What to treat to prevent the dog from gnawing. How to stop a dog from chewing things: useful tips. Why do puppies chew everything?

What to do if a dog chews walls, shoes, furniture.
This behavior may be due to a fear of loneliness, to the fact that there is a health problem, or to the fact that a healthy dog ​​cannot remain inactive for a long time. Most often, this problem is known to those who recently got a puppy.
There is another reason that underlies this unpleasant process - it is a natural instinct. The fact is that in nature, predators, having caught their prey, tear it into pieces. The dog is trying to do the same. This normal behavior in an adult dog can be corrected at a young age with the help of certain measures.

For puppies:

A very small puppy should have his own corner, a room where he has access only to certain objects. Don't leave him completely isolated. He is small and afraid to be alone. Organize his place so that he can see and observe what is happening around him.

A puppy or young dog should have toys. The puppy quickly gets bored with toys, so give him not everything at once, but gradually. When you get tired of one, give a new one and hide the old one for now. And so on.

When your dog plays with his toys, reward him and praise him.

If you catch the moment when the dog took an object that will chew, it is at this moment that you can distract attention with sound, voice, squeaking, rustling, distracting attention and giving the puppy a toy that can be chewed. However, you need to be careful, because if you squeak or rustle later, when the dog is already gnawing, then the dog may think that this is some kind of game. And what is interesting...

Don’t let your puppy chew on old shoes or slippers that you “throw away anyway.” No, a dog cannot distinguish between shoes that can be chewed and those that are prohibited.

If a puppy is “caught in the act”, it is at the moment when he is chewing on a toy that is not his that he should be scolded, you can easily pat him by the scruff of the neck, as dog mothers do. Not for long, just grab him by the scruff of the neck and firmly say “no.”

Pepper preparations that are sold in pet stores are very effective.

In a word, a puppy needs toys and attention, like a child. Moreover, he needs to periodically buy new toys when the old ones become uninteresting to him. In general, puppies, like small children, sleep a lot. Therefore, they do not take up too much attention.
If the dog is an adult...
This behavior means that she is lonely, that she doesn’t walk, play, or communicate much. The fear of loneliness manifests itself immediately after the owner leaves or after a few minutes. But if bad behavior manifests itself after a long period of time, several hours, this means that the dog is looking for something to do, strives to realize its energy, wants to play.

What to do?

Before leaving your dog at home alone, take him for a walk outside. At least an hour, let her run around, play enough, she should get tired. Feed after your walk.

Stop bad behavior when you see the process, not when the event has already happened. Only at the moment when the dog does this, say “No!” Only! at the moment when the dog takes a prohibited object into its mouth.

The dog should have plenty of space to move freely in the house.

Give your dog some toys. These should be toys that the dog loves and is used to playing with. To do this, you can teach her to play with them, using the game “fetch” or “fight” for objects. Give a few more toys just before leaving home.

Leave the TV or radio on, at a low volume, to create an immersive experience. Be sure that the wires are out of the puppy's reach.

The owner of the dog or the future owner of the dog should know that it is necessary to give his dog the opportunity for walks during the day. For an adult dog this is at least three times, for a puppy - five to ten times a day. This is vital for a healthy adult dog.

Every new dog owner sooner or later is faced with the fact that his pet begins to chew things. Moreover, such behavior does not depend on the breed, so it is important to approach the process from different angles. If you neglect education, most likely half of the apartment will suffer. Sharp teeth are mostly aimed at shoes, wallpaper, upholstery, and wiring. It is important to prevent consequences in time by instilling good manners in your puppy. Let's consider the main aspects in order.

Reasons why a dog chews things

Changing teeth. Dogs, like people, often “eat away” discomfort. In puppies aged 4-6 months, intensive replacement of milk teeth with molars begins. As a result, the baby suffers from endless itching; the gums itch all day long. If we are talking about chewing teeth coming out, the pet may experience pain.

As a result, the baby tries to relieve discomfort, distracted by the owner’s shoes, furniture upholstery, wires and wallpaper. It is important to remember forever that it will not be possible to wean an animal off bad manners during the period of teeth change. The only solution is to distract the baby with toys that can be chewed without running into punishment.

