Healthy eating recipes for every day. Proper nutrition every day - how to achieve your plan

For maximum results when losing excess weight, you need to use recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss when creating your daily menu. A balanced diet will help improve your metabolism, get rid of extra pounds and achieve your desired size. All you need to do is be able to combine products with each other and know their properties. Recipes for weight loss are based on the calorie content of foods.

Basic principles of proper nutrition

The diet of any weight loss diet is based on a combination of foods that help you lose excess weight. In addition, such nutrition systems include several basic rules, following which the weight loss effect is achieved. These include:

  • recipes for all dishes must be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, it is necessary to add fiber and foods containing vitamins and microelements necessary for the body to maintain vital functions to recipes;
  • You need to watch your portion sizes. It is necessary to follow the rule “better less, but more often” - reducing the size of portions, but increasing the frequency of meals;
  • every person who adheres to the principles of proper nutrition and strives to lose weight should at least approximately be able to calculate the energy value of recipes;
  • you can't skip breakfast. Even if the body does not feel hungry, it cannot be deprived of this meal - breakfast provides it with energy for the whole day. Also, half an hour before your first meal, you need to drink a glass of warm water - this will start the metabolic process. To add variety to your breakfast, there are many weight loss recipes;
  • You need to exclude harmful foods as much as possible from your daily diet. These include: fried and fatty foods, flour products, fast food, sweets, alcoholic drinks. Their use significantly slows down the process of losing weight;
  • if it is difficult for the body to adapt to a diet consisting only of recipes for dishes prepared without added sugar, then it is better to replace such menu components with healthy analogues: candy can be made from dried fruits and nuts, cookies can be baked from oatmeal according to a homemade recipe, and sugar in tea can be replaced honey;
  • It is better to purchase products for recipes from trusted manufacturers who do not grow or produce them with the addition of various chemicals and hormones. This is especially true for meat and fish - they contain the most growth hormones, which negatively affect both the process of losing weight and the human body as a whole;
  • It is also better to minimize the use of salt in recipes for weight loss, as it promotes the accumulation of fluid and can cause swelling. Proper nutrition recipes for weight loss should contain a very small amount of salt;
  • in addition to recipes for weight loss, the PP menu should consist of daily fluid intake of at least 2 liters;
  • Chew food thoroughly and slowly. This will help you feel full faster while eating less food.

Table of products for making recipes

To create your own recipes for proper nutrition, you can use the following table, which lists allowed and prohibited foods for weight loss.

How to plan your diet when losing weight

Proper distribution of meals and portion control can affect the achievement of weight loss results, so it is better to plan your meals in advance and stick to this routine every day:

  • When losing weight, you should never skip breakfast;
  • you need to avoid the feeling of hunger - as soon as the body lacks food, it begins to store fat. To avoid this, you need to use snack recipes for weight loss;
  • all recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss must be balanced in composition;
  • you need to eat measuredly - in small portions, but often;
  • it is necessary to plan the day in advance so as to include physical activity, but combine it with meals - so as not to exercise on a full stomach and not to overeat after training;
  • in case of urgent need to eat one of the prohibited foods, it is better to do it, but keep yourself in control.

Recipes for proper nutrition

It’s easy and simple to prepare the right dishes according to these recipes using photos, and each of them can be an excellent example of healthy eating and lead to weight loss

Recipe: pasta with vegetables and chicken

Boil pasta (from durum wheat) without adding salt. Cut a small zucchini into thin circles (do not peel the skin from the vegetable), add green beans and broccoli to it. Stew vegetables in a frying pan, adding a little soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces and add to the vegetables. Once cooked, the vegetables and chicken can be tossed with the pasta or served separately.

Recipe: fish with white sauce

The good thing about this weight loss recipe is that the ingredients can be varied according to personal preferences. The sauce can be prepared in advance: mix a couple of spoons of sour cream (with a low fat content) with a pinch of nutmeg and black pepper. Add chopped (preferably in a blender) pickled or pickled cucumber, a small spoon of mustard.

Cook the fish: to do this, you can take any white sea fish (cod, sea bass, hake, tilapia, halibut), remove skin and bones, pour in a little lemon juice, place on a baking sheet and bake. You can do this by first adding vegetables to the fish - leeks cut into thin rings are perfect. After cooking, serve the dish with white sauce, sprinkle with caraway seeds on top.

Recipe: Stuffed Zucchini

Cut small zucchini (the smaller the better) in half lengthwise and scoop out the pulp. Grate some cheese first. Add it to the zucchini pulp, seasoning with garlic and a mixture of Provençal herbs. Fill each half with the mixture. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 2 parts and place them in “boats” along the entire length. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley, cilantro or onion on top.

