Goose fat for facial skin. Goose fat prolongs male youth. Video: goose fat is a powerful healing agent

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Recently, people have begun to forget about the healing potential of animal fats. But just half a century ago, our grandmothers, with the help of the healing properties of goose fat, could put even a hopelessly ill person back on their feet. This remedy helped overcome the most severe ailments of the lungs, joints, intestines and skin. It is believed that even in the most severe frosts it is able to preserve the tenderness and softness of your hands.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of goose fat

If we compare this type of fat with others, it can be noted that this product contains more useful substances and vitamins. It is even considered a champion among animal “relatives”, since it contains a huge amount of saturated and semi-saturated fatty acids, which play an important role in the nutrition of the body. This product also contains myristic, oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitinoleic, linolenic and omega-3 acids.

A lack of these components in the body can lead to dry skin, nervous exhaustion, digestive problems, brittle hair and nails, and other metabolic disorders in the body. A deficiency of animal fats is especially observed in women who are on strict diets and do not consume meat products.

There are not many contraindications for use. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. Also, it should not be consumed in large quantities by children under 3 years of age, or by mothers during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The product should also be used with extreme caution in case of chronic and acute kidney and liver diseases.

But the medicinal properties of goose fat can be applied externally for almost any disease or skin condition.

Use in folk medicine

Most often this product is used in the following cases:

  • for wounds and burns;
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • with pneumonia;
  • for some gynecological diseases;
  • for skin diseases - dryness, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • when coughing in children and adults;
  • for various colds.

In addition, goose fat is actively used in cosmetology. With its help they cope with baldness and hair fragility. Shampoos based on it can stimulate hair growth. And creams containing goose fat are effective in nourishing and protecting the skin.

Proven recipes for treating various diseases

Today, goose fat can be bought in a store, market, pharmacy, or prepared at home. A fresh and properly prepared product should not contain any unpleasant odor or impurities. And its color should always be yellowish-golden.

For coughs and colds

Goose fat effectively exhibits medicinal properties for coughs and colds. In such cases, the product is used in the form of rubbing and compresses.

  • Take 100 grams of crushed garlic and half a kilogram of goose fat.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly and heat in a water bath.
  • Next, we smear this mixture on the patient’s back and chest, wrap it with natural fabric (preferably wool) and leave it overnight. The patient will feel relief the very next day.
  • The compress should be applied for 4-5 days.
  • For rubbing you will need wax and fat in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  • Mix everything and rub the patient’s chest.
  • Next, we give the patient warm tea and put him to bed.

Goose fat for joints

The origin of joint pain varies. But in any case, the compress will ease the suffering. Follow these guidelines for preparation:

  • grate potatoes and horseradish (1 to 1);
  • add a spoonful of honey to the mixture;
  • mix all components;
  • smear the affected joint with goose fat and apply a medicinal mixture;
  • wrap the affected area with a woolen cloth;
  • You need to keep the compress for 1-2 hours.

The course of treatment is 7-10 days. But it happens that people feel relief after the first procedure.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

The healing properties of goose fat for the intestines are manifested in the improvement and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The following recipe is very useful for ulcerative processes in the stomach or intestines.


  • aloe juice - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • fat - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath. You need to take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. If you don’t really like the taste, you can drink the drug with warm milk.

For burns or frostbite

If you lubricate the damaged area with goose fat, complete wound healing will occur 2 times faster. To do this, you only need to lubricate the wound with melted fat 2-3 times, and apply a warm compress at night.

Use the healing properties of this product and always be healthy!

Goose fat is a valuable product used in the preparation of culinary dishes, the production of cosmetics, and is used in traditional and alternative medicine to treat many diseases.

Historical facts indicate that the goose was the first domesticated bird. Reliable historical facts about the special attitude towards it have reached modern times: since the times of Ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt, geese have been mentioned as a specially revered bird. Traditional medicine recipes that have come down to us are evidence of the successful use of goose fat as a medicine to relieve pain, treat respiratory diseases, wounds, preserve youthful skin, and as an aphrodisiac to increase sexual attractiveness and strength.

