazing”, pain in the eyes from the loss of comrades and friends, who did not return from a business trip.
Personal memories came flooding back.
My several trips to my son's unit. Long wait at the gate.
During one of these expectations, other parents and I witnessed the beating of a young soldier by “grandfathers”.
He, thin and physically weak, covered in blood, meekly accepted bullying and beatings, writhing against the wall. They forced the duty officer at the checkpoint to call for medical assistance.
We screamed, repulsed the little one ... And the “grandfather” was trying to explain to us at that time that in a year this barely breathing someone’s son would “educate young spirits” in the same way ...
And then it started...
Some officers began to approach us and try to find out our names, hinting that our sons would serve here for a long time and something could happen to them if we complained or reported somewhere.
That all this is normal for the current army.
When asked what they call the norm, the officers avoided answering.

Time has passed.

I sincerely sympathize and understand the pain of the soul, the grief of parents whose children are no longer with us.

And I sincerely hope that the investigators who are in charge of these and similar cases will seek the truth, and will not become like colleagues with replies and inventors of delusional explanations, like a “drunk” six-year-old boy with 2.7 ppm of alcohol in his blood, who himself aggressively jumped under the wheels of a car lady, peacefully talking on the phone at a speed of 50 km / h in the yard.

Tatiana Kolesnikova

A special group of prosecutors sent from Moscow discovered a whole organized criminal group in the government of Dagestan and the administration of Makhachkala. The account of funds stolen from the budget goes to tens of billions of rubles.

Why does the prime minister need a golden gun?

On Monday, FSB officers detained Acting Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdusamad Gamidov and two of his deputies - Shamil Isaev and Rayudin Yusufov (aka Minister of Economy and Territorial Development), all three were transferred to Moscow, where the Basmanny Court will choose a preventive measure for them.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB conducted searches in the offices and homes of officials. And the finds were sometimes quite unexpected: two Kalashnikov assault rifles with ammunition, a golden TT pistol, Beretta and Makarov pistols were found in Gamidov's dacha. Curious, why would the Prime Minister of Dagestan have such an arsenal?!

Officials will be charged within the framework of the instituted GU for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Committee of the case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”). The plot of the accusation is still not exactly known, but, most likely, we are talking about the theft of budget funds that were allocated to Dagestan for the implementation of social programs.

Another detainee was the former Minister of Education and Science of Dagestan Shakhabas Shakhov, who was dismissed in December. A criminal case was already initiated against him last year related to embezzlement of budget funds during the construction of an educational complex in Kaspiysk. At the same time, however, Shakhov's successor as minister turned out to be his long-term deputy Shirali Aliyev.

It is likely that the investigation will charge the detainees under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of a criminal community or participation in it”). And this will not become a precedent for Russia: for example, the investigation imputes the organization of a criminal community to the former governor of the Republic of Komi, Vyacheslav Gaiser (the other day, the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow began to consider his case). And in December 2016, the former vice-governor of the Primorsky Territory, Igor Meshcheryakov, and a number of officials who were involved in the sale of state property were convicted under a similar article.

12 people have lost their jobs

Judging by the way everything was prepared (let us recall the famous pause that Vladimir Vasiliev took before the start of the “purge”), and by the way even the highest levels of power are furious, Moscow has seriously taken up the region, says a senior researcher at the Center for Caucasian Problems and Regional Security MGIMO Russian Foreign Ministry Akhmed Yarlykapov. - True, it is very difficult to predict how long this “purge” will come to. Since for such large-scale transformations and “cleansings” an internal serious personnel reserve is needed. It is impossible to replace everyone with Vikings. It is this limit that can have a serious limiting effect.

Criminal cases against the leadership of the Dagestan government are the result of the work of a special group assembled from employees of the Prosecutor General's Office (from the departments for supervision of the implementation of anti-corruption legislation and the implementation of federal legislation). The special group also includes employees of the Southern Transport Prosecutor's Office (Rostov-on-Don), as well as the prosecutor's offices of Moscow, Moscow, Rostov and Volgograd regions.

