How to recover after a stroke using folk remedies. Treatment of cerebral stroke with folk remedies. Treatment of stroke with honey baths

Unfortunately, stroke is one of the most common and dangerous diseases in our modern world, characterized by rupture or blockage of blood vessels, which seriously impairs blood circulation in the brain. The disease develops extremely rapidly, and delays in its treatment lead to the death of nerve cells. Of course, such a dangerous disease must be observed in a hospital setting, but all means are good in the fight against stroke. Therefore, many people who have suffered from this illness use, together with traditional medicine, various proven folk remedies to restore all body functions. However, it is worth remembering that treatment of stroke with folk remedies should be combined with medication prescribed by a doctor. So, let’s find out the most effective ways to recover from an illness using traditional medicine methods.

The first “calls” of the disease

Stroke is divided into two types:

  1. Hemorrhagic is a rupture of cerebral vessels, as a result of which blood begins to accumulate in the tissues, blood clots put pressure on the nerve endings, disrupting their functioning.
  2. The most common type is ischemic stroke, which is characterized by blockage of blood vessels in the brain, and the obstruction stops normal blood supply. Nutrients do not reach the nerve cells, which leads to the destruction of nerve endings.

Folk remedies for stroke can be very effective at the first signs of an impending illness. So, the first symptoms of a pre-stroke condition are:

  • severe weakness in the lower or upper extremities (usually in the lower);
  • confusion of thoughts, inability to formulate the simplest phrase, slurred speech;
  • visual impairment;
  • severe headache, migraine;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • ringing in the ears, feeling of a stuffy ear;
  • violation of the sense of time and space;
  • memory impairment.

All of the above symptoms of a stroke appear due to the fact that the brain no longer receives enough oxygen and nutrients. Immediate treatment can effectively cope with the serious consequences of a stroke suffered by a patient. Traditional methods of treatment have restorative effects and will help you overcome the disease faster and without serious complications.

Cleansing the body

Before treating a stroke with folk remedies, many experts in this field of medicine advise starting with cleansing the entire body as a whole.

There are many recipes for removing accumulated waste and toxins, as well as dilating blood vessels to remove cholesterol plaques.

Recipe for folk remedy No. 1. Based on honey. To prepare an effective cleaning mixture you will need:

  • 1 glass of natural honey;
  • half a cup of fennel seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. valerian officinalis (crushed).

The preparation method does not require much effort and time: combine all the ingredients, pour into a thermos and pour two liters of boiling water. This product is infused for exactly one day, after which it can be poured into a jar or other container and stored in a cool place. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of honey infusion half an hour before each meal. Duration of treatment is up to 7-10 days. You can repeat cleansing the body using this method once every 3-4 months.

Recipe for folk remedy No. 2. Lemon-honey mixture. It will require the usual set of ingredients that almost every kitchen has:

  • 0.5 l. natural honey;
  • 1 glass of squeezed lemon juice;
  • half a glass of extra virgin olive oil.

All ingredients are mixed, the resulting slurry is stored in the refrigerator, and, like the previous one, it is eaten three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The complete cleansing procedure lasts 10-14 days, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than six months later.

These remedies are effective in helping patients recover faster after a stroke, clean blood vessels, and improve their elasticity and permeability.

Herbal decoctions and infusions

Recovery after a stroke using folk remedies will go much faster if you use herbal treatment, because herbal medicine has been popular in our country for several years, remember that previously all diseases were treated with herbs. Herbal decoctions and infusions are used not only to treat the consequences of an illness, but also for preventive purposes.

So, what herbal preparations are used to treat stroke using folk remedies:

  1. Often, after an illness, patients experience serious speech impairment. In order to restore speech function, it is recommended to use sage tincture. It is best to brew strong sage tea in the morning and sip throughout the day.
  2. The herb Dioscorea Caucasica is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of stroke; it is recommended to make an infusion from this herb. The recipe for the product is that 100 gr. Dioscorea is filled with 0.5 liters. vodka, infuse for about 10 days, after which the tincture is carefully filtered, then add more vodka to a full 500 ml bottle. The product is added 1 tsp. in any liquid (tea, juice, compote, etc.) once a day. Treatment lasts a month, then you need to take a week's break and continue using the tincture for another month.
  3. To restore all body functions after a stroke, a decoction of several herbal infusions helps perfectly; they need to be selected in equal proportions: traditionally, herbs such as plantain, St. John's wort and yarrow are used, as well as calendula flowers, walnut septa, dried strawberries and agrimony flowers . Next, the herbs must be boiled, left for about half an hour, thoroughly passed through cheesecloth or a sieve and cooled. Take 50 ml. 3 times a day, treatment period - a month.
  4. The herb celandine is also often used to treat complications after a stroke. Of course, this plant is poisonous, but if the dosage is strictly observed, the celandine decoction is very effective. By the way, you need to start taking celandine decoction with small doses - 1/2 tsp, gradually increasing to 2 tbsp. This folk remedy is taken 3 times a day for one month.
  5. Often, patients who have suffered a stroke experience partial or complete paralysis of the limbs. In this situation, it is recommended to take thyme tincture. K 50 gr. dried herbs must be added 100 ml. vodka or alcohol, place away from sunlight for 14 days. This tincture can be rubbed on paralyzed limbs.
  6. It is also recommended to rub yourself after a stroke with a decoction of juniper; its leaves are crushed and boiled for 15 minutes, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered. The decoction should be stored at a temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius.

Here are the most effective herbs after a stroke, with which you can cope with the consequences of the disease. There are several other effective folk remedies.


Also, after a stroke, treatment with folk remedies can be started using a citrus mixture. The cooking recipe is simple and does not take much time, you need to take the following:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 tbsp. natural honey.

Remove the seeds from all citrus fruits, then pass along with the zest through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, mix the resulting pulp with honey. This product should be stored in the refrigerator. Take the citrus mixture half an hour before breakfast for a month. After a 30-day break, treatment can be repeated 1-2 more times.

Also, after a stroke, a mixture of lemon and pine decoction is useful. The recipe for this folk remedy is as follows:

  • Peel half a lemon, remove the seeds and chop;
  • make a decoction from pine branches;
  • mix both components;
  • let the mixture brew for 2-3 hours;
  • take the product 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, 100 ml.

The simplest remedy for treating a post-stroke condition: grind 1 kg of lemon in a meat grinder and add 1 kg of sugar to it, mix thoroughly, let the sugar dissolve. Store the mixture in the refrigerator, take tsp. before breakfast. This vitamin mixture will give you energy for the whole day.

Essential oils

Treatment with essential oils is also quite common in folk medicine, because their vapor has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

Of course, the best way is to take a bath with drops of essential oils.

Here is a proven recipe for stroke:

  • add 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 3 drops of lemon balm oil into a glass of milk, mix thoroughly;
  • fill a bath with warm (not hot) water and pour the mixture into the water;
  • Take the procedure for 15-20 minutes.

The course of treatment procedures is 10 sessions, 2 per week.

Conifer cones

Often, a tincture of pine or fir cones is used to recover after a stroke. It is quite easy to prepare this remedy:

  • you need to collect cones (not green, open ones);
  • rinse them thoroughly under hot water;
  • put in a glass container and fill to the top with vodka;
  • place away from sunlight for two weeks;
  • Next, you need to carefully strain the infusion;
  • take the prepared folk remedy one tsp. 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Chicken eggs

To prepare another traditional medicine, you need to buy fresh (it’s better to find homemade) chicken eggs. You need to put them to the top in a 3-liter jar and fill it up to the neck with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Once the juice is completely mixed with the shells, the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator until the eggshells are completely dissolved in the lemon juice.

