Who belongs to the preferential category for registration of OSAGO. Established CTP benefits CTP benefits for disabled people of the 2nd group

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the right of legal representatives of a disabled child to 50% compensation for the costs of OSAGO, Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Thus, even in cases where the car is registered not for the person with a disability or a disabled child, but for his parents or legal representatives, they will be able to receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the insurance premium paid under OSAGO.

Recall that the right to compensation for OSAGO costs was initially granted to people with disabilities who received vehicles through social security authorities. However, since January 1, 2005, they have lost the right to receive a car on preferential terms. After that, not only disabled adults, but also disabled children received the right to receive compensation for OSAGO expenses. For these purposes, subventions are allocated from the state budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 528 of 19.08.2005.

However, social protection authorities very often refuse to receive this compensation to parents of disabled children or their legal representatives. Officials motivate this by the fact that the car is registered not for a disabled child, but for his parents. In their opinion, only the owner of the vehicle can receive compensation.

The reason for considering this issue by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation was the appeal of a justice of the peace from the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Natalia Biryukova, who is raising two disabled children, applied to the court. In accordance with the doctor's recommendations, they need a special vehicle. The local department of social protection denied her 50% compensation for OSAGO costs, because. she owns the car, not her children.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered this issue and, by its decision, recognized paragraph 1 of clause 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners” as not contradicting the Constitution of Russia. The Constitutional Court forbade refusing this compensation if the child is entitled to a car for medical reasons, but it is registered to one of the parents. Thus, the right to receive compensation in the amount of 50% of the paid OSAGO insurance premium is entitled not only to the owners of vehicles, but also to the parents of disabled children or their legal representatives if these vehicles are used for medical reasons.

“Registering a car for a disabled child is theoretically possible, but it creates additional difficulties both during its purchase and in the future. Therefore, in practice, such cases are extremely rare. Most car owners are parents of disabled children. The decision of the Constitutional Court will make it possible to stop the practice, which has developed in a number of regions of Russia, of refusing to pay compensation for OSAGO to the legal representatives of disabled children only on the grounds that the owner of the car is not the disabled child himself, but his legal representative, ”said Sergey, Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Mavrin.

Every Russian car owner operating his vehicle is required to purchase a compulsory motor third party liability policy (OSAGO). Its cost can be reduced for various reasons, but it still remains significant for many segments of the population that do not have high incomes. However, for certain categories, for example, for the disabled, the state provides for the possibility of partially compensating the costs incurred.

Benefits legislation

The need to compensate disabled people for their expenses for the purchase of an OSAGO policy is provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ.

In order for a citizen to take advantage of the benefit provided by law, several conditions must be met:

  • He uses the car for his personal needs on the basis of a medical report;
  • He is the owner of the car;
  • Since a disabled child is not entitled to drive a car on his own and take out insurance, his legal representatives have the opportunity to receive a benefit;
  • In addition to the disabled person, no more than two people additionally fit into the insurance.

ATTENTION! As a benefit, a refund of part of the cost of the OSAGO insurance premium is provided. At the moment it is 50% of the amount paid.

Who can apply for preferential insurance

This preference is due to several preferential categories of citizens.

Disabled 1,2 and 3 groups

Persons who have been assigned a disability of 1, 2 or 3 groups are entitled to receive 50% compensation for registration of OSAGO.

For this, two conditions must be met:

  1. The policy must be issued for a car received for medical reasons by the ITU (under an individual rehabilitation program);
  2. The insurance provides for driving a car by the disabled person, or no more than 2 of his legal representatives.

Families with disabled children

Families with a disabled child can also reimburse part of the costs for registration of OSAGO. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the same conditions as for adults with disabilities:

  • The car must be shown to the child in the individual rehabilitation program (IPR);
  • The policy is issued to one or both parents (legal representatives) of a disabled child.

Compensation is also provided in the amount of 50% of the cost of insurance.

ATTENTION! The purchase of the policy is compensated at the expense of the federal budget and you need to apply for reimbursement of the cost to the local department of social security of the population after purchasing insurance on a general basis. All standard coefficients that the driver is entitled to must be taken into account.

