How to get rid of severe depression on your own. How does depression appear? Think about what you need to change in your lifestyle

Perhaps there is no person who has never experienced despondency and blues in his life. After being sad for a day or two, most of us overcome it on our own unpleasant condition. But there are also those who plunge into depression seriously and for a long time. Or they don’t find the strength to emerge from the dangerous pool of melancholy and hopelessness. How to help people cope with depression? Tells us about this psychiatrist, psychotherapist, neurologist Igor Mikhailovich Popov.

- First, let’s define: what is real depression?

Depression is a persistent decrease in mood, with a loss of the ability to experience joy and a pessimistic view of what is happening. Everything around seems gray, interest in life disappears, apathy overcomes. Tearfulness may appear, and in severe forms of the disease, people withdraw into themselves, become uncommunicative and are reluctant to talk about their experiences. Depression is included in many diseases as a symptom, but can also stand out as a separate disease.

According to the International Classification of Diseases depressive symptoms are divided into typical (basic) and additional. If a person has two main symptoms and at least three additional ones, we can definitely say that he is depressed and needs help. TO typical symptoms include: depressed mood, regardless of circumstances, loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were previously enjoyable, loss of strength. There are even more additional symptoms: pessimism, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety or fear, low self-esteem, inability to concentrate and make decisions, thoughts of death, unstable appetite, weight loss or gain and disturbed sleep - insomnia or oversleeping. And also glycogeusia - what is it? pathological condition, in which a sweetish taste appears in the mouth without eating anything sweet. Depression occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Among other things, they may experience deterioration in school performance and negative changes in behavior - aggressiveness, touchiness and aloofness.

Typically, a diagnosis of depressive disorder is made if these symptoms are observed for at least 2 weeks. And in especially severe forms of the disease, a shorter period of time is sufficient.

- Why does depression occur, and how many people suffer from it?

There are many reasons. In addition to external ones, which include stress, tragic events, problems in your personal life or at work, there is also internal reasons. For example, violation mental processes may occur as a result of a “breakdown” in the human body and may not be associated with stressful conditions.In some patients, depression is seasonal and occurs most often in spring or autumn.

According to statistics, in Russia about 6% of the population suffers from depressive disorders. But these figures are unreliable, since less than half of patients seek medical help, and no more than 25% of patients are treated by doctors who professionally treat depression. But there are still subdepressive states that cannot be calculated, when depression is masked by therapeutic diseases, being their root cause. And patients with such problems, as a rule, do not seek medical help, or come to regular therapists, not knowing that they need complex treatment, including the help of a psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

- How dangerous is this disease if it is not treated?

Negative structural changes in the body may occur. Chronic depression can cause illness of cardio-vascular system, obesity, diabetes, a sharp deterioration in mental abilities and a significant decrease in immunity with the development of acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic ones. Often, diseases such as alcoholism and drug addiction arise from depression. And in severe advanced cases, depression can lead to suicide...

- In Russia, men like to “treat” sadness and melancholy with alcohol...

And in vain! Unfortunately, most men in our country consider it weak to ask for help, talk about their problems and prefer to “relax” with the help of alcohol. But drinking alcohol is by no means a treatment, but only an illusion of improvement, after which a significant deterioration in life occurs.

When drinking alcohol against the background of existing depression, in the initial stages there may be some subjective improvement in the background mood - euphorization, when experiences fade into the background and become less relevant. But this effect is short-term, and in the future only increases the severity of the disease, which leads not only to the aggravation of its symptoms, but also to the development of alcohol dependence.

Often depression itself occurs as a result of alcohol consumption. Mood and motor activity decrease, mental reactions and mental activity are inhibited. Thus, in a state of “hangover,” some people experience a depressed mood, gloominess, or a feeling of guilt for drinking too much. This usually goes away in a matter of days, but over time it may require special treatment. Much more dangerous is depression, which occurs in a state of withdrawal syndrome after prolonged use of alcoholic beverages. Its main symptoms are: lack of pleasure from life, a feeling of monotony, insipidity, dullness and uninterestingness of what is happening around. Life seems aimless and meaningless. There may be suicidal thoughts and attempts to commit suicide.

- While a depressed man’s hand reaches for a bottle or even more dangerous drugs, many women go to churches and immerse themselves in religious life...

Women tend to be more emotional than men, more likely to seek comfort and support from others, and more willing to talk about their problems. And the temple is one of the places where you can find solace and help. The Church engages in a kind of spiritual psychotherapy. Prayers and rituals formed over many centuries provide spiritual and psychological support to a believer. Compliance with certain ritual actions and receiving “internal support” is one of the ways to reduce the intensity of manifestations. depressive disorders, and in some cases, recovery from depression.

- What about meditation?

Meditation is the use of special psychotherapeutic techniques and exercises as part of spiritual, religious or health practices. The goals may be deep reflection, achieving a state of inner focus or altered consciousness. During meditation, the psycho-emotional load is significantly relieved, and body functions are normalized. The main thing is to use this technique correctly and know when to stop everything.

- But is it possible to cure depression once and for all?

- Depression can be completely cured if it is a manifestation acute illness or an independent form with an acute course. It should be noted here that the characteristics of the reaction of the human nervous system remain the same, and when entering stressful state again, relapses are possible again. This may help psychotherapy. Exist different methods psychotherapy in the treatment of depression, which are selected by the doctor together with the patient in each specific case. A psychotherapist not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease and relieves psycho-emotional stress, but also helps to find ways to solve problems and teaches a “different”, more positive perception and overcoming severe stressful situations that provoke depression.

Another effective treatment for depression is reflexology. Therapeutic effect is achieved through the impact on biologically active points of the body responsible for the functioning of certain organs and systems, as a result of which the mental state is normalized and depressive disorders are relieved.

There is also a large number of medications that relieve depression. But you cannot take them on your own; these drugs must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. When treating depression, a doctor can recommend not only a separate technique, but also a complex different methods, complementing each other, accelerating treatment and subsequently preventing the onset of depression.

- What to do if there is no money for good doctor? How to help yourself?

You need to “love” yourself and remember to find time for a pleasant pastime, hobbies, meetings with friends and everything that gives you positive emotions. Avoid deliberately stressful situations - for example, do not set unattainable goals for yourself and do not take on work that you cannot complete. Spend more time with your family and friends. Never be shy to ask others for help! And, of course, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is an excellent prevention of depression, significantly reducing the risk of its occurrence. Do not deny yourself sleep and rest, eat right, follow a daily routine, and move more (walks on the fresh air, physical exercise, taking water procedures). A person who does not poison himself with bad habits and maintains good physical shape can more easily endure any stress, and no depression will break him.

As a rule, a person strives to cope with such a condition on his own and often simply does not pay attention to it, which can subsequently have a bad effect on both physical and mental health. mental health. Treating depression at home is only possible with initial stage diseases.

What is depression

The normal reaction of a living organism to stress is a slowdown in vital processes and a decrease in performance. Normal after solving any life problems or troubles good mood returns, and the person feels full of strength again.

If the cause of the disorder is eliminated, but feelings and behavior do not change, depression, loss of strength and apathy for life are again felt, you need to seriously think about your condition and eliminate the developing depression.

Also first a worrying sign apathy should begin after minor troubles in life that minimally affect a person’s plans. Most often, psychologists distinguish several types of depression, depending on a specific season (winter, spring, autumn).

