Black radish beneficial properties and contraindications. Black radish salads. Black radish for anemia

Black radish - nutritious product, which has beneficial properties. Doctors and herbalists used black radish to treat various diseases.

Hippocrates spoke about the benefits of radish - the root vegetable was used in ancient Greece as food product and as a medicine, and oil was extracted from the seeds.

Composition of radish

Black radish contains a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, glucosides and essential oils. The root vegetable contains vitamins B and C, which are necessary for the normalization of most vital processes.

Fresh black radish is most useful.

In 100 gr. radish contained:

  • 2 g proteins;
  • 0.2 g fat;
  • 6.7 g carbohydrates;
  • 2.1 g fiber.

The composition contains organic acids, water, starch, ash, mono- and disaccharides.


  • PP – 0.3 mg;
  • A – 3 mcg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.02 mg;
  • B1 – 0.03 mg;
  • B2 – 0.03 mg;
  • B5 – 0.2 mg;
  • B6 – 0.06 mg;
  • E – 29 mg.

The calorie content of the product is 36 kcal, so black radish can be consumed by anyone who wants to lose weight, and by those who are not watching their figure.

A lot of sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus turn black radish into a source of useful substances, especially in early spring, when the body is susceptible to diseases. Consumption of root vegetables due to their high content dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on the human digestive system, normalizes intestinal function, fights congestion, nourishes tissues gastrointestinal tract.

Black radish is recommended to be used as prophylactic from colds, urolithiasis, edema different localization and atherosclerosis.

In terms of the amount of phytoncides, black radish is equal to horseradish. Phytoncides give the vegetable a bitter taste. Radish essential oils have bactericidal properties and can replace antibiotics. Therefore, black radish is included in the menu for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, sore throat, flu, as well as for dysbacteriosis to improve the intestinal microflora.


Black radish is not only tasty, but also very healthy vegetable, which has a lot of powerful healing properties. Hippocrates once spoke about the benefits of black radish - in the times Ancient Greece this vegetable was used with great enthusiasm.

This root vegetable contains carbohydrates, a lot of protein, minerals, and essential oils. The root vegetable contains a lot of different vitamins - PP, A, B1, B5, B9, E and C, as well as organic acids, which are so necessary for humans to normalize many processes in the body.

100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 2 g;
  • fats – 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.7 g;
  • fiber – 2.1 g.

The calorie content of radish is only 36 kcal, which suggests that this root vegetable can and should be consumed as food by everyone who suffers overweight or is on a diet.

Including black radish in your diet will not only be beneficial, but can also help with many ailments. It is worth considering each case separately.

Digestive system. Due to high level fiber content, this root vegetable is great for cleansing digestive system– this root vegetable rids the body of harmful substances.

This is necessary for normal operation intestines, because taking root vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing stagnation in organism.

By regularly including black radish in your diet, you can increase blood circulation in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, included in the root vegetable useful microelements will help eliminate dysbiosis. Doctors advise people to use this vegetable if they suffer from cholelithiasis, since the properties of black radish are such that taking the root vegetable stimulates the excretion of bile.

Treatment various diseases . Thanks to the phytoncides contained in the composition, radish not only has a bitter taste, but also acquires bactericidal and antiseptic properties. If you catch a runny nose in the spring, try including this root vegetable in your diet. It also eliminates urinary retention and relieves pain during menstruation. The medicinal properties of black radish have also been noted in the presence of gallstones and bladder, kidneys.

Cough and bronchitis. The benefits of black radish are also observed in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This root vegetable promotes normal expectoration. If you cough a lot, it is best to drink radish juice, taking it several times a day, a spoonful before meals.

Treatment of vascular and heart diseases with black radish. The juice of this root vegetable also has a beneficial effect on the body in case of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, and helps lower cholesterol levels.

Prevention of tumors. Doctors often advise those who are predisposed to the appearance of prostate adenoma to include radish in their diet. Radish also has a beneficial effect on the body in the treatment of mastopathy and uterine tumors.