Combat veterans

Combat veterans, like labor veterans, do not currently receive a discount on vehicle insurance at the federal level. However, local authorities are entitled to pay compensation for these expenses. Therefore, these categories of persons should ask the local departments of social security about this possibility.

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Registration of benefits for OSAGO, a list of additional documents

Registration is made at any insurer for the full cost, excluding compensation. Benefits for disabled people under OSAGO in 2019 are provided by local social security authorities, so you should not demand half the cost of the policy from the insurer.

When buying a policy from an insurer, all standard coefficients are taken into account to reduce the cost of insurance:

  • Driving experience;
  • Age of the driver;
  • District coefficient;
  • Number of drivers in the policy;
  • Safety factor.

You can apply for insurance to receive benefits both in person at the office of the insurer, and through Internet services.

ATTENTION! After receiving the original policy or itsIn the PDF version, the beneficiary can apply to the social protection authorities at the place of residence for receiving the benefits due to him for the purchase of OSAGO.

For social security authorities, you need to prepare a set of additional documents:

  • Application for benefits. It is written by the beneficiary independently, or by a person who has received from him a power of attorney certified by a notary. The application indicates how the citizen wants to receive compensation;
  • Original and copy of the applicant's passport. You do not need to copy all the pages, copies of spreads with a photo and registration are enough;
  • If the application is submitted by a trusted person, then the original and a copy of his passport will be required;
  • A document confirming that the applicant has a disability. It is issued by the local bureau of medical and social expertise;
  • Information about the need to use the car;
  • OSAGO policy with a receipt for its payment;
  • Vehicle registration certificate.

A set of documents can be provided in several ways:

  • Directly to the office of the social security authorities;
  • In electronic form through the State Services portal;
  • By registered mail. In this case, you do not need to send original documents.

The social security authorities are obliged within ten days from the date of receipt of the documents to decide on the issuance of compensation or on refusal. In case of refusal to provide compensation to the applicant, a letter is sent within the same period explaining the reasons for the refusal and all the documents provided.

How to calculate the amount of compensation

Compensation is provided in the amount of 50% of the value of the concluded contract. So, if a disabled person paid 8,000 rubles for a policy at an insurance company, then the social security authorities, upon providing all the necessary documents, will compensate him with 8,000 * 50% = 4,000 rubles.

For the calculation, only the amount paid for the OSAGO policy is used. A life and health insurance contract entered into at the same time is not taken into account.

Can benefits be denied?

Insurance reimbursement may be refused only in the following cases:

  • The applicant is not a disabled person who is entitled to the payment;
  • The provided set is missing any documents;
  • Providing false information about yourself.

In case of refusal, the applicant is sent a letter explaining his reasons, and in case of an attempt to deliberately deceive the state, an investigation into fraud may be initiated.

Frequently asked questions when applying for OSAGO

Question: Can I get a discount for a deaf person?

Answer: No, compensation is possible only for people with disabilities who have been shown the use of a car by an ITU certificate.

Question: Is compensation due when buying OSAGO in the Crimea?

Answer: The Republic of Crimea is a full-fledged subject of the Russian Federation and for its residents the same conditions for granting benefits apply as for the whole country. In Crimea, a reduced regional coefficient is set - 0.6, which reduces the price of an OSAGO policy.

Question: Is there a compensation for the payment of OSAGO insurance for a truck?

Answer: No, compensation is paid only when a car is used for personal transportation of a disabled person.

Question: How long does it take to apply for benefits?

Answer: Compensation for OSAGO can be issued within a year after receiving the policy. So, in 2019, you can compensate for the cost of a policy issued in 2017.

Question: Is there any compensation for a relative who constantly serves a disabled person and uses his car for this?

Answer: Compensation is provided only for civil liability contracts in which the disabled person or the legal representatives of the disabled child are indicated as the owner of the car.

Is it possible to get money instead of repairing

In some cases, a disabled person has the opportunity not to repair a car that has been in an accident and receive monetary compensation in return.