Curiosity. All puppies are curious by nature, they are just beginning to explore the world, so they try everything “by tooth.” This is especially true for individuals 2-3 months old. This move allows pets to develop sensory abilities, sensing surrounding objects more realistically. If you notice this behavior in your pet, protect your baby.

Hide electrical wiring, sharp objects, and small parts that your pet can easily swallow. It is important to prevent intestinal blockage, otherwise death is possible. Do not hit the puppy under any circumstances, put expensive things on the top shelves, wait until the baby’s period of “curiosity” has passed.

There is only one answer - taste, chew and regurgitate everything that contains cellulose. Furniture legs, wallpaper, toilet paper (a favorite treat) are used. To cope with the problem, it is enough to worm the puppy. The procedure is carried out once every 3 months according to the instructions for the drug. If you wish, you can grow grass at home in pots or buy ready-made greens.

Boredom. Of course, a puppy can chew toys, entertaining itself in this way. However, in the absence of the owner or due to lack of attention, as well as a lack of toys, the pet begins to damage interior items, wallpaper, and shoes. To prevent such an outcome, make sure you have a sufficient number of “approved” items that you can use to sharpen your teeth. It is also worth paying more attention to your pet.

Weak intestinal microflora. A puppy that has just left the mother's womb feeds exclusively on colostrum. The dairy product contains probiotics and lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and digestion in general. If your baby doesn't get enough colostrum or has recently been treated with antibiotics, his immune system may be compromised. The microflora dies, as a result of which the puppy begins to have a massive “eating”. He chews and swallows inedible things, this includes feces, food waste, etc.

Lack of vitamins. Most often, vitamin deficiency causes puppies to act unconventionally. The dog begins to eat soil, paint, wallpaper and lime, pencils and pens, carrion, food waste, and leather shoes. As a result, the animal begins to have bad breath, teeth break, and the stomach and intestines work slowly (blockage is possible). Puppies can also become poisoned, which will directly affect the pet’s health.

To keep your home and pet safe, monitor its behavior. In cases of consuming items that are clearly unsuitable for food, include a complex of multivitamins and minerals in your daily menu. Monitor how you feel, vary the dosage according to your weight and age.

