How to use sesame seeds. Useful properties and contraindications of sesame. Sesame in cosmetology

Sesame, whose second name is sesame, came to us from ancient times. Then this seed appeared in many mysterious legends and traditions. To this day, sesame is actively used, since ordinary people know how many beneficial properties sesame seeds contain.

Sesame is a one-year-old plant. The fruits of this plant resemble oblong boxes small size, filled with seeds of various colors, from burning black to snow-white.

The uses of sesame are quite varied. Besides culinary use, sesame is also used in medicinal purposes. It cures many diseases; oil prepared from these seeds is especially valuable.

Despite the many beneficial properties of sesame, it is mainly grown for its medicinal oil, which is used in cooking, medicine and even for cosmetic purposes.

Sesame is used more widely abroad, but in our country it is used mainly only for gastronomic purposes for making desserts such as halva. It is also used to make toppings for various baked goods.

But you need to know everything beneficial features sesame, because it is not wise to use a product that is so useful only for culinary delights.

Calorie content of sesame

Typically, each seed of any plant is unusually high in calories, since it contains a large amount of fat. For example, sunflower and flax seeds. In most cases, the amount of fat reaches 50% or higher per 100 grams of product. Sesame seeds are no exception. They are also high in calories, like most seeds of other plants. They contain oils, percentage of which in sesame seeds reaches 45 - 55%. If we talk about calorie content, then per 100 grams of sesame there are about 560 - 580 kcal.

These are not absolutely exact numbers, only approximate calorie content. Each seed has its own substance content, which depends on its shape, size and other factors.

Sesame - beneficial properties

When eating sesame, in order to extract from it maximum benefit for your body, it needs to be consumed soaked or heated. If you fry the seeds and add them to any dish, you will only get an aromatic seasoning devoid of most beneficial properties.

Sesame seeds need to be chewed as thoroughly as possible and not subjected to strong heat treatment in order to obtain maximum beneficial properties. This is where the benefits of soaked sesame come into play. It will be easier to chew and it will be absorbed much better.

As mentioned earlier, sesame contains a large amount of oil, consisting of acids of organic origin, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol ethers.

Sesame also contains a substance called sesamin. This is a powerful antioxidant. It is useful for the prevention of many diseases, including cancer, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which brings great benefit to the human body. The function of lowering cholesterol is performed by beta-sitosterol contained in sesame seeds.

IN useful composition sesame seeds contain carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and vitamins A, B, E, C. They are also rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and other mineral compounds. It contains the substance phytin, which helps restore the mineral balance of the body; dietary fiber and lecithin.

Sesame improves the condition of human nails and hair; has a positive effect on the composition of human blood and stimulates human growth due to the substance riboflavin contained in it.

The substance thiamine normalizes metabolism and improves performance nervous system. And vitamin PP, which is part of sesame, is extremely useful for work digestive system.

Sesame has large reserves of calcium, which makes it indispensable for bones and joints, and it also prevents osteoporosis. Thanks to sesame, the body becomes stronger and muscle mass is actively built up.

Due to the presence of phytosterol in sesame, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced, due to the fact that sesame removes cholesterol from the blood. This beneficial property helps fight obesity problems.

For women aged 45 and older, sesame is especially beneficial. It contains phytoestrogen, which is considered a substitute for female sex hormones.

Sesame oil - beneficial properties

As already mentioned, oil is prepared from sesame seeds, which is actively used by doctors to make plasters, ointments, and emulsions, since sesame oil improves blood clotting. Sesame oil is an excellent laxative and is also used for hemorrhagic diathesis.

Sesame seed oil is also used by cosmetologists because of its softening and moisturizing properties. It relieves irritation, normalizes the protective properties of the skin and stimulates its regeneration. It is also used as a makeup remover and as a massage oil.

Sesame - contraindications and harm

Sesame, the beneficial properties of which we discussed above, also has contraindications.

Since it improves blood clotting, people who suffer increased coagulability, thrombosis and thrombosis, its use is not recommended. Sesame is also contraindicated for those suffering from urolithiasis.

