White sweet clover is a valuable plant with medicinal properties. Use of sweet clover on the farm. Contraindications for white sweet clover

(Melilotus officinalis) is a biennial herbaceous plant of the legume family, subfamily Mothaceae ( Fabaceae). Class - Dicotyledons. This plant is better known among the people under the following names: burkun, medicinal sweet clover, female sweet clover, wild buckwheat, bottom grass, meadow burkun, Italian grass, burkunets. The habitat is the entire continental part of Europe, Central, Middle, Asia Minor, Northern and South America, British Isles, Russia, Caucasus. It can be found in wastelands, fields, meadows, along roads, quarries, and rocky places. Contaminates cereal crops and fallow fields. Quite often, yellow sweet clover forms thickets with white sweet clover; they have a similar morphology and differ in the color and appearance of the fruit.

Yellow sweet clover description

The root system of yellow clover is taproot. The root branches on the sides. The stem is straight, branched, glabrous, reaches a height of 1.5 m. Leaves are petiolate, alternate, trifoliate, with entire subulate-shaped stipules. The leaves are lanceolate, serrated at the edges, glabrous. The leaves at the top are sessile and notched. The flowers are on long peduncles, small, collected in axillary racemes, hanging down. Five-toothed calyx. The corolla is butterfly, yellow, irregular. The stamens have grown together into a tube, there are 10 of them. A straight, single-locular ovary with a bent and long style is formed.

The fruit is a brown or grayish, ovoid bean, about 3-4 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide. The bean is bare, transversely wrinkled, pointed towards the apex. One fruit in most cases contains one seed, but it also occurs with two. The seeds are slightly flattened, elongated, matte, smooth, yellow-green in color.

Yellow sweet clover blooms from June to September. The fruits begin to ripen in August. The plant reproduces only by seeds and produces stem shoots. The weed is very prolific, one plant produces up to 17 thousand seeds. Since the seeds are in a hard and waterproof shell, they germinate with great difficulty. But thanks to temperature changes (in natural environment the seeds are subject to freezing and thawing), the shell cracks and moisture enters the grain through the cracks. This plant prefers moist soil to grow. Usually the first shoots appear in early spring, but if there is not enough moisture, the seeds may disappear or stop developing.

Yellow clover is a biennial herbaceous plant. In the first year of life, it develops a non-flowering stem. This distinguishes it from most biennial weeds, since in the first year of life they form a rosette of leaves. In winter, this stem dies off, and only the root with a small amount buds on the root collar. In spring, these buds begin to develop into new stems. These new stems flower and bear fruit, and then die off along with the roots. It is the second summer plants that are most dangerous for crops; they form powerful thickets and choke out cultivated plants. Also, yellow clover interferes with harvesting with its woody stems.

Yellow sweet clover control measures

Measures to combat this weed come down to preventing the plant from developing in the second year of growth. First-year plants in grain crops of normal grass stand do not have time to accumulate the required amount nutrients, they develop poorly and quickly die when pruned superficially. But in thinned crops, the roots become so strong that they are difficult to cut, and the cut ones can even survive the winter and produce stems the next year. The main measures to combat yellow clover include stubble peeling or early autumn plowing, immediately after harvesting. Proper crop rotation will also help in the fight against sweet clover. And, of course, on uncultivated areas of land, yellow clover must be destroyed before the flowering stage.

Yellow clover application

First of all, yellow sweet clover is an excellent honey plant. Honey obtained from sweet clover has high taste characteristics, it is light amber in color and has a pleasant aroma, very similar to vanilla. This honey crystallizes into fine grains. Sweet clover honey is considered first-class.

Yellow clover is used as livestock feed. This plant is also capable of improving the soil; it is used as a green fertilizer. Sweet clover enriches the soil with nitrogen and fluffs it up with its branched root.

All parts of the plant contain an odorous substance - coumarin, which manifests itself well in the dried state. Dried flowers sweet clover is added to tobacco to give a more pleasant aroma.

