Why do you dream about a wheelchair? “Dream Interpretation of a Wheelchair dreamed of why a Wheelchair is seen in a dream

Why do you dream about a wheelchair in a dream according to the dream book?

Such a dream promises a quick improvement in someone’s health, but with the indispensable participation of the person who dreamed about it. Being disabled in itself symbolizes the application of efforts from the outside. Such a dream has long been considered very good in dream books, since it becomes obvious on whom exactly the favorable outcome depends.


Who was in a wheelchair in your dream?

See yourself in a wheelchair▼

Seeing yourself in a wheelchair in a dream is a sign of getting rid of health problems with the inevitable activity of yourself. Inevitable both personally and professionally for those who dreamed of this.

Seeing someone in a wheelchair▼

If you dreamed that you were pushing one of your relatives or friends who are healthy today in such a stroller, then keep in mind: they depend on how much you help them. However, dream books do not recommend telling anyone that you had such a dream.

Video: Why do you dream about a wheelchair?

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Did you dream about a wheelchair, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a wheelchair in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    In the dream, I was in a wheelchair and a guy walked with me, who in life does not treat me very well, in the dream he was caring, helped me, and was polite. I could walk, but my leg hurt.

    I dreamed that I was sitting in a wheelchair (in some village) and they told me that I would never walk again. I could feel my legs, but it was very painful to move them. A strange dream.
    And besides, I dreamed about him from Thursday to Friday.

    Someone was taking me in a wheelchair in a building (presumably in a hospital), but I was not disabled and nothing hurt me, then I saw my grandmother in a wheelchair, who has been dead for 4 years, I carried her along the corridor . And a priest came out of one room, I didn’t talk to anyone or anything.

    I dreamed that supposedly the friends of my loved one saw us off as we left in a car and opened the gate for us, and it turned out that my car was already parked outside the gate, although it seemed like they were driving it out of the yard, and then I see how I’m pushing my loved one in a wheelchair to the car

    I see it’s like there’s a wedding and I’m among them in a wheelchair, I’m smiling, I’m swinging among the dancers as if I’m dancing myself, but I understand that I’m not sick, why I sat down, I don’t understand, I also see my brother who is offended at me, as if jokingly, I smile at him, but he looks seriously and that’s it, like he's not going to make peace

    I wanted to do something I don’t remember, and suddenly I found myself in a wheelchair. There were guests at home and that day I was going to go somewhere, then I sat at home in front of the table and everyone started asking questions, and I sat and cried and woke up crying.

    hello, in a dream I dreamed that I was in a wheelchair and could easily move around in it, but while in it I was ashamed or uncomfortable to look like that in front of people while in a wheelchair and also in this dream I am at the bus station and waiting for the bus and then the dream changes and I see my mother-in-law seems to be quarreling with me and sending my husband away and not giving me the address, so I often dream about her that we are quarreling in my dreams and even come to a fight, but in reality I do not keep in touch with her because she has done a lot of bad things to me and I hate her, describe what all this is for and what needs to be done for it

    I dreamed that I was driving along a crooked road with potholes, but I was comfortable in it and I drove without difficulty into the house of my ex-husband, I entered through the window and looked for my things, but I didn’t find them, I lost my mobile phone, but I soon found it

    I’m riding in a wheelchair and I understand that everything is fine with me, I can walk with my feet, but I immediately think that riding in a wheelchair is more convenient than walking, but at the same time I’m ashamed that my friends will see me in a wheelchair, in the end I was already without a stroller. I’ve had a dream like this five times already.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was rolling down very quickly in a wheelchair and it looked very beautiful, as if it was some kind of sport, but despite the fact that I was rolling down, I suddenly found myself at the top of a tall building

    I dreamed that I was riding in my village where I had not been for a long time, like a meeting of classmates or a subbotnik, because the main street was dirty with fallen leaves, I rolled away from everyone to the cultural center - a large building where concerts were held and there was something shown inside before this car was driving Turned like it was red, I drove up to the stairs at the bottom and wanted to go there to the recreation center, but the alarm clock woke me up

    Hello Tatiana!
    Last night, I dreamed that I was in a wheelchair, but only my legs were healthy. I didn’t want to go somewhere in my dream with my friends, so I told them that I had sore legs. Tell me, what does this mean?

    Thank you in advance!

    I dreamed of a husband in a wheelchair, very tortured, put his head on my shoulder, I felt sorry for him and said that I would never leave him (he left the family a year ago to live with his mother, but he won’t give a divorce, in general it’s a very difficult situation in life)

    A friend came to visit me, whom we had not seen for a long time. we talked to her.
    Then some people came and the apartment became dirty.
    then my sister and I went to the kindergarten to pick up the child and ended up in a wheelchair. I was driving along the street, pulled out onto the roadway, then found myself at the subway exit in a stroller, and went to the market. but at the same time I could walk. then I rode my dirt bike from the market

    I rode in a wheelchair on the train, collecting tickets from passengers.. moving to neighboring cars, the doors between cars opened easily.. having reached the last car I saw our president in Putin.. looking again and making sure that it was our president, he turned around and went back

    I dreamed of a disabled guy in a wheelchair, whom I sometimes drove around the city. Then, on a sandy road near a canal, the stroller tripped over a hole. Then a shot - I’m standing with a rake and leveling this path, a surprised woman walked past me. The next shot is me in some house with unfamiliar but very kind people (a son my age and his father), drinking some drinks with them. After that, I go into the house of the guy I drove around the city. Then the picture is from such an angle, as if I was taking off my boots - the floor, long legs in blue jeans (the dream was still a little in color), a sweater and shoulder-length dark hair. In mute amazement, I go up to hug him, and he laughs, grabs me by the waist (I hug him by the neck and don’t touch the floor with my feet) and whispers something very tenderly in my ear.

    I dreamed that my legs were paralyzed when I ran a cross-country race. After that I ended up in a wheelchair. I spent the entire dream trying to learn to walk again. I dream about this quite often.

    I saw a guy in his green and black jacket, in a wheelchair, and I was walking with someone, I saw him, cried, went up to him, and there were a lot of them, they were sitting on some ledge, and then he said that’s how it works, I barely got up and went to sing and dance, and at the end I fell...