Sesame will benefit the body great benefit, if consumed in moderation. Daily intake of sesame for healthy person is 2-3 teaspoons.

Sesame - how to choose

When choosing sesame seeds, make sure the seeds are dry and crumbly. To do this, it is best to buy them in a transparent bag. The seeds should not taste bitter.

Sesame - how to store

It is worth noting that unpeeled sesame, the beneficial properties of which are undeniably higher than those of peeled sesame, is also stored longer!

As long as the sesame seeds are not shelled, they can easily be stored in a simple, but preferably airtight, container where it is dark, dry and cool. But if the seeds are already cleaned, their shelf life is sharply reduced, they are short time become rancid. In order to avoid this, you need to store them in the refrigerator, or better yet, in the freezer.

Unrefrigerated, sesame seeds will keep for about three months if stored in an airtight container in a dark, dry place. If they are stored in a refrigerated place, their shelf life increases to six months, and if stored frozen in the freezer, they can be stored for about a year.

All this has absolutely nothing to do with sesame oil. It does not deteriorate over time and can be stored for years without harming its quality, even in very hot climates.

To learn more about sesame and its beneficial properties, watch the following video:

Sesame - herbaceous plant, known and revered in India, Egypt, Central Asia and other countries. Valuable oil is extracted from its seeds, which is used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. Sesame fruits are small oblong capsules containing seeds. Depending on the plant variety, the seeds can have different colors: from whitish-cream, yellow, brown, to burning black. Darker seeds are considered the most flavorful.

The healing properties of sesame seeds have been known to people for a very long time. This is a real storehouse of microelements and dietary fiber. Therefore, it is very important to include in your diet food products with sesame seeds, use its oil for medicinal purposes, or simply eat 1-2 tsp daily. seeds Regular use This product will help cope with many diseases, improve digestion, and have a healing effect on the body.

What are the benefits of sesame? Why do we value sesame seeds?

The main valuable element is the magnificent, healing oil. It consists of organic acids, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as triglycerides and glycerol esters.

Another valuable element is sesamin, which is powerful antioxidant, is also found in the fruits of this plant. Therefore sesame is effective means prevention oncological diseases. It will also reduce the content bad cholesterol, thanks to the high content of beta-sitosterol. It also contains phytin. This substance helps restore mineral balance in organism.

In addition, it contains a large number of other useful substances: carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins. It contains lecithin, vitamins A, B, E and C, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as potassium, magnesium and many others.

Healing properties of sesame

Due to the high calcium content, the seeds of the plant help strengthen bones, cartilage tissue. Therefore, they are recommended for use by children, pregnant women, elderly and weakened people.

They are useful to use for lung diseases, asthma, bronchitis, accompanied by a dry cough, as well as for shortness of breath. Doctors recommend using them to prevent osteoporosis. The seeds will be useful in treating pancreas, thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels, as well as the liver and gall bladder.

They are recommended to be taken for anemia, exhaustion of the body, they are necessary for activation metabolic processes. Regular use is not large quantity seeds normalize acidity gastric juice. In addition, this product reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and helps get rid of extra pounds.

Because of high content phytoestrogen, sesame seeds are very useful for women over 45 years of age. This substance is an effective substitute for female sex hormones.

Features of using sesame

To obtain greatest benefit from consuming seeds, it is better to consume them raw, pre-soaked, or slightly warmed. And if they are fried or subjected to intense heat treatment, they will lose almost all of their beneficial properties.
Chew them long and thoroughly. This way they are easier and better absorbed by the body.

Recipe healthy salad with sesame:

To prepare you need: 200 g boiled chicken fillet, 3 tbsp. l. ground seeds, 3 small fresh cucumber, 2-3 tbsp. l. aromatic soy sauce, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, salt to taste. 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped dill.

Cut cucumbers and boiled, cooled chicken into thin strips. First scald the cucumbers with boiling water and drain the water. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl. Pour a mixture of vinegar and soy sauce. Add sugar, salt and sesame seeds. Mix everything and place on the refrigerator shelf for an hour. Sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Can seeds harm the human body?

