What can you eat if you have constant diarrhea? What can you eat if you have diarrhea: a list of permitted and unauthorized foods. Manifestations of loose stools

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract cause people a lot of inconvenience. When for some reason an upset stomach occurs, then at that moment it is impossible to think about anything else or do anything. Only a specialist can say for sure how to eat properly during diarrhea and whether it is possible to eat at all, but everyone should know the basics.

What is the danger of diarrhea?

Diarrhea causes significant harm to the body.

In addition to physical discomfort, diarrhea causes significant harm to the body. Together with digested food, this disease removes from the body all the microelements and nutrients necessary for its normal functioning, and also disrupts the normal microflora.

It is logical that the primary task of treatment is to replenish the supply of lost microelements in order to avoid further complications.

Principles of proper nutrition for diarrhea

For quality and maximum rapid improvement condition during the period of diarrhea, it is considered necessary to follow a properly selected diet.

In order not to aggravate the problem and contribute speedy recovery If you have diarrhea, you must follow a special diet and diet.

Products that can be consumed during this period should perform an enveloping function in order to create a certain protective film in the stomach and thereby protect the intestinal walls from irritating factors. You should not eat aggressive foods. It is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • too fatty food
  • over-salted food
  • products, calling processes fermentation
  • carbohydrate foods.

To quickly restore the disturbed microflora and to help the digestive organs work normally, it is recommended to follow the rule generous intake liquids. Medical workers Prescribe a drink that helps replenish electrolyte reserves. What drinks can you drink if you have diarrhea?

  1. still mineral water(alkaline);
  2. natural apple juice;
  3. decoctions of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  4. warm infusion of rosehip or bird cherry;
  5. teas (strong black with lemon, tea made from raspberry and currant leaves);
  6. blueberry jelly;
  7. medical solutions to replenish salts in the body (such as Gastrolit, Regidron).

About proper nutrition for diarrhea - in the thematic video:

As for food, in case of diarrhea it is highly advisable to eat liquid or semi-liquid food that has “astringent” properties and is saturated useful microelements. Experts recommend following diet No. 4, which includes the following foods:

  • Rice porridge has a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. Most people know that rice has a so-called “binding effect.” This ability is explained by the fact that rice does not contain fiber, which has a laxative effect.
  • Rice decoction. You should drink half a glass of this decoction before your main meal. It is advisable to drink it every two hours, so recovery will be much faster.
  • Slimy porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina).
  • Bananas. This beloved fruit is not only delicious, but it is also very rich in potassium, which in turn can perfectly replenish the supply of missing electrolytes lost due to indigestion.
  • Boiled carrots or carrot puree. The recommendation to eat carrots is conditional high content The vegetable contains vitamin A, which perfectly restores the mucous membrane of the intestinal walls.
  • Dry white bread (bought yesterday or in the form of crackers).
  • Boiled and baked apples. It is better to eat it as a puree. Contents in such a dish large quantity amino acids (such as pectin, tannin) promote excellent elimination of toxins and restoration of intestinal tract microorganisms.
  • Lean fish and meat. It is better to cook by steaming; you cannot eat skin and tendons, only clean meat.
  • Soups with meat or fish broth (not very fatty).
  • Soups with added mucous grains.
  • Low-fat, fine-grained cottage cheese and boiled eggs. These foods are rich in essential proteins.

An approximate menu for diarrhea for one day (this menu is only suitable for an adult; there is a different approach to the child’s menu):

  1. Breakfast 1: oatmeal, black tea with lemon.
  2. Breakfast 2: blueberry jelly.
  3. Lunch: soup with rice and boiled fish, buckwheat on water, steamed chicken cutlets, Apple juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: raspberry leaf tea.
  5. Dinner 1: boiled eggs, raisin broth.
  6. Dinner 2: pear jelly.

Feeding a child with diarrhea

If a child has diarrhea, you need to give him mixtures with increased level bifidobacteria.

child on breastfeeding. If the mother feeds the baby only breast milk, then nothing should change in the child’s diet, since nature has made sure that mother’s milk contains all the important and essential microelements who will help children's body recover quickly. But still, it is better for the mother herself to refrain from provoking foods and watch her diet.

child on artificial feeding. Children fed with adapted formulas need additional help the body, because no matter how high-quality and highly adapted the mixture is, it does not contain the entire set of necessary microelements.

