Open hydrocephalus with a predominance of external. Replacement hydrocephalus. Description and methods of treatment of external replacement hydrocephalus of the brain

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in infants; the pathology rarely affects the older generation. Many people do not know reliable information about how dangerous replacement external hydrocephalus of the brain is, what it is, whether it can cause hallucinations or cause a person’s death.

External replacement hydrocephalus (ERHH) is popularly called “dropsy,” because in the presence of pathology in a person, the normal movement of fluid is disrupted. The disease appears as a result of an imbalance between the production and absorption of fluid produced by the spinal cord (also called cerebrospinal fluid) by various segments of the ventricles and subarachnoid space. As a result, the brain decreases in size and cerebrospinal fluid appears in its place.

FGM can develop as an independent pathology or become a consequence of other brain diseases.

With the external type, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the subarachnoid and subdural segment. The first area is between the arachnoid and pia mater of the brain and spinal cord. The second is a narrow cavity between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane. With this type of hydrocephalus, the patient does not have cysts or tumors, but despite this fact, the fluid does not circulate in the same way as in a healthy state.


FGM can be congenital, acquired, or atrophic. The first type is detected at an early age, most often in infants. Acquired appears as a result of bruises and other injuries, some pathologies of an infectious nature. The atrophic form affects older people as a consequence of the death of brain cells.

The picture of external replacement hydrocephalus observed at a younger age differs from the disease diagnosed in older people. The reason for this phenomenon is that the brain in babies is just developing.

Doctors distinguish between types of pathology depending on their course:

  • Closed (occlusive, non-communicating) – develops due to the blockage of the CSF pathways. This provokes a disruption of the normal flow of fluid. Most often, the pathway is blocked by a blood clot (the cause of which may be hemorrhage). Factors in the development of this type of pathology can be tumors or adhesions.
  • The open (communicating, disresorbtin) form is detected against the background of impaired absorption by the cerebral venous system.
  • The development of hypersecretory hydrocephalus most often results from increased production of cerebrospinal fluid.
  • External replacement hydrocephalus of the brain appears if the cerebrospinal fluid volume exceeds the norm and it begins to accumulate in the subarachnoid space, and the tissues of the parenchyma (brain substance) change shape.

According to the state of intracranial pressure they are classified:

  • hypertensive form (increased levels);
  • hypotensive (low blood pressure);
  • normotensive (at normal blood pressure).

According to time indicators, the process is divided as:

  • acute form - the period when the first symptoms of the disease appeared and decompensation occurred for 3 days;
  • subacute external hydrocephalus – the described process takes 1 month;
  • chronic form - the pathology drags on for 6 months or more.

Based on its effect on brain functioning, hydrocephalus in older patients is defined as compensated and decompensated. Compensated pathology does not affect the state of health. With the decompensated type, the activity of the nervous system decreases, the brain loses its functionality. This type of disease is not affected by the amount of cerebrospinal fluid.

Reasons for appearance

The appearance of UFGM in some situations is caused by:

  • cerebral vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, hematoma);
  • traumatic brain injuries and various spinal injuries;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases of the cervical vertebrae;
  • diseases of the blood system;
  • age-related changes (in adults);
  • congenital abnormalities in the central nervous system;
  • inflammation of brain tissue caused by neuroinfection;
  • helminths located in the brain;
  • arterial hypertension.

There are also unexplored reasons that trigger the development of the disease.


The disease has symptoms inherent in disorders of the central nervous system. The main sign of pathology is increased intracranial pressure. A mild form of the disease can go unnoticed, since a person has enough body resources to independently restore the circulation of spinal fluid.

With this form, the patient feels slight discomfort; with sudden movements, circles appear before the eyes. The patient's intracranial pressure changes slightly in one direction or another.

Moderate external replacement hydrocephalus causes the patient:

  • Severe pain in the head in the morning after waking up. This is due to prolonged stay in a horizontal position.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pressure changes.
  • Sleep disorders - insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Fatigue, lethargy.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Impaired coordination in the limbs.

