Heatstroke the next day. Treatment of heat and sunstroke: the right steps

Heatstroke is an acutely developing painful condition, caused by general overheating of the body as a result of prolonged exposure to high environmental temperatures. Heat stroke occurs when heat transfer is disrupted or heat production increases. (see) children, obese people, patients with cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. Accompanying overheating leads to disruption water-salt metabolism, blood thickening, difficulty in circulation, oxygen starvation.

Heat stroke can develop in workers in hot shops, on construction sites on hot days, during military marches and as a result of direct exposure sun rays- sunstroke. Heatstroke often occurs in young children due to imperfections when the body overheats.

Heat stroke can kill or cause damage to the brain and others internal organs. Although heatstroke primarily affects people over 50, it can also occur in young, healthy athletes. Infants and children under 4 years of age and adults over 65 years of age are especially vulnerable because they are adapted to heat up more slowly than other people.

Heat stroke occurs due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures - usually in combination with dehydration, which causes the body's temperature control system to fail. Medical definition Heat stroke is a core body temperature of more than 40 degrees Celsius, with complications related to the central nervous system that occur after exposure to high temperatures. Other common symptoms include nausea, seizures, confusion, disorientation, and sometimes loss of consciousness or coma.

A characteristic sign of heat stroke is an elevated body temperature above 40°. Also, the first noticeable symptom is fainting.

Other symptoms: throbbing headache; dizziness; lack of sweating, despite the fever; red, hot and dry skin; muscle weakness or seizures; nausea and vomiting; rapid heartbeat, which can be both strong and weak; rapid breathing; behavioral changes such as confusion.

Clinic and symptoms. At heatstroke the onset is acute, the course is rapid. At mild form adynamia, headache, and rapid breathing appear, the skin is moist, the pupils are dilated, the temperature is normal or subfebrile.

In case of heatstroke medium degree- sharp adynamia, severe headache with nausea and vomiting, stupor, uncertainty of movements, sometimes develops fainting(see Fainting), pulse and breathing are rapid, the skin is hyperemic. Increased sweating, t° 39-40°.

In severe forms of heat stroke, consciousness changes from mild degrees to coma (see), psychomotor agitation, delirium, and hallucinations may occur. Breathing is shallow, rapid, pulse 120-140 per minute, small, thread-like, t-41-42°. The amount of urine is reduced, the blood thickens, residual nitrogen rises. TO rare complications can be attributed epileptic seizures, increased intracranial pressure.

If you suspect that someone has suffered from heat or sunstroke, call 911 immediately and administer first aid until paramedics arrive. Any delay in applying for medical care may be fatal to the victim.

First aid and treatment. The patient must be quickly taken to an air-conditioned room or to a shaded area open to the wind (use a fan if available), freed from unnecessary clothing, and the face should be wetted cold water, cool the body wet towel. Place a bottle of cold water on your head. In all cases, inhalation of oxygen is necessary. It is very important to reduce your body temperature to at least 38°. Ice packs that should be placed on the patient's armpits, groin, neck and back will help provide quick cooling. Because these areas are rich blood vessels, close to the skin, cooling them will help quickly reduce body temperature. Immerse the patient in a bath or shower with cold water. If a person is young and healthy and has been exposed to heatstroke during intense physical exercise i.e. suffered what is called intense heatstroke - you can use an ice bath to help cool his body. Do not use ice on elderly patients, young children, patients with chronic illnesses, or those whose heat stroke occurs without vigorous exercise; it may be dangerous.

Injected subcutaneously isotonic solution sodium chloride, intravenous glucose (40% solution 20-30 ml). When cardiac activity is weakened, caffeine-sodium benzoate (10% solution 1 ml) is administered subcutaneously; in case of respiratory distress, lobelia is administered intramuscularly (1% solution 0.5 ml). Drink plenty of fluids: drink cold water, coffee.

Forecast: with mild and moderate severity heat stroke, when provided with correct and timely body functions, are restored quite quickly. In case of severe heatstroke, if help is not provided in a timely manner, it may occur. death.

Risk factors and prevention.

Heatstroke is most likely to affect older people who live in apartments or houses that do not have air conditioning or good ventilation. Other groups high risk include people of any age who do not drink enough water, have chronic illnesses, or drink excessive amounts of alcohol.

Relative humidity of 60% or more prevents sweat from evaporating, which impedes your body's ability to cool down.

