Treatment of chronic renal failure with folk remedies. Methods for treating renal failure with folk remedies. Causes of chronic disease

Chronic renal failure (CRF) – serious disease leading to irreversible renal dysfunction. Treatment of the pathology should be started at an early stage, because without helping your health, the kidney tissues die, the body suffers from intoxication, and the consequences of this condition can be fatal.

Treatment of chronic renal failure

If a patient is diagnosed, the filtration and excretory functions of the kidneys are seriously impaired. This leads to the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in the blood, which healthy person are excreted from the body in urine. The diagnosis of chronic renal failure is made if the disease has existed for more than 3 months. The causes are inflammatory and autoimmune pathologies kidney, diabetes, viral hepatitis, urolithiasis and many other pathologies.

Comprehensive treatment of pathology is extremely important. The earlier it starts, the faster the water level will be adjusted. salt balance and, if possible, the causes are eliminated renal failure.

Without adequate therapy, exacerbations of kidney disease are possible, and the progression of the death of renal nephrons will become inevitable. With chronic renal failure, a person is given disability. People with any stage of the disease are sent to the commission, and after necessary examinations assigned one or another disability group.

The selection of treatment methods will depend on the degree of fall:

  1. In the first stages, with filtration rates up to 40-15 ml/minute, conservative therapy is possible.
  2. At the terminal stage with filtration rates less than 15 ml/minute, hemodialysis or kidney transplantation is recommended.

Basic principles

The goals of therapy for chronic renal failure are:

  • Restoring the normal environment of the body ( water-salt balance, composition of microelements).
  • Reduced symptoms.
  • Reducing the presence of nitrogen metabolism products in the blood.
  • Removing stagnant harmful toxins from tissues.
  • Reducing the burden on healthy people.
  • Correction of blood pressure.
  • Optimization of urine formation and excretion.

If possible, the underlying disease that caused the development of renal failure is treated. For example, when urolithiasis stones are removed from the kidneys, hormonal therapy is carried out, and intensive antibiotic therapy is carried out for pyelonephritis. On initial stage In case of renal failure, it is usually sufficient to eliminate the causes, because kidney damage is reversible. At the second stage, medications are used to reduce the rate of development of chronic renal failure; at the third, existing complications are treated using procedures and medications. In more severe stages, only surgery or constant dialysis can help a person.

Patients with renal failure are given a special daily regimen, since they are contraindicated. physical exercise, heavy lifting, stress. Compliance required special diet, with sufficient rest and adequate drug treatment. This approach usually allows one to achieve stable remission, and, if the causes of the pathology are eliminated, recovery. Typically, therapy is carried out at home; only in the terminal stage or with exacerbation of chronic renal failure is hospitalization necessary.

  • Avoid taking medications with nephrotoxic effects.
  • Sanitation of sources of infection in the body.
  • Taking drugs to bind protein metabolites in the intestine.
  • Adequate fluid intake.
  • Correction of acidosis, anemia, osteodystrophy and other complications.
  • Spa treatment.

Drug therapy

The intake or administration of any medications must be combined with regular testing. This is necessary to monitor indicators of renal concentration function, urea, creatinine, and glomerular filtration.

To correct failures electrolyte balance the patient may need the administration of potassium chloride (if hypokalemia develops). On the contrary, if there is an excess of potassium, the drug Resonium is taken, glucose with insulin is administered intravenously.

In order to reduce the products of protein metabolism in the body, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. Sorbents. Absorb ammonia and other toxins. Enterodes, Karbolen, Polysorb are used.
  2. Colon lavage with sodium bicarbonate, glucose, potassium chloride, taking xylitol and sorbitol as laxatives.
  3. Antiazotemic agents (Hofitol, Lespenefril). Needed to increase the release of nitrogen metabolism products.
  4. Antihypertensive drugs to lower blood pressure. Diuretics are used (Lasix, Furosemide), as well as Dopegin, Clonidine, Inderal, Obzidan, Capoten.
  5. Anemia drugs. The patient is recommended iron supplements (Conferon, Ferroceron), androgens (increase the production of red blood cells - Testosterone, Sustanon), severe cases– transfusion of red blood cells.
  6. Vitamins to restore normal functioning of organs and systems. Multivitamin complexes are recommended.
  7. Medicines for the treatment of uremic osteodystrophy (Calcium D3, vitamin D, Oksidevit, Osteochin). Necessary for normalizing calcium and phosphorus levels.
  8. Treatment infectious complications. This direction of therapy is required when an infection occurs. Aminoglycosides are usually used as the most non-toxic antibiotics for the kidneys - Kanamycin, Tobramycin, Gentamicin, as well as nitrofurans (Furamag, Furadonin).
  9. Hormonal therapy. Prescribed for glomerulonephritis or after a kidney transplant (Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone).

Traditional methods

Treatment folk remedies can only help sick kidneys maintain their functions, but we must not forget about taking medications. Before starting such treatment, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Recipes traditional medicine with chronic renal failure they may be:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm, calendula, 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour 600 ml of water in a thermos, leave for 2 hours. Take 100 ml of infusion twice a day. This remedy is especially recommended if kidney failure has developed due to chronic pyelonephritis.
  2. Connect to equal parts hawthorn fruits, laurel leaves, parsley roots, dill seeds, rose hips. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in a thermos with 300 ml of water, leave for 4 hours. Drink the collection for any form of illness, 50 ml three times a day.
  3. Grind the watermelon rinds, pour half a liter of water into 3 tablespoons of pieces. Leave for an hour and drink this liquid instead of water. This method will be needed to flush the kidneys and remove harmful substances from the body.

