How to issue a power of attorney to transfer funds to pay for education. How to get a tax deduction for education, amount, what documents are needed Tax Inspectorate power of attorney for tuition fees

If a citizen of the Russian Federation is employed in an organization, income tax deductions are made from his salary to the budget and he pays for training, then he has the right to a tax deduction for training. And it allows you to make a partial refund of personal income tax from wages for the past period. Not many people know about it, but it is nevertheless a rather pleasant benefit that is best taken advantage of if possible.

A tax deduction allows you to return part of the personal income tax paid to the budget of the Russian Federation. One of the ways to get it, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 219 - this is if you are employed at work, the employer, as a tax agent, pays personal income tax for you, which is 13% of your salary, while you pay for your education at the University.

In this case, you can partially compensate for expenses on education. Moreover, you can also compensate for payments for close relatives - sisters, brothers and children.

It is worth noting that the amount that can be received from the budget is calculated based on the personal income tax payments received. And since a number of companies use a gray salary payment scheme, accordingly you can only count on those amounts of tax that were paid from the white part of your income.

In what case is it possible to receive a deduction for training and what is the amount?

For your own training

If you want to compensate for your own training, this is possible in the following cases:

  • You are officially employed and income tax is deducted from your salary
  • You have paid for training at an official educational institution

Please note that when returning amounts for your own limitation, there are no restrictions - the refund can be made for evening, part-time and full-time forms of study.

Possible deduction amountdetermined by the following factors and calculated from per calendar year:

  1. The amount is limited by your tax transfers to the budget from wages, i.e. if you officially earned 100 thousand rubles in a year, then you will not be able to return more than 13% of this amount, i.e. no more than 13 thousand rubles.
  2. It is possible to return no more than 13% of the amount paid for training - the maximum amount is 15,600 rubles, due to the fact that the maximum deduction is currently 120 thousand rubles.
  3. All possible social deductions are limited to an amount of 120 thousand rubles, they also include tuition reimbursement, for example, this also includes payment for treatment, but is calculated separately.

Example. Citizen Vasechkin I.A. earned 170 thousand rubles in 2014, of which 22,100 rubles were transferred to the budget for income tax. His training cost 160 thousand rubles. He will be able to compensate no more than 15,600 rubles, since the maximum possible amount of compensation is less than the amount of tax paid.

For teaching your children

Receiving a deduction is possible in the following cases:

  • The child's age does not exceed 24 years.
  • Training takes place full-time, for example, training at school, kindergarten, university, etc.
  • In the case of a contract issued for you or your spouse for the education of your child.
  • You must have supporting documents for training (payment slips or receipts) or you can provide a power of attorney to transfer funds.

You have the right to receive a deduction if the child is studying in a music or art school, attending paid additional classes. Compensation is also allowed for taking advanced training courses for working citizens, learning foreign languages, studying in a driving school, receiving a second additional secondary specialized, technical or higher education. education, and so on. But, as mentioned above, in all these institutions, training must be approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, which is confirmed by the presence of certificates and licenses. This is a very important condition, without which receiving a social deduction is impossible. Examples from life

  1. Some citizen G works officially and undergoes paid training courses. All payments are made independently.

Power of attorney for tuition fees (sample form)

How to get a 13% tax deduction for education There are only two ways to apply for a social tax deduction for education:

  1. Filling out the 3-NDFL tax return and submitting documents to the tax office.
  2. Receiving a personal income tax deduction for training through your employer.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Independent tax refund The main advantage of receiving a tax deduction through the tax office is the ability to immediately return the entire amount required by law for training (from previously paid personal income tax) to your current account.
The disadvantage of this method is the certain complexity of filling out the 3-NDFL tax return, which is sometimes not so easy to figure out on your own.

Power of attorney for tuition fees for tax deduction

Principal: / / (signature)(full name) (Option if the principal is an individual entrepreneur: M.P.) (Option if the principal is a legal entity:: (position of the person authorized to sign powers of attorney in accordance with the law and constituent documents of the principal) / / (signature)(F.I.O.) M.P.) Information for information:<1 Согласно абз.

2 p. 1 art. 186 According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its execution is void.


By virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, it remains valid for a year from the date of its execution.

<3 Порядок передоверия определен в ст.