If you live in an urban area, you may be especially prone to developing heat stroke during prolonged heat waves, especially if there are stagnant atmospheric conditions and poor air quality. In what's called the "heat island effect," asphalt and concrete retain heat during the day and only gradually release it at night, resulting in higher nighttime temperatures.

Other risk factors are associated with diseases. These include heart, lung or kidney disease, obesity or underweight, high blood pressure, diabetes, mental illness, alcoholism, sunburn and any condition that causes fever.

Medications. These include antihistamines, diet pills, diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants, seizures (anticonvulsants), heart medications and blood pressure, such as beta blockers and vasoconstrictors, and medicines for mental illness, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. Illegal drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine are also associated with increased risk heart beat.

According to a recent study, people with diabetes who are exposed to increased risk Hospitalizations and deaths from heat-related illnesses may be particularly likely to underestimate your risk during heat waves.

Check with your doctor to find out if your medical conditions and medications affect your ability to cope extreme heat and humidity.

Measures to improve working conditions in hot shops: air cooling, cool showers, douches, loose, light clothing, periodically need to take rest breaks. It is advisable to move the main meal to evening time(dinner consumption up to 40% daily ration). Instead of water during work, it is recommended to use carbonated water, acidified tea, cherry decoction, and bread kvass.

People are looking forward to summer holiday when you can swim in the warm sea, wander along the embankment in the evening, and feel the unique taste of the breeze. For some it is a pleasant vacation, but for others it is unbearable heat, from which it is impossible to hide. In this regard, summer is precisely the time of year when a person can easily get heatstroke. Symptoms and treatment of the disease, prevention and first aid to the victim - this is an incomplete list of the issues discussed in this article.

Basic concepts about the disease

How dangerous is heatstroke? Symptoms and treatment of the disease are associated with excessive overheating, when the air temperature is too high and the human body is not able to provide normal heat regulation. Heatstroke comes in two forms:

  1. Overheating of the body occurs when it is exposed to active physical exercise. The disease is more common in people whose everyday life associated with sports, when regularly and long time you have to do exhausting, monotonous exercises. This form The disease is also observed in people whose professional activities are associated with severe physical labor in a room where it is always hot and stuffy, and there is no ventilation.
  2. The other form is classic. It is due to the fact that the temperature during heat stroke indoors or outdoors is very high. More often, this form of the disease affects children or elderly people.

If the victim does not receive first aid, this can really threaten his health. The fact is that a person adapts to any conditions of his environment. When the air temperature rises, the body produces heat more actively. The process of thermoregulation is associated with sweat glands and skin. If their condition is good, sweating occurs efficiently and the body does not overheat. For information: a liter of sweat can be released in an hour.

Classic heatstroke in an adult or child occurs when his body is unable to adapt to high temperatures. Many chronic skin diseases interfere with normal sweating, of cardio-vascular system. This form of the disease is also observed in infants and children preschool age and older people.

Who is more susceptible to heatstroke?

  • Sailors who find themselves in a tropical climate to which they are not adapted.
  • Workers, place professional activity which are hot shops.
  • People of agricultural professions associated with constant stay on the street.
  • Soldiers marching in hot weather.

  • Tourists without appropriate physical training and improper organization of the trip itself.
  • People with chronic heart and vascular diseases, endocrine system And metabolic processes those suffering from obesity. The mortality rate for this category of victims is very high.

Factors that influence heat stroke symptoms

  • Direct sunlight affecting humans.
  • Air humidity is much higher than permissible standards.
  • A person suffers from hypertension vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart disease.
  • The functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Intoxication from excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Addiction to smoking.
  • Nervous breakdowns.

Degrees of heat stroke

In order not to wonder what to do in case of heat stroke if necessary, you need to know its degrees in order to provide first aid to the victim. The first degree of the disease is observed when it is 40 degrees outside. But humans have a stable adaptation to thermoregulation. Its heat output is commensurate with the thermal load on the body. Heat is removed from the body through Airways and skin. The person’s well-being is satisfactory, although there may be complaints of drowsiness, lethargy, and reluctance to make any movements.

When the air temperature is fifty degrees above zero, a person may well get heatstroke. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are associated with thermal stress, as a result of which heat accumulates in the body and moisture evaporation is not compensated. The person who receives it has partial adaptation to thermoregulation. Body temperature rises to thirty-eight degrees. Intensifies pulmonary ventilation, pulse quickens. This is the second degree of the disease.

