Amiksin instructions for use for children for prevention. Amiksin - instructions for use for adults, cheap analogues, reviews. International nonproprietary name

Antibiotics are widely used to fight bacterial infections, but they cannot cure viral diseases. In the fight against a viral infection, instead of antibacterial agents, drugs that act on viruses should be used. One of them is domestic drug Amiksin. Is it possible to give this medicine to children and how to take this antiviral drug for influenza and other infections correctly?

Release form

Amiksin is produced in only one form - tablets. At the same time, the concentration of the active substance in different packages differs, which allows you to choose the most suitable drug for the treatment of a specific disease.

The tablets themselves have round shape, convex on both sides, and their shell orange color. If you break the tablet, it will also be orange inside, but sometimes white specks can be seen in its contents. One pack may contain 6 or 10 tablets. Also on sale are jars of 20 tablets of Amiksin.


The main ingredient in Amiksin is a substance called “tiloron”. It can be contained in two different dosages– 60 mg and 125 mg. Primellose, MCC, Ca stearate, Kollidon-30 and potato starch. The drug shell was made from macrogol-4000, polysorbate 80, hypromellose, titanium dioxide and yellow dyes.

Tilorone is a synthetic low molecular weight compound

Operating principle

Once in the human body, tilorone is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, after which it is transferred with plasma proteins to various tissues. This compound stimulates the intestinal epithelium, T-lymphocytes, granulocytes, as well as hepatocytes, as a result of which the active production of alpha, gamma and beta interferons begins in such cells.

First, interferon begins to be produced in the intestines, then in the liver and in the blood. Maximum action the synthesis of interferons is observed 2-24 hours after taking Amiksin.

The medicine affects the bone marrow, activating stem cells in it. Tilorone also has an effect on the production of immunoglobulins types A, G and M. The drug has a beneficial effect on humoral immunity and stimulates the appearance of antibodies. In addition, treatment with Amiksin helps restore the normal proportion of T-suppressor and T-helper cells, as a result of which immunosuppression is reduced.

The antiviral effect of tilorone is due to the inhibition of protein production in virus-infected cells, which is why the reproduction of the pathogen is inhibited. The drug acts on ARVI viruses, hepatoviruses, cytomegaloviruses, influenza viruses different types and other pathogens.

In addition to its effect on viruses, tilorone has an anti-inflammatory effect. They also say that Amiksin has antitumor properties and radioprotective activity.


The reason to prescribe Amiksin may be:

  • Acute viral disease of the respiratory tract. The medicine is quite often prescribed for a cold caused by one of the pathogens of ARVI.
  • Flu. The drug is effective against influenza viruses, so it can be prescribed both in the midst of an illness and to prevent it, for example, if a family member gets sick.
  • Chlamydia infection for example, defeat genitourinary organs or pharyngitis caused by such pathogens.
  • A disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. Amiksin helps with herpetic fever, stomatitis, eczema and others herpetic diseases, as well as with chickenpox.
  • Acute hepatitis. The drug is recommended for both hepatitis A and acute stage hepatitis B and C.
  • Infection with cytomegalovirus. Amiksin is effective against such a pathogen and is used in the treatment cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Encephalomyelitis, which is viral or infectious-allergic in nature. Amiksin for this disease is prescribed as part of a complex treatment.
  • Tuberculosis. For a comprehensive fight against this infection, Amiksin can be prescribed together with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Amexin is effective in treating colds and flu

At what age is it allowed to take it?

Instructions for use of Amiksin for children contain information that this medicine is not given until the age of 7 years. If the child is older, for example, at the age of 9 or 11 years, he can be given this drug without fear. The reason for prescribing Amiksin in childhood is often ARVI or influenza. In this case, the drug is also used with therapeutic purpose, and as a prophylactic agent.


Treatment with Amiksin is not carried out if you have little patient I am allergic to this medicine. To check whether the child has an intolerance, his condition should be carefully monitored after the first tablet. If any signs of an allergy are detected, such as skin itching, the medicine is discontinued.

Also, you should not take Amiksin if you are lagging behind in physical or mental development. It is not recommended to give the drug to adults during breastfeeding (the medicine passes into the woman’s milk) and pregnancy (the drug will affect the fetus).

Watch Dr. Komarovsky’s program dedicated to antiviral drugs, which include Amexin:

Side effects

Taking Amiksin can cause various dyspeptic symptoms, for example, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, abdominal discomfort, a feeling of bloating in the epigastric region, or nausea. Also, some children react to this medication with allergies and short-term chills.