They are clearly regulated by the current legislation:

  • The machine is damaged so much that it cannot be restored;
  • The service does not have an official license to repair cars of this brand under 2 years old;
  • Repair in the service will take more than one month;
  • The distance from the place of residence or the place of the accident to the nearest service is more than 50 km;
  • Repairs will cost more than the OSAGO limit (500,000 rubles) or the European Protocol (50,000 rubles) allows;
  • In case of damage in an accident to other property of the victim;
  • The driver of the car died in the accident;
  • The driver's health was moderately or severely damaged.

ATTENTION! Disabled people of groups 1 and 2, to whom the car is shown by a certificate for movement, can receive compensation for repairs without any conditions, that is, simply at their request. This can be done no more than once every three years.

Are there any benefits when receiving CASCO?

The purchase of a CASCO policy does not depend on the presence or absence of OSAGO insurance, and always provides for a wider program of compensation for damages in case of an accident. The conditions of insurance are developed by the insurance companies themselves and have the right to establish any conditions for its acquisition.

When contacting an insurer for CASCO insurance, you need to find out if he has preferential programs for the disabled.

Without an OSAGO policy, driving a car is prohibited by law. The cost of acquiring it is quite high and drivers who are entitled to receive compensation for the money spent need to use it.

The cost of OSAGO policies is determined not at the initiative of the insurance company, but is approved by the Bank of Russia. It is calculated according to a certain algorithm, based on the base rate, which is multiplied by the odds.

In some cases, the driver can reduce the final price by his own actions, for example, accident-free driving, or receive another discount.

○ How can I find out my discount on OSAGO?

You can check your discount on the PCA website. To do this, you need to find the appropriate section and fill in the information about the owner, the number of drivers allowed to drive, passport details, the start date of the contract, information about the vehicle, full name and date of birth.

If all the information is entered correctly, the system will issue a coefficient that is valid for the existing insurance contract. If no contract is concluded, then the value will be equal to 1.

○ How is OSAGO cost formed?

The cost of the policy consists of the tariff and applied coefficients. All indicators are approved by the Bank of Russia, and the insurance company is not entitled to increase their value, so the cost of the policy in all insurance companies is the same.

For example, for a car of category B owned by a citizen, the base rate is 3432 rubles, which is multiplied by the coefficients:

  • Territories.
  • Accident-free driving (bonus-malus).
  • The number of persons admitted to management (with an unlimited number, the coefficient has a maximum value).
  • Driver's age and experience.
  • Characteristics of the car (power).
  • Trailer available.
  • term of insurance.

The values ​​of all coefficients are given in the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 N 3384-U.

○ KBM.

It is also the bolus-malus coefficient assigned for accident-free driving. For each year of such use of a car, the discount increases by 5% or decreases. The coefficient changes every year on the basis of the data of the insurance contract.

Accordingly, in order to get a discount, you need to carefully drive a car and not get into an accident.

The coefficient is determined by the class of the driver. All new drivers have class 3 and coefficient 1. Further, for a year of accident-free driving, a motorist is assigned class 4, a coefficient of 0.95. If he gets into an accident once and receives one payment, then his class will become 1, and the coefficient will increase to 1.55.

○ Violation rate.

In case of violation of the insurance conditions, the coefficient of violations will be applied to the driver. It has only two values ​​1 and 1.5. The coefficient is assigned in the following cases:

  • Providing false information in order to reduce the amount of the insurance premium.
  • Intentional accident.
  • Intentionally causing harm to the health of another person.
  • Intoxication resulting in an accident.
  • Deprivation of rights.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident.
  • Driving a car by a driver not included in the insurance.
  • The collision occurred during a period when the policy was not in effect.

In addition to the multiplying factor, the driver will be fined or disqualified for committing an offense.

○ Age and seniority coefficient.

It is determined simply: the lower the age and experience, the higher the coefficient and vice versa. Young inexperienced drivers will pay the most, their coefficient is 1.8. The smallest value is 1.