The third degree of heat stroke can be obtained at a temperature environment sixty degrees or more if a person’s ability to thermoregulate is disrupted. In this case, the body temperature rises to forty degrees, the pulse increases sharply (up to 160 beats per minute), the skin becomes red and becomes covered with drops of sweat. The victim has a headache, pressure in the temples, increased heart rate, and thirst. It may be difficult to move around.

In the last degree, the fourth, the person completely lacks the body’s ability to thermoregulate. The patient's condition is characterized a sharp violation functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems. The disease may be accompanied by acidosis and renal failure. Eat Great chance pulmonary edema and cerebral hemorrhage in a person who has suffered a heatstroke.

Symptoms and treatment

  • The person experiences a feeling of stuffiness and weakness.
  • Torments extreme thirst, which is accompanied by headache and constriction of the heart.
  • Occurs in the back and limbs It's a dull pain.
  • Body temperature increases to 40 o C and higher.
  • The skin turns pale, becomes dry and hot.
  • Sweating decreases significantly or stops altogether.
  • The mucous membranes of the eyes and lips turn blue.
  • Shortness of breath appears.
  • The heart rate increases significantly.
  • Blood pressure becomes low.
  • Urination is weak.
  • There is confusion or the person loses consciousness.
  • Convulsions and sometimes paralysis occur.
  • If you do not take this disease seriously, coma occurs and then death.

Not all signs of heatstroke necessarily occur in one person. After all, their appearance depends on many factors: age, general condition health, availability chronic diseases, ambient temperature and humidity, degree of room ventilation. But the presence of two or more symptoms of this disease should be alarming. It is better to seek medical help.

At strong excitement the victim is administered "Diphenhydramine" or "Aminazine", for a convulsion - "Sibazon", "Seduxen", "Phenobarbital". When cardiac activity decreases - “Cordiamin”, “Caffeine”, “Strophanthin”. It is recommended to mix the oxygen that the patient breathes with carbon dioxide.

How to help the victim?

It is good if first aid for heatstroke is provided immediately. Then you can avoid serious health problems. After all, many people suffer from chronic diseases. This will make their situation much worse. What to do if you have heatstroke?

  • First, call an ambulance. While waiting for the doctor to arrive, start cooling the victim’s body. To do this, it should be placed in the shade.
  • If you feel weak and nauseous, the patient should take a supine position, that is, horizontal. If he starts vomiting, turn him over on his side to prevent him from choking.
  • Apply cold compresses to the back of the head and forehead. You can use ice or cold water.
  • A powerful supply of fresh, cool air should be immediately provided.
  • If possible, you need to douse the victim's body. cool water or help him take a bath.
  • If your consciousness is unclear, bring it to your nose ammonia.

First aid for heat stroke can save a person's life. That is why it is so important to be able to provide it. Remember this!


If the doctor finds signs of heat stroke, the first thing to do is lower the temperature. To do this, the victim is carefully transferred to the shade and freed from clothing that restricts the body.

Next they put cold on the head and left side chest, in the area where the heart is located. After this, a sufficient amount of fluid is introduced into the body. With a clear consciousness, they give him a lot to drink cold water or tea.

The consequences of heat stroke and its dangers

A person may not always notice the onset of a disease, and attribute malaise, headaches and some other symptoms to his long-standing ailments. And at this time, the brain gives commands to the body: not to succumb to weakness and not to react to a failure in the body temperature regime. A person will go into the shadows, but very often it is too late.

People get heatstroke even when they are at home. Enough to accept hot bath or exercise for a long time on exercise equipment in an unventilated area. The consequences of heatstroke vary: for one person it is enough to lie down for a few hours and everything will pass, but for another it can end in cardiac arrest.


  • In hot weather, wear clothes made of cotton fabrics, loose fit and light colors. In hot and humid weather, you should limit your activity in sports and physical exercise. It is better to do this at another time, when it is cooler: in the evening or in the morning.
  • Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids before and after your workouts.
  • Limit consumption of carbonated water and caffeine. They help remove fluid.
  • Do not drink drinks containing alcohol (they also remove fluid from the body) before and after training.
  • If you are taking any medications, you should definitely consult your doctor. They may affect the body's ability to control body temperature.