In its advanced form, depression can manifest itself not only as loss of strength and bad mood, but also cause persistent affective disorders of the nervous system. Treatment of depression at home is justified only in some cases when the disease is mild or is at an early stage. In this case, you can use introspection, self-hypnosis and take medications from natural remedies such as herbs or certain foods.

Depression: symptoms and treatment, clinical picture of the disease

Depression, like any disease, has clearly defined clinical manifestations, with which it can be diagnosed as quickly as possible:

  • lack of concentration and attention;
  • memory problems;
  • apathetic state;
  • a constant state of oppression and distraction;
  • inability to concentrate on a specific issue or action;
  • indifference to situations that previously caused joy and satisfaction.

A depressed person may constantly replay negative thoughts in their head that have no basis in reality. In addition, you need to pay attention to unconscious fears, anxiety and restlessness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, and sudden weight loss. All these symptoms are characterized by depression. The causes, treatment and features of therapy can only be determined by a specialist.

Manic-depressive syndrome

It is a special manifestation of depression, which is characterized as frequent mood swings with loss of attention and reality. It has two phases - manic and severe depression.

The manic phase manifests itself:

  • state of euphoria;
  • hyperactivity;
  • possible occurrence of hallucinations;
  • delusional;
  • irritability;
  • fast speech;
  • sharp jumps from one subject to another;
  • lack of concentration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sleep problems;
  • loss of skills (social, professional, educational).

Symptoms can be mild or severe. The severe depression phase has several manifestations, including the appearance of phobias, anxiety, obsessions, and a state of panic. Treatment of depression at home should be under the supervision of a doctor who will help you choose effective methods and prescribe them if necessary. correct dosages medicinal preparations.

Phobias with depression

A phobia manifests itself as an unconscious fear. The cause can be any action or object. The occurrence of phobias is not limited; they occur at any age and are often completely unfounded and unnoticeable.

A person who has a certain phobia is ready to do anything to avoid an unpleasant situation. Therefore, he often behaves inappropriately in a seemingly standard situation. in this case, it is not entirely relevant, since the help of specialists and taking medications together with psychotherapy will give the fastest and best effect.

State of anxiety or panic

It manifests itself as anxiety, fear, and a feeling of uncertainty. The feeling of anxiety is a necessary life factor for a person, as it gives him the opportunity to stop in time. the right situation, monitor your health and condition. But it is necessary to ensure that anxiety does not exceed an adequate limit. Increased anxiety prevents a person from making decisions in a timely manner, forcing him for a long time reflect and concentrate.

Women are more susceptible to anxiety conditions; they are often associated with work disorders endocrine system and can be inherited. Psychological trauma, especially those received in childhood, also cause unreasonable fear when faced with similar situations. Treatment of depression, reviews of which can be heard from former patients, indicates the effectiveness of psychotherapy and medications.

Anxiety states are characterized by rapid and loud speech, the presence of certain forms of behavior (pacing around the room, squeezing hands, lack of concentration, trembling in the body, irritability).

Panic conditions tend to be more severe. The state of anxiety intensifies and brings a person to panic or horror; this state can last for several hours, which significantly affects the state of the human nervous system.


They are thoughts that haunt a person. More often this symptom manifests itself in adolescence or at a young age. It consists of performing certain rituals (a person constantly repeats the same actions, thinking that in this way he can prevent unwanted development events).

It can manifest itself as a manic desire for cleanliness, constant checking or double-checking of certain objects, and adherence to a certain sequence of performing invented rituals. Self-treatment of depression if present obsessions does not give results, since this symptom is a consequence of a severe degree of the disease and indicates a disruption of the nervous system.

Post-traumatic syndrome

Occurs after suffering mental or physical trauma. This could be robbery, rape, or being held captive. After suffering from conditions, a person from time to time experiences the same sensations of fear; it may be associated with a specific place or people with whom the victim may subsequently meet. Major depression can only be treated by professionals.

This syndrome can also be manifested by loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability and depression. Post-traumatic stress requires medical intervention and long-term treatment. In some cases, hospitalization of the patient is indicated.

Treatment of depression

In some cases, it is possible to eliminate the disease at the initial stage on your own. However, with similar problem Only a professional psychotherapist will allow you to cope as quickly as possible; in especially severe cases, only a psychiatrist can help. Treatment of depression at home requires a strong desire of the patient to return to an active life and the absence of suicidal thoughts. IN otherwise It is better to hospitalize the patient and monitor his condition.

It is the possibility of an imperceptible transition from an ordinary bad mood to persistent mental disorders that is the greatest danger of depression. The basis of treatment is pharmacological therapy, changes in diet and nutrition, and the use of homeopathic medications.

Medications include tranquilizers and antidepressants, and psychotherapy is also effective. In most cases, psychotherapeutic influence has a positive effect on the state of the human body and allows one to cope with a depressive and depressed state without medications.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

In alternative medicine, dried herbs are used for treatment, from which tinctures or decoctions are prepared. Their action lies in the presence in plants of certain active active ingredients, capable of restoring and normalizing the level of hormones in the body, affecting the state of the nervous system and the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

To treat depression, it is optimal to use lemon balm. Preparing the tincture is very simple. To 1 liter of vodka you need to add 10 g of dried lemon balm, 1 g of angelica root (all can be purchased at the pharmacy), the peel of one lemon, 2 buds of dried cloves and one pinch of coriander and nutmeg.

The mixture must be infused in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Should be taken with tea large quantities. Treatment of depression in women with the help of this tincture gives the fastest possible results.

This remedy perfectly helps to cope with depression, restore the vital functions and activity of the body, cope with bad mood and depression, as well as get rid of laziness and apathy.

Diet for depression

By adjusting your diet, you can significantly influence the state of your body and your sense of self. For depression, it is necessary to completely exclude coffee and tea, sugar, flour products, spicy seasonings, chocolate and chemical additives from the diet.

Meals should be three times a day. For breakfast, it is optimal to eat fruits, nuts and dairy products, for lunch - vegetables or steamed meat, whole grain bread and milk, for dinner - vegetable salad, legumes and hard cheese. Treating depression on your own with diet is the most effective way.

Apples should be consumed in large quantities. They are the best remedy for depression and can be baked, prepared in fruit salads or eaten fresh with honey. Such nutrition will strengthen the nervous system, charge the body with energy, and give new strength and ideas.

Herbal infusions for depression

Treating depression at home with folk remedies involves using medicinal herbs. The most popular are the leaves or roots of ginseng; they need to be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10. You need to take one teaspoon at a time.

Peppermint is also very popular in treating depression. It is prepared by taking 1 tablespoon of dry leaves per glass of boiling water. The decoction should be boiled for 10 minutes, taken on an empty stomach, half a glass.

Depression treatment at home

The word depression is derived from the Latin “deprimo”, literally translated as suppress, crush, which gives us a complete picture of the disease itself. After all, it’s no secret that a person in a state of depression experiences a feeling of deep depression.

Experts classify depression as a mental disorder. The person seems to “withdraw into himself.” He stops being happy, is indifferent to others and events happening around him, his movements become slow. Self-esteem suffers, interest in work that previously brought pleasure disappears. Sometimes depression leads to addiction to alcohol and drugs. In the most severe cases, suicide cannot be ruled out.