At the time of diarrhea, you need to give your baby mixtures with increased content bifidobacteria, give more to drink (you can pharmaceutical solutions: Regidron, Oralit; you can use solutions prepared at home).

The child is over one and a half years old. In the beginning, it is necessary to feed the child warm, porridge-like soups with mucous grains. The food must be homogeneous and warm so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

When the little body begins to recover, you can slowly begin to introduce steam dishes from lean fish or lean meat(finely chopped).

These recommendations for proper nutrition for diarrhea in children and adults, they are relevant, but still, for greater confidence, it is better to contact your family doctor, he will draw up a recovery plan based on individual symptoms and patient characteristics.

Diarrhea in women who are breastfeeding

Diarrhea during breastfeeding is often associated with stress.

As you know, diarrhea of ​​a nursing mother is often associated with stress, in such a situation you shouldn’t worry too much, you need to try to ensure calm environment and everything will fall into place.

But if mucous or bleeding, she feels nauseous and vomits, then you should sound the alarm, perhaps an upset stomach is caused by an infectious disease.

You will probably have to stop feeding your baby breast milk, as the baby may also “catch” the disease. If there is no danger, then there is no need to stop breastfeeding, you just need to reconsider your diet, give preference to steamed dishes and temporarily stop eating vegetables, fruits, sweets, baked goods, spices and other foods that irritate the intestines.

Diarrhea in the elderly

The approach to treating older people is also special, and the diet prescribed to them must be clear and strictly followed. Diarrhea leaves the body with a large amount of water, and dehydration is extremely dangerous for older people.

Due to the characteristics of the body of an elderly person, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, and all further instructions should be followed.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Those people who have an upset stomach after every meal should eat unsalted buckwheat cooked in water for treatment and prevention. You need to eat it every day on an empty stomach.

Diet after diarrhea

After diarrhea, you can gradually include lean meats and fish products.

In order for the body to fully recover from diarrhea, you need to maintain a loyal diet for some time, gradually including lean meat and fish products, steamed and finely chopped.

Diarrhea can occur due to ingestion of a poor quality or stale product. Usually diarrhea begins 2-3 hours after eating such food.

There is no need to panic, you should drink as much fluid as possible and everything will be resolved safely soon. If the problem does not go away, then the right thing to do is contact your doctor.

Now the basic principles of treating diarrhea are clear, but it is worth remembering that everything must be done in moderation, and excessive consumption of “fastening” and “astringent” products can lead to the reverse process and diarrhea will be replaced by intestinal constipation.

When diarrhea occurs, people always wonder what they can eat for diarrhea. First you need to understand the essence of this problem. Official medical science states that with diarrhea, bowel movements become more frequent. Its consistency becomes liquid. However, there is no clarification about the factors that provoked the disease itself. It could be food poisoning, and Crohn's disease, and various others serious illnesses. Sometimes even psychological disorders are to blame for this. But in any case, you need to change your diet and regimen to facilitate the digestion process. You definitely need to know what you can eat when you have diarrhea, and what you should not eat, so as not to worsen your health even further.

Basic aspects of nutrition for diarrhea

First of all, it is necessary to understand why problems appear in the body that provoke the appearance of diarrhea. Firstly, this may be due to problems that lead to the fact that fluid in the body is absorbed much worse than in in good condition. In addition, the absorption of electrolytes is disrupted. Secondly, the food lump, which is already located in the intestines, can move through the organ excessively quickly. Thirdly, the reason may be an increase in the amount of moisture that is released in the intestinal opening.

To improve the patient's health, it is necessary to balance the diet. It is most important. By the way, when normalizing nutrition, it is better not to force the body into strict limits, especially when it comes to protein foods. Of course, you will have to consume much less carbohydrates and fats, but you should not give them up completely.

But it is better to completely exclude those foods and dishes that provoke fermentation in the stomach and especially in the intestines. They will only irritate the intestines. It is also better not to touch products that have choleretic properties for now.