Advice: in such recipes it is better to use Adyghe cheese - it is a low-calorie product that allows you to avoid adding salt to the dish, promoting weight loss.

Recipe: Couscous with vegetables and fish

Couscous is a cereal that helps normalize the salt balance in the body, significantly reduces cholesterol and leads to weight loss. Recipes with this cereal can significantly diversify your usual diet when losing weight. You can cook couscous in a double boiler or by boiling it in water. It only takes 5 minutes. You can add any stewed vegetables to the cooked cereal, but it goes best with young green peas, carrots, onions and bell peppers. You can eat couscous as a side dish with grilled or oven-baked red fish.

Vegetable and bean salad for weight loss

Boil 2 types of beans: white and red. Add diced tomato. Supplement the salad with corn grains and finely chopped dill and parsley. Season the salad with 1/3 of wine vinegar (as an option: you can add finely chopped onions previously marinated in vinegar) or lemon juice, pepper.

Tip: in salad recipes for weight loss, it is better not to use canned beans, corn or peas, but to prepare a dish from fresh ingredients - boil the beans, replace the corn with baked or frozen corn, and take fresh or frozen peas.

Shawarma for weight loss

This recipe is suitable for those who want to lose weight without denying themselves their usual food. For lavash, it is better to take a flatbread made from whole grain flour. You can also prepare it yourself. Instead of mayonnaise, grease the pita bread with sour cream with the addition of chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions, basil, you can use combinations of various spices without MSG). Simmer chicken, cut into pieces, in soy sauce. Place sauce, fresh cucumber (in rings), avocado (in thin slices), chicken, lettuce, and add pomegranate seeds in the center of the flatbread. Wrap in envelopes or roll.

Recipe for weight loss: Stuffed champignons

This recipe can be a replacement for pizza if you eat right and lose weight. It is better to take more champignons. Separate the stems from the caps of the mushrooms. Finely chop the legs, add to them broccoli, disassembled into florets, diced bell pepper and diced tomato. Stuff mushroom caps with this mixture and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake in the oven.

Vegetable salad

This is one of the variations of tomato and cucumber salad recipes, which is an integral part of the weight loss menu. Cherry tomatoes are cut in half, fresh cucumber is cut into thin strips, pre-marinate the onion in wine vinegar. Mix everything, adding arugula, sprinkle with spices on top.

An approximate daily diet for weight loss

In order to learn to control your diet over time, without calculating the calorie content of your meals every time, you can start by keeping a proper nutrition diary, in which you write down all the foods you eat during the day. This helps you analyze the foods you eat, lose weight, and allow you to create recipes for your own meals without difficulty in the future. To get started, you can use an approximate daily menu of proper nutrition:

Breakfast Dinner Dinner Snacks
all day)
1 Oatmeal on water Chicken breast stewed with vegetables. As a side dish - durum wheat pasta Vegetable stew with pieces of soy meat 50 g dried fruits;
bread sandwich with a piece of red fish and avocado
Still water;
green tea;
Herb tea;
sugar free coffee;
natural vegetable and fruit juices.
2 Cucumber salad with tomatoes and herbs.
Sandwich made from whole grain bread with a slice of tomato, a piece of mozzarella and herbs
Broccoli, cheese and egg casserole. Brown rice with squid (or other seafood) 1 apple;
sandwich made from whole grain bread with cottage cheese (or cottage cheese) and herbs
3 Buckwheat porridge on water Vegetable soup with a piece of black bread A small piece of boiled beef and stewed zucchini with eggplant 50 grams of any nuts;
a glass of kefir (you can add a small spoon of honey)
4 Cottage cheese (low fat) with sour cream or fruit Chicken with buckwheat. Cereals can be varied with carrots and onions Egg omelet with vegetables (broccoli, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers) Oatmeal cookies (no sugar);
handful of dried fruits
5 Fruit salad dressed with natural yoghurt Rice cream soup with vegetables Cheese casserole. Fresh cabbage and carrot salad A glass of kefir; 1 apple
6 Millet porridge on water Vegetable casserole (zucchini, tomato, carrots, eggplant, egg) Piece of boiled white fish with brown rice Rice bread sandwich with lightly salted trout and a slice of cucumber
7 Rice porridge on water Omelet with a piece of baked chicken Salad of fresh beets, cabbage and carrots and a piece of boiled beef A glass of kefir; handful of nuts

Sample proper diet for weight loss for a week

Recipes for proper nutrition should include dishes taking into account the characteristics of the body, while promoting weight loss:

  1. For breakfast, it is better to eat food that will give the body enough energy for the whole day. The healthiest breakfast is porridge cooked in water. Healthy grains include: brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, millet. You can supplement your morning meal with a boiled egg or a sandwich of black bread with cheese or a slice of lightly salted fish.
  2. Lunch should be balanced in terms of protein, fat and carbohydrates. The optimal solution may be vegetable, fish or chicken soups. Days of taking liquid meals can be alternated with solid food: a piece of boiled meat or fish, supplemented with a side dish of boiled cereals or vegetables.
  3. For dinner, you should eat recipes that are easier for the body. These can be vegetable salads, casseroles, vegetable stews with pieces of meat or seafood. A light dinner is the key to success when losing weight.
  4. As a snack drink a couple of glasses of low-fat kefir per day. Fruits (in reasonable quantities), nuts and dried fruits are also an excellent solution.
  5. By adhering to proper nutrition, you can arrange weekly or once every 2 weeks fasting days.

Approximate proper diet for weight loss for a month

When drawing up a healthy nutrition plan for the month, you need to adhere to the general rules that form your daily diet. The recipes used are the same, they are based on a combination of healthy products. The main thing to remember is that results do not come instantly. You need to be patient and not deviate from the principles of proper nutrition. Only in this case will a slim figure cease to be a dream, but become a real reality. There is another useful tip that often helps you lose weight no less than recipes for healthy dishes: go grocery shopping on a full stomach.

Options for healthy snacks

These meals are no less important in creating a healthy diet in an effort to lose weight. They should be healthy, nutritious and promote weight loss. Dried fruits and nuts have all these qualities. It is important to consume them little by little—a small handful is enough. Also, recipes for proper snacks can consist of healthy sandwiches. In this case, it is better to use whole grain bread, and healthy sandwich recipes are complemented with a slice of cheese, cucumber, lightly salted fish, tomato, herbs or cottage cheese. All these ingredients can be used individually or combined to create delicious sandwich recipes for weight loss. A glass of kefir helps normalize metabolism, so you should also pay attention to it. Such recipes do not require much time to prepare, but can keep you from eating unhealthy foods.

Compliance with all the principles and conditions of proper nutrition using recipes for weight loss, together with active physical activity, will be the solution in the fight against excess weight. It is important to be patient and confidently move towards your goal.

Healthy eating rules help a person stay strong and healthy. Save energy until the end of the day. Helps with problems with sleep and mood. In order to eat healthy, you need to think about three questions: “what do I eat?”, “how do I eat?” and “how often do I eat?”

Interest in healthy eating arose at the beginning of the 20th century, when the chemical industry and the agricultural industry began to actively cooperate. Nutritious or tasty, but very harmful products have appeared on the food market: chips, soda, chocolate with palm oil, jelly with gelatin. Unhealthy foods provoked the cardiovascular system. The problem of obesity has become acute.

Healthy eating is important

Our body is not a stove. It’s not enough to throw “something into the firebox.” With proper nutrition, it is important to replenish not only your energy balance. The body consists of “building blocks” of varying complexity. Under the influence of the external environment and time, these “bricks” are destroyed. Our task is to replenish supplies of materials in a timely manner so that the body can correctly distribute them between systems.

The most important components are fats, proteins and carbohydrates. They must be consumed every day. All these components are found in food. Their ratio during the day can be distributed as 1:1:4, respectively.

  1. Proteins in the body are responsible for protecting the body from the external environment, in other words for immunity. Proteins make up muscle tissue and internal organs. Skin, hair, nails - all of this has a protein structure.
  2. Fats are a source of energy in the body. They also help absorb vitamins and minerals. Thanks to fats, heat exchange occurs in the body.
  3. Carbohydrates are involved in the process of DNA synthesis, that is, they participate in the “renewal” of tissues.

Vitamins are also important for the body. They participate in the process of tissue replenishment and help nerve impulses pass through the body. Vitamins also strengthen the immune system. With the help of vitamins, many diseases can be prevented.

If you eat improperly, unpleasant consequences can occur. The most minor are discomfort and stomach upset. Apathy, excessive fatigue, absent-mindedness - all this is the result of poor nutrition.

The most dangerous consequences of poor nutrition include obesity and heart failure.

What does proper nutrition give us?

Eating healthy is often difficult. This requires self-discipline. But your body will be grateful to you.

  1. With proper nutrition, immunity increases significantly. Fewer colds, sores and snot – more life and optimism.
  2. Stress resistance and nerves of steel. The nervous system as a whole will work better.
  3. Strengthening bones and muscles. And also intact, beautiful, white teeth.
  4. Lack of excess weight. You will not feel hungry. And if you eat enough, then all the food will go to “use” and will not be deposited on the stomach, sides and legs.
  5. Cleansing the body. All waste and toxins will gradually leave the body, cleansing and renewing it.
  6. Hair and nail growth.

