Ammonia and water. Glycerin and ammonia. Poisoning with ammonia

A variety of substances of different origins can be used for medicinal purposes. Many medicinal plants have medicinal properties; they can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on your own. Healing qualities some bacteria have essential oils and various natural ingredients. For the treatment of various pathological conditions Chemicals, including alcohols, are also widely used. The topic of our conversation today will be the use of ammonia and ethyl alcohol in medicine.

Ammonia - use in medicine

According to its chemical formula, ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide. It looks like a colorless transparent liquid and has a pungent odor. It is used not only as a medicine, but also as an assistant in everyday life.

The use of ammonia in medicine is varied, but in the vast majority of cases it is used externally. It has a local irritant effect and also has a stimulating effect on the sensory endings of the nerves located in the upper respiratory tract. Accordingly, inhaling ammonia effectively stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor center of the brain at the reflex level, and also promotes increased breathing and increased blood pressure. However, if you inhale it in a significant concentration, it can lead to a reflexive cessation of breathing.

Consuming ammonia orally leads to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and vomiting.

There is data on what it is Chemical substance can activate the ciliated epithelium located in the respiratory tract, and this stimulates expectoration of sputum.
Besides ammonia has pronounced antiseptic qualities.

Thus, in medicine, ammonia is used by inhalation (for inhalation), for external application and, occasionally, internally.

To stimulate breathing and bring a person out of fainting moisten a small piece of cotton wool or gauze with a solution of ammonia. It is brought to the victim’s nostrils with special care minimal amount time.

To induce vomiting (usually this measure is practiced in cases of alcohol poisoning), the patient is given one hundred milliliters of water to drink, dissolving five to ten drops of ammonia solution in it.

Doctors also advise using this medicine to apply lotions for insect bites. And for neuralgia or myositis, ammonia is used for rubbing (in the form of ammonia liniment). In this case, the drug has a distracting effect, stimulating irritation of skin receptors.

In some cases, ammonia is used to wash hands by surgeons (for disinfection). In this case, two hundred and fifty milliliters of the drug are diluted in five liters of ordinary boiled water.

It should be noted that such a chemical, if it enters the body in undiluted form, can lead to burns of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also cause burns when applied to the skin.

The use of ethyl alcohol in medicine

Ethyl alcohol is the most common type of alcohol; it is active ingredient alcoholic drinks. In medicine, this substance is most often used in the form of a solvent and antiseptic.

Ethyl alcohol has an excellent disinfecting effect; it is often used to disinfect hands and various items. So this particular substance can be used in processing surgical field and even for treating the hands of a surgeon.

In addition, it has drying properties, since applying it externally leads to the rapid and effective evaporation of water particles.

Ethyl alcohol is an excellent solvent for medicines; tinctures and extracts are prepared from various raw materials, including plants, using it. In addition, such a substance can play the role of a preservative in tinctures and extracts, in this case in finished product its concentration should not be lower than eighteen percent.

More ethanol in medicine it is used as an antifoam during oxygen supply and artificial lung ventilation (ALV). It plays the same role in pulmonary edema; in this case, doctors inhale the patient with a 33% solution of this substance.

Doctors use ethyl alcohol as one of the main components of warming compresses. In addition, it is often used in the form of an aqueous solution for rubbing during fever. In this case, the evaporation of alcohol from the surface of the skin leads to quite rapid decline temperature indicators.

IN critical situation ethyl alcohol can be used to achieve the effect general anesthesia, if there are no more at hand effective medicines.

Ethanol can play the role of a good antidote and save lives if the body is poisoned with methanol or ethylene glycol. When taken soon after an aggressive substance, a sharp decrease in the current concentration of toxic metabolites in the blood is observed.

Both ammonia and ethyl alcohol are substances that are widely used in medicine.
They can be easily purchased at any pharmacy and included in your home medicine cabinet. The use of alcohol in medicine is not limited to these two types, so we have more to talk about.

Ammonia, a 10% aqueous colorless solution of ammonium hydroxide, is quite widely used in modern traditional and alternative medicine. The remedy was first discovered by Egyptian priests, who extracted transparent crystals called “nushadir” from camel dung. Subsequently, these crystals were given the name “ammonia.”

The name "ammonia" comes from the Amon oasis in the Arabian desert. It was there that in ancient times caravans spent the night. Camel dung accumulated in the deserts for many years and gave off a rather pungent and pungent ammonia smell. This smell can cause stimulation of the respiratory centers, but in excess it provokes respiratory arrest.

In the old days, women carried small bottles of “smelling salts” with them, as they were afraid of fainting due to the unbearable stuffiness. Nothing has changed in our time; ammonia is the best help for fainting. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab with the solution and bring it to the nose of a person who has lost consciousness, and he will immediately come to his senses.

As for the physiological effect of ammonia, it is caused by a sharp, rather unpleasant odor, which promotes irritation of specific receptors in the nasal mucosa and stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor brain centers, increasing blood pressure and increasing breathing and heart rate.

It is also used in case of insect bites. It also has antimicrobial effects.

It is used to cleanse the skin. People who suffer from bronchitis are recommended to take ammonia-anise drops (as an expectorant).

For a runny nose and sneezing

Ammonia is an indispensable aid in case of prolonged and frequent “sneezes”. Each person’s body is individual and, accordingly, reactions to the manifestation of cold symptoms are also individual. Some people sneeze a couple of times and that’s it, while others can sneeze until exhaustion for ten minutes or more. And in this case, “sniffs” of ammonia are salvation.

To prepare the product you will need a small bottle. It is necessary to pour ammonia almost to the very top. Add vegetable oil to the free space. Since it is lighter than alcohol, it will be located at the top of the bottle.

The main purpose of the oil is to prevent the rapid evaporation of alcohol. When a runny nose or sneezing appears, you need to thoroughly shake the bottle and alternately bring it first to one and then to the other nasal passage. When you inhale the vapor, do not forget to close the other nostril.

The intensity and depth of such “inhalations” should increase gradually, otherwise, from an excess of inhaled vapors, very unpleasant feeling, which is popularly called “brain blowing”.

To free the nasal passages from mucous secretions, repeat the procedure until the signs of a runny nose disappear.

Recipe for preparing and using the mixture

Take one spoon of salt, pour it with a liter of water and stir well. Pour 100 ml of 10% ammonia and 10 ml of camphor alcohol. Stir the contents thoroughly and combine the two mixtures. Flakes should appear white. You need to close the container with a lid and shake until the flakes dissolve. The finished product can be stored for no more than one year.

  • The mixture is also used to eliminate headaches. To do this, you need to heat it in warm water, lubricate the sore spot and tie it with a warm cloth overnight.
  • Do the same if you experience joint pain.
  • The same mixture is recommended for ear pain with otitis. It is necessary to soak a piece of cotton wool in the product, squeeze it lightly and put it in auricle. Additionally, lubricate the area around the ear.
  • If a tooth hurts, you need to apply a cotton swab soaked in the preparation to it. The pain will go away in twenty minutes.

Joint pain

1. Take one spoon of ammonia and three spoons of water. Knead the dough, make a cake and apply to the affected areas. Wrap with a warm scarf.

2. Take red pepper tincture and ammonium hydroxide in a ratio of 1:5. Rub the resulting medicine onto the painful area for osteochondrosis.

3. To prepare a drug for polyarthritis, you will need honey, iodine, ammonia, medical bile and glycerin. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions - one glass each. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Before use in mandatory shake it up. Apply to affected areas for 24 hours.

Bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis

Take warm milk - 100 ml and a few drops of ammonia. Combine the liquids together and shake well. The alcohol should settle to the bottom. Have a drink ready-made product 10-15 minutes before meals. The main rule is that all food and water must be warm. The duration of the course is one month.

Take half a glass of hot goat milk and drop a couple of drops of alcohol into it. Mix thoroughly and take every two hours until the cough goes away.

Recipes with ammonia for the treatment of various diseases

1) Radiculitis.

To prepare the recipe, you need to take a couple of handfuls of thuja fruits and pour half a liter of ammonia over them. Leave to infuse, preferably in a warm, dry place, for four weeks. After the time has passed, strain and add four bottles of iodine. Lubricate the sore spot with this remedy before going to bed. Be sure to wrap your lower back.

2) Removal from binge drinking, removal of intoxication.

Ten drops of alcohol should be added to a glass of water. Drink a glass three times a day.

3) Bedsores.

Take glycerin - 100 g and ammonia - 50 ml. Mix thoroughly. The resulting solution should be used to lubricate bedsores. After it is absorbed, sprinkle with baby powder.

4) Endemic goiter.

Take Datura seeds - two tablespoons and half a liter of ammonium hydroxide. Pour the seeds into a bottle filled with alcohol and leave to infuse for three weeks. It is necessary to shake the tincture periodically. As soon as the product is infused, lubricate your neck with it, and then wrap it in a warm scarf. The duration of treatment is ten days. Take a break of five days and repeat the course. Use until complete recovery.

5) Heel spur.

Take 1 ml salicylic acid, 2 ml acetic acid, 1 ml of ammonia, 5 g of sulfur, 30 ml of camphor alcohol, 50 ml of 96% alcohol. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture, apply it to the spur and secure it with an adhesive plaster.