Then you need to add 500 ml of natural honey and 500 ml to the mixture. vodka, or preferably 70% alcohol. Then put the product in a cold place again for 10 days.

The product is indicated for use for 3 months, a teaspoon before meals, 2 times a day, do not interrupt treatment.

It is also believed that fresh chicken (necessarily homemade) eggs help restore memory after an illness. It is recommended to drink one raw egg in the morning and evening. Memory begins to recover after two weeks from the moment of treatment.


Dates are also an excellent product that helps put a patient back on his feet after a stroke; vitamin mixtures are often prepared from them. Here is one of the recipes:

  • You need to remove all the seeds from fresh dates and pass them through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender;
  • the mixture must be stored in the refrigerator;
  • It is better to consume crushed dates by adding tbsp. into warm milk.

The effect of this folk remedy is noticeable with long-term treatment, from a month or more.

We tried to describe in detail the most common ways to treat a stroke with folk remedies, but it is worth remembering that such recipes should only be used in conjunction with traditional medicine methods. You cannot delay the treatment of the consequences of the illness; they can be dealt with if you use traditional methods of treatment in the first month after a stroke, then it is possible to get rid of the complications of the disease.

In contact with

Stroke is an acute disturbance of the blood supply to the brain caused by blockage (ischemia) or rupture (hemorrhage, hemorrhage) of a vessel supplying part of the brain. Distinguished in this way hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke. The most common type is ischemic, accounting for 90% of cases. A blood clot during an ischemic stroke can form in a vessel in the brain itself or enter it from other parts of the body through the bloodstream.

How to avoid a stroke. Prevention.

Stroke most often occurs in people with high blood pressure and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, to avoid a stroke, you need to constantly monitor your blood pressure by taking pills to lower it. In addition, we need to understand the root cause of hypertension and treat the root cause.
Diabetics, smokers, people who abuse alcohol, abuse fatty foods rich in cholesterol, and people exposed to prolonged stress can be added to the risk category

To avoid a cerebral stroke, the causes that cause it should be eliminated or neutralized as much as possible:
1. To prevent stroke - keep blood pressure under control.
2. Treat, and not let coronary heart disease take its course.
3. For diabetes mellitus, maintain acceptable blood sugar levels with diet or medications.
4. Eliminate smoking and alcoholism
5. Increase physical activity
6. Prevent high cholesterol levels by adjusting your diet.
7. Reduce excess weight.
8. To prevent stroke, you need to take measures to reduce stress.
9. In case of increased blood clotting, in order to avoid a stroke, you need to take blood thinners.

How to recognize a stroke in a person - symptoms and first signs.

To recognize a stroke in a person, there is a method called FAST: face, hand, speech and time:

  1. Face: ask the sick person to smile; the paralyzed half of the mouth will not be able to rise in a smile.
  2. Hand: ask the person to raise both arms - in case of a stroke, one arm will not rise.
  3. Speech: ask to repeat a simple sentence - the patient has difficulty speaking and confuses syllables.
  4. Time: ask the person to tell the date and time. Usually the patient is disoriented in this regard.

Such symptoms and signs in a person may be due to another cause, such as a tumor or brain injury, poisoning, or swelling. But with a stroke, these symptoms appear suddenly.
Sometimes the first signs of a stroke are mistaken for alcohol intoxication and the necessary assistance is not provided, although any delay in treatment can lead to serious consequences (paralysis) or death. If you detect the first signs of a stroke in yourself or another person, you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible. At this time, it is necessary to provide the patient with peace, fresh air, and calm him down. If you know what medications a person takes for high blood pressure, then they can also be given; if glycine is available, give 2 tablets under the tongue. Apply cold water to your head.

Stroke - symptoms and first signs.
So, in order to quickly recognize a stroke in a person, you need to know its symptoms and first signs. Here they are:
- complete loss or confusion of consciousness;
- vomiting or nausea;
- incoherent speech;
- numbness of the facial muscles;
- poor coordination of movements;
- pain in the head, which can cover different areas and have varying intensity;
- blurred vision;
- loss of skin sensitivity.
All these symptoms can appear in combination or individually.

Ischemic cerebral stroke develops gradually over several hours, and sometimes over several days. The first signs and symptoms of such a stroke appear and then disappear. Often it occurs even without a headache with unexpressed symptoms, which is why it is dangerous. Here are the signs that should alert you: sudden weakness in an arm or leg, a person suddenly drops an object from his hands. There is a feeling of numbness in the arm or leg. Slurred speech appears, the person repeats the same phrase. The corner of the mouth droops.
Hemorrhagic stroke in humans usually does not foreshadow itself in any way in advance. The attack occurs suddenly during the greatest physical and mental stress, accompanied by severe headache and loss of consciousness.

Stroke - treatment in hospital. How many days does treatment last?

The optimal time for delivering a patient to a medical facility is 3 hours from the moment of the attack. The task of loved ones is to recognize a person’s stroke as quickly as possible and call an ambulance. Delay in help leads to damage and further death of brain cells, causing the person to stop working the functions that controlled the dead cells. Therefore, the main task of doctors is to stop the process of cell death as soon as possible.
How is a stroke treated in hospital?
Treatment of stroke in a hospital is divided into two stages:
1. Carrying out an operation or treatment in the intensive care unit of a hospital, in the intensive care ward. Here the main task is to reduce a person’s blood pressure, in case of hemorrhagic stroke - to eliminate intracranial hemorrhage, in case of ischemic stroke - to relieve spasm, eliminate blockage in blood vessels.
2. The patient’s stay in the general ward of the hospital.

How many days does inpatient stroke treatment last?
The duration of treatment for a patient in a hospital after a stroke ranges from 21 to 30 days
Treatment of stroke in a hospital lasts 21 days for those patients whose vital functions are not impaired (with a mild form of brain damage).
Stroke patients with more serious disorders, whose body was unable to overcome the abnormalities caused by brain damage, remain in the hospital for 30 days and remain in a stable, serious condition.
If after 30 days of treatment for stroke in a hospital, the patient’s condition does not improve, a medical and social examination is carried out, which decides on the advisability of the patient’s continued stay in the clinic and draws up a plan for the patient’s recovery.

Treatment of stroke in a hospital - what drugs and medications are used.
First of all, when treating a stroke in a hospital, the patient needs correctly selected drug therapy.
Groups of medications used to treat the effects of stroke include:
1. Blood thinners. They are necessary to prevent blood clots and facilitate blood flow through the vessels.
2. Drugs to lower blood pressure.
3. Medicines that relieve symptoms of post-stroke condition. These can be medications for: eliminating headaches, sedatives, antiemetics, relieving dizziness.

Treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke at home.

After treatment for a stroke in a hospital, it is necessary to move on to rehabilitation. For this, the patient can be placed in a specialized institution, where professionals will work with him, but it is also possible to carry out the necessary procedures at home. In parallel with this, drug treatment also continues.

The main techniques for the rehabilitation of a sick person after a stroke are massage and rehabilitation exercises. The massage is initially carried out by a specialist, and then the patient’s relatives can cope with this task after familiarizing themselves with the massage therapist’s techniques.
Start the exercises with light loads and simple movements, but gradually the load should be increased. If the condition worsens, stop exercising.

Examples of how massage and exercises helped paralyzed patients after a stroke return to a full life In this article

Treatment of stroke with folk remedies.