Question answer

FULL NAME. of the authorized representative in full) series N issued » » city, code of the unit registered at the address: , residing at the address: , (option: on staff in a position (Order N dated » » city. )) pay at the cash desk located at (name of educational organization) address: , funds for the Principal’s training (or: under the Training Agreement dated » » (

Full name, age of the student) N in the amount of () rubles, for which she (option: he) is given the right to sign for the Principal and perform all necessary actions related to the implementation of this order.


This power of attorney has been issued for a period of » »<2 без права (вариант: с правом) передоверия другим лицам <3.

Signature gr. I certify. (FULL NAME.

Social tax deduction for training

Who is not entitled to a social deduction? There are also certain categories of citizens who cannot take advantage of the tax benefit for paying for education.
These include:

  • Individual entrepreneurs, housewives, unemployed and other individuals without official employment and earnings from which personal income tax is withheld.
  • Elderly people whose only income is an old-age pension and therefore do not pay income tax.
  • Citizens who receive salaries “in envelopes,” that is, by verbal agreement with their employer, and do not pay mandatory taxes to the state budget.

IMPORTANT! If an educational organization does not have a mandatory state license and an appropriate certificate, the tax authority will refuse to receive a deduction for training in such an institution.

Power of attorney for tuition fees for a child or spouse

The same applies to the public services portal - registration for access to the site’s online services can be completed at any MFC closest to you. After all documents are uploaded through your personal account, the system will display a message about acceptance of the documentation, and if everything is completed correctly, it will accept them for processing.

Money can be transferred to the taxpayer’s bank account no earlier than 1 month after filing the application; this period is allocated for a desk review of the submitted documentation.

The maximum tax refund period provided by law is up to four months. The main advantage of this method is its simplicity: to receive a deduction you do not need to fill out a declaration and submit it to the tax office. But you don’t receive the money right away, it’s just that income tax will not be calculated on your salary for some time (until its amount reaches the deduction amount).

Power of attorney for tuition fees

Documents for a tax deduction for studies A tax deduction for studies can be issued by preparing the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of income of an individual in form 2-NDFL (issued by the accounting department at the place of work).
  • Tax return in the form of personal income tax-3 on all income received and taxable. In it, in a separate line, you should declare the right to deduction; for details, see the instructions for filling out the 3-NDFL declaration.
  • Documents for the child: birth certificate or his general passport.
  • Certificate from the educational institution about the form of study.
  • A copy of the education agreement, certified by the educational institution (for example, at a university, a copy can be certified by the dean’s office).

Child education deduction

LLC not individual entrepreneur tags: Other Need a sample power of attorney for the sale of real estate tags: Sale of real estate where can I see a sample of writing a power of attorney to represent interests in Ukraine? do you need a power of attorney for the right to drive a vehicle tags: Rules Rule Answer from Lyudmila Vakhrusheva[active]1) it is still necessary to take a copy of the license from the university, also make copies of the agreement on paid training, and copies of receipts (do not submit the originals), and fill out the 3nDFL declaration .

in 2013, you can return the tax for 2010 (i.e. for the 3 previous years) 2) if the tax is returned only for 2011 - then a certificate from the place of work for 2011, if for 2012, at two enterprises. 3) if the amount of training did not exceed the limit specified in the law, you can return it. limit 120,000 rub.
Tax refund for the education of a child, brother, sister Many citizens are interested in the question of whether it is possible to receive a social deduction not only for their own education, but also for the education of a child or brothers and sisters? Russian tax legislation allows for the return of part of the paid cost of education in the form of a tax deduction not only in relation to the taxpayer himself, but also to his immediate relatives, if they were the ones who made financial settlements with the educational institution.
Date (close to the date on the receipt). Signature (yours) ". There is no need to notarize the power of attorney. The power of attorney is included in the package of documents for the declaration. In this case, this payment will be accepted as an expense. Let me explain what the matter is: the Tax Code states that a citizen can participate in tax relations independently or through a representative. The authority of the representative is confirmed by a power of attorney, and according to the civil code it can be in a simple form (without notarization). By writing a power of attorney, you will make your MP your authorized representative, who has paid for you and with your money.

The fact that he is legally no one to you (not a relative or husband) does not matter.

A certain citizen Sidorov was promoted and, in order to meet his new professional responsibilities, he decided to receive additional higher education.