The middle stage of the disease is treated with medications and light exercise.

With the development of replacement hydrocephalus, the patient experiences memory loss, absent-mindedness, and it becomes difficult to perform basic operations with numbers and think logically. In an adult, motor skills are impaired and spontaneous emission of feces and urine occurs.

Children note:

  • swelling of the fontanelles;
  • poor appetite;
  • divergence of seams between parts of the skull;
  • enlargement of the frontal region;
  • significant enlargement of the head;
  • the appearance of a venous network under the thin scalp.

If a complex type of disease is detected, the patient may be recommended surgical intervention to eliminate the causes that caused the development of hydrocephalus. The specific symptoms of the disease are explained by a decrease in the density of the brain, as it is saturated with fluid.


The disease is difficult to diagnose correctly. It is not easy for experienced physicians to make a diagnosis based solely on patient interviews and visual examination. A detailed picture of a person’s condition is obtained using MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging allows you to see the ventricles of the brain even with moderate external replacement hydrocephalus. It detects changes in tissue volume.

Additionally, to establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed:

  • angiography - x-ray of the blood vessels of the brain;
  • fundus ophthalmoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • X-ray of the head;
  • blood test for antibodies to pathogens of infectious diseases (the test is necessary if a person is suspected of being infected).

Based on the stage of development of the disease and its form, therapy is determined.

Treatment methods

Most often, patients are prescribed conservative therapy for external replacement hydrocephalus of the brain. The choice of drugs and treatment methods is made by the doctor after studying test data and the person’s health. Treatment is carried out with the aim of: relieving intracranial pressure, normalizing cerebral circulation, strengthening the body.

Medication and therapeutic methods

To treat the pathology, the patient is prescribed:

  • taking nootropic drugs;
  • diuretic medications, they remove excess fluid from the body;
  • massage;
  • various types of baths;
  • physical exercise;
  • special diet.


Surgical treatment of replacement hydrocephalus is rarely performed - in extreme cases. There are 2 types of operations performed for dropsy: endoscopic surgery.

Surgeons perform bypass surgery. It allows you to remove excess liquid. Various tubes and valves are inserted into the patient, through which cerebrospinal fluid flows into the peritoneum. Endoscopic surgery is performed to provide additional pathways for the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid into the cisterns of the brain, in which it is absorbed naturally. Blood clots are removed from a person and veins are treated.

The second type of surgical intervention is used more often, as it is less traumatic for the patient. In mild cases of the disease, surgery can completely restore the patient’s health. In advanced situations – to alleviate the patient’s condition.

Prevention of hydrocephalus of the brain

To avoid illness you should:

  • control intracranial pressure and prevent its increase;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • avoid infections that can lead to brain complications;
  • treat arterial hypertension.

The diagnosis of replacement hydrocephalus is not a death sentence. At an early stage, the body itself successfully copes with excess cerebrospinal fluid. The person feels slightly dizzy, which goes away over time. Treatment of the disease at the middle stage is successfully carried out with medications. Pathology in complex cases is eliminated by surgical methods and complex therapy.

When hearing the word “hydrocephalus,” most people imagine a small child with a disproportionately enlarged skull.

Indeed, at an early age, congenital hydrocephalus leads to head deformation due to sharply increased intracranial pressure. Replacement hydrocephalus, however, proceeds completely differently.

Firstly, it is usually found in elderly patients, and secondly, since the sutures of the skull of an adult are ossified, the disease does not lead to its enlargement and deformation.

Thirdly, it may be accompanied by normal or even reduced intracranial pressure. Therefore, very often the disease remains undetected for many years or even decades.

Replacement hydrocephalus of the brain: symptoms and treatment is the topic of this article.

Like any other form of hydrocephalus, replacement hydrocephalus has several forms:

  • With external replacement hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the subarachnoid cavity, taking the place of the brain, which has decreased in volume.
  • With internal replacement hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid fills the ventricles of the brain.
  • Mixed replacement hydrocephalus is characterized by the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid both inside the brain and outside, under its membranes.