On video traditional methods treatment of chronic renal failure:


Physiotherapy methods are usually aimed at influencing the underlying disease and improving the functioning of the renal nephrons. They may be included in complex treatment CRF, if prescribed by the attending physician. Physiotherapy improves the outflow of urine, relieves kidney spasms if present, and reduces the severity of inflammation.

The following types of physiotherapy are commonly practiced:

  • Therapeutic baths;
  • Reception of mineral waters;
  • Amplipulse therapy;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Electrophoresis of various preparations.

Replacement therapy

If glomerular filtration rates decrease below 15-5 ml/minute, the kidneys should be treated using replacement therapy. If available, the decision to proceed with dialysis can be made even at higher rates.

Indications for hemodialysis in chronic renal failure:

  • Hyperkalemia more than 6.5-7 mmol/l.
  • The creatinine content is above 700-1200 mmol/l.

Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis is recommended for the patient. Hemodialysis is the main treatment for end-stage renal failure. It is based on the removal from the blood into a special solution of harmful substances that are retained in the body during uremia. The device is used " artificial kidney» - hemodialyzer - and a device for supplying the solution.

Most often, hemodialysis is performed in a hospital, but there are devices for home use. When plasma is filtered through a semi-permeable membrane, its duration is from 4 hours, and the number of procedures is at least 3 per week.

Peritoneal dialysis is carried out by introducing into abdominal cavity a special catheter through which the solution is injected into the peritoneum. As a result of the operation of the device, all harmful elements are removed from the blood. After the solution remains in the peritoneum for several hours, it is excreted. The procedure can be done even at home, but once a month you need to be thoroughly examined in a medical facility. In the final phase of the terminal stage chronic renal failure for a patient A kidney transplant is indicated, which improves the prognosis for 10-20 years or more.
Description of the hemodialysis procedure:

Medical nutrition

The diet is selected individually and depends on the stage of the disease and kidney function indicators. The most important point in therapy is the correction of the water regime (less than 2 liters per day) and reducing the amount table salt in the diet. A low-protein diet is used - the amount of animal proteins and phosphorus in the menu is seriously reduced, which reduces the severity of complications and slows down the progression of renal failure.

The amount of protein in the diet does not exceed 20-60 g, depending on the severity of the disease. The calorie content of the diet should be sufficient, but the amount of potassium is strictly controlled. The diet of a person with chronic renal failure includes very limited White bread, rice, nuts, cocoa, and mushrooms and legumes are completely excluded. Lean meat is consumed in small quantities, fatty meat is completely excluded. If there is an excess of potassium in the blood, bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, and parsley are removed from the menu. Along with the diet, patients are advised to take the amino acid substitute Ketosteril, which does not affect nitrogen metabolism. Products such as: fresh vegetables, fruits, with the exception of potassium-rich cereals, dietary soups, low-fat varieties fish.

Positive effect of a meloprotein diet in chronic renal failure


Unfortunately, even the diagnosis itself - chronic renal failure - implies the further course and development of the disease, except in cases of complete elimination of its cause. Therefore, a person will have to learn to live with this pathology and change their lifestyle. Many will have to undergo dialysis, while everyone needs to follow a diet and stop smoking and drinking alcohol. A person’s nutrition must be strictly scheduled, calculated in relation to the amount of salt and protein. You should strictly monitor your blood pressure and do exercises if recommended by your doctor. It is imperative to undergo regular examinations to adjust the doses of medications and types of treatment.

The human body adapts to conditions environment. And they don't get better over the years. Increasingly, not entirely environmentally friendly drinks and food enter the body, and the kidneys are engaged in cleansing all this. The weight of one organ is only 200 grams, and they pass 1000 liters of blood per day.

Poor quality water, synthetic drinks - everything affects the operation of these small “filters”. Diseases associated with this organ are found in children and adults. The most alarming thing is kidney failure. Treatment with modern methods and folk remedies, as well as the symptoms and causes of the disease, we will consider further.

What is kidney failure

The kidneys play two very important roles in the body: they remove waste products and maintain the acid-base balance and water balance. This is done by the blood flow passing through them. Renal failure is a syndrome in which severe abnormalities in functioning are observed. The stability in the functioning of organs is disrupted, the balance of their functioning disappears. Contaminated blood stops being filtered, spreading to all organs, it disrupts their coordinated work.

There are two types of kidney failure:

  • Spicy.
  • Chronic.

The first form occurs very quickly, but is curable. It is more difficult with chronic, it develops slowly, but the impaired functions cannot be restored. And now, having found out what acute renal failure is, we will consider the treatment of its forms and symptoms further.

Causes of acute form

This type of disease can be triggered in 60% of cases by injury or surgery, 40% - drug treatment, 2% - pregnancy.

The following conditions may be the causes of development:

  • Traumatic shock.
  • Heavy blood loss.
  • Poisoning with neurotropic poisons.
  • Intoxication with medications, radiopaque substances.
  • Infectious diseases such as cholera, sepsis, dysentery.
  • Thrombosis and embolism are dangerous.
  • Acute pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.
  • Abortion.
  • Burns to large areas of the body.
  • Blood transfusion if incompatibility is detected.
  • Continuous vomiting.
  • During pregnancy - severe toxicosis.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Tumor formation or stones in the ureter.