The role of fats in the vital processes of the body cannot be overestimated. These are important organic components of almost all animal and plant tissues. They are predominantly a mixture of glycerol ester and fatty acids. For a living organism, they are a valuable source of vitamins, sterols, and phospholipids. The properties of goose fat combine all the best properties of this biologically important component of animal origin:

  • They perform a plastic function: they are extremely important for the construction of new cells of all biological tissues without exception.
  • They are a source of energy reserves, direct participants in a continuous chain of biochemical processes, providing metabolic reactions, vital activity and energy supply for body functions.
  • They are a depot of nutrients and water.
  • Perform protective and thermoregulatory functions.
  • They are the only source of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized by the body, but are extremely important for the proper functioning of metabolism, regulation of homeostasis, reproductive function, hormone production, normal functioning of the heart, liver, brain, and endocrine glands.
  • The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids is to build cell membranes and regenerate connective tissue. They are necessary for the formation of the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber. They are able to form easily soluble compounds from harmful cholesterol, thereby regulating the permeability of the vascular bed, ensuring the elasticity of the vascular wall.

A distinctive feature of the finished product obtained from goose from other products of animal origin is the fact that when heated and transitioning from solid to liquid, the melted substrate does not change its composition and healing qualities.


Here is a list of the benefits of goose fat, taking into account the biological effect it has on the body:

  • Contains a fairly large amount of almost all vitamins important for the body: groups B, PP, E, D, K.
  • The composition is rich in minerals due to a large number of micro- and macroelements.
  • When using goose fat, the benefits of its biological action are due to the incoming polyunsaturated essential fatty acids: arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic, oleic, myristic, omega-6 and 9.

The use of goose fat is justified due to:

  • Ability to have an immunostimulating effect on the body.
  • Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Wound healing, analgesic and warming effects when applied externally.
  • The ability to activate regeneration processes, helps maintain youth and elasticity of tissues.

For goose fat, the medicinal properties and contraindications are determined by the biologically active components of its composition.

Indications for use

Goose fat in folk medicine is used for the symptomatic treatment of the following diseases and painful conditions caused by:

  1. A cold accompanied by a dry cough and chest pain.
  2. For skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema.
  3. For the treatment of burns and frostbite.
  4. For stomach pain.
  5. As a cosmetic product that combats the problems of skin aging, hair loss, and changes in hair structure.
  6. For hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.


Perhaps this is one of the few remedies that has virtually no strict contraindications for use. For goose fat, use is limited only:

  • The presence of individual intolerance.
  • Severe manifestations of liver failure.

Goose fat can be used externally with virtually no restrictions.

How to cook?

For use at home, a purified, prepared product can be purchased at a pharmacy. For use, according to traditional medicine recipes, it is used only in melted form. Previously, a Russian stove was used for this purpose. It is absolutely not difficult to heat it at home yourself. How to melt goose fat?

The easiest way:

  • Place poultry lard, cut into small pieces or minced through a meat grinder, into a preheated thick-walled frying pan.
  • The fat should be melted over very low heat under a closed lid, stirring occasionally, removing the melted dense parts (cracklings).
  • A properly melted product has a golden yellow color.
  • The finished product is poured into a glass jar; you can first strain it through cheesecloth. Store in the refrigerator.

Second method: melt in a water bath. A longer, more labor-intensive process:

  • Place the pieces of lard in a colander and in a container of the appropriate diameter (this is where the melted finished product will be collected).
  • The container is placed over boiling water and tightly closed with a lid.
  • Water for the steam bath should be added promptly.
  • The medicinal product prepared in this way is filled into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator after cooling.

Storage conditions

The glass jar with the finished product must be tightly closed with a lid. In the refrigerator it can retain its properties for up to 8 months.

The finished product can be frozen without losing its healing properties during subsequent heating; the shelf life is up to 1 year.

For a cold

Use in folk medicine to relieve symptoms of coughs and colds is a simple, affordable method of treating children and adults.

During the seasonal rise of colds, a product prepared in advance using the methods indicated above will become a wonderful medicine, helping not only in the treatment of coughs and decreased immunity, but also as a means of preventing diseases.

  • Rubbing the chest and back with a pure product, without adding other agents, has a good therapeutic effect for dry, debilitating cough. It is best to perform the procedure before bedtime, after which it is recommended to wrap the patient up and cover him with a blanket. Goose fat for colds can be used to treat children.
  • When treating adult patients, a rubbing composition can be prepared by adding vodka at the rate of 2 tablespoons of vodka per 50 g of product.
  • Rubbing the chest causes a pronounced thermal effect, which is why the main rule of such procedures is that the patient does not have an elevated temperature.
  • When coughing, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of a natural home remedy orally on an empty stomach, or prepare a mixture by taking equal proportions of honey, lemon, cocoa or aloe juice. There are a sufficient number of options for preparing such mixtures.