Traditional medicine offers simple and affordable folk remedies for cerebral stroke. There are drugs that help prevent strokes, as well as prevent a recurrent attack. And there are effective folk remedies that help you fully recover after a stroke at home. But the main thing in rehabilitation is persistence and the desire to overcome the disease. This is confirmed by numerous reviews from readers of Vestnik ZOZH, who managed to overcome the consequences of brain damage and begin to live a full life again.

Treatment after a stroke at home.

How did you manage to completely get rid of the consequences of a stroke?
The woman was 70 years old when she suffered a brain stroke. The hand did not move, half of the face was distorted, the mouth did not close, speech disappeared.
Along with the medications prescribed by doctors, the woman drank an unlimited amount of bean decoction, because her relatives were told that this was an effective folk remedy after a stroke - it eliminated all its consequences. Plants (stems, roots, pods, leaves) were washed, poured boiling water over them, and kept warm. Within three weeks the patient began to walk, only the distortion of her face remained, but after six months it went away. All this time, treatment with bean infusion continued; in winter, dried plants were used. The sooner a paralyzed patient starts drinking a decoction of beans, the faster and more effectively you can get rid of the consequences of a cerebral stroke.. (Recipe for a healthy lifestyle 2000, No. 13, p. 19)

How to treat a cerebral stroke at home with Shevchenko’s mixture.
This remedy worked quickly and effectively. After the stroke, the woman’s face became distorted and her left eye almost closed. I started drinking Shevchenko’s mixture (vodka with oil 30gx30g) three times a day. After 10 days she began to walk, her hands began to obey her. I took the mixture three times a day for six months, then switched to once a day. (Recipe for healthy lifestyle 2003, No. 23, p. 11)

Treatment of dizziness after cerebral stroke.
Needles are a wonderful folk remedy for treating the consequences of a stroke, especially dizziness and nausea. This remedy cleanses the blood vessels of the brain. Brew a handful of fresh spruce needles with 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, add chopped lemon and leave for another 2 hours. Take a glass 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals. (HLS 2005, No. 13, p. 31)

Have you had a stroke? Chew gum!
It is useful for all those who have suffered a stroke to chew chewing gum as often as possible. Chewing moves the muscles of the head, and this in turn improves blood supply to the brain. The doctor gave this advice to the patient and it helped her a lot. (2003, no. 19, p. 11)
Sophora japonica is an effective folk remedy after a cerebral stroke.
Sophora japonica effectively treats the post-stroke condition and those disorders in the body that accompany the patient after a stroke: paralysis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accidents, ischemic heart pain. To do this, use an alcohol tincture with 50% alcohol: in a 1:1 ratio with fresh fruits and in a 1:2 ratio with dry fruits. Insist for 3 weeks. The course of treatment is six months. In the first month: 10 drops 4-5 times a day, regardless of meals; subsequently - 40 drops, 4-5 times a day.
The same tincture is rubbed into the paralyzed parts of the body at night.
Compresses also help. A compress is applied to the back of the head at night: gauze folded in 6-8 layers, moistened with a diluted tincture (1:3), compress paper on top and secured with a soft cloth. Apply compresses 2-3 times a week. If compresses cause burns to sensitive skin, then pre-lubricate the skin with baby cream.
Taking 0.5 g of ascorbic acid per day will speed up the treatment of stroke. Ascorbic acid can be replaced with rosehip decoction - drink instead of tea.
After three months, your blood pressure will normalize and your dizziness will disappear. Paralyzed members will gradually acquire lost functions. Ischemic pain in the heart will stop. (2004, No. 5, pp. 22-23. From conversations with herbalist Klara Doronina)

Treatment after a stroke at home with honey baths.
A 37-year-old man suffered a cerebral stroke. I spent a month and a half in the hospital, but the treatment did not bring any special results. After the hospital, the following consequences remained: severe dizziness, difficulty speaking, because half of the tongue was paralyzed, the left side of the body was also paralyzed - the arm and leg did not work, coordination of movements was impaired.
After reading a book about treatment with bee products, the patient immediately began to use honey baths. The first procedures gave a positive result, and six months later I was able to fully recover from the stroke at home.
Here is the recipe: water is poured into the bath so that the area of ​​the heart is above the surface of the water, the water temperature is strictly 37-37.5 degrees. Dissolve 3 tbsp in water. l. good natural honey. Bath time is 20-30 minutes. After the bath, do not rinse or dry yourself, just pat your body lightly with a towel. Then you need to lie down for 40-60 minutes, so it is better to do the procedure before bed. Take honey baths every other day, in courses of 10 procedures, with a break between courses of 10 days. (2005, no. 13, pp. 12-13)

Folk treatment of stroke with tincture of lofant.
Tibetan lofant is a unique plant that has enormous healing power and is a strong biostimulant. It has no side effects, so it can be used for a long time.
Lofant alleviates the condition of the patient with hypertension, atherosclerosis, after a stroke, heart attack, and reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. For all these purposes, prepare the following tincture:
50 g of dried flowers or 200 g of fresh ones are poured with 500 ml of good vodka, left for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking 2 times a day.
Take 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, 1 tsp, diluted in 30 g of water. The course of treatment is 30 days. Then a break of 1 week. Those who have suffered a stroke should take at least 3 such courses. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 12, p. 35)

How to treat a brain stroke at home using pollen.
Flower pollen stimulates the growth and restoration of damaged brain tissue after a vascular accident, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, and reduces cholesterol. Pollen is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. (HLS 2011, No. 22, p. 7)

Folk remedies after a cerebral stroke - doctor's advice.
I will give some of the most effective, from my point of view, recipes.
1.Celandine. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. l 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
2.Maryin root 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over dry peony roots and leave in a thermos for 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day. Course – 1 month.
3.Sage It is useful to take it internally as an infusion, and make baths with it (boil 200 g of sage in 10 liters of water for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour and pour into a bath. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Course - 20-25 baths)
4.Bay leaf. It must be infused in vegetable oil for 2 months (30 g per 1 glass of oil). Shake daily. Then rub this oil into the paralyzed limbs several times a day.
5.Juniper tincture. Prepare juniper tincture: 100 g of berries and 5 tbsp. l. chopped juniper branches per 500 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Rub the tincture into the numb parts of the patient's body. (From a conversation with first category neurologist M. B. Lukin. Recipes from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2012, No. 6, p. 7)

How to treat a stroke at home with blue iodine.
This recipe was tested by the author's husband. 8 years ago, a man suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. The right side was paralyzed. A folk remedy - a mixture of iodine and jelly - helped cure the consequences of a stroke at home.
Here's how to prepare it: dilute 1 tsp in 30 ml of water. starch. Pour the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water and mix well. When the resulting jelly has cooled to 30 degrees, add 1 tsp. 5% iodine. Drink in the morning 40 minutes after breakfast according to the following scheme:
1st day – 4 tsp.
Day 2 – 5 tsp.
Day 3 – 6 tsp.
Day 4 – 7 tsp.
Day 5 – 8 tsp.
Then a 5-day break, and a new course according to the same scheme. A total of 3 such courses were conducted. Since then, for 8 years, a man, as soon as he feels that his facial muscles are not working well, takes this remedy again (Healthy Lifestyle 2012, No. 17, p. 30)