Even in folk medicine there was a place for yellow clover. To obtain medicinal raw materials, sweet clover inflorescences are mowed in July. It is during the flowering period that the plant contains maximum amount useful substances. They are then dried in the shade in the open air. The stems are not suitable for use. Suitable plants for harvesting are those that grow as far as possible from the roadway. Raw materials should be stored in an airtight container for no more than two years.

Medicines from yellow clover have enough wide range actions. This plant successfully fights varicose veins; it is also prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Preparations from sweet clover are used both externally and internally. For stretch marks, bruises, superficial hemorrhages, it is used as local remedy. In the form of lotions, compresses and herbal pillows, sweet clover treats inflamed joints and tumors.

Yellow sweet clover has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, restorative, and tonic effects. It is prescribed for colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the ovaries, menstrual pain. It is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of thrombophlebitis and postthrombotic syndrome. Donnik is part of various ointments, melilot plaster is made from powdered leaves. This patch accelerates the maturation of acne, boils and purulent tumors. But do not forget about the dangers of self-medication, and be sure to consult with doctors before starting to use preparations from yellow clover.

It would seem like an ordinary weed, but how much benefit it can bring. This plant has been used in everyday life since ancient times. Clay jugs were steamed with sweet clover for longer storage of milk; this treatment prevents milk from souring.

Yellow clover photo

Yellow clover Melilotus officinalis
Yellow clover Melilotus officinalis
Yellow clover seeds Melilotus officinalis

White sweet clover is a biennial plant, rare, but annual specimens are also found in the genus. All of them belong to the legume family.

Sweet clover is a fairly branched plant with a bare, straight stem that can reach two meters in height. The root is taproot, well developed, it goes deep a meter or more.

Its leaves are alternate, trifoliate with wedge-shaped small leaves. White sweet clover blooms for a long time, from June to September. Its small white flowers are collected in long erect racemes. In August, the fruits of the sweet clover begin to ripen - a net-wrinkled bean, shaped like an egg.

You can also find other names for the plant: white burkun, male clover, verkin grass.

The distribution area is quite extensive. Sweet clover grows in Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and North America.

IN natural conditions This plant grows well in steppe and forest-steppe zones, in rocky and saline areas, where other crops cannot grow at all.

Annual white sweet clover belongs to medicinal herbs and is characterized as an excellent honey plant.

The collection of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period of the plant. The description of the healing properties of sweet clover is quite extensive. It is used as a wound-healing, expectorant, and analgesic.

Based on it, drugs are prepared that act as irritant for sweet clover plasters.

Sweet clover herb is used in the treatment of female diseases and inflammation of the mammary glands, purulent wounds ah, ulcers.

Based on sweet clover, drugs are made for the treatment of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, embolism and thrombolytic complications.

In folk and traditional medicine leaves and flowers of the grass are used.

Sweet clover is unpretentious to growing conditions and is quite easily propagated by seeds.

A description of the technology for growing white clover is presented below.


White clover has good agrotechnical characteristics. Its seeds have high germination capacity and do not lose this ability for more than ten years. Since the grass is quite valuable in terms of medical indicators, and is also an excellent honey plant and is used as animal feed, then this plant is safely and actively grown on large areas. Moreover, sweet clover is absolutely not demanding of either soil or conditions. external environment. And the answer to the question of what time is best to sow sweet clover depends on what type of plant development is chosen. The fact is that this plant, according to its biological characteristics, can be grown as:

  • an annual that is sown in the spring, it germinates, develops, blooms and bears fruit profusely, after which it is mowed for animal feed or harvested as a medicinal material;
  • biennial, when sweet clover is sown in spring or autumn, it overwinters safely in the soil, and in the second year after sowing, the plant is mowed and the seeds are collected.

Sweet clover can be sown as an independent crop or in combination with corn grown for green fodder and Sudan grass.

The plant is not only unpretentious, but also resistant to absolutely all diseases and pests known today.

Sweet clover can be planted on any soil, even infertile soil, which is a huge advantage when growing this crop. The only contraindication is acidic soil. The sweet clover does not tolerate it.