With all these conditions, there is a possibility of developing kidney disease, so you need to know the first symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, kidney function in this condition can be fully restored if you consult a doctor in time. This disease can develop over a short period of time, from several hours to seven days.

Lasts similar condition from a day or more. The main thing is not to ignore the symptoms if it is acute renal failure. Treatment should be prescribed immediately.

The development of the disease can be divided into 4 stages.

The first period - shock - lasts a couple of days. The following symptoms appear:

  • Chills.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Pale or jaundiced skin.
  • Tachycardia, low blood pressure.

In the second period, urine stops forming, nitrogen and phenol accumulate in the blood. It lasts approximately one to two weeks and also has the following manifestations:

  • Lost appetite.
  • Weakness, headache, dizziness.
  • Insomnia.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Smell of ammonia.
  • Possible pulmonary edema.

The third period is called recovery, the condition may improve, or it may worsen. In some cases, a person develops an appetite and begins to feel much better.

The fourth period is also a recovery period, it is characterized by the fact that:

  • The indicators are returning to normal.
  • Kidney functions are restored.

This period can last from several months to several years.

However, it is worth noting that with this disease, liver cells are also damaged, which explains the yellowness of the skin. If it was acute condition, its symptoms may continue to be evident for another year or two due to disrupted work internal organs, for example, liver or heart muscle.

Causes of chronic disease

The development of a chronic form can be provoked by the following conditions:

  • Chronic glomerulonephritis.
  • Obstruction of the ureters.
  • Renal polycystic disease.
  • Long-term use of certain groups of medications.
  • Lupus, diabetes.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis.

It is worth noting that the chronic course of pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis most often causes acute renal failure.

Symptoms of chronic acute failure

The chronic course of the disease allows irreversible processes to develop in the kidneys. There is a violation of the excretory function, and uremia appears due to the accumulation of nitrogenous metabolic products. At the initial stage of development, there are practically no symptoms; deviations can only be determined through special tests. Unfortunately, only when 90% of the nephrons have already been destroyed do the symptoms of the disease begin to appear:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Pale and dry skin.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Bleeding.
  • Anemia.
  • Edema.
  • Indigestion.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • The appearance of aphthous stomatitis.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Possible tremor of the limbs.
  • Joint pain.
  • The condition of hair and nails worsens.

It is very important not to miss symptoms if there are concerns that kidney failure may develop. Treatment must be started as quickly as possible. This is the only way to prevent irreversible changes.

Diagnosis of kidney failure

If a patient is suspected of having renal failure, treatment should be started only after the diagnosis has been confirmed. It is necessary to contact a nephrologist and urologist. The following examination will be prescribed:

  1. Biochemical blood test for electrolytes, creatinine, urea.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Ultrasound Bladder and kidneys.
  4. UZGD.
  5. Kidney biopsy for suspected glomerulonephritis.

When diagnosing chronic disease A Rehberg test and a Zimnitsky test are done in addition to everything.

Treatment of acute form

For such a serious disease as acute renal failure, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the factors that caused the exacerbation.

If the reason was state of shock patient, it is necessary to normalize arterial pressure and replenish blood loss, if any.

In case of poisoning, first of all, it is necessary to rinse the patient’s stomach and intestines. In case of poisoning with toxic substances, it is possible to cleanse the body using the method of extracorporeal hemocorrection.

Also, removing stones or tumors from the ureter or bladder normalizes the patient’s condition. All these procedures are performed at the initial stage of the disease.

Next, activities are carried out that will contribute to the narrowing of the arteries and blood vessels. Areas with tissue necrosis are removed, antibiotic therapy is prescribed taking into account the lesion renal tissue. The patient is prescribed a special protein-free diet. Drug treatment renal failure includes the following drugs:

  • "Furosemide".
  • "Cocarboxylase-Ellara".
  • "Losartan."
  • "Trometamol."
  • "Reogluman".
  • "Mannitol."

On early stage development of renal failure or for preventive purposes, the doctor may prescribe hemodialysis. It is indicated if the doctor sees that there is a violation of kidney function and a deterioration in metabolism. Hemodialysis is done to prevent complications. This procedure allows the blood to be cleaned before it passes through the kidneys.

Therapy for chronic forms of the disease

Treatment of chronic renal failure is aimed at slowing the progression of the underlying disease. The main task of doctors is to detect the disease at an early stage and prevent changes in kidney function.

To treat the chronic form, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are used. They are performed in a medical facility, but do not require hospitalization; after the procedure, the patient can go home.

The patient can perform peritoneal dialysis independently. It is enough to visit the doctor once a month. This procedure is used for treatment while the patient is waiting for a kidney transplant, since this disease triggers irreversible processes, and this the only way out to support the patient's condition.

Transplantation is the replacement of a damaged kidney with a donor organ. It can be either a relative or a recently deceased person. At the beginning, many compatibility tests are carried out. After the operation, the kidney takes root within a year. One healthy kidney replaces the work of two patients. If the donor is a relative, then the chances of a favorable outcome increase.

After a kidney transplant has been performed, the patient is prescribed immunosuppressants, which will need to be taken for the rest of his life. There is one negative point: while taking these drugs, a person’s immunity is noticeably reduced, and he can easily become infected with any infectious disease.

Diet as a method of treatment

Whatever methods of treatment for kidney failure are used, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. Here are a few rules for its observance:

  • It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Animal fat should be excluded from the diet.
  • Reduce the amount of salt, spices, smoked meats, and canned food.
  • If potassium levels are elevated, foods containing it should be avoided. Among them are banana, nuts, cocoa, vegetable and meat broths, chocolate, dried fruits.