So, black radish can cause harm in the presence of gastric ulcers, during an exacerbation of gastritis. Essential oils can lead to exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases. People suffering from gout should also not include this root vegetable in their diet. The harm of the vegetable is that it irritates the gastric mucosa, leading to belching. In addition, this root vegetable should not be consumed by people who have hadmyocardial infarction or havingother chronic heart diseases. And for those who are prone to allergic reactions, it is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no allergy to this vegetable.

Black radish is grown all over the world, but in Rus' this unsightly appearance and the spicy-tasting vegetable has long been held in special esteem. His beneficial features used in folk medicine and in cooking.

Vegetable pieces were placed in pickled cucumbers and cabbage, into soaked apples to prevent spoilage. A recipe for radish juice infused with honey is used for treatment severe cough and today.

What are the health benefits and harms of black radish? In what cases will it provide beneficial influence, and in which cases is it not recommended to use it?

Basic information

Black radish is a root vegetable with juicy pulp. white and spicy taste. Asia is considered the homeland of the vegetable; today it is no longer found as a wild crop.

The root crop grows throughout Europe, in North America, in temperate climates South America, Asia and Australia. Four types are common in Russia: Margelan radish, white and black radish, and Japanese daikon.

The white variety is milder in taste and contains ascorbic acid. The black variety has a pungent taste and has antiseptic properties.

Valuable substances and calorie content of root vegetables

Black radish - dietary vegetable, contains only 36 kcal per 100 g of pulp. Black radish pulp is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The composition is represented by vitamins C, PP, E and B, macroelements - sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, microelements - iron.

In addition, 100 g of pulp contains (approximately):

Especially black varieties are valued because of the phytoncides, organic acids and enzymes they contain.

Antiseptic properties are imparted by lysozymes and glycosides - substances that inhibit the proliferation of bacteria and fungi, which is why black radish is called a natural antibiotic.

The rich composition of the root vegetable allows it to be successfully used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Radish juice is used in cosmetology, and low calorie content makes the vegetable a valuable product in the fight against excess weight.

In cooking, the unusual taste of black radish is used to prepare salads and sauces for meat dishes.

Health Benefits of Black Radish

Rich composition of mineral salts, high content vitamins, the presence of antimicrobial substances, essential oils, healthy carbohydrates and dietary fiber make black radish healthy.

Photo: Radish salad for dietary nutrition

Doctors believe that children under 12 years old should not introduce black varieties of radish into their diet; the juice of the root vegetable can burn the stomach lining and upper sections respiratory tract.

The effect of the glycoside on the esophageal mucosa will lead to complications such as gastritis, acid release, and inflammation of the pancreas.

A burn to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract can cause sensitivity to external stimuli and as a result, an allergic reaction and chronic rhinitis.

At first, children are taught to eat white varieties of radish, since they have a milder taste and are also beneficial due to their ascorbic acid content.

Photo: Red syrup with honey for cough

From about five years of age, children can be given antitussive syrup from radish juice and honey in a strict dosage - a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Take the syrup after meals to reduce the irritating effect on the gastric mucosa.

Juice value

For the treatment of hypertension, esophagus and atherosclerosis, radish juice is used in pure form, to reduce the irritating effect, it can be diluted with water and drunk diluted.

The remaining cake is used for compresses for radiculitis and joint diseases; mustard plasters are prepared from it to treat asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and tracheitis.

Radish extract in the form of syrup is used as an expectorant. To do this, the radish is infused with honey, in case allergic reaction You can use sugar for honey. Radish juice improves immunity weakened by disease and kills viruses and bacteria.

This quality of juice is indispensable during winter flu epidemics. If you take a weekly preventative course once every two months, the disease will bypass you.

In cosmetology, radish juice is used to prepare hair masks, anti-cellulite ointments, and homemade anti-freckle creams.

The juice is also used to cleanse the skin of the face. Useful qualities Radish seeds also have it. Ointments with a healing effect are prepared from them, which are used to treat ulcers and wounds affected by infection.

What are the contraindications

The local irritant effect brings both benefit and can also harm a person in the presence of certain diseases in chronic form and during the period of exacerbation.

