Vision decreased after pregnancy. Vision deteriorated after childbirth

If during the first examination the doctor discovers ruptures or rough dystrophic changes retina, then she is prescribed special treatment, monthly doctor's examination. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe preventive laser coagulation retina. This operation It is performed on an outpatient basis, it is completely painless and harmless for mother and baby. During the procedure, the doctor seems to be welding weak spots retina to the choroid, this is necessary to reduce the risk of retinal detachment. If there are no repeated ruptures a month before the expected birth, doctors give the woman permission to independent childbirth, if the problem does not disappear, it is necessary re-treatment retina, in particularly difficult situations, doctors prescribe C-section.

Considering that about 25% of women childbearing age suffer from myopia, it is quite understandable why many women’s vision deteriorates significantly after childbirth. Main danger deterioration of vision after childbirth is due to damage to the retina, the most terrible consequence– retinal detachment, which can lead to vision loss. Moreover, detachment can occur in a woman with normal vision. In addition, in young women and athletes, blood vessels in the eyeballs may burst during childbirth, causing the eyes to become very red. In young people nulliparous women and among female athletes, as a rule, narrow pelvis, so the child comes out with great difficulty. During pregnancy and after childbirth, vision deteriorates by no more than one diopter, for example, it was minus 3, it will become minus 4. Doctors call this a physiological decrease in vision and associate it with a change hormonal levels women and with changes in metabolism.

Some doctors do not recommend that women become pregnant with such serious illnesses eye, such as high complicated myopia, a condition after retinal detachment or its rough cystic changes, as well as with particularly severe myopathy of both sighted eyes. If a woman decides to become pregnant and continue the pregnancy, then during labor activity pushing is strictly contraindicated for her.

Sometimes it happens that the vision of expectant mothers improves significantly after childbirth. The fact is that sometimes vision problems arise due to muscle spasms, stagnation, pinched nerves and so on. During childbirth, spasms are relieved, congestion and pinching disappear - and vision becomes better.

The most important rule for women during childbirth is not to strain with your eyes, this is what causes excessive load on the eyes, leading to blurred vision.

If some time after giving birth you notice decreased vision, you need to visit an ophthalmologist who will prescribe necessary treatment. In addition, visit a specialist after the end of lactation.

Improving vision

In general, doctors recommend that every young mother perform a complex of special exercises to prevent vision impairment and to restore vision. The exercises are convenient because they can be performed at home, practically without interrupting household chores, and even while breastfeeding.

The main rule that must be followed to strengthen and restore vision is the correct alternation of exercise and rest, good nutrition, sufficient lighting and physical activity.

  • Draw a small dot on the window glass and alternately fix your gaze first on the dot, then on the farthest tree outside the window. Do the exercise 2 times a day until appearance of mild eye fatigue.
  • The palms are a great tool for training the eyes. Cover your eyes with your palms so that they completely block the access of light. But at the same time, they did not squeeze the eyeballs, making it possible to move the eyelids freely. At correct location palms, their edges should lightly touch the nose, and thumbs hands - lie on the temporomygomatic part of the face. Blackout exercise is great for relaxation eye muscles, restores the properties of the retina and improves blood circulation. Do it for two minutes a day, and you will notice a significant improvement in your vision within a month.
  • The following exercise can be performed while breastfeeding. Borrow comfortable position on the sofa or chair, relax. Close your eyes for five seconds, then open them for five seconds. Repeat the exercise seven times, ending with rapid blinking for a minute.
  • Close your eyelids and massage them gently with your index finger for one minute in a circular motion: from the outer corner to the nose and from the nose to the outer corner of the eyes. If you feel eye fatigue, massage the points located between inner corners eyes and bridge of the nose.
  • Stand up straight, keep your head still, half-bent right hand put it forward. Forefinger hold it at face level at a distance of 30–35 cm from the eyes, slowly move your hand from left to right and from right to left, without turning your head, follow your finger with your eyes. The exercise must be performed for 3 minutes
  • Close your eyes and slowly make circular movements eyeballs five times clockwise and five times counterclockwise.

