Monthly compensation for caring for disabled citizens: what it is, types, how to get it. With changes and additions from Compensation payments for disabled caregivers

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes the following payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens:

Compensation payment to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens

The issues of establishing compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for group I disabled people (with the exception of group I disabled people since childhood), as well as for the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years, are currently regulated by the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 No. 343 “On making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens.”

In case of returning to work, the citizen providing care must independently notify the Pension Fund of this within 5 days and refuse the compensation payment received. Otherwise, the citizen will have to return illegally received funds to the Pension Fund.

Who is eligible to receive a monthly compensation payment?

Non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens have the right to a monthly compensation payment in accordance with the specified regulatory legal acts.

Based on the legal meaning of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007 No. 343, compensation payments are established for non-working able-bodied persons in order to partially compensate them for their earnings during the specified period, since During the period of such care, able-bodied citizens, unable to work, are left without a source of livelihood.

It should be noted that pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits do not have the right to compensation payments, since they are already recipients of social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established to compensate for lost earnings or other income.

Amount of compensation payment

The amount of compensation payments from July 1, 2008 to the present time is 1,200 rubles.

The compensation payment is assigned to the caregiver, regardless of family relationships and cohabitation with the disabled citizen.

In this case, a compensation payment is established for the person providing care in relation to each disabled citizen for the period of care for him.

The compensation payment is made towards the pension assigned to the disabled citizen and is carried out during the period of care in the manner established for the payment of the corresponding pension.

Documents required to assign compensation payment

To assign a compensation payment, the following documents are required:

b) a statement from a disabled citizen regarding his consent to be cared for by a specific person. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled citizen on the specified application can be confirmed by an inspection report from the body paying the pension. If care is provided for a disabled child or a person recognized as legally incompetent, such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative. A disabled child who has reached the age of 14 has the right to submit an application on his own behalf. Such a statement is not required from parents caring for a disabled child;

c) a certificate from the body paying the pension at the place of residence or place of stay of the person providing care, stating that a pension was not assigned to this person;

e) an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen recognized as disabled, sent by the federal state institution of medical and social examination to the body paying the pension;

f) a medical report recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled;

g) conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care;

h) an identity document and the work book of the person providing care, as well as the work book of a disabled citizen;

i) permission (consent) of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen student who has reached the age of 14 years in his free time from school;

j) a certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of full-time education of the caregiver;

k) certificate (information) about the non-assignment of compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for control trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families” and an old-age labor pension issued by the body paying the corresponding pension.”

Monthly payment to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of group I

The issues of establishing monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood of group I are currently regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 No. 175 “On monthly payments to persons caring for children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood of group I "and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2013 No. 397 "On making monthly payments to unemployed able-bodied persons caring for disabled children under the age of 18 or group I disabled children since childhood."

If a citizen goes back to work, the caregiver must independently notify the Pension Fund about this within 5 days, since only non-working persons have the right to a monthly payment. Otherwise, the citizen will have to return illegally received funds to the Pension Fund.

Who is eligible to receive a monthly payment?

Non-working able-bodied persons (parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees) and other persons) have the right to a monthly payment in accordance with the specified regulatory legal acts.

caring for disabled children under the age of 18 or disabled children of group I since childhood.

Based on the legal meaning of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2013 No. 175 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2013 No. 397, the monthly payment is established for non-working able-bodied persons (parents (adoptive parents) or guardians (trustees) and other persons) in order to partially compensate them for their earnings during the specified period, since during the period of such care, able-bodied citizens, unable to work, are left without a source of livelihood.

It should be noted that pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits are not entitled to a monthly payment, since they are already recipients of social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established to compensate for lost earnings or other income.

Monthly payment amount

a) to a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - in the amount of 5,500 rubles;

b) other persons - in the amount of 1200 rubles.

