A good remedy for blackheads. Causes of clogged pores. A cheap remedy for blackheads on the nose

Everyone has encountered comedones, or as they are popularly called “blackheads.” They are harmless, practically do not become inflamed, but they spoil the appearance and the skin looks unkempt. It's actually a dirty, greasy plug. To solve the problem, use the best remedy for blackheads according to our recommendations or visit a beauty salon.

Causes of clogged pores

Blackheads on the face are dense nodules inside the pores. Particles of subcutaneous sebum mixed with dead cells and dust particles, and under the influence of oxygen the formations darkened. Comedones are usually concentrated in places where the epidermis is fattier - the chin, forehead, wings of the nose, on the rim of the lips, inside the ear.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong, only the appearance deteriorates, but this is not entirely true. Comedones interfere with normal skin respiration and absorption of nutritional components from cosmetic products. In addition, in extremely rare cases, blackheads can become inflamed.

And it provokes the formation of comedones:

  • Insufficient cleansing of the skin, lack of proper care;
  • Wax or fat based cosmetics;
  • Cosmetics that do not match the type of epidermis or are incorrectly selected;
  • Increased irritability of the epidermis, frequent diaper rash, profuse sweating in the heat;
  • Hormonal disruptions that provoke active work of the sebaceous glands, as a result, excess subcutaneous fat;
  • Favorable climate for the formation of comedones (high air humidity, dust, air pollution);
  • Constant nervous tension, stressful situations;
  • Poor nutrition (meaning poor in vitamins, nutritional components, minerals);
  • A peculiar reaction to the drug being taken.

To get rid of blackheads, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons; just consulting a cosmetologist and following his recommendations is enough. The main emphasis in solving the problem is on deep cleansing.

How to get rid of comedones

The essence of the treatment of comedones involves 3 stages:

  1. Loosening the structure of education itself;
  2. Removing residues from dirt, sebaceous plugs;
  3. Prevention to prevent the problem from occurring in the future.

In order for the sebaceous plug to leave the pore, you need to dissolve it as much as possible and grind it into small particles. The beauty salon will offer you many options for hardware cosmetology and chemical peeling. To solve these problems, cosmetologists recommend vacuum cleaning or ultrasound facial procedure. They are safe and do not cause discomfort or complications. In addition to cleansing and removing sebaceous nodules, these techniques stimulate fiber renewal processes, the production of collagen, elastin, improvement of metabolic processes and microcirculation. After the procedure, the skin will be pleased with clean pores and incredible softness.

Chemical peeling is an effective procedure in the fight against clogged pores. The tissues are exposed to various acids. They destroy dead cells, dissolve sebaceous plugs and remove them from the pores. Not everyone can perform such cleaning (chemical peeling has a number of contraindications), and after it it will take some time for tissue restoration. After peeling with acids, the old skin will peel off - this looks unaesthetic, but the result after rehabilitation is expected to be excellent.

If it is not possible to visit a beauty salon or take advantage of professional help, many companies have developed cosmetic products for removing comedones and compositions for home peelings. There are folk recipes for scrubs, they will also be useful. Let us dwell in detail on pharmaceutical and cosmetic products to combat comedones.

How can a pharmacy help?

An effective remedy for blackheads can be found at the pharmacy kiosk for a reasonable amount. The main advantage of such drugs is that, in addition to removing defects, you can stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce the production of subcutaneous fat - this will significantly reduce the likelihood of further occurrence of the problem.

Which ointment for blackheads should you choose? We offer some options for a budget-friendly and at the same time effective solution to the problem:

  • Differin is a popular ointment for clogged pores and acne. It will cost approximately 750 rubles. The active ingredient is a synthetic version of retinoic acid. The drug perfectly softens problematic nodules, relieves inflammation and helps restore the skin. It is recommended to apply Differin for blackheads once a day. Please note that this is an active drug and is used to treat acne. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor about the dosage so as not to get peeling and itching instead of comedones.
  • Retinoic ointment - the effectiveness of the drug has been proven by positive reviews from patients. One of the forms of retinol (vitamin A) is used as an active ingredient. The drug reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation and improves the immune system of cells. The course of treatment is up to 3 months and involves twice daily application.