Here is another similar example of successful treatment with blue iodine.
After a stroke, the man’s right side was paralyzed, he had no speech, and his swallowing functions disappeared. I was in the hospital, after 10 days of treatment there was no improvement. Then the wife got down to business and decided to treat her husband’s brain stroke at home. Every morning she gave 8 teaspoons of blue iodine in jelly. As a result, 4 days after this he began to swallow on his own. After treatment with blue iodine and a course of massage, the man managed to fully recover and return to work. (HLS 2000, No. 24, p. 7)

Dioscorea caucasica.
To prepare the tincture, you need to chop the dry roots and add vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Leave for 10 days in a dark place.
Take 1 tsp, dissolving in a small amount of water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course 3 months. Then a break of 1 week and a new course of treatment. In total you need to conduct 3-4 courses. (HLS 2012, No. 2, p. 40)

Folk remedies for cerebral stroke - Advice from a herbalist.
The following folk remedies will help cure a stroke:
1.Cinnamon. Take 2-3 g of cinnamon with water 3 times a day
2.Pine cones for stroke. Collect pine cones from the ground in the fall. Pour 500 ml of water into 5-6 cones, bring to a boil, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Drink this decoction after meals, 50-100 ml. You can also take a tincture of pine cones: 5-6 cones per 500 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp. for 1 glass of weak tea.
3.Eggs. For a month, eat 2 raw eggs in the morning and evening.
4.Peony tincture(marin root). 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. (Recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2007, No. 10, p. 32)

Treatment of stroke with pine cones.

Pine cones accumulate a lot of medicinal substances and preserve them inside themselves. In these “canned food” everything is preserved in its natural form, including vitamins, phytoncides and a special type of tannins, which very effectively prevent the death of brain cells. During a stroke, brain cells die due to poor circulation. But even after this, cell death continues, despite the restoration of blood flow. This occurs due to the enzyme PRAG, but substances contained in pine cones are able to block this enzyme of the cells, and they stop breaking down. When using tannins contained in pine cones, 4 times fewer brain cells die than usual. All this makes pine cones an effective folk remedy for treating stroke.
Recipe for treating stroke with pine cones:
Rinse 5 mature pine cones, add 200 ml of alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 1 tsp. in a glass of weak warm tea once a day after meals.
For those who cannot tolerate alcohol, a decoction of pine cones will help: pour 5 pine cones into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Take 1/4 cup after meals 4 times a day. (HLS 2002, No. 3, p. 10)

Stroke prevention with folk remedies - simple and effective recipes.

Lemon for stroke prevention.
Pass 2 lemons and 2 oranges through a meat grinder, removing the seeds. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey Take 2-3 teaspoons a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is a month, then a break of 2 weeks, then the course can be repeated. (recipe from Healthy Lifestyle 2002, No. 9, p. 20)

Collection of herbs for prevention and recovery after stroke at home.
This folk remedy cleanses the walls of blood vessels and helps prevent strokes and hypertensive crises.
Take 100 g of immortelle, chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort. Grind everything in a coffee grinder and mix.
1 tbsp. l. pour 50 ml of boiling water over the mixture, leave, covered for 30 minutes. 1 hour after dinner, drink 1 glass of infusion with 1 tsp. honey, then do not eat or drink anything.
In the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast, drink this infusion warm and with honey. The course of treatment is approximately 2 months until the mixture runs out. The next course can be carried out only after 5 years. (Stroke prevention with folk remedies - “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2005, No. 2, p. 4)

The same recipe was used by a woman a month after a cerebral stroke. She believes that he helped her get back on her feet. (HLS 2005, No. 8, p. 27)

Spruce tea for the prevention of stroke in old age.
Brew fresh or dry spruce branches with pine needles in a teapot: for 1 liter of pine needles, 3 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, for aroma and benefits you can add various herbs (knotweed, currant leaf, mint, raspberries). Drink this infusion instead of tea as much as you like, with sweets, jam, honey, but always with lemon. Eat 5-6 cloves of garlic a day. This is an excellent prevention of strokes in old age - it will help avoid problems with blood vessels. The drink cleanses the cardiovascular system and restores the entire body. The full course of treatment is 4-5 months. (Recipe for healthy lifestyle 2002, No. 24, p. 17)

Folk remedies for the prevention of cerebral stroke.
Grind 1 kg of cranberries, 1 kg of onions and 0.5 kg of lemons through a meat grinder. Add 1 liter of honey, mix well. Take 2 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before meals with hot water. This product cleanses the body of fat and lime deposits, prevents heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, improves vision (HLS 2009, No. 13, p. 28)

VKPB drops.
In folk remedies for the treatment of vascular diseases, plants such as valerian "B"(expands coronary vessels, normalizes blood circulation, calms), horse chestnut - “K”(increases the strength of blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity, improves cholesterol metabolism), motherwort - “P”(helps with angina pectoris, hypertension), hawthorn – “B”(improves coronary and cerebral circulation, relieves arrhythmia, calms the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, sleep). Make alcoholic tinctures from these plants or, as a last resort, purchase them at the pharmacy. Mix them in equal proportions, apply 1 tsp. (50 drops) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
These drops are a good prevention of heart attack and stroke, increase immunity, relieve depression, and improve sleep. (HLS 2010, No. 10, p. 8)

Shilajit promotes the resorption of blood clots and restores damaged cells. Therefore, mumiyo is widely used to prevent stroke using folk remedies.
Dilute 5 g of mumiyo in 150 ml of aloe juice. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day before breakfast and at night. The course of treatment is 10 days, then a break of 4 days and a new course. (HLS 2011, No. 22, p. 7)

Stroke is one of the serious and dangerous diseases that very often occurs unexpectedly in a person.

The disorder can develop in just a few minutes, and a person who was healthy five minutes ago loses consciousness and lies motionless. With this disease, blood circulation in the brain is disrupted, and it often develops in older people.

To be effective, it must first of all be comprehensive. Expensive drugs are not always effective in fighting the disease; many people managed to improve their health using traditional medicine methods. In addition, these methods are less harmful to humans.

But it is worth noting that before resorting to traditional medicine, you need to consult a doctor and find out if there are any contraindications to the use of this or that remedy.

Herbal Recipes

Herbal infusions can be used not only for the disease, but also for it. It is worth noting that sorceresses and healers have identified a lot of medicinal herbs; the most common recipes based on them will be presented below.

Treatment of stroke with sage herb

In order to drink a sage-based tincture. It is necessary to prepare a strong herbal infusion, leave for an hour Infuse the drink and take it at least three times a day, several sips.

To improve the condition of a sick person, you can prepare sage-based baths.

To do this, you need to pour three glasses of dry grass with 2 liters of boiling water.

Then you need to leave the broth for an hour and pour it into a warm bath.

Celandine to the rescue

Celandine is also effective for people who have had a stroke. Although it is a poisonous herb, it is effective for many ailments. Preparing a decoction based on this plant is very simple:

  • add 1 tbsp to a glass of boiling water. a spoonful of herbs;
  • leave the decoction for several hours;
  • take three times a day, first for 1 hour. spoon gradually increasing the dosage to 2 tbsp. spoons at a time.

Decoctions based on other herbs

In order to improve the patient’s condition after a stroke, you can prepare a decoction based on the following herbs:

  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • sagebrush;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • eyebright;
  • strawberries

To the mixture of herbs you need to add agrimony and walnuts. All herbs should be taken in the same ratio. The medicine must be boiled, cooled and taken as prescribed three times a day, 1/3 cup.

In order to normalize the functioning of the heart, you need to take tincture of gray jaundice. For a teaspoon of tincture you will need ½ cup of boiling water. After the decoction has cooled, it can be taken three times a day, a teaspoon.