External replacement hydrocephalus of the brain in adults is the most common form of the disease; it is the one that usually proceeds moderately and does not produce any symptoms for a very long time.

Causes of pathology

Replacement hydrocephalus differs from other types of the disease primarily in that it is accompanied by atrophy of brain tissue.

In this case, the liquor takes their place, hence the name “substitute”.

Most often, the death of brain cells is caused by age-related changes.

There are other reasons for brain atrophy: alcoholism, infectious diseases such as neurosyphilis, herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, increased intracranial pressure, which can be not only a symptom, but also the cause of the development of replacement hydrocephalus, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, as well as the consequences of traumatic brain injury.

The cause of the disease to a certain extent influences its course. Age-related replacement hydrocephalus, which often does not make itself felt for a long time, caused by trauma or infectious lesions of the brain, is superimposed on the underlying disease and aggravates its symptoms.

Hydrocephalus is a serious disease that can have dangerous consequences for both children and adults. — what is it and how to treat the disease?

Let's look at the types of hydrocephalus in newborns and methods of treating the disease.

Did you know that increased intracranial pressure can lead to stroke and vision loss? By following the link you can read in detail about the dangers of this disease and methods of its treatment.


All forms of hydrocephalus tend to progress over time, and replacement hydrocephalus is no exception. Gradually increasing intracranial pressure leads to the following symptoms:

  • headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • general deterioration of health, increased fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • blurred vision, double vision;
  • problems controlling urination and bowel movements;
  • decreased intelligence, memory impairment;
  • lethargy, apathy, lack of initiative;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • changes in blood pressure and arrhythmia.

Headaches caused by hydrocephalus are often confused with migraines, but unlike migraines, they are usually not one-sided and involve the entire head. Intellectual disorders primarily affect logical thinking and counting abilities: the patient cannot solve a simple example, forgets his age, and gets lost in time.

Because the disease is common in older patients, its symptoms are often confused with those of senile dementia.


To make an accurate diagnosis, characteristic neurological symptoms are not enough - a brain examination is required. Most often, an MRI is sufficient, which reveals atrophy of brain tissue and an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. However, in some cases additional examinations are necessary.

This includes angiography, ultrasound, radiography of the skull, and if the infectious nature of the disease is suspected, tests for pathogens of herpes, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, as well as ophthalmoscopy.

Substitute hydrocephalus - empty sella turcica

Replacement hydrocephalus is often discovered accidentally. If the disease is mild, it is necessary to undergo examination at least once every six months in order to identify the first signs of developing disorders in the early stages. If intracranial pressure is sharply increased, then treatment must be started immediately.

If replacement hydrocephalus was discovered during a brain examination, there is no point in hoping that it will go away over time.

Like any other forms of this disease, it is not prone to self-regression.


Treatment tactics for external replacement hydrocephalus are determined depending on the severity of symptoms and the nature of brain damage. With replacement hydrocephalus, conservative treatment is most often sufficient, but severe forms may require surgical intervention.

When the disease occurs without pronounced symptoms and is not accompanied by an increase in intracranial pressure, therapy aimed at improving cerebral circulation and the general condition of the body is sufficient.

This includes massage of the collar area and temples, moderate physical activity, medicinal baths, the use of nootropics and drugs that improve blood circulation to the brain, such as Phenibut, Glycine, Cavinton, Cinnarizine, Cerebrolysin.

If intracranial pressure is increased, the patient is prescribed diuretics to remove excess fluid from the body and reduce the volume of cerebrospinal fluid: Diacarb, Furosemide, Mannitol.

If there is such a need, diuretics in tablets can be replaced with herbal remedies with a similar effect - these are poplar buds, corn silk, nettle. When using diuretics regularly, be sure to consume potassium and magnesium supplements, as well as foods rich in these microelements, such as bananas, nuts, legumes, lettuce, spinach and dark chocolate, since they are excreted in large quantities in the urine.

Surgical intervention for replacement hydrocephalus is extremely rarely required, however, in cases where the disease begins to progress sharply, leading to a serious deterioration of the patient’s condition in a short time, it may be necessary.