Retinoic ointment comes in different dosages of the active ingredient so that you can choose the appropriate option based on your skin type. For increased oiliness of the epidermis, it is recommended to use an ointment with a dosage of 0.1%; for dry or sensitive skin - 0.05%. For one tube of the drug you will pay 250 rubles. Be careful, excess vitamin A causes itching and redness, and pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid such treatment.

  • Zinc ointment is a universal remedy against skin problems. Used to treat dermatitis and sunburn at any age. It will also be useful in the fight against blackheads. Zinc ointment acts simultaneously in two directions: zinc kills bacteria and dries out the epidermis, and petroleum jelly softens tissues and the effect of zinc on cells. As a result of regular use, the skin becomes clean and the pores become smaller. In terms of costs, purchasing a medicine will cost 50 rubles.
  • Ichthyol ointment - refers to budgetary remedies against acne, acne and comedones. The drug increases blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect and is suitable for all skin types. It is applied with glycerin, about the properties of which read. To do this, mix 1 part glycerin with 4 parts ichthyol ointment. Distribute the prepared mixture onto problem areas. Cover with plastic wrap to prevent it from sleeping, secure with a bandage. Do the procedure before bed so that the product takes effect overnight. After just 2 procedures, the skin will be clean, without blemishes and black inclusions.

Ichthyol ointment is inexpensive (100–120 rubles), but can be used to treat acne, acne, and boils. The product has contraindications. The ointment should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 12 years of age, with cancer or an individual allergic reaction to its constituent components.

Pharmacy ointments are a good method for solving skin defects. They act purposefully and are applied only to problem areas.

Before using any medication, carefully read the instructions for use, contraindications and dosage. Be sure to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist to avoid the opposite effect of treatment.

Cosmetic products against comedones

Cosmetic companies did not waste time and created their own versions of products to combat pore pollution. The effect of cosmetic products is partially reduced, but the treatment takes place without a high risk of side effects, with a minimum of contraindications.

  • Cream "Baziron" (made in France) is considered the best cosmetic product for gentle and effective removal of sebaceous plugs. French cream for blackheads does not leave a trace on the face. It fights bacteria and normalizes fat secretion. After a course of using the drug, the skin begins to breathe actively, and a healthy, even tone appears. You can purchase Basiron in a specialty store or order it online.
  • Cream “Propeller” (made in Russia) – degreases the surface of the face, helps get rid of clogged pores gently and effectively. The product contains natural plant extracts, a mixture of essential oils and acids. Apply the anti-blackhead gel to the skin before washing, massage for a few minutes, and rinse with water. Repeat the procedure morning and evening. A propeller for blackheads will cost 100 rubles.

  • Cream for blackheads on the face “Klenzit” (made in India) is a real medicine for the skin based on a retinoid. Used against open and closed forms of comedones, for gentle cleansing of the integument, to cure acne. Use face cream strictly for 3 months, even if the problem is cured ahead of schedule. Before applying the product, clean your face with milk and dry. Then precisely distribute the product onto the problem nodules and massage for 1–2 minutes.

Use the medicine every other day for the first 2 weeks, and then daily.

Ointment for blackheads based on retinol (vitamin A) and its derivatives is not recommended for use on hot, sunny days. Retinoids increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and therefore provoke the appearance of age spots when exposed to the sun.

It’s not enough to get rid of comedones; try to prevent their reappearance:

  • Clean your skin with special products, not clean water;
  • Periodically perform cleansing masks with activated carbon;
  • Get into the habit of using home scrubs and peeling procedures;
  • Eat better, worry less;
  • Get rid of low quality cosmetics;
  • Take breaks between makeup to allow your skin to breathe more.

Cleansing is an important step in daily care. There is no point in applying nourishing creams and expecting good results if the pores are clogged. Free them from sebaceous nodules to open the way for vitamins, minerals and oxygen to the cells.


Acne on the face can cause unpleasant moments, regardless of the age and gender of the person. Often the problem arises in adolescence, but sometimes you have to fight comedones throughout your life. Then you need to find a remedy for blackheads at home that will give the desired effect. Let's talk about effective home methods for getting rid of blackheads.

Why do blackheads appear?

Before looking for the best remedy for blackheads on the nose, try to find out the cause of their appearance. Comedones are formed as a result of clogging of skin pores, which can occur for the following reasons:

  • illiterate and insufficient cleansing of the face during the day;
  • unhealthy food (spicy, fatty, salty);
  • eating a lot of sweets;
  • problems with the stomach (irregular bowel movements);
  • diseases associated with liver function;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol, smoking;
  • frequent nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • environmental influence (polluted air);
  • use of cosmetics that do not match the type of skin;
  • applying cosmetics of dubious quality to the face;
  • heredity;
  • disruptions in the hormonal and endocrine systems.