When doing eye exercises, relax as much as possible, breathe deeply and rhythmically.


To restore vision after childbirth, it is useful to take certain remedies traditional medicine who don't have adverse reactions and are safe for your baby if you are breastfeeding.

  • Lingonberry juice and berries, cranberry juice– two-thirds of a glass twice a day for two weeks. Then a break for two months.
  • For inflammation of the eyelids and redness of the blood vessels, use wild garlic juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio to wash the eyes.
  • If you feel pain in your eyes, you need to wash them with infusion of horsetail. Pour 1 tablespoon into 200 g of water, boil for half an hour. Soak in the resulting infusion cotton swab and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes daily.
  • Mint is popularly considered an eye herb; it can be used as a lotion or in the form of drops. Peppermint oil diluted in a proportion of 1 drop per 100 ml of water and instilled into the eyes.
  • Onions clarify vision. It is recommended to eat it more often.
  • Carrots are healthy in any form, rich in vitamin A. Take half a glass of fresh juice once a day for two months a year.
  • A rosehip drink is recommended for retinal dystrophy. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry rosehip petals into two glasses of boiling water, keep on fire for 2 minutes, cool. Strain, add 1 tablespoon of honey to the infusion and take throughout the day. Be sure to do it before bed and in the morning.
  • To restore retinal function, doctors recommend taking lutein, which is natural antioxidant, absorbs radiation harmful to the eyes and is found in saffron. Saffron can be used as a seasoning in cooking.

Diet for eyes

It is important for a young mother, more than anyone else, to monitor her daily diet. The rate of recovery of the body after childbirth depends on how correct and complete her nutrition is. If there are signs of vision deterioration after childbirth, you should include in your daily diet products with vitamins A, B and C. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, when preparing carrots, liver, eggs, spinach, do not forget to add a little sour cream, cream, vegetable or butter. B vitamins are water soluble and are absorbed in the intestines, so it is important that gastrointestinal tract worked correctly. Please note that if your body has B-vitaminosis, then vitamin C will be poorly absorbed.

Blueberries are an excellent way to strengthen vision and improve immunity. It is useful to use it in any form - jam, juice, dried fruits, compote, fruit juice, and so on.

Another product known since childhood that helps our vision is, of course, carrots, rich in carotene.

And finally, the most important rule: to prevent vision deterioration after childbirth, take care of it during pregnancy. Do not overexpose your eyes, protect them from exposure environment, including ultraviolet radiation, follow eye gymnastics, eat right.

Julia Kim
Consultant: Zhulduz Zhamagatovna Alimbaeva, ophthalmologist
Magazine "40 weeks. Pregnancy calendar" No. 1 (56) January 2013

Many expectant mothers, whose vision leaves much to be desired, are concerned about how childbirth will affect their health and will it affect it at all? And if they do, how can you protect yourself from negative consequences this influence? After all, the baby needs a healthy mother.

Let's try to understand together the question of how natural childbirth affects vision and is it possible to avoid this influence?

How does natural childbirth affect vision?

Many doctors unanimously say that women with myopia and other eye diseases It is absolutely impossible to give birth on your own. AND the only way out- This is a caesarean section. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how efforts during natural childbirth can affect the vision of a young mother. The fact is that it is necessary to take into account all the individual factors that accompany vision deterioration: general state health expectant mother, the condition of the retina and fundus of the eye, visual acuity, the woman’s age, as well as complications accompanying pregnancy. And even when all these factors are taken into account, childbirth remains a difficult to predict area of ​​obstetrics and gynecology.