Since eating sesame increases blood clotting, it should not be eaten when varicose veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. It is also contraindicated when urolithiasis.

It should not be included in the diet of people diagnosed with hypercalcemia. The seeds are already very rich in this mineral. Excess of it can be harmful to health.

be careful! Do not take seed oil with aspirin, medications containing estrogens, or oxalic acid. If this condition is ignored, there is a high probability of insoluble deposits developing in the kidneys.

Never eat sesame on an empty stomach to avoid causing nausea and thirst. Keep it in moderation, don't overuse it. remember, that daily norm consumption of this product is no more than 2-3 tsp for an adult. per day. Be healthy!

Since ancient times, sesame was considered very valuable plant, which was used as remedy from many diseases. If you turn to historical references, then you can find that sesame was grown in various parts of the Earth and was part of many cultures. It should be noted that the real name of the described plant is sesame. The seeds ripen in the pods and when the time comes, the pod suddenly opens with a click and the seeds fly out of it. Many associate catchphrase“open sesame” precisely with the peculiarity of the reproduction of this wonderful plant.

Composition and calorie content of sesame seeds

It is necessary to start with the fact that sesame seed has a rich component composition, thanks to which the plant has such extensive beneficial properties for the body. The calorie content of sesame is one of the highest among all oil-containing products. One sesame seed consists of more than 50 percent fatty vegetable oils, due to which sesame seeds have a calorie content of 580 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

The described seeds contain a large number of useful substances, including fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements. The plant contains: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, etc. Important and vitamin complexes, among which there are components of groups A, E, C and B.

What diseases does sesame help with?

Sesame is for real healing agent, which has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes. In this case, using seeds from the described plant, effective prevention many acute illnesses, as well as a decrease in the intensity of symptoms during exacerbation chronic forms diseases. Sesame can be used as a main therapeutic tool, or as an applied component, enhancing the effect of the main active product.

With the help of a specific remedy, heart ailments are treated, including varicose veins veins, arrhythmia, poor clotting blood. Provides benefits herbal preparation and for the skin, making it one of the main methods of preventing dermatological problems, for example, acne, vitiligo, product disorders sebum. Also, the drug restores thyroid function, which is very important for diabetics and people suffering from disorders hormonal levels. We should not forget that the seeds plant product improve vision and strengthen immunity.

The difference between black sesame and white sesame and which is healthier

It should be noted that sesame can be different varieties, however, people still strive to divide this plant into two types: white and black. In this case, the division is largely conditional, since in fact these are the same seeds, but only the black ones are the unrefined product, and the white ones are those that have previously been polished.

Undoubtedly, is more useful since it is in the seed husk that a large amount is present nutrients, however, in modern cooking, an already processed product is more common.

Beneficial properties of seeds for the body

Due to its composition, sesame has a huge amount positive properties for the whole body. For this reason, seeds are used in both folk and traditional traditional medicine for therapeutic and preventive measures. It is for this reason that the specifics of the influence of seeds on different systems the human body during the treatment of existing problems.

Benefits for women

It is necessary to start with the fact that female body In any case, a product such as sesame is extremely necessary in the diet. First of all, this component helps regulate hormonal levels, relieves discomfort during menstrual cycle, carries out prevention premenstrual syndrome, and is also effectively taken against menopause, delaying it or helping to survive this period as favorably as possible. In addition, the seeds improve the functioning of the internal genital organs, which is extremely important for girls planning a pregnancy in the near future.

For men

Every man should consume daily a small amount of raw sesame seeds, as it is not only an excellent stimulant for potency, but also prevents prostate cancer. It is important to note that sesame increases testosterone production, thereby strengthening man's health and increasing motility and sperm count, which directly affects fertility. Sesame also has benefits for the male urogenital tract, preventing cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the prostate gland and the development of other chronic diseases problems that most representatives of the stronger sex encounter.