Documents required to assign a monthly payment

To assign a monthly payment, the following documents are required:

a) a statement from the caregiver indicating the start date of care and his place of residence;

b) an application from the legal representative of a disabled child under 18 years of age or an application from a group I disabled person since childhood about consent to be cared for by a specific person. A disabled child who has reached the age of 14 has the right to submit an application on his own behalf. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled person from childhood on the specified application can be confirmed by an inspection report from the body paying the pension. If care is provided for a person recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure, such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative. Such an application is not required from parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) caring for a disabled child under the age of 18. If an application is submitted by a legal representative, a document confirming the authority of the legal representative is submitted. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the legal representative is the parent of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled child since childhood. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship);

c) a certificate from the body that assigns and pays pensions at the place of residence or place of stay of the person providing care, stating that a pension was not assigned to this person;

d) a certificate (information) from the employment service authority at the place of residence of the caretaker about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits;

e) an extract from the examination report of a citizen recognized as a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person from childhood of group I, sent by the federal state institution of medical and social examination to the body that pays the pension, or a medical report on the recognition of a child under the age of 18 disabled;

f) identification document and work book (if available) of the caregiver;

g) permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship and trusteeship authority to care for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled student of group I from childhood who has reached the age of 14, in his free time from school. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the specified person is a parent. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship;

h) a certificate from an educational institution confirming the fact of full-time education of the caregiver;

i) a certificate (information) about the non-assignment of a monthly payment for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 years or a disabled person from childhood of group I, who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families”, issued by the body paying the corresponding pension;

j) documents confirming that the caregiver is a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled person since childhood. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the caregiver is the parent of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person of group I since childhood. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as documents confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship).

The documents (information) specified in paragraphs “c” - “d” and “i” are requested by the body paying the pension from the relevant authorities in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction. The caregiver has the right to provide the specified documents (information) on his own initiative.

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Compensation payment to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens

A non-working able-bodied citizen who cares for a disabled citizen (disabled person of group 1, with the exception of those disabled since childhood of group 1, as well as an elderly person who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, needs constant outside care or has reached the age of 80 years), regardless of their joint residence and The monthly compensation payment depends on whether he is a member of his family.

The amount of compensation payment is 1200 rubles. The payment is made together with the pension assigned to the disabled citizen.

Monthly payment to persons caring for disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, group 1

A monthly payment is established for parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) and other persons caring for disabled children under 18 years of age or disabled children of group 1 since childhood.

The monthly payment amount is:

  • parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - 10,000 rubles;
  • other persons - 1200 rubles.

A compensation or monthly payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen caring for it applied for its appointment with an application and all the necessary documents to the body that assigns and pays the pension to the citizen being cared for, but not earlier than the day the right to the specified payment arises.

For citizens living in regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs for citizens living there, the indicated amount of compensation and monthly payments is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient.

The period of care is counted towards the person caring for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child and a person who has reached the age of 80 years of age in the insurance period in the amount of 1.8 pension coefficients for each year of care. This allows the caregiver to formulate his pension rights to receive an insurance pension.

Compensation and monthly care payments are assigned to one non-working able-bodied person for each disabled citizen, disabled child or disabled person from childhood of group 1 for the period of care for him. Pensioners and persons receiving unemployment benefits do not have the right to compensation and monthly payments, since they are already recipients of social security in the form of a pension or unemployment benefit established by them in order to compensate for lost earnings or other income

Compensation and monthly payments are made together with the pension assigned to a disabled citizen, a disabled child or a disabled person of group 1 since childhood.

IMPORTANT! In the event of termination of care, going back to work, or the beginning of other activities subject to inclusion in the insurance period, the assignment of a pension, or unemployment benefits, the citizen providing care must independently notify the Pension Fund within 5 days in order to promptly stop making compensation or monthly payments. . Otherwise, the citizen will have to return the illegally received funds to the Pension Fund.

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For one year of caring for a disabled person, the carer is entitled to an accrual 1.8 points and inclusion of this period in the insurance period. All periods of caring for a disabled person are included in the insurance period without limitation.