When not to eat radishes:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • for gastritis and high acidity;
  • during the period of exacerbation of liver diseases;
  • with kidney pathology;
  • for heart disease;
  • in the post-infarction period;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • pregnant women.

Doctors' opinion

According to doctors, you should start eating black radish with minimal portions - 30-50 g per day.

When even minor pain, spasms of the esophagus and intestines, as well as when allergies occur in the form atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema, hay fever, you should stop using radish and immediately consult a doctor.

People with liver diseases and kidney pathologies should take radish with special caution; in this case, they will need to consult a doctor.

It is believed that the glycosides contained in the pulp of black radish varieties tone the uterus, so radish dishes and juice are contraindicated for pregnant women.

The uniqueness of black radish is undeniable; it is a leader among its fellow vegetables in terms of composition and content of nutrients. Russian soup tyurya, prepared with kvass with the addition of radish and black crackers, was a daily dish for our ancestors.

Today, black radish in our country is unfairly forgotten and is used only in medicinal purposes. In India, Japan, China and other Asian countries, soups, salads, and sauces are prepared from it.

Black radish is stewed, fried, pickled, served with meat and eaten as an independent dish. Daily use radish stimulates immune system. Let's not forget about the benefits of black radish and be healthy!

Video: Important information Black radish

Black radish about its beneficial properties we'll talk, Not only valuable product nutrition, but has many medicinal properties and has long been used by humans to treat many diseases. Even the ancient Egyptians, as confirmed by ancient manuscripts found during excavations by archaeologists, used it to prevent and treat certain diseases. All these beneficial and medicinal properties of a vegetable crop are due to its composition, which contains a number of important vitamins, minerals and other substances. True, there are also contraindications when radish cannot be consumed. They will be discussed at the end of the article.

Black radish beneficial properties and chemical composition

Every gardener here grows black radish. It is also in demand in the store. And all because in Russia it was traditionally used not only as a food product, but also healing agent, which will help cope with cough, relieve joint pain, etc.

It belongs to the cabbage family. Although considered a biennial plant, it is grown as annual plant for the sake of obtaining a root crop, which is formed in the first year of life. In the second year it blooms and produces seeds.

It is difficult to name the homeland of this plant, since seed radish does not occur in the wild. And its wild counterparts can be found in Europe and the temperate climate of Asia.

The chemical composition of black radish contains a number of useful and important connections, which are necessary for the human body. This root vegetable contains:

Vitamins: groups B (B1, B9, B3), A, E, C, K;

Minerals: potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, sulfur, iodine;

Essential oil;



Volatile compounds;


Alimentary fiber.

Vitamin A, antioxidant, improves skin condition, vision, promotes growth.

Vitamin E is needed by the reproductive system of both men and women; it is an antioxidant and prevents premature aging skin.

B vitamins are needed for proper digestion, metabolism, affect the functioning of the brain and perform a number of other functions important functions in the body, including participation in protein synthesis and enzyme production.

Vitamin C - main vitamin, responsible for immunity, prevents scurvy, serves as a prevention of spring vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.

Potassium and sodium maintain normal water-salt balance in the body, regulate cellular fluid, relieve swelling. In addition, potassium salts, by binding toxins, remove them from the body.

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium are necessary to maintain healthy skeletal system. Magnesium has positive influence on the nervous system.

Iodine is necessary for hormone synthesis thyroid gland. Zinc not only provides skin elasticity, but is also needed for reproductive system men, prevents hair loss.

Essential oil has powerful antiseptic properties. Thanks to these substances and compounds, black radish is considered a natural antibiotic.

What are the benefits of black radish?

All useful material, contained in the root vegetable of black radish, are very beneficial for the human body. It is recommended for many diseases. Radish juice is most often used for medicinal purposes. But there are recipes that use root pulp and seeds.

Radish juice has choleretic properties and relieves inflammation of the bile ducts.