According to Svobodnaya Pressa, specialists from the neighboring regions of the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District, who have experience in control and revision work in the field of cadastre and land use, urban planning, bidding and public procurement, have also been sent to Dagestan. The special group is personally led by Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Ivan Sydoruk (who, we recall, from 2006 to 2012 headed the Main Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office for the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus Federal District).

Recall that, based on the results of inspections conducted in January, criminal cases were already initiated against the mayor of Makhachkala, Musa Musaev (removed from office, taken into custody) and the chief architect of the city, Magomedrasul Gitinov (removed from office, arrested for 10 days).

Since Vladimir Vasiliev took over Dagestan in October, a number of notorious civil servants have lost their posts. In particular, the prosecutor of the republic, Ramazan Shakhnavazov, left his post (the parliament of the region has already approved the former prosecutor of Khakassia, Denis Popov, for this post).

Bilal Omarov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Dagestani government, who oversees agriculture and the food industry, has been removed from his post. Back in April last year, the Investigative Department for Dagestan opened a criminal case against him related to the theft of funds from the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapkasprybvod". The case was investigated, but local investigators could not get the official removed - until, it seems, Vasiliev personally intervened.

Also, over the past month, Minister for Land, Property Relations and Trade Ruslan Magomedov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Ali Akhmedov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Kazmagomed Yanbulatov, Deputy Head of the Department for Resettlement of the Lak Population Magomed Ismailov left their posts.

45 billion stolen from the budget

Dagestan is among the top ten regions of Russia in terms of the number of detected economic crimes. According to the official statistics of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, in 2017 (for 11 months) there were 2,226 of them registered in the region (and for the whole of 2016 - only 2,179).

Moreover, within the specified period, 263 of them (that is, every seventh!) were not preliminarily investigated: in 2016, however, this figure was much higher - more than 20% of economic crimes were not preliminarily investigated.

Another 107 crimes were identified in the three most common “corruption” elements - receiving and giving a bribe and abuse of power (there were 149 of them in the whole of 2016), of which 81 acts managed to be preliminarily investigated.

From year to year, the scale of financial violations detected by the Accounts Chamber of Dagestan and the State Financial Control Service (SGFK) also grew. The latter, we recall, was created in June 2013 on the personal order of Ramazan Abdulatipov (control powers were withdrawn from the Ministry of Finance), and even reported directly to him: by the way, there are no such departments in any other region of the North Caucasus.

If you read the reports of both financial departments, you get the impression that they are working tirelessly. From 2014 to 2016, the auditors of the Accounts Chamber revealed violations in the region for 19.5 billion rubles, and inspectors of the SGFK - for 22.5 billion. However, only 2.8 billion were returned to the republican budget (the violators returned part of the amount voluntarily).

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The reputation of the Alei motorized rifle division has been tarnished for a long time. Misadventures in this military unit occur with unenviable regularity. And here is another emergency. Last Sunday evening there was a big brawl between Dagestan and Russian soldiers. Eyewitnesses of the event say that not only fists were used, but even sticks with chains. Several soldiers - both Dagestanis and Russians - ended up in a military hospital. No one has serious injuries. The case ended with severe bruises, abrasions, dissected eyebrows, broken lips, etc.

Immediately after the incident, recruits from Dagestan wrote a letter to the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, put 44 signatures and sent them to their small homeland.

I don't understand what's going on in this part. Some kind of lawlessness, - indignant Chairman of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of the city of Derbent Zamira KOSIMOVA. - The guys were called just a few days ago. Also, the service had not really started, but here it was ... The sons called and said that they were beaten right on the parade ground by about 200 Russian soldiers.

We got in touch with a Dagestan soldier from the Aleysk unit. Marat, who had served here for 8 months, was directly involved in the brawl.