As for the volume of food, you need to eat in the same volume as before, but the number of meals will have to be increased and the portions reduced. Due to diarrhea you will have to switch to fractional meals. The body will receive the same amount of food as before, only according to a different scheme. This will help relieve a lot of stress from the intestines, so that the body can quickly cope with an unpleasant disease. It is best to eat little by little, but every 3-4 hours. By the way, you have to drink more water, since diarrhea has a complication such as dehydration. This is due to the fact that a large amount of water leaves the body, because... it moves faster through the intestines.

It is imperative to eliminate the causes that led to the development of diarrhea. You can fight the symptoms of the disease, but without getting rid of the provoking factors you will have to undergo treatment for quite a long time, and this is very difficult for the body. Many people know what to eat and don’t make a problem out of it. Every person who has suffered from diarrhea at least once knows that you need to keep crackers on hand (preferably white or rye bread). It will be very useful rice porrige, which is cooked on ordinary water without adding anything. This is a salvation for the patient, because... rice is a natural sorbent, rice will help collect everything harmful substances and remove them from the body as quickly as possible.

You can eat whey if you have diarrhea. This remedy will prevent the development of putrefactive bacteria. The same goes for strong tea. Almost every person knows that strong brewing of black tea can save you from attacks unpleasant illness. It is also useful to drink blueberry compote or jelly. Low-fat soups are healthy. It is allowed to add a small amount of cereals and meatballs to them.

What can you eat?

What can you eat if you have diarrhea? main question, which worries a person during diarrhea, since you cannot last several days on rice, tea and crackers. Of course, these products will be the most useful in this situation, but you always want to diversify the menu. Of course, there are no strict restrictions on other dishes. There are many foods that you can eat when you have diarrhea.

For example, no matter what they say about milk (that it is very difficult to digest or is difficult to digest), in fact, you can drink milk when you have diarrhea. It is allowed to be added to various dishes. For example, you can cook porridge with milk, add it to purees, or cook creamy soup. But when cooking porridge, you must remember that the specific gravity of milk should not be more than 1/3 of the total volume of the dish. But on various products from milk there are practically no restrictions for diarrhea. For example, it is best to include daily diet cottage cheese. This product contains a large number of protein compounds, calcium and other useful substances. A child with diarrhea can also eat cheese at least every day. The same applies to adult patients. But you shouldn’t overuse it and eat it in large quantities. You can eat a little every day. Fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora.

As for eggs, you need to pay attention to the individual tolerance of this product by the victim’s body.

If the patient has problems digesting this product, then it is better not to risk it and refrain from consuming it. But even if there are no problems with the absorption of eggs, you should not take more than 2 eggs per day. It is most useful to cook soft-boiled eggs or an omelet in this case.

Adults can eat meat, but it should not be fatty. Children are also allowed this product, but it is better to eat it in small quantity. From low-fat varieties A variety of poultry or beef will do. You only need to choose pulp that does not have film, skin, cartilage, tendons, etc. Doctors recommend preparing this heavy product for a couple. If a person has diarrhea, then it is forbidden to fry meat, especially adding spices to it.

If a person has diarrhea, then you need to pay attention to cereals. They are not only allowed, but also very useful. You can use any cereal, but not pearl barley. It is best to cook cereals only in water while you have diarrhea. To make it tastier, you can add a small amount butter or milk.

You need to pay attention to the fish. The situation here will be the same as with meat. If a person has diarrhea, then fatty fish should not be eaten. But you can enjoy lean fish. For example, cod or pollock would be very useful in such a situation. It is best to steam fish, but under no circumstances should you eat fried fish.

Can you eat if you have diarrhea? various berries and fruits. Compotes and jelly made from them will be especially useful. If they are easily digestible fresh, then it is permissible to eat 1/2 cup per day.

As for pasta, it is better to switch to small ones. And you can eat them no more than once a day.

It is better to give preference to fermented milk drinks. You are allowed to drink them at least every day. Oddly enough, you can drink red wine, but not more than 50 g per day. It will improve the digestion process. It's better to choose dry. You can drink jelly, juices, compotes, cocoa, coffee and strong tea.