    I dreamed that the stroller itself drove into my room and stopped in the middle of the room. There was a mannequin sitting there, his legs were covered with a blanket, I looked at him, and he began to fall apart. Then suddenly another picture appeared, that I was sitting in a wheelchair in a car.
    The dream occurred from Monday to Tuesday.

    day... my friends and I went to the school yard... music was playing inside the school, teachers were celebrating the last bell... and we had to get into the school, we decided to enter through the basement since all the doors were closed... as soon as we walked around the building we saw that 11th grade boys were sitting on the roof there are only 4 of them and among them was my boyfriend... not paying attention, we went to the basement but it was closed... we decided that we would come back tomorrow... we went to the field... all the boys were playing football... but for some reason my boyfriend was in a wheelchair... it seemed like he was just sitting ha on the roof and already sitting in a chair o_O

    Hello. I dreamed of a guy, about 12 years old, in a wheelchair, who is lying in a psychiatric hospital with pathologies. He turns into a shepherd dog. Being in the form of a dog, he painfully clung to my shoulder, but did not bite, but simply pressed. No one helped me. .Then he let go, but sharply bit the fingertips of his right hand. The blood began to flow and barely stopped. He turned back into a boy and went in a wheelchair to the hospital. I took 2 kiwis from him, ate one. Then I remembered that I forgot to buy them for him and put it back. He didn’t know. I asked my husband to come with me. And in place of one kiwi, I put cookies. I put the child on the threshold of the hospital, asked people to look after him. I was scared to bring him there. So we went into the hospital. To us The nurse of this department came out. We asked to hand over the package. I was horrified by what I saw. Everywhere, in the corridor, in the wards there were people and children with pathologies. The living head of the girl was moving on the floor and vomiting, the other head was with a large mouth and teeth, In the wards, infants were crying under the glass, their heads on their sides, their mouths large. Men, women... I became scared, I went to see how my child was doing, everything was fine. When I returned, the lights were turned off, as if it was night and everyone was sleeping. I started looking through the eyes of my husband. I saw his legs in the crack under the door. I tried to call him, my voice was hoarse. I called 4 times and woke up. And then I couldn’t sleep, as if I had slept very well.

    I was driving with friends in a car and asked them to take me to a friend (we call her Red). They drove me, but on the way they described a white-haired girl. So we arrived in some kind of wilderness. There is an old car there, not running, and this Redhead (she walks in real life, she is in good health) sits in a wheelchair, but it didn’t scare me and she was cheerful. In a dream I knew that she could walk and she just sat there. And yesterday I had a dream where she was also sitting in this stroller, then I just watched from the side as she sat in the stroller and looked at the sunset. It was light then, but in this dream it was night.

    I dream of a company of friends (my best friend, my man, my great lad and I). We were all sitting in the apartment: we were falling asleep, then we all went to bed, two at a time: my friend and boyfriend, me and a great guy (I don’t have any kids anymore), I woke up and went to eat some apples, and so on. and didn’t tear it up, Then I saw a picture of how I was helping every woman to pick apples, when I went out onto the street again, a man came up to me giving me less than 5 UAH. And having started asking me to leave before it’s too late. Anyway, I still turned back home. Turning around, I opened the door, I walked into the apartment and felt the strong screams of a man who was rolling around, wanting to find out, but I felt that I had entered and a lad was approaching me on a wheelchair. I don’t know who I’ve been drinking, and they’re starting to drink from me I know the information, I am beginning to understand what is connected with me, and this note that a man gave me, and I threw it away. I start crying and asking for something, and they say that I haven’t earned anything worthwhile, and then another guy before me arrives on the wheelchair again. On this side of the earth I'm afraid to take a break from sleep. The dream continues: I’m sitting on a wheelchair, I’m also one of those guys who rode on a wheelchair, and I’m happy with him. Then I watch out for the stench of taking another stroller and placing it in front of us. I asked, but to whom? Vin Vidpoviv: - What do you think! That's too good for a big guy. Then I start timid again, taking a break from sleep. And I’m already on the bus with a big guy to Frankivsk, and then he guesses that I need to go the other way to Bukovel for work, and we get off the bus and walk. When we came and went to the booths, my friend was sitting there, and we all started talking. And it seems like: “The situation was so spoiled by the fact that Julia was your wife, and you loved each other.” I just kept quiet and didn’t say anything, because I didn’t care. And he said to her: “So it’s true,” and he marveled at me right in the eyes. And at that moment I fell asleep. (In real life, no matter how many people have a girlfriend, they still need to be pregnant).

    I dreamed that I needed to get somewhere, but there was nothing, then I saw that an unfamiliar man was taking me in a wheelchair, taking me to the place I needed, I remember there were a lot of people there, I get up and leave, but I feel It’s not convenient that I’m healthy and pretending to be disabled, and it feels like everyone around is looking at me. Why, I wonder, do you have such a dream?

    I saw myself in a wheelchair, I think I had cancer, I don’t remember. It was evening, it was already getting dark, we were walking with our best friend. He carried me in this very chair, helped me in every possible way to climb the stairs, and transported me across the roads. I saw my ex, who saw me in this state and immediately began to cry, asking for forgiveness for all the insults she had caused me earlier. I don’t remember anything else, but I remember it for a long time.

    Hello! My name is Lyudmila. Today in a dream I saw myself in a wheelchair, and my husband was driving me, but then I saw myself standing on my feet, not in a wheelchair. I didn’t feel any pain. Why would that be? Thanks in advance!

    I was in a wheelchair with a broken leg, I was driving through some construction site, then around the stadium, there I drove under the stands and couldn’t get out, then I got out, went to the post office, there was a line waiting, there were familiar people, I was alone in a very strange cone hat, and different brands that I wanted to buy, then I went to my former school, there I met a former classmate (whom I don’t like), she invited me to go for a walk with my other classmates, but I refused, but she insisted, and for some reason I put their clothes in my backpack, then a couple of teachers came up whom I don’t like, and I started to leave, and then I saw my friend and went to her, I don’t remember the rest, the dream was very long

    Hello! My mother had a strip operation on her intestines a long time ago, with a stitch all over her abdomen from the middle to the bottom. There are two large lumps on the left and right lower abdomen, we think these are hernias. And it feels like one of them is growing. This morning I had a dream, my mother said to me: Daughter, come look at my stomach, there is some kind of eye looking out of my stomach. I walk down the street in the courtyard of a multi-storey building and I see that my mother is sitting in a wheelchair, but I don’t see my mother’s face, I see a big bare belly and I begin to peer into where she saw the eye. I see these big bumps and a small cut on my stomach (the skin is coming apart), and I think in my sleep: that’s why my mother thought that her eye was popping out. I rolled this stroller to my mother’s entrance, already in a dream I was pushing the stroller and it felt like it was empty (I don’t see my mother - that’s for sure). In front of her entrance, the wheelchair tips over, I pick it up, but at the same time I say: it looks like my mother was sitting in it, mom, wait, I’ll pick it up and we’ll go up the steps. This is where I woke up! My mother is 77 years old, she can no longer walk well, she has osteoarthritis of the bones. And my friend has a son with cerebral palsy, he has a wheelchair.

    I dreamed that my late grandmother was in a wheelchair and I was pushing her up a very steep street. I say how would you do it yourself? Without me? She's like there's a stop downstairs, I answer - it's still not at the very bottom

    I was driving in a wheelchair along the road, and a security guard stopped me at an intersection and said that I had stolen groceries from a store. The security guard, a friend of mine from life, said that I couldn’t steal and they found a receipt. In general, it turned out that I was not to blame. in the dream I was not disabled, but as if my leg just hurt very badly and I was tired, so I rode in a wheelchair.

    Hello Tatiana. I saw myself and a number of women I didn’t know in a wheelchair and I realized that I couldn’t walk and it wasn’t a fact that I would in the future, but in the end I knew that it would take a lot of effort to learn to walk again, in the end the woman and I got up and went to whatever this dream?

    I just rode along the highway in an electric wheelchair, being absolutely healthy. I found myself in a crowd of people when I left my stroller on the side of the road, but I got out of it. And then I rolled my dog ​​in it, wrapping it in a blanket, because... There was suddenly a lot of snow around, and she found herself covered in frozen snow.