6) Barley.

As soon as you see a small abscess, you must immediately dip a match in alcohol and, slightly pulling the eyelid, touch the affected area. Believe me, the barley will disappear before it has time to fully ripen.


Under no circumstances should you let someone with epilepsy snort alcohol. Otherwise, you risk the seizures returning. Preparations based on ammonia should not be used by people with eczema, dermatitis and other acute skin diseases.

Now you understand that ammonia is an indispensable folk remedy that should be in every home medicine cabinet. Do you have it?

Ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) – water solution ammonia. It has a pungent odor and a strong alkaline reaction.

Ammonia: use in medicine

Cosmetic problems

Signs of ammonia vapor poisoning

Ammonia: use in everyday life, in medicine

In almost every home you can find ammonia in the medicine cabinet. Its use in everyday life and in medicine is quite extensive - it is also used in cosmetology, in the country and in the garden.

At home, it is most often used for dizziness and nausea. Some medications are used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in economic situations. Such universal remedies include ammonia. Its use in everyday life is much wider than in medicine. What properties does this product have and in what situations can it be used?

Ammonia: use in everyday life. Useful tips

Ammonia is ammonia. Its use in liquid solution known since ancient times. It looks like ordinary water, but has a sharp and specific odor. In large quantities, ammonia is poisonous, but in small doses it can be used as an irritant and stimulant.

It is necessary to distinguish between ammonia (ammonium chloride) and ammonia (this is ammonia). Use in everyday life and in medicine is associated with the second remedy.

As a pharmaceutical

  • When inhaled, ammonia acts on the receptors respiratory tract, awakening respiratory center. From the receptors, excitation is transmitted along the fibers of the nervous system. It reflexively affects work of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, ammonia is often used for fainting and alcohol poisoning. It should be used with caution. Frequent inhalation of ammonia in large concentrations can cause spasm and respiratory arrest.
  • Using this substance internally in small quantities causes vomiting.
  • Also, ammonia is known for its distracting properties for neuralgia. In practice it works like this. The drug is applied to the skin. Being absorbed, through the skin-visceral reflexes it irritates the tissues, taking on the wave inflammatory processes. In the meantime, the sore muscle is being restored. Thus, ammonia suppresses the focus of excitation, eliminates pain and vascular spasm.
  • Due to its irritating properties, when applied to the skin, it promotes vasodilation, release of active substances and improves tissue nutrition and regeneration.
  • Like any other alcohol, ammonia has an antiseptic effect. It is used for insect bites, felons and boils. However, its long-term use for these purposes, due to its irritating properties, can cause local pain, swelling and hyperemia.
  • Sometimes ammonia in combination with other elements is used as an expectorant. By influencing the epithelium of the respiratory tract, it enhances the functioning of the glands. This promotes rapid release of mucus.

Whatever medical properties ammonia has, its use in everyday life is much more relevant and widespread. Most often it is useful in removing stains from clothes and upholstered furniture, when cleaning gold, silver and even plumbing items. However, its unique properties have not yet been fully studied by experienced housewives, and practical experiments have shown that the solution can also be used in the fight against harmful insects (for example, cockroaches, ants).

The use of ammonia for plants

Lovers of flower beds and vegetable beds know that fertilizing plants is essential for good flowering and a bountiful harvest, and it is also necessary reliable protection from pests. Dissolve 50 ml of alcohol in 4 liters of water and pour a glass under the root of each bush. Even a mole cricket cannot resist such treatment. You can additionally spray the leaves. Do this feeding at least once a month. The product can also be used for indoor plants, but no more than 30-50 ml of solution should be poured at the root of them at a time. Ammonia also helps well in the fight against aphids. To do this, dissolve 100 grams of washing powder and 100 ml of alcohol in a bucket of water. The solution is carefully sprayed on plants that aphids love. It is advisable to carry out the treatment on a sunny day.

There are a huge number of household problems that ammonia can solve. Its use in everyday life is not limited.

Cleaning clothes, shoes, furniture

To remove a difficult stain from a favorite item, textile shoes or furniture upholstery, you need to combine a couple of teaspoons of ammonia with a glass of water and pour this solution over the stain for a while. Then rinse (rinse) in cold water. The smell of the product will soon disappear, and not a trace will remain of the stain.

When removing cockroaches, you should a small amount of add ammonia to the water for washing floors, walls and furniture (1 tsp per liter of water). A sharp and unpleasant smell will drive away uninvited house guests forever if this procedure is carried out regularly, once a week.

To prevent your outdoor recreation from being spoiled by annoying mosquitoes and other insects, you should take ammonia solution with you (in its pure form) and spray it around the recreation area. After this treatment, not a single midge will bother you anymore.

The use of ammonia solution in cleaning crystal and windows has been known for a long time. To do this, add 4-5 drops to a liter of water and wipe the glass surfaces with this solution. Even old and yellowed stains will not resist such a cleanser.

From foreign odors

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is ammonia that successfully combats extraneous and unpleasant “aromas” of paint or tobacco. The use of odor control in everyday life is very simple. Place saucers in all rooms, dripping a certain amount of product onto them. Soon unpleasant odors will begin to disappear.

What is dry ammonia?

There is also technical ammonia, or, in scientific terms, ammonium salt. In addition to the name, the properties that dry ammonia has are also different. Its use is in demand in technology and chemistry. For example, when soldering or tinning (applying molten tin to hardware for corrosion protection purposes). Also, ammonia (powder) is used as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives.

Ammonia: properties

Ammonia is obtained from atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen at high temperature in the presence of a catalyst. Ammonia water is widely used in various fields human life. Ammonium hydroxide is a material for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Despite their widespread use, ammonia and ammonia are dangerous to human health.

Ammonium hydroxide: mechanism of action

Ammonia vapor reflexively excites the central nervous system, especially the centers of the medulla oblongata. In high concentrations they can provoke a reflex cessation of breathing. When administered orally, the drug excites the gastric mucosa and causes vomiting.

Ammonia: use in medicine

In medicine, the above remedy is used for fainting conditions, to stimulate vomiting, and also externally - for insect bites, neuralgia, myositis, for treating the hands of a surgeon using the Spasokukotsky-Kochergin method (diluted). Improper use of ammonia solution can cause the development of burns of the esophagus and stomach. Aqueous ammonia can be used as an expectorant. Its expectorant effect is caused by an irritant effect on the bronchial mucous membranes. To stimulate breathing and bring the patient out of unconsciousness, a cotton swab moistened with ammonium hydroxide is carefully brought to the patient’s nose (duration from 0.5 to 1 second). To induce vomiting, doctors sometimes prescribe the use of ammonia orally (only in dilution - 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water). For insect bites, ammonium hydroxide is recommended to be used in the form of lotions.

Cosmetic problems

Aqueous ammonia is used in folk medicine to remove warts and papillomas. To do this, wrap a small amount of cotton wool around a match or toothpick, dip it in ammonia and apply it to the location of the growths for a few seconds. Make sure that the solution does not come into contact with the skin around the tumor, as it may cause a burn. Ammonium hydroxide is also used to remove unwanted body hair. To remove hair, traditional medicine recommends preparing a mixture of the following composition: 5 ml of ammonia water, 35 ml of 98% ethanol, 5 ml castor oil and 1.5 ml alcohol solution iodine - all this should be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting product should be applied to problem areas with hair twice a day. In just two or three days you will get the desired result.

Contraindications for use

The above should not be used pharmaceutical in case of loss of consciousness in the absence or difficulty of reflex conduction from the nasal receptors to the brain. IN in this case the miracle of “revival” with ammonia will not happen. In this situation, parenteral administration of other drugs will help. Ammonia water is contraindicated for use in the presence of weeping eczema and dermatitis, since this drug will provoke even greater irritation of the skin and can cause a burn.

Signs of ammonia vapor poisoning

The main signs of ammonia vapor release include cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and spasm of the larynx. An excited state, hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, and swelling of the respiratory system often occur. As a result direct contact may arise burn injury eye, which requires immediate qualified help. If ammonia solutions are ingested, pain in the esophagus, intestines, stomach, bloody diarrhea, and decreased blood pressure should be added to the above signs of intoxication. This condition is life-threatening and requires immediate qualified help!

What to do in case of ammonia vapor poisoning?

First aid for ammonia intoxication: ensure maximum influx fresh air indoors (open the window); perform repeated gastric lavage; give the victim a spoon to drink vegetable oil, a few egg whites, a glass of milk; If possible, do a cleansing enema. If undiluted ammonia water comes into contact with skin the victim will also need qualified assistance. In this case, the main therapeutic assistance is abundant rinsing of the affected areas with water for 10-15 minutes. The use of any ointments within 24 hours is contraindicated. Further therapeutic regimen the same as for thermal burns. If splashes of ammonia water get into your eyes, you should immediately rinse your eyes with running water, then apply olive or Vaseline oil, sulfacyl sodium, novocaine with adrenaline. In case of laryngeal spasm, local heat, inhalation, atropine are prescribed, and, if necessary, tracheotomy. If necessary, artificial respiration should be performed.