Most often, with internal hydrocephalus, a shunt is installed that connects the ventricular cavity with any other body cavity, starting with the pericardium and ending with one of the ureters.

This is usually the abdominal cavity. When a certain level of intracranial pressure is reached, the shunt valve opens and excess fluid leaves the brain.

This operation relieves all the symptoms of the disease, but the healthy functioning of a patient with a shunt depends on the condition of the device, which needs to be replaced from time to time.

Endoscopic operations, such as endoscopic ventriculostomy, in which holes are made in the bottom of the ventricle for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, do not have this drawback, but are not carried out in all clinics.

Since each case of hydrocephalus is individual, there is no universal treatment regimen, and for each individual patient, their own options for the most effective fight against the disease are selected.


Preventive measures to prevent the development of replacement hydrocephalus are not diverse.

Infections should be avoided, which in the long term can lead to damage to nervous tissue, traumatic brain injuries, and in case of symptoms of increased intracranial and blood pressure, take timely measures, and also avoid abuse of alcohol and other neurotoxic substances.

It is currently impossible to prevent the main cause of the disease – age-related changes in the brain.

In conclusion, replacement hydrocephalus is rarely severe and usually responds well to therapy. Therefore, when making this diagnosis, you should not despair and imagine the worst.

Sometimes hydrocephalus does not manifest itself at all and the diagnosis is discovered by chance. are often perceived as the initial symptoms of dementia, but they are two completely different diseases.

Traditional methods of treating brain tumors are described.

Video on the topic

The most common form of hydrocephalus is considered to be external replacement hydrocephalus of the brain; Not many people know what it is and what threat it poses. External replacement hydrocephalus (ERH) of the brain, or, as it is also popularly called, dropsy, is a rather complex and dangerous disease of the central nervous system, in which the volume of the brain is significantly reduced, and cerebrospinal fluid takes its place.

Cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain from concussions, provides blood supply to the brain, helps replenish useful substances, and removes unnecessary substances. With hydrocephalus, these functions are disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, dilation of the ventricles, and increased pressure on the brain tissue. This disrupts the blood supply process and, as a result, the brain is unable to perform its functions.

Dropsy of the brain can manifest itself in three forms: external, internal and mixed. In the external form of the disease, cerebrospinal fluid collects in the subarachnoid space. In the internal form - in the ventricles. And with a mixed form of hydrocephalus, fluid accumulates in all parts of the brain. In addition to the above forms of the disease, doctors identify a moderate one, which can occur in a latent form and not progress. But sooner or later the disease will make itself felt and a disturbance of blood flow in the brain will appear. Hydrocephalus of any form requires immediate therapeutic intervention and comprehensive treatment.

NDH can be classified into types:

  • by origin (acquired or hereditary);
  • according to the nature of development (acute, subacute, chronic).

If you ignore the symptoms of hydrocephalus, this can lead to deterioration in mental activity and loss of coordination. Therefore, it is very important to immediately consult a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease. Symptoms of dropsy can be very diverse, among them are:

  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • lack of coordination;
  • nervousness;
  • convulsions;
  • drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night;
  • increased fatigue;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • increased sweating;
  • blurred vision;
  • gait disturbance.

Do not forget that in the later stages the brain symptoms will only intensify. Patients will suffer from memory lapses and become more distracted.


No one is immune from this disease; both an adult and a child can get sick, since the causes are different. NDH is a dangerous and quite complex disease, so you should not turn a blind eye to the symptoms and let everything take its course. This disease must be taken seriously. To understand where this disease came from and what caused its development, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence.

The main cause of NDH is the malfunction of the central nervous system, that is, cerebrospinal fluid can be produced in large quantities and fill the intracranial cavity.

There are a lot of reasons leading to this disease, so let’s look at why NDH occurs in people of different ages.

At an early age, the cause of dropsy can be an infection of the nervous system and intrauterine hypoxia. In schoolchildren and adults, dropsy can be caused by infections of the nervous system, metabolic disorders in the body, endogenous and exogenous intoxications, and injuries. In older people, the disease can be caused by atherosclerosis or high blood pressure.