But with vegetables things are different. Not all of them can be eaten without restrictions. For example, garlic and onions are eaten in small quantities on such days. They irritate the intestines, so it is better not to eat these foods unnecessarily. But you can eat zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, peas and beans at least every day. It is best to steam or boil them, but you can also stew them.

It is better to eat white bread, and it should be slightly dry. If you quickly get tired of such bread, you can carefully alternate it with fresh bread, with crackers. Various dried foods and cookies can also be eaten, but not too often.

Prohibited Products

Many people with diarrhea are interested in what they should not eat during diarrhea, so as not to worsen their health. You should not eat foods that are contrary to those that are allowed. For example, it is forbidden to eat anything fried. This applies not only to meat and fish, but also to vegetables. Broths should not be greasy. Smoked products are prohibited.

Fatty foods are prohibited. The ban especially applies to excessively fatty milk; this product will only harm a person. And of course, cream is also prohibited. It's better not to risk your health.

It is forbidden to eat all canned food. They will have to be abandoned temporarily. Dishes and products must be fresh or freshly prepared.

By the way, despite the fact that vegetables are rich in various beneficial microelements and vitamins, some of them are prohibited. For example, it is better to temporarily exclude beets, cabbage (especially white cabbage), radishes, cucumbers, turnips, etc. from the diet. They cannot be eaten either fresh or canned. Not only spices negatively affect digestion, but also various brines.

If a person suffers from diarrhea, then eggs should be eaten carefully, as already mentioned. Quite often the body cannot cope with such a load. It is best to give preference to quail or chicken eggs, but it is forbidden to eat them fried.

Of course, fruits and berries are very beneficial for the body due to the fact that they supply a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins, but they are not always beneficial. For example, you will have to temporarily give up all sour fruits. This applies to lemon, blueberries, black currants, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, gooseberries and others.

Menu for the day

If a person suffers from diarrhea, then it is better to have breakfast only with oatmeal. You are allowed to eat cottage cheese and drink it with strong black tea. A little later, it is recommended to drink blueberry compote or jelly or eat a finely grated apple. For lunch, broth is suitable, but not fatty. You can eat rice and cutlets. You need to wash everything down with jelly. Before you start dinner, you should drink a glass of rosehip decoction. For dinner, an omelette and buckwheat porridge are suitable. Before going to bed, you can drink jelly or kefir.

If a woman has diarrhea and is in the lactation stage, then it is imperative to monitor her diet. It is best not to breastfeed at this time and switch the baby to formula.

One of the most exciting issues for diarrhea: what can you eat for diarrhea? There are a number of rules that apply dietary nutrition with diarrhea. It is imperative to adhere to them so as not to further worsen the patient’s condition. Always be attentive to your health.

They cause people a lot of inconvenience. When for some reason an upset stomach occurs, then at that moment it is impossible to think about anything else or do anything. Only a specialist can say for sure how to eat properly during diarrhea and whether it is possible to eat at all, but everyone should know the basics.

Diarrhea causes significant harm to the body.

In order not to aggravate the problem and to promote a speedy recovery, it is necessary to follow a special diet and diet for diarrhea.

Products that can be consumed during this period should perform an enveloping function in order to create a kind of protective film and thereby protect the intestinal walls from irritating factors. You should not eat aggressive foods. It is strictly forbidden to eat:

  • too fatty food
  • over-salted food
  • products that cause fermentation processes
  • carbohydrate foods.

To quickly restore the disturbed microflora and to help the digestive organs work normally, it is recommended to follow the rule of drinking plenty of fluids. Health care providers prescribe drinks that help replenish electrolytes. What drinks can you drink if you have diarrhea?

  1. still (alkaline);
  2. natural apple juice;
  3. decoctions of dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots);
  4. warm infusion of rosehip or bird cherry;
  5. teas (strong black with lemon, tea made from raspberry and currant leaves);
  6. blueberry jelly;
  7. medical solutions to replenish salts in the body (such as Gastrolit,).