Before sowing, the soil must be plowed in the fall, and then cultivated and harrowed twice in the spring. After such treatment, to preserve moisture in the ground, the fields intended for sowing sweet clover are rolled with special rollers.

You also need to take into account that the seeds have a fairly dense shell and in order to improve germination they are scarified. On a large scale, special equipment is used for this - a scarifier; at home, for small plantings, you can use coarse river sand, with which you grind seeds or sandpaper. The next stage in preparing the seeds for sowing will be their treatment with a solution of boron and molybdenum. After which they must be subjected to nitraginization with peat nitragin.

Planting in spring is carried out when the soil warms up to at least three degrees. The first shoots begin to appear on the eighteenth day after sowing. They can easily tolerate light night frosts down to minus five degrees. We also note that the optimal temperature for the growth and development of sweet clover is twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees. Despite the fact that the crop belongs to an undemanding species, to improve performance and obtain the maximum possible amount of seed material, it is recommended to organize at least two waterings during the abundant flowering of sweet clover.

Sweet clover needs care. It is necessary to carry out two inter-row cultivations to remove weeds.

If sweet clover is grown for animal feed, then it is mowed when buds appear. To obtain seed material, you need to wait until they ripen in the lower part of the stem.

Botanical characteristics

White melilot: photo, description, the use of which we will now consider, translated - Melilotus albus. The second name of this biennial herbaceous plant is white burkun. Its stem is quite straight and bare, its minimum height is 30 centimeters, and its maximum is 150 cm. The leaves are pinnately shaped with subulate-shaped stipules.

The lower leaves are obovate, and the rest are serrate, oblong, finely toothed. The flowers of white sweet clover are quite small, they are white, moth-type, they are localized together in axillary racemes, which are quite elongated.

It is worth noting that the above-ground part of this plant has a characteristic aromatic odor, and the taste of this herb is also quite specific - bitterish-salty.

Plant distribution

The white sweet clover plant is a herb found mainly in dry areas. It can be seen along railways, as well as on the roadsides, it also grows in wastelands. This plant is distributed mainly in the European part of our country, as well as in the Caucasus, Siberia, and Central Asia.

Part of white clover used

This plant has medicinal purpose The aerial part is used, which consists of stems, leaves and flowers. The smell of sweet clover is reminiscent of the fresh aroma of hay, this is explained by the presence in it of a special fragrant substance called coumarin.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

To harvest grass, you should stock up on a sharp sickle; with the help of this device it will be convenient to harvest this raw material. After it is cut, it needs to be sorted, and the darkened specimens should be sorted and removed.

After which the grass is cut and laid out on a spacious tray in a thin layer, it is worth remembering that its thickness should not exceed three centimeters. IN otherwise it may become damp, as it will be poorly ventilated, and also, the raw materials should be stirred well every day, this will not allow moldy fungi to multiply in it, and will not lead to further rotting.

When the grass has completely dried, it is recommended to loosely spread it into pre-prepared cloth or paper bags. They should be placed in a ventilated area. Such raw materials can be stored for no more than one year, after which it is not recommended to use them, as they lose their properties. medicinal properties.

Application of the plant

White sweet clover has gained wide popularity in traditional treatment, infusions and decoctions are prepared from it, which are used for headaches, malaria, fever, and also for colds accompanied by cough.

The drug is also used for insomnia, epilepsy, as a diuretic in the presence of tissue swelling, and is also used to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

These drugs also have an anticoagulant effect on the body. They help fight Staphylococcus aureus and with dysentery. White clover is often used for aromatic purposes to add flavor to tobacco products and weak alcoholic drinks, such as beer.

The stems of this plant are used to produce strong fibers that are used to make ropes and burlap. A medicinal ointment is prepared from the flowers, which has a wound-healing effect and is used in folk medicine.

Infusion recipe

To prepare the infusion, you will need a tablespoon of herb, first grind it well, then pour it into a dry ceramic container and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water into it. After which the drug is infused for some time, at least forty minutes, and only then they begin to filter it.