  • “Up to 22 years old inclusive with driving experience up to 3 years inclusive - 1.8;
  • More than 22 years with driving experience up to 3 years inclusive - 1.7;
  • Up to 22 years old inclusive with driving experience over 3 years - 1.6;
  • More than 22 years with a driving experience of more than 3 years - 1 "(Clause 4 Appendix 2 to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 19, 2014 N 3384-U)

○ Territory factor.

It is determined based on the congestion of the roads of a certain subject and the number of accidents. It differs in different regions.

As a rule, it has the highest value in large cities and densely populated regions, such as Moscow (2), St. Petersburg (1.8), Chelyabinsk (2.1), Rostov-on-Don (1.8). The lowest - 0.6 in the Crimea, the Chukotka Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region.

In other regions, the coefficient has an average value from 1 to 1.8. In the subject, the coefficient is usually less than in its center.

○ Discounts for regular customers.

Some insurance companies give discounts to regular customers or as part of a promotion. These discounts come entirely from the insurer and are not regulated by federal law. Therefore, in order to buy a policy at a reduced price, you either need to be a regular customer of an insurance company that shows loyalty to customers, or follow promotions and news in the insurance industry.

○ What if the insurance company did not provide a discount.

An insurance company may not provide a discount on CBM when issuing a policy. There are several reasons:

  • The driver changed his license and did not inform his insurer about it. Accordingly, there is a discount, but it applies to the old document. To avoid such situations, you need to notify the insurer about the change in the details of the driver's document in the database.
  • An error was made while filling out the policy. The data is entered into the database from the policy, so it is recommended to read it and check all the data. If an error is discovered after the purchase, you need to contact the insurer and demand to correct the errors and recalculate the cost.
  • The insurance company lost its license and was liquidated, and the information disappeared with it. In this case, the driver must act through the PCA and restore his discount on his own.

Before we talk about what OSAGO benefits are provided for by our laws, let's deal a little with the main term. OSAGO is compulsory motor third party liability insurance. It is mandatory, not voluntary.

Such a definition is given in Chapter 2, Article 4 of the Federal Law No. 40-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners" dated April 25, 2002. In principle, the undertaking is useful. After all, if you are to blame for an accident, your company will compensate the victim. And if you are “knocked”, then the insurance company is the culprit.

Who is entitled to benefits

According to the Law, the purchase of an OSAGO policy is mandatory. But the financial situation of drivers can be very different. Therefore, benefits are provided for the disabled.

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 40-FZ provides benefits for disabled people under OSAGO. In this case, certain conditions must be met.

  • A disabled person must have a vehicle in accordance with medical indications and use it himself.
  • If this is not possible (here we mean a disabled child), it is permissible to be behind the wheel of his legal representative.
  • Together with the disabled driver (or his legal representative), a maximum of two people can use the car.

Please note that car insurance benefits cover 50% of the cost of insurance. Only the amount indicated in the insurance policy will be taken into account. The insurance premium itself must be paid without delay.

It should be noted that compensation may exceed the notorious 50%. It may even be complete. The decision on this is made by the authorities of each region independently.

What about other categories of citizens? For example, are there benefits for pensioners? Unfortunately, the answer is no. The current federal legislation does not provide for them any concessions.

Benefits for OSAGO policy Federal legislation does not provide for other categories of citizens, however, such benefits can be established by local governments.

How to apply for a benefit

To apply for this benefit, a disabled person must apply to the social security authority at the place of residence. Need to provide:

  • a photocopy of two pages of the passport (1 page and registration);
  • statement;
  • a document that confirms the right to receive benefits;
  • OSAGO insurance policy;
  • receipt for payment of insurance under the contract;
  • a certificate issued by a medical institution for the right to provide special transport due to special indications of a medical examination;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.

Do not forget that in order to receive compensation for the current year, you must have time to apply with an application before December 10. After the application is considered, compensation can be received at the place of residence.