At first I heard some screams, I ran up - and there is already a fight going on. There were a lot of people. Some major on the parade ground shouted: “Beat the non-Russians, kill the Dagestanis!” They don't really give us life here. They insult you every day. The most harmless - called monkeys, dogs, chocks. I had a phone on which the song of a Dagestan singer stood as a call. So they took him away immediately.

Currently, most of the parents of the affected Dagestanis are already on the road, going to Altai. They intend to figure out what really happened here.

The fact that servicemen from Dagestan are a rather controversial contingent is no secret to anyone. According to our competent source, who owns the situation, it was they who provoked the fight.

Three Dagestanis approached the Russian and began to recruit him into their ranks. They urged them to obey not Russian officers, but Dagestanis. He refused, - says our source. - For refusal, the Dagestanis began to kick him. All this happened on the landing in the barracks. At the sound of a fight, other soldiers ran out of the barracks. The Russians rushed to help their own, the Dagestanis - theirs. The fight gradually migrated to the parade ground. Several Dagestanis immediately called all their colleagues on mobile phones. Those arrived in time already prepared - with sticks and chains.

As a result, there are casualties on both sides. Some were admitted to the hospital. On July 7, two Dagestanis were arrested. They were considered the instigators of the fight. By the way, both guys were already under investigation because of the conflict that occurred last year in the same part.

As it happens in the army: if a Dagestani has beaten a Russian, he immediately reports to the command. If a Dagestani has beaten a Dagestani, then often because of the Caucasian mentality they endure, but are silent. However, this time everything turned out differently. Having already served quite a decent time, the “old men”-Dagestanis began to drive the spirits-Dagestanis, - says our informant. - They demanded money from them, beat them. But one day they could not stand it and told about everything to the leadership of the unit. One of the guys then hanged himself altogether.

Then, in this case, a criminal case was initiated against three Dagestanis. One of them is the son of the chairman of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of the city of Derbent, Zamira Kosimova. He was then transferred to a military unit in Topchikha. The other two remained in Aleysk. They were arrested as the instigators of the current fight.

I am sure that everything was set up, - says Zamira Kosimova. - Now the son serves in Topchikha and is very pleased. No conflicts, no insults. Gets along with all the soldiers and with the command. I come to Barnaul together with the parents of the guys who suffered this time on July 14th. The first thing we will demand is to transfer the boys to another military unit.

Dagestan continues to be the main source of news for the Russian media. And the Dagestan conscripts continue to be a headache for officers. It sometimes comes to mass hand-to-hand combat and the capture of entire military units by enraged Caucasians. About what is the reason for this acute social army phenomenon and how to deal with it, we talked with our old acquaintance, Dagestan expert and political scientist Magomed Osmanov.

abandoned youth

- Magomed, what is the reason for the army conflicts?

- Here you need to dig a little - both past years and the latest. Dagestan is a country of warriors and abreks. From time immemorial, war has been considered the most worthy pastime in our country. It's in our genetic code. For many years, and quite successfully, we fought the Persians. The raiding system, paying tribute to wealthy lowland neighbors - the same Georgians - was considered a very prestigious occupation in the mountains. And then Russia came to us. After the pacification of the Caucasus, the raiding system was buried and many highlanders saw a lot of advantages in existence under the wing of the White Tsar. Russia thought out a complex system of governance in a multinational republic, minimally infringing on the rights of the mountaineers. And then a citizen of Perestroika came to visit us all. And after it, Chechnya flared up. During the Chechen wars, Russia forgot about Dagestan. She was not up to him. All forces were thrown into the fight against the bloodiest, meanest and most criminal state in the world - free Ichkeria. Chechen fighters, in turn, dreamed of replenishing the ranks of their field detachments with fighters from Dagestan. Still, such a resource disappears! And in our republic then fierce unemployment raged. It, in fact, is still high, but then it was just mass, landslide. Fighters from Chechnya promised (and actually gave) recruits a lot of money, and only for the course of a young fighter in the camp. Like, you’ll train with us for three months, and that’s all - take the money, go home, you don’t owe anything to anyone. In fact, it was not so, of course. The militants, as you know, have an entrance - a ruble, an exit - fifteen, or rather, only on the battlefield.