A contraindication for the use of the described mixtures is the presence of an allergy to these components.

For eczema, dermatitis, burns

Treatment of skin diseases requires virtually no time or additional preparation: the affected areas of the skin are generously lubricated with a natural, additive-free product and covered with a gauze cloth on top. The goose fat compress prepared in this way is changed twice throughout the day.

To treat eczema, a mixture with fir and camphor oil is used.

Treatment with goose fat is an affordable, very effective, safe way to combat various ailments. However, we should not forget that the described traditional medicine does not treat the cause of the disease, but is only a symptomatic adjunct to therapy.

Before using compresses, mixtures, ointments during illness, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Use in cooking

The product prepared using the described methods is widely used for preparing culinary dishes: it is used to stew, fry vegetables, meat, and add it to soups and decoctions. It turns out tasty and healthy.

In cooking, goose fat is added to the filling of pies, cutlets, porridges, and casseroles. This is an excellent replacement for butter and any vegetable oil; it is recommended for use by those who adhere to diets.


Goose fat has been used in cosmetology for a long time as a means of combating the aging process of the skin, with dry, chapped skin. It is quite easy to prepare masks and mixtures that prevent hair loss from it. A natural product is used more often and can be added to ready-made face and hand creams to improve the composition.

A homemade remedy prevents nail brittleness, promotes skin whitening, and relieves joint pain.

Gynecological diseases

When mixed with a decoction of calendula flowers, apply to a tampon. Used topically for diseases of the cervix.

There is a popular belief that goose lard mixed with aloe juice, honey and sea buckthorn oil helps to cope with infertility when consumed regularly.

Whatever traditional medicine recipes you use, you should remember that they do not replace etiotropic treatment. You should consult your doctor before using any of them.

Goose fat is a very popular remedy in folk medicine. It is worth noting that this product began to be used many centuries ago. Even then, people noticed that it had a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. Today it is used in cosmetology, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Goose fat: benefits for skin

Of course, this product improves skin condition, softens and moisturizes tissues. Experts recommend using it in winter, when the skin suffers from cold, wind and dry indoors. For example, if you mix 25 g of goose fat with 2.5 g of camphor oil, you will get an excellent mask for aging or dry skin.

Goose fat hair mask

It's no secret that during the cold season, hair also suffers - it becomes thin, dry and brittle, begins to electrify and lose volume. Goose fat will help cope with these problems. In order to prepare the mask, you need to melt a small amount of fat, wait until it cools a little, and then rub it into the scalp for five minutes. Now you can wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water and lemon juice - this will help remove product residue and make your hair soft and silky.

Goose fat for coughing: ointment for external use

In order to prepare an effective warming ointment, you need to melt wax and goose fat in a 1:4 ratio in a water bath. Now wait until the mixture cools completely. The prepared product should be rubbed into the chest and back, preferably before bed. This recipe will speed up recovery and soften cough.

Treating burns with goose fat

Yes, this product not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but will also speed up its recovery processes. That is why it is recommended to apply it to damaged areas, but only if the burn is not severe. For treatment, it is necessary to treat the skin with goose fat twice a day and fix it on top with a bandage.

Goose fat compress for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a fairly common and dangerous disease. But with the help of a special ointment, you can improve the patient’s condition and relieve the main symptoms. To do this, you need to mix half a kilogram of goose fat with 100 g of chopped garlic and keep it in a water bath for 3 - 4 minutes. After this, spread the still warm mixture evenly over parchment paper, which you then place on your chest, securing it on top with a woolen scarf. But remember that this remedy is only an auxiliary one - you must also take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

Goose fat against thrombophlebitis

You can prepare a good remedy for thrombophlebitis. To do this, you need to mix goose fat and Kalanchoe juice in a 2:1 ratio. Store the ointment in a dark glass jar. Every day before going to bed, treat the skin over the affected vessel, then wrap it with plastic wrap. The compress should remain on the body until the morning. In fact, goose fat is used for different purposes. For example, it is effective against frostbite and is used to treat intestinal and stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids and other diseases. But remember that this is only an aid - you cannot refuse the recommendations of your doctor.