Instructions for use in children and dosage

Before you start treating your child with Amiksin, be sure to consult your pediatrician. The dosage of Amiksin used in pediatrics is 60 mg of the active substance. Tablets with this dose are prescribed for ARVI or influenza according to the following scheme:

  1. A single dose is 60 mg.
  2. The drug is taken once a day.
  3. You should take the tablet after a meal.
  4. It should be swallowed whole, because damage to the film shell will worsen the healing properties of Amiksin.
  5. The medicine is given for two days in a row, and then every other day, that is, Amiksin is taken on the first day, on the second day, and then on the fourth day of treatment.
  6. The course dose is 180 mg, which corresponds to three tablets.

This dosage regimen is used for diseases that occur without complications. If a small patient develops any complication of influenza or another viral infection, the course dose is increased to 4 tablets (240 mg of active substance), and the drug is additionally given on the sixth day of treatment. It turns out that in case of a complicated form of ARVI, the child should be given 1 tablet on the first day, then on the second day, then on the fourth day and another tablet on the 6th day from the start of therapy.

Amiksin should be given to the baby once a day after meals.


There is no information about the negative effects of Amiksin on the patient’s body if the drug is taken in too high a dose.

Interaction with other drugs

Amiksin can be combined with any other drugs used in the treatment of viral infections. This drug is also well compatible with antibacterial agents. If it is given together with metronidazole drugs, then they toxic effect on the liver decreases.

Terms of sale

The drug approved for children (with a concentration of the active ingredient of 60 mg) is sold only by prescription, and for the drug used by adults (containing tilorone 125 mg per tablet) a prescription from a doctor is not required. average price A package of 10 tablets of 60 mg of active ingredient costs 550-600 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

So that Amiksin does not lose during storage medicinal properties, the medicine should be kept away from sun rays and increased moisture. The storage temperature of the drug should not be higher than +30°C, and the place where the package of tablets will be placed should not be easily accessible to children. You cannot use the medicine if its expiration date, which is 3 years, has expired.


There are different opinions about the use of Amiksin in the treatment of children. According to doctors, this medicine helps prevent influenza or ARVI, and also normalizes the functioning of the patient's immune system. However, some experts classify Amiksin as drugs with weak effectiveness or unproven effects.

Reviews from parents whose children were prescribed Amiksin are also ambiguous, which experts attribute to individual characteristics children, since the state of the immune system is different for each little patient.

Many mothers are confused by the fact that the medicine is prohibited in Europe, but is distributed only in countries former USSR. Many people cite the rather high cost of the tablets as a disadvantage of the drug. There are cases of allergies to Amiksin, as well as digestive problems, headaches, chills or nasal congestion after taking this medication.

In positive reviews about Amiksin, parents talk about enough fast action medicines. They note that the product helped with severe symptoms ARVI and influenza. The prevalence of Amiksin in pharmacies is also considered a plus, because such medicine can be purchased freely throughout the country.


A replacement for Amiksin may be drugs with the same active substance. These include:

  • Lavomax. This antiviral medicine based on tilorone, it is produced in film-coated tablets. Each tablet contains 125 mg of the active ingredient.
  • Tiloron. Such Russian drug presented in capsules of 125 mg of tilorone, as well as film-coated tablets containing 60 mg or 125 mg of the active substance.
  • Tiloram or Tylaxin. These analogues of Amiksin are available only in tablets, each containing 125 mg of tilorone.

As an alternative to drugs containing tilorone, other antiviral agents can be used, for example:

  • Ingavirin. This medicine has antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity, so it is prescribed for influenza, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The drug is presented in capsules. The drug is allowed to be used for treatment from the age of 13, and for prevention - from the age of 18.

With the arrival of autumn and the first cold weather, a “rampant” viral infection begins, and it appears in waves, saying in medical terms periods of epidemics occur. The first “swallows” of viral infections appear in October-November. Then outbreaks appear at the end of December, and the most active phase epidemics, according to statistics, last from the end of January to the end of February.

In this article, we will look at amiksin and its cheap analogues, which can quickly overcome a cold.

All age categories are affected, and as a rule, in a family or group, the infection quickly spreads to all members of society.

In pharmacies you can find a wide variety antiviral agents, among which it is easy to get lost. There is much debate about their effectiveness. Some are expensive, others are cheaper, and there are just advertised medications. Among the frequently prescribed antiviral drugs, amixin occupies a leading position.

Sometimes patients try to find cheap analogues of amiksin, because... the price for it is quite high: 60 mg tablets (10 pcs.) cost about 600 rubles, and a dosage of 125 mg costs about 900 rubles. Therefore, the search for analogues is completely justified.

Amiksin instructions for use

Amiksin belongs to the group of antiviral and immunomodulating drugs, promotes the production of natural interferon. The drug “forces” the immune system to produce specific antibodies to fight viral agents.

Release form, composition and storage

The drug is only in tablet form, active substance which is tilorone (tilaxin). Tablets come in 60 mg and 125 mg. They are packaged in blister packs of 6 and 10 tablets, or polymer jars of 6, 10 and 20 tablets. For long-term therapy, it is more profitable to take the maximum number of tablets in a package.