It’s great if, in addition to proper nutrition, you lead an active lifestyle. Sports and healthy food will make you younger, stronger, smarter.

Desirable and undesirable products

There are many “healthy nutrition pyramids” and healthy nutrition tables on the Internet. It is compiled depending on the needs: to lose weight, get rid of diabetes and hypertension, cope with heavy physical activity, etc. Here will be a pyramid of products that are responsible for the healthy development of a healthy body. The list of products is compiled according to the following principle: at the top are those products that you should not limit yourself to, and at the bottom are those that you should consume as little as possible or completely avoid:

  • cereals, pasta, rice, vegetable oils;
  • berries, fruits, vegetables;
  • nuts and beans;
  • white meat (poultry, fish) and eggs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • pork, beef, red fish meat, spicy sausages, cheeses, sweets.

It should be noted that alcohol is not mentioned at all in the pyramid - it should either be eliminated or consumed no more than once a week. We are talking about red wine, which thins the blood and promotes digestion.

How to learn to eat right?

It is known that any useful habit is developed in about 21 days. That is, in three weeks. This is exactly the time it takes for the body to show you the fruits of your proper nutrition. It is important to remember that proper nutrition is a systematic exercise. It doesn’t require excuses like “I’m just a little bit” and “at night, when no one is watching, it’s okay.” Be patient. After three weeks of a systematic approach it will be much easier.

Here are some tips to make the transition to healthy eating easier.

  1. Using a table and a pyramid, distribute your diet for several days in advance. Go grocery shopping well-fed, so you won’t buy anything unnecessary. It is advisable to mark calories so that the result is more clear.
  2. A healthy diet involves drinking 1-2 liters of water daily. Buy a nice jug of the appropriate size and fill it every morning. In the evening it should be empty. Water should not be drunk while eating. It is drunk either 20 minutes before taking it or an hour after.
  3. You can eat sweets in the first half of the day. Replace cakes and sweets with honey and dried fruits. A pleasant delicacy is pastille made from apples and berries.
  4. Try to use less salt. Replace it with a sauce made from berries and vegetables.
  5. Avoid snacking in cafes and restaurants. Instead, carry a few apples with you.

Laws for proper nutrition

Proper nutrition has a number of norms that cannot be violated. The most general tips for proper nutrition will be listed below.

  • Everything fried and spicy should be excluded from the diet;
  • It is necessary to eat food every 4 hours in small portions;
  • We drink tea without sugar, with honey if you want;
  • give up coffee;
  • eat slowly, chewing food;
  • carbohydrates before noon – proteins after;
  • get enough sleep.

Healthy food is an essential component of a fulfilling life. A proper diet ensures excellent health, strengthens the nervous and immune systems, and at the same time helps maintain optimal weight. Many products of plant origin have amazing properties and have a comprehensive effect on our body. And if you want to slightly adjust your menu, we will try to help you with this today.

Daily diet: what should it be?

Everything is extremely simple. Add plant-based products to your menu. Whole grains, unprocessed vegetables, fresh fruits, greens - thanks to them, the body gains strength and vitality, and the figure becomes slim. Such nutrition is useful both for improving the functioning of internal organs and for the skin. Therefore, a balanced diet will be the first step not only to good health, but also to natural beauty. And the whole secret is hidden behind the natural composition of plant products!

  • Beta carotene. Carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes are rich in them. This substance normalizes metabolism, takes an active part in the production of collagen and takes care of cellular growth.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Their sources include flax, walnuts and some green vegetables. Such products are endowed with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamins C and E. These are powerful natural antioxidants that ensure normal cell interaction and rejuvenate our body. The first can be obtained from citrus fruits, currants, fennel, bell peppers, broccoli and kiwi, the second - from avocado, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds and almonds.
  • Probiotics. These substances will take care of the microflora and the functioning of the digestive organs. With normal absorption of beneficial and nutritional components, the immune system is strengthened, and the body receives additional resources to protect against bacteria and viruses.

And, of course, such nutrition should be accompanied by the consumption of sufficient fluid. Drink purified water, and replace ready-made drinks and tea with freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks. This will restore a healthy balance and support the normal functioning of all systems.

Where to begin?

Switching to the right diet does not have any special secrets. A healthy diet includes affordable foods, but only fresh and natural ones. And if some of them require heat treatment, it is desirable that it be minimal. The best way is to use a double boiler. With this preparation, it is possible to preserve the maximum of biologically active substances.

The diet should be varied and include all food groups. Beans and vegetable oils, fruits, herbs and vegetables - you can adjust their ratio in the menu yourself, based on your own preferences. But remember that you need to cover the entire spectrum, since only in this case the body will receive all the vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for its normal functioning.