    Hello! Today I had a very strange dream! In my life I have never been pregnant and I don’t have children... And here I suddenly dreamed that I was pregnant and looking forward to a child and I know for sure that I have a daughter, the father of the child is not in the dream appeared... the dream suddenly switched to the fact that I was already lying in the ward and I knew that I had given birth, but I had not seen the child yet... with me in the ward lay exactly the same women in labor as me, and one of them had a child who died, right in the ward, I felt creepy in my dream... and I know that my mother took my child home while I was lying in the maternity hospital. I arrived home and immediately went to my daughter, she was sleeping, she was only wearing a diaper and a cap... I went up to her and on a subconscious level I understood that I needed to feed her... there was so much milk that it flowed out on its own, splashed and flowed all the way down my stomach... my daughter woke up from the smell of milk and I began to feed her... After that the dream switched again... I dreamed that my legs gave out and my ex-boyfriend, whom we met in real life and with whom we don’t communicate at all now, is driving me in a wheelchair. While he was driving me, we talked about something, but I don’t remember what. He drove me up to the steps, there were a lot of steps... he tried to lift me, but it was very difficult for him and he couldn’t... at that moment I started crying from my helplessness and at that moment a stranger, a black guy who was standing not far from us, remembered to help my ex for the guy to lift me up the steps... they lifted me up and again the dream switched to the fact that I was walking, everything was as usual for me and I was with my newborn, healthy daughter!!! Please tell me why this could all be a dream?

    Good evening. Today I had a dream in which I saw my beloved in a wheelchair, although in reality he does not need it and everything is fine. The doctors explained that, supposedly, there was damage to the nerve in the spine and he would not walk. I didn’t believe it, I screamed that he would walk, that he would definitely walk. At this point the dream ends.
    Explain what this is? The dream scared me a lot and left me feeling anxious

    I’m in a wheelchair, I’m constantly trying to get up, by the end of my sleep I finally got up and told everyone to be careful, I have a bad back! There was snow outside, everyone around wanted me to go down the hill, I just couldn’t make up my mind...

    I dreamed that I was in a wheelchair in a park in the city of my childhood, there were a lot of people. It was some kind of sight, I got up and walked with my feet, and folded the stroller, and it was strange, like a child’s, then I dreamed about the late grandmother and aunt, as if I were with I meet them...

    I was riding in a wheelchair, then I stopped abruptly and wanted to get up and run, but I couldn’t... I fell on the asphalt, when I turned my head, she was no longer there, but I still couldn’t get up. I sat and shouted “Give me back the stroller! » and cried...

    my friend was lying in my pastel.. in another room of my parents’ house there were my parents (in the present they died) suddenly I’m in the courtyard of the house there my friend is already in a wheelchair, trying so that my mother doesn’t see, I ask my sister to distract me.

    I was shopping in the store, I was very tired and I had a wheelchair, so I sat in it. I felt so sorry for myself and it was painful to sit, but I could no longer get up from it and then I was in a wheelchair everywhere

    I dreamed that I was hit on the spine, I ended up in the hospital, they said that I would never get back on my feet, they gave me a wheelchair, a friend came to my appointment, but with him my mother took me down the elevator to the first floor, but I never saw my friend there, I then went to my place area just in the next house there lives an acquaintance from work, I was standing on the road there was a car driving there and the acquaintance helped me climb onto the curb

    HELLO, I see myself, I’m supposedly in a hospital and they’re sending me abroad, I take someone else’s wheelchair, I sit on the wheelchair, I wrap myself in a blanket and fly on it, I wasn’t comfortable, I was afraid of falling into the ocean above which blue water was flying in the ocean, I flew to the clinic, I even see a doctor I still remember his face and he accepted me for treatment and then I woke up, my soul was uneasy because I lost the stroller while I was going to the doctor

    I found out that my mother was sick and looked for her for a long time. She was in my grandmother’s old house and was lying there on the bed, then I saw that I was taking her in a wheelchair to church. There were a lot of people at the entrance to the church, but few in the church itself. I couldn’t carry her across the threshold of the church and my mother had to stand up, I don’t remember whether she stood on her own or whether someone helped her, but it was difficult for me to lift her out of
    strollers. The dream itself was in dark colorless colors

    I saw myself in a dream, someone is doing a massage and some voice says that you need to give a massage to someone who can do something on you, something was read at 3 points in the back area with apples cut into 4, and on the table there is a large red apple cut into 4 , and the daughter-in-law is sitting on the table. on my side, 3 sliced ​​apples are light on the inside, and 1 part on the inside on my daughter-in-law’s side is black. what does this mean?

    I found myself on the streets with my friends in a wheelchair, well, my friends looked at me and gave me various injections as if I was disabled, they took care of me and I was sitting in a wheelchair, they gave me injections, sorry, that’s all I can say, I’m just crying, sorry, help me, what could this be?

    I was having a dream! The fact that I ride in a wheelchair myself, but I get up and walk calmly! But then again I shut my eyes and go, but this time it was hard, but I got up and went! At this point the dream ended and the dream was from Thursday to Friday

    I dreamed that I was driving around the city in a wheelchair. I know that I can walk, but why I use a wheelchair is unclear. When I was driving, I met a bear, he didn’t touch me. On the way I wanted to buy meat, but it wasn’t on sale.

    They took me in a wheelchair to the shops; at first we couldn’t find where to go down. but I got up from the stroller, as if I could walk, I was just lazy, then they wheeled me around on a couch, like in a hospital, I slept on it

    literally a month ago I had a very strong quarrel with my girlfriend and we didn’t part very well, so to speak, and now about the dream: last night while walking with friends I remembered her, our relationship and for a second it seemed to me that I was lonely, when I came home I quickly fell asleep and I I dreamed that I was walking with her, talking, and all this time I was in a wheelchair. I was the only one talking to her, but she was silent the whole way, then I woke up. I usually quickly forget my dreams, but I still remember this one clearly, as if everything was real...

    Good afternoon! I dreamed of a wheelchair, as if I was choosing a better, more comfortable one for someone. I bought one for someone, but someone got a worse stroller from the previous generation, and so I was very upset.

    I sat in a wheelchair and rolled along the road, smeared with something brown, and the houses and doors were brown. I returned to some house, but there was no one there, everyone had left and left their things behind. I was alone.

    In the dream, I was walking with my friends and for some reason I was in a wheelchair. While walking, we met my ex-boyfriend, I looked at him and said hello, he smiled back and said hello too. I asked what was wrong with me, my friends answered that I had something wrong with my health (I don’t remember what exactly) and I only needed to move around in a wheelchair. He looked at me and said, “How beautiful you are,” and walked with us; we were on the same path. At the end of the dream, I already needed to go home, and my ex-boyfriend and I started to get angry, have fun, and suddenly I get up from the wheelchair and run away, and he catches up with me.