To do this, cover a clean dish with gauze, folded in half, and pour the cooled infusion into it; the crushed herb cake that remains on the fabric can be thrown away, not forgetting to squeeze it out first. Take the finished drug 50 milliliters up to three times a day for epilepsy, if available. colds, for insomnia, and also as a lactogenic agent.

Decoction recipe

To prepare a decoction of white sweet clover, one teaspoon of the raw material, which should be in crushed form, will be sufficient. To do this, you can use a ceramic mortar and pestle. Then this herb should be poured into a saucepan, preferably an enamel one, and placed on the stove for water bath, while active seething should not occur.

The broth should remain on the stove for at least five minutes, after which it is removed from the heat and cooled. Next, they begin to filter it using a fine strainer. The finished decoction is taken one hundred milliliters up to four times a day, regardless of meals.

It is recommended to store the finished broth directly in a cool place, the best option- This is a refrigeration chamber. The shelf life of such a drug should not exceed five days, after which it loses its properties. healing properties, and should be disposed of.


No matter how wonderful white clover is to you, its use must be justified. Before using all medicinal potions prepared on the basis of its herb, you should first consult with a qualified doctor, and do not exercise independence in terms of treatment, as this may result in negative consequences from the body.

Sweet clover (Melilotus in Latin) is herbaceous plant legume family. Its Russian name is related to the word “donnoy,” which was once used to describe gout. Latin name derived from the Greek words “chalk” and “lotus”, meaning honey and fodder grass.

The plant is also called bottom grass, barkun, bottom grass, vargun, hare's chill, ragwort, sticky, burkun, wild hop, horseweed, sweet clover and wild buckwheat.

Titles in other languages:

  • English Sweet clover, field melilot;
  • German Honigklee.

The sweet clover plant is commonly called bottom grass, bottom grass and sweet clover.


The height of the sweet clover is up to two meters. The plant has a branched stem, a tap root, trefoil leaves with stipules, and white or yellow pendulous long flowers. The plant blooms in summer - from June to August.


Many types of this plant are known - jagged, Sicilian, Italian, fragrant, Volga, rough, beautiful, Polish and others.

Traditional and official medicine uses only two types of sweet clover, which we will consider.

An annual or biennial plant with a straight stem up to 170 cm in height. The leaf plate is divided into three parts. Tiny white flowers are collected in elongated racemes. Flowering occurs in summer period, lasting one month. Its tender pleasant aroma similar to coumarin, but not close. This type- the best honey plant.

White sweet clover does not have a strong aroma, but is an outstanding honey plant.

Biennial plant up to one and a half meters in height. The stem is bare, the leaves are trifoliate. The flowers are yellow, very small in long racemes. The aroma is strong, coumarin. It blooms all summer and the first month of autumn.

Medicinal sweet clover stands out with its bright colors yellow flowers with a strong coumarin aroma

Where does it grow

You can find sweet clover in both Asia and Europe. The plant has spread widely across the planet. It is often found in meadows, forest-steppe zones, ravines, forest edges and steppes.

Sweet clover grows almost everywhere and mainly in wastelands


  1. Harvesting is carried out during the flowering period.
  2. The tops of the sweet clover are cut off with a knife, obtaining raw materials up to thirty centimeters long. Thick and too coarse stems, as well as plants on the roadsides, are not cut off. The collection of sweet clover is carried out only in dry weather, since a wet plant quickly deteriorates.
  3. After cutting, the plant is immediately sent to dry. It is laid out outside, hidden under a canopy, or in an attic with excellent ventilation (it is important that the temperature is up to +40 degrees).
  4. The raw material should be laid out on fabric or paper in a layer of up to seven centimeters. It is turned over periodically.
  5. When the stems break easily, drying is completed. You need to make sure that the raw materials do not dry out, otherwise the leaves will fall off.
  6. Dried sweet clover can be stored for up to two years.

Sweet clover is collected only in dry weather, during the flowering period, and dried until the stems begin to break easily.