Why is everything so vague? The fact is that it is impossible to predict how the expectant mother will behave during childbirth - and, accordingly, how her eyes will react too. Many women in labor push with their whole body, not only with their stomach, but with all the muscles of their body, including the eye muscles. As a result, the eyes often burst small vessels, and if at any moment you overexert yourself too much, retinal detachment may occur. According to doctors, the risk of such an outcome especially increases with thinning of the retina (for example, with myopia) or with fragile, spasmodic vessels or increased intraocular pressure(which is determined by the condition of the fundus). If you have a normal fundus and retina, but only have problems with diopters, natural childbirth is quite possible.

Moreover, there is a very funny fact. Many expectant mothers who have poor eyesight, are afraid of a worsening of their condition after natural childbirth. But, contrary to popular belief, it also happens that after childbirth, a young mother’s vision, on the contrary, improves. And these cases are not at all that rare. Why is this happening? The fact is that sometimes vision problems are a consequence of any disturbances in the body of the expectant mother - muscle spasms, congestion, pinched nerves, etc. During natural childbirth, all these spasms are relieved, congestion disappears. blood vessels, pinched nerves disappear – and, as a result, vision improves.

If we look at the indications for caesarean section, we will see that poor vision is only relative indication for the operation. And many people give birth themselves both at -5 and at -15. It’s just very important to know how to behave when preparing for childbirth and during the birth itself. This is what we will talk about now.

How to avoid the negative impact of natural childbirth on vision?

First of all, if you are not confident in the strength of your retina, even before giving birth you can undergo a very simple operation - preventive laser coagulation. It is carried out very quickly and does not require hospitalization. During this operation, weak spots of the retina are “welded” to the uvea of ​​the eye to reduce the risk of detachment. This operation is absolutely harmless for both mother and baby, and completely painless.

During the birth process itself, the most important thing that is required of the expectant mother is to push correctly. That's right - this is not with the whole body, as was written above, but only with the stomach, without using the eyes. In addition, after an examination, the ophthalmologist often writes in the chart about the need for a short period of pushing - so that future mommy I didn’t overexert myself.

The decision regarding a cesarean section or natural birth should be made only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. Moreover, you don’t need to go to the doctor just once “for show,” but visit him at least three times: at the beginning of pregnancy, in the middle and at the very end before giving birth. Why do this? This is necessary because vision can change throughout pregnancy. And the last visit to the ophthalmologist should be the most important - after all, only towards the end of pregnancy does the baby finally take its position inside the mother - based on which the approximate course of labor can be predicted. In addition, by the end of pregnancy it may change physical state mothers in terms of vision: for example, to already existing problems with vision may be added high pressure, swelling and other problems. Based on the final state of the expectant mother, the ophthalmologist will be able to give the most complete conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of natural childbirth. In addition, we must not forget about consultations with gynecologists and obstetricians.

And do not forget about visual contraindications, which, according to most doctors, really exclude the possibility of a natural birth:

Complicated rapidly progressive myopia (annual vision deterioration by 1-2 diopters);

High myopia in the only sighted eye (this is too big a risk);

Pathological changes in the fundus of the eye - breaks and pre-tears of the retina (can lead to blindness);

Edema optic nerve(may provoke an increase in intracranial pressure);

Recently operated on due to retinal detachment (the eye is still very vulnerable);

Hemorrhages in the fundus (may worsen during childbirth);

Retinal detachment (can cause blindness).

If you do not have such diseases, but have some minor problems with vision, do not be afraid of anything and, of course, choose natural childbirth! Just don’t forget about the tips that were given just above, and everything will be fine for you! Happy birth!

Pregnancy places significant stress—physical, psychological, and hormonal—on female body. As a result, some women notice that their vision has decreased after childbirth. Why this happens, what to do if childbirth has a negative impact on visual function, we will tell you in this article.

Why does vision decrease after childbirth?