Among mental disorders, depression is in first place in terms of incidence. Most often, people go into depression after sixty years of age. Among forty-year-olds - almost every tenth. Moreover, in most cases these are women. But there is also teenage depression– approximately five percent of children from ten to sixteen years old suffer from this disease in one form or another. And it is among them that the most frequent cases of suicide are recorded.

Medical history

Contrary to the established opinion that depression is a disease of our difficult times, they knew about it back in ancient times. The only difference is that previously it was called “melancholy”. In the priceless notes of Hippocrates that have survived to this day, there were the following recommendations for the treatment of the disease: the patient was given opium tincture to drink, enemas and healing baths, and massages were prescribed. An interesting fact is that Hippocrates prescribed drinking plenty of fluids for patients. mineral water, taken from a source in Crete. Studies of the composition of this water have shown the presence of magnesium, lithium and bromine in it, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with depression. In addition, the patient was prescribed a kind of “laughter therapy”, i.e. recommended to amuse him in every way. Hippocrates also noted the connection between depression and the time of year, depression and weather conditions.

In Ancient Egypt, they believed that depression was caused by demons or demons that possessed a person and treated the disease with the help of rituals to expel them.

Causes and types

Most often, a person becomes depressed after a bereavement. loved one, be it death or separation from a loved one. It is also difficult to bear the loss of a job, a high position in society, and so on. This type depression is called reactive, i.e. In essence, it is the body’s reaction to external circumstances.

Somatic causes are considered to be uncontrolled use of sedatives or sleeping pills, alcoholic drinks and drugs. Such depression can also occur as a consequence of certain diseases, including Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis of the brain, tumors in the brain, influenza and head trauma.

Seasonal depression worsens mainly in autumn and winter. This is due to the shortage sunlight. Also, those whose working day takes place in rooms or workshops without windows, i.e. can get sick. under artificial light, with an acute lack of serotonin in the body.

Young women often feel depressed after giving birth. This type of depression is called postnatal depression.


The first symptom of depression is a depressed state that lasts more than two weeks.

Lack of interest, unwillingness to do work, things that previously brought satisfaction.

Unexplained fatigue, although the person can sit without moving for days.

Feeling of own uselessness, mediocrity.

Fear and anxiety without reason.

Feeling guilty for everything that happens around and even for what is about to happen.

Inability to concentrate on one thing.

Negative attitude towards everything that happens.

Constantly visiting thoughts of suicide, death.

Loss of appetite - refusal to eat or, conversely, excessive appetite. And, as a result, a sharp decrease or gain in body weight.

Sleep is also disturbed - some have insomnia, while others are constantly drawn to sleep.

Traditional treatment

Firstly, it should be noted that treatment of this disease Only a psychiatrist should deal with this. After making a diagnosis and establishing the reasons that caused the depressive state, antidepressants, psychotherapeutic procedures and social rehabilitation. The patient and his relatives are recommended to change his lifestyle and way of life if the person remains on outpatient treatment, in order to exclude negative impact on the psyche, interfering with the successful outcome of the disease.

Yoga for depression

Traditional treatment

Pollen for depression

How many exist in nature? flowering plants, so many different types of pollen. Each species has its own medicinal properties, many times superior to the properties of potions prepared from the plant itself. Here is a list of plants whose pollen is an excellent antidepressant. The recommended doses for treatment are the same - one spoon before each meal.

  • Linden pollen is recommended for patients whose depression is accompanied by insomnia.
  • Pollen from acacia flowers is a powerful sedative.
  • Poppy pollen will return restful sleep. But you should be careful with it, given its mild narcotic effect.
  • Hawthorn pollen will normalize the functioning of the heart and calm the nerves.
  • Cucumber pollen will calm and relieve headaches. In addition, it is able to restore lost immunity.
  • Orange blossom pollen is calming, has a stimulating effect on the appetite and is generally tonic.
  • Willow pollen is an excellent sedative.
  • Rosemary pollen activates the nervous system and restores strength in case of chronic fatigue.
  • Lavender pollen, in addition to strengthening the nervous system as a whole, normalizes the digestive process, relieves swelling and calms the heart.

Medical treatment

  • Mix equal parts bee bread and honey. Twice a day, before breakfast and before bed, eat one spoon of the mixture.
  • Grind the dried St. John's wort to a powdery consistency and pour half a glass of St. John's wort powder into four hundred grams of fresh liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and place in a place inaccessible to light for two weeks. You need to eat the honey-St. John's wort mixture one full spoon, three times a day between meals.
  • Take equal parts of walnuts, honey and dried apricots. Grind the dried apricots and nuts in a blender or in any other way, add the prepared honey to them and mix thoroughly. Every day, for a month, twice a day before breakfast and dinner, you should eat one spoon of the mixture.
  • Every evening, prepare a mixture of a spoonful of honey and juice squeezed from half a lemon. You should eat it two hours before you plan to go to bed.
  • An excellent sedative effect is promised from taking honey remedy with aloe. Separate several leaves from the aloe, wash them and dry them. Bring them to a puree state and combine fifty grams with one hundred grams of honey. After a day, the mixture is ready for use. You should eat fifty grams of the product three times a day for a week and a half.

Antidepressant drinks

Drinks for depression

  • A relaxing drink can be made from lemon balm and oranges. Carefully squeeze the juice from four oranges. Take two handfuls of fresh lemon balm leaves, chop and grind it and combine with orange juice. The drink is very tasty and uplifting.
  • A banana-based fruit drink has the same effect. Place the pulp of one banana and a spoonful of kernels into a blender bowl. walnut, a spoonful of sprouted wheat grains, pour in one hundred and fifty ml of natural milk and a spoonful of lemon juice. Beat everything thoroughly. The drink should be prepared and drunk twice a day.
  • Bring half a liter of natural milk to a boil, remove and after it has cooled, add a spoonful of whipped cream. Place on the stove again, heat and add one hundred grams of crushed dark chocolate to the milk and cream mixture. Heat the drink until the chocolate is completely melted. Drink warm, sprinkle with cinnamon powder before serving.
  • Brew five hundred ml of strong black tea with the addition of cinnamon to taste. Place the brewed tea on the stove to heat, add half a glass of cherry juice, four tablespoons of rum, the zest of one lemon and a little sugar. Heat for no longer than two minutes and drink a cup of this delicious, invigorating drink three times a day.
  • A drink based on a mulled wine recipe with the addition of non-traditional ingredients will lift your spirits. Buy a bottle of good semi-sweet red wine, pour it into a saucepan of suitable volume and put on fire. As soon as the wine is hot, add nutmeg to it on the tip of a knife, a spoonful of orange zest, three crushed allspice and black peppercorns, half a spoonful of cinnamon powder, four crushed cloves, a pinch of ginger powder. Keep on fire for about five minutes and add basil and cardamom. The final spices are to your liking. Warm for three minutes and remove from the stove. If you like sweets, adding honey won't hurt. Drink immediately while hot. The drink should be warmed before next use.
  • For poppy wine, buy poppy seeds, dry red wine and eryngium seed. Pour the wine into a saucepan, add a spoonful of poppy seeds and eryngium seeds. Place on the stove, heat to a boil and simmer for ten minutes. Remove, cool and drink one hundred ml of poppy seed wine in the evenings for ten days. After a two-week break, repeat the ten-day course.
  • Horseradish tincture with wine will restore strength. Grate fifty grams of horseradish root onto a fine grater. Pour in half a liter of fortified high-quality white wine. Leave for ten days in a dark closet. Take one spoon strained three times a day.
  • Cahors tincture will perfectly calm and restore peace of mind. For one liter of Cahors, take fifty grams of hawthorn berries, fifty grams each of caraway seeds, dill and coriander. Lightly crush the seeds and berries, fill them with Cahors and place them in a place inaccessible to daylight for a week. Then pour the seeds and berries into a saucepan, place on the stove and heat to a boil. Remove and strain after three hours. You should drink the tincture in the morning, before breakfast and in the evening, before bed, fifty ml.