- And how did the parents of the recruits look at it? In the mountains, after all, a son will not take a step without the knowledge of his father.

Well, first of all, it's not so simple. Parents are sometimes happy to look after their son, to teach the mind, but in the conditions of the degradation of socio-economic life they are forced to plow around the clock in order to bring an extra penny into the house. They go to work - the son is still sleeping. Come - already asleep. Or vice versa, hanging out with friends on the street, smoking weed, waiting for the ancestors to fall asleep so that they endure less brains. And then, the recruiters also blew into their ears that their parents, of course, they are good and love you, but they are already hopelessly behind this life, and now the time has come for fair faith, jihad against the infidels, and as the final reward - houris and other delights of life. And the young man goes into a parallel world. In addition, seasoned militants came from rebellious Chechnya on a visit - a kind of Robin Hood from the forest, bearded, shelled, on new foreign cars, crunching packs of dollars. We called them "fighting toughs". But the youth was led by these tough guys, slapped their enthusiastic eyes at them. And often ran away into the woods. Many returned home "two hundred". Some didn't come back at all. But they drank a lot of blood to the feds.

Feeling abandoned by Russia, not only the young, but the whole of Dagestan sympathized with the impudent and unexpectedly rich Chechens. In Chechnya, the cult of abrechestvo, a daring warrior, revived with incredible swiftness. In addition, crazy money was pumped into this Caucasian "black hole" - by the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, the West - by everyone and sundry. The Ichkerian militants set an example for the local youth: you will be like us, you will be independent and rich! Not only that, with the help of their Arab sponsors, they have done good to a couple of auls in Dagestan itself - in the Dargin Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi. There, everyone who accepted Wahhabism received a Kamaz as a gift. We have nicknamed them "Kamazists-Wahhabists". It was a huge propaganda success. The militants boasted of their fearlessness and cruelty, poisoning our youth.

It must be admitted that local authorities condoned this with might and main. Then in Makhachkala, at every intersection, at every clothing market, video cassettes were sold, where militants cut the throats of still alive captured Russian soldiers. The special services working in the republic did not stop this vile trade. Dagestan was irrevocably plunging into the abyss of separatism and the gloomy Middle Ages before our very eyes. It was in such an atmosphere that the youth of that time was brought up. Which is what we are still unraveling. It got to the point that the Dagestani conscripts were generally no longer taken into the army, seeing in each of them a potential Wahhabi defector. The military reasoned simply: we will learn it, arm it, and then the regiment will be thrown into Chechnya, and the Dagestani, along with the machine gun, will go to the separatists. This had its own logic. And our tectonic youth in this tectonic time was left without work. Realizing the danger of the situation, the Kremlin took unprecedented measures - they entered into separate negotiations with the hated Basayev and dragged him to Dagestan. They say they just took his children hostage - how else to negotiate with such a monster? And he went in. He did not come as a guest - he came to dictate his terms, with his "Islamic peacekeeping brigade". In fact, it was an aggressive expeditionary force. In it, besides the stick, a gingerbread was also prepared for the youth - more than 500 young guys from the Botlikh region received an advance payment of 150 dollars. True, only 17 people came for the rest. They began to suspect that this would not end well, and reinsured themselves.

As a result, the highlanders put up fierce resistance to Basayev. And together with the federal troops they were asked to "leave the premises." By the way, the Chekists then let him go - they faithfully observed the agreements and fulfilled their promises. And I think it was a mistake. It was necessary in the same place, in Dagestan, to bring down this nonhuman. His children were released, hoping "for understanding", and then he did things: he blew up two planes in Domodedovo, took Nazran ...

During his trip to Dagestan, an interesting incident occurred - one of the young Dagestanis recruited by him shot seven militants. And he himself died. He was given a Hero Star. This example has become a landmark for our youth - Dagestan has turned away from the warring Chechnya. The situation was then saved.