  1. Buy toys. Puppies, by their physiology, must sharpen their teeth and groom their gums. For these purposes, purchase special toys for dogs at the pet store. To maintain your pet's interest in these types of products, give out toys in batches. To begin with, make sure that the animal has 4-5 pieces in its arsenal, then replace them with similar ones. To make sure your pet plays with pleasure, tie the toy to a rope, wave it in front of its nose, or hide it under the sofa.
  2. Hide electrical wiring. As mentioned above, your puppy may chew small parts uncontrollably when he is changing his teeth. Electrical wires are especially dangerous. For this reason, it is recommended to put them away under special plastic structures or hide them under baseboards. If possible, do not leave the animal alone. You can also build a kind of enclosure for a puppy, fencing 2-3 meters of the room with a net. In such conditions, the family pet will get a good night's sleep without causing damage to furniture, shoes, wires and wallpaper.
  3. Prepare your puppy for your absence. Since the owner cannot always be with the pet, prepare the animal for your absence. To carry out the procedure without damaging the animal’s psyche, lock it in another room for 10-15 minutes daily. At the same time, always leave a treat in the form of a bone or chewing toys so that the absence of the owner is associated with pleasant things. Play the TV or radio in the background.
  4. Buy a bone. In pet stores you will find treats for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Buy a set of bones based on the liver or heart of pork, turkey, and chicken. Give out a treat every time you are about to leave the apartment or go for the night. You can also pamper your animal with similar “delicacies” at any convenient time when you don’t have enough strength to play with it.
  5. Give your dog attention. As stated earlier, a dog may chew things because he is bored. The animal tries to have fun in all possible ways, absorbing wallpaper or the owner’s shoes. Give your pet as much attention as you can. Make it a habit to walk in the park every day for 30-60 minutes. Play with the puppy at home, invite him to lie on the couch with you. Anything is suitable as signs of attention: games, walks, stroking, affection.
  6. Buy a spray. If you can't control your dog and it keeps ruining things, do something different. Purchase a spray at the pet store labeled “to stop your dog from chewing things.” The drug contains pepper extract, but is absolutely safe for both people and animals. As a rule, the technology of use is quite transparent: spray a small amount of the composition on furniture legs, wallpaper, shoes, and wait until it dries. The product leaves no traces, so it can be used on almost all things. The spray should be sprayed for 2-3 weeks until the dog gets rid of the addiction.
  7. Use folk remedies. It's not always possible to break a habit by spraying an item with pepper spray. This includes a charger from a laptop and phone, protruding cables from the Internet. Using a spray is unprofitable, so it makes sense to consider folk remedies. Dogs cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits, in particular lemon. Lubricate all forbidden items with juice and wait until dry. An alternative is chili pepper, mustard, ground red and black pepper, citrus fruit esters, eucalyptus, and tea tree.
  8. Spray bottle with water. Not all four-legged friends love to swim. If your pet falls into this category, use a spray bottle. When you catch an animal being mischievous, sprinkle water on its face, constantly repeating “No!” Spray the liquid until the dog releases the prohibited object from its teeth. Aim for the nose, not the eyes.
  9. Add vitamins to your food. Some dogs have a special passion for wallpaper, in particular the mortar underneath it. Take your pet to the veterinarian and ask him to select the optimal complex of vitamins and minerals. Do not engage in amateur activities under any circumstances; excess amounts of the supplement can lead to hypervitaminosis. The phenomenon itself can affect the functioning of the animal’s internal organs.
  10. Punish the animal with a rubber band. The most difficult thing in raising a dog is to stop it from chewing shoes. The problem increases in size if the animal was previously allowed to play with the owner's old slippers. First, try all humane methods (pepper spray, folk remedies, games, etc.). If they are unsuccessful, proceed with reasonable punishment. Take a light fabric elastic band and wait for the moment when your ward begins to misbehave. Pull the fabric slightly, then click the body. Perform simple manipulations until the habit is completely eradicated.
  11. Use other methods of punishment. If the above methods do not work, you can pat the puppy by the withers, saying “Ugh!” or “You can’t!” Express dissatisfaction in a stern voice. You can do it differently: catch your pet in the act, then say “Place!” and move the dog to the bed. If she tries to get away with punishment, return the puppy to his place with the words “Sit!” Punishment of this kind is directly related to training, so there is no need to hit the animal, shout at it, or otherwise show irritation.
  12. Distract your pet. If you notice that your dog is chewing things out of boredom, look for ways to distract yourself. For example, if you catch your pet eating wallpaper, gently pull it by the scruff of the neck, then put a toy in its mouth. It is important to select toys specifically for dogs; they can be made of thick rope or rubber. To instantly distract the animal, smear the toy with sausage.

Before you start training a dog, it is necessary to determine the true reasons for this behavior. If your animal chews things out of boredom or lack of attention, play with your pet and spray things with spray or lemon juice. Take your puppy to the veterinarian for a check-up so that the doctor can prescribe a vitamin complex. Punish your pet as a last resort, when all other methods have failed.

Video: how to stop a dog or puppy from chewing things at home

Having a tailed four-legged pet in the house, it is important to understand how much responsibility lies with the owner. This applies to both the dog’s health and responsibility for his actions.

For many people who, for some reason, decide to get a dog, the animal very quickly becomes a burden - it chews furniture, shoes, defecates on the floor, and also requires constant attention. But all these issues and inconveniences can be solved. For example, stopping a dog from chewing furniture is quite simple. It is necessary to be patient and have a sufficient supply of time to carry out educational work.

There are several reasons for this behavioral problem. Animal psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that the main reason that a dog chews furniture is lack of attention from the owner. The pet tries to attract and evoke emotions in its owner, no matter whether positive or negative.

Other, no less important reasons are:

  • Understanding the world around us– similar behavior is typical for small puppies aged 7 months to 1 year. A little puppy tries to taste everything that surrounds him. By gnawing, biting and licking furniture, the puppy develops sensory capabilities, the ability to sense the world around him.

Remember! The main task that the owner must set for himself is to hide all possible small objects so that the baby does not choke.

  • Elimination of discomfort– a reason that is also characteristic of small puppies aged from 3.5 to 8 months and is associated with the change of the baby row of teeth. The feeling of itching, burning and discomfort makes puppies chew on everything that, in their opinion, will help eliminate unpleasant feelings. While tasting the furniture, the puppy tries to scratch its itchy gums. Experts believe that it is almost impossible to wean a puppy at this age from chewing furniture, but distracting it with other objects and treats is quite possible.