If a sick person has paralyzed limbs, then an ointment prepared at home will help him. This remedy needs to be rubbed into the limbs twice a day, and it is easy to prepare.

To prepare it you will need bay leaves and pine needles. These ingredients need to be ground to a powder. They must be mixed in a ratio of 6:1. To measure you need to take 1 teaspoon. Add 6 tbsp to this mixture. spoons of butter.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a positive effect on the person and the entire body. It is best to take baths with added oils. One effective recipe is the following:

  • mix a glass of milk with a few drops of essential oil (it is recommended to take ylang-ylang oil -2 drops and lemon balm oil -3 drops);
  • take a bath at a temperature of 35-37 degrees;
  • pour the product into the bath;
  • take a bath for no more than 25 minutes;
  • a course of such treatment consists of 10 procedures.

Honey and milk are an inseparable pair

There are other methods for treating stroke. A product such as honey has managed to establish itself as an effective product. The recipe for making the product is extremely simple.

Mix a glass of linden honey, 5 ml of peppermint infusion and 60 ml of kombucha infusion. Mix all ingredients well and can be taken.

In order to prevent the development of a stroke, you need to drink a glass of milk with the addition of valerian tincture before going to bed. It is also recommended that sick people take tomato juice along with lemon juice.

Citrus fruits are the number one enemy of stroke

Citrus fruits are fruits with which you can quickly bring the patient’s condition back to normal. The most effective fruit you can call it lemon.

In order to bring the sick person’s condition back to normal, you need to take the following medicine, which is especially effective after an ischemic stroke, as it cleanses the blood vessels:

  • grind a kilogram of lemons in a meat grinder;
  • add a kilogram of sugar to the mass;
  • place the product in the refrigerator.

This medicine should be taken daily, one teaspoon at a time, preferably in the morning. For greater effect, in addition to this mixture, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic.

Thanks to lemon, you can prepare another remedy to improve the patient’s condition:

  • Peel ½ lemon, remove seeds;
  • cut the fruit into small slices;
  • mix lemon with pine decoction;
  • let the drink brew for several hours;
  • Take the drink ½ glass 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Uses of buds

For the treatment of stroke, you can use different pine and spruce trees. In order to prepare a tincture of pine cones, you need to use the following recipe:

  • collect a jar of open pine cones;
  • wash the pine cones;
  • fill them with vodka up to the neck of the can;
  • remove the product to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  • After this time, strain the tincture through thick gauze.

The finished tincture will have a red-brown tint. You need to take the drink 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. But if you don’t have pine cones on hand, then spruce cones will also be effective. The tincture recipe is very simple to prepare:

You need to take the prepared product daily, not exceeding the volume of 30 ml. The finished tincture tastes pleasant and, no less important, healthy.

People's choice

Healers identify from numerous traditional medicine recipes the following methods that are effective in treating stroke:

  1. Treatment citrus. These fruits, and especially lemon, can strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation and are used as a natural antioxidant.
  2. Wormwood or celandine together with honey can improve mental development and calm the human nervous system.
  3. Effective for treating and ointment made from bay leaves.
  4. Application recipes based on pine cones.
  5. Use of herbal tinctures and decoctions.

Unconventional methods

Witches and healers have identified several more treatment methods that were used by grandmothers many years ago. But many people have forgotten about them today, although these methods are no less effective for treating and recovering from a stroke at home:

To prevent a stroke, you should always wear a copper bracelet on your wrist. You can also wear diamonds. As experts recommend, you can wear jewelry with the following stones during the day: beryl, turquoise, variscite, diotopaz.

Nutritional features and diet

In order to quickly improve the condition of a sick person, it is necessary to reconsider it and create a diet.

A person’s diet must include nuts and dried fruits, which help to recover faster. These products contain a lot of calcium and vitamins. They can be consumed with milk.

In order for food to be healthy and not affect the human condition, it must be low-fat, and for this you need to learn how to cook it correctly.

General principles

When creating a menu for a person who has suffered a stroke, you must adhere to the following principles:

  • cook food only with vegetable, rapeseed, olive or soybean oil;
  • Eat no more than 120 grams per day. vegetable oil;
  • Eat no more than three boiled eggs per week; you also need to limit yourself in dairy products;
  • a sick person’s diet should include seafood at least twice a week;
  • eat at least 400 grams per day. vegetables and fruits;
  • food should be varied;
  • You shouldn’t get carried away with baking; it is recommended to eat black bread;
  • give up coffee;
  • drink at least two liters of purified water per day;
  • When cooking meat, remove the top fat layer from it.

The best foods for stroke

The diet of a person who has suffered a stroke must include fruits and vegetables. Preference should be given to those that contain fiber and folic acid.

If a sick person’s sugar level is within normal limits, then you can eat one banana. This fruit contains a lot of potassium, and if consumed regularly, the risk of a recurrent stroke is reduced by 25%. Blueberries, which contain many antioxidants, are useful for restoring the body.

Potatoes and meat are useful for humans only when baked or stewed. But it is not recommended to consume these products daily; 2-3 times a week will be enough. Legumes are good for health and contain a lot of folic acid. By regularly consuming foods with this microelement, you can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

It is necessary to consume foods enriched with vitamins A, E and C. The list of permitted foods during a stroke includes the following:

  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • bran.

What's prohibited

It is worth noting that the list of prohibited products after a stroke is much longer than the list of permitted products. Foods that are not recommended to be consumed after a stroke include the following:

  • bakery;
  • butter;
  • margarine;
  • alcohol;
  • salt.

It is worth noting that with regular consumption of fatty foods, the risk of getting a second attack increases to 30%, due to the cholesterol contained in these foods.

The dosage should be checked with your doctor; if you have an individual intolerance, your doctor may prohibit you from drinking alcohol.

Proper nutrition is the first step on the path to recovery. You also need to give up bad habits so as not to worsen your health.

What else can you do at home?

In order to carry out this as soon as possible using ointments, cooked at home.

For treatment, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is completely harmless to humans, according to doctors.

Doctors do not approve of the intravenous administration of this drug, although in practice this method proves to be effective and, thanks to its implementation, serious consequences can be avoided.

You can also rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide by diluting it in equal proportions with water. You can perform this procedure after each meal for 1 minute.

Treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke at home using folk remedies, as practice shows, is effective and efficient. But doctors do not recommend self-medication; before using this or that method, you need to consult a specialist.

Stroke(from Latin insulto - I pounce, I attack) - an acute disorder of cerebral circulation that occurs suddenly. Occurs most often against the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, as well as with aneurysms or other anomalies of cerebral vessels.


Typically, a stroke develops over several days or even hours. The onset is always sudden. The patient lies motionless. There is no consciousness. The face is pale, covered with cold sweat. The pulse is frequent, sometimes arrhythmic, weak filling and tension. Breathing is normal, sometimes rapid. Urinary retention. Blood pressure may be temporarily elevated. There may be cramps of the limbs on the side opposite to the lesion. Paralysis is usually detected after restoration of consciousness.

P Before a stroke, you may experience headache and dizziness, numbness of the limbs, and speech disturbances. These symptoms are followed by loss of consciousness. The face turns purple, the pulse slows, breathing becomes rapid and hoarse, and the body temperature rises. There may be vomiting, urine and feces. The pupils do not react to light.