Ammonia is a universal cleaner

Ammonia water is often used to clean products made from precious metals(silver, gold). For this purpose, solutions of ammonia in water in a ratio of 1:4 are used. After cleaning, wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth. Do not forget that an aqueous solution of ammonia can also be used when washing. To improve foaming, add 2-3 teaspoons of ammonium hydroxide to a bucket of water. In such water, laundry is bleached perfectly. To remove coffee and chocolate stains, you can use an ammonia solution diluted with water in a ratio of 1:25.

To remove stains from silk fabrics, it is good to use a solution of the following composition: 1 teaspoon of glycerin, a few drops of ammonia water and 1 teaspoon of water. Before removing the stain, be sure to check the fabric to see if it is fading. It is best to clean shiny areas on the cuffs and collars of jackets, jackets and coats with a sponge soaked in ammonia water (15-20 ml of ammonium hydroxide per liter of water). If your interior contains antique objects made from wood species such as walnut or oak, and their appearance already leaves much to be desired, they can be cleaned with a 12% ammonia solution. The listed tree species contain tannin, which, when exposed to ammonia water, acquires a beautiful brown-gray hue.

The role of ammonium hydroxide in biological systems

This substance is an important source of nitrogen for living systems. Nitrogen is a chemical element necessary for the biosynthesis of amino acids. Ammonium hydroxide is used in industry to produce nitrogenous fertilizers necessary for the normal growth and development of agricultural crops.

In human and animal tissues, a significant amount of amino acids is formed due to metabolism. High concentrations of ammonia in tissues are toxic to the body. The liver converts ammonium hydroxide into a product less toxic to the body - urea. Diseases that result in liver dysfunction (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis) can lead to an increase in the concentration of the above substance in the blood (hyperammonemia). Ammonium hydroxide is involved in the regulation acid-base balance in organism.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When inhaled, it acts on the receptors of the upper respiratory tract, stimulating reflex-respiratory center. Excitation from receptors along fibers to the central nervous system, where changes occur in the nerve centers, and then in the organs innervated by them. It also has a reflex effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular tone.

When taken orally in small concentrations, it also reflexively excites the vomiting center and causes vomiting.

The “distracting effect” is carried out through cutaneous-visceral reflexes - when applied to the skin, it causes changes in the corresponding segmentally located organs or muscles, which causes restoration of functions. Suppressing the source of excitation that supports pathological process, reduces muscle tension and pain, eliminates vascular spasm.

At the site of application, it irritates skin receptors and therefore causes the release of active substances, as a result of which blood vessels dilate, nutrition and tissue regeneration improve, and an increased outflow of metabolites occurs.

Its disinfectant and antiseptic effect is associated with the ability to coagulate microbial cell proteins in high concentrations. Therefore, it must be remembered that with prolonged exposure irritant effect can turn into cauterizing, which is accompanied by the development of swelling, hyperemia and pain.

Affects the epithelium of the respiratory tract, activating it and enhancing the secretion of glands. This is manifested by the expectorant effect of the drug.

Rapidly excreted by the lungs and bronchial glands

Application of ammonia

Technical ammonia or ammonium chloride, the use of which is in demand in technology and chemistry for tinning and soldering, as a hardener for varnishes and adhesives, and in the manufacture of galvanic cells, is an odorless powder. The only use of this substance in medicine, as a diuretic, is now not used due to toxicity and the emergence of modern, more effective diuretics. This drug has not been available in pharmacies for a long time.

People often ask: Is ammonia ammonia? No, these are different substances. Ammonia is an ammonium salt, powder and the formula of ammonia is NH4Cl. Ammonia is a gas that has a pungent odor and easily turns into a liquid state. But ammonia is ammonia, it’s a synonym, so don’t be surprised if the pharmacy offers you it instead of the alcohol you ordered.

Use of ammonium salt in medicine

In medical practice, ammonia is still used today, or rather a 10% aqueous solution of it, which is called ammonia. Formula -NH4OH. The pungent odor of ammonia irritates the receptors of the nasal mucosa and causes stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers. As a result, it causes increased breathing and increased blood pressure, so in case of fainting or alcohol poisoning, the vapor of this alcohol is allowed to inhale.

Confusing concepts or abbreviating them, they often say “ammonium for a hangover” or “ammonium for intoxication,” which is incorrect. Ammonia is indeed used for these conditions; it can be given not only to sniff, but also to drink. Take 5-6 drops per glass of water.

A solution of ammonia in the form of ammonia-anise drops has an expectorant effect, and 0.1% solutions are used for panaritiums, boils, as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is also a good antiseptic and disinfectant.

What else do you need to know about ammonia? In the human body, ammonia is formed as a result of deamination of amino acids, purine nucleotides and other nitrogen-containing compounds. It is neutralized by the biosynthesis of urea. Part of the ammonia is spent on the synthesis of glutamic, aspartic acids, amino acids, a small amount of ammonia is excreted in the urine. Thus, this substance is present in the blood and urine. The blood contains 7-21 µmol of ammonia, and the daily urine contains 29-59 mmol. With an increased protein content in food, with severe liver and kidney diseases, the level of ammonia in the blood increases. Increased excretion in urine is observed during acidosis, dehydration and fasting. In these conditions, as well as in intense physical activity, if muscle protein is intensively used with a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, or when training against the background of fasting, you can smell “ammonium” in the nose.

Summarizing all of the above, we can name the indications for the use of ammonia.

Indications for use

  • cleaning the surgeon's hands (0.5% solution);
  • excitation of breathing during fainting;
  • insect bites (externally);
  • to induce vomiting (in diluted form!);
  • as an expectorant (in a combination preparation);
  • toxic effect of alcohol;
  • myositis, neuralgia (externally).


  • dermatitis, pyoderma, eczema (for topical use);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

  • respiratory arrest (if inhaled in high concentrations);
  • burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

In case of fainting, cotton wool soaked in ammonia is brought to the patient’s nose. The cotton wool should be kept 5 cm from the nose, since contact with the skin can cause burns. Inhalation of ammonia vapor excites the nerve endings of the respiratory tract, impulses are transmitted to the respiratory center, which is reflexively excited, and the patient regains consciousness.

For insect bites, apply lotions. For myositis, rubbing with ammonia liniment is used.

Orally, to induce vomiting, it is used only in diluted form - 5-7 drops per 100 ml of water. An undiluted drug taken orally causes burns to the esophagus.


Inhalation of ammonia vapor in large quantities causes a decrease in heart rate, as well as a reflex cessation of breathing.

If the drug is taken orally in large quantities, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting with the smell of ammonia, agitation, and convulsions appear. In case of inhalation overdose - runny nose, cough, respiratory arrest, laryngeal edema. When used externally in large doses, burns occur.


At simultaneous use with acids, ammonia neutralizes them.

Ammonia is a real lifesaver for any housewife. Use it to solve everyday problems. This cheap remedy can truly work miracles.

Overdose or poisoning with ammonia is a common occurrence, because ammonia is very widely used in everyday life, industry, medicine and is often found in the home medicine cabinet. It is highly active and evaporates, and is a solution of the toxic gas ammonia NH3 in water, which forms the base (alkali) NH4OH. This compound is not an alcohol, it is unstable, constantly evaporating ammonia from pungent odor, and the name alcohol comes from the Latin spiritus - evaporation.

The use of ammonia in medicine

Ammonia has an irritating, stimulating effect on nervous system. This property allows it to be widely used in cases of fainting and loss of consciousness to bring the patient to his senses. Ammonia vapors irritate the nerve endings of the nose, excite the central nervous system, increase vascular tone, and as a result, fainting goes away.

The irritating property of ammonia is used to quickly relieve the condition alcohol intoxication by adding a few drops of it to a glass of water. In contrast to alcohol, which depresses all brain functions, ammonia in a small dose stimulates them, increases the activity of nervous processes, which is why sobering occurs. It also has an irritating effect on the respiratory center and airways.

It should be remembered that the time of inhalation of ammonia vapor to bring consciousness should not exceed 2-3 seconds.

Such inhalations cannot be done in case of traumatic brain injury. Dissolving in tissue fluid, ammonia forms an alkali, which damages nerve cells, which consist of 70% adipose tissue.

The solution is also used as an antiseptic in low concentration for neutralizing abrasions, small wounds, relieving itching from insect bites, for treating fungal infections of the skin and nails.

Symptoms of ammonia overdose

The benefits of using ammonia in medicine are possible only with very small dosages; exceeding them leads to irritation and damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.

Typical symptoms of ammonia poisoning:

  • Severe cough, shortness of breath, lack of air;
  • Palpitations, feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Vomiting, abdominal cramps;
  • Dizziness.

At severe poisoning brain damage occurs, hallucinatory and convulsive syndromes, loss of consciousness, cerebral coma may occur.

If ammonia was taken orally in a large dose, a burn occurs in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, severe abdominal pain, vomiting appears, a painful shock may occur, and internal bleeding may occur.

First aid for poisoning

First aid is necessary; it depends on how the ammonia entered the body. If a person has inhaled ammonia vapor, it is necessary to urgently take him out into fresh air, ensure rest, and carefully rinse his nose with water containing lemon juice. The face and eyes should also be washed with water.