    A clothing store, and I don’t see, but I feel like I’m moving around the store in a wheelchair, I handed over a child’s dress in gold tinsel and in return I choose a new one. Then one day I seem to be walking, but I’m limping, and I think I need to quickly sit down in the stroller

    Good morning! From Monday to Tuesday I had a dream of this kind: As if I was sitting in a wheelchair going somewhere, and there were many obstacles in front of me, trenches, and I could easily pass through them in my wheelchair. And one elderly man comes up to me and begins to feel sorry for me and sympathize with me, like: you’ll get better, etc. and I noooo, I sat here temporarily, I can’t feel my legs a little, but it will pass. But I used my feet to move the stroller when I was driving. Thank you)

    I dream of a wheelchair (side view) standing near some government agency (such as the police). The man with whom I live should be sitting in it, but he is not in it. But there is another man standing nearby. I sat on the edge of the wheelchair seat because I was tired, my legs just couldn’t support me. And I dreamed of either clothes or a stroller seat in a large checkered pattern, white and black, or rather dark blue and red. I was sad about something.

    I saw myself in a wheelchair, clinging to a car at high speed. Then the car stopped, I stood up from the wheelchair and looked at the wheelchair and trembled with fear. Please explain what this means.

    I dreamed that I was healthy, and my ex-husband put me in a wheelchair and took me somewhere. for some event. Our sister was with us while he was driving me. After we were in the right place, the sister went away, under the pretext of looking at something and promised to return. As soon as my ex-husband heard loud music, he threw me in a chair on the threshold and I realized that I needed to somehow move myself and was able to get up and walk, but I thought that the people standing around would not understand me, so I sat back in the stroller. I drove to the next room and moved into a chair myself and moved the wheel away. I saw 3 small objects next to the chair and for some reason I thought it was a sign. I don’t remember what kind of items they were. help me understand the dream. I don’t want to know or see my ex-husband. I'm unemployed now. I want to understand this dream means something. help me please.

    Hello! This is the first time. I don’t remember, but someone was with me and we were in a hurry somewhere. And I was in a wheelchair and rode pushing the wheels with my hands. But then I barely got up and started walking. That's all it seems)

    I was walking along the corridor when entering the room on the prorog and met my uncle, who had died a long time ago, in a wheelchair; he was sitting in a wheelchair. I went into the room and asked him to lie down on the bed, but he refused. in the room there was a chest of drawers, on it there was a vase with pale gladioli, I offered to put brighter gladioli in this vase, he happily agreed

    in a dream they poured sulfuric acid on my legs, I saw bones, I didn’t see anyone’s faces, then I was in the hospital for 2 weeks, friends gathered a large number of people to figure it out, but around the corner of the house they took me with a friend because... I was afraid to go alone, my friend was hit on the head, and I was given an injection, then I only heard voices and saw only silhouettes. I was taken to the hospital and given prosthetics.

    In a dream, I fell on my left knee at home and lost consciousness, my parents took me to the hospital. There was a gash on the knee and the kneecap was wobbly. And then I rode in a wheelchair, but I moved both legs normally.

    I was driving through the building in a wheelchair and was offended by someone, then I was driving and I saw a table with people, I was going to it, I wanted to sit down somehow, but I bumped into a man, he was angry, but the people who were sitting next to me saved me and I drove on and then the dream ended

    I am in a hospital building in a wheelchair and trying to find a way out. I'm rolling all over the floor and can't find a way out. Anxiety. I understand that I won’t be able to go down the stairs and that I need an elevator. But I am afraid that the medical staff will not let me out and I am afraid to use the elevator. and so I roll around and look for a way out.

    I was in some company of people I don’t know. But I felt that my son was nearby. We were somewhere in the village. The house was wooden and not well maintained. I sat and rode in a wheelchair. But at the same time, I knew that I was fine. We prepared food and after some time I got out of the stroller. I told everyone that I was walking. After that I woke up.

    I dreamed that I, sitting in a wheelchair, walked through a shopping center, saw bright spacious rooms, a wide range of goods, toys, strollers, and outside the building there were armed men in black, some of the entry doors were closed.

    I dreamed of me, sitting in a wheelchair, walking through a shopping center, all around were bright, spacious rooms, a wide range of goods, toys, strollers, armed people in black outside, some doors to enter were closed

    I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was in a wheelchair, but I clearly remember that in me I remembered our past with him and pictures emerged of him driving, I understood that he could not be disabled, soon the picture changed to another, in a dream I saw his social network (where he had very rarely visited before) in the photo he was with a red-haired girl, when I woke up I realized that this was his ex-common-law wife (she looked like this in her youth), I don’t know how it all happened may be related, but I have a very bad feeling

    I work in a hospital in a wheelchair, I am on call for a doctor, I go on work errands in the elevator, and he comes immediately upon my call. I’m working, I don’t see any difficulties. Then someone tells me, why are you in a stroller, you can walk, and I got up and went

    I dreamed about how I was riding on a bus to the store. Gena, my ex-boyfriend with whom we had recently broken up, was riding a bicycle to the same store. I arrived there earlier and turned around to see how far he was from me, but didn’t see him and decided to hurry up go to the store so that he wouldn’t think that I was waiting for him. Not far from the entrance, I noticed a couple of my classmates, but I didn’t go up to them. I went into one of the doors. At the entrance I had to go through two doors into the store. I saw a man in wheelchair behind the second door and opened it to let the person pass. One of my classmates was driving him. And this guy was also my classmate, but in reality he does not ride a wheelchair. However, despite this, he happy and happily chatting with them about something. I still went into the store. I gave birth to it for a while and went out. For some reason I didn’t take the money with me and so I just went out. There was a guard standing there. He stopped me and examined my jacket to make sure that I wasn’t hiding anything in it or under it. The jacket was in my hands and he felt something in the sleeve. I said that it was my hat, took it out and showed it to him. Then I remember how I was going down the stairs, like in business buildings, but this staircase seemed to be in a school. There I somehow managed to meet Gena, we chatted a little about something while we were walking, and then someone noticed that we were walking up the stairs and for some reason was going to catch us. We ran away from school and ended up near Gena’s house. For some reason I had two guitars in my hands. I asked which one was his, but he didn’t know, so I gave him the one that seemed to suit him. Then I remember inviting him to my house to watch a movie. He was very worried. He came, he and his mother greeted each other in a strange way, then he went out and came in again and again they said something to each other. He went out and for the third time went into in the form of a girl. He looked like my classmate Christina Tejar. He met my mother. They seemed to have a nice conversation, but then she said something, realized that something was wrong here and I admitted that it was Gena and he was my boyfriend, however, she said it uncertainly. I don’t remember much further.

    I was leaving from somewhere (I don’t remember), when I came out I realized that it was an entertainment center, when I left, there were two girls in front of me, I told them to wait for me on the first floor and I was looking for an elevator for a wheelchair, and I met one girl, she told me she told me where the elevator was, I went in and couldn’t stop the elevator, I had to press some numbers, but I didn’t have time, and the elevator stopped, and I looked at my leg, the stroller had disappeared, even my feet, I didn’t know what to do, I was without shoes, but for some reason I walked calmly, and I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was being carried in a wheelchair by a man with whom I was now starting a relationship. We were driving through the park and suddenly it turned out that today was his birthday (although it was only in a month) and my friend wanted to introduce me to his friends, they made me very happy was nicely received and suddenly I suddenly get up from my chair

    I dreamed of my mother in a wheelchair. I brought her down from the 8th floor (my parents’ apartment, where I can’t move my family, I can’t finish the renovation for 7 years). Mom actively communicated with me, she was active and positive. Then we got on the wrong bus twice and went back and finally ended up on the straight boulevard leading to my children’s schools. On the way, we met a googly-eyed young woman singing songs. Also on the left side of the back of the chair was a container with blood, built into the back, the size of a peephole. I asked my mother what it was, to which she replied that the blood collects and flows there.