Amiksin is stored in a dry place, away from the free access of children. Storage temperature should not exceed + 30°C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of its manufacture.

For what pathologies is amixin used?

The drug is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes for respiratory viral infections and influenza. As an antiviral agent, amixin is superior to most of its analogues; it acts quickly and does not exhibit toxicity. Therefore, the price for it remains quite high.

Amiksin combines well in complex treatment regimens for cytomegalovirus, as well as herpes, viral hepatitis, encephalomyelitis, chlamydia, and tuberculosis. Courses of therapy are purely individual and depend on the severity of the pathological process.

Important! In childhood, amiksin is used exclusively for the treatment of influenza and ARVI.

To whom is the drug contraindicated?

Amiksin is prescribed only from the age of seven. Amiksin is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Individual intolerance to the drug is also a contraindication to the prescription.

Side effects

While taking Amixin, symptoms such as:

  • diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions;
  • slight chills that go away quickly.

Depending on the disease, the dose of amixin may vary. For treatment viral diseases and influenza in adult patients adhere to the following regimen: on days 1 and 2 of therapy, take 125 mg of amixin per day, then 125 mg two days later. The course will require 6 tablets (750 mg).

For children, the dosage regimen is different: in the first two days and on the fourth (we skip the third day), the child takes 60 mg of amixin once a day. The course will require only 3 tablets (180 mg). If the infection is complicated, it is recommended to extend the course and drink another 60 mg of the drug on the 6th day.

To prevent infection viral infections , as a prophylaxis, the drug is used rarely, only once a week. This course is only 6 tablets (750 mg), i.e. you need to choose a specific day, for example, Saturday, and take 1 tablet per day for six weeks in a row.

Important! Amiksin is always taken after meals. It combines well with antibacterial agents and other drugs for the treatment of influenza and ARVI.

We briefly got acquainted with Amixin, and at first we can conclude that the drug is effective, the course of treatment is short, but the price, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, let's try to select a list of analogues that will be similar in composition and action to amixin.

Cheap amixin analogues - list with drug prices

In the pharmacy chain, pharmacologists can offer enough big list drugs that will be similar in action to amixin, let's look at some analogues in tablets:

  • arbidol (capsules 100 mg 10 pcs.) - 220 rubles;
  • Tylaxin (125 mg tablets No. 10) - 450 rubles;
  • Kagocel (12 mg tablets No. 10) - 250 rubles;
  • anaferon (20 tablets) - 220 rubles;
  • remantadine (capsules 100 mg No. 10) - 250 rubles;
  • Amizon (250 mg tablets No. 20) - 350 rubles;
  • ingavirin (capsules 60 mg No. 7) - 350 rubles;
  • cycloferon (150 mg tablets No. 10) - 165 rubles;
  • ribavirin (200 mg tablets No. 30) - 160 rubles.

There are also structural analogues amiksin, which exactly repeat its composition, but they are not cheaper, include:

  • Lavomax;
  • tiloram;
  • Tiloron.

For children, only a pediatrician selects an analogue of Amixin. If it so happens that parents need to choose an antiviral drug on their own, then from the list presented above, according to the instructions for use, the drug that is suitable for the age category is selected.

Inexpensive flu medications - review

Comparative characteristics of amixin and its analogues

Despite the high price of amixin, patients still doubt whether it is worth buying more cheap drug, or still not skimp? To do this, consider the most popular and cheapest analogues of amiksin.

Amiksin or Kagocel – what to choose

Both drugs have antiviral and immunomodulating effects and are non-toxic. The spectrum of action of amixin is wider; Kagocel is used only for herpes infection, influenza and ARVI. They are not structural analogues; the active substance of Kagocel is Kagocel. It also has a radioprotective effect, which amiksin does not have.

In terms of speed of action, amixin is undoubtedly superior; Kagocel helps gradually and the rate of therapeutic effect is lower. Kagocel is used from the age of three, and amiksin only from the age of 7. Therefore, Kagocel has its advantages here - wider age category applications.

If the disease is acute, with bright severe symptoms, and there is a threat of complications - it is better to use amiksin, because then the total treatment of all the consequences will cost much more.

We have already discussed on the website how to use Kagocel and its cheap analogues.

Ingavirin or amiksin - what are the differences?

The active substance of ingavirin is imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam), and amixin is tilorone, which means they are not structural analogues. Ingavirin does not have an immunomodulating effect like amixin, and is used only for influenza and ARVI. One more important disadvantage Ingavirin is considered prohibited for use under 18 years of age.

Both drugs have high level safety, provided, of course, that the recommended dosages are followed.