Despite the above reasons for the occurrence of dropsy, those who have had a concussion, traumatic brain injury, tumors, or those who have impaired function of the cervical vertebrae are also at risk.

Data obtained using ultrasound allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis of the fetus while still in the womb. In newborns, detecting the disease is much more difficult, so the main indicator is the size of the skull. Only after measuring the baby's head circumference can you understand how quickly the skull is growing.

If there is any slight suspicion of NDH, you should immediately contact a specialist. Ignoring symptoms can lead to death or leave a person disabled for life. Therefore, early examination is already 50% of success on the path to recovery. The diagnostic process for patients who exhibit symptoms on NCG consists of computed tomography, angiography of the vertebral arteries, ultrasound, and lumbar puncture. A blood test is also carried out to determine the presence of pathogens such as rubella, syphilis, and herpes. An analysis of the fundus is also carried out - such an examination must be carried out every six months.

During the examination, doctors assess the condition of the ventricles of the brain, their size, location and degree of deformation; They also evaluate head circumference measurements, CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs. Only after conducting the entire examination can doctors make an accurate diagnosis and draw up an adequate treatment program.

The disease can be either permanent or progressive. With a permanent form, the patient feels well, nothing bothers him, the volume of the brain does not decrease and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid remains the same. As a rule, in this case, treatment is not prescribed and is limited to regular examinations and observation by a doctor. But if the disease is progressive, then treatment must be started immediately. Any inaction can lead to death.

Depending on the age of the patient and the nature of the disease, there are several methods for treating hydrocephalus. For treatment to be effective, doctors need to eliminate the symptoms of NDH. With a conservative method of treatment, vascular and diuretic drugs that contain potassium are most often used. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on the process of cerebrospinal fluid production. If drug treatment does not bring a positive effect and swelling remains, then doctors are forced to proceed to surgery. The main task in this case is to reduce and stabilize intracranial pressure and remove a small amount of fluid using a spinal puncture.

If the course of NDH is constant, the patient is offered restorative therapy and salt-pine baths. Surgical methods of treatment are resorted to if the disease is progressive in nature.

Currently, the most popular method of surgical intervention is bypass surgery, which restores the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Although this operation is very effective, it has a number of complications. After the operation, the patient will subsequently have to undergo surgery to examine the shunt.

Endoscopy is considered an equally effective and common method of surgical intervention. Endoscopic treatment helps restore the physiological circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, reduces the risk of complications, causes fewer injuries, and is considered less expensive than bypass surgery.

Prognosis and prevention of pathology

If NDH is diagnosed at an early stage and treatment is completed in a timely manner, then there is a greater chance of returning to normal life. As a rule, with early diagnosis of the disease and timely treatment, patients are on the path to full recovery. In some cases, speech dysfunction can be observed.


If you monitor the functioning of the vascular system and carry out timely treatment of infectious diseases, then external replacement dropsy can be prevented. Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up alcohol and foods that negatively affect the condition of the blood vessels of the circulatory system, move more. This will all reduce the risk of developing NDH.

For preventive purposes, avoid injuries and diseases that affect the central nervous system. Get regular examinations from specialists. Avoid infectious diseases, especially during pregnancy, as this can negatively affect the baby's health.

External replacement hydrocephalus (ERH) of the brain is the most common form of hydrocephalus, which is popularly called dropsy.

Due to disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid is absorbed into the skull.

NDH is characterized by a decrease in brain volume; the space freed from brain cells begins to fill with cerebrospinal fluid.

Another difference between NDH and other forms of dropsy is that the disease can develop without obvious symptoms, even over several years.

Symptoms of the disease

External replacement hydrocephalus most often has the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • different parts of the body go numb, most often the limbs;
  • a person may feel short of breath;
  • darkens in the eyes;
  • there are coordination problems;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness.

There is no age limit for the appearance of NDH. Both older people and young children can get sick.

Causes of replacement hydrocephalus

In older people, NDH most often occurs due to atherosclerosis or high blood pressure.