    I'm riding in a wheelchair and very confidently maneuvering between the rows at the market. When leaving, a woman stops you and takes away some documents. I quarrel with her and get out of the stroller and walk normally. Well, maybe my leg hurts a little. Then she gives me back what she took back

    The dream began with my parents and children going out into nature. Stavok or river. I find it difficult to answer. Our dog was also with us. Then we walked back. And suddenly night came. We are in some abandoned building. We met acquaintances and friends there. Soon the parents left. There remained a sister and brother, who also left soon after. My friend and I agreed that we would also leave, since there was a boy there who I liked and I didn’t want to stay there. We left, but on the street I already found myself in a wheelchair. But I was healthy and active. I drove around difficult roads. But the stroller seemed strange to me, because I had to steer it with my feet, not my hands. We were driving, and then my friend disappeared, and I met a guy, he stopped. We talked and communicated, then my friend’s mother came out and said that she was home. I talked with this guy for some time. During the conversation, I walked and moved around without a stroller. He asked why I needed it, I answered that I just wanted it. Then I got into the stroller and drove home in it.
    I had a dream about the location where I live. The abandoned place is not familiar to me. And people dreamed about the school where I study. Thank you

The article on the topic: “dream book of a person in a wheelchair” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

A person needs sleep like air. In a dream, a person throws off the burden of daytime worries and rests his soul and body. Sleep brings relief. When you wake up in the morning, you want to fly and create miracles. But is it always? Sometimes when we have nightmares, we wake up with a heavy head and a feeling of deep melancholy and sadness. Why does this happen? It is our brain that sends us signals that not everything in our life is smooth and it’s time to change something. But, for example, if in a dream a person is being chased by a wheelchair, why is this dreaming? Is it good or bad? Should we expect joy or sadness? You can guess for a long time, but you shouldn’t do it. It’s better to look into the dream book, it will tell you what such a dream means.

Give way

Seeing a wheelchair with a person – Miller’s dream book considers such a dream to be a harbinger of illness. Take care of your health.

I dreamed of an empty wheelchair standing - all efforts regarding problems would be wasted. The dream book suggests reconciling yourself and waiting for the best time to bring your plans to life.

If you dream that you see an empty, overturned wheelchair on the street - obstacles and troubles await you on the way to fulfilling your plans. If the gurney is intact, you will be able to get away with it; if it is broken, there is no need to strain yourself, nothing will work out anyway.

Trouble! Trouble! Run here quickly!

Riding on a gurney for the disabled for fun means your worries and troubles are far-fetched and not serious.

Seeing yourself helpless in a wheelchair means that you cannot cope with the burden of troubles alone.

If you dreamed that you were sitting on a wheelchair because you were tired and there was nothing else to sit on, the dream symbolizes nervous exhaustion.

Riding in a wheelchair in a dream to catch up with a departing bus means trouble. Miller's dream book explains: if you were in time for the bus - a pleasant bustle, if you couldn't catch up - a troublesome burden will fall on you.

Help the helpless

Seeing yourself pushing a wheelchair with a person through the park while walking - your selfless help will be noted by an influential person.

Riding on a wheelchair for the purpose of morally supporting a person who has only recently become crippled is not a very good sign: you will be irritated for no reason for the next week.

If you dream that you are transporting a wheelchair with a person across the road, you will soon have the chance to help someone advance their plans.

I had a dream that you had to sit in a wheelchair, rocking a child - soon the problems will become very small and disappear on their own, the dream book promises.

Forward to the finish

Seeing yourself as a Paralympic athlete and taking part in wheelchair races means a long, troublesome trip. Most likely, this will be a business trip.

I had a dream in which you were driving through an empty stadium in a wheelchair - to the loss of money. The amount will be very small, but the loss will be very stupid, the dream book warns.

To sit in a wheelchair that stands on the podium is to overcome professional difficulties with dignity, the dream book promises. You will calculate your steps so competently that envious people will be discouraged.

Riding a broken vehicle for people with disabilities - be attentive to your health. There is a high risk of injury.

Dream interpretation of a man in a wheelchair

Why do you dream about a disabled person? Such a sad dream is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent, and therefore it is so important to find the correct interpretation.

The suffering of other people settles on the heart, and for a long time it is not possible to get rid of it. Seeing yourself or another person in a wheelchair is not a good symbol, but what does it really hide?

General information

I dreamed of a person with disabilities

Our subconscious is designed in such a way that the advice we receive is not always perceived unambiguously. Various dream interpreters are called upon to help in this difficult task, but choosing them is not so easy.

Help from dream books

When deciphering what a disabled person dreams about, the dreamer is faced with a large number of nuances that are not always possible to remember. To get a correct and complete forecast, you will have to pay attention to every little detail, no matter how insignificant.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the dream book, a disabled person is a symbol that predicts the appearance of dubious partners who want to use the dreamer for selfish purposes. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to track behavior and draw appropriate conclusions based on it.

If a sleeping person becomes disabled in a dream, then unpleasant circumstances await him that are unlikely to be prevented. The main thing is to learn not to pay attention to little things.

ANDdisabled person in a wheelchair- to the coming famine and disaster, which will reveal character traits in you that you have never noticed in yourself. The dream interpreter advises extending a helping hand to those in need, as this will be fully rewarded.

Dreaming of a man in a stroller

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing a disabled person in a dream means the beginning of a difficult period in the life of a sleeping person. Perhaps he experiences a fear of his own inferiority, which is reflected in his behavior and actions.

The dream interpretation focuses on the one who was sitting in a wheelchair:

  • The dreamer is a sign of possible diseases. The subconscious is trying to say that you pay too little attention to your health, and therefore negative consequences will not take long to arrive.
  • Another person - the person you saw - needs your help. By lending a helping hand, you won’t even notice how you will make a wonderful friend.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a man without legs in a dream

As the dream book describes, a disabled person without legs is evidence of his own insecurity and dissatisfaction. Most likely, the dreamer cannot adequately perceive relationships with the opposite sex, and against this background, even more problems arise. Freud writes that a sleeping person cannot build normal communication, accusing his partners of insincerity. It seems to him that the people around him do not want to show their true emotions, but all the statements described are far from the truth. A boy can become a man only when he looks his fears in the face and begins to change his life for the better.

Meeting a person in a wheelchair - the dreamer is afraid of possible failure in the sexual field. However, his thinking leads him to a dead end, since his fears do not disappear, but only progress. If outwardly he tries to appear better, then in reality he suffers from his own inferiority. Such a model of behavior is unlikely to lead to a good result, and therefore it is better to abandon it.

If the disabled person you dreamed about turned out to be your good friend, then your fears about lack of temperament in bed are actually not groundless.