  • In case of uremia, it is necessary to remove legumes, fish, offal, goose, veal, muesli, and alcohol from the diet.
  • Best used for cooking food foil, exclude frying and baking.
  • It is advisable to go to dietary products nutrition.
  • Reduce your intake of protein foods. Use healthy protein- eggs, milk.

If chronic renal failure develops, treatment with folk remedies may become good addition To drug therapy. It should be noted that the use of these drugs will be more effective at an early stage of the disease.

Alternative treatment for kidney failure

It is very good if you use the suggested recipes, adhering to dietary nutrition. Here are some of them:

If you have chronic kidney failure, herbal treatment can help reduce the progression of the disease. For example, it is recommended to use the following infusion:

  1. You need to take 30 grams of blackthorn flowers, tricolor violet, St. John's wort, elderberry, 50 grams of dandelion and 80 grams of chamomile. Take one tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes. After the decoction has infused for 10 minutes, strain and drink three times a day before meals. It is a good antipyretic, diuretic and antiseptic.
  2. Burdock root improves the patient's condition. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour boiling water over the chopped root and leave overnight. You need to drink the infusion in small portions throughout the day. The drinking regime must be observed.

If there is kidney failure, treatment with folk remedies will help strengthen the immune system and give strength to fight the disease. For example, echinacea tincture will increase the body's resistance to infections.

Can walnuts Mix with honey in equal proportions and leave in a dark place for 30 days. You need to eat 3 teaspoons per day in three doses. This product cleanses the blood well and strengthens the immune system.

It is very important to keep your symptoms under control if you have kidney failure. Treatment with folk remedies can reduce their manifestation, so it must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Prevention of kidney diseases

The task of the patient and the doctor is the following: even with a diagnosis of renal failure, treatment should be aimed primarily at preserving kidney function. Every effort must be made to improve the patient’s quality of life.

The following points can be included in the prevention of kidney failure:

  • First of all, treat the underlying diseases.
  • Follow a diet.

  • Conduct prevention and treatment of chronic pyelonephritis and chronic glomerulonephritis.
  • Undergo a thorough examination and timely treatment kidney diseases without complications.
  • Treat arterial hypertension.
  • Infectious diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary tract should be eliminated by early stages, it is important to complete the course of therapy to the end.
  • Patients who have suffered acute renal failure should be regularly observed by a doctor and monitor blood and urine counts.

When diagnosed with renal failure, treatment and medications should only be prescribed by a specialist, otherwise it can lead to the death of the patient. This is not the case when you can self-medicate. Kidneys - very important organ, their health must always be taken care of.

Treatment of kidney failure with folk remedies is a common method of getting rid of organ disease. Grandma's recipes help improve general condition kidneys, eliminate symptoms and speed up a person’s recovery. But such therapy should be discussed with a specialist and cannot replace primary treatment.

Treatment of adults with herbs improves the outflow of urine. Plants with diuretic properties include burdock, bird cherry, horsetail, and also dandelion, violet leaves and mint.

Let's consider the most effective means with their use.

  1. Burdock rhizome. Take 10 g of powdered plant root and add 200 milliliters of just boiled water. The medicine is infused for 8 hours. Afterwards, the drug is taken before each meal three times a day.
  2. Bird cherry. Ingredients: plant berries, boiling water. Pour water into the bird cherry in equal parts and boil for half an hour. Afterwards, strain the broth and drink up to 4 times in 24 hours.
  3. Echinacea. Grind 100 grams of the plant, add two liters of vodka to the mixture. Leave the product to infuse for 14 days, preferably in dark room, shaking occasionally. After the time has passed, the medicine is filtered through a sieve or gauze. The infusion is used for six months. You need to drink 10 drops of liquid a day every four hours.

Kidney teas are not far behind in effectiveness. A popular drink is made from birch buds and oak bark. Take three spoons of mixed ingredients and place in one liter of water. After the mixture has been boiled for an hour, the broth is filtered. All liquid is divided into 6 servings and drunk throughout the day.

Making violet tea is very simple: pour one spoon of flowers into a glass, pour in freshly boiled water and leave for half an hour. Then drink one large spoon before each meal.

It has effective properties in the treatment of patients with and a decoction of lemon balm and flax. To prepare it, place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 250 ml of liquid. The resulting medicine is used as tea leaves. Drink this tea every time half an hour before you are going to eat.

A vitamin lingonberry drink will be useful. To prepare it, you need to take 12 g of lingonberry leaves and pour boiling water over it. Drink chilled.

Medicines with seeds and fruits

For the prevention of kidney disorders, folk remedies are ideal. For example, by consuming up to two liters of pomegranate juice per day, you can eliminate water-salt imbalance and reduce symptomatic manifestations diseases. Watermelon will help cleanse the body and reduce inflammation. You can eat it, as well as drink an infusion made from its rind. To do this, take 30 g of peel, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for an hour. It is recommended to use instead of regular water.

For renal failure, treatment with folk remedies includes a decoction of dill seeds. The medicine eliminates inflammation and improves the flow of urine. To prepare, take 10 g of seeds and place them in a glass of just boiled water. The drink is infused for 6 hours. Afterwards it is taken 10 ml four times a day.