Infusions, decoctions, tinctures

  • The first herb for depression is ginseng. Fifty grams of crushed root pour half a liter medical alcohol. You can also infuse the greens of the plant, but take it in the amount of seventy-five grams per five hundred ml of alcohol. Insist for thirty days. Take the strained tincture twenty drops three times a day.
  • Angelica infusion is recommended for nervous exhaustion, insomnia and even epilepsy, as well as honey taken by bees from its fragrant flowers. Grind the roots and brew two spoons with half a liter of boiling water. After an hour, strain and drink in four doses at equal intervals.
  • Infusion bird knotweed will restore mental clarity and vitality. Pour two tablespoons of crushed dry plant material into five hundred ml of boiled water. Wait until it cools down. Drink half a glass strained four times a day immediately before meals.
  • Manchurian aralia makes an excellent tincture against depression. Take one hundred grams of crushed aralia root, place it in a glass container and fill it with half a liter of medical alcohol. After two weeks the tincture is ready. Strain and begin treatment by taking fifteen drops twice a day - morning and evening.
  • An alcoholic infusion of St. John's wort can be prepared from twenty grams of dry herb with the addition of a pinch of oregano, coriander seed and thyme. Pour the herbal ingredients into a glass jar and pour in two hundred and fifty ml of high-quality vodka. After twenty days, strain, squeeze the herbs into a tincture and begin treatment, taking twenty drops of tincture twice a day - morning and evening. If you suffer from insomnia, then increase the evening dose to thirty drops.

Infusion of lemon balm with mint

  • Mint and lemon balm can be brewed together or separately. If you are preparing an infusion from one type of herb, take a full large spoon, if you decide to prepare from two herbs, then one teaspoon per glass of just boiled water. Leave the poured raw material to infuse until it cools. Drink by straining and dividing into three parts per day.
  • Melissa is good to include in prefabricated infusions. For example, take equal amounts of lemon balm, blueberry leaves, St. John's wort and rosemary. Grind and mix and leave one spoon in a glass of boiled water for half an hour. Drink strained with honey three times a day, each time brewing a fresh infusion.
  • A very tasty, invigorating drink can be made from cucumber grass. Pour one spoon of dried herb into a glass of boiling water. After two hours, strain and drink a drink that is useful for raising your spirits.
  • A floral drink made from lavender, anise and fennel flowers will lift your spirits. Rub the dried flowers with your palms and pour one spoon into two hundred ml of boiled water. When it cools down, strain the infusion and drink. You should infuse and drink it three times a day and soon there will be no trace of depression.
  • The next combined drink, the recipe for which we will give you, includes many ingredients, but it is so effective that it is worth taking care of purchasing the components. To begin, make a collection of dried roots of angelica, lovage and valerian, heather flowers, hawthorn and lavender, leaves of St. John's wort and lemon balm, and hop cones. Combine everything in one container, mash and mix. For a single dose, pour a spoonful of the mixture into two hundred ml hot water, place the dishes on the stove and boil for a quarter of an hour after boiling. Remove and strain after a quarter of an hour. If you like sweets, you can add honey. This drink should be drunk three times a day, and it does not matter whether you prepare it immediately before taking it or for the whole day, in the morning.
  • An infusion of hops, lemon balm, chamomile and valerian root will perfectly calm the nervous system. Moreover, there should be twice as much hops as other components. Grind everything to a powder and pour two spoons into four hundred ml of boiled water. After twenty minutes, strain and drink the entire infusion per day in small portions, the last dose immediately before bed. A week of treatment with this infusion guarantees relief from the blues.
  • A very interesting and effective flower remedy. Depression has overtaken you during the gladioli flowering season - do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of it. For treatment, you need white gladioli, or, more precisely, flowers. Tear them finely and measure out a full glass, add four spoons of white indoor violet flowers. Place in a glass container and pour in two hundred ml of boiling water. Cover and refrigerate for a week. On the eighth day, strain, squeeze the flowers into the infusion and add a spoon baking soda. You should drink the flower antidepressant shortly before meals, one spoon three times a day.
  • Vodka tincture will save you not only from depression, but also from seasonal blues. To a liter of good vodka, add finely chopped zest from one lemon, a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of dry crushed coriander, two crushed spicy cloves, a gram of crushed angelica root and ten grams of lemon balm. Leave in a dark, warm place for two weeks. The strained tincture should be added one spoonful to the tea.
  • Very simple, but no less effective remedy, which famous ballerinas used to keep the body in good shape. For depression - what you need. In the evening, pour three tablespoons of ground dry oat straw into half a liter of boiled water. Strain in the morning and drink in equal portions throughout the day.

Infusion of hawthorn and mint

  • Prepare a pleasant refreshing and invigorating drink from hawthorn berries and mint. To do this, place three spoons of hawthorn and dry mint in two glasses of boiled water. After half an hour, strain. Drink one hundred twenty-five ml after each meal.
  • Indoor ficus - the basis for next remedy from depression. Cut off a few ficus leaves, wash them and dry them. Grind and take about fifty grams of pulp. Transfer it to five hundred ml of good vodka. After a week and a half, strain. It should be taken three times a day, dropping fifteen drops of ficus tincture on a piece of sugar.

Chicory drink

  • A drink made from chicory root will drive away bad thoughts. But ready-made instant store-bought powder is not suitable for it - it is natural roots that are needed. Grind it as finely as possible, pour two spoons into a glass of boiled water, leave until completely cool. You need to drink chicory infusion six times a day, one spoonful at a time, and bad thoughts will go away.
  • Will restore strength, raise blood pressure, which often falls during depression, a decoction Chinese lemongrass. Boil a spoonful of crushed dry lemongrass fruits in a glass of water for half an hour. Take the cooled and strained decoction in the morning and evening, one spoon at a time.

Water treatments

  • The simplest thing is to wipe the body with a salt solution. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter of warm water, preferably sea salt. Generously soak a coarse towel in the solution and rub your entire body, from your face to your toes.
  • Healing baths are usually taken before bedtime. Prepare a decoction of their young pine branches. Take a small armful of branches, break them and fill them with water so that it completely covers them. Place on the stove and boil for half an hour after boiling. Leave for another half hour and add strained water at a comfortable temperature to the water prepared for the bath. Immerse yourself for twenty minutes. After taking a bath, do not rinse, just pat your body dry with a towel and go to bed.
  • Make a decoction of a glass of valerian roots in half a liter of water. Next, do the same as with the decoction of pine branches.

Baths for depression

  • There is an opportunity to prepare a bath with myrtle infusion - great! By the way, myrtle, if you add it a little to tea, will also be a great help for depression. You can sew dry myrtle leaves into small bags made of thin fabric and place them at home, at work, etc.
  • Pour two tablespoons of dry oregano, nettle, lemon balm, lavender and chamomile into a thermos. Pour one liter of boiled water into the herbs. After half an hour, strain and pour the infusion into bath water. Soak in the fragrant water for twenty minutes and go to bed.
  • And two more options for healing baths for depression. First: equally oak leaves, oregano, wormwood and chamomile. The second, very effective: sage and nettle, hop cones and juniper. They are prepared according to the previous method.