For the entire three-year course of study, he had to pay 300,000 rubles, which he did immediately. They then applied for a tuition tax credit.

  • Since during one calendar year it is allowed not to take into account the amount of personal income tax deduction in the amount of 120 thousand rubles, the amount to be refunded was 120,000 x 0.13 = 15,600 rubles.
  • For the same calendar year, the salary of citizen Sidorov amounted to 600 thousand.

    rubles, and they were assessed income tax in the amount of 600 x 0.13 = 78 thousand rubles.

  • Since the amount of personal income tax paid exceeds the declared deduction amount, the applicant received a tax refund in the amount of RUB 15,600.

The social tax deduction for education allows citizens to compensate part of the costs of paying for their own education (or close relatives) in public and private educational institutions, advanced training courses (studying in driving schools, learning foreign languages, etc.), as well as for children’s classes in paid preschool and out-of-school educational centers. Only those citizens who regularly transferred income tax to the state treasury in the amount of 13% on all types of their earnings can take advantage of preferential conditions. Who can receive a tax deduction for education The regulations for obtaining a credit for previously paid tax and the definition of the term socially significant deduction for expenses related to paying for education are given in Art. 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for processing a tuition deduction refund requires a standard package of documents; it will be supplemented depending on who the training was provided for.

Main list documents:

Depending on who paid for the training, The following documents may be added:

  • children;
  • certificates of completion of full-time studies;
  • certificates of relationship when the education was paid for a brother or sister.

The list of persons for whose tuition fees you can receive a deduction is final and is not supplemented, that is, you cannot receive a deduction for the tuition fees of spouses or parents.

Registration procedure

Before submitting documents for the provision of a social deduction for tuition fees, the taxpayer must decide how he wants to return it.

Get a deduction can be done in one of the following ways:

  • receive the entire deduction from the Federal Tax Service at once, that is, they will return to him a lump sum amount equal to 13% of the tuition fee. The maximum amount will be 6.5 thousand rubles per child and 15.6 thousand rubles in all other cases;
  • receive a deduction at the place of work, in this case, monthly income will not be subject to personal income tax until its amount reaches the deduction amount.

If the deduction is obtained at the place of employment, then this can only be done where the workplace is the main one for the employee, and in the case where it is planned to return the funds to the tax service, the declaration includes all income received, which was taxed at 13%.

Receipt from the tax office

In order to receive a deduction from the tax service, the collected package of documents needs attach an application on providing a social tax deduction for tuition fees. The application form can be downloaded from the tax office website, or you can receive it when submitting documents and fill it out manually.

In addition to the request for a tax benefit, the application contains following information:

The deduction papers are submitted directly to the tax authorities after the end of the calendar year in which the payment was transferred; this can be done at any time, not just until the end of April. This means that documents can be submitted even in December next year.

For consideration of the package of documents and making a decision on granting a deduction, legislation Allows three months, but this may happen earlier, depending on the workload of the tax authorities.

At the place of work

To receive a tax benefit at the place of work, the taxpayer also collects the necessary package of documents; it is identical to that required in the first case, with the exception of the income declaration, that is, form 3-NDFL is not needed.

Then a statement is being written, its shape is different from the previous one. In it, an individual asks to be given the right to receive a deduction from his tax agent, that is, at his place of work.

The application also indicates employer details:

In this case, a month is given to review the documents and, if a positive decision is made, the taxpayer is given a notice that he can receive a tax deduction at the place of employment, and its amount is indicated.

With this method of obtaining a deduction, it is possible to submit an application to the tax office even in the year in which the funds were transferred; the main thing to remember is that the notification is valid only until the end of the year in which it was issued.

Where to go

For any tax refund method, the required package of documents is submitted to the tax authorities at the place where the citizen is registered.

Submit documents can be done in several ways:

Power of attorney for tuition fees

Sometimes in practice there is a situation where a study contract and payment documents are issued in the name of a child, but in fact the parents provide the funds. In this case, in order to have the right to deduction, they must draw up a power of attorney stating that the child pays school fees on their behalf. Such a power of attorney is drawn up in any form, the main thing is that it contains the above information.

This document is attached to the training agreement and financial documents. But it is worth remembering that the tax authorities do not give an unambiguous statement that this document allows you to claim a deduction, so they may refuse to provide it.