Flax is very useful for PN. The broth is prepared as follows: in an iron ladle with hot water add one small spoon of plant seeds. Place on fire for 2-3 minutes. The infusion for kidney diseases is drunk three times a day, half a glass.

An indispensable remedy for chronic organ failure is a drink made from sea buckthorn. To begin with, take 100 grams of rose hips and sea buckthorn, 50 grams of lemon juice, one glass of water and a small spoon of sugar. The berries are doused with boiling water, dried and placed in a thermos with hot water for several hours. After that, the resulting liquid is separated, sugar and juice are added to it, left for two hours, after which the infusion is ready for use. Take 50 milliliters three times a day.

Treatment fees

The combination of different plants in one product not only improves taste qualities, but also better eliminates symptomatic manifestations kidney disease. One of the most effective is a collection containing rose hips, hawthorn, Bay leaf, and also dill seeds and parsley root. 40 grams are separated from the mixture and poured with one liter of just boiled water. It is infused at night, and during the day it should be drunk in 4-5 doses.

Coping with urine failure excretory system, in which kidney failure develops, a decoction of shepherd's purse. It tones the body and removes unnecessary fluid. In one glass with cold water place one small spoon of raw materials in dry form. Leave it overnight. Then filter and drink 60 ml half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is three weeks.

At poor condition the kidneys will become useful infusion from pine needles. To prepare, 60 g of fresh pine needles are poured with two glasses of water and put on fire for 20 minutes. The resulting medicine is drunk over 24 hours. The course lasts two months.

Ingredients: very tasty kidney tea includes St. John's wort, lemon balm, calendula flowers, peppermint leaves.

All components are taken in equal proportions dried. Next, 4 large spoons are separated from the total mass and filled with one liter of water. Next, the product is boiled a little and left to infuse overnight. To treat kidneys, take 100 grams per day.

Such procedures are excellent helpers when various problems: V reproductive system, liver, kidneys, for dermatological pathologies. Some baths can saturate the body with vitamins, thereby increasing its protective functions. Such manipulations can be carried out only on medical advice, otherwise you can harm your body.

At chronic form renal failure after achieving remission, the duration of the procedure should not exceed half an hour. For such manipulations, use rotted hay, straw or birch leaves. The selected ingredient is boiled in water for some time, then added to the bath. The water temperature should be no higher than 37 degrees.

Foot treatments are not only therapeutic, but also cosmetic, preventive action. To prepare the bath, prepare warm water, bowl and filler. For inflammation and swelling would be better suited salt procedure with herbal decoction. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, the bath component is selected: mustard, soda, various herbs, sea salt.

Mandatory Precautions

For efficiency therapeutic measures the patient must adhere to a number of established rules:

  • bed rest;
  • proper dietary nutrition;
  • a certain volume of liquid drunk per day.

During this time it is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, smoke or fatty dishes. All medications must be agreed with the doctor, because there is a risk of poisoning if the dosage is incorrect or the wrong ingredient for the decoction or infusion is selected. It must be remembered that renal failure is a life-threatening pathological condition. Therefore, discuss all actions aimed at its treatment with your doctor.

Kidney failure is not a death sentence for a person. The disease is successfully treated with timely application for help in medical institution. Folk remedies in this case are very appropriate, but only if their use is agreed with the doctor, and they do not replace the main treatment.

Kidney failure is a disorder of the urinary system, in which waste products accumulate in the body. nutrients and fluid retention in the vascular bed, tissues and organs. According to the rate of development, acute and chronic renal failure are distinguished. The first develops rapidly against the background of poisoning, injury or other pathological conditions organism and is often a reversible change. Chronic, on the other hand, increases gradually and leads to complete refusal excretory organs. Treatment of renal failure with folk remedies slows the progression of the disease and improves the patient's condition.

Many lead to chronic renal failure various reasons, But general essence consists in the inability of nephrons to filter the blood from the toxins that are formed. The cessation of nephron function is followed by their complete death, and the excretory capacity of the kidney is irreversibly reduced. Moreover, even if half of the nephrons die, the disease may not be expressed clinically in any way, since healthy nephrons take over the function of the missing ones. The development of chronic renal failure is caused by:

  • previous inflammatory kidney diseases – nephritis and glomerulonephritis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases – lupus, rheumatism, scleroderma;
  • intoxication;
  • congenital anomalies of the anatomical structure - renal hypoplasia, dysplasia of the parenchyma and tubules;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • hypertension.

Clinical picture

The symptoms of chronic renal failure partly depend on the cause that caused it and are combined with common features failure of the excretory system. Renal failure is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and vascular bed and increased concentration toxins in the blood. Particularly toxic are the breakdown products of protein – creatinine and urea.

CRF develops in stages, from latent (hidden) to terminal - final. Symptoms by stage look like this:

  1. The latent stage is characterized by an almost complete absence of symptoms. A urine test can reveal a decrease in salt concentration and the occasional appearance of protein in the urine. From external manifestations possible general weakness and dry mouth.
  2. In the next, compensated stage, the same external symptoms, creatinine and urea levels in the blood increase. The patient is constantly thirsty, the amount of urine increases.
  3. The intermittent stage is characterized by increasing deterioration, interspersed with periodic improvement of the condition. Swelling of the body becomes pronounced, colds and inflammatory diseases become more frequent, muscle tone decreases, the skin turns yellow, becomes thin and flabby. At this stage, literate therapeutic measures can still improve the condition.
  4. In the terminal stage, the excretory function stops almost completely. Creatinine levels reach 2000 µmol and above. Intoxication with protein breakdown products leads to mental disorders, swelling of internal organs (lungs, brain), and vision problems. Replacement treatment is peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.