Nutrition for depression

Nutrition for depression

  • Porridge that should be eaten daily. It will relieve the blues and at the same time be very good for health. Grind two tablespoons of rolled oats and two tablespoons of buckwheat to flour. Boil two hundred ml of water, add cereal flour. Stir thoroughly and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Add two tablespoons of rolled oats, after two minutes turn off the heat, add two tablespoons of sesame and flaxseed and a handful of walnuts or pine nuts to the porridge. Stir, close the lid and leave for ten minutes. Eat for breakfast.
  • For a snack, keep a banana on hand. The mescaline it contains drives black thoughts out of your head and helps cope with depression.
  • Carrots should always be on your table, and during periods of depression - a must! Eat one hundred grams of raw carrots daily. If for some reason you cannot chew this vegetable raw, make juice from it and drink at least a glass a day.

Video - Depression treatment at home

Video - How to cope with depression

Video - How to get rid of depression and insomnia


And I had postpartum depression. I didn’t want to work with the baby, or put on makeup, or dress up, I was terribly tired, and I was always irritated. The patience and care of my husband and mother probably helped. Now I remember my condition like a dream.

And now I seem to be depressed. Terrible thoughts constantly creep into my head, something like a clenching fist in my chest. Very hard. I can't find anything to make it easier. You need to see a psychotherapist so you don't go crazy

Treating depression at home with proven methods

Constant bad mood, depression, reluctance to do anything. Similar condition can be observed even with the naked eye. Others may think that these are just the whims of a person or that the day just didn’t work out. But perhaps you are facing serious psychological depression! In this case, the “victim” needs to be helped or told how to treat depression at home on their own. And for this you need to know the treatment methods yourself, in case you have a similar problem.

Symptoms of depression

Obviously, it is not advisable to give advice to someone who is simply in a bad mood; it is worth knowing the main symptoms of depression and to whom it is most common.

  • long-term depressed state, reluctance to work;
  • absentmindedness of movements, poor concentration;
  • life stops being interesting;
  • a person does not get pleasure from something;
  • a sharp manifestation of poor memory in someone who is not characterized by this;
  • poor appetite.

The person himself may catch himself constantly returning to the same topic of conversation or thinking, a kind of fixation. A sick person is haunted by unconscious fear and apathy, internal causeless anxiety.

Types of depression and their treatment

One type of depression is endogenous depression. Its symptoms are somewhat different from the standards, since the main reason for the occurrence of this type lies within the person himself. Doctors believe that a lack of hormones in the body (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine) can trigger this condition. Treatment of endogenous depression is carried out only in inpatient conditions under medical supervision and with the use of antidepressant medications. Seeking help in a timely manner will help you recover quickly and return to your healthy image life.

Hidden depression may manifest itself in unusual ways. It is expressed in pain in the head, stomach, heart, teeth; a person may experience nausea, dizziness, body rashes, hair loss, and more. When treating latent depression on your own, you should consult with a psychiatrist about the necessary prescription of antidepressants and strict adherence to dosage. As an aid, you can use traditional medicine with a sedative effect, which we will talk about later.

Treatment of postpartum depression at home is possible; only in rare cases is it necessary to see a doctor. As a rule, women who recently became mothers quickly cope with this type of disease, and some are not even aware of the problem. Postpartum depression manifests itself in the mother’s reluctance to approach her child, dull eyes, and aversion to feeding the baby. You can treat postpartum depression at home using herbal infusions: valerian, lemon balm (1 teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water, add honey to taste).

Who is more likely to experience depression?

It is no secret that depression can occur in anyone, even a child, but this is a rare case. It is more often noticed in women from 30 to 45 years old, in older men and old people. The causes of the disease are always different: constant failures, health problems, problems with family relationships etc.

Attention! Depression occurs for no reason only in cases of chronic depression, but such a diagnosis can only be made by a psychiatrist.

Treating depression on your own

You can get rid of depression on your own, but there are two ways of treatment: medications and home remedies. It is impossible to say exactly which method is best; different organisms may respond differently. We will tell you about both methods, and how to treat depression at home.

Drug treatment for depression

The use of many medications is possible only with a prescription from the attending physician. It is better not to spontaneously take medications. The same type of antidepressant may affect two people completely differently or even harm one of them.

You can take SSRIs without fear - modern antidepressants with a minimum of side effects. Their task is to restore the presence of serotonin in the body, which is responsible for irritating the nervous system. A lack of serotonin is fraught with poor control of one’s own emotions, in particular, constant bad mood. Side effects from SSRIs are rare but worth knowing: diarrhea, sleep disturbance, anxiety, nausea, tremors, and sexual dysfunction.

Attention! It is best for older people to take only the latest antidepressants.


An anticonvulsant that also helps with manic phases of depression if taken regularly. Doses should be increased very slowly to avoid the possibility of skin diseases.

Valproic acid

Vital medicinal product and a known antiepileptic drug. How it acts in the body is not completely clear, but for blues and despondency it is prescribed by doctors quite often.

Lithium salts in the form of tablets are taken regularly, but once every three months the patient is required to take a blood test for lithium levels. Framework permissible value of this element in the blood is very narrow and even a slight overdose entails poisoning. Also, the patient should drink as much as possible clean water daily.

Be careful! It is better to coordinate any drug treatment with a doctor and, if necessary, take the necessary tests.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is an option suitable for those who doubt their body’s reaction to medications or are simply not eager to constantly visit clinics and get tested.

  1. Excellent folk therapy and foot massage is considered a preventative measure. You can ask someone at home or use wooden massagers.
  2. Yoga and meditation perfectly calm the nerves and tone a person. The patient should do this daily along with massage.
  3. Medicinal plants in the form of tea will help calm frayed nerves and unstable mood: medicinal valerian, orange, peppermint. It is recommended to add horsetail, blueberry juice or St. John's wort to sitz baths.
  4. Dissolve a teaspoon table salt in a liter of boiled water, wet a towel with this mixture and thoroughly rub the entire body.

Folk recipes

Depression is a problem that has existed throughout history. And even before the advent of medicine, people tried to fight such mental disorders, noticing healing properties herbs, fruits and infusions. Many recipes, recommended even by doctors, have survived to this day.

To prevent and treat mild depression, a mixture of honey and bee bread will help, drink it 2-4 times a day.

Pour a teaspoon of angelica roots and rhizomes big glass boiling water, leave for an hour and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

You can buy ginseng infusion at the pharmacy and drink 20 drops three times a day.

Mix the leaves of St. John's wort, blueberries, lemon balm and medicinal rosemary in equal proportions, pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of hot clean water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink once or twice a day as tea.

Borage helps get rid of the blues and bad mood. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of this plant, close the container with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours. Drink at any convenient time.

Sweets always lift your spirits if consumed in moderation. Boil half a liter of milk, add a tablespoon of cream and heat the mixture by adding 2-3 bars of dark chocolate. When the latter melts, pour the drink into a glass and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Do you suffer from stress and overwork at work? If yes, then this recipe will help you avoid depression.