  • Dried sweet clover has a bitter-salty taste.
  • The smell of the dried plant resembles fresh hay (it is called coumarin).
  • Sweet clover is used to improve the soil and restore soil fertility.
  • The plant is also medicinal, melliferous and fodder.

Nutritional value and calorie content

For 100 g of sweet clover:

Chemical composition

The sweet clover contains:

  • glycosides (one of them is coumarin, which provides the aroma of the plant);
  • essential oil;
  • cymarin;
  • protein;
  • acids – coumaric, ascorbic, melilotic;
  • fat-like substances;
  • purine derivatives;
  • melilotol;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • Sahara;
  • choline;
  • slime.

When sweet clover begins to rot, dicoumarin is formed in it.

Beneficial features

The plant has the following effects:

  • expectorant;
  • lactogonic;
  • painkillers;
  • antiseptic;
  • laxative;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • helps with fever.

Sweet clover is a good laxative and pain reliever.


The plant is not used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • kidney diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • internal bleeding.

When using sweet clover, remember that the plant is poisonous - never exceed the dosage and it is better to use it as part of a collection.

Excessive and too long consumption of sweet clover can cause central nervous system depression, drowsiness, dizziness, liver damage, headaches and other problems. Animals that consume rotted hay containing sweet clover are poisoned by dicoumarin.


Bees collect honey from sweet clover all summer.

The color of honey is determined by the type of plant and the soil in which it grew. It ranges from white to amber, sometimes with golden and greenish tints.

Sweet clover honey smells very pleasant.

Yellow sweet clover produces honey, the taste of which is very mild and the smell is delicate.

White sweet clover produces honey with a sharper, slightly bitter taste and smell with notes of vanilla.

Sweet clover honey is very healthy


The honey obtained from sweet clover is highly beneficial. It contains fructose (40 percent) and glucose (about 37 percent).

When using sweet clover honey externally and internally, it has beneficial properties:

  • Increases energy levels and body tone.
  • Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects in diseases respiratory tract.
  • Improves the condition of people with hypertension and heart disease.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Eliminates dizziness and headaches.
  • Stimulates lactation.

At long-term storage sweet clover honey becomes a viscous mass of white or yellow color.

Calorie content

Calorie content of 100 grams of sweet clover honey is 314 kcal.

The color of sweet clover honey varies from white to golden, the smell is also different, it all depends on the place where the bees collect nectar


In cooking

  • Only yellow sweet clover is used for food, since white sweet clover is classified as a poisonous plant.
  • There are many recipes that include sweet clover, but you should not overuse the addition of this aromatic herb (there is a risk of headaches and nausea).
  • Fresh young sweet clover is added to salads, okroshka, and soups.
  • The crushed dried plant is used as a seasoning, adding to sauces, drinks, snacks and main courses.

In half a liter of bread kvass you need to put 70 grams of boiled beef, cut into pieces, 50 grams of boiled potatoes, a hard-boiled egg and 50 grams fresh cucumber. Chop clover leaves (20 grams), as well as 25 grams of onion, grind with mustard, sugar and salt, add to okroshka. Season with sour cream to taste.

Garnish made from sweet clover roots

Wash the roots of the young plant well and, after salting, fry using vegetable oil. This side dish can be served with fish or meat.

Meat stewed with clover

Cut 250 grams of meat into pieces and fry a little. Place it in a casserole dish and add 50 grams of chopped onion, 50 grams of coarsely grated carrots, 200 grams of chopped potatoes and 20 grams of sweet clover leaves. You also need to put pepper in the casserole dish, Bay leaf and dill seed, then pour everything with water so that it covers the ingredients. Simmer the dish until cooked over low heat.

Drink with clover

Bring a liter of water to a boil, put 10 grams of sweet clover inflorescences and leaves in it, add sugar to taste and about 100 ml of cherry or cranberry juice. When the drink boils, remove from heat and cool.

Look next video from the TV show "1000 and 1 Spice of Scheherazade". From it you will learn a lot about the yellow clover plant.