Your girlfriend was in a wheelchair in a dream - this means a future cooling of the relationship, and therefore it is better to think in advance about what is best to avoid. Dream interpreters advise gathering around the same table more often and discussing issues of concern. In this way, you can not only maintain, but also strengthen existing relationships.

If you see yourself in a wheelchair, in real life you want to run away from unresolved problems, which are becoming more and more every day. An attempt to escape will not be successful, and therefore it is better to begin solving problematic cases in advance.

Mutilated body parts

Having formed an initial idea of ​​your dream, you will also have to remember the injured places.

I dreamed of a disfigured face

You dream of a disabled person without legs - to receive help from loved ones who will help you get out of a difficult situation. The main thing is not to test your own luck, since its supply is limited.

Why do you dream of a man with a disfigured face? If you meet a disabled person who is driving towards you and smiling, be careful, because everything will not turn out as planned before. Some little things can affect the final result.

A disabled man without arms - you should not start a new project, because nothing good will come of it. The dream book warns that it is better to spend time resolving unfinished matters.

You dream of people without arms and legs - this means the onset of a difficult period in life that will affect all aspects. It is important to remember the approximate age of the cripple:

  • young - to a quick end to troubles;
  • in years - you will have to be patient, since everything will not be solved quickly.

Seeing a sick child in a dream

Little disabled person

If you had a dream in which there were sick children, this means trouble will arise, but you can draw some conclusions after you manage to remember your gender. However, do not try to waste time, since much will depend on gender.

Why do you dream about a disabled boy? Such a dream reflects serious troubles in the domestic sphere. The dream book suggests that the dreamer will have to spend a lot of time to achieve certain privileges for his family.

Dreaming of a boy limping badly using a cane means possible problems with money, and therefore it is better to abandon dubious acquisitions. Dream interpreters recommend saving some cash so that future events do not take you by surprise.

A disabled girl who needs the help of another person - some event will definitely surprise you, and the emotions will be negative. You will have to learn to look at the world through the lens of your critical thinking, otherwise you will constantly suffer in vain.

I have dreams in which a teacher beats little disabled people in a specialized center - to a large number of failures and obstacles on the way to their goal. The dream interpreter suggests that luck will turn away from you, and therefore it is better not to take any radical steps.

Dreaming of a child's help

How did you help?

People with disabilities need a lot of attention and care, and therefore it is so important to find out the interpretation of that part of the dream in which the dreamer was able to provide assistance.

We saw how a child helps a disabled person - someone close to you may need help, but he will not talk about it. It is up to you to identify changes in mood and reach out first.

You can be proud of a dream in which the sleeper helped a cripple climb the stairs - success awaits you, so try to draw up a step-by-step plan for your actions. Lowering a wheelchair downwards means minor troubles.

If you happen to care for a person who cannot move independently, a large number of ideas and plans are swarming in your head, but you lack the determination to take the last step. A night dream will tell the sleeper that the time has come to give up fear and do something new.


Giving alms in a dream

Dreaming of giving alms to a woman with a small child means the onset of a bright streak that brings good luck and prosperity. The dream book also notes that such changes will affect the lives of loved ones, so try to enjoy a common period of happiness. Helping a child with injuries financially means a strong shock, from which you will be able to recover only thanks to your loyal surroundings.

Unpleasant transcripts

If a young guy becomes disabled in a dream, it means in reality someone will want to screw him up big time. Try to remain extremely vigilant and do not try to take any adventures, as they may end in grand failure. A large amount of verified information is the key to successful business relationships, so try to follow this rule.

The dreamer saw himself on crutches and began to beat someone with them - a sign of a future illness. If their need has disappeared in a night dream, then recovery will be quick.

To look in the mirror and see a disfigured reflection - the dreamer is hiding something, does not want to share his secrets with people. In any case, the time has come to end your double game, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. If you can present the information correctly, you will definitely be understood and accepted.

Dream Interpretation

Man in a wheelchair

Dream Interpretation of a Man in a Wheelchair dreamed of why you dream about a Man in a Wheelchair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man in a Wheelchair in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation Disabled person, why do you dream about seeing a disabled person in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream of a Disabled Person from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do people with disabilities dream: interpretation of sleep

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why does the Disabled Man dream, let’s analyze the vision:

Disabled – Denotes a path of regression or pathology, this may be due to certain adaptive behavior caused by a specific person, environment or some things.

Why do you dream about a disabled person in the summer?

To see a dream about a Disabled Person - A disabled person in a wheelchair, which you saw in a dream, is a sign of injury; this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.

Disabled person - The appearance of a disabled person in a dream is a sign of warning against two-faced partners who encroach on your interests. A person in a wheelchair may foretell the onset of cataclysms and hungry times, during which you will actively help those in need. If you dream that you are disabled, this means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Why do you dream of a Disabled Person according to the dream book?

Seeing a disabled person in a dream - If you saw disabled people in a dream, beware of unreliable partners who encroach on your interests. If you see yourself as disabled, refrain from actions that will reflect poorly on your reputation.

Why do you dream about a disabled person in a dream?

Disabled person - Seeing a stranger without any limb in a dream - in real life, your sexual relationships are hampered by an unconscious fear of being used and abandoned. However, all your fears and concerns are in vain - a connection with your loved one will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about a Disabled Person, dream analysis:

Disabled person - If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Disabled Man dream in his night dreams?

Disabled person - Seeing a disabled person in a dream or becoming one yourself means that you need to pay attention to the state of your health. Seeing a freak in a dream means failure in business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Disabled person - Things are getting worse; in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming about.

What does it mean to dream about and how to interpret Disabled Person according to the dream book?

Disabled person - Dreaming of a disabled person is a sign of a future calm old age, goodwill and respect for others. If you dreamed of a wretched cripple, the dream foretells that sad thoughts will take possession of your soul for a long time. If you see yourself crippled in a dream, the dream promises you a comfortable life.

Why do you dream and what does the Disabled person mean in our time?

Disabled – Calm Joy

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream of a Disabled Person - dream symbolism:

Disabled person (crippled) - A symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority. To be disabled, crippled yourself - foreshadows life's difficulties and illness. Seeing another as crippled means someone needs your help.

Dreaming of being disabled - Damage in business, relationships.

Why do you dream of a disabled person in the fall?

Disabled person - Seeing a disabled person in a wheelchair in a dream means an action of compassion.

Disabled person - Seeing yourself weak in a dream means a loss of strength.

Why do you dream of a disabled person in the spring?

Disabled person - Seeing a disabled person in a dream means a partial loss of health.

Disabled person - Seeing yourself weak in a dream means powerlessness in the face of circumstances; to the gloating of enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Disabled Person, why?

Seeing weakness in a dream - Seeing someone weak means counting on good service.

Disabled person - Seeing - some kind of accident threatens; to be one is to put it on one’s own.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why does the Disabled Person dream? The dream book interprets it this way:

Infirmity - To see someone infirm - count on good service

Disabled person – Quiet old age – to be one – to insist on one’s own

Why does a woman dream about a Disabled person, what is this dream about?