For the treatment of bones and joints

Pain in the joints is the main reason to start using the drug in question. plant component for food. Most doctors believe that if you take 15 grams of sesame seeds daily in old age, you can significantly slow down the degenerative processes affecting connective tissues. As part of this, popularly given medicine called "seed" eternal youth" And since the seeds contain a large number of useful substances and microelements that are involved in the regeneration of tissue structures, the product is used to accelerate the fusion of bones, ligaments and tendons.

For the liver

To date it has been carried out great amount various studies, within which we studied positive influence sesame seeds and oil for liver function. As it turned out, sesame has a very strong effect on the organ. positive impact, protecting it from pathogenic processes. It was found that the plant extract reduces the load on the liver several times during consumption. alcoholic drinks and smoking. Also active substances, contained in the seeds, cleanse the liver, freeing it from cholesterol, waste and toxins that enter the body with food.

From pressure

As noted earlier, sesame seed is used within traditional medicine for treatment various diseases of cardio-vascular system. For example, the product is relevant for combating arrhythmia, high pressure, dizziness and headaches. Due to the fact that the described drug contains potassium, sesame seeds can qualitatively reduce blood pressure. Besides, active ingredients, present in the composition herbal remedy, may be useful when internal bleeding and wounds, as they thicken liquid tissue, causing it to begin to clot faster.

Constipation oil

In most cases, sesame oil and seeds are used as a laxative for constipation and other bowel disorders. The product improves intestinal peristaltic function, due to which fecal stones and stagnation does not form in it. This substance is recommended for pregnant women who face early stages with the described problem, since in such a situation one should avoid synthetic products for treatment. Due to its laxative functions, sesame oil is very often used against worms, since it not only creates an unpleasant environment for pests in the body, but also removes them naturally, every last one.

For teeth

Sesame seeds and the oil obtained from them are one of dentistry's best friends. The fact is that a specific product participates due to its component composition in some therapeutic processes, but is more of a main preventative product. Since the seeds are enriched with calcium, which acts as the main building material for tooth enamel - this makes the herbal preparation an important element in protecting the dentition from caries. A similar method is followed by pregnant girls, since they are at risk of developing a specific disease, but cannot always resort to the help of a specialist.

For healthy hair and facial skin

There are numerous legends among the people about the described product, according to which the plant not only promotes gentle and effective care for skin and hair, but is also rejuvenating. The seeds contain a large amount of fatty acids, which are antioxidants and act as a catalyst for collagen and elastin. These components tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the hair more elastic and durable. Vitamin composition It also plays an important role, nourishing damaged hair and saturating problem areas with everything necessary for beauty and health.

For weight loss

It is worth noting that most modern diets and systems proper nutrition built specifically on plant foods. If you take a closer look at weight loss dishes, you will notice that almost every recipe includes sesame seeds. Not only does this product cleanse the body, remove toxins and waste from it, it also stimulates the digestive system, improving food digestion and absorption of nutrients. Because the medicinal plant normalizes blood circulation, enriching liquid tissue with hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body, accelerates metabolism and burns excess fat deposits.

How to eat sesame seeds: recipes

As it was found out, sesame seed is extremely valuable product, without which the human body has a hard time, so there is only one question left: how to properly consume the seeds of the plant. A specific component can be fried, but in this case the grains will act as a spice, since heat treatment will kill everything in them useful material. The seeds are also used raw to add to salads, or to appetizers and main dishes. Below are the most delicious and healthy recipes, which are based on sesame seeds.

How to eat with honey

By combining sesame seeds with honey, you can prepare very tasty and healthy candies at home, which both children and adults love.

To create them, you will need to put 100 grams of seeds into a blender and grind them into a homogeneous mass, after which add one and a half tablespoons of honey into the composition. All ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed, and then begin to form balls from the resulting mixture. Almost finished candies can be topped with coconut, cocoa or cinnamon, rolled in sprinkles and allowed to rest for half an hour.

Flax porridge with sesame for diet

Porridge prepared from a mixture of flax and sesame is the main dietary dish, with which you can carry out fasting days, or start every morning.