Therapeutic methods

In case of acute renal failure, urgent hospitalization is necessary and intensive therapy under medical supervision. In chronic forms of insufficiency it is possible ambulatory treatment. How to treat kidney failure with home remedies folk ways? You can use herbs and plant fruits that restore kidney function and eliminate excess fluid and toxins in the body.

Single-component drugs

All parts of the parsley plant contain a complex of vitamins B, P, C, K, flavonoids, glycosides and organic acids. Its pronounced diuretic and antiseptic properties in chronic renal failure are used in infusion. Mix 15 g of leaves, 10 g of seeds and 15 g of parsley root, pour 500 ml of hot water in a thermos. Leave for 3 hours, strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Parsley root has the most powerful diuretic effect, but can provoke bleeding. For patients with clotting problems, it is better to exclude it from the collection.

The combination of organic acids, vitamins and enzymes in green oat stalks has a powerful counteract against chronic inflammatory processes. Brew 0.5 kg of oats with 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and strain. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day before meals.

If the kidneys are unable to remove fluid and toxins, kelp is useful. It is recommended to eat up to 100 g of algae per day. Laminaria has a strong draining effect, relieving swelling and increasing diuresis. Contained in it natural sorbents– alginates – bind and remove toxic substances. Laminaria polysaccharides thin the blood and normalize salt balance. As a source essential amino acids she replaces protein products in the diet.


Birch buds contain flavonoids, phytoncides and saponins, which together increase diuresis and reduce the activity of inflammatory processes. Birch bud tincture removes toxins from the body, normalizes the acid-base balance and eliminates excess fluid. Take 100 g of birch buds, sprouted grains of wheat and flax seeds. Pour all components into a dark glass container or enamel pan, and pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol or 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave for 4 days in a cool place, strain the tincture and drink 1 tsp. before meals 3 times a day.

Echinacea purpurea has a strong bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. The saponins and organic acids it contains stop the development of infection, while phenolcarboxylic acids have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. To prepare the tincture, take 50 g of dry or 150 g of fresh raw materials. You can take all parts of the plant. Pour echinacea into 1 liter of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Strain the tincture and drink 10 drops with water 3 times a day.


A bactericidal, diuretic and antitoxic collection is prepared from the stems and leaves of astragalus, birch leaves, corn silk, flax seeds, linden flowers, mint leaves, burdock root, string leaves, sage, dried cucumber and blueberry leaves. Astragalus exhibits pronounced antiseptic and diuretic properties; it is able to stimulate hematopoiesis, which is important for patients with chronic renal failure due to their often developing anemia. 2 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 7-8 hours, strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

An antiseptic collection that actively removes salts and protein breakdown products. Mix violet flowers, celandine flowers, St. John's wort stems and crushed dandelion roots - 1 tbsp. l. each plant. Bitter dandelion glycosides in combination with saponins and organic acids remove toxins, dissolve stones and sand in the kidneys and promote the elimination of salts. Pour 500 ml of hot water over the entire mixture, boil, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment with the collection is 1 month.

Combine buckthorn bark and viburnum bark, lingonberry leaves, stems of St. John's wort, motherwort, meadowsweet (meadowsweet) flowers. pharmaceutical chamomile and leaves of the string - all components equally. Tannins strings give a powerful antiseptic effect, chamomile, meadowsweet and lingonberry improve the outflow of fluid and enhance filtration. Brew 30 g of the collection per 500 ml of boiling water, leave overnight, strain. Drink 60 ml 3-4 times a day. The collection gives a diuretic and antiseptic effect, removes excess salts.

It is useful to prepare a soothing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory mixture from mint, lemon balm, calendula flowers and St. John's wort stems. Calendula flowers contain saponins, a complex of organic acids, alkaloids and flavonoids. It disinfects kidney tissue and urinary tract and stimulates renal filtration. Mix all the plants in equal quantities, pour 4 tbsp. l. mix 400 ml of water, boil and pour into a thermos for 8 hours. Strain and drink 100 ml once a day.

Products from berries, vegetables and fruits

Bird cherry contains a large number of phytoncides, and it can be taken for chronic renal failure caused by an inflammatory disease to improve kidney function. Vitamin C contained in bird cherry increases general and tissue immunity. Pour 20 g of bird cherry berries into 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, remove. Drink 80-100 ml of infusion 4 times a day.

The active ingredients of viburnum berries remove excess fluid, lower blood pressure, increase immunity and stabilize the nervous system. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 15 g of berries, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath, strain, squeeze out the berries, add another 1 glass of boiling water to the broth. Drink 70 ml 3-4 times a day. Carotenoids and flavonoids contained in berries reduce the manifestations of nephritis and accompanying inflammatory processes. Thanks to a complete complex of amino acids, berries can be eaten with limited protein nutrition as a replacement product.

Sea buckthorn is a multivitamin, immunostimulating and powerful healing and anti-inflammatory agent. A drink is prepared from it that improves kidney function. Take 100 g of sea buckthorn berries, 100 g of rose hips, 10 g of sugar, 100 ml of lemon juice. Brew crushed rose hips in a thermos. Leave for 2 hours, strain the broth.

Steam sea buckthorn berries with boiling water and squeeze the juice out of them. Dissolve sugar in lemon juice, mix the decoction with fruit juices. Infuse the product for 2 hours, drink ½ glass 3 times a day before meals.