Hyperthermia from thermal effects or heatstroke is serious violation neurological and general functions human body, resulting from overheating of the entire body. Hyperthermia develops very quickly, sometimes up to critical indicators 42-43 degrees in rectum (in the rectum), as a result, the body does not have time to adapt to the temperature change and a rapid depletion of compensatory properties occurs.

Thermoregulation human body possible at a normal internal temperature of about 37°, fluctuations within 1.5 degrees are permissible. If the thermoreceptors of the skin and all mucous membranes work normally, and this is only possible if the external temperature is compatible with life, then the signals entering the central nervous system control the process of thermoregulation. When external environment in the full sense of the word, it heats up, the increased temperature changes the mechanism of heat transfer of the human body, the speed and completeness of blood flow and vascular regulation are disrupted, and vascular tone changes. In addition, the heat provokes intense sweating, which sometimes reaches record levels of 1.5 liters per hour. Such rapid loss of fluid inevitably leads to dehydration (dehydration), often to hypovolemic shock and general intoxication.

In hot weather, poor ventilation and high humidity, there is a high risk of heat stroke. Due to high air temperature human body quickly overheats, metabolism becomes much faster, and blood vessels swell, while capillary permeability increases significantly. Therefore, during heatstroke, a person’s well-being sharply deteriorates and a number of alarming symptoms. This is where the questions become especially relevant: how long does heat stroke last, and how can this condition be overcome?

Under what conditions is there a risk of heatstroke?

Heatstroke can affect not only those who spend time under the hot sun, but also drivers in their cars, workshop workers, athletes and other people. various genera activities. Even sauna and bathhouse workers or an office employee whose air conditioner has broken down are at risk.

For heat stroke, 3 components are sufficient:

  1. Heat.
  2. High humidity.
  3. Excessive heat production.

Muscle activity can also lead to heatstroke.

At first glance, heat stroke does not seem so serious and dangerous to human health and life, but without timely assistance it can lead to vascular collapse, coma and even death. A person experiencing heatstroke needs outside help and prompt recovery water-salt balance. And, if you suspect that a person close to you or even someone you don’t know has symptoms of heatstroke, then rush to offer him help.

The danger of heatstroke in children

Heatstroke is especially common in children because, given their anatomical features increased heat production is often pathological in nature.

This is due to the following features:

  • children's bodies are much smaller;
  • heat transfer and heat production are not stable;
  • the thermogenesis core is easily irritated;
  • compensatory mechanisms are unstable.

Heatstroke is much more severe than in an adult and can cause:

  • strong expansion of capillaries;
  • blood clots and arterial-venous shunts;
  • the occurrence of metabolic pathologies;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxia and other disorders.

All this is detrimental to a young body and can lead to the development of kidney, liver and heart disease.

Heat stroke symptoms and first aid

Heat stroke can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • weakness and body aches;
  • severe headache;
  • difficulty breathing and stuffiness;
  • painful sensation behind the sternum;
  • constant aching pain in lower limbs and back.

Also, during heat stroke, breathing and the frequency of myocardial contractions accelerate. Hypothermia causes the skin to become pink with signs of irritation. After some time it begins to decrease significantly arterial pressure and urination is impaired. Sometimes in children with heatstroke, the body temperature reaches 41 degrees, which has a very bad effect on health and is fraught with serious complications.

Symptoms that require urgent hospitalization:

  • the face looks swollen;
  • the skin has a cyanotic appearance;
  • breathing is difficult and intermittent;
  • the pupils are noticeably dilated;
  • alarming muscle cramps appeared;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea and gastroenteritis;
  • urination stops.

How long heat stroke lasts depends on many factors, but, first of all, on its degree. So, mild degree Heatstroke is accompanied by redness of the skin and a temperature of up to 39 or even 41 degrees. This condition can last for 2-4 days spent on rest. If brain neurons are damaged as a result of heat stroke, then even long-term treatment with use modern medicines will not help fully restore health.

There is a group of people who are especially at risk for heatstroke. This includes those who have a congenital sensitivity to heat, as well as people who suffer overweight, endure excessive stress and are in a state of psycho-emotional overstrain, have cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, neurological diseases, are in a state alcohol intoxication, smoke, wear thick clothes, etc.