Features of provision for the unemployed

All tax deductions, including social ones, are given only to those citizens who are officially employed and pay personal income tax. If an individual receives part of their salary in an envelope, then this part cannot be included in the declaration in Form 3-NDFL and, accordingly, it will not be included in the deduction provided.

If an individual is not officially employed anywhere, that is, does not pay personal income tax, then he does not have the right to receive a deduction in the amount paid for training.

The exception is the case when he officially worked and paid income tax, since he can submit an income tax return for a refund of funds for the past three calendar years.

Thus, we can conclude that the right to receive a tax benefit in the form of a deduction can be claimed by a person who contributes income tax to the state budget. To do this, he needs to collect the necessary package of documents and submit it to the tax office. There are several ways to receive a deduction; the taxpayer chooses them at his own discretion.

The rules for obtaining a tax deduction for education are described in the following video:

Will there be any problems with receiving a deduction due to the fact that the payment was partially made by the daughter? The amount of deductions from wages determines how much bailiffs can deduct from wages for a loan and for all other enforcement actions. Details of the parent (wife) in whose name the training contract was concluded. Please note that deductions can only be obtained in relation to educational services . Hence, it is believed that the payer’s last name should be on the receipt. Moscow 201

Regarding the incurrence of expenses, this is written in the tax code, Article 220, a material tax deduction is provided in the amount of expenses actually made by the taxpayer. Please tell me how to write a power of attorney to pay a loan. I would receive it if I paid for my tuition in installments. We will write a statement about the dispersal of income; the date of the statement is important for the tax authorities.

Sample power of attorney to conclude an agreement

I paid for the education (the contract was issued to me. Please note that if, for example, a grandfather or grandmother paid for the education of their own grandson, then they will not be able to receive a deduction (determined by the St. Petersburg City Court from

Power of attorney for tuition fees for a child or spouse

Transferring from account to account is more difficult. You really need a power of attorney form to repay a loan by another person. Why does he need a power of attorney for the purchase if his mother is buying as a representative. Moscow on September 25, 2005, to pay for his training under a contract for provision. It is imperative to indicate in this power of attorney 1. Can an individual receive a personal income tax refund with the amount he paid? You must write a receipt for the amount you received in cash.

Hello! Please tell me, can I get a deduction for my mother’s treatment if the contract and receipts are issued to her? Thanks in advance for your answer! Julia, good afternoon! No, the contract and receipts must be issued to the person receiving the deduction. At the same time, if the contract with the driving school does not indicate that the training was full-time, then the documents will need to be accompanied by a certificate from the driving school about the form of training (available upon request). How can I get a tax deduction for a payment made? Or is there no chance at all? The medical institution flatly refused to change the contract in my name and issue me a certificate of payment for medical services.

I went to the bank today, they told me that too much time had already passed since the payment (they paid in September 2014. Hello! This is the situation, the apartment was purchased under a shared participation agreement at the end of 2015 and registered as common shared ownership for 12. In January 17 year, my husband sold 12 apartments received as an inheritance (the second part of the apartment was bequeathed to his sister) in 16. Is there an option to transfer the apartment to him now, and return the tax paid to him for the last three years, since he worked.

Sample power of attorney to receive a tax deduction - Lawyer recommends - How to write

Power of attorney to the tax office

A tax power of attorney is a document that gives the authority to the authorized person to represent interests in the tax authorities: transfer, collect any necessary documents, and also perform other actions related to this assignment.

How to write a power of attorney for the tax office

A power of attorney to the tax authorities is drawn up in simple written form. The form of this document contains the following information:

  • Title of the document
  • place (city) and date of issue of the document (in words). Without specifying the date, the power of attorney is considered invalid
  • full name of the organization that issued this document, its tax identification number, checkpoint
  • surname, name, patronymic of the person whose powers are transferred
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the authorized person, his passport details, place of registration
  • list of rights granted
  • document validity period
  • signature of the authorized representative
  • signature and transcript of the signature of the person who issued the power of attorney.
  • Duration of the power of attorney

    The validity period is legally unlimited. According to Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if the period is not specified in the text, then this document remains in force for one year from the date of its issue.