When the cause of acne is determined, you can begin to search for a suitable remedy for blackheads on the face. To get rid of comedones, it is not necessary to resort to expensive salon procedures. You can cope with the problem yourself using various folk recipes for eliminating acne. You can do it even simpler and purchase ready-made pharmaceutical products for blackheads and use them to perform the procedure at home.

Pharmacy products

There is not always time to prepare masks or scrubs at home to get rid of comedones. The problem is solvable. You can purchase ready-made pharmaceutical products for blackheads on the face, which include the following products:

  • stripes are considered the most convenient ready-made remedy for getting rid of acne. On one side the strip is smooth, on the other it is sticky. Various components are applied to the adhesive side to capture the contents of blackheads;
  • ichthyol ointment helps in cleansing the facial skin from various inflammations, including acne. While at home, try adding glycerin to the ointment and applying to problem areas twice a day;
  • clay. Various types of clay are sold (white, green, black). The essence of the effect of clay on acne is to soften the contents of clogged pores. The product simultaneously narrows enlarged pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • zinc ointment slightly dries the skin in problem areas. But, it is better to use this drug for preventive purposes;
  • Differin cream It is considered the most common and popular pharmaceutical remedy for blackheads on the nose. The product eliminates comedones and restores damaged skin structure. The cream is used only once a day. It is not recommended to use Differin if the skin is too thin and delicate;
  • retinoic ointment consists of natural ingredients. The drug regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which the skin pores are significantly narrowed. What concentration of ointment to choose depends on the type of skin.

Effective anti-blackhead remedies sold through pharmacy chains can be used at home without hesitation. All drugs undergo the necessary quality control and are safe to use.

Home methods for getting rid of comedones

You can eliminate acne on the face using various techniques, such as masks, scrubs, compresses, peelings. You can buy ready-made products that eliminate acne, or you can make your own home remedy for blackheads on the face. Let's look at a few of the most common techniques.

Steaming and compresses against comedones

A good remedy for blackheads at home is steaming. Moreover, steaming is used both as a separate procedure and as a mandatory step in preparing the skin for other measures to get rid of acne.

You can steam your face over a container of hot water, covering your head with a towel. But, the best result from the procedure can be obtained if you steam the skin over herbal decoctions. To prepare herbal infusions, pharmaceutical plants such as chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, oak bark, and calendula are used. A teaspoon of dry plant is brewed in a glass of water.

Allow 15 minutes for the steaming procedure. After this time, droplets of moisture will appear on the skin, which can be removed with a paper towel. After steaming, the pores open as much as possible, and you can begin applying various homemade compositions, or scrub problem areas. On a steamed face, subject to hygiene rules, you can squeeze out blackheads.

Compresses for acne can also be made using herbal infusions. To do this, a small piece of gauze is soaked in a herbal infusion and applied to problem areas of the skin.

After steaming and applying compresses, the skin becomes dry, so do not forget to apply a nourishing cream after the procedure.

Homemade scrubs

An effective home remedy for blackheads on the nose and other areas of the face is homemade scrubs. Scrubs are recommended to be used no more than once a week. If the skin is particularly sensitive, then the scrub is applied with light, gentle movements, and the intervals between procedures are two weeks.

Try making a homemade scrub using rolled oats. Oatmeal is ground into powder, then mixed with a pinch of soda. To obtain the mixture, the components are diluted with water. The scrub should be used after washing. Massage movements continue until the face becomes slippery. The remaining mixture is washed off with warm water.

Another great scrub can be made from coffee grounds mixed with sea salt. To avoid skin injury while applying the scrub, add banana pulp or a little low-fat sour cream to the mixture.


A homemade mask is considered one of the most effective home remedies for blackheads. Any mask consists only of natural products, so it will not cause harm and will not cause an allergic reaction.

To prepare homemade compositions, the most common products are used, which are most likely found in any kitchen. In addition to the fact that the home remedy for blackheads on the nose will give the desired result, you will save a lot of money.

With egg

The use of chicken eggs as a component for preparing masks is explained by the product’s ability to efficiently clean clogged pores and at the same time block the development of inflammatory processes.