Ingavirin is 1.5 times cheaper, so for adults it is well suited as a preventive and remedy for ARVI and influenza. For children you will have to purchase amiksin.

We compared Ingavirin and Amiksin in more detail.

Arbidol or amiksin – what to choose

Arbidol is an antiviral agent, but according to the instructions, it can also normalize immune status after past infections. The active substance of arbidol is umifenovir, which means that the drugs are analogues only in their effect on the body. Indications for the use of these two drugs are half the same, but amixin has more wide range applications.

Both drugs are non-toxic and are used for all ages, although arbidol is used for children from the age of three, and amiksin only from the age of 7. Arbidol clearly has advantages in this regard.

The price of arbidol is approximately 2.5 times lower, therefore, the drug has high sales, which undoubtedly brings high profits to the pharmaceutical business, and the customers are happy.

What to choose - arbidol or amiksin - is a task for the doctor. His experience in using antiviral drugs for various viral infections will help determine the best active substance, but it is different for these drugs.

Amiksin or cycloferon - which drug is more effective?

The active substances of cycloferon are acridoneacetic acid and N-methylglucamine, therefore the similarity of the drugs in question is only in their antiviral and immunomodulating effects, both of them are inducers of interferon synthesis.

Amiksin and cycloferon are almost identical in their indications for use. Amiksin has fewer possible adverse reactions. While taking cycloferon, the possibility of exacerbation was noticed chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drug is not used for liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation, pregnancy, lactation, children under 4 years of age, individual intolerance to the active substances.

When making a choice between amixin and cycloferon, it is necessary to proceed from the complexity of the viral infection, the age of the patient and the tolerability of the drug. Only a specialist - a therapist or immunologist - can solve this problem.

Amiksin or Anaferon – which is better?

Anaferon is a cheap homeopathic analogue of amiksin, its price is three times lower. The main purpose of anaferon is activation antiviral immunity. Compared to amixin, anaferon acts weaker and slower, and the drug is taken for a longer period of time.

The advantages of Anaferon include its availability. It is used in children, adults, pregnant and lactating women. For children, there is a special children's anaferon on sale.

It should be noted that anaferon, like amiksin, according to the instructions, has an impressive list of indications, and is used not only for the treatment of viral pathologies, but is also used in complex therapy bacterial infections and immunodeficiencies.

In terms of toxicity, homeopathy is undoubtedly safer. Anaferon is more suitable for complex therapy or in cases where other antiviral agents are contraindicated. In case of severe viral infection, amiksin will be the best.

The drugs are structural analogues (contain tilorone) and therefore have the same properties. Their instructions for use are identical. Lavomax standardized drug, and amiksin is factory-produced. Lavomax tablets are stored in a sealed blister, and Amixin is stored in plastic packaging (jar). Amiksin does not have a certificate international standard quality. In terms of storage, Amixin is inferior to Lavomax.

The price of Lavomax is almost the same as Amixin; in a number of pharmacies there is a discount on it of no more than 70 rubles.

In terms of workmanship and price (there is still a small discount), it is better to prefer Lavomax.

Many experts consider it inappropriate to compare structural analogs; one author even wrote: “Comparing structural analogs is like comparing salt in different stores.” Of course, comments can only be made about the technological process of drug production, and in the countries of the post-Soviet space this is not uncommon.

The main advantages of amiksin over cheap analogues

Amiksin is more effective in cases of severe viral disease that occurs with complications. The drug acts quickly, which allows patients to restore normal well-being in the shortest possible time. Almost zero toxicity, safety and prolonged action of amixin allows the body to produce throughout long period resistance to viruses.


In this article, we learned that amiksin has high antiviral and immunomodulating activity. But, despite all its advantages, people are forced to look for cheaper drugs. The proposed analogues will certainly help our readers in difficult days of epidemics, but for effective therapy, please remember to consult your doctor. Be healthy!

Andrey (therapist) - review of cycloferon

I can note the following. The drug shows an excellent effect not only in ordinary patients, but also in patients with reduced immunity, this especially applies to people suffering from frequent relapses of herpes. I have been working as a local therapist for 5 years. Over the entire period of its labor activity I saw dermatitis twice against the background of cycloferon, and then it occurred in allergy sufferers.

With adenoviruses and influenza, in about 15 cases, there was no effect of the drug at all. And in general drug deserves attention, an excellent analogue of amiksin, not like arbidol (I consider it useless). The price of cycloferon is completely adequate, I often prescribe it patients.

Alexander - review of Ingavirin (manager)

I think that ingavirin deserves positive feedback. Due to the nature of their work, there is no time to get sick; a replacement will be quickly found. They let you lie around for a maximum of three days. If I'm sick, I do it right away low-grade fever and the condition is terrible.