Try to eat regularly, consuming small portions, maintaining precision in time. This habit brings only positive results:

  • sleep becomes sound and healthy;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is regulated;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the condition of blood vessels improves.

Plus, fractional meals ensure uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Snacks are also worth paying attention to. It is better to put cookies, buns, cakes and sweets aside. Learn to control yourself, and it won’t require any special effort. It's simple: put a box of nuts or dried fruits in your pocket; in the summer you can take a handful of fresh berries, apples, pears and even young peeled carrots to work. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger and bring exceptional benefits to the body. In terms of taste, some of them can not only compare, but even surpass many of the products that you used for snacking earlier. You just have to try it and you will certainly see that healthy food has a positive effect on your well-being.

And don't forget about the evening. Dinner is an indicator of how you will sleep and in what mood you will wake up. At this time of day, light foods should be present on the plate. Let it be a green salad seasoned with any vegetable oil, or steamed vegetables.

It is important to remember that a sudden transition to healthy foods can be stressful for the body. It is important to observe gradualism and restraint here. If you previously ate mainly fried foods and semi-finished products, then it is advisable to switch to a new diet carefully. Replace one product with another every day. In the first stages, make it a habit to prepare a healthy breakfast, then switch to proper snacks, and so on. This way, the body will have time to readjust and begin to quickly work in a new mode.

How to find the right balance?

Some people believe that healthy eating is just a list of certain foods. But in reality, everything is not quite like that. The diet should not only be balanced, but also supplemented with appropriate physical activity. This is elementary - walking in the fresh air or playing sports as a hobby will help you adjust your lifestyle. You don’t need to exhaust yourself by spending many hours in the gym, but you shouldn’t constantly lie on the couch after eating an apple either. Everything should be in moderation and pleasure. The benefits of proper nutrition will only be complete if you are doing normal physical activity.

Plus, don't give up foods that you think are unpalatable. Try cooking them differently. This will allow you to diversify your menu. Don't you like beans in borscht? Then use a double boiler or simmer it in the oven along with tomatoes and carrots. Add nuts, herbs and other aromatic ingredients, experiment, because in fact the whole secret is hidden in the cooking methods. Vegetable fats provide energy, proteins improve all metabolic processes occurring in the body, and carbohydrates give endurance.

  • Morning - at this time the body needs light, but at the same time sufficiently high-calorie food. An excellent choice would be oatmeal, vegetable stew and a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Lunch – it should be complete. For the first course you can prepare vegetable soup, for the second - stewed potatoes with onions and mushrooms, and as an addition use cabbage and celery salad.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad with olive or flaxseed oil or a small portion of buckwheat porridge.

For snacks and afternoon snacks, prepare bananas, mixed nuts, and berry juice. And try to eat different foods every day. The choice of plant foods is so large that with its help you can create a fairly varied menu. In winter, it is advisable to add a slightly larger amount of cold-pressed natural oils to your diet. They will help strengthen the body's defenses and maintain immunity at the proper level.

Such nutrition will certainly affect your well-being and lifestyle. You will feel lightness and a surge of strength, as a result your performance will increase. You will be open to new achievements and understand that being healthy and cheerful is extremely simple and pleasant!

Two thousand years ago, the great Hippocrates suggested to humanity a postulate necessary for a healthy diet: “You are what you eat.” These words contain great power of wisdom.

In pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we do not need to reinvent the wheel; we need to find in the food chaos those products that will bring constant benefits, and include them in the diet, not forgetting about nutritional culture.

Healthy eating is the solution to the following problems:

  • overweight,
  • metabolic disorders
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements
  • imbalance with appearance.

Healthy eating is healthy, relevant and very simple. It is important to understand that this is not a diet, not an effort on yourself, but your lifestyle, the choice you made in favor of health, which will best affect your appearance.

The most important thing is that you don’t have to experience the shock of all sorts of prohibitions and restrictions, with the exception of the obvious “chemistry”. It's all about balancing and combining foods that are familiar and available to you.

Healthy Menu Planning

A daily healthy menu must necessarily consist of products that provide your body with vital components. We draw up for ourselves an approximate balance of dishes, half of which should consist of carbohydrates, and the second half should consist of almost equal parts of proteins and fats. We pay attention to the content of vitamins and microelements in products.

In numbers it looks like this:

  • carbohydrates - 50%,
  • proteins - 25-30%,
  • fats - 20-25%,

The total calorie content of dishes should be kept in the area 2000 kcal.

When planning the right menu, you should pay attention to the following:

What is better to refuse?