For hundreds of years, humanity has used animal and poultry fat not only for food, but also for treatment. In recent decades, such products have been criticized by scientists and nutritionists as unhealthy and harmful to human health. Fortunately, the situation has begun to change and more and more nutrition experts are inclined to the completely opposite opinion and are urging a return to traditional foods. Among them is goose fat.

Most often, the interior fat of geese is melted. Traditionally used for cooking. In fact, it is healthier than some vegetable oils. In addition to beneficial nutritional properties, it has many medicinal properties.

Why is it useful?

Fat is an essential part of any diet. Provides the body:

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K;

Essential fatty acids.

Vitamins are essential for growth and development. Fatty acids support the normal functioning of the entire body.

Goose lard is a balanced source of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are mainly oleic acid. The one that is main in olive oil. Oleic acid is beneficial for reducing high cholesterol levels. Their content is higher compared to butter.

Polyunsaturated acids are involved in metabolism and tissue regeneration. Helps build strong immunity.

It contains much less saturated fat. There are only 32.7 grams in 100 grams, compared to 54 in butter and 40.8 in lard.

Like all fats, it is a high-calorie product. In a tablespoon:

115 kilocalories;

Total fat – 13 grams;

Saturated - 3.5 grams;

Cholesterol – 13 grams.

Fats are essential for energy production. The daily recommended requirement for them is:

For women – 76 grams;

For men – 100 grams.

Comparative table of fatty acid content per 100 grams

Beneficial features

It has a low melting point (about 40 degrees). Almost tasteless and odorless, which allows you to remain neutral in ready-made dishes.

Has preservative properties. Previously, peasants poured it over pieces of meat to preserve their freshness. The fat itself can remain fresh for a long time when stored in the refrigerator.

It does not change its structure at high temperatures. It can be heated up to 200 degrees. Not many vegetable oils can be heated to such high temperatures. As is known, such heating is dangerous due to the formation of carcinogenic substances. Therefore, animal fats are healthier for frying.

Used in folk medicine. Helps in the treatment of:

Colds (cough, runny nose);


Pulmonary tuberculosis;

Pain in joints and muscles;

Skin diseases (cracks, frostbite, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis).

Used in cosmetology. As a source of fat, it helps cope with dry, flaky skin. Able to heal cracks on hands and heels.

Use in cooking

They fry it, add it to baked goods, and sauté vegetables. It becomes hard at temperatures of 16 degrees and below. But liquid - at room temperature.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of fat: subcutaneous fat, which is rendered when frying a goose, and internal fat. The latter is more useful.

Traditionally used in French and Jewish cuisines. In many areas of France it remains the main fat used for cooking.

Among Jews it is considered kosher. They even melt goose skin, fry it until dark brown and serve it as an appetizer.

You can fry in goose fat:


Serve spread on a sandwich.

Medicinal properties

Many people still use it as one of the best and effective folk remedies for respiratory diseases. If you have a severe cough, dissolve a teaspoon of fat and honey in a glass of hot milk and drink before bed.

Children have their chest and back massaged with pure fat. Adults can make a mixture by adding onion juice.

This cough recipe is suitable for adults. Mix 100 grams of honey, fat and vodka. Leave for a week in a warm, dark place. Drink 1 teaspoon before meals.

To prevent atherosclerosis, it is recommended, for example, a sandwich with butter. Fried onions, grated apple, and marjoram go well with this appetizer. It will be useful for people with hypertension and high cholesterol. The main thing is to know when to stop. After all, this is a high-calorie product.

A mixture of fat and castor oil (30 ml of oil per 250 grams of fat) is rubbed on sore joints and muscles. After rubbing, cover with wax paper and wrap with a woolen scarf. Warm slightly before use.

To strengthen the immune system, mix equal amounts of goose fat, cocoa, honey and aloe juice. Add a teaspoon to warm milk and drink twice a day.

To speed up the healing of burns, lubricate the affected area twice a day, covering the top with wax paper and fixing it with a bandage.

Lubricate the skin during frostbite and for prevention. If you need to be outside for a long time in the cold, lubricate the skin with pure goose fat. After 15-20 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin.

To avoid getting drunk quickly and to feel better the next day after drinking alcohol, eat a teaspoon of fat. By enveloping the walls of the stomach, it will prevent the rapid absorption of toxins.