After taking Ingavirin, the temperature quickly returns to normal, for me this is very important indicator: the head immediately becomes bright, cheerfulness appears, appetite, in general full normal. Three days after ingavirin I am fully recovered. For two years in a row, during epidemic periods, I have been purchasing this product in advance. I recommend it to everyone.

Attention, TODAY only!

Amiksin (INN tiloron) is an antiviral and immunostimulating drug that activates the production of immune proteins interferons. Scientific advances in the field of immunology have significantly improved treatment strategies for many viral infections. An integral part of this strategy is the use human interferons obtained using genetic engineering. However, the widespread use of these compounds is hampered by a trail of undesirable side reactions. An effective alternative the use of artificially synthesized human interferons are drugs that can stimulate the body’s synthesis of its own interferons. One of these drugs is Amiksin, which was created by Ukrainian scientists, and today is produced, among others. and on the territory of Russia. Comprehensive Research The drug has proven its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of many viral infections, because active ingredient The drug tiloron exhibits antiviral activity against wide range viruses and helps to enhance the synthesis of interferon types 1 and 2. In addition, Amiksin sensitizes target cells to the action of endogenous interferon, promotes the production of the so-called. “late” interferon, controls the inflammatory response depending on its phase. Tiloron has the ability to be quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is relatively high (especially for the oral form) and amounts to 60%. The half-life of Amiksin is two days.

Interesting information: since 1998 to this day, Amiksin has been used for seasonal prevention influenza and ARVI medical personnel Moscow clinics and among ambulance teams medical care. It was found that the drug reduces the risk of infection by almost 4 times. And one more remarkable fact: the goal of the drug developers was emergency treatment and prevention of severe and life-threatening viral infections, incl. during war, man-made disasters and other force majeure circumstances. One of the undeniable advantages of Amiksin is minimal amount side effects, the frequency of occurrence of which is comparable to the statistical error. After taking the drug, the peak of interferon production occurs 4-24 hours after Tilorone is in the body. The tablet form and small frequency of administration increase patient compliance (adherence to treatment) and ensure ease of administration. The drug is equally effective when used with both therapeutic and for preventive purposes. Amiksin has excellent tolerability: during its use, not a single case of the development of individual intolerance reactions was recorded. Direct contraindications to the use of Amiksin are pregnancy, lactation and age under seven years. The drug is compatible with antibacterial agents. Cases of overdose with Amiksin have not been documented to date.


Low molecular weight synthetic interferon inducer that stimulates the formation of alpha, beta, gamma interferons in the body. The main structures that produce interferon in response to the administration of tilorone are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After taking the drug orally, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine-liver-blood after 4-24 hours. Amiksin ® has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

Induces the synthesis of interferon in human leukocytes. Stimulates stem cells bone marrow, depending on the dose, enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, and restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective against various viral infections (including those caused by influenza viruses, other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses, herpes). Mechanism antiviral action associated with inhibition of the translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, as a result of which viral reproduction is suppressed.



After taking the drug orally, tilorone is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is about 60%.


Binding to blood plasma proteins is about 80%.

Metabolism and excretion

Tiloron does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body. It is excreted almost unchanged in feces (about 70%) and urine (about 9%). T 1/2 is 48 hours.

Release form

Orange film-coated tablets, round, biconvex; on the fracture - orange, minor inclusions of orange or white are allowed.

Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (kollidon 30), calcium stearate, croscarmellose sodium (primellose).

Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), sikovit yellow-orange 85 (E110).

6 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
6 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.
20 pcs. - polymer jars (1) - cardboard packs.


The drug is taken orally after meals.

In adults for nonspecific prevention for viral hepatitis A, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

When treating viral hepatitis A, the dose of the drug on the first day is 125 mg 2 times a day, then switch to taking 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

During treatment acute hepatitis In the initial phase of treatment on the first and second days, the dose of the drug is 125 mg/day, and then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 2 g (16 tablets).

At protracted current hepatitis B on the first day, the dose of the drug is 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For chronic hepatitis B in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets). In the first 2 days daily dose 250 mg, then switch to taking 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose ranges from 1.25 g (10 tablets) to 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin varies from 3.75 to 5 g, the duration of treatment is 3.5-6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

For acute hepatitis C, on the first and second days of treatment, Amiksin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For chronic hepatitis C in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets). In the first 2 days, the drug is taken at a dose of 250 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin is 5 g (40 tablets), the duration of treatment is 6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

For complex therapy of neuroviral infections - 125-250 mg/day in the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The dose is set individually, the duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in the first 2 days of illness, Amiksin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

For the prevention of influenza and ARVI, Amiksin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

For the treatment of herpetic, cytomegalovirus infections, the dose of the drug in the first 2 days is 125 mg, then take 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).