About proper nutrition for diarrhea - in the thematic video:

As for food, if you have diarrhea, it is highly advisable to eat liquid or semi-liquid food that has “astringent” properties and is rich in beneficial microelements. Experts recommend following diet No. 4, which includes the following foods:

  • Rice porridge has a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. Most people know that rice has a so-called “binding effect.” This ability is explained by the fact that rice does not contain fiber, which has.
  • Rice decoction. You should drink half a glass of this decoction before your main meal. It is advisable to drink it every two hours, so recovery will be much faster.
  • Slimy porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina).
  • Bananas. This beloved fruit is not only delicious, but it is also very rich in potassium, which in turn can perfectly replenish the supply of missing electrolytes lost due to indigestion.
  • Boiled carrots or carrot puree. The recommendation to eat carrots is due to the high content of vitamin A in the vegetable, which perfectly restores the intestinal walls.
  • Dry white bread (bought yesterday or in the form of crackers).
  • Boiled and baked apples. It is better to eat it as a puree. The content of a large amount of amino acids in such a dish (such as pectin, tannin) promotes excellent removal of toxins and restoration of intestinal tract microorganisms.
  • Lean and meat. It is better to cook by steaming; you cannot eat skin and tendons, only clean meat.
  • Soups with meat or fish broth (not very fatty).
  • Soups with added mucous grains.
  • Low-fat, fine-grained cottage cheese and boiled eggs. These foods are rich in essential proteins.

Approximate menu for one day (this menu is only suitable for an adult; there is a different approach to the child’s menu):

  1. Breakfast 1: oatmeal, black tea with lemon.
  2. Breakfast 2: blueberry jelly.
  3. Lunch: soup with rice and boiled fish, buckwheat with water, steamed chicken cutlets, apple juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: raspberry leaf tea.
  5. Dinner 1: boiled eggs, raisin broth.
  6. Dinner 2: pear jelly.

Feeding a child with diarrhea

If a child has diarrhea, you need to give him mixtures with an increased level of bifidobacteria.

Breastfed baby. If a mother feeds her baby only breast milk, then nothing should change in the child’s diet, since nature has made sure that mother’s milk contains all the important and necessary microelements that will help the child’s body recover quickly. But still, it is better for the mother herself to refrain from provoking foods and watch her diet.

A child is bottle-fed. Children fed with adapted formulas need additional help for the body, because no matter how high-quality and highly adapted the formula is, it does not contain the entire set of necessary microelements.

At the time of diarrhea, you need to give the baby mixtures with a high content, give him plenty to drink (you can use pharmaceutical solutions: Regidron, Oralit; you can use solutions prepared at home).

The child is over one and a half years old. In the beginning, it is necessary to feed the child warm, porridge-like soups with mucous grains. The food must be homogeneous and warm so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

When your little body is on the mend, you can slowly begin to introduce it from lean fish or lean meat (finely chopped).

These recommendations on proper nutrition for diarrhea in children and adults are relevant, but still, for greater confidence, it is better to contact your family doctor, he will draw up a recovery plan based on the individual symptoms and characteristics of the patient.

Diarrhea in women who are breastfeeding

Diarrhea during breastfeeding is often associated with stress.

As you know, diarrhea in a nursing mother is often associated with stress, in such a situation you shouldn’t worry too much, you need to try to ensure a calm environment and everything will fall into place.

But if mucous or bloody discharge is found in a woman’s stool, she feels nauseous, or appears, then you should sound the alarm, perhaps an upset stomach is caused by an infectious disease.

You will probably have to stop feeding your baby breast milk, as the baby may also “catch” the disease. If there is no danger, then there is no need to stop breastfeeding, you just need to reconsider your diet, give preference to steamed dishes and temporarily stop eating vegetables, sweets, baked goods, spices and other foods that irritate the intestines.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is characterized by impaired bowel movements, loose stools that bother the patient more three times per day. Sometimes bowel movements occur up to 15 times a day. The phenomenon is accompanied unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area: pain, flatulence, rumbling. There is weakness and malaise. There are acute and chronic diarrhea. When chronic disease diarrhea lasts two weeks or more. Another variety chronic diarrhea in adults – frequent and copious bowel movements throughout the day, even if normal consistency. Patients are primarily concerned with the question of what to eat if they have diarrhea.