Most often, heat stroke manifests itself in the form of extreme thirst (a person cannot get drunk), weakness, muscle pain and gradual acceleration of the pulse. If the disease progresses to more severe form, then convulsions appear, occurs involuntary defecation and urination. The condition may worsen and the patient will begin to vomit and bleed. Although children are more at risk from the sun than adults, they are able to heal on their own without the need for hospitalization due to their reactivity. Adults, on the contrary, suffer even a small heatstroke much more difficult and even with moderate severity they require immediate mandatory hospitalization.

If the first signs of an impact are detected, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim and carry out the following procedures:

  • drink as much as possible more water to stop dehydration;
  • loosen the collar and belt;
  • cool the skin;
  • remove synthetic clothing;

In most cases, it is simply enough to take the person into a cool room or shade, give him water and wet his skin with cool water so that he feels relief. If symptoms indicate moderate or severe degree heat stroke, you should do the same, but also lay the victim down, raise his legs and call an ambulance.

Medical care for heatstroke

Moderate or severe heatstroke requires qualified medical attention.

As a rule, the following drugs are used for treatment:

  1. Antipyretics (paracetamol and ibuprofen);
  2. Vasoconstrictors (Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Trental);
  3. Painkillers (analgin and infulgan).

Antipyretic drugs are used only if the temperature exceeds 39 degrees. Basically, small doses of paracetamol are used; antipyretics in the form of suppositories are prescribed for children. Very severe cases Infulgan is used intravenously. Antipyretics can shorten the course of the disease and normalize blood supply. If the patient does not recover in in rare cases hydrocortisone and prednisolone are used. These drugs must be administered very carefully, gradually increasing the dose and decreasing it when it is discontinued. Patients are also given cleansing enemas and recommended daily cool shower to relieve overheating.

How to treat heatstroke at home

You can manage the symptoms of heatstroke at home using a number of methods:

  • apply cool compresses to the head to relieve headaches and reduce fever;
  • apply cold compresses to great vessels and liver to reduce fever and prevent complications;
  • rinse the stomach;
  • do warm enemas;
  • wrap in a cool sheet or diaper.

Wrapping yourself in a cool cloth is one of the simplest and oldest ways to cope with heatstroke. In particular, children are often wrapped in swaddling clothes, since this can quickly lower body temperature, soothe and reduce discomfort caused by heat stroke. You can also take a cool shower and stand under the water for as long as possible. For mild strokes, cool wraps and compresses are usually enough to provide relief. Several procedures and rest will allow you to quickly forget about heat stroke and return to a normal rhythm of life.

If all these actions do not bring results and there is no noticeable improvement in the condition, then medications are needed.

To avoid complications, it is worth using in time, in addition to physical methods special drugs and mixtures. So, the safest thing to do is to cook lytic mixture(they mix aminazine, dibazole and pipolfen in novocaine), which quite effectively combats the consequences of heat stroke.

For even greater results, you can use droperidol, and sodium hydroxybutyrate and seduxen will help with muscle cramps. You should not use antipyretics when the temperature has dropped to 37.5 and carry out active drug treatment unless there are compelling reasons for this. Particular care must be taken when handling children. Don't rush to apply therapeutic procedures and “bring down” the temperature. In case of heatstroke, it is important to prevent complications, and temperature is only one of the symptoms and is not the object of treatment.

When does heat stroke start and how long does it last?

It is difficult to determine the duration of heat stroke, since its first symptoms can always be noticed at the very beginning. Often, dry mouth, thirst, weakness and headache already indicate that you have suffered heatstroke. However, these symptoms may not be paid attention to, and only when arrhythmia appears, the temperature rises and other symptoms appear, it becomes clear that the problem is heat stroke. Then it can progress to a severe stage, and even cause damage to the nervous system.

Heat stroke and the fever that accompanies it have stages of development and decline:

  1. Prodromal (often occurs almost unnoticeably);
  2. Elevation (can be critical or lyrical);
  3. Stability;
  4. Reverse lysis.

At the beginning, heatstroke seems to warm up. Nervous system is in extreme increased tone, but there are no peripheral arteries, at the same time the blood flow is “centralized”. Due to problems with peripheral microcirculation, the so-called “ goose pimples", it is also accompanied by chills, trembling and acute sensation cold. By not missing this moment and starting to act already at this stage, you can prevent unpleasant consequences and overcome heatstroke faster. U different people Symptoms at this stage manifest themselves differently and with to varying degrees strength. Some people clearly feel the changes, while others begin to understand that they received heatstroke only at the stage of rising fever.