Pomegranate based products

Pomegranate is doubly useful for chronic renal failure. Its peel has strong diuretic properties and contains alkaloids with strong antibacterial effect. Pomegranate juice contains a complex of amino acids and iron salts, promotes hematopoiesis. For chronic renal failure, brew 1 tsp. chopped pomegranate peel in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

If you have kidney failure, it is better to eat pomegranate fresh. Pomegranate juice is useful for patients with chronic renal failure, whole and in combination with herbal decoctions. Take 2 tsp. caraway flowers, birch buds and St. John's wort stems, 1 tsp. linden inflorescences, 15 g honey, 400 ml natural pomegranate juice. Pour the plant mixture with 400 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, remove, cool. Pour into the filtered infusion pomegranate juice. Drink the resulting liquid 100 ml 3 times a day.

Other combination remedy with pomegranate juice prepare from 2 tsp. Adonis herbs, 2 tsp. birch buds, 4 tbsp. l. bearberry leaves, 200 ml pomegranate juice. Brew the plants in 400 ml of water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes, filter. Add pomegranate juice to the strained infusion. The dosage of the mixture is 50 ml per 1 dose, 2-3 times a day before or after meals.


Treatment of renal failure should be carried out with caution and constant monitoring your condition. Symptoms of intoxication should not be allowed to develop. Side effects with kidney pathology are possible when taking any, even herbal preparation, in view deep violations functions of organs that neutralize and remove foreign substances that have entered the body. In intermittent and terminal stages folk chronic renal failure funds are used as an additional, but not the main method of treatment.

Kidney failure is a malfunction of the urinary system, in which the kidneys partially or completely cease to cope with their tasks. In other words, this organ does not produce and excrete urine well. As a result, metabolic products accumulate in the human body and fluid retention occurs. Depending on the rate of development, acute and chronic renal failure are distinguished. The first type develops rapidly, but the process is reversible. The chronic form manifests itself and increases gradually, leading to complete organ failure. Sometimes, in order to slow down the development of the disease and improve the patient’s condition, treatment of the disease with folk remedies is used.


Acute failure kidney disease develops due to poisoning of the body, due to injuries and other pathological conditions. There are many reasons for the chronic form of the disease. However, the essence of this type of disease is that nephrons cannot filter the blood and cleanse it of toxins. The following factors are to blame for the development of chronic renal failure:

  • glomerulonephritis and nephritis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • various intoxications;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • congenital anomalies of the organ;
  • polycystic disease;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypertension.

Stages and manifestations of the disease

Kidney failure is treated different methods depending on the stage of the disease. In part, the symptoms of chronic renal failure depend on the causes that caused the disease and are combined with general signs indicating a failure of the excretory system. Characteristic signs of PN are the accumulation of fluid in the vessels and tissues of the body (swelling and hypertension), as well as high concentration toxic substances in the blood. The most toxic of them are urea and creatinine.

PN in chronic form goes through several stages of development, from latent with the absence of symptoms to final (terminal), which manifests itself characteristic features. In this case, the symptoms of the disease, depending on its stage, are as follows:

  1. For the latent stage practically typical complete absence symptoms. However, when examining urine, you can notice a decrease in the amount of salts and periodic proteinuria (protein in the urine). Among the external manifestations of the disease, only dry mouth and general weakness can be observed.
  2. Compensated stage. It is characterized by the presence of the same external signs, as well as an increase in urea and creatinine in blood tests. On the background constant thirst the amount of urine excreted increases.
  3. Intermittent stage. At this stage, the patient’s well-being worsens, but periodically gives way to improvements. The patient develops swelling, he often suffers from colds and inflammatory diseases, yellowing of the skin occurs, muscle tone decreases, and the skin becomes flabby and thin. At this stage, various medical supplies and therapeutic measures can improve the patient's condition.
  4. Terminal (final) stage characterized by almost complete cessation of renal excretory function. At the same time, creatinine levels in the blood rise to 2000 and even higher. Due to intoxication of the body, the psyche suffers, the brain and lungs swell, and vision problems appear. The only thing replacement treatment in this case, it is hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

Treatment of the disease

Kidney failure ( acute form) should be treated only in a hospital setting under constant medical supervision. It is unacceptable to use herbs to treat this form, since the disease develops rapidly and can quickly lead to irreversible consequences.

As for chronic renal failure, this disease can be treated on an outpatient basis in both women and men. Can be used for treatment folk recipes based on fruits and herbs that can restore kidney function, cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess fluid.

Single-component products

Folk remedies for kidney failure are often prepared using parsley. The thing is that the leaves, root and stem of this plant contain flavonoids, a whole complex of vitamins C, K, B and P, glycosides and various organic acids. Parsley has a pronounced antiseptic and diuretic effect, so for chronic renal failure it is often used in the form of infusions. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a mixture of leaves (15 g), seeds (10 g) and roots (15 g) of the plant.
  2. All this needs to be placed in a thermos and filled with boiling water (0.5 l).
  3. Leave the mixture for three hours.
  4. Then filter everything and use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day

Caution: Since parsley root can cause bleeding, it should not be used by patients who have problems with blood clotting.

At chronic inflammation In one kidney or two organs at once, it is useful to consume green oat stalks. This plant contains vitamins, organic acids, enzymes that are good at eliminating chronic inflammatory processes in organism. The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • Half a kilogram of oats needs to be poured with a liter of boiling water.
  • The mixture must be infused for 40 minutes, after which it is filtered.
  • The medicine is taken half a glass before meals 3 times a day.