Read also: The dog refuses dry food: a list of reasons and solutions

  • Worm infestations and problems with the digestive tract– in the warm season, animals cleanse their intestines themselves by eating green grass. During the onset of cold weather, there is no such natural cleanser. Wooden furniture is perfect for this, because it contains a sufficient amount of the necessary cellulose. Another reason is helminthic infestations. You can prevent helminth infection by doing preventive procedures once every 3 months.
  • Lack of microflora in the intestinal tract. Mother's milk contains a great variety of bacteria that are beneficial for digestion. Beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract die when treated with antibiotics, as well as when there is a lack of milk in a nursing mother. This leads to the fact that an adult dog or puppy begins to eat things that are not edible to human eyes - excrement, slop, garbage and wood.
  • Acute lack of vitamins in the body. This leads to a condition where the adult dog begins to behave strangely, trying to eat unusual objects. In such cases, you should definitely show your pet to a veterinarian and review the diet, adding various additional vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Boredom. In the absence of the owner, the dog can often feel bouts of loneliness and experience real stress. The pet also begins to chew furniture in order to entertain itself while the owner is absent.

Weaning and adjustment methods

After the reason for the dog chewing upholstered furniture has been correctly established, the animal can continue to commit dirty tricks. This is due to the fact that the dog has already formed a habit. In this case, it is quite difficult to stop an adult dog from chewing furniture.

Read also: What to feed a Shar Pei puppy: menu by age

Using commands and ignoring them

There are several techniques to cope with the problem. First of all, you should not punish a dog when the crime has already been committed. At the same time, shaming an adult dog or puppy when he is caught in the act is mandatory.

In addition, punishment must be carried out as reasonably as possible, without fanaticism and strong assault. So, small puppies can be lightly ruffled in the withers area, not too much, but by lightly pressing the skin. At the same time, it is important to repeat the command - “No! " The command must be given in a stern, clear and calm voice.

Note! Only small puppies can be pulled at the withers. Older dogs and very adult dogs should not be punished in this way; for them it is considered completely humiliating.

For adult dogs, it is advisable to use the commands “ ”, “ ”, “ ” as punishment. You can show that the dog has done a bad thing and should sit in one place. It is advisable for the owner to control his emotions as much as possible, not allow himself to raise his tone and not get irritated. For adult and trained dogs, you can simply show your ignorance, and the animal will understand that they were offended.


It is important to change your dog’s toys in a timely manner. This is especially true for children and young adults - they are terribly bored with monotony. When toys become uninteresting, the dog begins to replace them with surrounding objects. It is important to ensure that when the owner is absent from the house, the dog always has access to toys. If there are no toys, then furniture, a sofa and pillows on it can perfectly replace the pet’s usual entertainment.

Sprays and folk tricks

You can use a trick and simply hide some toys from time to time, and after a period of time, the dog will perceive the toy as completely new.

An adult dog that does not listen to commands can be weaned from chewing furniture using special sprays. Such products do not cause harm to humans when dried, and also do not particularly harm the pet.

When a puppy is teething, he simply cannot help but chew something. It is important for the owner not to miss this moment in order to maintain the integrity of his apartment. One of the things that small dogs love to chew on is furniture. Few owners of four-legged friends will be pleased with chewed table or chair legs. And there are no people who would agree to change their furniture several times a month. Therefore, it is important to immediately eradicate the puppy’s habit of gnawing wooden and other things in the house. How to stop a puppy from chewing furniture? What to do?

One way to wean it off is to hide the legs of all furniture under carpets or other possible means. The corners of sofas, armchairs and other objects can be covered with cellophane. Any attempts by the animal to get to hidden objects should be stopped. If the puppy tries to get to the furniture, you should say, “No!”

As soon as the dog encroaches on one of the pieces of furniture, you should forcefully lay the baby down and hold your hand in a lying position until he forgets about the object to which he caused harm. If this is not enough, you can lightly shake the dog by the scruff of the neck.