The cause of the onset of the disease may be alcohol abuse.

Those who have suffered a concussion are at risk.

In newborns and young children, NDH can begin due to an infection of the nervous system before birth or in the first weeks of life. The reason may also be intrauterine hypoxia.

In older children, adolescents and adults, the disease can develop as a result of metabolic or cervical vertebrae dysfunction, infection of the nervous system, brain injury, endogenous or exogenous intoxication.

Classification of the disease

External replacement hydrocephalus of the brain is classified according to types:

  1. In origin, the disease can be hereditary or acquired.
  2. According to the nature of the development of the disease, acute, subacute and chronic NMH are divided. In the acute form, it takes up to 3 days from the appearance of the first symptoms to the appearance of disorders in the brain. The subacute form of NDH lasts for approximately a month. The chronic form develops over 6 months or longer.

The passive form of the disease is called “moderate severe external hydrocephalus.” Doctors believe that this form is more dangerous than the progressive form. It's a matter of absence symptoms. When the patient realizes that the problem still exists, externally, replacement hydrocephalus is quite advanced.

Disease may have a constant course. In this case, the volume of the brain does not decrease, and the volume of cerebrospinal fluid does not increase.

If the patient feels satisfactory, the treatment is mild. The patient is prescribed regular observation by a specialist and examinations.

With the progressive nature of NDH, it is necessary to treat with drastic methods.

Otherwise, the patient faces dementia or urinary incontinence, severe headaches and impaired motor functions. Sometimes an exacerbation or too late going to the hospital leads to the death of the patient.

Diagnosis of the disease

The examination program for patients with suspected NDH consists of from:

  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging ();
  • angiography of the vertebral and carotid arteries, cerebral vessels;
  • blood tests for the presence of pathogens of rubella, syphilis, herpes and toxoplasmosis, which may be the root cause of the appearance of NDH;
  • fundus examinations;
  • lumbar puncture;

The examination is repeated every 6 months. It is necessary even if the patient does not feel symptoms and his condition is stable. If signs of progressive MH appear, an emergency examination is prescribed.

Treatment of external hydrocephalus

The photo shows external hydrocephalus of the brain in a child

Methods to combat the disease may be different.

Doctors, depending on the results of the examination, draw up a treatment program.

Which may include conservative and surgical techniques.

For treatment of external hydrocephalus in adults to be successful, doctors and patients need to achieve several goals:

  1. If possible, eliminate root causes appearance of NDH.
  2. Eliminate symptoms. For this, conservative methods are used - trophic and vascular drugs, diuretics, which have a positive effect on the process of cerebrospinal fluid production. A satisfactory result of therapy is considered to be a decrease in swelling and a stable state of intracranial pressure.
  3. Symptoms can be eliminated by surgical methods. Doctors prescribe a spinal puncture and, using endoscopic and neurosurgical interventions, perform shunting of the meningeal spaces of the brain.
  4. Outpatient treatment takes place in a complex. The patient is offered medications, salt-pine baths and restorative therapy. These methods of therapy are prescribed for a calm and constant course of NDH. Medications that can be prescribed for a long period include diuretics and medications that contain potassium to maintain electrolyte balance.

Surgical methods of treatment

They are resorted to if the disease begins to progress.

Shunt surgery is very effective, restoring normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. But it can have complications.

After this type of surgery, the patient quite often needs to undergo repeated operations throughout his life to revise the shunt.

Endoscopic treatment of NDH is considered a more advanced and priority neurosurgical method. Endoscopy compared to bypass surgery has impressive advantages:

  1. Shunt implantation is not used. This significantly reduces the risk of complications.
  2. It is possible to restore the physiological circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.
  3. The intensity of surgical intervention is less, the body tolerates the operation more easily.
  4. This operation costs less.
  5. The postoperative period and the patient's recovery are much easier and faster.

Today, the only way to combat external replacement hydrocephalus is surgical treatment.

Conservative methods can only stop the development of this disease.