Good healing effect not only herbs, but also algae. Thus, kelp is very useful when the kidneys are unable to cope with the removal of fluid and cleansing the blood of toxins. IN medicinal purposes It is useful to consume 100 g of this algae daily. Laminaria has an effective draining effect, enhances fluid removal, and also relieves swelling. This algae contains natural sorbents (alginates). They bind well and remove toxic substances from the body. Laminaria contains special polysaccharides that thin the blood and have a normalizing effect on the balance of salts in the body. Thanks to kelp, you can replace protein products in daily diet, since this algae contains many useful amino acids.

Recipes for folk tinctures

If you decide to use folk remedies, then you should definitely try a tincture of birch buds, which contain phytoncides, saponins and flavonoids. All these substances in combination have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Tincture of birch buds cleanses the body of toxins and promotes normalization acid-base balance, removes liquid. Infusion recipe:

  1. You will need birch buds (100 g), flax seeds (100 g) and sprouted wheat grains (100 g).
  2. The prepared mixture is poured into enamel dishes or dark glass containers.
  3. Then everything is poured with a glass of vodka or 100 milliliters of 70 percent alcohol.
  4. The tincture should stand for four days in a cool place.
  5. Then the infusion is filtered and taken before meals, a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Echinacea purpurea tincture has immunostimulating and bactericidal effect. This plant contains organic acids and saponins, which inhibit infectious processes, and phenolcarboxylic acids have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  1. You need to take 150 g fresh plant or 50 g of dry Echinacea purpurea. The roots, leaves, flowers and stems of the plant are suitable for preparing the tincture.
  2. The prepared raw materials are poured with a liter of vodka and infused for a couple of weeks in a dark place.
  3. After this, everything is filtered.
  4. For medicinal purposes, add 10 drops of tincture to water and drink 3 times a day.

For cooking herbal collection, which has antitoxic, diuretic and bactericidal effects, you need to take in equal quantities:

  • leaves and stems of astragalus;
  • corn silk;
  • birch leaves;
  • linden flowers;
  • flax seeds;
  • burdock root;
  • mint leaves;
  • sage;
  • succession leaves;
  • cucumber;
  • blueberry leaves.

Two tablespoons of this prepared mixture are poured with boiling water (0.5 l) and left for 8 hours. Then the medicine is filtered and drunk a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Important: since patients with chronic renal failure often develop anemia, astragalus is very useful for them. This plant, in addition to its pronounced diuretic and antiseptic effect, has the ability to stimulate hematopoiesis.

You can prepare another collection with an antiseptic effect. It also removes metabolic products and salts from the body well. To prepare it you need to take a tablespoon:

  • celandine and violet flowers;
  • St. John's wort stems;
  • crushed dandelion roots.

Dandelion roots contain bitter glycosides, which, in combination with organic acids and saponins, remove toxins and salts from the body, and are also capable of dissolving sand and kidney stones. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. The prepared mixture is poured with half a liter of water (hot).
  2. Everything is boiled over low heat, after which it is infused for another hour under the lid.
  3. Then the broth is filtered and drunk half an hour before meals, 100 milliliters 3 times a day.
  4. The duration of treatment with the prepared mixture is at least 1 month.

To prepare a medicinal collection that has an antiseptic and diuretic effect, you will need to take in equal quantities:

  • succession leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • St. John's wort stems;
  • lingonberry leaves;
  • viburnum and buckthorn bark;
  • motherwort;
  • meadowsweet flowers.
  1. For half a liter of boiling water we take 30 g of herbal mixture.
  2. Everything is infused for one night, after which it is filtered.
  3. Take 60 ml 4 times a day.

To prepare a diuretic, sedative and anti-inflammatory medicine, you need to take equal parts:

  • lemon balm;
  • mint;
  • St. John's wort stems;
  • calendula flowers.

Since calendula contains organic acids, flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids, it clears infections from the urinary tract and kidneys, and also improves renal filtration. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour the plant mixture (4 tbsp) with water (0.4 l).
  2. Then everything is boiled and poured into a thermos.
  3. The medicine is infused in a thermos for 8 hours.
  4. At the end, it is filtered and taken 100 ml once a day.

Folk recipes from vegetables, berries and fruits

  • Bird cherry berries contain vitamin C, therefore they increase tissue and general immunity. 20 grams of berries are poured with boiling water (0.2 l) and boiled for 20 minutes. The decoction is taken 0.1 l 3 times a day.
  • Viburnum berries improve fluid excretion, increase immunity, reduce blood pressure, stabilize activity nervous system. 15 grams of berries need to be poured with boiling water (0.2 l). The product is infused for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, after which it is filtered and squeezed. A glass of boiling water is added to the infusion. Take 70 ml 4 times a day. Viburnum berries are suitable as a replacement product when protein is limited in the diet.
  • For chronic renal failure, whole pomegranate juice and a decoction of its peel are useful. A teaspoon of crushed peel is poured with boiling water (0.2 l). Leave for two hours and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • To improve kidney function, prepare an infusion of sea buckthorn. You need to take 100 grams of rose hips and sea buckthorn berries, 0.1 liters of lemon juice and sugar (10 g). The berries are crushed. Place everything in a thermos and pour boiling water (0.5 l). They insist for two hours.