In medicine

  • WITH medical purpose Both yellow and white sweet clover are used. The leaves, stems, and flowers of these plants are used.
  • Since white sweet clover is poisonous, only experienced healers risk using it.
  • The plant contains coumarin, which has an inhibitory effect on nervous system. This substance prevents seizures and increases the number of leukocytes.
  • Sweet clover is used for migraines, insomnia, hysteria, headaches, menopause, flatulence, bronchitis and other problems.
  • The herbaceous part of the sweet clover is included in preparations from which poultices are made. The plant is also a component of a green patch that helps against calluses and abscesses.
  • After infusing dry clover (2 small spoons) with boiling water (half a glass) for four hours, it is used to stimulate lactation, divided into three portions.
  • Decoctions, as well as infusions prepared from sweet clover, are effective for otitis media, mastitis, purulent wounds, and boils.
  • Homeopaths use sweet clover in the preparation of drugs against psychosis.
  • ethnoscience considers the plant an excellent laxative, and also prescribes sweet clover for hypertension, pain, lung diseases, gynecological pathologies, bloating and other problems.
  • The drug meliocin, which has a stimulating effect, is made from the leaves of sweet clover.

IN medicinal purposes they use white and medicinal clover, they treat the nervous system, women's diseases, boils and other problems

Infusion for headaches, hypertension, insomnia

Infuse in a closed container filled with boiled water cold water(two glasses) sweet clover herb (take two teaspoons). Take the infusion two to three times a day, half a glass.

For baths and compresses

Prepare the infusion by placing a closed container with 2 tablespoons. spoons of sweet clover and 500 ml of water onto a hot stove.

Tincture for migraine

Pour the sweet clover herb with 40% alcohol (1 to 10) and place it in a dark place for 10-15 days. After straining, the tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two years. You can use it either internally or externally - fifteen drops each.


They can be prepared from flowers, steamed with boiling water, or from crushed leaves.

For hemorrhoids

Take two parts each of multi-colored and lush cloves, as well as one part each of knotweed, sweet clover and cinquefoil. After grinding everything in a mortar or coffee grinder, take 20 grams of the resulting powder and grind it with 80 grams of fat or lard (melt it first). Keep this mixture in a water bath for four hours, and then strain while still hot.

At home

Sweet clover is used as:

  • fragrance in tobacco products;
  • soap flavoring;
  • forage plant;
  • honey plant;
  • soil improver.


The plant is considered a valuable crop and is grown in different climatic zones. Sweet clover is represented by many varieties, of which more and more are constantly appearing. White clover is represented by the varieties Volzhanin, Diomid, Rybinsky, Volga, Stepnoy and others. Medicinal sweet clover is represented by the varieties Lazar, Siberian, Golden, Alsheevsky and others.

Volga melilot belongs to the white large varieties, but is an annual


Sweet clover seeds germinate at a temperature of +2+4 degrees. Only ripe or slightly unripe seeds germinate well. They are scarified before sowing. In the first year, the melilot develops a root and a green part. The plant begins to bloom a year after planting.

Sweet clover - unpretentious plant, sprouts well at slightly above-zero temperatures, although it begins to bloom only in the second year

Due to the presence of a strong root system, sweet clover is not picky about soil. The plant is also drought-resistant, so it does not need to be constantly watered. Only acidic soil and excess moisture have a bad effect on sweet clover.

Sweet clover is a genus of plants in the legume family. In our country, two types are widely used - white and medicinal (yellow). The latter is more studied and is more often used in medicine, although white also has a number of useful properties. This is a medicinal, fodder, melliferous plant, the cultivation of which as green manure is popular for improving soil health.

Description and use of sweet clover herb

Wild white sweet clover is a two-year-old weed 50 cm - 2 m high, with an erect branched stem; cultural - annual. The root is taproot with highly developed lateral branches.