Disease Prevention

If external hydrocephalus of the brain is noticed in a timely manner in children, and treatment is completed in a timely manner, stabilization of all processes and a return to normal development occurs in most cases.

In adolescents and adults, timely and correct treatment also often leads to complete recovery.

Also worth remember:

  1. Infections have been identified as the causes of the appearance of NDH. For prevention purposes, they should be avoided.
  2. Alcohol abuse causes the development of a huge number of diseases. This too must be abandoned.
  3. Atherosclerosis and hypertension are also included in the list of root causes of the onset of MGD, but these diseases arise as a result of low physical activity and poor nutrition. Eating healthy foods and moving will reduce your risk of developing IDD.
  4. After suffering a concussion, it is reasonable to undergo an examination. The sooner doctors notice the first signs of NDH, the higher the chances of success in treatment.

If dangerous changes occur in your body, you always feel it.

Even without obvious symptoms, a person subconsciously understands that something is wrong with his body. Don’t be lazy, don’t be afraid that you will be considered paranoid, go for an examination. Early diagnosis for any disease is already 50% success.

In recent years, pathologies associated with the central nervous system have become the most common diseases. It is also worth considering the fact that these abnormalities are getting younger and therefore are increasingly being diagnosed in patients at quite young and middle ages.

Many pathologies, developmental defects, diseases of the central system are accompanied by external replacement hydrocephalus of the brain.

This syndrome is characterized violation balance between the production of cerebral fluid and its absorption. This diagnosis can be treated, but it is advisable that it be timely, as complications may arise. Engage in independent treatment and diagnosis in such a situation Not recommended.

External replacement hydrocephalus of the brain: definition

External replacement hydrocephalus of the brain (popular name “dropsy”)– a common pathology that leads to disruption of the central nervous system. As a result, the patient experiences absorption of cerebral fluid into this organ.

Also, this pathology can provoke decrease the size of the brain, and the space that has become free and is filled with this fluid. Replacement hydrocephalus can develop almost asymptomatic over a long period of time.

If the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and intensified:

  • The patient may have problems with memory, thinking, logic, and becomes inattentive.
  • Such changes can provoke dementia and other psychological disorders.
  • Often, patients with cerebral hydrocele experience complications in the form of epileptic seizures and coma.


Treatment of this brain pathology can be carried out using various methods - conservative or surgical. Therapy will depend on the results of the examination.

For the process to have a positive result, it is necessary to achieve the following goals:

  1. Elimination of the provoking cause.
  2. Elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Conservative treatment is prescribed - taking medications, agents that have a positive effect on the production of cerebral fluid.

The positive result of treatment is a reduction in swelling and stabilization of the pressure inside the skull. As for eliminating symptoms, it can also be done surgically. Outpatient treatment is comprehensive, but only if the disease does not progress. The patient may be prescribed diuretics for long-term use.

Surgical methods of treatment

Surgical treatment is prescribed only if progression brain pathologies. Shunting is recognized as an effective operation, which helps restore normal fluid circulation. It is also worth considering the fact that such surgical intervention can also provoke complications.

A more modern method of surgical intervention is considered endoscopic treatment.

Has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. No shunt is used.
  2. Low chance of complications.
  3. Restores the circulation of cerebral fluid.
  4. Minor surgery.
  5. The body recovers quickly and easily.
  6. Acceptable cost of the operation.

It must be remembered that conservative treatment only helps suspend development of the disease, but will not get rid of it.

Disease Prevention

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and treated, most complications can be avoided.

  1. Timely treatment of infections and inflammatory processes.
  2. Refusal to drink alcoholic beverages.
  3. Prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  4. Correct lifestyle, active lifestyle.
  5. Proper and balanced nutrition.
  6. Careful and regular assessment after a brain injury.
  7. Visit a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease.

If the patient is examined in a timely manner and hydrocephalus is detected at the initial stage, then Great chance recovery.

External replacement hydrocephalus is a common brain pathology that can cause irreversible consequences. Treatable, surgical intervention is required to obtain a positive result. It has certain symptoms, but only at the middle and late stages of development.