Possible problems problems with vision after the birth of a child are established during the period of gestation. They may be due to natural physiological processes or complications that arise.
So that a woman can bear healthy child, during pregnancy, her hormonal levels change. Such changes often lead to disruption in the condition and functioning of visual organs. In particular, increasing the level female hormone Estrogen promotes the accumulation of fluid in the eye lens, which changes its size and refractive properties. Also change physical properties sclera and cornea, the eye muscles become weaker.

If pregnancy proceeds with disturbances, the risk of vision deterioration after childbirth increases many times over. Toxicosis and gestosis, especially in severe form, can lead to disruption normal condition choroid, which, in turn, can result in hemorrhage in the eyes or retinal detachment.
Sometimes vision decreases during pregnancy due to lack of useful substances. An unbalanced diet, a small amount of fruits, vegetables, and cereals in a pregnant woman’s diet can lead to an imbalance in the vitamin and mineral balance of the body. A lack of vitamins can contribute to damage to eye tissue and, as a result, a decrease in acuity visual perception.

Negatively affects vision and inflammatory processes in the retina, which often occur in pregnant women. Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used for treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe them.
Childbirth itself is also a serious stress for the body and requires enormous amounts of work from the woman. physical effort. If a woman in labor breathes incorrectly during contractions and attempts, severe tension of the eye muscles occurs, IOP increases, which can result in hemorrhage.

As doctors note, even those births that took place without complications can lead to a physiological decrease in vision by several diopters. Subsequently, visual sharpness and clarity return gradually, over several weeks or even months. If the birth was complicated, then visual problems may be more serious and will require long-term treatment at the ophthalmologist.

After childbirth, vision decreases: what to do?

If you notice that your vision has deteriorated after childbirth, the first thing you should do is consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will determine how serious the violation is and select optimal treatment.
Support eye health postpartum period taking special multivitamin complexes for nursing women. They contain a large number of vitamins and minerals that affect visual function. Taking such medications in consultation with your doctor can stop the decline in vision and improve general health women.

It is also necessary to monitor your diet and try to eat a variety of foods rich in carotene, B vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.
It is recommended to perform gymnastics several times every day, which helps to train the eye muscles, the accommodation apparatus, and relieve eye tension and fatigue. The complex may include rotations and movements from side to side, squinting, shifting the gaze from distant objects to near ones, gentle massage through closed eyelids and a number of other exercises.
Sometimes the cause of visual impairment is diabetes, in which case it is important to control blood glucose levels to avoid progression of disorders.

If an ophthalmologist has diagnosed myopia, astigmatism or another refractive error, then it is important to use the optical correction- glasses or contact lenses. They will help restore clear vision and can prevent its further deterioration.

Wearing contact lenses after childbirth is not prohibited, but there is a choice suitable model(Acuvue, BioTrue, Air Optix, PureVision, etc.) is best discussed with your doctor.
If vision deteriorates after childbirth, then in some cases doctors recommend LASIK surgery. It can be used to correct myopia and other refractive errors. However, laser vision correction is recommended after completion of breastfeeding and normalization of hormonal levels.

Is natural childbirth possible after laser vision correction?

Many women with myopia would like to correct this defect before pregnancy. But there is a myth that after laser surgery I won't be able to give birth naturally. For this reason, many people refuse LASIK.
Ophthalmic surgeons explain that laser correction vision examination carried out before pregnancy, in most cases is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. That is, by improving your vision in this way, you will not have to give birth only by cesarean section. Surgical delivery is usually prescribed for other indications, including retinal detachment and serious eye pathologies.

How to preserve vision after childbirth: preventive measures

Often the best way preserving vision in the postpartum period is early prevention, started during pregnancy or in preparation for it.
A woman who cares about her health should register with an ophthalmologist from the first weeks of pregnancy and undergo regular examinations. During such examinations, the doctor will examine the fundus of the eye, monitor visual acuity and other indicators.
It is useful to attend childbirth preparation courses during pregnancy, where they teach you how to breathe correctly and push while pushing. Having learned proper breathing and behavior at one of the most crucial moments of her life, a woman will minimize the risk of retinal damage and hemorrhage in the eyes.