A stroke occurs suddenly, but it is preceded by certain painful manifestations, which, if recognized in time, can prevent the occurrence of a stroke. The following can warn you about the risk of stroke:

Headache in the back of the head with a feeling of heat, dizziness, ringing and noise in the ears;

Weakened hearing and vision, difficulty speaking;

Feeling tired and drowsy during the day and insomnia or nightmares at night;

Puffiness of the face combined with redness;

Cold sweat;

Convulsive twitching on one side of the body.

A stroke requires calling a doctor immediately!

What's happening? A stroke occurs when there is bleeding in the brain or can be caused by blood clots, accompanied by sudden loss of consciousness and paralysis. A comatose state during a stroke can last from several hours to several days. Paralysis occurs in the part of the body opposite the brain hemisphere in which the damage occurred. A stroke occurs suddenly and can lead to death.

There are several causes of stroke, we list the main ones: hypertension and cerebral atherosclerosis; strong emotions, both negative and positive.

All strokes can be divided into two types- hemorrhagic (bleeding into the brain under the membrane) and ischemic (thrombosis of cerebral vessels, ischemic softening of cerebral vessels, etc.).

Hemorrhagic stroke develops most often as a result of increased permeability of the vascular wall. Vasomotor disorders of the vascular wall are important here, which is facilitated by sharp increases and decreases in blood pressure. In the area of ​​hemorrhage, a focus of red softening is formed and, in the final stage, a cyst and cicatricial changes in brain tissue.

Hemorrhagic stroke can also be the result of rupture of aneurysms of the vessels of the base of the brain.

A stroke usually occurs suddenly and can lead to death within the first hours. It occurs most often after suffering from unrest and stressful conditions in the evening or during the day. Sometimes so-called precursors of a stroke may be observed in the form of headache, dizziness, heaviness in the head. When a stroke occurs, the patient suddenly falls, loses consciousness, and develops a coma. Breathing is hoarse, loud, pulse is tense, blood pressure is often elevated. The face is purple or bluish-purple, and vomiting is common. An indifferent gaze, “floating” pendulum-like movements of the eyeballs, sometimes averting the eyes towards the lesion. Involuntary loss of urine and feces may occur.

On the side opposite to the lesion, paralysis of one or both limbs is detected, and facial asymmetry is revealed.

Ischemic stroke- acute, relatively long-term or permanent cessation of blood supply to a region of the brain due to persistent spasm or thrombosis of the supply artery. The main causes of this form of stroke are: hypertension, thromboangiitis obliterans, atherosclerosis. Infectious diseases, childbirth, severe, multiple injuries can also cause a stroke.

As a rule, ischemic stroke occurs at night, during deep sleep, often after physical fatigue or mental overexcitation.

Urgent Care

1. In case of a stroke on the street, on the road, at work, etc. - the most careful, gentle evacuation of the patient to a medical institution (avoid shaking, jolts, impacts when carried on a stretcher, during transportation by car, etc.).

2. In case of serious condition, coma, as well as the impossibility of evacuation for other reasons, the patient’s treatment is carried out at home, if possible in a separate room, with maximum provision of sanitary and hygienic conditions and convenience for the medical staff.

Contraindications to transportation to a hospital are severe respiratory and cardiovascular problems. It is not advisable to send elderly people with severe age-related somatic changes and signs of marasmus to the hospital.

3. Provide the patient with maximum rest (physical, mental) and strict bed rest. Undress and place the patient on his back. Raise your head and upper body slightly. Observe and control breathing, pulse, as well as periodic monitoring of blood pressure; in case of hemorrhagic stroke - constant monitoring.

4. Inhalation with a humidified oxygen-air mixture; in case of sudden cessation of breathing - artificial ventilation.

5. Further measures are carried out in the presence and as prescribed by a doctor (if it is impossible to evacuate the patient), in other cases - urgent hospitalization in a hospital for intensive care.

What to do? Before the doctor arrives, the patient must be provided with complete rest and fresh air. The patient's head should be raised; you can put a towel soaked in cold water or ice, if available, on it. You can put mustard plasters on your calves and soles. It is very important to monitor choking so that the patient does not choke on vomit in case of vomiting, and to prevent the tongue from retracting.

After a stroke, you must strictly adhere to the prescribed regimen and diet. It is advisable to avoid eating meat and fatty foods, and give up sugar and alcohol. Under no circumstances should mental fatigue be allowed to occur.

If you suspect a stroke, you should urgently call a doctor!

Before the doctor arrives, the patient must be placed comfortably on the bed, his clothes unbuttoned, and a flow of fresh air allowed. To prevent the patient from suffocating during bouts of vomiting, tilt your face to one side and lift it up. Ice packs or heating pads should be placed on the occipital and parietal area, and if it is not available, at least wet towels. Place heating pads or mustard plasters at your feet.

An old proven remedy for healers and herbalists was to “throw blood” in cases of stroke. They pierced the veins in the arms or legs and waited for the black blood to drain. Bloodletting usually significantly improved the patient's condition.

If the patient is able to swallow, it is necessary to give him sedatives and blood pressure lowering agents (if the patient is hypertensive). It is not recommended to transport a patient to a hospital without a doctor’s opinion.

After the patient comes to his senses, he should be given a laxative (Glauber's salt, herb or senna tablets) and an enema.

“I’m terribly afraid of a stroke”

Minsk scientist N.S. Misyuk specifically analyzed all risk factors for stroke. More than 50 factors are associated with this state of acute disturbance of cerebral blood flow - loss of consciousness and the appearance of paralysis, but 14 play the main role.

If you are over 50 years old and score 10-12, the threat may be serious.

Calculate your points.

A certain danger for cardiovascular diseases is posed by intense or prolonged stress associated with an unfavorable life situation, the loss of a loved one, chronic fatigue, etc.

The appearance of temporary disturbances in cerebral blood flow (headache, weakness, dizziness, spots before the eyes) - 3 points;

Significantly expressed sclerosis of cerebral vessels - 3 points;

Significant changes in the fundus - 3 points;

Diastolic blood pressure is 100 or more mmHg. - 3 points;

Systolic blood pressure is 160 or more mmHg. - 3 points;

Moderate sclerosis of cerebral vessels - 2 points;

Significant ECG changes - 2 points;

Systolic blood pressure 150-160 mmHg. - 2 points;

Alcohol abuse - 1 point;

Smoking abuse - 1 point;

Hereditary burden - 1 point;

Presence of concomitant diseases - -1 point;

Frequent pain in the heart area - 1 point.

Stress, which causes a significant change in the concentration of norepinephrine, adrenaline and other hormones in the blood, leads to an increase in blood pressure, vasoconstriction, impaired oxygen supply to tissues and other changes in the functioning of organs and systems.

This affects cardiac activity - arrhythmias, heart pain, tachycardia appear, and even myocardial infarction develops.

The Dutch scientist A. Appels came to the conclusion that much more often than pain in the heart, the development of myocardial infarction is preceded by states of depression, helplessness, emotional exhaustion, and physical exhaustion.

He formulated the precursors of this disease, and psychologist O. S. Kopina developed a questionnaire scale.

How many questions on this scale will you answer yes to?

1. I feel tired.

2. I have difficulty falling asleep.

3. I wake up several times at night.

4. I constantly feel physically weak.

5. It seems that I am constantly haunted by failures.

6. Little things drive me crazy.

7. My mood is constantly depressed.

8. Sex doesn't bring me joy.

9. In the morning I wake up feeling tired.

10. Sometimes it seems that I don’t want to live.

If you answered yes to 3-6 questions, you can most likely cope with these problems yourself.

If there are more than 6 such statements, you should take a vacation, change your lifestyle, tell yourself to stop worrying.