It is used in the treatment of:



Heart disease;






It has the following properties:


General strengthening;







Black radish retains its beneficial substances when stored throughout the winter, which makes it especially useful in the spring, when the supply of vitamins in most foods decreases sharply. She:

Improves digestion;

Normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;

Relieves swelling;

Activates metabolic processes;

Dissolves and removes stones from the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder;

Reduces blood cholesterol levels;

Reduces pain in diseases of the joints and muscles;

Removes salts from the body and joints;

Reduces cough;

Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;

Has a beneficial effect on the urinary and lymphatic system.

It is also used in cosmetology. Radish juice stimulates and improves hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.

Black radish treatment

The most well-known use of black radish for treatment is the treatment of cough with radish juice and honey. Many consider this remedy to be the best for dry cough. Radish with honey quickly thins mucus and removes it from the bronchi.

For cooking healing agent grate a large root vegetable on a fine grater. Transfer to a jar and add 3 tablespoons (100 grams) of honey. Leave overnight or 8-10 hours on the counter to release the juice. Take the resulting juice one tablespoon 3-5 times during the day.

You can read even more recipes on how to prepare and take radish with cough honey in this article

Treatment of joints with black radish

Black radish juice is used to treat joints. It dissolves and removes salts from the body, improves mobility and relieves inflammation.

To prepare the juice, wash the root vegetables well with running water using a brush or you can use the hard side of a kitchen sponge. Remove the skin and cut it into pieces. Extract the juice through a juicer.

You can squeeze out the juice by grating the root vegetable on a fine grater and squeezing the juice through cheesecloth. Store the prepared juice in a glass jar or bottle in the refrigerator. You should start taking the juice with one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the single dose to 25-30 ml (about 5-6 teaspoons).

The juice has powerful cleansing properties, dissolves and removes stones in the gall and bladder. Before starting a juice cleanse, be sure to consult with your doctor.

During treatment, exclude all spicy, smoked, salted, fried foods, alcohol, and strong drinks containing caffeine. Observe drinking regime and drink at least two liters clean water. Include more steamed or stewed vegetables and fruits in your diet.

For joint pain, compresses are used. To do this, you need to take radish juice, honey and vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. Add a tablespoon of regular mixture to the prepared mixture. table salt and stir well.

Soak gauze or cotton napkins with this mixture and apply to the sore spot. Cover the top with cling film or a bag and wrap. Keep for several hours.

Treatment of rheumatism with black radish

To treat rheumatism, grate a medium-sized radish and pour 500 ml of vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. After infusion, filter and rub on sore joints. After rubbing, wrap with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.

You can make compresses with this tincture, applying them for half an hour or take one teaspoon orally three times a day.

Treatment of heel spurs with black radish

Grate the well-washed black radish and place in a clean, dry jar. Pour in vodka or 70% alcohol so that the alcohol covers the radish by 5-10 ml. Leave in a dark place for 10 days.

Next, take the radish pulp, wrap it in a napkin, squeeze it lightly, and apply it to the heel. Cover the top with a bag or cling film and put on warm socks. According to reviews from patients who have used this method, the pain subsides after three procedures.

The remaining tincture can be used to rub joints, spine, and heels.

Treatment of sinusitis with black radish

Grate the well-washed radish root vegetable, without peeling, on a fine grater or puree in a blender.

Wrap the resulting puree in several layers of gauze or napkin. Lubricate the bridge of the nose with rich cream and apply a napkin with radish so that it rests on the sinuses and bridge of the nose.

Cover the top with cling film and insulate with a warm scarf. Keep the compress for no more than 10 minutes.

Radish will provide irritant effect, thereby improving circulation in this area. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime.

According to the second recipe, you need to prepare a honey cake. To do this, add flour and honey to the radish puree. For 100 grams of puree you need 150 grams of flour (any) and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well to form a non-flowing plastic mass and heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 36-40 degrees.

Place the cake on the bridge of your nose and cover the top with film and something warm. Leave for 10-15 minutes. For sensitive skin, lubricate the bridge of the nose with cream or oil.