If ammonia was taken orally, you need to neutralize it by drinking water acidified with lemon juice. This can only be done in cases where it allows general state sick and not severe pain in a stomach. After reception large dose ammonia, it can corrode the gastric mucosa, and lavage can cause perforation and entry of stomach contents into the abdominal cavity.

Under no circumstances should a soda solution be used to lavage the stomach; it will only enhance the effect of ammonia.

You need to immediately call an ambulance and until it arrives, constantly monitor the victim, turn your head to the side in case of vomiting. If possible, it is good to breathe in pharmaceutical oxygen from a canister.

Recovery after poisoning

In the hospital, the patient receives a complex drug treatment, oxygen therapy, vitamin therapy, means to restore the functioning of the heart, breathing, nervous system, painkillers.

If ammonia was taken orally, the stomach is washed, if possible, and an ultrasound or plain X-ray of the abdomen is performed to exclude perforation.

If ammonia enters the respiratory tract, bronchodilators, expectorants, and inhalations are prescribed. If ammonia is ingested, gastric protectors, enveloping and painkillers, and a gentle diet are prescribed.

If ammonia poisoning is not severe and does not lead to complications, recovery occurs fairly quickly. Further in the article you will find out what will happen if you drink ammonia, what to do in case of a burn oral cavity and what are the consequences of poisoning.

Is it possible to drink ammonia?

What happens if you drink ammonia? It is customary to drink ammonia solution to relieve alcohol intoxication. In these cases, the dose should not exceed 6-10 drops diluted in a glass of water. However, such a remedy cannot be recommended, because ammonia is toxic and can have different effects on different people, depending on their weight and health status. In addition, today in pharmacies there are enough hangover relievers that are safe for the body.

Did you know that ammonia works great against insects, pests and helps indoor plants? Can it restore baby-like softness to your heels, and also perfectly clean your windows and whiten your laundry?

Ammonia: use against insects

Sometimes you simply don’t have the strength to fight the ants that appear in endless sequences in the kitchen from nowhere. Ammonia will help here too!

You need to add 100 ml of ammonia to 1 liter of water and rinse all kitchen furniture with this solution. Do not be afraid of a specific “aroma” - it disappears in a few minutes. For us. And the “tenants” will feel it for a long time and will forget the path to your house.

Ammonia will also help against hordes of mosquitoes and midges during a picnic in nature. It is enough to spray your resting place with this product and peace will be provided to you. Again, the aroma will be imperceptible to people after a couple of minutes.

Ammonia: use in the country

For those who like to grow flowers, tomatoes and others floral and vegetable cultures should also seek help from alcohol. Lilies, clematis, geraniums, and cucumbers really love feeding with this product. It is enough to dissolve 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water and your plants will thank you with their healthy appearance.
By the way, you can combine business with pleasure: water houseplants such a solution. No smells no mosquitoes, and at the same time - fertilized flowers. Itching from mosquito bites can be relieved by rubbing the bite site with ammonia (a mixture of equal amounts of ammonia and water) or a solution baking soda(½ teaspoon per 1 glass of water).

Window cleaning

To keep window glass clean longer and make it easier to wash it later from dirt, wipe the already clean glass with a mixture of water (30 parts), glycerin (70 parts) and a few drops of ammonia. Glass wiped with this mixture becomes less dirty and ice does not form on them in winter. When washing the glass together with the glycerin film, the dirt that has settled on it is easily washed off.

Dry ultramarine blue gives the glass a bluish tint.

Warm solution salt helps to quickly clear the window of ice. Then wipe the glass dry.

Your heels will become like a baby's...

This very good recipe will help those who have rough hands, cracked heels, corns, and “clumsy” and “scary” toenails. In general, there are two recipes with glycerin, but they both “work.” We take glycerin, I I buy 5 bottles at once. In the first case, you can use vinegar, in the second, with ammonia. The pharmacy bottle with glycerin is not completely filled, so add vinegar to it, shake it. And if with ammonia, then mix in a ratio of 1:1( glycerin and alcohol). You can rub this mixture both in the morning and in the evening, at night on your heels, soles, fingers and in a few days you will see an amazing result. Your heels will turn pink, your nails will acquire a beautiful and shiny color. You can also lubricate your elbows. The mixture this one is cheap, accessible, reliable.

How to bleach laundry?

Ammonia is an excellent bleach. When washing linen or cotton items, when soaking, pour 5-6 tablespoons into soapy water. spoons of ammonia. Ammonia softens water and reduces the influence of magnesium salts, which are the reason why white things become yellowish tint. To enhance the effect of ammonia, you can add a couple of tablespoons of turpentine. After washing, leave the laundry soaked for 10 hours in a solution of water and turpentine, in a ratio of 5:5.

To bleach wool and silk items, prepare the following solution:

- 12 l. water

- 8 tablespoons salt

- 50 gr. powder

- 3 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide

- 30 ml. ammonia

Soak for 4 hours at 40°C.

Healthy bulbs without chemicals

Everyone has seen damage from a secretive proboscis: the feather becomes lighter and stripes appear on it. If you tear such a feather lengthwise, you can see small pest larvae inside.

It helps in the first half of summer to water the plantings with ammonia (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) once a week. This is both nitrogen fertilizing and an odor repellent.

In order for the smell of ammonia to last longer, the bed must be loosened some time after watering.

Fighting aphids

And I read another remedy: take 2 tablespoons of ammonia in a bucket of water and add a little washing powder (for better adhesion) and sprinkle the plant with this solution, it seems that aphids die from ammonia, but it quickly evaporates and if it gets on the leaves, it will only it will be useful (like fertilizer)…

If the aphid has attacked you badly, the easiest way is to hit it with ammonia*. Its solution in water is ammonia. Two tablespoons of ammonia per bucket of water plus an adhesive - a spoonful of shampoo or washing powder. The aphid falls down in shock. And ammonia quickly evaporates and a little gets into the leaf - this is a common foliar nitrogen fertilizer

How to get rid of carrot and onion flies?

The easiest way is to treat the beds weak solution ammonia (max ammonia concentration 0.1%). You can use ammonia - 1 ml. for 5 liters of water.

An indispensable assistant for fighting mole crickets

I will be very glad if my review is useful and helps someone. I live with my family in the village. We have our own garden. And that year there was just a terrible invasion of the mole cricket (popularly known as the cabbage moth). Moreover, she ate everything from seeds to seedlings. And in rural areas, a summer without a harvest means a year without preparations. I plant seedlings, and the mole cricket eats them (maximum is a week and no one has ever planted a garden). And most importantly, the poison does not take her. I'm already tired. I went to the market to buy new seedlings. Grandfather and grandmother are standing there selling cabbage seedlings (so beautiful, big, green), well, it’s a sin not to take them. I’ll take it and complain that this is the third time I’ll plant it, but the mole cricket eats everything up. Grandma says to me: I’ll teach you now how to fight it. You buy ammonia at the pharmacy, then dilute it 10 mg per 10 liters of water. And when you plant seedlings, you pour half a liter jar under each bush. And that’s it, you will have both seedlings and harvest. I’ve been doing this for the second year now, and you know, it helps. This year I planted my own greenhouse. After I sowed the seeds, I filled the bed with a solution of ammonia and I want to tell you the result (it’s my own seedlings). Now I buy ammonia in large bottles of 100 mg each) and recommend it to everyone. In my case, the strong smell is even a plus rather than a minus.

Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia (usually 10 percent), a transparent liquid similar in appearance to water. In medicine, it is used for fainting conditions (to stimulate breathing), to stimulate vomiting, and also externally for neuralgia, myositis, insect bites, and treatment of surgeon’s hands. If used incorrectly, it can cause burns of the esophagus and stomach (if taken undiluted solution), reflex cessation of breathing (if inhaled in high concentrations).

The physiological effect of ammonia is due to the pungent odor of ammonia, which irritates specific receptors in the nasal mucosa and stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain, causing increased breathing and increased blood pressure.

Ammonia was discovered by Egyptian priests who extracted colorless crystals from camel dung- “nushadir”. Later they began to call it ammonia. The name ammonia comes from the oasis of Amon in the Arabian Desert, where caravans have stopped for the night since ancient times. The dung of camels and other beasts of burden accumulated there for millennia and gave off a pungent odor of ammonia. This smell causes stimulation of the respiratory centers, but its excess can cause respiratory arrest. In the old days, elderly ladies carried bottles of “smelling salts” - ammonia, with them, for fear of fainting in the stuffiness. To this day, ammonia is used as a first aid remedy for fainting conditions. The range of uses of ammonia is very wide, as can be judged by analyzing letters from readers of the newspaper “Granny (Recipes for 100 Troubles).”

1. Medicine " Ambulance».

1 tbsp. Pour rock salt into 1 liter of water and stir well. Separately, pour 10 ml of camphor alcohol into 80-100 ml of 10 percent ammonia, shake well, and then combine the two mixtures together. White flakes will appear. Cover the container with a lid and shake until the flakes disappear. The mixture is ready and is good for a whole year.