  1. In equal proportions, mix hawthorn inflorescences, valerian root, lovage and angelica, lavender, chamomile and heather flowers, hop cones, lemon balm leaves and St. John's wort herb. You can add honey to taste.
  2. Pour the ingredients into a liter of clean water and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Afterwards, leave the infusion covered for another 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the mixture and take four times a day at any time.

Orange and lemon balm

An excellent anti-stress duet. Thoroughly mix the juice of four large oranges with finely chopped lemon balm leaves. In hot weather, drink with ice cubes.

Note! Traditional medicines, for the most part, you can drink at any time and not worry about overdosing.

Eating during depression

For any illness, it is very important to follow a proper diet, even if it is psychological. Drink more juices with vitamins B and E, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Best suited: peas, green apples, onions and garlic, dill, sweet peppers, cucumbers, celery. All this has a positive effect on the nervous system.

When treating depression at home, it is recommended to eat 1-2 bananas, oranges or tangerines daily. They contain the alkaloid harman or, as it is popularly known, “the drug of happiness.”

Carrots in salads or pure form useful and healthy person. It’s enough to eat 1-2 carrots a day - that’s it.

It is better not to eat these foods!

During a depressed state, you should not reward yourself with sweets and fatty foods, and do not drink alcohol in order to protect yourself from addiction. Too spicy or sour foods will never lift your mood! It is better not to eat lemons, unripe apples or oranges. Do not indulge in spicy broths, gravies, sausages and processed foods. This food puts a lot of stress on the stomach and can cause pain that will not make anyone feel better.

Don’t overeat on fermented products - this is not only alcoholic drinks, but also sauerkraut, cheeses, soaked apples.

© 2017 Treatment with folk remedies - the best recipes

The information is provided for informational purposes.

A depressive state ruins the life of not only the patient himself, but also the people around him, if it is not treated. Psychological disorder looks like a constant bad mood, insomnia, loss of interest in favorite people and activities, fast fatiguability. Treatment options for depression depend on the type of psychological illness.

Professional treatment for depression

Only a doctor knows how to get a person out of depression without harming his condition. It will help start the process of getting rid of the disease. If the disease is not treated, it can last for months and take increasingly deeper forms. Before determining a method for treating depression, the doctor must make sure that the patient himself wants to get rid of the depression. psychological state. After several sessions, a diagnosis is made and treatment is carried out based on it.

Chronic depression

Severe chronic depression appears in the patient as helplessness, hopelessness, thoughts of suicide, sadness, fatigue, and slowness. The state of psychological illness can last for several years, starting from childhood or adolescence, if you do not seek help from doctors in time and do not begin treatment. The result is more frequent headaches, stomach problems, and sleep disturbances. A specialist in this field will tell you how to treat chronic depression (dysthymia) in a patient.

Doctors recommend starting the patient’s treatment with a properly chosen diet that includes foods that contain tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin (the hormone of happiness) - this is a solid and processed cheese, dark chocolate, chicken eggs, mushrooms, lentils, citrus fruits, cottage cheese. Medication is prescribed by a doctor for several months, individually for each case. Walking, working out in the gym and psychotherapy are helpful in treating a patient’s depressive state.


One of the forms of depression in a patient is reactive. Arises mental illness after several stressful situations in a row or an acutely negative event. While in this state, a person walks with his head bowed low and slouched. The patient mentally constantly replays in detail the episodes of the unpleasant event that happened, looks for reasons, often blaming himself for what happened, torments himself and others with conversations about the situation, and often cries.

Reactive depression can be short-term and end in a month, then treatment of the patient is not necessary, or it can become prolonged and last up to two years. Antidepressant medications prescribed by a doctor during treatment help reduce the patient’s sense of fear and anxiety, stabilizing mood, and have a sedative and mild hypnotic effect. It is prohibited for a patient to treat a depressive state with medications and at the same time drink alcoholic beverages.


The causes of deep psychological depression can be situations where a person witnessed or was in the center of events of a disaster, violence, or loss of life. This complex state of mental disorder in the patient is expressed in the form of feelings of guilt, loss of interest in life, lethargy, loss of libido, weight loss due to lack of appetite, and a feeling of “a stone in the chest.”

What to do and how to treat deep depression, which can lead to suicide if not controlled? The patient needs to be distracted from difficult memories. They will help positive emotions from walks, visits to pleasant places, physical exercise in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor. Therapy lasts from several weeks to several months, is carried out in several stages with a change in the patient’s treatment regimen.


A form of prolonged depression occurs in patients with severe, often incurable illnesses. The patient feels doomed, considers himself a burden, refuses to treat the disease, ignoring medications, tries to avoid anyone’s company, his self-esteem decreases, the meaning of life is lost, frequent nervous breakdowns. Externally sick, suffering prolonged depression, look unkempt, stoop, have excess weight or, on the contrary, excessive thinness, puffiness appears on the face, and the eyes “dull out.”

Similar symptoms are observed in people who abuse alcohol long time, which also leads to psychological disorders. How to overcome depression while in this state? Treatment requires professional medical assistance with the use of medications and psychotherapy. The impact of medications prescribed by a doctor should be aimed at giving the patient peace of mind and immunity to irritating factors.


During anxious depression a person has a feeling of impending disaster, hopelessness, loss of faith in an optimistic future. Frequent tearfulness and irritability of the patient begins to become the norm. Being in a state of psychological anticipation of something bad happening, a person stops getting adequate sleep and performance decreases. The patient’s speech often contains expressions: “I can’t stand this,” “I’m going to die,” “I have a presentiment,” “this is terrible,” combined with active hand gestures and facial expressions.

Treating with medications in combination with corrective psychological therapy means helping to escape from anxious depression. The help of loved ones who adequately respond to panic attacks, trying to protect the patient from situations that will disturb him, will bring him closer get well soon. Treatment during psychotherapeutic sessions will help to correctly perceive the world around us and correct the patient’s behavior and thinking.

How to overcome depression on your own

When a person realizes that he is at the beginning of the path to a depressed state of a psychological nature, he will be helped by advice on how to get out of depression on his own, without resorting to the use of drugs. It is worth remembering that in many situations, self-medication is fraught with negative consequences.

If the decision has been made and the person is ready to try to cope with the disease, here are recommendations for starting treatment without pills:

  • Make it a rule to do exercises if you haven’t exercised before. Several even the most simple exercises will help restore good spirits.
  • Forget about bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, drugs, if they were present in your life.
  • Get outdoors more often. Try to walk some distances rather than using transport.
  • If your depression is caused by loneliness, get a pet to take care of. A dog is a more suitable option, since you will need to go for walks with it.
  • Think about those hobbies and hobbies that you “didn’t get around to.” Start making your dreams come true.
  • Call your friends or relatives whom you haven’t seen for a long time.
  • Change your surroundings for at least a couple of days, a week, by going to another city or even country.
  • It will be useful for girls and women to go to a beauty salon, change their image, and enjoy the procedures.
  • Banal shopping can bring joy and restore psychological balance without drugs.

What to do if your child is depressed

Before starting treatment, it is important to find out the reasons that led to the psychological disorder. They often look like this:

  • unfavorable home environment in the family;
  • frequent change of place of residence and educational institutions;
  • lack of friends;
  • prolonged “communication” with the computer, loss of reality of events;
  • hormonal and psychological changes in adolescents.