If a citizen simultaneously cared for several disabled people during the same period, then the care period will be calculated once and the number of points when calculating the pension amount does not change.

Citizen A cared for disabled person B in the period from 12/01/2016 to 05/13/2017, and at the same time for disabled person B in the period from 01/12/2017 to 09/18/2017.

In this case, the period of care from 12/01/2016 to 09/18/2017 will be taken into account in the insurance period as one period, regardless of how many citizens were cared for. Periods of care are included in the individual personal account and will be taken into account when assigning a labor pension.

A group 1 disabled person is a person whose physical or mental abilities differ from normal by 80-90%. Such people need help and constant care, since they are not able to care for themselves. That is why the state prescribes the need to provide disabled people with guardians, who, in turn, are entitled to financial support. How to receive benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1? Let's talk about the necessary documents and conditions for processing payments.

Requirements for a guardian

The Presidential Decree on financial support for persons caring for disabled citizens was issued in 2008. According to this legislative act, payments for caring for a disabled person of group 1 are accrued monthly to able-bodied citizens who do not receive a salary or pension. Few people know that this decree also applies to those caring for the elderly. In this case, the fact of the presence of family ties or the place of residence of the guardian is not taken into account.

The requirements for a guardian of a disabled person or an elderly citizen are as follows:

  • The person must be able to work.
  • The guardian must not be employed.
  • The guardian must not have other sources of income.

Regarding the last point, it should be added that this requirement is immutable. Even income such as old-age pensions or other benefits are excluded. The reason for this requirement lies in the purpose of the Decree itself - to compensate the guardian for his labor earnings. If a citizen already receives any benefits, then double compensation is made from the federal budget, which should not happen.

The law requires the guardian of a disabled person to inform the Pension Fund if the citizen decides to go to work or begins to receive an insurance pension. This must be done after 5 days. The task of the guardian in these circumstances is to issue a waiver of benefits for caring for a disabled person.

If a citizen did not complete the application on time and managed to receive compensation payments, he will have to return all the money for the period during which he had additional income. Otherwise, the guardian’s actions are regarded as illegal.

Benefit amount

The benefit is accrued for each disabled person under the care of a citizen, since the law does not prohibit a guardian from caring for several elderly or disabled persons at once. Payments are accrued to citizens who have formalized guardianship over the following categories of persons:

  • Citizens with group 1 disabilities.
  • Disabled children.
  • Elderly people who require increased attention and care as determined by a doctor.
  • People who have reached 80 years of age.
The benefit is added to the social disability pension. This increase is paid every month. Its size was set at 1,200 rubles in 2008, when the Decree was issued. Since then, the amount of payments has not changed. An exception is payments for citizens living in the Far North and similar areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions that require additional material and physiological costs for those living there. The amount of their payments increases by the corresponding regional coefficient used in such areas (localities) when determining the size of pensions in accordance with the Federal Law dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” and dated December 28, 2013. N 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”.


To register and start receiving payments, the guardian needs to prepare an impressive package of documents:

  1. Passport with registration, SNILS.
  2. Certificates stating that the guardian or other person who has agreed to care for the disabled person is not listed on the labor exchange as unemployed and does not receive an insurance pension.
  3. A document recognizing a citizen as disabled and assigning him the appropriate disability group. This certificate is issued on the basis of a medical examination conducted by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.
  4. For minors requiring care - a certificate recognizing the child as disabled.
  5. For elderly citizens requiring assistance from outsiders - a medical certificate confirming the need for constant care.
  6. The guardian’s work book, with a record of dismissal, as well as the work book of his ward (if available).
  7. If a child over 14 years of age is ready to care for a disabled person, the Pension Fund must provide written consent from his mother or father, or from adoptive parents or other representatives. The child must receive education at school, and look after the disabled person only in his free time from school.
  8. If a child over 14 years of age is providing assistance to a disabled citizen, he will need a certificate from a school or other educational institution confirming that he has completed full-time education.
  9. A citizen who is ready to care for a disabled person will have to prove that he does not receive pension payments as a former military man, an employee of the internal affairs department and other law enforcement agencies, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an employee of the criminal system, etc., in accordance with the relevant law of the Russian Federation on pension accruals for certain groups of persons .
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  • Application from a guardian to provide care for a disabled person.
  • Written consent of the citizen to receive assistance from the guardian.