Many girls have myopia and other vision problems even before giving birth. To maintain eye health, it is sometimes important to have a planned cesarean section as an alternative to a natural birth. Determine whether there are indications for surgical method The doctor must perform the delivery. Sometimes it's the only one possible way preserve vision after the birth of a child.

Now you know how to properly prepare for childbirth in order to minimize the risks to eye health, and what to do if your vision suddenly decreases. The birth of a child is not a reason to give up own health Therefore, we recommend that you carefully consider the recommendations of ophthalmologists. Regular examinations by your doctor and strict adherence to his advice will help protect your vision after childbirth.

As actual vision problems become apparent, the extent and manner in which they are expressed may change. First signs probable violations, as a rule, are not a deterioration in the quality of vision, but uncomfortable sensations. Eliminating defects when they just begin is much easier than dealing with advanced disease of the visual organs.

Among the list common manifestations visual impairments, especially the following:

  • Changes in visual acuity. By deteriorating the quality of visual function, a number of potential defects can be identified. Signs are expressed in the absence of a clear image, inability to focus on an object, blurriness.
  • Limited vision. If the quality of visual function remains the same, but attempts to view an object from a certain angle or lighting are not successful, this is a sign serious violation vision. Immediately after a nursing mother has recognized such a defect, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.
  • Soreness in the eyes. Visual function may persist, but if there is pain in the eyes, tearing, fast fatiguability and other symptoms, then these symptoms also indicate visual impairment.

Diagnosis of visual impairment in nursing mothers

An ophthalmologist and specialized specialists can diagnose the disease that causes the symptoms described above. First of all, a consultation is carried out and visual inspection patients. In addition, the doctor performs tests to evaluate:

  • visual acuity,
  • adequacy of the eye reaction to stimuli,
  • ability to focus
  • ability for coordinated vision.

In cases where visual impairment is not associated with immediate recovery after childbirth and the lactation period, the underlying disease is determined using hardware diagnostic methods.

IN mandatory are being carried out lab tests biological fluids for sugar content and other signs to identify dysfunction internal organs and systems. The results of physical, laboratory and hardware examination are the basis for the diagnosis accurate diagnosis and prescribing further treatment.

How I cured eye diseases. Unique advice, original techniques P. V. Arkadyev

Restored vision after childbirth

I decided to give birth late, at almost forty years old. What can you do? Not everyone is so lucky to meet good man, start a family, and my youth occurred in the post-war years, when there were almost no men left. And I waited, worked in production, was an activist, and always tried to look at life with a smile. After all, we all experienced such a terrible grief - war! How could you complain? It was hard for everyone, and it was no worse for me than anyone else. And yet my late love came. A new workshop manager has been appointed to our production. A simple man, he went through the whole war and was shell-shocked. We became friends, he was very cheerful, he played the harmonica so that all the girls could hear him. We celebrated a modest wedding.

Our first-born was hard for me! My health was also undermined by the war; we often went hungry then. While I was carrying the baby, my hair began to fall out and my toenails came off. Childbirth was simply torture. I should have agreed to a caesarean section, but I was afraid to go under the knife; after all, it was an operation, and it wasn’t that important. Everyone gives birth on their own, how many women have given birth, how many people walk the earth, and nothing! I gave birth for a long time, with effort. But the boy was born healthy, strong, and it was not for nothing that he took away all my health! And after giving birth, my vision began to fade. Previously, I didn’t even know grief with this, I didn’t think about glasses. What glasses at forty years old! Mother-in-law taught me to drink carrot juice and rowan infusion. I also boiled dill over steam with eyes closed sat. And my vision began to improve. Now I’m almost 80. My children and grandchildren will gather for the anniversary. It's a pity that my husband didn't live to see it. But I retained clarity of vision even during these years.

Maria Ivanovna Pavlova

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