Forms of childhood depression can have varying degrees of psychological severity, but all are treatable. During a mild condition, doctors recommend normalizing the environment, eliminating irritating factors, and treating with Adaptol, Tenoten (homeopathy) in doses recommended by a specialist. Antidepressant medications such as Azafen, Pyrazidol, Amitriptyline are often used. Severe forms of depression in a sick child are best treated in a hospital.

The best folk remedy

If you notice signs of approaching depression in a loved one or yourself, reconsider your diet before you begin to treat it. Eat “foods of joy” more often - bananas, dark chocolate, oranges, honey, dried apricots, nuts. Treating poor mental health with tasty foods is a pleasure. Instead of taking medications, take baths with your favorite aromatherapy scents. Several herbal recipes will help restore a state of peace of mind in a patient without medication:

  • Complex herbal drink. Dried lemon balm, peppermint, black currant leaves - take just one tablespoon each, thyme - half a spoon. Mix with black tea High Quality- two tablespoons. Pour boiling water over the herb mixture. Drink 2-3 times a day.
  • Phytocollection. Mix chokeberry, rose hips, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, and valerian root in equal proportions. Pour boiling water, let stand, strain. Drink 100-120 ml three times a day.
  • Mix hop cones, valerian root, one spoonful at a time, with herbs, taken 2 spoonfuls each - mint, oregano, chamomile flowers, marshmallow root. To add flavor to the drink, add a couple of spoons of quality tea. Leave the entire mixture poured with boiling water for about 20-30 minutes.


The main rule effective treatment patients with psychological disorders varying degrees– this is the implementation of all recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor. When the question arises about how to treat, about the rate of taking medications, you need to remember that only a doctor can prescribe and recommend pills for depression. Different forms of the disease, duration, patient’s condition, side factors - all this affects the treatment regimen, which is different for each patient. Medicines commonly used by doctors to treat depression include:

  • Paxil;
  • Marplan;
  • Asendil;
  • Celexa;
  • Mirtazapine;
  • Fluoxetine;
  • Diazepam.


This article provides several effective ways how to cope with depression on your own.

When depression sets in, a person is despondent; it begins to seem to him that everything around him is uninteresting and joyless. The diet changes - he begins to eat either less or more than usual. Feels tired and restless. Has difficulty concentrating and making decisions and feels worthless.

Life seems meaningless, and thoughts of suicide even begin to appear. If you have suicidal thoughts, then reading one article “how to get out of depression on your own” is not enough to solve the problem. It is necessary to urgently contact a specialist.

How to get out of depression on your own?

First of all, you need to mobilize. Since the main sign of depression is apathy and fatigue, you should start with composure and active planning of your life.

You need to understand that the less you do, the worse you feel; and the more depressed you feel, the less you do. It's a vicious circle. There is only one way out - to become active. To do this, you need to plan your daily activity in advance, this will awaken active energy and help cope with depression.

Increasing activity in itself reduces the level of depression, without the intervention of pharmacological drugs.

It is important to evaluate the degree of pleasure and usefulness of everyday activities, and then create a daily schedule that contains mainly useful and enjoyable activities.

Maintaining an activity schedule one of the most effective examples of how to deal with depression on your own. It is necessary to record every hour of every day, from 8 am to 12 midnight, recording all your activities. You write down literally everything you do: breakfast, driving to work, browsing social networks, doing work and household chores. If you were just lying on the couch or sleeping, then this period of time also needs to be recorded.

After you have filled out the chart for a week, you can analyze it and make the first rearrangements. If you notice that you spend a lot of time sleeping, watching social networks or watching TV, but this does not bring you much pleasure, then you can safely replace this pastime with other pleasant and useful activities.

A week is allotted for an initial analysis of the success of such classes. After that, you will need 4 to 8 weeks to gradually change your schedule and add more activities that bring you pleasure.

Examples of pleasant things:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go visit friends or family.
  • Go shopping.
  • Talk on the phone with friends or family.
  • Go to the cinema or theater.
  • Soak in a hot bath.
  • Watch an interesting movie or program.
  • Do gymnastics.
  • Read a book.
  • Work in the soil or in the garden.
  • Go for a run in the fresh air.
  • Write an article, a note.
  • Games.
  • Go to a cafe or restaurant.
  • Eat your favorite treat.
  • Go for a massage.
  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • To make love.
  • Go to the countryside.
  • Take a car ride.
  • Plan a vacation.
  • Go on a picnic.
  • Take up your favorite hobby.
  • Draw.
  • Make a toy or fake with your own hands.
  • Take a walk in your favorite beautiful place.
  • Clean up the apartment.
  • Cook a meal.
  • Go to the pool.
  • Go to the bathhouse or sauna.
  • Read an uplifting article or book.
  • Go to a bar or club.
  • Start collecting things.
  • Make plans for the current year, month and week.
  • View educational programs such as history, science, or human evolution.
  • Write to friends with whom you have not spoken for a long time.
  • Make a collage of pictures of your desires.
  • Take a walk and take interesting photos of what you notice.
  • Make new acquaintances - on the street, on the Internet, in the pool or in a store.
  • Dance.
Examples of useful things:
  • Go shopping.
  • Help children with homework.
  • Fix something.
  • Clean the apartment.
  • Wash the dishes.
  • Wash clothes.
  • Take on a difficult task at work.
  • Pay the bills.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Exercise.
  • Decorate the apartment.
  • Call your loved ones.
  • Keep a diary.
  • Change the oil in the car.
  • Get yourself in order.
  • Get a haircut.
  • Engage in spiritual or religious practice.
  • Play with the children.
  • Throw away unnecessary junk.
  • Sell ​​or give away unnecessary things.
  • See your parents.
  • To water flowers.
  • Get up at 6 am.
After working on an activity schedule for 3-4 weeks, and adding pleasant and useful things to it, most people notice that their lives have become more interesting and fulfilling, and depression has either ended or significantly decreased.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

The use of certain plants and essential oils in the preparation of vitamin teas and aromatic baths helps improve mood and a surge of energy.

Ideal for brewing tea:

  • rosehip, known for its tonic effect;
  • St. John's wort, helps even in cases of severe depression, restores the nervous system and removes toxins;
  • Chinese lemongrass, invigorates and tones well.
For aromatic baths For depression, you can use combinations of various essential oils. As a rule, 6-8 drops of oils are enough for a bath, and make the temperature comfortable, not too hot, preferably about 35-38 degrees.

The following oils are suitable for good sleep: lavender, ylang-ylang, myrrh, petitgrain, chamomile, sage, neroli, marjoram.

For good health, a surge of energy and strength: essential oil eucalyptus, tangerine, cloves, myrrh.

A good remedy for depression and despondency: grapefruit and bergamot essential oils, 4 drops per bath.

Complaints of constant depression, bad mood, irritation may be the first symptoms of depression. Being in a psychological disorder, a person harms not only himself, but also close people with whom he communicates. Find out how to overcome depression without using drugs, based on medical advice.

How to cure depression on your own

The period of bearing a baby and the process of childbirth can have a detrimental effect on the mental health of the mother and cause a state of depression. For such a crucial moment in a woman’s life, you need to prepare in advance, read suitable information literature, try to rebuild your views and habits in parallel with the processes that occur inside by the will of nature. It is not always possible for a young mother to cope with nervousness, so it will be useful to familiarize yourself with how depression is treated without medications that are not recommended to be taken during this period.