For headaches, warm the mixture in warm water, wet the sore spot with it and tie it with a warm scarf overnight. The same can be done for joint pain.

If something bad happened food poisoning with heartburn, vomiting, indigestion, if pain begins in the heart, stomach, or in any organs, as well as with diabetes mellitus, obliterating endarteritis, adults should drink 1 tsp. mixture with 150 ml of cold boiled water, and children under 15 years old - as many drops as they are old.

If your ear hurts, soak a cotton swab in the mixture, squeeze it out a little and put it in the auricle. Also, apply the mixture around the ear.

If you have a toothache, drink a dose of the mixture, soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the painful tooth. After 10-15 minutes the pain will go away.

And in general, if you have this mixture at home, then there will be no need for half of your visits to the doctor.

In the spring of 2000, equipment was being repaired at our work. I had to very often leave a warm, even hot (I work in a boiler room) room to the street. This is where the illness took hold of me. The temperature rose to 40 degrees and did not subside for several days. I went to the clinic, where they prescribed antibiotics. The course was completed, but the pills did not help - the temperature did not subside. My body ached as if I had been put through a meat grinder. A second course of antibiotic treatment was prescribed and again without success. I thought the end had come for me. But at forty-five I didn’t want to die, so I started taking the “Emergency” medicine. I took 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. After a couple of days, the temperature subsided and pus and sputum began to come out. It felt like something had burst in my nose. The cleansing went on for a week, after which it was as if I was born into the world.

2. Before drinking the “First Aid” mixture, you need to cleanse the kidneys and intestines with flax: 1 tsp flaxseed per 1 glass of water. Boil the mixture. Take half a glass every 2 hours for two days.

Do you have an osteochondrosis yoke on your neck that always bends forward? Drink the potion! It helps very well against osteochondrosis of the lower extremities. After 3-4 days, the legs become warmer (the mixture cleans the blood vessels well).

A friend of mine with diabetes and dropsy also had legs that returned to normal, but were very swollen. The phlegm cleared up and it became easier to breathe.

Personally, I use rainwater (can be distilled) to prepare the mixture; then you don’t have to shake for a long time, and when the water is hard, the flakes don’t break.

3. Thirty years ago I fell ill with radiculitis.

And in earnest - I could neither walk nor put on shoes. In this condition they took me to my mother, and she cured me in two hours. Yes, she cured me so much that this disease still does not bother me. Mom's treatment method was very simple. Heat 50 g of internal rendered pork fat until liquid. Then add 8-10 ml of ammonia to it. At the same time, you cannot overdo it, since all this can cause a burn for the skin. When you add ammonia, the fat coagulates into crystals. Here you need to quickly add a piece of gauze prepared in advance, folded in 2-3 layers, exactly the size of the area where painful sensations"registered" Place gauze soaked in “ammonia fat” on the sore spot, with foil or paper on top that does not absorb fat. At first, the body feels a chill from the compress. Cover the sore spot with a woolen cloth from above, and then apply heat: an iron or a heating pad. But it’s best if you have a Russian stove on which you can lie down and warm up. It is typical that when you begin to warm a sore spot “dressed” in a compress, a slight tingling sensation should appear on the body. When you take away the heat, you feel a chill from the “filling” on the gauze. This means that the ratio of fat and ammonia is selected correctly. When the “process,” as they say, “has begun,” then within 15 minutes it begins feeling of lightness heat. But under no circumstances should there be a tolerable burning sensation. This is a signal to immediately remove the compress, otherwise there will be a burn. I remember that I slept on the Russian stove for two hours with a feeling of warmth. I woke up, and it was as if the radiculitis had never happened. Subsequently, this recipe helped many of my relatives and friends get rid of radiculitis.

4. From joint pain you need to take 1 tbsp. ammonia and 3 tbsp. water. Knead the dough from any flour, make a cake or flatbread, roll it out and apply it to your knees. Wrap a warm scarf on top. The treatment can be repeated using the same cake, only you need to add a new portion of ammonia.

5. If you faint.

Sudden momentary loss consciousness - fainting - is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. This significantly reduces blood flow to the brain. Fainting can occur with heart defects, hypertension, if you quickly go into vertical position after lying in bed for a long time. Sharp pain, large loss of blood, severe emotional unrest, and overwork can also cause fainting.

What should be done in such cases before the doctor arrives?

Lay the patient down without a pillow - this ensures a rush of blood to the brain. Free your neck and chest from restrictive clothing, unfasten all buttons, loosen the belt, untie ties and laces. In the summer, open the window in the room, in the winter - the window. Spray the patient's face and chest from time to time cold water and dry with a towel. You can vigorously, but not very forcefully, pat the person on the cheeks with a wet handkerchief.

It is useful to rub cologne on the patient’s arms, legs, back, and chest. When there is no cologne, the body is rubbed with clean, washed hands.

Inhaling ammonia is very effective. The cotton wool is moistened with ammonia and brought to the patient’s nose for a few seconds. This procedure is repeated several times. You should not bring ammonia in a bottle to the patient’s face: careless movement of drops of this liquid can get into the eyes and cause a severe burn. Instead of ammonia, you can use food vinegar and onion juice.

As soon as the patient comes to his senses, he should be given hot sweet coffee or tea, 20 drops of valerian tincture diluted with water.

The patient should lie quietly, avoiding sudden movements. People around you should not talk loudly or make noise.

6. About twenty years ago I suffered from asthmatic bronchitis.

I was twenty-one years old when I caught a cold from cold milk. For six years I breathed with an inhaler, tried everything I could, but nothing helped.

One day our friend Valentina Andreevna came to us, may she rest in peace, and heard me breathing. She advised me to drink ammonia (pharmaceutical ammonia). I immediately bought it and started drinking it on Monday. I remembered this day of the week because I was handing over my shift. I drank until Friday and felt like some kind of tumor between my breasts. In fact, it expelled pus from the bronchi. But during these five days, for the first time I lay down in bed and fell asleep, and before that I had never slept in bed at night, I was out of breath. The cough went away after two weeks, mucus came out of my nose and mouth, and I felt better. Then, for prevention, I also drank ammonia.

Now the recipe itself. For 100 ml of warm milk (for those who cannot drink milk, you can use warm water) - 2-3 drops of ammonia. Shake it so that the ammonia does not settle to the bottom, and drink it 10 minutes before meals, or after - 20 minutes later. At the same time, eat everything warm, drink warm water, and even wash your face with heated water. In general, try to keep everything warm and not get too cold. You can drink it for a month until improvements come. I still don’t run out of ammonia now. My son also drank it at the age of six. This was back in 1981, in the fall. I recovered, wrote to the Trud newspaper in Moscow, but it was never published there.

From the editor. The same recipe was confirmed by Alla Ivanovna Ivchenko. We also give her letter, because... it gives a slightly different treatment plan: “When I was forty years old, I became very ill. The extract from the epicrisis sadly read: second-degree hypertension (pressure 220/120), cerebral arachnoiditis with microdynamic disturbances, chronic decompensated tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis. I was admitted to the hospital and received a course of treatment, but the cough did not go away. Then, with the help of a woman who cured bronchial asthma ten years ago, I finally got rid of chronic bronchitis. 3 drops of ammonia (10% pharmaceutical ammonia) dripped into half a glass of hot milk (preferably not boiled goat milk) or hot boiled water. I drank every 2 hours 7 times a day. For bronchitis, take while there is a cough, and for bronchial asthma - for a month and a half. The results are amazing: I began to cough up the mucus accumulated in the bronchi, felt cheerful and stopped sweating. When I caught a cold and started coughing, I drank ammonia according to the above system and after 2-3 days I was healthy. I stopped going on sick leave. I advise those who cannot drink 7 times a day within 2 hours - it is better not to start treatment with this method. There will be no results, and you will only be disappointed! A year later, the doctor, after listening to me and not finding chronic bronchitis, was extremely surprised. And five years ago, a friend of mine cured bronchial asthma using the same method. I have telephone numbers of women who have recovered from bronchial asthma.”

7. A wonderful compress for the mother of a real colonel.

The eldest of Grini’s grandfather’s two daughters, Maria, having been widowed and retired, married a second time - to a former military man. He was a man of all kinds - prominent, youthful, energetic and fit. In a word, a real colonel, only retired. However, all the relatives (especially the women) unanimously began to feel sorry for Aunt Masha:

- What, you decided to become a nanny?

The fact is that Mikhail Yuryevich turned out to be a groom with a “dowry”: his seventy-eight-year-old mother did not get out of bed for the second year due to polyarthritis. Thanks to Grandfather Grini's recipe, after two weeks this old woman began to learn to walk again and little by little to take care of herself.

Here's the recipe. Take in equal parts(let's say a glass) of natural honey, ammonia, iodine, medical bile and glycerin. Mix everything into a homogeneous mass and, shaking before use, apply for a day in the form of compresses to sore spots.

8. Advice for those with oily hair.

It is very good to rinse your hair with a solution of ammonia (1 tsp of ammonia per 200 ml of warm water).

9. When bitten by a mosquito

You should wipe the bite area cotton swab, moistened with ammonia.