First you need to prepare the base, for this we crush a tablespoon of sesame seeds in a blender, and then mix with half a glass flaxseed flour. If we're talking about about a strict diet, then the composition is filled with water, but it will be tastier to pour half a liter of hot milk over the dry mixture, adding a tablespoon of honey. The porridge must be steeped for 5-7 minutes, after which you begin a healthy dietary meal.

Harm from eating sesame

Sesame has no actual harm, which is why it can be consumed even by children and mothers during pregnancy. Side effects may occur only if the basic rules for taking and dosing the product have been violated. Among pathological reactions The body can include a rash, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, etc., but this is very rare.


Sesame is a highly allergenic product, which can be perceived by the immune system of most people prone to allergic reactions as harmful. As already noted, the product is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people suffering from low blood pressure. Reception not allowed herbal medicine to all those who have weak blood vessels and high blood clotting.

White and black

Sesame - sesame

What is sesame and what is it eaten with we will talk today in this article. You can immediately remember about sesame famous phrase popularly “open sesame” or “sim-sim - open” from the well-known fairy tale from childhood “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”. It is in this fairy tale that the sesame plant is mentioned, which in Arabic is called “sim-sim”, and we call sesame, which is translated from many Asian languages ​​as “oil plant”. Let's not go into the cave, but let's go straight to the beneficial properties. We mainly use sesame seeds for food. They taste sour, very oily and nut-like. Oil is made from the seeds, which contains many useful substances for the human body, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, copper. The rejuvenating effect on our cells is provided by the natural antioxidant sesamolin, which strengthens immune system In the east, sesame is synonymous with immortality; the Chinese believe that sesame strengthens the spirit; in the Ayurveda system it is used to treat skin diseases. Scroll useful qualities sesame:

Sesame bun

1. Strengthening the immune system 2. Rejuvenating the body 3. Lowering cholesterol in the blood 4. Treatment of skin diseases 5. Anti-cancer properties 6. Simple dietary product and a great decoration for culinary dishes. Healthier than white are black sesame, whole and unprocessed.

There are also contraindications for use: Use kidney salts or sand with caution for people with kidney disease. Because of high calorie content should not be used in large quantities while following a diet. Which oil is healthier? Regular vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive) or sesame? Sesame oil has a slightly specific taste. Therefore, due to the taste, you may not like it. Recipes using sesame seeds to improve our health. Here is a simple recipe - how to get rid of a cough using seeds: rub your chest with heated sesame oil and cover yourself warmly. The next morning it will be easier to cough. For women with mastopathy, rubbing sesame oil can also help. If you don’t have it, then you can simply grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder, add a little vegetable oil and apply the resulting paste to your chest. Rejuvenating recipe with seeds: 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar. Stir and take this mixture once a day, a teaspoon. Now about the use of sesame in cooking. Both white and black sesame are used in cooking. Black, unprocessed is better in salads, it is the most aromatic. White - for heat-treated dishes. Some people like the taste of sesame seeds so much that they are ready to eat it with spoons. But there are small subtleties. First of all, it is high in calories. So a little bit of everything. Lightly roasted sesame seeds are a universal seasoning that brings out the flavor of the main ingredients and garnishes any dish. Almost any meat goes well with these seeds, especially pork, beef, and poultry. I once cooked chicken in sesame seeds for a holiday for guests - it simply turned out to be a work of art. A common paste in Arabic cuisine is a ground sesame paste called tahini (also known as tahini, tahina, tahini). It is traditionally used in hummus and many other Middle Eastern dishes. It is made from chickpeas with garlic and pepper. I suggest you healthy recipes, which can bring a spring mood. Cherry tomatoes with sesame seeds in caramel - perfect for fasting people. 100 g cherry tomatoes

That's what he is like

10 g coarse sea salt 10 g sesame seeds For caramel: 50 g sugar 50 ml water Juice of half a lemon Mix roasted sesame seeds with coarse sea ​​salt. Cook the caramel - when it boils and acquires a characteristic caramel color, dip the tomatoes strung on skewers into it. Then roll them in sesame seeds and salt. Bright, glazed tomatoes will decorate any table. And everything is very good for health. Sesame kozinaki are also good during Lent. 180 g honey 180 g sesame Juice of half a lemon Sesame seeds fry in a dry frying pan until slightly golden brown. Be sure to stir while doing this: the sesame seeds can burn quickly. Heat the honey slightly in a water bath, add lemon juice, add sesame seeds. Mix everything well. Place the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Flatten to a thickness of approximately 1-2 cm. After 30 minutes, cut into small pieces using a knife.