Diarrhea occurs due to various factors. Symptoms are relieved medicines, But correct treatment prescribed after determining the cause. Depending on the factors that influenced the occurrence of diarrhea, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Nutritional. It occurs when a person violates the diet prescribed for him for any illness after consuming prohibited foods. Also, nutritional diarrhea is an allergic reaction.
  2. Infectious. Loose stools are caused by pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora that appears in the intestines. Salmonellosis, enterovirus, foodborne toxoinfections, dysentery, amoebiasis - all these infections can lead to defecation disorders.
  3. Toxic. This type includes disorders associated with the appearance of intoxication due to poisoning. An adult can be poisoned by food or dangerous chemicals: mercury, arsenic and others. It is important to know what you can eat if you are poisoned to remove toxins.
  4. Dyspeptic. In this case, it is caused by malfunctions digestive system.
  5. Psychological. This type of diarrhea is also called “bear disease”; in this case, it makes no difference what you eat.

Important! Regardless of the reasons for loose stools, consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

Diarrhea in adults sometimes signals serious pathologies.

Why is diarrhea dangerous?

Diarrhea in adults is not only a physical discomfort, but also harmful to the body. Frequent bowel movements dangerous for two reasons:

  • Removal from the body of trace elements and nutrients that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Disturbance of the intestinal microflora, which leads to even greater gastrointestinal disorders.

Diarrhea (diarrhea), from a medical point of view, is frequent (3 or more times a day) loose stools. The reasons can be very different, from psychological (“ bear disease") to severe organic (, lymphoma small intestine etc.). But, regardless of the cause, the principles of nutrition for diarrhea remain the same. We'll tell you what you can eat when you have diarrhea and what you should avoid in this article. And about that.

Why does the stool become liquid?

    This may be related
  • with accelerated movement of intestinal contents;
  • with impaired absorption of water and electrolytes;
  • with increased secretion of water and sodium into the intestinal lumen;
  • with increased mucus production.

What principles is the diet based on?

To prevent dehydration, a person suffering from diarrhea needs to drink plenty of fluids.
  • To minimize the immediate load on the intestines, meals should be frequent, in fact small portions must be eaten every 3 hours.
  • Mechanical and chemical irritants of the intestines are excluded.
  • Products with a choleretic effect are excluded.
  • Anything that can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines is excluded.
  • The diet should be energetically complete, but the amount of fats and carbohydrates should be lower limit physiological norm. The amount of protein in the diet does not decrease.
  • It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes that is inevitable with diarrhea.

In general, food is semi-liquid, boiled or steamed, preferably pureed, without spices.

What should you eat if you have diarrhea?

Crackers from white bread, rice porridge with water, bird cherry compote or blueberry jelly, strong tea - this is the well-known “ ambulance» with frequent loose stools.

To this list I would like to add whey, which is rich in microelements and prevents the development of putrefactive flora.

What can you eat if you have diarrhea?

  • Meat: lean, freed from films, fascia, tendons - any connective tissue. Boiled is better, mashed and steamed is even better: cutlets, quenelles, soufflé.
  • Fish: lean fish, like cod or pollock, boiled or steamed, or even better - in the form of meatballs or steamed cutlets.
  • Cereals: porridges are certainly included in the diet, almost any kind is acceptable, except pearl barley; they are cooked in water or with the addition of milk (no more than a third), and butter is added to the finished porridge. It's good to make pudding sometimes. Mucus soups are very good for diarrhea.
  • Pasta: yes, but not three times a day. The best option boiled vermicelli.
  • Milk: can be used to prepare porridge, in a ratio of 1/3 with water or added to puree, along with a spoon of butter. A dairy products Almost everything is acceptable, they normalize the intestinal microflora, prevent fermentation and flatulence. True, the fixing effect of kefir with an expiring shelf life is a myth. The fact is that “three-day kefir” is prepared using a special starter for 3 days, and regular kefir does not turn into it after three days of storage. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium; like mild cheese, it is advisable to eat it every day, of course, little by little.
  • Eggs: soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, one is allowed, if well tolerated, two eggs per day.
  • Vegetables: carrots and potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini, green pea And green beans, eggplants and tomatoes, with caution - onions and garlic, and dill and parsley are ok. Vegetables should be boiled (except for tomatoes), or baked without a golden brown crust, and preferably in the form of puree.
  • Fruits and berries: you can and should, baked, in the form of compotes, jelly, jellies, jam or mousse; if well tolerated, you can eat half a glass of strawberries or raspberries raw.
  • Bread: white, soft, dried or in the form of crackers, dry biscuits or dry bread.
  • Drinks: tea, coffee, water cocoa, still water, compotes and jelly, non-carbonated fermented milk drinks, red wine (no more than 50g per day).