10. This recipe for removing dead bone on the leg has been tried and tested many times.

Take 100 ml of ammonia and 5 large leaves bay leaf. Break the laurel and pour it into ammonia, let it brew for a week. Make a foot bath (the water should not be very hot) by adding 1 tbsp to the water. baking soda. After the bath, dry your feet well with a towel and carefully lubricate the growths with the prepared tincture. Allow to dry, then apply iodine mesh and put on warm socks. Do this until the bone disappears completely (this takes about two months).

11. My advice for headaches.

At one time, my grandmother and mother used it, and now it’s my turn. 100% tested, so try it and see for yourself! You need to inhale a mixture of equal parts camphor and ammonia. The pain goes away immediately.

12. Osteoarthritis.

Mix 1 tbsp. ammonia, turpentine, 70% vinegar, vegetable and camphor oil, add 100 ml of medical alcohol and a pinch of bodyaga. Pour the resulting mixture into a dark jar and leave for two days in a dark, cool place, shaking several times daily. Rub problem areas at night and wrap them with something warm.

13. With a simple secret, gout is gone!

This is a chronic disease caused by metabolic disorders, which is characterized by the deposition of uric acid salts in bones, cartilage and tendons. One of my friends also suffered from gout. At first the disease developed slowly, and after some time acute attacks began to appear at more or less long intervals wellness. Moreover, the attack usually manifested itself at night with severe pain in the affected areas. One composition that good people recommended helped her. She prepared it herself. I poured 0.5 liters of ammonia over twenty slightly ripe chestnuts and placed them in a dark place for a month. I filtered it, added four small standard pharmacy bottles of iodine and lubricated the sore spot at night. After which I insulated it. The cure did not come immediately, but gradually. The pain went away, relief came, the salts dissolved and the disease subsided.

14. To get an alcoholic out of a binge

You need to add 10 drops of ammonia to a glass of water and let him drink a full glass 3 times a day.

15. Trigeminal neuralgia.

16. Under no circumstances let a person with epilepsy snort ammonia!

As a result, seizures, as a rule, recur with renewed vigor. You need to wait for the end of the seizure, which usually lasts 1-2 minutes. After this, the patient regains consciousness and most often falls asleep. His sleep can last from several minutes to several hours.

17. We resolve tumors, especially in women.

Collect the following medicinal plants in approximately equal quantities: St. John's wort (herb), white willow (young twigs, lemon-colored, collected in March before the leaves appear), knotweed (herb), sage (herb), celandine (herb), shepherd's purse (herb ), tansy (herb with inflorescence), greater plantain (leaves), walnut (leaves), chicory (herb), gorse (flowers, herb), calamus (root), elecampane (root). Chop everything and mix on the table. Then place a handful of the mixture in a liter jar, compact it and fill it with cold boiled water. Cover with paper and refrigerate for 4-5 days. If mold forms, no big deal - remove it, pour the contents of the jar into an enamel pan and keep over low heat. Once it has boiled down to half, strain, cool, cover the dish with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

Take it that way. Drip 30 drops of infusion + 3 drops of ammonia + 1-2 tbsp from a jar into a glass. water, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the throat (although sometimes they drink without water, in general, as suits whom). Drink 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. We drank for two weeks - a week off. Then you can cook new line-up and drink for another week. The duration of treatment is 1 month. Thyroid decreases from the fourth degree to the second. If your stomach hurts at the beginning of taking it, stop taking it; the medicine is not suitable for you. The first two days there may be body itching, but mostly it does not happen. For children, reduce the number of drops to the ratio - 10 drops of infusion + 1 drop of ammonia. Adults take no more than 40 drops at a time. There is a measure for everything.

18. Toothache. Mix 3 ml of ammonia with 4 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. Soak a cotton swab with this mixture and apply to the diseased (rotten) tooth.

20. For oily skin care

The following composition can be used: 5 g of wax, the same amount of ammonia and 0.5 tbsp. water. Melt the wax, mix with other ingredients and immediately apply for 5-10 minutes to areas of the skin with increased function sebaceous glands.

21. When I have a cold or runny nose, my mother taught me to keep a bottle of ammonia with me.

Lightly wet a cotton swab in it, close your eyes, and rub between your eyebrows, in a circle, lightly. Then rub your forehead, temples on both sides, and breathe alternately through one or the other nostril. And the runny nose quickly went away. It is better to do the procedure before bedtime. It’s okay if the skin turns slightly red and tingles, this will also pass.

22. A useful recipe for joint pain, bruises and sprains.

Buy two bottles of 5% iodine and 10% ammonia at the pharmacy. In one bowl, mix 40 ml of both, and let it brew for 5 days. During this time, the liquid will become transparent. Rub it on problem areas 3 times a day, but under no circumstances apply compresses - there will be a burn on the skin. There are no traces of the mixture left, and the smell goes away after 2 minutes. In 6 days of using this composition, your legs, back, neck, etc. will stop hurting.

23. Scheme for the immune system.

From one egg you only need the yolk. Carefully separate it from the protein, add 0.5 tsp. salt, a little red and black pepper and a finely chopped bay leaf. Add 1 drop of ammonia to the mixture (make sure that no more comes out). Now beat the mixture until smooth. Dip a knife into the resulting mixture and carefully pour 25 ml of chilled vodka along its blade. The result is a two-layer mixture, which you need to drink immediately, in one gulp, without allowing the layers to mix.

24. Fungus on the feet and calluses can be removed this way.

1 tbsp. Dilute ammonia in 200 ml of water, wet a rag and wrap the foot, with cellophane and a sock on top. Do this before going to bed. After five procedures, both the callus and the fungus will go away.

25. Several years ago, information appeared in the press that Helicobacter pylori changes a special protective shell, under which no antibiotics can reach it. And the volatile poison kills Helicobacter - ammonia, penetrating everywhere and literally burning out microbes. A little later I heard a story about a woman who suffered from bronchial asthma for about twenty years, and was cured in just nine days. And in an unusual way: 6 drops of ammonia were dripped into 100 ml of water at body temperature and drank every 2 hours. That is, up to ten times a day.

This method interested me. After all, it has long been known that if you give a patient a bottle of ammonia to sniff, then the most severe attacks of bronchial asthma go away. And although there is a big difference between inhaling the vapors of a volatile poison and absorbing ammonia, I still decided to try it. Naturally, I didn’t have asthma, but I did have a strong dry cough - a consequence of the flu I had on my legs, which I couldn’t cure with anything.

Of course, there were some doubts. In the articles of Moscow professor I.P. Neumyvakin, you can read that ammonia is a strong neurotoxic poison that is formed in the body due to poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation) and disorders metabolic processes. It affects the nervous system to the extent multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. At the same time, ammonia is part of the famous and quite effective healing balm for asthmatics, prepared according to this recipe. Take 1 tbsp. with a hill of St. John's wort, knotweed, sage, willow bark, calamus and elecampane roots, honey locust leaves, celandine, tansy, shepherd's purse, plantain, flowers (catkins) and walnut leaves. We check on the scales: in total you will need 100 g of the mixture. Fill it with 1 liter of vodka and leave for 5 days. Then boil for 20 minutes in a tightly sealed container, all the time placing a cloth soaked in cold water on the lid and straining. After cooling, add 10 ml of ammonia. Adults take from 10 to 30 drops, children 10-15 drops per 50 ml of water 3 times a day.

Here is another example of treatment with volatile poison. Pour 1 tbsp into a half-liter bottle of vodka. ammonia, mix or shake well. And drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals in courses of 5 days with three-day breaks for urolithiasis.

By the way, this recipe is old and has helped many. But these days it is almost never used. Although the method is simple and accessible to everyone. And the reasons for such treatment are quite logical: ammonia, in addition to Helicobacter, also kills others pathogenic microbes. Including nanobacteria that build stones in our body. According to Finnish microbiologists, these microterrorists were found in the blood of 80% of their patients. And this, in addition to all sorts of urates, phosphates and oxalates, also “stone” vessels with steadily narrowing lumens. With the massive death of nanobacteria, the stones gradually and painlessly melt, like pieces of ice!

After the schizophrenia virus was discovered in the United States in 2001, hardly anyone will doubt that all diseases are caused by infections. Scientists from Baltimore calculated this virus by examining the cerebrospinal fluid of patients and comparing it with the indicators of healthy people. So, among schizophrenics, this ancient virus, which infected our distant ancestors several million years ago and integrated its genetic code into human genes, turned out to be in an active state. There is nothing left to complete victory over schizophrenia - to find out the reasons why for some this cunning retrovirus sleeps peacefully throughout their lives, while for others it becomes active at a very young and flourishing age.

In general, after weighing and thinking everything over, I decided to treat my cough by taking ammonia. Of course, not in such huge quantities. On the first day, I drank it 4 times, 2 hours after meals and before bed, adding 6-7 drops in half a glass of lukewarm water. There were no unpleasant sensations. But already on the second day, immediately after waking up, they appeared copious discharge thick yellow-green sputum. With each lump of it, it seemed to me that my cough was getting easier. I took ammonia for another 2 days, 3 times. And I just didn’t need more. My cough is gone!