The leaves are alternate with stipules, trifoliate with wedge-shaped, toothed leaflets. The lateral leaves are sessile, the middle one is on a petiole. Flower with a butterfly-type corolla. Small, white flowers are collected in multi-flowered erect racemes. Blooms from June to September. The fruit is a bean with 1-2 seeds. A feature that allows you to distinguish D. officinalis is the yellow corolla. Plants are poisonous. Can grow on sandy or loamy soils.

Popular names for the plant include bottom grass, sweet clover, and burkun.

Medicinal sweet clover: health benefits and harms

Flowering herbs are used for treatment. It contains:

  • coumarin
  • dicumarol
  • choline
  • coumaric acid
  • melilotin
  • tannins
  • essential oil
  • tocopherol
  • ascorbic acid
  • resinous substances.

It also actively accumulates the microelement molybdenum.

The main medicinal properties of the plant are due to the presence of coumarin and dicumarol.

The following properties of coumarin have been officially confirmed:
CNS depression;
anticonvulsant effect;
increase in the number of leukocytes;
improving blood circulation in the brain and organs abdominal cavity.

Dicumarol acts as an anticoagulant and promotes blood thinning.
The above properties made it possible to use the plant for insomnia, migraines, hysteria, cardiospasms, gynecological diseases, and also as an expectorant, analgesic, wound healing agent.

With prolonged use or exceeding the dose, it causes significant harm to the body.

Possible side effects:
headaches, dizziness;
V severe cases– liver damage, internal hemorrhages.

kidney disease;
decreased clotting blood;
hemorrhagic diathesis.

Sweet clover honey plant - indications for use

White and yellow Burkun are excellent honey plants. When they bloom, the field looks amazing and can be easily found by smell. They produce a large number of nectar and pollen even in dry weather. A bee in a sweet clover field can work all day. There is also an ancient Greek description of this honey plant. In those days they called him " honey grass».

Burkun officinalis has a high sugar content of nectar and the best honey plant, but its honey will have a slight bitterness. Sweet clover honey is also medicinal and has least amount contraindications from all described Burkun preparations.

It is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, colds, heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicinal properties of sweet clover and recipes

A description of the plant's application is contained in its name. It arose from the word “bottom” (as gout was previously called) or from “bottom” (organs of the lower abdominal cavity).

The medicinal properties of white and medicinal burkun are similar, although the latter is more popular and recognized official medicine. The substances contained in the drug affect almost all organs.

An infusion of this plant is taken as a sedative, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic, and diuretic; The decoction is drunk to enhance lactation. For children, it is added to the bath for myositis, and compresses are made on the throat from steamed herbs for sore throat.

Sweet clover decoction is drunk at diabetes mellitus for the treatment of the pancreas. It is known to be used for the treatment of varicose veins.

Preparations containing white burkun have expectorant, analgesic, wound-healing, carminative, sedative, anticonvulsant, and antiseptic effects. They increase blood circulation, reduce swelling and inflammatory processes. There are many recipes for tinctures, decoctions, ointments, etc. from this plant.

Tincture and ointment of yellow sweet clover for skin diseases

Due to its properties, burkun is successfully used to treat purulent skin diseases(boils, carbuncles, etc.). Externally use an infusion (for compresses, baths) or ointment, internally - a tincture.

To prepare the infusion:

Recipe 1.
Brew 200 g of raw material in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, use for washes, poultices and compresses for conjunctivitis, abscesses, boils, pustules;

Recipe 2.
2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and brew for 10 minutes in a water bath. Used for baths and compresses.

Recipe 3.
30 g of herb pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, brew for 30 minutes.
In addition to skin diseases, this infusion also treats mastitis and inflammatory diseases joints (eg rheumatism).

The ointment can be prepared from Vaseline or butter.

Recipe 1.
2 tbsp. mix spoons of freshly dried flowers with 50 g of petroleum jelly;

Recipe 2.
3 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of fresh flowers and mix with 50 g of oil.
Sweet clover ointment perfectly accelerates the healing of purulent wounds, boils, and relieves inflammation.