There is a psychological term “refusal syndrome”, which means an irresistible desire to break the ban. To the great joy of this particular category of people, healthy eating does not imply strict refusals and restrictions.

But there are a number of products that, due to their composition, cause irreparable harm to health. These foods have no place in the diet. By stopping using them, you will rebuild your body to eat properly, and it will begin to work like a clock.

Without hesitation, cross out from your grocery basket:

  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Store-bought mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Crackers, chips;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Processed meat (sausage, sausages, canned food);
  • Store-bought smoked meats;
  • Products made from white flour;
  • Margarine and spreads.

Believe me, by eliminating these foods, you won’t even notice their absence, creating a complete diet exclusively from what is healthy.

Changing your diet

It is important to understand that proper nutrition is not a one-time event from which you expect amazing results. This is your way of life, observing which today, you create the foundation for your future.

The main thing is for you to understand that, as in everything, this matter also requires moderation:

  • It’s impossible to review everything at once. A progressive plan must be developed so as not to put too much stress on your body (especially if your diet was based on snacking on fast food and soda).
  • If you decide to follow a healthy diet, do not immediately plan your diet for the week. Limit yourself to creating a daily menu for the next day, listening to your body.
  • Balance your meals with drinks and snacks. For fun, count the calorie content of your dishes and write them down in a notebook. Experiment with combinations of dishes, and you will find your answer to the eternal question: “What can you eat without causing harm?”
  • Be sure to focus on people who have experience in such nutrition, their advice can be very useful to you at the first stage.

Sample healthy menu

So, if you decide to become a follower of a healthy diet, you need to create an appropriate menu every day. It is recommended to take notes in order to conduct an appropriate analysis and not miss anything important.

Over time, this need will disappear, because this way of eating will become your habit, and you will freely navigate the products and ingredients you need.

We divide the daily diet into 4-5 meals, focusing on calories in the first half of the day:

  • Breakfast. For breakfast, porridge cooked in water or milk with the addition of butter, chicken eggs (1-2 pcs.), and a sandwich of gray bread with cheese are suitable. Tea with honey and lemon or coffee with a drop of natural cream.
  • Breakfast should be hearty. It provides us with a boost of morning energy.
  • Snack. A glass of natural juice, your favorite fruit (one) or a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Make it so that it is a complete meal.
    Try to have it contain meat or fish, complemented by vegetables. Vegetables can be either raw or stewed. The main dish can be some kind of soup based on meat or fish broth, with crackers and sour cream. For lunch you can indulge in dessert.
  • Afternoon snack. Kefir, yogurt, dried fruits are at your disposal.
  • Dinner. Remember that the first half of the day is loaded with calories, and dinner is planned to be light. Accordingly, a small piece of boiled meat with vegetable salad, steamed fish, porridge with water - buckwheat or pearl barley, that's what you need! Green tea will help complement your evening meal.
  • Before bedtime. To prevent you from dreaming about food at night, a few hours before bedtime you can drink a glass of kefir, nibble on a carrot, or even eat a few spoons of cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice. This is quite enough to defeat hunger. If you are not hungry, then just drinking cool water is enough.


Breakfast is the beginning of the day, and nothing should overshadow it, especially the thought that you are limiting yourself in anything. So, all the most delicious, joyful, interesting things for breakfast!

You can, of course, be original and cook it for tomorrow

  • Baked avocado with egg, tomato and garlic. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and pour in a mixture of egg, tomato and garlic. Place in the oven until the filling is ready.
  • Or you can cook oatmeal or rice porridge, and shade it with your favorite berries, nuts and honey. Brew coffee and make toast, piling a tower of cheese and pear on it.
  • Another great healthy breakfast option is an omelette.. Here the flight of your imagination can be unlimited. Choose an omelette base to suit your taste: zucchini, green beans, tomatoes, each time you will have the feeling that you are eating a completely new dish.


Lunch occurs in the middle of the day, and it is at this time that our body absorbs nutrients from food well. Let's give the body everything it needs to the maximum.

We choose one main dish - it can be various soups, either meat or fish. Be sure to add a large portion of vegetables in the form of a salad or side dish (stewed or stewed). We select a light and tasty dessert.

Lunch options:


Remember that we managed to eat a lot of tasty and healthy things during the day. This doesn't mean that dinner should disappoint you, on the contrary. All the most delicious and refined, only in microdoses and fewer calories. Therefore, we approach dinner planning responsibly so as not to undo the results of the whole day.