    Certificate of power of attorney for the tax authority

    A power of attorney from an individual entrepreneur or individual taxpayer requires notarization. A power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity is issued signed by the head of the organization or another authorized person.

    Application for property tax deduction

    In order to take advantage of the property tax deduction when building a house or purchasing an apartment, you must write a corresponding application, a sample of which we offer to download in the article below.

    It's no secret that when building a residential building, buying a room or apartment, it is possible to return part of the money spent by taking advantage of the property tax deduction. This deduction can be received in the form of a certain amount, which the Federal Tax Service will transfer to your account. In addition, the tax deduction can be received from the employer gradually, while the employer will not withhold personal income tax from the salary amount until the entire amount of the required property deduction has been taken.

    In order to receive a property tax deduction, you need to collect all documents confirming the fact of expenses and submit an application to the Federal Tax Service at the end of the year in which these expenses were incurred. Federal Tax Service specialists will review the application and make their decision on the possibility of taking advantage of the property deduction.

    Next, the person is required to fill out an application for a property tax deduction and submit it either to the tax authority or to the employer at the place of work, along with a notification received from the Federal Tax Service, which gives you the right to a property tax deduction.

    How to apply for a deduction for an apartment, house, room, living space?

    On a note! We also suggest downloading a sample application for a standard child tax deduction - link. to receive a passport - download.

    Sample application for property deduction

    A blank application form for a property tax deduction can be downloaded from the link below. Download it and fill in the blank lines with your details.

    In the upper right corner you need to indicate:

  • Name of the Federal Tax Service branch to which the application is submitted
  • Full name of the person from whom the application is being written
  • TIN of this person
  • The name of the identity document, usually a passport
  • Details of this document (passport number and series, by whom and when issued)
  • Residence address.
  • The text of the application indicates the year for which you want to receive the deduction and its amount. If a share of an apartment, house or other residential premises is purchased, the size of this share is indicated. The address where the residential premises (built or purchased) is located is also written.

    At the end of the application form for a property deduction there is a list of documents attached to the application.

    At the bottom, the person who filled out the application puts his signature and date.

    Download the power of attorney form to receive a property deduction - link.

    Power of attorney for the right to receive documents from the tax authority on behalf of the organization (filling sample)

    Closed Joint Stock Company "SadKo"

    Power of attorney N 10-117

    The city of Vsevolozhsk, the ninth of July two thousand and ten

    Closed joint-stock company "SadKo" (hereinafter referred to as the Principal), location: 188643, Leningrad region, Vsevolozhsk, Vsevolozhsky Ave., 14, bldg. 2, INN 4703013002, OGRN 1064707002901, represented by General Director Anatoly Stepanovich Zosimov, acting on the basis of the Charter,

    This power of attorney authorizes:

    accountant Victoria Tikhonovna Kazarnova, passport: 42 11 916809, issued on September 17, 2004 by the Kuntsevo Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow, registered at the address: 188643, Vsevolozhsk, st. Podolskikh Kursantov, 22, apt. 81,

    represent the Principal in:

    Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Leningrad Region

    Inspections of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region.

    Within the framework of this instruction, V.T. Kazarnova has the right to:

    Receive acts of desk and field tax audits, decisions based on the results of desk and field tax audits, other acts and decisions, as well as protocols, notifications, notifications, demands and other letters

    Provide necessary explanations, including written ones

    Apply your signature, including attaching the Principal’s seal, to all necessary documents, including (but not limited to) statements, acts, notifications, notices, certificates, explanations, letters

    Make demands, submit requests

    Receive all necessary certificates and other documents

    Collect, prepare, receive and transmit any documents necessary to complete this assignment.

    The power of attorney was issued without the right of substitution.

    How to draw up a power of attorney to receive salary (sample)?

    News by topic

    A power of attorney to receive wages, if necessary, can be issued by a working citizen to any authorized person. It is the proper basis for the employer to issue funds due to the principal. A sample power of attorney and the requirements for this document can be found in this article.

    Power of attorney to receive salary

    Power of attorney to receive salary. drawn up in accordance with all the rules, it gives the authorized person the authority to take actions to receive wages or other payments related to the citizen’s performance of his labor functions. Powers of attorney of this type do not require notarization, in addition, their special form is not provided - they can be drawn up in simple writing.