An application for consent to receive assistance on his own behalf can be submitted by a legally competent disabled person who has reached the age of 14 years. If a disabled child under 14 years of age, or a citizen requiring care, is declared incompetent, then his parents, guardians or other representatives have the right to submit an application on his behalf.

Attention! At the end of 2017, the Pension Fund announced a new electronic services service. Now the above applications can be submitted electronically through a personal account on the Pension Fund website or through the government services portal.

Benefit for persons caring for disabled children or people disabled since childhood

Legal representatives of young children who have become disabled, as well as people with disabilities of group 1 since childhood (regardless of age), should be aware of the additional features of compensation payments for the care of these categories of persons. Thus, the amount of social payments depends on the status of citizens caring for a person in need of help in relation to him.

  • Parents (including non-biological ones - those who have adopted a child), as well as trustees or guardians, receive an increase in the pension of a disabled citizen in the amount of 10,000 rubles. Depending on the regional coefficient, this amount may increase.
  • Other persons caring for a disabled child receive compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles.

These rules on the calculation and payment of benefits are regulated by Presidential Decree No. 175. How are the provisions of the Decree implemented in practice? An example would be a simple situation where a mother is caring for a disabled child. Sooner or later, she may decide to go to work, and then the child will be cared for by the grandmother, who is not the parent or guardian of the disabled person. Should the mother file an application with the Pension Fund for refusal of payments, and will the grandmother in this case receive compensation in the amount of 10,000 rubles?

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In fact, it is necessary to formalize the refusal of benefits for the mother, having managed to do this within 5 days after leaving the service. Now the grandmother will have to fill out an application for receiving payments, but for her the amount of payments will be 1,200 rubles.

It is worth noting that the period of caring for a citizen in need of help is included in the total length of service. The only condition for its accrual is the presence of any period of time during which the guardian of the disabled person was officially employed (before caring for the disabled person or after this period).

Since the end of October 2017, the Administrative Regulations of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation have been changed regarding the provision of state services for the issuance of EDV to persons caring for disabled minors, as well as for those who acquired a disability in childhood. The changes concern the deadlines for acceptance/consideration of submitted applications and documents attached to them, depending on the format of their submission. As a general rule, all applications are accepted for consideration directly on the day of submission, with the exception of those submitted through the MFC, postal services and electronic services. In the latter case, applications are accepted for consideration no later than the working day following the day they are received by the relevant unit of the Pension Fund.

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Last changes

In March 2019, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued to increase payments for non-working parents raising disabled children. From July 1, 2019, such payments increased from 5,500 to 10,000 rubles.

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In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens,” from January 1, 2007, the amount of monthly payment to non-working able-bodied citizens caring for disabled people of group 1, disabled children under the age of 18 years, as well as the elderly who, upon conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside care or have reached the age of 80 years, was set at 500 rubles.

From July 1, 2008, on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2008 No. 774 “On additional measures of social support for persons caring for disabled citizens,” the amount of the monthly compensation payment was increased to 1,200 rubles per month (excluding the regional coefficient, which is established on the territory of the Kirov region by Resolution of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 17, 1988 N 546/25-5).

Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006. No. 1455 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2007. No. 343 approved the Rules for making monthly compensation payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled citizens.

From January 1, 2013, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 No. 175 “On monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and disabled children of group I”, monthly payments are established to non-working able-bodied persons who care for children - disabled and disabled since childhood group I: parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) - in the amount of 5,500 rubles, other persons - in the amount of 1,200 rubles.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2013 No. 175, the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 397 dated May 2, 2013 approved the Rules for making monthly payments to non-working able-bodied persons caring for disabled children under the age of 18 or group I disabled children since childhood.