We focus on complex carbohydrates in order not to feel hungry, and choose the option you like (or make your own):

Recipes for healthy dishes from familiar foods

  1. The first step towards healthy eating There should be a separation of useful and harmful products. It should be your decision. In our dishes we use healthy ones - to the maximum, we limit or exclude harmful ones. We make up the main diet from familiar products available in your region.
  2. Professional athletes are adherents of healthy eating, claiming that their diet consists of regular foods, properly balanced and properly prepared.
  3. The most important, do not divide products according to the principle of favorites and dislikes. Try changing the cooking method and you will discover new tastes.

This is how you can change the taste:

  • Green beans, if cooked in the oven with spices and cheese;
  • Borscht, if it is simmered in the oven (slow cooker);
  • If you use cereals for side dishes, shading their taste with vegetables and seasonings;
  • Fish, if you put herbs and lemon in the belly.


Porridges are mistakenly considered a complement to meat or fish. In fact, this is a complete dish that provides everything the body needs.

In addition, porridges contain dietary fiber, helping to cleanse the intestines, and a whole range of vitamins that help keep the body healthy.

Pearl barley porridge:

  1. Pour boiling water over the washed cereal in a ratio of 1:2 and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Then drain the excess water, add 2.5-3 cups of milk and simmer for another 25 minutes until thickened.
  3. Add oil to taste.
  4. Remove from heat, wrap in a towel and let sit until fully cooked.

Buckwheat porridge:

  1. Take a glass of buckwheat and pour it into a frying pan.
  2. Warm over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Pour boiling water to cover the cereal by 2 cm and cook until tender (10 minutes).
  4. Remove from heat, let it brew a little, add vegetable oil to taste.

Remember the phrase from childhood: “Eat porridge - you will be healthy!” Now, this is the absolute truth.


Vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins, microelements,
fingerprints. All this must be actively used for a healthy diet.

They can be consumed both raw and thermally processed.

Vegetable juices are simply super vitamin cocktails recommended by doctors.

Vegetables are available and affordable. They can be safely taken as the basis of a healthy diet.

Among the most popular: cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, rhubarb, celery, radish, beets, carrots, pumpkin, horseradish, sorrel.

Find out from our similar article.


  1. Boil green beans for 5-8 minutes. Let it drain.
  2. Cut the bell pepper into strips.
  3. Heat a clove of garlic in vegetable oil, add soy sauce.
  4. Mix beans with pepper, pour in dressing. Decorate with sprigs of herbs and olives.


Fruits are considered the healthiest, healthiest and most delicious food. It's by chance. They contain a huge number of compounds and substances that work for the benefit of the body. They are used both as independent use in the diet and as a supplement.

A huge plus is that fruits have a healing effect, helping as a complex therapy in the treatment of diseases.

In addition to regular fruits, in order to pamper yourself, it is recommended to add “superfruits” to your diet, such as papaya and avocado.

Fish and seafood

The benefits of fish and seafood lie in the content of easily digestible fat, large amounts of vitamins A and D, iodine, phosphorus and other microelements (about 40).

In addition, fish, crustaceans, shellfish, and shrimp are easily digested by the body, which makes them indispensable in a healthy diet. These products have a tremendous aesthetic effect - skin, hair, nails become better thanks to them.

Steam fish:

  1. Prepared from any type of fish.
  2. Season the fish, washed and cut into portions, with spices (black pepper, basil, thyme are suitable). If desired, place pieces of onion or garlic into the belly.
  3. Place in a steamer tray greased with vegetable oil and cook for 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces.

Fish with vegetables:

  1. Place fish (choose sea fish) and vegetables in layers in a baking dish.
  2. Sprinkle everything with oil, add spices and pour in sour cream (can be diluted with cream).
  3. Cover with foil, pierce it in several places and bake until the vegetables are ready.


Meat will definitely benefit you if you cook it in a certain way. The main condition is that it must be lean. And then along with meat you get a large amount of protein. It is important that this protein is easily digestible and fights the accumulation of fat in the body. Rabbit and lamb meat are considered the most dietary. Try introducing them into your diet.

Meat with vegetables:

  1. Cut the veal pulp into small cubes. Place in a steamer.
  2. Place a “coat” of a mixture of chopped fresh or frozen vegetables (onions, carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers) on top of the meat.
  3. Set it to “vegetables” mode - it’s optimal.
  4. Do not add salt or oil.


Among meat dishes, dishes made from poultry are considered favorites. It's all about the dietary features of this product. Poultry is easily absorbed and digested, enriching the body with fatty acids, proteins and vitamins.

It is important that white meat is considered the most healthy for poultry - breasts, which can be safely included for lunch and dinner. The most attractive, from the point of view of nutritionists, is considered
I am chicken meat.

Tender chicken cutlets with oatmeal:

  1. Prepare minced meat (about 0.5 kg) from chicken fillet, onion and garlic (to taste), add half a glass of oatmeal, milk or water.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly, form into cutlets, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake at 180 C for 30-40 minutes.