Radish juice with aloe juice is used in the form of drops. To prepare the drops, combine 10 grams (2 teaspoons) of radish juice and 5 grams of aloe juice. Place a drop in each nostril after cleansing or rinsing the nose two or three times a day.

Black radish can also be used to treat children. Just be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Before using compresses, be sure to lubricate the bridge of your nose with cream and reduce the duration of the procedure by half.

Black radish for cough

Most known method treatment of cough, as mentioned above, radish juice with honey. But for treatment cold cough, bronchitis or after the flu, you can use other methods of treatment. One of them is rubbing.

For grinding, prepare a mixture of grated radish and horseradish root, taking them in equal proportions. You can puree it in a blender. Add a little salt and honey to the puree. Mix well.

Rub the patient's back with this mixture after he takes a hot bath.

After rubbing, be sure to wrap yourself up well to sweat. It is good to drink at this time lime tea, tea with raspberries.

Treatment of hypertension with black radish

For hypertension, mix the juice of radish, horseradish root, carrots and red beets, taking them in equal proportions. Add to juice mixture lemon juice. Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast and two more times a day before meals.

This mixture will also help cleanse the bronchi.

Treatment of anemia with black radish

Squeeze juice from 6 medium-sized root vegetables. Take 5 red beet roots and squeeze the juice out of them. Add more carrot juice. Pour the juice mixture into a fireproof container, preferably ceramic. Cover with a lid and place in the oven to simmer for 3 hours. The oven temperature is about 50-60 degrees. Take this mixture 1 tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

With stagnation of bile

When bile stagnates, drink black radish juice, as when removing salts from joints. Start drinking with one teaspoon. At first, pain may be felt in the liver area. In this case, you can place a warm heating pad on the area.

When discomfort pass, you can gradually increase the amount of juice taken at one time, bringing it to 100 ml. It is imperative to follow an appropriate diet during cleansing.

Black radish to improve appetite and digestion

A salad of black radish, carrots and red beets, seasoned with vegetable oil. It is enough to eat 1 serving of salad once to establish smooth bowel function.

Black radish mustard plasters

Black radish mustard plasters, although they heat up less than the mustard plasters we are used to, are no less effective. It's easy to make them. They are used for coughs, bronchitis, joint diseases, rheumatism, radiculitis.

You need to grate the root vegetable on a fine grater. Wrap the puree in gauze or a napkin and apply it to your back or other affected area. Leave for a few minutes, covering the top with cling film and wrapping it well.

You can apply the puree directly to the affected area. But for sensitive skin This method is less acceptable. Or lubricate the skin well with cream or ointment.

Black radish hair mask

To prepare the mask, mix 100-125 ml of radish juice with 2-3 tablespoons castor oil. Rub into scalp. Put on a hat and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour. Then wash your hair.

Black radish contraindications

Many people think that since black radish is a food product, then it can be used for treatment without any restrictions. This is fundamentally wrong. The consumption and use of black radish has a number of serious contraindications that you need to pay attention to. It is prohibited to use it when:

Gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially during an exacerbation of the disease;

Peptic ulcer;

Gastritis with increased acidity, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice;

In the post-infarction period;

Some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

If kidney function is impaired.

Individual intolerance to this product is also possible, which may manifest itself allergic rash, itching, redness and other manifestations of allergies.

It must be remembered that radish causes gas formation. Therefore, people with intestinal diseases such as colitis should abstain or approach radish treatment with extreme caution.

What is healthier: black radish or red beets? Answer in video

Black radish with honey has long been used in folk medicine to treat coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. This pleasant-tasting syrup, which small children happily agree to consume, is very easy to prepare. But these are not all the properties of black radish with honey and it is used not only as home remedy From cough. How else to use black radish with honey, for what diseases, what properties and benefits it has, you will learn from this article.

Radish in Russia is a traditional agricultural crop that is grown everywhere. This round or slightly elongated root vegetable with black skin and white, slightly bitter pulp from the cruciferous family is loved and used for medicinal purposes not only here, but throughout the world.

What are the benefits of black radish?