The range of persons entitled to receive compensation and monthly payments in connection with the provision of care

A person actually caring for a disabled citizen, regardless of their relationship and cohabitation, who meets the following conditions:

  • able-bodied;
  • not receiving a pension;
  • not performing paid work (including not being an individual entrepreneur);
  • not receiving unemployment benefits.

The circle of disabled family members for whose care a compensation (monthly) payment is established includes:

  • disabled people of group 1;
  • disabled children under 18 years of age;
  • persons over 80 years of age;
  • elderly people in need of constant outside care based on the conclusion of a medical institution.

On persons who are guardians or adoptive parents on the basis of agreements on the implementation of guardianship and trusteeship on a reimbursable basis or under a foster family agreement

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2013 No. 175 “On monthly payments to persons caring for disabled children and disabled children of group I”, monthly payments are established for non-working able-bodied parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) or other persons providing care for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled child since childhood (hereinafter referred to as monthly payments).

Article 152 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Family Code) provides that a foster family recognizes guardianship or trusteeship of a child or children, which are carried out under an agreement on a foster family (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), concluded between the guardianship and trusteeship body and the adoptive parents, on the period specified in the Agreement.

According to Article 123 of the Family Code, a foster family is one of the forms of placement for children left without parental care.

The agreement is concluded with the aim of regulating the rights of the guardian (trustee) and ward and is aimed at reducing the number of children raised in organizations for children left without parental care.

In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law of April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ “On Guardianship and Trusteeship” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 48-FZ), the duties of guardianship and trusteeship are performed free of charge, except in cases where the guardianship and trusteeship authority, based on out of the interests of the ward, enters into an agreement with the guardian or trustee on the implementation of guardianship or trusteeship on paid terms.

The above-mentioned “compensatory” agreements also include an agreement on a foster family and an agreement on a foster family.

Article 152 of the Family Code provides, in particular, that the provisions of Chapter 20 of the Family Code are applied to relations arising from a foster family agreement, and in particular, not regulated by this chapter, the rules of civil law on the paid provision of services are applied insofar as this does not contradict the essence of such relations.
Consequently, the Agreement providing for the payment of remuneration to guardians, trustees, foster parents, foster carers (hereinafter referred to as guardians) is a civil contract, the subject of which is the performance of work and the provision of services.

It should be noted that the specified remuneration does not apply to those provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 212-FZ) types of income exempt from taxation.

Part 1 of Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ determines that the object of taxation with insurance premiums is payments and other remuneration accrued by organizations in favor of individuals, in particular, within the framework of civil contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work or the provision of services.

Taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, insurance contributions are charged to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for remunerations paid to citizens under the Agreement, which is a civil law agreement.

Thus, since the periods during which insurance premiums for these insured persons were transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are included in the insurance period when assigning pensions to these citizens, as periods of work, then guardians receiving remuneration in accordance with the contract are classified as working persons .

In this regard, guardians (trustees) providing paid guardianship (foster parents, foster carers) who receive remuneration in accordance with the Agreement are equated to the category of working persons and do not have the right to establish a monthly payment in accordance with Decree No. 175

Documents required to establish compensation payment (clause 6 of the Rules dated 06/04/2007 No. 343):

b) a statement from a disabled citizen regarding his consent to be cared for by a specific person. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled citizen on the specified application can be confirmed by an inspection report from the body paying the pension. If care is provided for a person who is duly recognized as incompetent (limited in legal capacity), such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative with the presentation of a document confirming the powers of the legal representative. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship);
d) an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled citizen recognized as disabled, sent by the federal state institution of medical and social examination to the body paying the pension;
e) no longer in force due to the adoption of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2013 N 396;
and) conclusion of a medical institution on the need of an elderly citizen for constant outside care;
h) an identity document and work book of the caregiver, as well as the work book of a disabled citizen;
And) permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship and trusteeship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen student who has reached the age of 14 years in his free time from school. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the specified person is a parent. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship;
l) certificate (information) about the non-assignment of compensation payment for caring for a disabled citizen who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agencies drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families” and old-age insurance pension issued by the body paying the corresponding pension.