Weakness, decrepitude - A dream in which you encounter manifestations of infirmity and weakness foreshadows unhappy love and complications in business. Observing powerless, decrepit people in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of a Disabled Person:

Weakness, decrepitude - A dream in which you encounter a manifestation of infirmity foreshadows unhappy love and complications in business. Observing powerless, decrepit people in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Dreaming of a Disabled Person - To see a weak person moving with a stick in a dream means visiting a nursing home for a charitable purpose.

Disabled person - Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign foreshadowing unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests. – to dream that you are one of them, foretells that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances. – if you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need, this is how the dream you are dreaming is interpreted ambiguously.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Disabled Person in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why does a Disabled Person dream from Monday to Tuesday according to the dream book?
  • If you dream of a Disabled Person from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream of a Disabled Person according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream of a Disabled Person from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Disabled Person in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a disabled person in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Sun December 17, 2017, 12:03:08

Sun April 23, 2017, 09:20:53

Wed August 10, 2016, 18:47:29

Sun February 07, 2016, 13:42:16

And in the end he first turned into a kitten, and then into sand.

It was a really strange dream.

Sat January 02, 2016, 18:57:02

Sea. Shore. I'm swimming in a dress. I am sad that I will leave the salt waters. I am going home. There's mother. She told me I should have fun. Gone. A huge house caught my attention. I entered. There are candles everywhere. Table. They sell tickets. I bought it. The rules of the game were explained to me. There is only one goal - to get out. I am running. I'm grabbing onto some guy. We are going. He limped badly. One-legged.

Disabled person in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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In a dream, a wheelchair - detailed interpretation from dream books

Dreams don't always make you feel rested, refreshed, and ready for the day. Some images, appearing at night, leave behind a feeling of anxiety and depression, as well as a lack of understanding of what to expect after them. For example, people wonder why they dream of a wheelchair, and rush to open the dream book to find out the answer after they see it in their dream.

General interpretation

It depends on many nuances of the dream that must be taken into account. For example:

  • Was this chair empty or was someone sitting in it?
  • Did it stand still or was it moved by someone?
  • Its integrity
  • General plot of the dream

If a person dreams of an empty wheelchair, this is a bad omen: all attempts to correct the situation will be in vain. It’s worth coming to terms with the dark streak and waiting it out, only after that taking up the implementation of your plans.

If this empty stroller is upside down, many difficulties and obstacles are expected on the way to achieving your goals. Further interpretation depends on the integrity of the gurney:

  • If it is intact, with hard work you can overcome everything
  • If it is broken or broken, there is no need to start making efforts.

If the dreamer rides around on this specialized device for fun, then in reality all his troubles are greatly exaggerated, or even far-fetched. If a person sees himself in a gurney, while feeling helpless, he will not be able to cope with a difficult situation on his own; he will have to enlist the support of friends.

Sitting in such a chair in a night vision from fatigue, without finding another place to rest, is a sign indicating that in reality a person is experiencing severe nervous exhaustion.

There are also dreams in which a sleeping person, sitting in a wheelchair, tries to catch up with a bus. The meaning of the dream determines the success of these attempts:

  • Managed to catch up with the bus - to small things that will bring pleasure
  • The dreamer is left behind - irritability and nervousness in the near future

Help a disabled person

A wheelchair in a dream has special meaning if someone was sitting in it. If the dreamer takes a helpless person for a ride around the park, enjoying a leisurely walk with him, then in reality his selfless responsiveness will be appreciated by an influential character.

Carrying a wheelchair user across the road is a symbol that in the near future there will be an opportunity to help someone achieve their goals. If the dreamer was sitting in such a chair, rocking a baby in his arms, this is a good omen, which indicates that soon the problems will lose their seriousness, become insignificant and easily solved.

Other details of interpretation

A dream in which a sleeping person becomes a Paralympic athlete taking part in speed competitions promises him a long-term and difficult trip (for example, for work).

Driving through an empty stadium in a wheelchair is a symbol warning that in reality you will have to repent of your own stupidity, inattention, and reproach yourself for this. Also, after such a dream, unnecessary spending of money or loss of a small amount is possible.

If a person in a dream has lost this device, this is a good omen: it promises good luck, support from loved ones, profitable cooperation with serious people, increased social status - in general, the complete favor of fate.

If the dreamer sold a wheelchair, in reality a stone will fall from his shoulders. Burdensome circumstances will disappear, opening new doors and allowing you to finally take on interesting ideas. After such a dream, a bright streak comes in life.

The fulfillment of long-standing dreams and desires awaits those who in a dream managed to get up from a wheelchair with the feeling that they will no longer have to sit in it. In this case, new horizons open up before the dreamer, beyond which opportunities, prospects and happiness await.

Miller's Dream Book

If a dreamer in a night vision watches a person sitting in a wheelchair, serious troubles and disasters await him in reality. Hard times will come, in which the person who saw the dream will help those in need.

To become disabled yourself in a dream means that luck will turn away, leaving obstacles and difficulties in its place. A dream can also represent helplessness in the current situation in reality.

Erotic dream book

As the erotic dream book says, a wheelchair portends disappointment in a loved one if, instead of a disabled person, there was some kind of animal in it. Serious conflicts and unpleasant disputes are possible. You should be wary of betrayal by your relationship partner, rudeness on his part, loss of respect, and the final breakdown of the relationship.

Family dream book

This dream book foretells a lack of luck, a loss of strength, and a lack of means to solve the problem for those who saw a wheelchair in their night vision. For sick people, a dream in which they are riding in a wheelchair is a very bad omen; more attention should be paid to treatment.

A military man who rides around on such a device in a dream will be promoted in position or rank in reality. Those who are going to take a risk in order to increase their financial condition, to get rich, having seen such a dream, it is better to abandon such ideas, as they will result in debts and failures. Also, a dream can portend premature aging, loss of strength, and weakness.

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Dream interpretation of a man in a wheelchair

A stroller? Why do you even dream about this vehicle? We will consider these and other questions in the article. There are dreams that leave a pleasant feeling behind them, and there are those after which we Sometimes a person, upon awakening, cannot understand whether it was reality or a dream. In addition, there are simply difficult dreams that make even an incorrigible skeptic think about the meaning of life. So, why does a carriage for the sick appear in dreams?


What does the dream book say about a wheelchair? It is impossible to say that dreams about a wheelchair will be negative. It is also impossible to say with certainty that a person should regard these dreams as a signal of approaching danger.

Every person likes pleasant dreams. If, in addition, the dream book analyzes encrypted symbols and signs as harbingers of pleasant and positive changes in his life, then everyone will enjoy such a night’s rest.


In different dream books, a wheelchair is interpreted differently. It would seem that what is pleasant about the fact that a person saw himself in a wheelchair, even in a dream? But the dream book also sees some positivity in such dreams.

So, if a person sees himself as a Paralympic athlete, it means that your superiors will entrust you with difficult work associated with a difficult and long business trip. Everything will depend on whether you reached the finish line in your dream. If not, then you will not solve the task assigned to you in real life.

In such a dream, psychologists discover a person’s desire to become a forward. He feels that he deserves more and has all the tools to do it. But due to some difficulties, it cannot achieve its goal. The bosses don’t want to notice his merits, his colleagues constantly interfere, or he simply still hasn’t learned how to properly plan his working time.