With urogenital and respiratory chlamydia Amiksin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg/day for the first 2 days, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

For complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis, in the first 2 days the drug is prescribed at 250 mg/day, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For children over 7 years of age with uncomplicated forms of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 60 mg (1 tablet) 1 time/day after meals on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day from the start of treatment. The course dose is 180 mg (3 tablets).

If complications of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections develop, the drug is taken 60 mg 1 time / day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th day from the start of treatment. The course dose is 240 mg (4 tablets).


Trade name of the drug

Amiksin ®

International nonproprietary name

Chemical name

2,7-bis-fluoren-9-one dihydrochloride

Dosage form

film-coated tablets

Amiksin Description

Orange film-coated tablets, round, biconvex. On the fracture it is orange, minor inclusions of orange and white are allowed.

Composition per tablet

Tiloron - 60 mg or 125 mg.
core: potato starch - 25,500 mg or 46,000 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 60,000 mg or 120,000 mg, povidone-K30 (kollidon 30) -1,500 mg or 3,000 mg, calcium stearate - 1,500 mg or 3,000 mg, croscarmellose sodium (primellose) -1.5 00 mg or 3,000 mg; shell: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) - 3.4050 mg or 6.8100 mg, titanium dioxide -1.7815 mg or 3.5630 mg, macrogol-4000 (polyethylene glycol-4000) - 0.4565 mg or 0.9130 mg, polysorbate -80 (Tween-80) - 0.0570 mg or 0.1140 mg, quinoline yellow dye (E 104) - 0.1235 mg or 0.2470 mg, sunset yellow dye (E 110) - 0.1765 mg or 0.3530 mg.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

antiviral immunostimulating agent - inducer of interferon formation.

ATX code

Pharmacological properties

Low molecular weight synthetic interferon inducer that stimulates the formation of all types of interferons in the body (alpha, beta, gamma and lambda). The main producers of interferon in response to tilorone administration are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After oral administration, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine - liver - blood after 4-24 hours. Amiksin ® has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.
In human leukocytes, induces the synthesis of interferon. Stimulates bone marrow stem cells, depending on the dose, enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective against various viral infections, including influenza viruses, other acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses and herpes viruses. The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of the translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, as a result of which viral reproduction is suppressed.

After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability - 60%. About 80% of the drug binds to plasma proteins. The drug is excreted almost unchanged through the intestines (70%) and through the kidneys (9%). The half-life (T1/2) is 48 hours. The drug does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body.

Amiksin Indications for use

In children over 7 years of age:

  • for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

In adults (over 18 years):

  • treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • treatment viral hepatitis A, B and C;
  • treatment of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections;
  • as part of complex therapy of infectious-allergic and viral encephalomyelitis ( multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis, etc.);
  • as part of complex therapy of urogenital and respiratory chlamydia;
  • in complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis.


Hypersensitivity to the drug. Pregnancy and lactation period. Childhood up to 7 years.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Directions for use and doses

Amiksin ® is taken orally after meals.
For children over 7 years old:
For uncomplicated forms of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd and 4th
day from the start of treatment. The course dose is 180 mg (3 tablets). If complications of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections occur, 60 mg 1 time per day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th day from the start of treatment. The course dose is 240 mg (4 tablets).
For adults (over 18 years old);
For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 125 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Per course - 750 mg (6 tablets).
For the prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. For chicken - 750 mg (6 tablets).
For the treatment of herpes, cytomegalovirus infections - the first two days, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, 125 mg. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).
For nonspecific prevention of viral hepatitis A - 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks.
For the treatment of viral hepatitis A - on the first day, 125 mg 2 times, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Per course - 1.25 g (10 tablets).
For the treatment of acute hepatitis B - 125 mg for the first two days, then 125 mg after 48 hours, per course of treatment - 2 g (16 tablets). For prolonged hepatitis B, 125 mg 2 times a day on the first day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. For a course of treatment - 2.5 g (20 tablets).
For chronic hepatitis B - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first two days, 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Continuation phase (from 1.25 g - 10 tablets to 2.5 g - 20 tablets) - 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin ® is from 3.75 g to 5 g, the duration of therapy is 3.5-6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.
For acute hepatitis C - 125 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 2.5 g (20 tablets).
For chronic hepatitis C - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first two days, 125 mg 2 times a day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. Continuation phase (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin ® is 5 g, the duration of therapy is 6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, and morphological markers of the activity of the process.
For complex therapy of neuroviral infections - 125-250 mg per day for the first 2 days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The dose is set individually, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
For urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, the first two days, 125 mg, then after 48 hours, 125 mg. The course dose is 1.25 g (10 tablets).
For complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis - 250 mg for the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible, dyspeptic symptoms, short-term chills.


There are no known cases of drug overdose.