What should you not eat if you have diarrhea?

Avoid drinking milk if you have diarrhea.

You should avoid the following foods if you have diarrhea:

  • Meat: fatty, with a golden brown crust. By-products - liver, kidneys, brains, etc. - are not desirable. Smoked meats, canned food, and rich broths are completely excluded.
  • Fish: fatty, fried, smoked, marinated or canned.
  • Dairy products: whole milk, heavy cream, whey-based carbonated drinks.
  • Eggs: If they are hard-boiled or fried, or if they are poorly tolerated, causing abdominal pain and flatulence.
  • Vegetables: White cabbage, fresh and pickled, beets, turnips, radishes and rutabaga; cucumbers Canned vegetables are not recommended - they usually contain spices and vinegar. The exception is puree for baby food. Horseradish, mustard, mushrooms are also prohibited.
  • Fruits and berries: raw sour varieties (cranberries, lemon, currants, sour apples, gooseberries).
  • Bread: baked goods, brown bread, cakes, especially with cream.
  • Drinks: cold and carbonated, such as beer, kvass and lemonade.

If the thought of spending a day without food at all does not cause panic, you can not eat at all for the first day, only drink sweet tea, but not less than 1.5 liters.

Listen to yourself: we are all different, some tolerate bananas perfectly, for some they increase flatulence, for some walnuts improvement occurs, the other begins to experience abdominal pain. The main thing is to stick general principles diets for diarrhea, because even antidiarrheal medications will help if you eat them with a good portion of fried pork with sauerkraut.

Which doctor should I contact?

For stool disorder not caused by acute intestinal infection ongoing for a long time, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. If you have abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting, you should immediately contact infectious diseases department. For chronic diarrhea, consulting a nutritionist will help.
Video version of this article:

Diet for diarrhea in children:

Diarrhea is a disease associated with dysfunction gastrointestinal tract. Most often, people suffer from frequent bowel movements after eating low-quality food. The patient suffers from flatulence and abdominal pain. What can you eat if you have diarrhea?

After all, the gastrointestinal tract is vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, which can cause the development of an inflammatory process.

Causes of diarrhea

The main causes of diarrhea include:

  1. Reception poor quality food, which often leads to digestive disorders. When purchasing products, you should take a closer look at the manufacturing date.
  2. Entry into the body chemical substances that caused poisoning in humans.
  3. Attacks of diarrhea may result from food allergies for some food components.
  4. Diarrhea appears after pathogens of various diseases enter the intestines.
  5. Disorders of the digestive system affect people who constantly experience nervous tension. Stress leads to disruption of the digestion process.
  6. Diarrhea occurs due to uncontrolled use of medications.

How to eat when you have diarrhea

At the very beginning of the disease, you need to adhere to liquid diet. The patient is prohibited from eating any food. Restrictions do not apply herbal decoctions and water.
But this recommendation is only suitable for treatment acute form diarrhea. Fasting should not last more than a day.

Chronic diarrhea leads to loss of large amounts of moisture. Together with feces, the body is deprived of useful substances necessary for its functioning. At chronic diarrhea You cannot completely give up food.

However, this does not mean that you will not have to change your previous diet. Breaks in meals should not be more than 3 hours. Nutrition for diarrhea should take into account individual characteristics person.

What can you eat if you have diarrhea:

What foods have a healing effect for diarrhea?