Before leaving home for a long time, be sure to take a walk with your pet and play active games so that the puppy does not have the strength to play with prohibited objects. In cases where this method does not help, it is worth placing the baby in a pre-prepared playpen to which he is accustomed. In this case, the owner must leave enough food and water in the arena until he returns home. It is also necessary to put a toy in the playpen so that the dog has something to play with.

You can distract your puppy from prohibited things with pet toys. It is advisable not to remove them from the dog’s field of vision. So, when choosing between a table leg or a favorite toy, a puppy can choose the latter, which will make life much easier for the owner. When the animal does not show interest in various balls, bones and other objects, the owner himself needs to accustom the dog to these objects. For this you can use the game “fight for objects” or the command “Bring it!”.

There are also simpler options. Pet stores sell special liquids that will prevent your pet from approaching the furniture. However, it is better that the owner himself tries to raise his pet without resorting to such means.
Having acquired strong nerves and love for your puppy, anyone who wants to wean him from chewing furniture in the house can do it.

How to train a dog
Teaching the puppy a name
The dog is your sports partner We teach the dog to pick up food from the ground
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After a puppy appears in the house, the owners will have to deal with the fact that the dog chews the furniture. What to do in this case and what causes it?

If a puppy chews furniture and shoes, peels off wallpaper and wires, this is not a disease of a carefree childhood that will go away. Once established, this habit will develop into a chronic form, which can disappoint the owner in the pet and cause a crushing blow to the wallet.

Training a puppy

The first step of a person who decides to get a dog should be careful preparation for settling a new pet in an apartment or house. To raise and train him you need a lot of financial resources, time and effort. The owner must be aware of all the surprises awaiting him, using proactive methods to correct the pet’s behavior.

As the dog grows up, it will definitely taste its surroundings; this is one of the stages of growing up. The puppy chews furniture, shoes and things in the house especially actively at 4-6 months. Whether things in the house will suffer from this depends entirely on the owner of the animal, he must be more cunning than his pet, because the quality of life together depends on this.

If a dog chews furniture, then, firstly, it needs to occupy itself with something. Secondly, she is teething. In this case, bones are optimal. Also, as an alternative, a treat is used -. They contain calcium; if a dog gnaws on these horns, this will have a positive effect on overall health.

Proactive Actions

The best thing to do would be not to leave the dog unattended at first, but the owner cannot be with the puppy all the time. The solution is simple: when leaving home, lock your pet in a pre-purchased metal enclosure (cage). To prevent him from getting bored, put 2-3 toys in the cage that he will chew on. What can be fixed in a dog’s behavior with such simple prevention? The puppy will get used to playing with what the owner gives and not touching visible but forbidden or inaccessible things.

In the presence of the owners, a preventative measure would be to put a comfortable leather muzzle on the puppy. A dog that is free to move will not be able to “test its teeth” on the furniture. The habit is reinforced, and as the puppy grows up, he learns not to spoil things. The behavioral habits the puppy has achieved need to be reinforced, and he should not spoil things while without a muzzle and in the absence of his owners.

Is it possible to wean a puppy from chewing furniture only by forming the correct pet behavior program? The dog needs to be trained 2-3 weeks after it starts running around the apartment in a muzzle. They let the dog out to run, carefully monitoring every action. If the puppy tries to chew the furniture, he should be scolded and immediately turn his attention to the toy. If the animal behaves correctly, praise the pet uncontrollably.

The toy that is offered to the dog should be attractive. The selection of items in specialized stores is quite large, but if the toy is not attractive, look for another one. You can rub a purchased rubber bone with a piece of smoked sausage so that it attracts the puppy with its aroma.

The next step in the actions of a cunning owner will be to teach the puppy not to chew furniture in his absence. Before training, remove all valuables from the pet’s access area. To begin with, leave the dog alone for a few minutes, gradually lengthening the periods of absence. After returning, the owner exaggeratedly meticulously inspects all the places that the animal can spoil. If everything is in order, he praises the puppy; if the dog chews the furniture, he punishes him.

When leaving home for a longer period than she is used to, she needs:

  • leaving a well-played and fed puppy at home, the risk of loss is minimal;
  • give the puppy a new toy or rubber bone that he can bite;
  • provoke the dog by placing old, unnecessary things on it: slippers, shoes. If the puppy starts to chew on them, this will be a reason for punishment and training.