The sharp rise in the final cost of the OSAGO insurance policy in 2015 undoubtedly came as a shock to the majority of Russian car owners. The base rate for compulsory insurance approved by the Government of the Russian Federation has increased significantly compared to the previous period, which has led many drivers to a state of real stupor. The insurance market once again shook, and those who disagreed with the obvious arbitrariness of the authorities refused to purchase OSAGO at all or began to use fake policies. Let's consider a question that is really urgent for law-abiding domestic car owners - what categories of citizens of the Russian Federation are provided with state benefits under OSAGO?

Categories of OSAGO beneficiaries

According to the federal law "On OSAGO", motor third party liability insurance in Russia is mandatory and unconditional. A proper policy of the established form must have absolutely every compatriot who has sat behind the wheel of a vehicle. The final cost of insurance is calculated by multiplying various coefficients by the base rate in force in a given period - the usual insurance calculation method for the vast majority of domestic motorists.

According to the provisions of the law "On OSAGO", after a traffic accident, the insurance company guaranteed the payment of monetary compensation for the damage caused to the victim by the insurance company. The amount of payment for physical injuries received as a result of a road accident is legally limited and currently amounts to 500 thousand rubles. The maximum payment for the restoration of a vehicle damaged in a traffic accident is 400 thousand rubles. It is this amount of monetary compensation in 2016 that any road user who has issued an OSAGO policy in the prescribed manner can count on.

At the same time, there is a certain category of Russian citizens who have the legal right to purchase an OSAGO insurance policy at a reduced price - people with disabilities due to health reasons. To the deepest regret, no other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation at the state level are provided with benefits under OSAGO. An exception can only be certain categories of car owners, whose OSAGO insurance benefits can be compensated by regional authorities represented by local governments from their budget.

Benefits for disabled driving

According to the information available today, this practice of implementing the federal law will continue in 2016 - no changes in the form of amendments to Federal Law No. 40 (Article 17) are expected.

When insuring your vehicle, a disabled person, according to federal law, is compensated for exactly half of the final cost of OSAGO. The meaning of this state benefit is clear - if you pay half of the full cost of OSAGO insurance, compensation in the event of a traffic accident due to the established fault of the disabled person will be full.

The amount of money specified in the insurance policy is of paramount importance, since it is precisely half of it that will be reimbursed by the federal social security authorities when calculating benefits. At the same time, it should be noted that the OSAGO insurance payment itself must be made by a Russian disabled person immediately and in full. In some cases, compensation may exceed the statutory threshold of 50% if local governments make an appropriate decision on financing from the regional budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

An important condition for obtaining a legal benefit under OSAGO is the actual presence of a car purchased for a disabled person by the federal social security authorities.

Moreover, according to the provisions of the law "On OSAGO", the federal benefit also applies to a disabled child who has received a car from the state, the operation of which is carried out by official guardians. Another important point for obtaining compensation for the cost of OSAGO is that only two people can use the insured car for trips - the disabled owner himself or his official representative.

Registration of benefits

Payment of half the cost of OSAGO insurance for the disabled is carried out by the relevant federal service during the entire current calendar year. Particular attention should be paid to the correct and timely preparation of the relevant documents for the calculation of monetary compensation in accordance with the law. To obtain a federal benefit for paying for an OSAGO policy, you need to collect and submit the following package of documents to the social security authorities:

  • Properly completed application
  • Vehicle ownership document
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Passport of the vehicle
  • OSAGO insurance policy
  • Policy payment document
  • Medical certificate of the established form.

It should be emphasized that OSAGO benefits in the form of compensation for half the cost of the policy are made after the disabled person pays the full cost of insurance.

Acceptance of applications from citizens of the privileged category by local social security authorities is carried out until December 10 of the current year. After consideration of the application and a positive decision on the accrual of benefits, the disabled person will be able to receive monetary compensation at the place of residence or at another address indicated in the application.

Despite all the periodic difficulties, compulsory third party liability insurance in Russia has positively established itself in domestic insurance practice and really helps drivers financially in most accidents. It’s a pity, but the cost of such insurance remains quite high today, and only one category of Russian citizens has the right to OSAGO benefits.

Video: OSAGO benefits for people with disabilities

Important: in 2016, the procedure for obtaining OSAGO benefits remained the same.