Interaction with other drugs

Compatible with antibiotics and medicines traditional treatment viral and bacterial diseases. No clinically significant interaction of Amiksin ® with antibiotics and traditional treatments for viral and bacterial diseases has been identified.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The drug does not have negative influence on management ability vehicles and other activities potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Amiksin Release form

Film-coated tablets 60 mg, 125 mg.
6 or 10 tablets in a blister pack; 6, 10 or 20 tablets in a polymer jar.
1 or 2 blister packs or 1 polymer jar along with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Without a prescription - 125 mg film-coated tablets.
Prescription: 60 mg film-coated tablets.

Amiksin is a drug that stimulates the production of interferon. Interferon is a protein human body, which is released after the virus enters the body and serves as the first line of defense against it. The use of exogenous interferon in the fight against viruses encounters many obstacles, because non-native interferon leads to mass side effects. Therefore, drugs like Amiksin, which only help to increase the body’s production of its own interferon, are at the forefront in the fight against viral infections.

Amiksin has found its use both in preventive medicine and in the treatment of liver diseases; it is used for acute and chronic forms viral hepatitis; cytomegalovirus hepatitis, herpetic lesions, chlamydia, neuroinfections.

Amiksin, the instructions for use write about this, requires a long course of treatment with strict adherence to the prescribed dose. It is used in hepatology and gastroenterology, pediatric infectious disease specialists, neurologists and therapists.

During influenza epidemics, it can be taken as preventative measure adults without a doctor's prescription.

One tablet of Amiksin contains 60 mg, a child dose, or 150 mg, an adult dose, tilorone and a small part of additional substances that are not involved in creating a therapeutic effect.

Amiksin tablets are coated and sold in packages of 20, 10 or 6 tablets per jar. This is done so that the specific exact amount of the drug that has been prescribed can be purchased.


Amiksin is an interferon inducer. This means that it provokes the body's cells to produce their own interferon. Amiksin is effective for the treatment of viral diseases with tropism for the gastrointestinal tract, bone and brain, and blood cells. Thus, its mechanism is to increase the level of endogenous interferon. Sensitive to the action of the drug are: intestinal mucosa, liver cells, neutrophils, T lymphocytes. After application, the drug enters the intestines and passes through the liver. enterocytes and hepatocytes begin to produce interferon.

After the liver, the drug will spread through the superior vena cava throughout the body. Its antiviral and immunostimulating effects, as well as high efficiency, put Amiksin in first place among analogues. Instructions for use describe that Amiksin acts on a larger number of tissues compared to its analogues, increases cellular immunity and leads to the formation of blood cells by the bone marrow, especially lymphocytes.

The antiviral mechanism is provided by blocking the translation of virus-specific proteins in the cells of the body, which leads to the inability of viruses to divide.


Amiksin is well absorbed by the intestinal epithelium, its bioavailability is 60%, which means that a sufficient amount of the drug enters the blood after absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. After this, it quickly binds to blood proteins by 80% and achieves its therapeutic effect 24 hours after administration. The drug does not accumulate and does not undergo biotransformation, but is excreted almost unchanged in feces and urine. This means that it does not linger in the body and cannot cause an overdose.

Amiksin overcomes the blood-brain barrier and achieves a therapeutic effect in neuroinfections viral etiology. The placental barrier also passes, although its specific effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy has not been proven; it is not recommended to take Amiksin during pregnancy, the instructions for use indicate this.


An important point is that Amiksin can be used as monotherapy mainly only for acute and chronic hepatitis and influenza, ARVI; other pathologies involve the use of interferon production stimulants along with the main treatment.

Children's diseases for which Amiksin can be used:

  • treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI;
  • Indications for adults also include the prevention and treatment of colds and flu.

Special indications for adults:

  • chronic and acute hepatitis (A, B, C), including as monotherapy for acute hepatitis A;
  • herpes virus I and II;
  • cytomegalovirus (CMV), its complications on the liver and central nervous system;
  • encephalitis of viral etiology, as part of complex therapy (uveo and leukoencephalitis);
  • chlamydia, pulmonary and genital;
  • used in therapy for tuberculosis as an auxiliary drug;

Amiksin in average therapeutic doses is well tolerated by adults and children, the effect is achieved quickly if the prescribed course of treatment is followed flawlessly.


Amiksin has a small list of contraindications, including hypersensitivity to any substances from the composition, pregnancy and period breastfeeding, age up to 7 years.

Serious allergic reactions have been observed with allergic dermatitis, Quincke's edema.

If undesirable symptoms appear after use, you should quickly consult a specialist for advice.

How to take, instructions for use

For better bioavailability, the drug is used after meals, per os (orally), wash down big amount water.