Sesame seeds are obtained by husking the pods of the sesame plant. In Russia, it became widespread thanks to Ayurveda - the ancient science of creating a harmonious life.

All knowledge about the use of sesame came to us from the East. Sesame and products made from it can be used in Russian conditions for organizing healthy eating and for medicinal purposes. What benefits can we get from sesame?

Key Features

Sesame seeds have very pleasant taste , which becomes even more pronounced after short-term calcination in a frying pan.

During processing, phytic acid decomposes, which prevents the human body from absorbing the beneficial substances in sesame.

They contain a large amount of fat (about 60%), consisting of saturated fatty acids enriched with the following antioxidants:

  • sesamin and sesamolin from the class of lignans (polyphenols), which have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • sesamol and sesaminol, belonging to the class of phenolic antioxidants, neutralizing destructive impact free radicals.

20% of the composition comes from vegetable protein, 15% from carbohydrates, highly soluble in water, 5% from fiber.

The product, peeled from the shell, is available for free sale.

You can season salads with unrefined sesame oil, and fry with refined sesame oil.

On the pages of our website you will also find out! Let's talk about the calorie content and composition of this product.

What medicinal properties Do flax seeds have? You will find recipes for traditional medicine.

Beneficial properties for the body of men and women

One of the beneficial properties of sesame seeds is ability to activate liver enzymes, responsible for the breakdown of saturated fatty acids and transform them into energy.

Other properties:

  • the craving for sweets is reduced by saturating the body with calcium;
  • polyphenols (lignans) reduce concentration. The liver also reduces its production. Sesame acts as a natural statin drug without side effects.
  • Reduced likelihood cardiovascular diseases by optimizing the ratio of high and low density lipoproteins.
  • Women soften PMS symptoms , and during menopause it normalizes emotional condition due to the synthesis in the intestine of the phytoestrogen enterolactone from sesamin.
  • From lignans, under the influence of intestinal bacteria, the compound enterodiol, which has a high anticancer activity.

REFERENCE! Enterodiol and enterolactone are especially effective for the prevention malignant tumors mammary gland and colon.

Benefits for pregnant and lactating women

From the point of view of Ayurveda, you should not eat sesame seeds during pregnancy., so it is a “hot” product and can cause a miscarriage. Official medicine I do not agree with this opinion and included it in the list of seven products necessary for a pregnant woman. This is explained:

  • High in calcium, which is necessary for the formation skeletal system fetus and replenishing the supply of this microelement in the body of the expectant mother.
  • Prevention of anemia due to the presence of B vitamins and microelements.
  • The presence of niacin and tryptophan, which relieve a woman expecting a baby from anxiety.
  • High in fatty acids that relieve constipation.

During lactation, sesame seeds are especially useful, as it enhances milk production, improves its taste and fat content, facilitates pumping, helping to prevent mastopathy.

During breastfeeding, a woman is contraindicated in taking calcium-containing medications., since they can provoke premature closure of the fontanel. Sesame seed is a supplier of this microelement that does not cause side effects.

Should children eat seeds?

Sesame milk can be given to babies starting at one year of age. You should not offer it to your child before because of the risk of developing allergies.

Milk can be prepared simply:

  • 20 g seeds pour 150 ml hot water, leave overnight;
  • In the morning, grind the swollen mass in a blender and strain.

If your baby likes the taste of this milk, then it will be possible to prepare porridge based on it. You can also leave the milk in a warm place for 10 hours. Then it will make kefir that is healthy for the child.