To get rid of diarrhea as quickly as possible, you need to include several foods in your diet:

  1. Rice porridge is a dish that can be eaten without restrictions. The cereal needs to be boiled clean water no added salt or sugar.
  2. Thanks to blueberry jelly, you can eliminate the consequences associated with eating low-quality food. Kissel envelops the intestinal mucosa and protects them from the effects of irritants.
  3. You can suppress putrefactive microflora if you introduce whey into your diet. Not only does she struggle with pathogenic microorganisms, but also replenishes microelements lost during diarrhea.
  4. Crackers – unique product, which has long been used as a remedy for diarrhea.

What foods are best to avoid during diarrhea?

What should you not eat if you have diarrhea? The list of prohibited products includes:

  • salads made from fresh vegetables;
  • fruits contain a lot of fiber;
  • smoked meats, pickles and fatty foods irritate the mucous membranes;
  • during diarrhea, forget about coffee and sparkling water;
  • mushrooms - roughage, which is difficult to digest even in a healthy stomach.

It is necessary to temporarily exclude foods that stimulate intestinal motility:

  • confectionery products because they contain too much sugar;
  • syrups and sweet drinks;
  • dishes made from peas and beans stimulate the intestines;
  • canned vegetables and fruits;
  • various spices and herbs have an irritating effect on the surface of the mucous membranes.

Diarrhea will not stop if you eat cabbage, turnips, radishes and beets. These vegetables contain too much fiber, which strengthens the gastrointestinal tract.

In what cases can you not do without medical help?

You need to go to the hospital if diarrhea is accompanied by:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • the patient experiences severe pain in a stomach;
  • there are blood clots in the stool;
  • the patient suffers from attacks of vomiting and nausea;
  • there is weakness throughout the body, dizziness;

Such symptoms may indicate serious pathologies who require the help of doctors.

How to prepare medicinal dishes for diarrhea

To prepare a dish with a strengthening effect, you can use the following recipes:

Rice porridge with chicken

Boil chicken breast in 3 glasses of water for 40 minutes. Add a glass of rice to the resulting broth. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Place the chopped meat on a plate along with rice.

Blueberry jelly

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. After this, add 200 grams of berries and the same amount of sugar to the water. The mixture should cook for about 15 minutes. Before adding starch, you need to dilute it in 4 tablespoons of cold water.

3 minutes after adding starch, the jelly will be ready. Instead of blueberries, you can add other berries.

Features of diarrhea in children

In children, the digestive organs are not yet fully formed. They suffer from diarrhea more often than adults, causing a lot of trouble for their parents.

Stool disorder leads to severe dehydration body. During bowel movements, the baby loses up to 200 ml of fluid.

To restore water-salt balance you can use the following drugs:

  1. – powder white, used for poisoning. The product can be taken by pregnant women and children.
  2. Glucosolan serves to destroy pathogenic microflora. It helps with dehydration.
  3. Gastrolit – combination drug, which is designed to restore water-salt balance.

During illness, children should not eat foods that have a laxative effect. The prohibited list includes substances that increase the secretion of bile. Food should not stimulate the intestines.

Diet serves to eliminate the consequences eating disorder. Its goal is to stop fermentation processes and restore intestinal microflora.

A child's body in this state can benefit from liquid meals. They are easily digested and do not cause irritation to the mucous membranes. You will have to stop eating solid foods until signs of improvement appear.

It is advisable to chop the food before eating. Your child should drink several liters of fluid every day to avoid dehydration.

Traditional methods of treating diarrhea

Put Walnut into a saucepan with hot water. The solution should be infused for 30 minutes. The finished decoction should be drunk one glass at a time. The product also helps with chronic form diarrhea.

If diarrhea does not stop for more than a day, you can use oak bark. It needs to be brewed in a glass of water. The resulting decoction should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

St. John's wort has an astringent effect. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with a glass of boiling water.

Ways to prevent diarrhea

To avoid diarrhea, you must follow several rules:

  1. You should not eat dirty vegetables and fruits. It is enough to eat just one unwashed apple.
  2. You can catch the infection on the street, snacking on the go. Bacteria easily enter from dirty hands into the digestive system.
  3. Pathogenic microorganisms are found in raw water.
  4. Some products must be subjected to heat treatment.
  5. Diarrhea may occur after eating expired foods.
  6. Many people take antibiotics too lightly. Taking these drugs may cause diarrhea.
  7. Avoid stressful situations.