26. An original and effective recipe for radiculitis.

In the fall, you need to collect the fruits (cones) of the western thuja, when they already ripen and begin to burst. Dry until brown-brown color, discard the seeds. Two handfuls of such cones are poured with 0.5 liters of ammonia and placed in a dark place for 7 days. Strain and the rub is ready. Try making this tincture and you won’t regret it.

27. And for osteochondrosis, it is useful to rub painful areas with tincture of red fly agaric in ammonia (1:5) and insulate them. Only after this procedure should you wash your hands thoroughly.

28. Recipe for a magic balm.

Pour Corvalol, Pantocrine and 10% ammonia into a clean bottle from any medicine - equal amounts of all components (measurement - width index finger). If possible, add half a tablet of mumiyo. Shake the mixture for at least 10 minutes. Apply the balm to the sore area in drops and rub in.

29. Many women suffer from what they have over upper lip antennae are growing.

In youth, this is an innocent fluff, and it doesn’t seem to be a big deal, but the older you get, the more the mustache coarsens and turns black. This is a discomfort that is very difficult to get rid of. But the mustache can be discolored, after which it becomes soft and barely noticeable.

To do this, in some small container, for example, a soap dish or saucer, dissolve a hydroperite tablet in a tablespoon of water. We put a small amount of soap there. Wrap cotton wool or bandage on a stick, whip up foam, add 1 tsp. 10% ammonia, lather well so that there is a lot of foam, and apply above the upper lip. You need to apply a lot of foam to cover all your hair well. It will bake at first, but that's okay. Hold for about 15-20 minutes and wipe gently to avoid getting it in your mouth or on your lip. Afterwards, rinse with cold water and lubricate with cream or something softening - sour cream, butter. There will be some redness that will go away soon.

30. I’ll write a recipe for goiter, in case it comes in handy for someone!

Once I was traveling on a Kiev train. An unfamiliar middle-aged woman sat opposite. The road is long, it’s somehow uncomfortable to sit in silence, so a conversation began between us about everyday problems. A fellow traveler noticed that I had a scar on my neck and asked about it. I told him that I had a goiter and had surgery.

“I managed without surgery,” said the fellow traveler. “I’ll tell you how I cured him.” Maybe some of your friends will find it useful.

“Of course, tell me,” I answered readily, knowing that effective, proven recipes will definitely be in demand someday.

— You need to take 2 tbsp. Datura seeds and 0.5 liters of ammonia. Pour the seeds into a bottle with alcohol and place in a dark place for 3 weeks. Shake every other day. Moisten a cotton swab with the tincture and lubricate the goiter, then wrap your neck with a warm scarf. I did this myself when I was diagnosed with a goiter. I anointed my neck with tincture of Datura seeds for ten days, after which I went to the hospital. It turned out that the goiter had decreased in size. The doctor was delighted and suggested that the medications he prescribed were working, and I did not try to dissuade him. Arriving home, I resumed treatment, and the goiter completely resolved. The tincture should be used for 10 days, then take a break for 5 days, and lubricate again for 10 days. Repeat the course until it occurs full recovery. And inside you can take a decoction of the netreba herb, which contains a lot of iodine.

31. For local sweating of the hands and feet

Baths with ammonia are good (1 teaspoon of alcohol per 1 liter of water).

32. Joint pain often tormented both me and my mother.

This is what they were treated with. Medical alcohol, ammonia, vaseline oil, camphor oil, turpentine and three-year-old aloe juice were mixed in equal proportions (they did not water for 5 days before cutting). In total, they took 100 ml, stirred and added two ampoules of Novocaine purchased at the pharmacy. Insisted in a cool dark place in a dark bottle for 5 days. I shook the medicine and before each rubbing I poured it into a small bottle, closing it tightly. I heated it in a water bath to the temperature of fresh milk, poured it onto my hand and rubbed all the sore spots for myself and my mother. You need to rub vigorously to warm up the body. After rubbing, avoid cooling; it is better to wrap yourself up and lie in a warm bed. This composition treats radiculitis, rheumatism, and aching joints.

33. I would like to recommend this ointment to everyone suffering from joint pain.

The ointment is effective for diseases resulting from salt deposition (just never use it if you have polyarthritis!). I treated all my mother’s fellow villagers with the ointment, and those who could not raise their arms, then worked in the garden and raised water from the well themselves.

This is the recipe. Pour 100 ml of vinegar essence into two fresh chicken eggs and leave in the dark for 10 days. During this time, the egg shell will dissolve in the essence (“cook”). Free the eggs from the film, grind, add 100 g butter, 2 tbsp. ammonia, 20 ml of 5% iodine and 1 tbsp. turpentine. Stir, combine with vinegar essence, in which the eggs were kept. Rub into sore joints and wrap well at night. Do this until complete healing. Patients may be allergic to some components of the ointment.

34. When I was young I had open injury knees... At night I woke up from severe throbbing pain. The leg swelled, became like a log and purple in color. She remained in a half-bent state, so that it was impossible to bend or straighten. I had a mixture on hand for skin roughness: 1 part glycerin + 1 part ammonia + 1 part water (1:1:1). I began to lubricate my leg with this mixture, starting with my toes. In those places where I rubbed this mixture, relief was immediately felt, pain and tension subsided. When she approached the knee, she lubricated it carefully so as not to touch the open wound.

After the first procedure, I woke up in the morning and there was no pain. The leg moved normally and I did not consider it necessary to go to a traumatologist. But, probably, it was still necessary to examine the bruise, because at the site of the wound on the knee a bone spur. However, since there were no negative sensations, I never went to the hospital, and later that growth disappeared.

I had to use the same mixture again about fifteen years ago, when I was hit by a car. The blow fell below hip joint in the upper third of the thigh, and in that place there is still a depression (pit) on the leg. When they brought me home, I asked to find ammonia and glycerin. I made a composition and applied it to the entire thigh, leaving it on for 5 days. There weren't even any bruises left on my leg.

35. Thanks to this recipe, I forgot about the pain in my legs and worked as a cook for another 31 years.

When I was thirty years old, I lived in Russia. I worked as a cook, and my legs were very tired and my legs really hurt. One day I was leaving work, almost crying and looking for a place to sit down. And towards me - an acquaintance. We talked and I told her about my misfortune. She said that this happened to her too, but an old woman’s recipe helped. Take equal parts of vegetable oil, kerosene, camphor oil, ammonia and purified pharmaceutical turpentine. Pour everything into a dark bottle and leave it in a dark place to infuse for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Rub your feet with this tincture at night, remembering to wrap them warmly afterwards. The course of treatment is 10 days. If it doesn’t help, then treat for another 10 days.

36. For radiculitis and joint pain.

Take a half-liter jar of dandelion flowers, fill it with ammonia and place it in a dark place for 7 days. Now the rubbing is ready!

37. Medicinal composition instead of a surgeon’s knife against heel spurs.

I know that many people suffer from heel spurs. In 1975, they even offered me surgery for this reason, but the traumatologist from the regional clinic advised me to try one lotion first. To prepare the medicinal composition, salicylic acid was required - 1.0 ml, acetic acid 10% - 2.0 ml, ammonia - 1.0 ml, sulfur - 5.0 g, camphor alcohol - 30.0 ml, retified wine alcohol 96 % - 50.0 ml (the obligatory condition is to take 96 percent alcohol, since neither vodka, nor moonshine, nor any other alcohol is suitable). Mix all components thoroughly, moisten cotton wool or a bandage in this mixture, apply it to the spur and secure it with an adhesive plaster. I made myself such lotions at night (although you can walk around with them during the day).

I only needed five treatments and the spur was gone!

38. If your legs hurt, your joints ache, and you can’t sleep because of it...

You need to pour 200 ml of fresh milk into a clean half-liter bottle (store-bought milk will not work) and 1 tbsp. ammonia. Cap the bottle and shake. Leave for a day, shaking occasionally every 5-6 hours. Before going to bed, warm the contents of the bottle to 30-38 degrees. To do this, pour cold water into a saucepan, put the bottle in the water and on the fire! Just remember to open the cap, otherwise the bottle may explode. When the water heats up, the bottle also heats up. Touch the water with your finger - if it is hot, you can remove the bottle from the water. Now your medicine is ready. Without wasting time, pour the medicine into your palm and spread it on the sore spot. Just don't rub it in! After this, you will sleep so much at night that you won’t be woken up in the morning. Please also note that this remedy is for sore joints, but you cannot use it if you have thrombophlebitis! The properties of the medicine will depend on what kind of milk you choose. It happens that you buy milk from private individuals, bring it home, start boiling it, and it curdles. Therefore, we recommend that before preparing the mixture, you need to do a control check. To do this, boil some of the milk, and if it does not curdle, then go ahead. The composition acts like Analgin, instantly relieving pain.

39. Saving ficus.

One woman from the city of Smela, Cherkasy region, somehow had a pain in her leg. And she was so sick that she couldn’t walk. It turned out - heel spur. Well, I didn’t suffer for long - kind people gave me some advice and gave me a simple recipe. Maybe it will be useful to some other readers. Tear the ficus leaf with your hands (note, with your hands, not with a knife!) small pieces, place in a bottle or jar and fill with 250 ml of ammonia. Then seal it and leave it in a dark place for 10 days. Once the medicine is ready, you need to rub it on the spur and tie it with a warm scarf until it goes away.