During pregnancy

Change hormonal levels during pregnancy, it directly affects frequent mood swings, the appearance of tears, the perception of the world around you in a negative light, and can cause anxiety and blues. In order not to harm the development of the fetus, taking antidepressant medications is undesirable. The main treatment for depression during pregnancy is the mood of the woman herself, family members and close circle.

You can react differently to the same change in appearance: “I have gained weight, pigment spots have appeared, no one loves me like that” or “My husband said that he is crazy about my new condition, pregnancy beautifies a woman, it gives off an inner light " The spouse and parents should support the positive mood of the pregnant woman, and not plunge into a depressed state with her, when everything is scary, bad, and there is no way out without medication.

While pregnant, a woman can and must allow herself to rest more, increasing the number of hours of sleep, reading interesting books, watch comedies, do what you love. A visit to a massage therapist, manicure and pedicure salon, or hairdresser will help you relax, get a surge of positivity, replacing medications and forgetting about your depressed state. Self-care and health should come first, and everyday problems can be solved later and not necessarily by the woman herself.

How to cope with depression after childbirth

A serious illness called “postpartum depression” should be treated under the guidance of a psychotherapist. Sometimes short-term episodes of fatigue and sadness are mistaken for chronic mental illness by young mothers. To prevent the state of lethargy, lack of sleep, and irritation from developing into a real disease, which may take several months and medications to get rid of, you need to provide the woman who gave birth with emotional support, tell her more often that she is still loved and desired, and help her forget all her fears and memories about pain.

Physical care assistance infant will give the young mother the opportunity to rest and relax more. There should be plenty of sunlight indoors, and walks in the fresh air should become a daily ritual. Her close circle needs to understand that the best remedy for depression for a new mother is not medications and psychotherapy, but care, attention, help, and showing interest in the state of health, both emotional and physical.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

By using alternative medicine and without the use of medications, the patient can cope with most diseases. Treatment of depression at home with folk remedies has good results. Use by patients certain group products, herbal teas, drinks will promote a balanced internal state, relieve causeless anxiety, improve mood, and normalize sleep without medications.

Herbs that calm the nervous system

A patient can get rid of a tense internal state during depression by drinking soothing teas instead of medications. A few days after starting treatment herbal infusions The first positive signs will appear when sedatives accumulate in the body and begin to act. Here are some popular recipes that offer folk remedies for depression and anxiety:

  • Tea brewed with lemon balm or mint leaves has pleasant taste. Having a calming effect, it will help get rid of insomnia. By taking a warm bath at night with the addition of a decoction of these herbs, the body will plunge into a calm, deep sleep.
  • Pour kenaf flowers, hop cones, mint, valerian root (proportion 1:1:2:2.5) with warm water for 6-8 hours. Drink warm as a medicine, after straining.
  • Fill a small pillow with dried St. John's wort and lavender. When going to bed, keep it close to the head of the bed.
  • An aromatic soothing tea for the treatment of depression will be obtained if it contains strawberry leaves, hawthorn fruits, oregano, valerian root, peony root, linden flowers, and calendula. Brew with boiling water, drink warm. The composition can be simplified, depending on which plants are available.

Foods High in Magnesium

How to cure depression at home without using medications? Some mood-lifting foods will help remove the feeling of despondency, anxiety, melancholy, and melancholy. On the table of people who decide to regain feelings of calm and confidence, there must be food rich in the amino acid tryptophan, as well as tyramine, magnesium, and fatty acids. To avoid side effect in the form of an allergic reaction to some components, consult your doctor. Leading products that help overcome signs of depression:

  • vegetables and fruits that have not only a rich vitamin complex, but also bright colors ( bell pepper, oranges, carrots, beets, persimmons, bananas);
  • sea ​​fish With high content fat in meat;
  • chicken bouillon and white poultry meat;
  • dishes made from frozen (not canned) seaweed;
  • cheese of all types and varieties;
  • dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • eggs.

How to deal with depression at home

Even outside the hospital walls, depression must be combated, and not only with the help of medications. It will be especially easy to defeat him on initial stage, when the first signs appear. Don’t know how to get rid of depression at home without the help of drug psychotherapy? Some effective recommendations will help you return to normal without using medications, then life will not seem gray, dull and hopeless.

Lifestyle change

After carefully studying the proposed tips for getting rid of depression without using drugs, you may be surprised to notice that some obvious actions help you get out of a passive state. What does it mean to change your lifestyle? If you have not yet used any of the actions from the proposed list, try it - and you will notice that depression and anxiety recede without the use of medications, and state of mind started to improve:

  • do a morning warm-up, starting with such basic exercises as swinging your arms, legs, and bending;
  • alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, narcotic drugs, if they were present in your life, it’s time to part with them;
  • daily walks, the time and routes of which are best changed frequently;
  • start taking care of someone - an elderly person, an animal;
  • remember your childhood dreams and make at least one of them come true;
  • getting rid of a pessimistic environment, communicate more with positive people;
  • find time to relax;
  • take a vacation and go traveling along an unfamiliar route;
  • buy something new for yourself or as an interior detail.

Music for relaxation and calming nerves

During times of anxiety, the calm, enchanting sounds of the melody help you find peace of mind without taking medications. Even professional psychotherapy sessions include listening to soothing music as treatment. To get a relaxing effect, you need to take a comfortable position - lie on a couch or sit in a comfortable chair. It is advisable that there is no bright light in the room. The music should sound soft and pleasant to hear. The theme of the relaxation melody can be chosen according to individual taste:

  • classical;
  • sounds of nature (the sound of the surf, birdsong, light noise of wind and leaves);
  • melody played on the saxophone;
  • light instrumental music.

How to treat depression without drugs

Information on how depression is treated without the use of drugs will be of interest to all those who want to improve their mood without resorting to medical drugs. Sessions with a psychotherapist can take place individually or in a group. A patient experiencing a period of oppression chooses which scheme is more comfortable for him to undergo a course of therapy. The doctor, based on the analysis made during the conversation with the patient, prescribes a method that is suitable in a particular case, or offers an integrated approach to treating depression without drugs.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The peculiarity of using CBT for depression is to begin treatment without using medications. The point is to separate negative thoughts, the patient’s reactions to current events and the situation as such. During the session, with the help of various unexpected questions, the doctor helps the patient look from the outside at what is happening and make sure that in fact nothing terrible is happening.

There is a gradual exploration of the patient's thinking. Gloomy thoughts that lead to severe stress are concentrated only in the patient’s mind. Reconsidering your attitude to a specific situation helps you get rid of the overwhelming feeling of anxiety and uncertainty, and increase your own assessment of your importance as a person. The result is a change in thinking that positively influences behavior and general state patient.


An experienced psychotherapist, having carefully examined the patient, will advise using hypnosis sessions through effective alternation to obtain greater effect from non-drug and cognitive behavioral therapy. By plunging into a trance, the patient has the opportunity to “look inside himself” to get rid of depression. During a hypnotic session, moments arise in the mind when a person felt a feeling of happiness, joy, and satisfaction.

These can be both childhood memories and adult ones. Sometimes vivid dreams and fantasies may float through one’s thoughts, which, according to the patient’s feelings, are no different from the events that actually happened. During a hypnosis session, the doctor helps the patient remember the feeling of joy, euphoria, happiness, so that, upon emerging from a trance, it will be easier to overcome depression and anxiety without drugs.