    However, in any case, the power of attorney must contain a number of points, most of which are mandatory:

    1. The date it was compiled. In accordance with Art. 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney that does not indicate the date is considered void, and the nullity of a power of attorney means that it does not entail any legal consequences for the persons specified in it.
    2. Place of execution of the power of attorney. Although fulfillment of this requirement is not mandatory by law, in practice the locality in which the document was drawn up is usually indicated.
    3. Information about the principal. This capacity is performed by an individual performing labor functions under a contract. In addition to your full name, the information includes your date of birth, passport details, and registration address.
    4. Information about the authorized person (indicated similarly to the previous paragraph).
    5. Description of the order. In our case, this is receiving a salary for a certain period in a certain organization (with a specific employer).
    6. Personal signatures of the principal and the authorized representative. The signature of the second is necessary for comparison if necessary, and the principal certifies the document with his signature, giving it legal force.
    7. Validity. This clause is also not mandatory, but in most cases (especially if you know the period for which you are going to give the representative the right to perform the functions reflected in the power of attorney) it is better to indicate it. If the validity period of the power of attorney is not directly indicated, then it is calculated as 1 calendar year (Part 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
    8. An indication of the possibility of transfer of trust or lack thereof. If the power of attorney does not contain a direct indication of the right of subrogation, then it will be considered issued without it.
    9. Notes on certification by other persons. These marks may not exist, but when a document is certified by a person authorized by law, the relevant data is indicated at the very end of the power of attorney and indicates its validity. Part 3 of Article 185.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that powers of attorney to receive wages or other payments can be certified by the employer of the person who issued the power of attorney, the administration of the educational institution in which the principal is studying, or the head (other authorized persons) of the medical institution, in where the citizen is undergoing treatment. It is important to emphasize that this is an optional requirement, and the legislator establishes this possibility only as a right of the principal.

    It should be said that powers of attorney can be issued to a representative so that he can present it at the place of request, or can be submitted directly to a third party (in our case, the employer) who will issue funds.

    Sample power of attorney to receive salary

    Power of attorney to the Federal Tax Service

    A power of attorney with the Federal Tax Service is a document issued by one person to another in order to act as a representative to a third. According to Russian legislation, a power of attorney can be drawn up either in simple written form or certified by a notary. Power of attorney to perform actions that require notarization. must be notarized. A power of attorney for the performance of actions that do not require notarization has legal force even without notarization.

    Sample power of attorney to the Federal Tax Service

    There are cases when an accountant’s statements are not accepted by the Federal Tax Service without a power of attorney. Then you can arrange it without any difficulty. The document must indicate that the organization trusts the accountant to submit its tax returns and other documents to the tax authority. The power of attorney must indicate the date of its issue, put the signature of the head and the seal of the organization (Articles 185–186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

    A person who has a power of attorney from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate is entrusted with signing and submitting written objections to tax audit reports, participating in the process of reviewing tax audit materials (a report on the results of a tax audit), and receiving from the tax authority a decision made based on the results of reviewing tax audit materials. Also, the authorized representative can provide explanations during the review of tax audit materials.

    Did you like a sample document, form or example of a finished form in .doc and .xls format? Download for free and CLICK on the most beautiful button!


    Assistance in obtaining tax deductions

    Certificate in form 2 personal income tax Tax return in form 3 personal income tax

    Sample power of attorney to represent interests on the issue of obtaining a tax deduction:

    Gr. Dmitry Vladimirovich Potapov, born March 15, 1985, passport 45 06 524214, issued by the Odintsovo city police department of the Moscow region on September 23, 2005, unit code 403-050, registered at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Chistyakova, 14, apt. 234, to be my representative in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. _____ in Moscow on the issue of obtaining a property tax deduction, for which I grant the right to submit applications, declarations, submit and receive the necessary certificates and other documents, make statements on my behalf, sign for me and perform all actions related to the implementation of this order.

    Sample power of attorney to represent interests when filing a tax return:

    POWER OF ATTORNEY City Moscow, Russian Federation Date____________

    ____________________________ _______________________ __________________________ (passport details), with this power of attorney I authorize:

    Gr. Dmitry Vladimirovich Potapov, born March 15, 1985, passport 45 06 524214, issued by the Odintsovo city police department of the Moscow region on September 23, 2005, unit code 403-050, registered at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Chistyakova, 14, apt. 234, to be my representative in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. _____ for the city of Moscow on the issue of submitting a tax return for personal income tax, for which I grant the right to submit applications, declarations, submit and receive the necessary certificates and other documents, to do on my behalf statements, sign for me and perform all actions related to the execution of this order.