Punishment is important in the training process: if you see that the puppy is chewing things, you should immediately come up, say: “Ugh” and spank him on the rump. If the animal disobeys, the punishment should be more severe; you cannot hit the animal in the face or paws, but in order to subordinate the puppy to the will of the person, the punishment must be strict.

To prevent your dog from gnawing, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Use the method of prevention and control until correct behavior is consolidated;
  2. Distract the puppy in time with toys and tasty food;
  3. Use reward and punishment methods correctly and patiently.

This little thing will save furniture from an active dog. provokes the dog with his appearance, but at the same time he will withstand any test. Busy Buddy is made of high-quality rubber and has a grooved coating, so it helps clean teeth from plaque. The toy develops the habit of chewing on it, not the furniture.

Training a dog

An animal that has not been taught to behave correctly among many interesting things will chew, studying them in this way - this behavior is characteristic of dogs of any age, so there is no point in being nervous or punishing the “rodent”. Correct behavior is to train the dog and control its behavior. When leaving home, lock her in a room where her behavior will not cause much harm, after leaving a few of her favorite toys there.

The dog chews furniture when left alone due to improper actions of the animal owner. This erroneous tactic gives her the firm belief that gnawing is okay when there are no people in the house! Punishment that is not tied to the immediate process does not form relationships in the animal’s behavior and does not teach.

Basic rules that you must reinforce in your dog:

  • You can only chew on permitted things;
  • this can also be done in the presence of people.

To prevent your dog from chewing furniture, you first need to block the opportunity to do so. To do this, the pet should wear a comfortable soft muzzle. After some time, the habit will gradually fade away.

If an animal has a habit of damaging not only furniture, but also tearing upholstery with its claws, it should be locked in an enclosure in the absence of its owners, leaving it alone with toys, bones and sticks that can be chewed. In order to distract your pet in your absence, it is good to fill a children's rubber toy that is empty inside with a substance that smells pleasant to the dog (dry food, biscuits). While having fun, she will chew on the object, which will reinforce the habit of doing this only with things permitted by the owner.

The best toys can be:

  1. Items made of hard, strong rubber;
  2. Purchased, specially processed, sterile bones;
  3. Special toys made of hooves and leather.
  • your old things;
  • used magazines and newspapers.

The next step is to leave the dog without a muzzle for a few minutes (2-4 weeks after the start of training). At the first attempts to gnaw, they are demonstratively punished and scolded. To distract, they throw keys or a jar of coins on the floor. If the dog does not see the person, such an action is associated with the action.

Then, after a while, they “forgive the rodent” and offer toys to help shape correct behavior. If the dog behaves correctly, they praise it just as loudly.

As the habit becomes established, it is left for a longer time; for this purpose, several steps are taken to be on the safe side:

  • the dog is left after it has had a good walk outside and eaten a tasty meal;
  • to protect things, use a product to prevent the dog from chewing furniture (Anti-gryzin);
  • Be sure to leave several old toys and one new one;
  • to teach not to touch the owners’ things, old unnecessary or already damaged things are left in a visible place;
  • if the dog behaves correctly, they encourage and praise it; if it behaves poorly, they scold it loudly and demonstratively.

Persistence and patience will help owners shape the correct behavior of their pet.

If your dog is already chewing furniture and still has problems with his teeth, this can help him out. It contains natural ingredients that help heal teeth. Moreover, applying the gel cleanses teeth of plaque and stones and prevents the appearance of holes. It is enough to apply it to your teeth several times a week.

Special means

What should I put on furniture to prevent the dog from chewing on it and the owners’ things? Reviews on the Internet do not always confirm the effectiveness of domestic Anti-Gryzin or similar products from pet stores, but there are good reviews about imported products (for example, Beaphar Stop It). According to the owners of “rodents”, it helps a lot:

  • “Star” balm for favorite, already damaged places on furniture or wallpaper, in the house;
  • a mixture of black and red pepper on old or already spoiled things that the dog chews;
  • Tabasco sauce;
  • pharmaceutical foot gel with a strong menthol scent;
  • treatment with vinegar essence.

Patience and perseverance, preempting the dog's actions with the owners' cunning, will help wean it from the destructive habit.