Contraindications and harm

As a culinary product it has no contraindications. Despite its many beneficial properties, it should still be consumed in moderation due to its high calorie content.

How to render goose fat

The best time to buy geese is in the fall. They are at their best at this time of year.

For medicinal purposes, interior fat is melted. For culinary purposes, you can cut off the subcutaneous part along with the skin. Cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan or pot.

Heat on the stove or in the oven. When reheating in the oven, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water. It will evaporate in the process.

You need to simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally.

The finished lard, after cooling slightly, is poured into a jar. Store in the refrigerator.

An alternative method is to drain the fat after cooking the entire goose and use it later for roasting.

About 1 kilogram of fat can be rendered from one large goose.

Here is a recipe for delicious goose fat.

You will need:

Internal or subcutaneous fat

Several apple slices

After cutting into pieces, place in a saucepan or deep frying pan.

Cut the apples into cubes, removing the peel. Finely chop the marjoram.

When the fat has rendered, add the rest of the ingredients. Roast for another 10-15 minutes until the apples are soft.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cool and pour into jars.

Animal fats have always been considered a storehouse of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the human body.

Geese are mentioned in the Bible, in the writings of ancient Rome, Egypt, and China. This means that they were one of the first domesticated birds.

Its meat was eaten. They cooked and treated with fat. Pillows and mattresses were stuffed with feathers.

These birds are bred today. If you have poured out fat before, now you know how and where it can be used.

Geese once saved Rome - this story is known to everyone. But few people know how healthy goose fat is. the site decided to fill this gap and today talks about it in detail.

Composition of goose fat

The practice of using goose fat came to us from the distant past, but the new is, as a rule, the well-forgotten old. Therefore, at present, we successfully use the recipes of our great-grandmothers, supplementing with them the therapy recommended by doctors.

Goose fat as medicine

Given the ability of goose fat to strengthen weakened immunity, it is often recommended for colds. Here is one simple and effective recipe: mix honey, cocoa powder, aloe juice and goose fat in equal proportions. The mixture is heated, then one teaspoon is diluted in a glass of warm milk and taken twice a day.

For bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by cough, take 100 g of honey, goose fat and vodka, infuse for one week in a dark and cool place, after which take one teaspoon of infusion daily.

For burns and frostbite You can rub goose fat on damaged areas of the skin twice a day, this significantly speeds up healing. But in case of a burn, it is recommended to wait a couple of days to reduce the pain reaction.

For the treatment of purulent skin diseases you need to mix 115 g of goose fat and 20 g of powdered oak bark. This mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin, covered with a layer of cellophane and secured with a bandage. The compress is left for one hour, then carefully washed off with warm water.

For weeping eczema It is very good to use a mixture of 2/3 goose fat and 1/3 fir oil. It should be applied to the sore spot two to three times a day, covered with compress paper and secured with a bandage or plaster. The course of treatment usually lasts about 2-3 weeks.

During the autumn-winter depression associated with decreasing daylight hours, fading nature and lack of vitamins, it is also recommended to consume goose fat in moderate doses, since it is a natural antidepressant and can relieve chronic fatigue, normalize sleep and generally improve mood.

Even with thrombophlebitis Goose fat can help - you just need to combine goose fat and the juice of the Kalanchoe plant in a 2:1 ratio, place it in a dark glass container and apply it to the skin of your feet overnight, covering it with polyethylene.

Goose fat as a cosmetic product

Experienced cosmetologists know that it is goose fat that is included in those cosmetics that are intended to combat premature skin aging. In addition, consuming goose fat orally in small quantities (no more than one teaspoon per day) significantly improves the condition of hair and nails.

Goose fat - all about this magical remedy

External use of goose fat, among other things, whitens the skin and prevents cracks in the corners of the mouth. And if you add a drop of this fat to your regular face and hand cream during the cold season, you can protect your delicate skin from the effects of frost and winds.

We offer several recipes for cosmetic masks that can be prepared at home:

Mask for tender lips: take 19 petals of rosehip or red garden rose, grind into a paste and combine with a tablespoon of goose fat. Apply the mixture to your lips 3-4 times a week at night.

Nourishing mask for dry skin: mix 25 g of goose fat and 2.5 g of camphor oil, apply the mixture to the face, after 20 minutes rinse with warm, then cool water.