The development of the disease is critical when the temperature rises to high marks occurs very quickly (on average, in 40-45 minutes), but also decreases quickly if measures are taken and treatment is carried out. The lyrical course of the disease is much more dangerous and longer lasting. It is largely drawn out and may not be accompanied constantly high temperature, but it is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, a drop in blood pressure and an accelerated heart rate. It is important to rest throughout this period and not try to endure the disease on your feet, because serious complications are possible.

With rest and proper treatment, you can quickly move into the stability phase, when deterioration is no longer observed, and move into the reverse lysis stage. At this stage, you will feel a noticeable drop in temperature and an improvement in your well-being.

How to Avoid Heat Stroke

As already mentioned, there are people predisposed to heatstroke, but they can also avoid danger if they are careful. It is important to avoid dehydration, small stuffy rooms, not to stay in the sun for long periods of time and not to wear heavy, dense fabrics in hot weather. If you feel unwell, try to go to a place where there is shade and coolness, drink water, and wet your face and head with cold water.

Children must be carefully monitored, always wear a hat, give them water to drink, and not allow them to play in the sun for long periods of time. Even if you or your child is at risk, only care and caution will determine whether there is a real chance of getting heatstroke. Avoid treatment and severe consequences very simple, you just have to stick to it simple rules. If you couldn’t protect yourself, then you should take everything possible measures so that heatstroke lasts as little as possible and does not cause you serious reasons for worries.

Heat and sunstroke – dangerous conditions which, without timely assistance, directly threaten human life. They are accompanied by vomiting, headache, lethargy, flashing “spots”, changes in blood pressure, impaired heart rate. In severe cases, coma and death are possible. Symptoms sunstroke more pronounced at high air humidity.

Difference between heatstroke and sunstroke

Heatstroke is a specific symptom complex that occurs as a result of severe overheating of the body. The essence of heat stroke is the acceleration of heat generation processes and a parallel decrease in heat transfer in the body.

  • Heat stroke can happen both in hot weather and in conditions of elevated temperature in a bathhouse, sauna, hot workshop, transport, etc.
  • Sunstroke is a type or special case heat stroke caused by exposure to direct sunlight. Due to overheating, dilation of the blood vessels in the head occurs, and accordingly, blood flow to this area increases.

Heatstroke is more insidious and more dangerous due to the fact that the patient cannot always associate his condition with overheating, whereas with sunstroke everything is obvious. Some doctors begin to follow the wrong diagnostic path and try to find pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart (depending on the symptoms), while the person actually has a thermoregulation disorder.

What happens to the body during heat stroke?

Thermoregulation of the body occurs in normal physiological reactions at a body temperature of about 37 C, with fluctuations of one and a half degrees. When it changes external conditions The mechanism of heat transfer also changes, pathological reactions are activated:

  • at the initial stage, a short stage of compensation occurs, when the body is still coping with overheating;
  • compensatory actions against the background of overheating lead to disruption of the thermoregulation mechanism;
  • body temperature increases: the body tries to create balance by equalizing its own temperature from the environment;
  • adaptation mechanisms are exhausted, a stage of decompensation occurs;
  • develops general intoxication, acidosis, DIC syndrome, renal and heart failure. IN extreme cases The energy supply to the brain stops, swelling and hemorrhage develop.

Causes of sunstroke

What causes heat stroke:

  • Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures, lack of or poor air conditioning;
  • Long stay under direct sunlight in case of sunstroke;
  • Bad adaptive reaction the body to an increase in external temperature;
  • Excessive wrapping of small children.

Risk factors in the development of heat and sunstroke

  • Increased weather sensitivity (see);
  • Alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • Inadequate drinking regime, reception ;
  • Intense physical labor;
  • Increased air humidity;
  • Reception certain drugs that reduce the body’s ability to thermoregulate: tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamines, MAO inhibitors;
  • Thick clothing, rubberized, synthetic.

Symptoms in adults and children

  • Redness skin;
  • The skin is cold to the touch, sometimes with a bluish tint;
  • Weakness, drowsiness;
  • Blurred consciousness, shortness of breath;
  • Cold sweat, severe headache and dizziness;
  • Dilated pupils, darkening of the eyes;
  • Increased and weakened pulse;
  • High temperature (up to 40 C);
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • Urinary retention;
  • Unsteadiness of gait;
  • In severe cases: convulsions,...