It may seem that the course of treatment is complicated and it makes no sense to take it strictly according to the plan, but important point This is exactly what you need to take Amiksin correctly. The instructions for use describe that each of the indicated pathologies has a specific dose of the drug and the time at which it must be taken on a specifically indicated day. This happens because the drug reaches the organ sensitive to it within a certain period of time; time also passes until the production of interferon begins, and another time until interferon begins to perform its functions.

For example, preventing influenza and respiratory infections includes for adults taking 125 mg on the first day and then the same amount, but every two days so that the total dose is 750 mg. For children it is carried out in the same way primary prevention, but the total dose should not exceed 180 mg.

Treatment of acute hepatitis of any viral origin Amiksin is used only for adults and includes 10 tablets in the case of acute hepatitis A and 20 tablets for hepatitis B and C. So that on the first day the dose is 125 mg, and on the subsequent 125 mg every two days.

For chronic hepatitis B and C, Amiksin is used with a total dose of the course of treatment of 2.5 g - that’s 20 tablets. The course of treatment for hepatitis B lasts 3.5-6 months, and for hepatitis C – at least 6 months, it all depends on general condition patient and results laboratory tests: blood biochemistry, serological analysis antigens and antibodies, PCR virus. The course is designed so that on the first day the dose is 125 mg, and on the subsequent 125 mg every two days.

In addition to the main treatment, tuberculosis can be stopped with Amiksin with a dose of 2.5 g (20 tablets). The course is designed so that on the first day the dose is 125 mg, and on the subsequent 125 mg every two days.

Side effects

Most often, both children and adults tolerate Amiksin well without any unpleasant side effects. adverse reactions. May rarely occur dyspeptic syndrome with nausea and bloating, sometimes hypersensitivity reactions and allergic reactions occur.

There were cases of short-term chills and fever caused by Amiksin.

Instructions for use describe that some adverse events may affect further treatment, so you should consult your doctor and determine whether it is worth continuing the course.


There have been no cases of overdose yet. Cases of uncontrolled use large quantity The drug may lead to the emergence of new side effects or aggravation of existing ones.

Some sources indicate that cases of overdose are theoretically possible and manifest themselves in the form of increased side effects, especially allergic reactions And autoimmune processes. IN in this case It is urgent to stop using Amiksin and perform gastric lavage. Possible anti-shock and anti-toxic infusion therapy.

Amiksin during pregnancy

Presumably, if stimulated immune system during pregnancy, there is the possibility of an autoimmune response with systemic inflammation, which subsequently leads to miscarriage or stagnation of pregnancy.

Was not carried out clinical trials, which would show the effect of the drug on the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman, on the future condition of the baby. Therefore, Amiksin is considered contraindicated during pregnancy. The same is true with breastfeeding. It has been proven that the drug can pass into milk. But in what quantity, and whether it affects the child, is not yet known.

Amiksin for children

Amiksin helps increase bone marrow activity, namely increases the speed and frequency of stem cell division. It is unknown how this may affect the child's body preschool age.

As a prevention and treatment of influenza, children after seven years of age can be prescribed Amiksin in small doses; this does not lead to any serious consequences.

Amiksin in combination with alcohol

There are no studies or clinical trials indicating the effect of taking Amiksin together with alcohol. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol affects the ability of absorption by the intestinal epithelium. nutrients who enter it. Consequently, it may, in certain circumstances, interfere with the absorption of the drug and lead to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Alcohol can also impair the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which can affect the effectiveness of the drug and the body's response to it.

Interaction with other substances

The drug is prescribed together with antibiotics and antimicrobials. It is believed that there is no danger of their combination and therapeutic effect is fully achieved. But not a single one was carried out clinical trial, proving this. Doctors use this combination based on own experience.

special instructions

People of intellectual professions do not have to worry about the negative depressing influence of Amiksin. Weakness, weakness, headache and loss of ability to work.

Terms of sale

Small doses of the drug prescribed to children, 60 mg, are available only by prescription. Adults can periodically use Amiksin without a prescription as a preventative measure. For treatment, it is necessary to take the approval from the attending physician after consultation, examination and laboratory tests.

Storage conditions

The main condition is to keep children away and store at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. The expiration date is indicated on the can.

Similar drugs, comparison

There are many drugs available with a similar mechanism of action, but inferior in clinical effect. Such drugs are prescribed in combination with others and cannot be used as monotherapy, unlike Amiksin. Among them:

  • Lavomax;
  • Tiloram;
  • Orvis imuno;
  • Kagocel;
  • Ingavirin and others.

Among the advantages of analogues, the price that stands out the most is the price. All drugs with similar mechanisms of action and indications are much cheaper than Amiksin.

If you start to compare, each drug has a separate structure, so they cannot be called completely similar. Amiksin exhibits a therapeutic effect faster than its analogues. It is less safe, it can be prescribed to children with more early age. Its range of indications is wider.