Just make sure that the compress doesn’t work out!

40. To dissolve kidney stones.

1 tbsp. mix pharmaceutical ammonia in 0.5 liters of vodka, and drink this mixture 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

41. “I have difficulty urinating... She took various pharmaceutical medications, as well as chamomile infusion baths. At night I can go to bed 3-4 times, but in the morning there is nothing to do. Please help me with advice! I will pray for your health for the rest of my life.”

I received such a letter from A.I. Chervonenko from Donetsk region, and it caught my attention because many people have a similar problem.

If the patient does not have a free flow of urine from Bladder, then, to avoid acute poisoning urine, the following treatment must be urgently applied.

First of all, do a body temperature enema. For 0.5-1 liters of water - two glasses of oat grains, 3 tbsp. bee honey and 5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything, leave for 2 hours, strain, add 0.5 tbsp. salt. After the enema, place an ice pack on the bladder area (place it directly on the naked body). Keep for 30 minutes, and after ice rub ointment from 1 tsp into the same place. camphor oil, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 5-10 drops of ammonia. Apply ice and rub in the ointment one at a time until urine comes out in a stream.

42. Radiculitis did not bypass me, but I still found a way out!

And do you know what brought me the greatest benefit in this matter? "Triple cologne"! I've tried a lot of rubs before, but this one worked for me. I am happy to share the recipe. I took a bottle of Triple Cologne, one pharmacy bottle of valerian tincture and one Penicillin bottle filled with 10% ammonia. She mixed everything thoroughly and rubbed this mixture 3-4 times a day, after which she wrapped herself in a warm scarf. And last time I made one important discovery for myself, adding a pharmacy bottle of echinacea tincture to the composition. The treatment results are amazing!

43. The mixture, of course, is smelly, but very, very useful!

I remember my grandfather treating a cold like this. I mixed wine, wood and ammonia alcohols in equal parts, adding a little turpentine. The result was a purple liquid, caustic, as if Nitric acid. My grandfather rubbed his chest and back with this “spiritus.” The result was always one hundred percent.

44. Beekeepers' dermatosis.

Some beekeepers are allergic to propolis, which manifests itself in itching and blackening of the skin of the hands, which becomes dry and cracked. In such cases, it is necessary to avoid contact with propolis.

And to relieve the consequences of an allergic reaction, a fairly effective and simple remedy has been developed. Ammonia solution (ammonia) - 20 ml + glycerin - 80 g. Mix glycerin and ammonia.

Before treating with the resulting mixture, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap.

45. Ointment for joint pain.

Take 400 g of unsalted butter, add a glass of crushed birch buds, mix and place in a sealed container for 10 hours in a low-heat oven or oven. After this, strain, add 1 tbsp. ammonia and apply the resulting ointment to the joints for 3 hours. Do not go outside after this.

46. ​​Polyarthritis.

20 brown peeled fruits horse chestnut grate, pour in 200 ml of turpentine and 200 ml of ammonia, close tightly and place in a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake from time to time. Lubricate sore areas with the prepared tincture.

47. Getting rid of barley.

As soon as noticed small pustule, dip a match in ammonia and, pulling back the eyelash a little, touch the abscess with this match. Soon the barley will disappear. This is how I treated myself and my children.

48. Also, ammonia is successfully used on the farm.

1). In order to wash a dirty stove, you need to put in a lot of effort and money. Any detergent is not cheap. This is where ammonia comes to the rescue. To do this, you need to heat the oven to 65 degrees, place half a cup of ammonia on the top rack, and a frying pan with boiling water on the bottom rack. It is better to do this at night, or at any time convenient for you for 6-8 hours. Then ventilate the oven and wash with soapy water and a few drops of ammonia.

Until the ammonia vapors disappear, you cannot light the oven!

2). A few drops of ammonia in 0.5 liters of water will restore the lost shine to glass products, window panes and crystal. Wash first with soapy water, and rinse with ammonia. Wipe the washed items dry.

3). Half a glass of ammonia diluted in 1 liter of water will help get rid of red ants. To do this, you need to treat the surfaces of kitchen furniture and the “path” of ants with the prepared solution.

4). Placed containers of ammonia will help get rid of the smell of paint and cigarette smoke.

5). If you decide to clean gold jewelry and silver, you need to place them in a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:4, and then polish them with a soft cloth.

6). White shoes can be cleaned well with an ammonia solution (1:1 with water).

7). To remove stains from chocolate, coffee, tea or cocoa, you need to dilute ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:25, wet the stain, and then rinse in water.

8). It is good to remove stains from silk fabrics with a mixture of 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. water and a few drops of ammonia. Just before removing stains, you need to check whether the fabric is fading.

9). The gloss on the collars and cuffs of jackets, jackets, coats is cleaned with a sponge soaked in ammonia (1 tbsp per 1 liter of input).

10). To renew a worn suit, use a brush dipped in a solution (2 tablespoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water) to moisten it along the pile.

Dry for about 10 minutes and iron through the fabric. They hang it on a hanger again and clean it with a brush, but this time against the pile.

eleven). To clean suede, use a solution of ammonia with water 1:3, wipe the shiny areas, rinse with water and refresh with a solution of vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

12). Leather coats, bags and suitcases can be cleaned with a mixture of water, soap and ammonia, and the shine can be restored with a cloth soaked in castor oil.

13). Hair brushes and combs are dipped in a solution of ammonia 1:4 and left for several minutes (do not immerse metal and wooden surfaces in the solution). Then rinse with water and wipe dry.

49. Just don’t forget about precautions when working with ammonia.

Local application ammonia is contraindicated for eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Ingestion of undiluted alcohol will cause a burn to the esophagus and stomach.

Remember not to mix ammonia with products that contain bleach.

You need to work with ammonia with sufficient fresh air, avoid contact with eyes and store ammonia out of the reach of children.

Ammonia- this is a 10% ammonia solution (Solutio Ammonii caustici) - a transparent, colorless, volatile liquid with a sharp, characteristic odor of a strongly alkaline reaction. Mixes with water and alcohol in all proportions. Contains 9.5-10.5% ammonia.

When inhaled, ammonia has a reflexive stimulating effect on the respiratory center, acting through the receptors of the upper respiratory tract (the endings of the trigeminal nerve). In high concentrations, ammonia can cause a reflex cessation of breathing. It is used as an ambulance to induce breathing and bring patients out of fainting. To do this, carefully bring a small piece of cotton wool or gauze moistened with ammonia for 0.5-1 second to the nose. Sometimes this drug is taken orally as an emetic, 5-10 drops per 100 ml of water.

Attention! Ammonia is used internally only in diluted form, otherwise it will cause burns to the esophagus and stomach.

For insect bites, it is used externally in the form of lotions.

Ammonia has antimicrobial effect and cleanses the skin well; in surgical practice it is used for washing hands (25 ml per 5 liters of warm boiled water).

Attention! Local use of ammonia solution is contraindicated for dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.

For bronchitis, ammonia-anise drops (Liquor ammonii anisatus). The composition includes anise oil (2.81 g), ammonia solution (15 ml), 90% alcohol (up to 100 ml). For adults, a daily dose of up to 15 drops is recommended, i.e. 5 drops 2-3 times a day. Children under one year of age - no more than 1 drop 2 times a day.

Ammonia is part of the breast elixir (Elixir pectoralis). This pharmaceutical drug contains thick licorice extract (20.7 g), anise essential oil (0.34 g), concentrated aqueous ammonia (1.38 g), 90% ethyl alcohol (20.41 ml), water (up to 100 ml) . This elixir is taken as an expectorant, 20-40 drops several times a day; Children are prescribed as many drops per dose as the child is old.

For neuralgia and myositis, ammonia liniment (Linimentum ammoniaturn) is used for rubbing, which includes ammonia solution, sunflower oil and oleic acid. This is a ready-made pharmaceutical drug.

When sneezing

Ammonia has a reputation in some families as simply an indispensable tool if you experience frequent and prolonged sneezing. Each person’s body’s reaction to the appearance of signs of a cold is individual: someone may limit themselves to 2-3 sneezes, while others may be continuously overcome by frequent “apchhi” to the point of exhaustion for 5-10 minutes. And only “sniffs” of ammonia can correct the situation, interrupting a continuous series of sneezes.

They do it this way. Ammonia is poured into a small bottle (capacity up to 200 ml) almost to the very top. The remaining space is filled sunflower oil. It is lighter than alcohol and will tend to settle at the top of the container. The purpose of vegetable oil is to prevent the rapid evaporation of alcohol. When runny nose and sneezing shake the bottle intensively, and then alternately bring an open container to one or the other nostril and try to inhale the rising vapors through the “working” nostril (the other nostril is pinched with your finger at this time). The depth and intensity of the “snuff” must be increased gradually, since an overdose of the inhaled substance may cause a sensation that is familiar to many from the popular concept of “brain blown.” The sneezing should stop soon. To free the nasal passages from mucus, inhalation of ammonia vapor is repeated several times a day until the symptoms disappear.