It doesn't matter what obstacle is stopping you. It is important that you are aware of its presence and can overcome it.

Get rid of the wheelchair

What else does the dream book say about a wheelchair? If in your dreams you were able to somehow get rid of the hated chair, sold it or lost it, then your existence is normalizing. Management will promote you, friends will want to help you, and loved ones will show more care and attention.

If in a dream you got up from a wheelchair and realized that you could walk, it means that in reality all your innermost desires will come true.


What does the dream book tell you about a wheelchair with a person? If you help an ailing person in a dream, this speaks of your selfless character and good disposition. Such a vision indicates that you will soon be rewarded.

What else is written in the dream book? What does it mean to travel in a wheelchair? If you get into this vehicle and move in it, wanting to support your crippled friend, this is a negative dream. You will feel very nervous over the next few days. Because of your excessive temper, innocent people will suffer.

If you rock a baby in a dream, while being in a wheelchair, then your real troubles will gradually begin to disappear, and soon a white streak will appear in your life. You will be surprised at this.

Helping a disabled person cross the road in a dream means that in reality you will provide all possible assistance to a person in need.

Negative Predictions

Some people may dream of themselves in a wheelchair. What does the dream book say about this vision? Miller's dream book, for example, believes that seeing a wheelchair in a dream is the first sign that tells you that not everything is in order with your health. If you do not want to seek help from doctors, adjust your lifestyle.

If in your dreams you felt completely powerless because you were sitting in a wheelchair and couldn’t move, don’t try to solve all your problems on your own, you won’t be able to cope with them. You better seek help before it's too late.

The dream book analyzes an empty wheelchair as a symbol that a person is moving in the wrong direction. All your efforts are wasted, so either be patient and wait for a more decent moment, or choose a different path for yourself.

The troubles associated with your nervous system are indicated by a vision in which you sat down in a crippled chair just to take a break.

If in a dream you ride in a wheelchair just to have fun, you are inventing troubles for yourself, constantly complaining about fate. This dream warns that negative words and thoughts attract grief, be precise and think positively.

An old man in a wheelchair dreams of a serious illness, the loss of an object that is important to you, or the loss of a loved one. And if you see an animal or toy in such a chair, then this foreshadows conflicts with people, disrespect for you from a loved one.

Other stories

If you saw yourself defenseless in a wheelchair in a dream, you will not be able to solve all your problems on your own. If you are in a wheelchair trying to catch a bus, you will have trouble. Miller's dream book explains: if you couldn't catch up with the bus, a troublesome burden will fall on you; if you managed to do so, it means a pleasant bustle.

If a person sees a wheelchair being pushed by a loved one, it means that in real life your lover is absolutely devoted to you. However, the dreamer himself pays little attention to relationships, and this can lead to unwanted crises in love. If in a dream one of your friends is pushing a stroller, it means that you can completely trust this person with all your secrets. The support of friends is often the most important component of success in life.

Dream interpretation wheelchair

Dreams are divided into those that leave behind pleasant emotions, and those after which we wake up in a cold sweat. At times, when a person wakes up, he cannot determine whether it was a dream or reality. In addition, there are simply unpleasant dreams that make even the most notorious skeptic think about the meaning of life. Why do you dream about a wheelchair, for example?

You dreamed of a wheelchair

It is not possible to say one hundred percent that a dream about a wheelchair will be negative. It is also impossible to say with certainty that a person should perceive this dream as a signal of approaching danger.

Step forward boldly

Every person loves when he has a pleasant dream. If, among other things, the dream book considers encrypted signs and symbols as harbingers of positive and pleasant changes in his life, then everyone will like such a night’s rest.

How dream books view such a symbol

It would seem that there is nothing pleasant about seeing yourself in a wheelchair, even in a dream. But the dream book also sees some positivity in such visions.

For example, a person may see himself as a winner in a certain sport, among the Paralympians.

If you dream that you are on a pedestal, it means that no matter what difficulties stand in your way, you will be able to overcome them.

If a person sees himself as a Paralympic athlete, it means that management will entrust you with difficult work involving a long and difficult business trip. Everything will depend on whether you reached the finish line; if not, then you will fail the task assigned to you in real life.

If you were a Paralympian

To be among the Paralympic athletes, from a psychological point of view

Psychologists see in such a dream a person’s desire to move forward. You feel that you deserve more and have all the means to get it. But due to certain difficulties, you cannot achieve what you want. Management stubbornly ignores your merits, your work colleagues constantly try to put a spoke in your wheels, or you simply do not know how to plan your working time correctly.

It doesn't matter what kind of obstacle stands in front of you. The main thing is that you have begun to become aware of its presence and can cope with it.

Get rid of the wheelchair

If in a dream you somehow managed to get rid of the hated chair, lose it or sell it, it means that your life will get better. Friends will offer their help, bosses will promote you, and loved ones will begin to show more respect and care.

Just get out of your wheelchair and realize that you can walk - your deepest desires will come true in reality.

If you want to help a disabled person

  • A dream in which you provide assistance to a person with disabilities speaks of your good nature and unselfish character. Such a vision says that soon you will be rewarded as you deserve.
  • The dream book believes that an influential person will notice your help to other people and will thank you with all generosity.
  • Riding in a chair because you morally want to support a crippled friend is a negative dream. In the coming days you will be very nervous. Due to excessive irritability, innocent people will suffer.
  • Rocking a child while in a wheelchair will surprise you, because the troubles will begin to disappear one after another, and soon you will have a white streak.
  • Helping a disabled person cross the road means in reality you will provide all possible assistance to a person in need.

Negative predictions associated with seeing a wheelchair

remember the details of the dream

Miller's dream book believes that a wheelchair seen in a dream is the first bell that should tell you that not everything is in order with your health. If you don’t want to run to doctors for help, reconsider your lifestyle and, if possible, adjust it.

The dream book considers an empty wheelchair as a sign that the sleeping person is moving in the wrong direction. All your efforts are wasted, so either choose another path for yourself, or be patient and wait for a more opportune moment.

A dream in which you sat down on a wheelchair, just to take a break, speaks of troubles associated with your nervous system.

If in a dream you felt completely helpless because you were sitting in a wheelchair and could not move, do not try to solve all your problems alone, you cannot cope with them, seek help before it is too late.

Riding in a stroller designed for people with disabilities just for fun - you are inventing troubles for yourself, endlessly complaining about fate. This night vision warns that negative thoughts and words attract troubles, be careful and try to think positively.

An old man in a wheelchair dreams of a serious illness, the loss of something important to you, or the loss of a loved one.

Seeing an animal or toy in a wheelchair means conflicts with people, disrespect from a loved one.

In a wheelchair - it is possible that this dream will be followed by hunger and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Disabled person (crippled)- a symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority.

To be disabled, crippled yourself- portends life difficulties, illness.

Seeing another as a cripple- someone needs your help.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a disabled person- this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

If you meet a disabled person- you are afraid of failing in your affairs, including sexual ones, and you cannot get rid of your fears. Outwardly, you constantly show off, but you develop an inferiority complex

If one of your friends or loved ones has become disabled- you, perhaps not without reason, consider him a person who is not temperamental enough, sexually speaking.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.