And the children of “Satan” (as Basayev was called in Russia) died during the bombing of his village - from the exact hit of the bomb. All six.

- New time - new songs. Now your youth is being actively lured into ISIS (an organization banned in Russia). Many agree...

- The reasons are the same: unemployment, a complete vacuum of ideology (as in all of Russia), the lack of an all-Russian national idea that is attractive to Dagestanis, a feeling that the republic has been abandoned to its fate and completely isolated from Russia, the complexes of abrek and mercenary that have not been eliminated among mountain youth, plus our inescapable and limitless Caucasian greed. The militants knew how to catch the local highland buzzards. This is a song, not life: you fought for 3-4 months, and you are already a major in a new car. You can cut through local roads, scatter your fingers like a fan, show off in front of the girls, let dust in your eyes. In the mountains, show-offs - especially in youth - are still more expensive than money.

- The reverse side of such "majorism" is a bullet in the forehead or a fragment between the eyes.

“But after all, everyone thinks that an insurance certificate has been issued to him straight from Allah. Like, a bullet will catch up with anyone, and I am a charmer. But since ISIS in Syria was pinched and partially disposed of, many began to return.

“We have broken everyone here, we are breaking and we will break!”

- Okay, with ISIS, it's clear. And why do Dagestanis from the first days of service in the army come into conflict with their colleagues?

- Firstly, in our mountains, young people mature earlier - both psychologically and physiologically. A mountain youth at 18 is like a Russian at 25. It turns out that a boy is going to serve in the army from Russia, and almost a man from Dagestan. And often with a solid base of a combatant athlete and a complex of an abrek who descended from his mountains for flat prey. Well, like, where are my sheep? Having come to the troops, he feels that he is actually the oldest here. In addition, Russian youths at this age are for some reason notorious for everything. Either from late growing up, or life itself has been pressing them since childhood. Plus female education. In Russia, wherever you spit, damned women rule everywhere: in kindergarten, school, in the family, in government, often at work. Not every woman can withstand this pressure. And looking at the pressed, the Caucasian wants to be the first not only in fact, but also in rank. After all, how does any highlander work? He longs to be the master of the situation wherever he is. Even if the mountaineer is among the penguins at the North Pole or among the monkeys in Africa, he will also want to be the “head of the pole” or the “lion-king of the savannas and the jungle” there. And penguins, macaques and other "sheep" at the click of his fingers will anneal lezginka. No wonder we say: “If one of two Dagestanis is made a boss, then there will be three bosses.”

This applies to young people even more. And if a soldier is also physically strong (and in Dagestan there is a cult of strength, we have all the youngsters walking around with their ears broken on the carpet), he also tries to crush the officers - in order to be the sovereign master in the unit. And it blows in the ears of the platoon commander: “Do you want order to be in the unit - even in your absence? Make me and my countrymen sergeants! No one will put things in order better than us, the "Natsiks"! I'll build everyone here." And many officers, brutalized by the "beloved personnel", swallow this profit along with the float. And they fall into the "Dagestan trap".

By the way, this behavior of Caucasians in the army was shown very well in the sensational film "Fan". There, Caucasian karatekas cajole officers and bully the company's personnel. And then they write intoxicating letters home: officers dance to our tune, we break all the soldiers ... Or even worse: they post a photo on the Internet where one frail Dagestani is filmed against the backdrop of soldiers on whose backs the words "Caucasus" or "Dagestan" are written. True, for some reason he does not show a support group from Caucasian jocks in the frame. This is generally greyhound beyond good and evil. Such Internet revelations should immediately become the property of the military prosecutor's office. And here the article and the dispute are clearly stumbling. And all this is a direct consequence of the officer's either naivety (which is very bad), or indifference to the fate of the soldiers (which is generally unacceptable), or a complete lack of discipline in the unit in principle (which is also out of the question). After such photos, the part must be turned upside down, the officers (and especially the political officers) must ensure that they appear on the carpet before the prosecutor with their heads and shoulder straps torn off. The French say: the best remedy for dandruff is the guillotine. So, the best remedy for dandruff, which replaces the brains of the organizers of such photo shoots, is a technical knockout. But it's better to kick these Augean stables out of bad heads still at the prevention stage.