The body paying the pension does not have the right to require the caregiver to submit documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “l” of paragraph 6 of the Rules dated 04.06.2007 No. 343. These documents (information) are requested the body paying the pension from the relevant authorities in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction.
The interdepartmental request is sent by the specified body within 2 working days from the date of submission of the application by the caregiver, in the form of an electronic document using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction connected to it, and in the absence of access to this system - on paper media in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

The documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d” and “l” of paragraph 6 of these Rules are provided by the relevant authorities at the request of the body paying the pension within 3 working days from the date of its receipt.

The caregiver has the right to submit such documents (information) on his own initiative.

Documents required to establish the monthly payment (clause 6 of the Rules dated 05/02/2013 No. 397)

A) a statement from the caregiver indicating the start date of care and his place of residence;
b) an application from the legal representative of a disabled child under the age of 18 or an application from a group I disabled person since childhood regarding consent to be cared for by a specific person. A disabled child who has reached the age of 14 has the right to submit an application on his own behalf. If necessary, the authenticity of the signature of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled person from childhood on the specified application can be confirmed by an inspection report from the body paying the pension. If care is provided for a person recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure, such an application is submitted on behalf of his legal representative. Such an application is not required from parents (adoptive parents), guardians (trustees) caring for a disabled child under the age of 18. If an application is submitted by a legal representative, a document confirming the authority of the legal representative is submitted. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the legal representative is the parent of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled child since childhood. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship);
V) a certificate from the body that assigns and pays pensions at the place of residence or place of stay of the person providing care, stating that a pension was not assigned to this person;
G) a certificate (information) from the employment service agency at the place of residence of the caregiver confirming that he has not received unemployment benefits;
d) an extract from the examination report of a citizen recognized as a disabled child under 18 years of age or group I disabled since childhood, sent by the federal state institution of medical and social examination to the body that pays the pension, or a medical report recognizing a child under 18 years of age as disabled;
e) identity document and work book (if available) of the caregiver;
and) permission (consent) of one of the parents (adoptive parent, trustee) and the guardianship authority to care for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled student of group I from childhood who has reached the age of 14, in his free time from school. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the specified person is a parent. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as a document confirming the establishment of guardianship;
h) a certificate from an organization carrying out educational activities confirming the fact of full-time education of the caregiver;
And) certificate (information) about the non-assignment of a monthly payment for caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age or a group I disabled person from childhood who is a recipient of a pension in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who have served in military service or service in internal affairs bodies” affairs, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families,” issued by the body paying the corresponding pension;
To) documents confirming that the caregiver is a parent (adoptive parent) or guardian (trustee) of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a group I disabled person since childhood. A birth certificate is accepted as a document confirming that the caregiver is the parent of a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled person of group I since childhood. An adoption certificate or a court decision establishing this fact is accepted as a document confirming adoption. Certificates, decisions and other documents issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on guardianship and trusteeship are accepted as documents confirming the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship).

The body paying the pension does not have the right to require the caregiver to submit documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c” - “e” and “i” of paragraph 5 of the Rules dated 02.05.2013 No. 397. These documents (information) are requested the body paying the pension from the relevant authorities in the manner of interdepartmental information interaction.
The interdepartmental request is sent by the body paying the pension within 2 working days from the date of submission of the application by the caregiver in the form of an electronic document using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction connected to it, and in the absence of access to this system - on paper in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.
The documents (information) specified in subparagraphs “c” - “d” and “i” of paragraph 5 of these Rules are provided by the relevant authorities at the request of the body paying the pension within 3 working days from the date of its receipt.

The caregiver has the right to submit the specified documents (information) on his own initiative.