The symptoms of heat stroke in children are the same, only the clinical picture will always be more pronounced, and the condition will be more severe. The only symptom that is more typical for children is nose bleed against the background of heatstroke.

Signs of sunstroke

The signs of sunstroke in adults are similar to those of heatstroke. Several symptoms may be observed, but the patient will always indicate prolonged exposure to the sun. As a rule, the harmful effects of the sun, in addition to the general condition, will be reflected in the condition of the skin, which will be red, swollen, touching the skin is extremely painful and unpleasant (see)

The symptoms of sunstroke in children are not much different from those in adults. Children always have a harder time with overheating, become whiny or, conversely, apathetic, and refuse to drink and eat. Children's body With thermoregulation mechanisms not yet formed, 15 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight is enough to get sunstroke!

Depending on the prevailing symptoms, there are several forms of heat stroke:

  • Asphyxia – slowing down of all functions of the central nervous system, including respiratory;
  • Pyretic, when body temperature reaches 40-41 C;
  • Cerebral – with convulsions and clouding of consciousness;
  • Gastroenteric– diarrhea and vomiting with urinary retention.

According to severity, doctors classify heat and sunstroke into mild, moderate and severe. Severe severity leads to the death of the victim in 30% of cases.

First, mild degree:

  • nausea, headache
  • dry mouth
  • weakness, lethargy
  • dilated pupils,
  • rapid breathing,
  • tachycardia (rapid heart rate).

Average degree:

  • intense headache, dizziness
  • muscle weakness, sudden loss of strength (uncertain, unsteady gait from weakness)
  • vomiting, nausea
  • stupefaction, faintness
  • breathing and heart rate increased
  • fever 39-40C
  • nosebleed
  • ophthalmological disorders: double vision, darkening, spots, difficulty concentrating.

Severe form:

  • sudden redness of the skin, then changes to bluish coloration
  • asphyxia
  • acute heart failure
  • loss of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations
  • clonic and tonic seizures
  • involuntary urination and defecation
  • fever 41-42C
  • cerebral hemorrhage
  • death in 30% of cases.

Long-term consequences include: neurological symptoms, impaired coordination of movements, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and visual impairment.

First aid

First aid actions play the most important role in preventing the progression of thermoregulation disorders. They must be coordinated, efficient, and most importantly - timely!

  • Isolate the victim from the damaging factor - heat: plant him in the shade, take him to a cool room, etc.;
  • Give the patient a cool drink green tea room temperature. You cannot drink coffee, energy drinks, and especially alcohol;
  • Call ambulance. Do not undertake to assess the severity of the victim’s condition - even if objectively the person feels well, he should be examined by a doctor;
  • If consciousness is disturbed, give ammonia a sniff, rub and pinch the earlobes, lightly flick the nose;
  • Remove clothing that increases body heat and restricts movement;
  • Open the windows, i.e. provide a flow of fresh air;
  • Place a roller on the floor using improvised means;
  • Cover the body with a damp cloth;
  • If there are any on the skin sunburn– apply cool lotions to them, which should be changed as the fabric warms up and dries. If you have panthenol on hand, lubricate the burn areas with it;
  • You need to put cold compresses on your forehead and under the back of your head: a cold towel, pieces of ice wrapped in cloth, a special cooling bag, a bottle of cold water;
  • If the patient can move on his own, place him under the shower or in a cool bath. If movement is difficult, pour cool water over the body.

How to avoid overheating?

  • Avoid increased physical activity and passive exposure to direct sunlight from 11.00 to 16.00, i.e. during hours of high sun activity;
  • Protect yourself from the sun's rays: wear a light-colored hat, use an umbrella, rest under a canopy or in the shade of trees;
  • Wear clothes made from natural fabrics and light colors;
  • Maintain adequate drinking regime by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • When working or staying in areas with elevated temperature open windows more often, use air conditioners and fans, periodically go out for 5-10 minutes into cool rooms;
  • Avoid overeating, especially fatty and spicy food, which takes water from the body;
  • You should not drink alcohol or even weak alcoholic drinks in hot weather.
  • Well, the last recommendation concerns those who have already experienced heat or sunstroke: do not rush to return to your usual way of life, as soon as you feel better, restore your strength, because repeated heatstroke can happen on the same day and with more severe symptoms!