Medicinal clover decoction for headaches

There are many decoctions, but the most famous is this recipe:
10 g of dry raw materials are poured into 1 tbsp. water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day

Sweet clover honey - beneficial properties

The honey of this plant is fragrant (light vanilla aroma), has White color, possible light yellow tint. It is believed that qualitatively he is one of the best varieties honey This product delighted the ancient Greeks.

Crystallizes slowly. Contains 40% fructose and 37% glucose. It has long been taken to treat flu, colds, and also to increase hemoglobin levels, increase the number of red blood cells, and improve digestion.

Sweet clover honey is useful for gout and diseases Bladder, kidneys, upper respiratory tract, as well as neuroses, headaches and neuralgia.

Sweet clover extract for liver and stomach diseases

Aqueous extract Yellow Burkun herbs are drunk for liver diseases and stomach pain. It has been proven to accelerate liver regeneration in animals. The decoction can also be taken for bronchitis, headaches and increased anxiety.

Preparation of the decoction: 2 tbsp. Infuse spoons of flowers in 0.5 liters of water for 6 hours. Drink 100 ml no more than 3 times a day.

Benefits of sweet clover herb for women

Burkun officinalis is often called female. Its use in gynecology speeds up the treatment of a number of diseases. The benefits of its tincture are known in the treatment of infertility, endometriosis, and for recovery hormonal levels. A few drops of tincture can be rubbed into your temples when you have a headache.

Tincture recipe:

Pour 100 g of dry raw material into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 14 days in a dark place, drink 10-15 drops 3 times a day.

Tea and honey are recommended for nursing mothers. It helps enhance lactation.
Collection from equal parts herbs sweet clover, oregano, centaury, and coltsfoot flowers are a medicine for inflammation of the ovaries and amenorrhea. You need 1 tbsp. pour 250 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and brew for 2 hours, then strain and drink 100 ml no more than 5 times a day.

Can pregnant women take sweet clover honey?

Sweet clover honey is beneficial for pregnant women. Its composition allows you to replenish the reserves of minerals and trace elements in a woman’s body, preparing it for the process of feeding a child. Can also be taken to treat coughs, colds, bronchitis, flatulence and to relieve stress.

Contraindication: allergies.

The use of white clover in cosmetology

In cosmetology, a decoction of white burkun is used for facial care. It accelerates wound healing, softens the skin and has a strengthening effect on it. Wash your hair with it if you have dandruff, oily seborrhea.

You can use a decoction of this herb for your hair. After rinsing, the hair becomes more manageable and soft. It is advisable to use only for coarse hair.

Poultices, infusions and ointments from this plant accelerate the ripening and healing of boils, abscesses, and ulcers.

How to collect and store sweet clover grass?

White and yellow burkun should be prepared separately, because their medicinal properties are somewhat different. They grow in meadows, fields, roadsides, and along the edges of forests. Can be sown as a cultivated plant.

Needs to be collected during flowering. The weather should be dry and sunny. The harvested grass is dried in the shade. The place should be well ventilated. It should be spread out in a layer of up to 5 cm and turned over periodically. You can also hang dry in bunches. Dried plants are threshed, the stems are thrown away, and the leaves and flowers are used as raw materials.

Should be stored in closed glass or metal containers. Shelf life up to 2 years.

Drying and storage technology must be followed, otherwise the place of use can cause harm to humans. When the humidity of the raw material is high, a large amount of dicoumarin is formed in it, which causes severe poisoning with internal hemorrhages.

Use of yellow sweet clover in cooking

In cooking, the leaves are used as an aromatic spice in cabbage soup, soups, okroshka, meat dishes(has a pleasant coumarin smell). Inflorescences are added to drinks. Young leaves are used in salads.

Cut young leaves of the plant (20 g), green onions (25 g), boiled egg(1 pc.), cucumber (50 g), season with sour cream (mayonnaise or vegetable oil) mix, add salt.

Vitamin drink
Boil 1 liter of water, add 10 g of Burkun leaves and inflorescences, 75-100 ml of cranberry or cherry juice, sugar to taste, boil, cool.