This approach is especially important in the presence of other risk factors - mental overload, increased blood pressure and body weight, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Resistance to stress or, conversely, an increased tendency to stress are qualities that characterize individual personality traits.

It is known that women experience stress more easily than men; it is not without reason that they say: “Take care of your men!” However, women suffer from neuroses more often than men.

Back in 1959, M. Friedman and R. Rosenman described the personality type “A”, which is characterized by a 3-7 times greater tendency to stress and the development of coronary heart disease in this regard compared to type “B”.

People of type “A” are characterized by a high pace of life, a persistent desire for recognition from others, aggressiveness, and leadership qualities.

Swedish researcher M. Frankenhäuser divided such people into “lions” and “rabbits”.

She then made a sensational discovery: in “lions” norepinephrine predominates over adrenaline in the blood, and in “rabbits”, on the contrary, adrenaline predominates.

Currently, there are many techniques that recommend how to increase resistance to stress and change your attitude towards it.

Mental training plays a particularly beneficial role in this case - a path that will protect many from cardiovascular diseases.

Forming an attitude in yourself not to react to difficulties and not to worry, not to feel fear of them, not to give up the fight for your peace of mind in difficult situations, etc. will help reduce the adverse effects of stress.

In addition, as studies by many authors have shown, dosed heat and cold influences help relieve psycho-emotional stress.

When the acute phenomena have passed, traditional medicine recommends the following treatment for the treatment of paralysis:

Rosehip cinnamon (roots, fruits). Externally, a decoction of the roots is used for baths for paralysis and paresis. Baths are done every other day. The course of treatment is 20-30 baths. Water temperature 37-38 °C.

It is useful to rub any volatile ointment into paralyzed limbs several times a day (you can mix one part of alcohol with two parts of vegetable oil). Ether is often used for this purpose, but when using it, you must remember that ether is highly flammable.

Peony evasive (roots). Grind a teaspoon of dry roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of peony roots and a teaspoon of dry crushed roots, pour 300 ml of vodka and leave in a warm place for 7 days). Strain. Take 25 drops 3 times a day.

White step (paralysis grass). Pour a tablespoon of crushed roots with 300 ml of vodka. Leave in a warm place for 7 days. Strain. Take 25 drops morning and evening with water after meals.

Cut 2 medium-sized lemons and 2 oranges into pieces, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Keep in a glass jar for one day at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day with tea.

Brew a tablespoon of crushed celandine with a glass of boiling water for exactly 15 minutes. Strain, take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Peel half a lemon, chop, pour in 1 glass of pine infusion (pour 1 tbsp of pine needles with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain) and take on an empty stomach (an hour before meals or an hour after meals) for 2-3 months .

Sage works well for stroke patients; combine ingestion of sage infusion (1 gram spoon per glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour) with general sage baths (300 g per 10 liters of water). First, cold water is poured into the bath, then hot water, then a sage decoction is added.

Pine baths have a beneficial effect on patients;

The patient is given a medium-sized clove of garlic and a teaspoon of honey every morning and evening.

For a stroke patient, prepare sprouted grain sprouts for breakfast every day. The method for preparing grain sprouts is given in the chapter “Treatment of atherosclerosis.”

Bay oil. Pour 30 g of bay leaf into a glass of vegetable oil and leave, shaking daily, in a warm place for 2 months. Strain and bring to a boil. Rub daily into paralyzed areas.

Ointment: bay leaf powder - 6 parts, juniper needles (or fir, pine, spruce) - 1 part, butter - 12 parts. Rub into paralyzed areas 2 times a day.

An alcoholic tincture of chilibukha or Echinopsia (medical name “echinopsia”) helps to cure paralysis. Pour a tablespoon of herb into 0.5 liters of vodka and place in a warm place for 21 days. Strain. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day.

Black elderberry berries are drunk with tea or instead of tea.

Properly brewed green tea has a good effect on stroke patients. Monitor your blood pressure when drinking green tea!

Mix 100 g of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, caraway seeds and birch buds. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, add another 300 ml of water, and bring to a boil. Drink warm with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 glass in the morning 20 minutes before meals and in the evening at 21:00. After taking the medicine, do not eat or drink anything. Drink daily until the mixture runs out. Repeat treatment after 6 months and a year later.

Any cardiac supplement can be taken (can be purchased at a pharmacy). Add to it 4 names of cereal crops: oats, soybeans, buckwheat, millet (or any others). Then add the following herbs: string, celandine, plantain, burdock root, chaga, yellow immortelle (add 100 g of cereals - 2 tablespoons each). Pass all this through a meat grinder and place in a common container. To stir thoroughly. Pack the resulting mixture into half-liter bottles, filling them 1/3 full, and top up the remaining 2/3 bottles with sunflower or olive oil. Place in a warm place for 2 months. Shake well every day to prevent sediment from forming. After 2 months, pour everything into one container and heat to a temperature of 60 °C. Don't boil! After heating, pour into bottles again and place in a warm place for another 1 month (shake daily). After 3 months from the start of preparation, the medicine is ready. Rub it into paralyzed limbs every other day. Leave the medicine on the body overnight. After 20 days of treatment, take a 10-day break, then do another 10 rubs. Then again a break of 10 days. Carry out the second and third cycles of treatment in the same way (with a one-month break). Take a break for six months and carry out two more courses of treatment in the same order.

After a stroke, the patient needs to be careful. Mental fatigue should not be allowed. Alcohol, coffee, tea should be completely excluded from the patient's diet. If possible, reduce your consumption of oil, meat and sugar.

We should never forget about physical procedures (available to the patient) and sports.

Tanning sumac (dye sumac). Fresh leaves are used to treat stroke. A teaspoon of them is brewed with a glass of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Mountain arnica (flowers) – 1 hour. spoon, mustard seed powder - 1 tsp. spoon.

Pour 1 cup of boiling water over all ingredients, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

St. John's wort (herb) - 100 g, chamomile (flowers) - 100 g, mustard seed powder - 10 g, immortelle (flowers) - 100 g, birch (buds) - 100 g.

Mix all ingredients and store in a glass jar with a lid. Prepare the daily dose of infusion in the evening: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth and squeeze out the remainder. Immediately drink half of the infusion with 1 teaspoon of honey. In the morning, heat the remainder to 30-40 °C and drink 20 minutes before breakfast.

Carry out treatment daily until the collection is completely used. Use for hypertension and angina pectoris. The course of treatment is repeated after 3-5 years.

Chistets forest (grass) - 1 tsp. spoon, mustard seed powder - 1 tsp. spoon.

Pour 2 cups of boiling water over all ingredients, leave in a sealed container until completely cooled and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

put an ice pack on your head; Moreover, if it turns out that the right side is paralyzed, then place the bubble on the left side of the head. Give the patient an enema and give a laxative. When the headache stops hurting, you need to rub the paralyzed parts with a volatile ointment (one part alcohol to two parts some vegetable oil). For paralysis, baths with a decoction of cinnamon rosehip roots are recommended. After suffering a stroke, the patient must be very careful in the future, avoid fatigue from mental activities, do not drink alcohol, eat fatty foods, and avoid, if possible, eating meat and sugar.

There is also such a folk remedy: upon impact, the veins on both arms are pierced at the bend of the elbow and black blood is released until light blood flows. If she goes, then the danger of death for the patient passes.

Algae treatment

Buy dry kelp powder and consume it 1 tbsp. spoon a day after meals, washed down with water.