    The power of attorney was issued for a period of one year.

    The powers under this power of attorney may be transferred to other persons.

    Power of attorney for representation of interests in relations with tax authorities (general)

    Power of attorney No.

    TIN, OGRN, KPP, location: , city registered, person, year of birth, gender, passport, issued city, code of the unit registered at the address: , acting on the basis of, trusts the representative:

    Year of birth, gender, passport, city issued, department code, registered at the address: ,

    represent interests in relations with tax (customs) authorities and other participants in relations regulated by legislation on taxes and fees.

    To perform representative functions, the authorized person is granted the following powers:

    Submit tax returns, calculations for advance payments, financial statements, statements, letters, requests, as well as any documents and information about his counterparties requested by the tax authorities;

    Receive demands, certificates, acts, decisions based on the results of the inspection, as well as other documents addressed to the principal;

    Provide explanations on issues of calculation and payment of taxes and fees;

    Provide explanations on issues arising during tax audits;

    Take part in the consideration of materials from tax audits;

    Sign all documents when executing the above instructions;

    Perform all other legal actions related to the performance of assigned functions.

    The powers under this power of attorney may be transferred to other persons.

    The power of attorney was issued for a period of time.

    The power of attorney is read by the principal personally. Signature ________________________________________________

    Russian Federation

    This power of attorney is certified by me, a notary. The power of attorney is made on behalf of the person who signed it in my presence. The legal capacity and powers of his representative have been verified. The identity of the signatory of the power of attorney has been established, legal capacity has been verified. Registered in the register under No. State duties collected (according to the tariff).

    Paid for the provision of legal and technical services: .MP ________________

    Power of attorney for the tax office, sample and example

    To confirm your authority to submit documents, receive statements and perform other actions at the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, you will need to present a power of attorney to the tax office.

    Drawing up a power of attorney to the tax inspectorate or territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is necessary for all citizens acting on behalf of a legal entity when such a right is not granted by the organization’s constituent documents. Individuals can issue a power of attorney to the tax office to receive documents (for example, certificates of debt on obligatory payments, calculations of penalties, etc.), to submit or sign documents (tax returns), and on issues related to business activities.

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    Power of attorney for the tax office (12.5 KiB, 11,346 hits)

    Example of a power of attorney to the tax office

    Power of attorney to sign documents

    Limited Liability Company "RESOM"

    TIN 168763543645 OGRN 16874435138461354

    city ​​of Kamyshinsk third of April two thousand and seventeen

    By this power of attorney, the Limited Liability Company "RESOM" (hereinafter referred to as the Company), represented by its director, Alexander Viktorovich Nostyrin, acting on the basis of the Charter, authorizes the manager of the Company's branch in Frolovo, Viktor Andreevich Romanchuk, born September 13, 1982, a native of the Kazakh SSR, citizen's passport RF series 13 85 number 259864254, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Volgograd Region in Frolovo on 02/03/2014, registered at the address: Frolovo, st. Petropavlovskaya, 19-8,

    represent the interests of the Company in the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 for the city of Frolovo, for which I provide the following powers:

    • receive and sign acts, certificates, demands, orders on conducting tax audits at the location of the branch, on the results of the audits carried out and other documents that are addressed to the branch of the Company;
    • submit accounting and tax reporting, letters, requests, applications and other documents required by the Federal Tax Service of Russia;
    • provide explanations to tax inspectorate employees on all issues that arise during the inspection process and as a result of the activities of the Company’s branch;
    • submit documents and receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to the Company;
    • sign and exercise other powers granted by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation to carry out this instruction.

    This power of attorney has been issued for a period of 3 (three) years without the right of substitution.

    Signature of representative Viktor Andreevich Romanchuk, I certify.

    Director of LLC "RESOM" signature, seal Nostyrin N.V.

    What information should a tax power of attorney contain?

    A tax power of attorney is necessary to implement state-imposed tax obligations for another person and on his behalf. In this case, the obligations arising from the actions of the person to whom the power of attorney was issued are created for the principal.