Nuts and dried fruits

A mixture of dried fruits and nuts is considered a vitamin cocktail, useful for a healthy diet. An important feature is their ability to retain beneficial substances such as pectin, fiber, organic acids and minerals for a long time, which tone and strengthen the body. The top three are dried apricots, prunes and raisins.


The main thing you need to understand is that healthy eating and dessert are compatible!

Tasty and aromatic, they not only bring benefits, but also lift your spirits and improve your emotional background.

TO Light desserts that should be included in the diet include:

  • Fruit salads;
  • Jelly;
  • Mousses;
  • Sorbets;
  • Marmalade;
  • Flambe.


Healthy eating is the first step to a healthy lifestyle. And as a pleasant bonus, you will receive a slim figure, a well-functioning body, a feeling of vigor and a good mood. Isn’t this the whole beauty of life?!

As you can see, you don’t have to radically change anything or make any efforts on yourself. A small adjustment, understanding and awareness of what you eat and what your dishes consist of, and the result is guaranteed.

The important point is that there are more and more followers of healthy eating. Involve your family and friends in this. Feel responsible for them too!


Proper nutrition helps a person maintain performance, avoid various diseases, maintain normal weight, and increase life expectancy. You need to switch to a healthy diet gradually so that it does not put stress on the body. At any age, it is not too late to switch to proper healthy eating.

In order for the body to receive all the necessary nutrients and fully absorb them, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of a healthy diet and the principles of proper nutrition. We offer 17 rules and principles of healthy eating for every day:

1 Rule of healthy eating - Varied food:

Nutrition should not only be moderate and regular, but also varied, i.e. contain products of both plant and animal origin.

2 Rule - Daily caloric intake:

With age, daily caloric intake should decrease mostly for animal fat counting and carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, sugar). The amount of proteins should remain the same.

3 Rule - Meals 5 times a day:

Irregular use food leads to indigestion. The most rational is 5 times a day meals at the same time, then the person does not overeat.

4 Rule -Slow food:

If you are overtired, do not start eating right away, rest a little. While eating, you need to distract yourself from thoughts about work, about business, you should not have serious talking, reading or watching TV. You need to eat slowly.

5 Rule -Long chew:

Eat food at a certain time, not on the go. How to chew food? It is recommended to do more than 20 chews movements before, food, taken into the mouth, it will be swallowed. Just for fun, try to calculate how much you do chewing movements before swallowing food. And you'll make sure you hurry ruin your stomach, and him and health.

6 Rule - It is necessary to avoid eating dry food:

Liquid dishes prepared with meat, fish, vegetables and mushrooms decoctions, promote the secretion of gastric juice. The soup is enough to digest second courses: meat, fish, cereals, potatoes, etc. Sweets are eaten at the end of lunch Then Sugar is absorbed by the body relatively easily.

7 Rule -Vegetables and fruits :

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. They contain vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids, fiber and other useful substances necessary for the body. Improve digestion, normalize metabolism and acid-base balance in the body.

8 Rule - Drinking regime:

Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day. Unboiled water, purified using a filter, is more useful.

9 Rule - Protein foods for breakfast and lunch:

At breakfast and lunch you need to eat protein foods: meat, fish, eggs, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese. It is better to cook porridge with water - they are healthier.

10 Rule - At dinner - dairy, cereals, vegetable dishes .

Have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

11 Rule - Dairy products:

Eat low-fat dairy products. Kefir contains animal protein, which is no less valuable than meat and fish proteins, and is beneficial for digestion.

12 Rule - Eat freshly prepared food:

Food that has been left in the refrigerator for several days loses its beneficial properties and “slags” the body.

13 Rule - Fasting day:

Make 1 day a week a fasting day. If it's hard, then at least 1 or 2 days a month. On fasting days, the body is cleansed of toxins.

14 Rule - Take vitamins:

For proper nutrition, you must take vitamin complexes, because... The body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements from food.

15 Rule - Eat only when you are hungry:

Listen to your body and don't eat if you're not hungry. This is an important rule for maintaining a normal weight.

16 Rule - Nutrition after 40 years:

After 40 years, it is very important to adhere to proper nutrition. Must be consumed more foods like low fat cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, sour cream (not fatty). Fermented milk products improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines and deliver calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals to the body.

17 Healthy eating rule - Nutrition after 50 years:

After 50 years, the body reacts sharply to disturbances in water-salt metabolism. Therefore, you should not limit your fluid intake. And here The consumption of table salt should be reduced.

Following healthy eating rules is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to realize that proper nutrition should become part of a healthy lifestyle, a good habit, and not a temporary diet.

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