Applications of the caregiver and the disabled citizen (his legal representative) can be submitted in the form of an electronic document using public information and telecommunication networks, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 No. 1455, the right to compensation payment for care is provided to non-working people able-bodied persons. According to Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, concluding an employment contract is allowed with persons who have reached 16 years Accordingly, the generally established working age is reached when a citizen turns 16 years old.

At the same time, persons who have received general education or are receiving general education and have reached the age fifteen years old, can enter into an employment contract to perform light work that does not harm their health.

In addition, with the consent of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship and trusteeship authority, an employment contract can be concluded with a person who is receiving general education and has reached the age of fourteen years old, to perform light labor in his free time from receiving education, which does not cause harm to his health and without prejudice to the development of the educational program.

Thus, in order to establish compensation payments to persons who have reached the age of 14, in addition to the above documents, the consent of one of the parents (guardian) and the guardianship and trusteeship authority to provide care for a disabled citizen is required.

The documents required to assign a compensation payment are submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which pays a pension to a disabled citizen. The territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia that accepted the documents issues a receipt for their acceptance.

Time limits for consideration of an application for compensation and monthly payment

The application of the caregiver, with the documents attached to it, is considered by the body paying the pension within 10 working days from the date of its receipt.

In case of refusal to satisfy the application of the person providing care, the body paying the pension, within 5 working days from the date of the relevant decision, notifies the person providing care and the disabled citizen in writing, indicating the reason for the refusal and the procedure for appealing the decision. .

If not all necessary documents are attached to the applications, the body paying the pension gives the caregiver an explanation of what additional documents he must submit.

If such documents are submitted no later than 3 months from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification, the month of application for compensation payment is considered to be the month of receipt of the application.

Deadline for assigning compensation payments

Compensation and monthly payments to persons caring for disabled citizens are established from the month of filing the application and documents necessary to assign these payments, but not earlier than the day the right to these payments arises, for the entire period of care.

Payment of compensation

A compensation payment is established for the caregiver in relation to each disabled citizen for the period of care for him. In this case, the payment of compensation is made to the pension assigned to the disabled person and is carried out in the manner established for the payment of the corresponding pension. Making compensation payments stops from the first day of the month following the one in which the following circumstances occurred:

- death of a disabled citizen or person providing care, as well as recognition of them as dead or missing in the established manner;

- termination of care by the person providing care, confirmed by a statement from a disabled citizen (legal representative) and (or) an inspection report from the body paying the pension;

— assignment of a pension to the caregiver, regardless of its type and size;

— assignment of unemployment benefits to the caregiver;

— performance of paid work by a disabled citizen or a person caring for him (this rule does not apply to disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled children of group 1);

- expiration of the period for which the disabled citizen was assigned disability group I, category “disabled child”;

— placement of a disabled citizen in a social service organization that provides social services in a stationary form;

- a disabled child reaches the age of 18, if upon reaching this age he has not been assigned group I disability since childhood;

— placement of a disabled citizen, including a disabled child under 18 years of age or a group I disabled person since childhood, in a social service organization that provides social services in a stationary form.

The termination of the monthly payment is made from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the listed circumstances occurred.

If a disabled citizen changes his place of residence, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his previous place of residence suspends the payment of compensation. If this disabled citizen continues to be cared for by the same person, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, paying the pension at the new place of residence, at the request of the person caring for him, resumes payment of compensation from the first day of the month following the one in which its payment was suspended at the previous place residence.

In this case, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has the right to request that the caregiver re-submit documents confirming the right to receive compensation payments. Amounts of assigned compensation payments that are not received on time are paid for the entire past period, but no more than three years before applying for their receipt. Amounts of compensation payments not paid in a timely manner due to the fault of the body assigning and paying such compensation are paid for the entire past time without limitation by any period.

Responsibilities of the caregiver

A caregiver, in the event of being hired, assigned a pension, unemployment benefits, as well as in the presence of other circumstances leading to the termination of the compensation payment, is obliged to inform the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which assigned (pays) the specified compensation, within 5 days. the occurrence of such circumstances.