There are many varieties of this vegetable. There is white and green radish. Daikon radish also belongs to this family. But it is the black radish that is most used. Such love is largely ensured by its chemical composition, which contains:

Vitamins: C, A, K, E, group B;

Minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc and others;


Essential oils;

Organic acids;




Vitamin C is retained in it almost until the new harvest. This fact is important for preventing spring vitamin deficiency and serves as a prevention of scurvy or, as it is also called, seafarers' disease.

Vitamin C is one of the main vitamins. Black radish with honey is especially useful in winter period when there is not enough of this vitamin and it is cold outside.

The presence of calcium and phosphorus is good for bones. This may be especially interesting for people who are lactose intolerant and such people cannot get this element from milk and dairy products.

In addition, calcium protects blood vessels and reduces the risk of strokes. It is also necessary for nerve cells. Its deficiency in the body can cause fatigue, cramps, heart palpitations, constipation, and dizziness.

Sodium is one of the components of blood, improves blood circulation and maintains optimal blood pressure.

Phosphorus performs many important functions in the body. It is one of the main components of the skeletal system and is involved in the production of collagen. Phospholipids have important for the normal functioning of cell membranes and cellular nutrition.

Black radish contains a number of enzymes that, along with fiber, improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of black radish with honey

Everyone knows about the benefits of honey for the human body. It’s not for nothing that they call him “Doctor.” This amazing product, given to us by nature itself, has many useful and healing properties. It is used not only for colds and coughs.

Black radish with honey:

Dissolves and removes toxins from the body, stimulates cleansing processes in almost all organs: in the gall and bladder, kidneys, bronchi;

Stimulates and normalizes digestion, improves appetite;

Reduces swelling;

Together with black radish phytoncides, honey inhibits the growth of microorganisms, helping to fight various viruses and bacteria;

Thanks to bactericidal properties, intestinal microflora improves, the growth of pathogenic microflora is inhibited;

Increases resistance to infections;

The level is decreasing bad cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;

Black radish juice with honey is not only a remedy for cough. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, it will help cleanse the body, increase protective forces body.

Many people wonder why it is necessary to make radishes with honey, what is the benefit of such a combination?

Everyone who prepared vegetable salads or sprinkled fresh berries and fruits with sugar, you probably noticed that as soon as salt or sugar is added, vegetables, berries and fruits begin to release juice. In the same way, radish begins to intensively secrete juice when honey is added. Extracting juice is much easier this way than using a juicer. Yes, and it stands out more.

Yes, they make juice with sugar. Such recipes are especially often used to treat young children who are allergic to honey.

But honey itself has many medicinal and beneficial properties. The combination of radish juice with honey is a “killer” remedy that works in many ways. This is great natural antiseptic. After all, both radish and honey contain substances that resemble antibiotics in their properties and effects.

And the taste plays an important role: the syrup turns out softer and more pleasant than just drinking radish juice and eating honey.

How to cook black radish with honey

Most often, radish with honey is prepared to treat coughs. This product has been tested over many years of practice.

Nowadays it is much easier to make such juice than our grandmothers did. To prepare a healing syrup, just wash the radish, peel it and chop it in a vegetable cutter or blender. Add honey to the resulting mixture and leave for several hours to release the juice. This method of preparation takes little time and is simple.

Once upon a time, radish juice with honey was made as follows. In the prepared black radish root vegetable (it was not peeled), the middle was cut out. It turned out something like a pot. Honey was added to this cavity and covered with a “lid” cut from a radish. If the root vegetable is large, then a tablespoon. In a small one - one or two teaspoons. Leave it for 10-12 hours and then drain the released juice.

The same root vegetable can be used two or three times, depending on the size and how much inner pulp is removed.

If not just one person in the family gets sick, but several at once, then prepare large quantity syrup can be used as follows.

Grate or chop two or three root vegetables with a blender. Place the pulp in a jar or enamel (glass, ceramic) saucepan. Add honey (100 grams or more, depending on the amount of grated pulp). Cover with a lid and leave in the room for 8-12 hours. Then carefully drain the syrup and put it in the refrigerator.