    A mandatory detail is the date of issue of the power of attorney. Its absence entails the nullity of the power of attorney, and therefore a legal refusal to represent interests at the tax office.

    In the case of issuing a power of attorney from a legal entity, the identifying characteristics are OGRN and TIN, legal address, information about the person authorized to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney (who signs the power of attorney). Therefore, powers of attorney to the tax office from a legal entity are prepared on the organization’s letterhead.

    A power of attorney from an individual must contain the full name, passport details and registration address of the principal. Similar information is indicated in relation to the person to whom the power of attorney is issued. The latter, in turn, must present a passport along with the power of attorney.

    In the power of attorney to the tax office, be sure to indicate the list of powers granted: receipt of a specific tax act, participation in an audit, submission of reporting documents. Either it is a comprehensive power of attorney and is granted for the use of powers in full. It is advisable to specify for which tax office the power of attorney was issued.

    An organization usually instructs to receive funds from a buyer or customer for goods supplied, services rendered, or work performed. date and place; name of the organization and its basic details, information about the director; information about the authorized person - the employee’s position, full name, passport details; powers that an organization delegates to its representative

    Power of attorney for cash payment

    You must authorize him to do such actions.

    In addition, in this case, all actions of employees to accept cash fall within the norms of Bank of Russia Regulations dated October 12, 2011 N 373-P

    “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation”
    clause 1.6.

    Cash transactions are carried out by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur by a cashier or other employee identified by the indicated persons from among their employees (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of the corresponding official rights and responsibilities, which the cashier must become familiar with under signature.

    ; Currently, the requirements for the power of attorney to be sealed with the organization’s seal and for it to have the signature of the chief accountant have been cancelled; indication of the date - if the power of attorney itself does not indicate its validity period, then it is valid for a year from the date of issue; a power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its issue is considered void (clause 1 of Article 186 of the Civil Code). The represented person - the organization registers the name, INN, OGRN, place and date of state registration, position, surname, first name, passport details of the person authorized to issue a power of attorney on behalf of the legal entity (for example, director)

    Funds can be received both under contracts and under obligations, in a bank, etc.

    As part of enforcement proceedings, the right to receive money under an executive document is formalized either by a general power of attorney or a separate power of attorney to receive money. I, Fartukov Valery Aleksandrovich, born March 20, 1968, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation series 26 87 number 4956356, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Primorsky Territory in the Pervomaisky district of the city.

    Power of attorney for tuition fees (sample form)

    I, citizen__ (citizenship)(full full name of the principal)

    registered at the address: ________________, residing at the address: ________________, with this power of attorney I authorize citizens__ __ (citizenship) __ (full full name of the authorized person). "__" ____________ ____ year of birth, passport series ________ N ________, issued ________________ "__" ____________ ____

    registered at the address: ________________, residing at the address: ________________, pay at the cash desk (name of educational organization).

    located__ at the address: ________________, funds for the Principal’s training in the amount of ____________ (____________) rubles, for which she (he) is given the right to sign for the Principal and perform all necessary actions related to the implementation of this order.

    If the payment procedure on the payment system website has not been completed, monetary
    funds will NOT be debited from your account and we will not receive payment confirmation.

    In this case, you can repeat the purchase of the document using the button on the right.

    Power of attorney for payment of services

    At the same time, here you can download a free sample of this document and apply it in your own practice.

    Payment can be made by an individual on behalf of a legal entity or individual. These can be various payments: taxes, government duties and others.

    The most important thing is that when making a payment, make a reference to the legal document that allows payment for services.

    When the logical chain is traced, no one will have any questions about the legitimacy of the procedure.

    Power of attorney to the bank from a legal entity: how to write correctly

    A power of attorney is a document that authorizes the person specified in it to perform actions on behalf of the principal. When there is an urgent need to take some action, and the director is either not there or has no time, it is easier to entrust one of the employees to do it. A power of attorney can be drawn up from both a legal entity and an individual.

    Date and place of compilation. It is not necessary to specify a deadline.

    I/We _________________________________________________________________,
    (in full: last name, first name, patronymic)
    passport series _______ No. ___________, issued __________________________
    _________________________________________ "____" _________________ _____G.