- And if the "heads of the penguins" run into a Russian karate soldier?

- Then the next number of the Marleson ballet begins - plan "B" is turned on. By the way, he is also well shown in the "Fan". Abreks, sensing a real threat, immediately offer a worthy opponent to conclude an “unbreakable alliance” against the rest of the personnel: “Come on, Vasya, join us - we will build all the rest in the unit!”. And Vasya (not from a great mind, of course) joins them. And the selfless team begins to bend all the rest already together. And messages are flying to Dagestan via the Internet: “The whole part is in our hands. We broke everyone here, we are breaking and we will break! And then, in the process of endless breaking, some kind of emergency happens, and the highlanders unanimously point to Vasya - it's his fault, he incited us!

But let's get back to our sheep. In a sense - to problems with Dagestan conscripts. Who is to blame is clear. Question number two - what to do? Shouldn't they be invited at all?

- In no case. Otherwise, they will rush through our mountains and villages with their tails up, and all this will end with some kind of ISIS. We need to work with them - both here, in Dagestan, and in the army itself.

- Plan of action, please...

- No problem. The army leadership just needs to understand a few things. First. Conscripts from Dagestan are a special risk group that requires special treatment. Second. Highlanders from the first days of service must understand that any mockery of the soldiers is fraught with criminal prosecution. Whoever does not understand this is to buy a ticket to the disciplinary battalion. Thirdly (I’m already tired of talking about this) - if someone doesn’t understand something, he should be thrown out of the army, like a kitten in a window, and not transferred from unit to unit, as is now customary. He screwed up - let him fly to his village ahead of his own screech. Look what happened in the Far East, in Belogorye. Dagestani Abdulkhalidov did not get along in one part (it was not possible to assert himself), he was transferred to another - instead of being thrown out of the army. And in another, he shot three soldiers and an officer at the shooting range. And he went to the local tea house to drink coffee - with a sense of accomplishment. He was shot, of course, but who will return the soldiers to their mothers? And if they removed it in time, everyone would be alive. Fourth, it's time to bring in the military police in order to neutralize people like Abdulkhalidov in time.

"Gai-gui-Makhachkala" on the island of Kunashir

- But we seem to have commandant companies for this ...

- ... where clerks and laborers serve. For some reason, this institution in the army has been completely discredited. In the internal troops, the functions of the military police are partially performed by maroon berets. But there are two or three of them in the company, no more, and they also need to be served, and not endlessly brought to their senses by the indignant conscripts. Over all military units where Dagestanis serve, the most severe control up to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief should be established. The experience of the capture by the Dagestanis of an entire machine-gun and artillery brigade on the island of Kunashir a few years ago should have taught something. By the way, in Kunashir, the officers exemplarily “swallowed all the bait” that the Dagestanis threw at them. First, they were seduced by the songs of the Caucasian sirens (“no one will put things in order better than the Nazis”), then the mountaineers easily fed them the legend that the Koran does not allow them to wash dishes and scrub army latrines, plowing all the rest of the soldiers on this business. After that, they began to go AWOL and fight with local guys at local discos. Got out of hand again. Then it went on increasing. Even an attempt to take away the service card from the local district police officer did not bring the officers out of their lethargic sleep. The quintessence of this bacchanalia was a visit by a local Chechen, who served in the same unit, to his brothers in intellectual disability, raging in the barracks. I am still unable to understand where during all this lawlessness was the vaunted commandant's company of the division? At the sight of an "outsider" drunk in rags on the territory of the unit, an epiphany descended on the officers. In addition, this person clearly sent the duty officer to the address widely known among the people. With a bullet in the body, the living target rushed in leaps towards the checkpoint. After he was hospitalized. And then a riot broke out. The brutalized Dagestanis seized part of the pyramid with weapons. In Dagestan, such dashing creativity of the masses is called “Gai-Kui-Makhachkala”. The situation was saved only by the local riot police. The commander of the detachment, at his own peril and risk, broke into the territory of the unit and walked through the entire gang with an asphalt roller of justice.
And before that, “Gai-gui” occurred in the Far Eastern aviation unit, which was seized by angry Chechens who did not share power with the officers. The situation was sorted out by the future president of Ichkeria, then Major General of Aviation Dzhokhar Dudayev. There were enough of them in the Far East - these "guys" and "guys". No one has drawn any conclusions.