At an older age, children can be given whole raw grains in the amount of one teaspoon per day. They will benefit greatly from tahini halva, pasta and other sesame-based sweets.

Regular consumption of sesame seeds will help prevent the development of caries and rickets in children. It will contribute to the formation of a strong nervous system due to the high content of amino acids tryptophan, histidine, methionine, etc. in the product.

Is it harmful in old age?

Sesame is beneficial for older people due to its high calcium content in the most digestible form.

Daily moderate consumption of sesame milk, kefir or just raw seeds will serve as a preventive measure:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • age-related depression;
  • osteoporosis and oncology.

If you tend to be overweight, it is better to avoid tahini halva and other sweets with sesame seeds due to their high calorie content.


On unpeeled sesame seeds it happens allergic reaction. This is due to the presence of organic acid oxalates in the husk.

Allergies to purified products are much less common.. The use of seeds is contraindicated if:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • varicose veins;
  • Wilson's disease, associated with a large amount of copper in the liver.

In the absence of individual intolerance and contraindications, healthy adult men and women can eat the product in any reasonable quantity.

If you tend to be overweight, you should limit the consumption of seeds to 20 g per day, since their calorie content is about 600 kcal per 100 g. You should not eat them on an empty stomach. They can cause nausea and heartburn.

Before eating, it is advisable to subject the seeds to short-term heat treatment:

At high temperature phytic acid breaks down, which interferes with the absorption of amino acids and trace elements, including calcium.

After calcination from seeds you can make it delicious and healthy pasta . To do this they need:

  • Grind in a blender. Ayurveda advises grinding by hand with a pestle and mortar.
  • Add salt to taste and a little olive oil.
  • Mix.

This paste can be eaten alone or spread on bread.. It is especially recommended for older people and pregnant women in the amount of one teaspoon at night, since calcium is better absorbed during sleep.

Women expecting a baby and breastfeeding should limit their consumption of whole raw seeds to 10 g per day to avoid the development of allergies. A similar amount is recommended for small children.

INTERESTING! Sesame seeds come in white, golden, beige, yellow, brown and black. This does not affect its properties at all. It has been noted that the same plant can produce seeds of different colors in one harvest.

But the consumer most often prefers to buy a product of one color. Therefore, after harvesting, sesame seeds are sorted using a special machine that distinguishes them by color. This operation increases the price of the product without affecting the quality.

You will learn about the beneficial properties and contraindications for consuming apricot kernels by reading our special review:.

Use in cosmetology

Sesame oil has a strong moisturizing, regenerating and rejuvenating effect. In cosmetology it is used for facial and body massage. and scalp. It protects the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

You can make milk from sesame seeds and wipe your face with it every day. This is especially useful for oily skin. This toner is wonderfully moisturizing. whitens and cleanses facial skin.

If, when preparing milk, the seeds are poured with a hot decoction of herbs, you will get a tonic with the appropriate direction.

Seeds for weight loss

Sesame seeds are useful to include in the diet for low-calorie diets. It helps break down fats, normalizes stool, and improves intestinal flora.

For greatest effect they are best seasoned vegetable salads or add to soups at the end of cooking.

The daily dose should not exceed 20 g.

How to use for medicinal purposes: traditional medicine recipes

IN alternative medicine Well-refined sesame oil is used to treat diseases.

  • For conjunctivitis, you can instill one drop into the corners of your eyes. At the very beginning of treatment, tingling may be observed, which goes away as you recover.
  • Diseases respiratory system are treated with a mixture of honey and with a ratio of 1:1. The mixture is consumed in the morning, immediately after waking up.
  • In the presence of skin diseases the oil is applied to the affected areas. Thanks to the regenerating effect, wounds and cuts heal quickly. There are known cases of healing of persistent dermatitis and eczema.

About the dangers and benefits of sesame seeds, healing properties sesame, we’ll talk to Elena Malysheva about how to take it correctly in this video:

Sesame seeds are beneficial for all categories of people. It goes well with all products. Of course, when consuming, you need to take into account calorie content, personal preferences and contraindications.

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