Animal-assisted treatment

Have an aquarium at home. Watching the smooth movement of fish and algae lowers blood pressure and helps reduce the risk of another stroke.

Treatment with color

Treatment with essential oils

Essential oils can be added to a bath, simply inhaled, or mixed with a massage cream. Try this recipe.


1 glass of milk, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 3 drops of lemon balm oil.

Cooking method.

Mix milk with essential oils and pour into a bath whose water temperature is 35-37 °C.

Mode of application.

Take a bath for 25 minutes. The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures.

Treatment with fats and vegetable oils

Rubbing with the following oil will help restore sensitivity in the limbs after a stroke.


2 cups olive oil, 3 tbsp. spoons of bay leaf, 5 ml of infusion of peppermint leaves.

Cooking method.

Finely chop the bay leaf, put it in a bowl and pour olive oil on top, to which you must first add peppermint infusion, close the lid tightly and put it in a dark place for a month. Then strain, put on low heat and bring to a boil to sterilize.

Mode of application.

Shilajit treatment


3 tbsp. spoons of rhizome of valerian officinalis, 2 tbsp. spoons of marshweed herb, 1 tbsp. spoon of horsetail shoots, 0.2 g mumiyo, 600 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Grind the herb and mix. 3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture and leave in a dark place for 5 hours, strain. Add mumiyo and mix well.

Mode of application.

Take 1/3 cup of warm infusion 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Treatment with metals

Constantly wearing a copper bracelet protects against stroke.

Treatment with stones and minerals

To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, it is useful to wear stones such as turquoise, variscite, heliotrope, diotopaz, and beryl. Wearing them constantly is strictly not recommended, as this can worsen the condition. It is enough if you wear them during the day and take them off at night.

Wearing diamonds also contributes to the recovery of stroke patients.



5 tbsp. spoons of meadowsweet herb, 3 tbsp. spoons of warty birch leaves, 4 liters of boiling water.

Cooking method.

Grind the plants in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water over them. Leave in a dark place for 6 hours, strain.

Mode of application.

Pour the infusion into a bath of water at a temperature of 35-37 °C. Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The course consists of 10 procedures

Treatment with bee products

Honey contains many beneficial substances that reduce blood clotting, thereby normalizing blood pressure, and negating the formation of blood clots. The vascular wall itself also improves, which is very important for stroke patients.


1 glass of linden honey, 60 ml of kombucha infusion, 5 ml of peppermint infusion.

Cooking method.

Mix the ingredients well.

Treatment with milk

To reduce blood pressure (and therefore the risk of stroke complications), you need to drink 1 glass of warm milk with a few drops of valerian tincture every evening before bed.

Juice treatment

It is also useful for lowering blood pressure to drink a mixture of 1/2 cup pumpkin juice, juice of 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. spoons of tomato juice and 1 tbsp. spoons of milk. You need to drink this mixture at least 1 glass per day, preferably after meals.



3 tbsp. spoons of lemon balm leaves, oregano herb, 2 tbsp. spoons of rhizome of valerian officinalis, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plantain leaves, 600 ml of water.

Cooking method.

Grind the plants in a meat grinder and mix well. 3 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture, pour into a thermos and leave for 6 hours. Then strain the infusion.

Treatment of stroke with folk remedies and only them is not encouraged by official medicine. However, this disease involves rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Hospitalization of the patient is mandatory. But we should not forget about long-term rehabilitation. In most cases, it lasts for decades. And this is where advice from alternative medicine will come in handy more than ever. Which ones should you use and which should you never use?

There are two types of stroke:

  • hemorrhagic (rupture of blood vessels);
  • ischemic (blockage of blood vessels and general disturbance of blood flow).

Tips from traditional medicine can be used for any of them, but only as a supplement to the prescribed therapy. This topic should definitely be discussed individually with your doctor, since the primary cause of the stroke also plays a role. For some, this is a consequence of hypertension, for others, it is due to neurological disorders or an unhealthy lifestyle. And for each option, the recommended recipes from traditional medicine will be different. But there are also universal remedies. They help restore normal blood flow in the brain, lower blood pressure, and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

The simplest and most effective recipes

During a stroke, blood circulation is disrupted, and with the oxidation of blood cells, there is a possibility of damage to the gray and white matter, as well as the cerebral cortex. This is what provokes the occurrence of speech defects, paralysis, and impaired facial expressions. And the best recovery after a stroke using folk remedies, according to those who have already had to fight this disease, is:

  1. Tea made from lemon and pine decoction. To prepare, you will need half a citrus fruit (without peel) and the decoction itself (30 grams of pine tree branches per 1 liter of boiling water). The components are mixed and infused for 4 hours in a thermos. Drink 1 glass 1 time per day.
  2. An infusion of the roots of decorative peonies is very useful for stroke. Prepared on the basis of ethyl alcohol (300 milliliters per 2-3 crushed roots). Leave for 1 week. Take 15-20 drops no more than 3 times a day.
  3. For the treatment of ischemic stroke, it is recommended to take birch tar in the form of a decoction. You can also use bark (30 grams per 400 milliliters of water). Prepare as usual tea. Drink 200 milliliters 2 times a day. This product thins the blood and prevents the appearance of new cholesterol plaques and thrombosis.
  4. If facial expressions are impaired, even doctors themselves suggest preparing an ointment based on bay leaf powder. Any baby cream is used as a base. Proportion – 4-6 medium-sized leaves per 80 milliliters of cream (standard tube). Rub in before bed, massaging thoroughly.

Such treatment methods should be used with caution, as there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Accordingly, before using traditional methods, you need to conduct a reaction test. That is, take the medicine in the lowest possible dosage. If there are no signs of allergy, then you can continue treatment, otherwise consult a doctor.

And traditional medicine recommends that after a stroke you include dried fruits, nuts, hawthorn and viburnum berries in your diet. All these products contain potassium, B vitamins and PP, which are directly involved in the functioning of the brain. Ideally, you should consult a nutritionist altogether. A proper diet after a stroke is the key to minimizing the risk of developing new complications.

After a stroke, the following folk remedies will allow you to restore your body as quickly as possible:

  1. An infusion of a mixture of Japanese sophora and white mistletoe. To prepare, you will need 50 grams of dry base of these herbs, as well as 0.5 liters of strong alcohol (vodka, moonshine, cognac). Leave in a dark place for 1 month, shaking every other day. Take a tablespoon 2 times a day (no need to strain). This restores neural connections in the brain, and at the same time supplies the body with vitamin A.
  2. A decoction of sage has a sedative effect and eliminates neuralgic disorders. You need to cook in a water bath, adding 150 grams of raw herbs to 3 liters of boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes, then strain, let cool and store in the refrigerator. You need to drink 2 sips 8 times a day. The course of therapy is at least 30 days.

The above folk remedies for stroke, or rather for rehabilitation after it, have no contraindications except for individual intolerance. That is, you can use them without any fear. But still, a medical consultation before this will not be superfluous.

Optimizing mental performance

During a stroke, brain function is dramatically impaired. For some, this manifests itself in the form of speech impairments, for others – a decrease in the sharpness of vision, for others – a violation of the logic of thinking. An infusion of violet, plantain, linden, nettle and chicory will help get rid of all this, or at least alleviate the symptoms. You need to take 5 grams of each of these herbs and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 30-60 minutes (until cooled) and mix with 50 milliliters of buckwheat or honeydew honey. Drink 40 milliliters every 2.5 hours. The recommended course of treatment in this way should not be less than 7 days.