"Slavic gazavat"

- Unfortunately, after all these riots, a wave of anti-Caucasian boomerang swept through many parts of the Far East. Everything was remembered to the local highlanders - even what had never happened. Soldiers and officers arranged "boar races" and pursuit races for the abreks. Now the Dagestanis have fully learned what “happiness is excited and the sky is in diamonds”.

Near Novosibirsk, artillery captain Alexei Levy publicly, right on the parade ground, marked four natives of the republic. They even wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office against him. Then, however, they took it back - they themselves had a snout in fluff, don’t indulge in the most. But the Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless, went through the highlanders. They were not bored, and it didn’t seem enough that they didn’t have “yakhshi and comme il faut”, of course. But this wave of righteous anger was even more difficult to stop than in Kunashir.


– In addition, do not rush to trust weapons to the Dagestanis. They still have to earn it. And future officers need to be taught to work with the Caucasian contingent even in military schools - so that they do not end up in the position of officers in Kunashir. It's a whole science, by the way. You also need to take a closer look at the creative experience of "stopping" the process of decomposition of the highlanders in the field. In some parts of the internal troops, for example, the process of "getting rid of dandruff in the heads" was approached creatively. Local maroon berets arrange a "Dagestan carousel" for especially insolent organizers of photo shoots.

- What kind of know-how is this?

- Purely within the framework of combat training and for the good of the cause, the “amateur photographer” in full gear takes to the mat against several experienced fighters. Even if he is a master of sports in wrestling, after five minutes of such a “carousel” around the gym, the picture of the world in his head changes radically. They say it's very persuasive. And most importantly, everyone is alive and well, everything is within the framework of the charter.

New "Wild Division"?

- And finally, the most important thing. One cannot discount the fact that the Caucasians, for the most part, are very good warriors. And it is a sin not to use this resource and potential. After all, the "Wild Division" during the First World War was one of the most combat-ready units on the front. During cavalry attacks, mountaineers-jigits, with their guttural cries and intimidating appearance, terrified enemies. Dagestanis also want to have their own "Wild Division" - like Kadyrov. Ramzan has it, the handsome Said-Magomed Kakiev has it (they are in Lebanon), but are we redheads? Look how successfully the Chechens fought and are fighting - in Ossetia, and in the Donbass, and in Syria. The military police in the same Aleppo is almost entirely recruited from Chechens. But we are no better! A lot of Dagestanis fought in Afghanistan, many returned with awards. My nephew, for example, served on the BTS, an armored tractor with heavy anti-mine coils. Several times he was shell-shocked. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

And to serve in the "Wild Division" is the dream of any highlander. All the charms in one bottle: you realize yourself as a man and get a lot of money for it. Only battalions must be completed from fighters of the same nationality - then there will be no squabbles and hazing.
And the new owner of Dagestan, Vladimir Vasilyev, will have to resolve this issue. As the others. “It was not I who came to you, it was Russia who came to you,” he said. So, Vladimir Abdualievich, young (and not so young) Dagestanis also want to come to Russia. And as part of his Dagestan "Wild Division" to protect its interests on distant frontiers - like our neighbor Ramzan.

But this is a topic for a separate discussion.

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