Prepare the egg mixture as follows:

  1. take the egg white, then beat until foamy;
  2. apply a thin layer to problem areas with a brush;
  3. After the first layer has dried, the next part of the composition is applied on top.

Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask is considered an effective remedy for blackheads, and if used twice a week, it will prevent the appearance of new acne.

We use honey

Honey can have an amazing effect on the skin of the face. The product simultaneously nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin. The natural product can also be used as an effective remedy for blackheads on the face when preparing homemade masks. The procedure for applying the honey composition is as follows:

  1. It’s better to take honey, which sticks well to your fingers;
  2. lightly dip your fingertips in honey and, using gentle, patting movements, begin to apply the product to problem areas affected by blackheads. Time for applying honey 3 minutes;
  3. the contents of the clogged pores will stick to the sticky product and can be easily removed with the remaining honey.

After the procedure, wash with cool water.

Oatmeal mask

You can prepare a simple remedy for blackheads on the nose and other problem areas using oatmeal as a base. Use the following recipe:

  1. take oatmeal (1 tbsp), boric acid (3 drops), soda (on the tip of a knife);
  2. mix the ingredients and add just a little kefir to the resulting mass. The mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency;
  3. Apply the prepared mixture to problem areas of the skin and leave for 15 minutes.

The composition is washed off, like many others, with warm water.

Clay mask

Clay masks are used both in salon conditions and when independently preparing compositions that get rid of acne. Ready-made clay powder can be purchased at pharmacy chains, and then do the following procedure:

  1. pour the contents out of the bag and simply dilute with water as indicated in the instructions;
  2. Before the procedure, it is recommended to steam your face to expand the pores.

The clay-based mask is kept for 15 minutes, and during this time the mixture has time to dry. Remains of the diluted slurry are removed with warm water. After using clay, be sure to apply a nourishing cream to your face, because clay dries out the skin.

Salt and soda

One of the most effective remedies for blackheads is a mask made from salt and soda. This mixture can simultaneously serve as a scrub.

With the help of natural ingredients, it is possible to get rid of the layer of dead cells, and at the same time cleanse the skin pores. The preparation of the composition is very simple. Baking soda and salt are taken in equal proportions (usually a teaspoon). Then the cotton pad is lightly moistened with soapy water and dipped into the mixture.

The mixture applied to the disc should be applied with gentle movements over problem areas. After the procedure, wash your face and apply a moisturizer (lotion or cream).

Traditional recipes against comedones

There are many folk remedies against blackheads, which are prepared from natural ingredients. Almost any recipe can give long-lasting results, which appear after just four procedures.

Compositions based on egg whites and kefir

Try preparing an effective remedy for blackheads on the nose and other problem areas using kefir:

  1. low-fat kefir should be slightly heated in a water bath and left to cool;
  2. add 1 tsp to warm kefir. salt, then stir;
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the face (15 minutes), then wash.

In this simple way, you can dissolve the contents of clogged pores, which means getting rid of blackheads.

The following recipe is made with chicken protein. The protein is whipped into a foam with sugar, and in this form is applied to the areas affected by acne. You can add various crushed berries to the mixture, which will help tighten the pores.

If you add lemon or aloe juice to the mixture during the procedure, you can simultaneously whiten the skin of your face.


Among the most effective folk remedies for blackheads, parsley comes first. Buy parsley root and grind it in a meat grinder. Then take a piece of gauze and squeeze the juice out of the twisted parsley through it.
The resulting natural juice should be used twice a day. The course duration ranges from three weeks to a month, and depends on the type of skin.

Tinctures based on cucumber and medicinal herbs

To prepare a herbal-based folk remedy for blackheads on the nose, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of sage or dandelion roots;
  2. then boil the resulting infusion in a water bath for half an hour;
  3. strain the broth and cool.

The prepared herbal infusion should be used to treat areas affected by acne before each application of the cream.

To complete the following recipe you will need alcohol or vodka diluted to 40%, cucumber and horseradish (root). Horseradish root and cucumber are grated and poured with vodka. The resulting composition should be infused in a glass container in the refrigerator (10 days). Before applying the composition to the face, it must be filtered.

Tomatoes against acne

Tomatoes are a popular natural remedy for blackheads on the face. Using these vegetables, you can prepare the following compositions that get rid of acne:

  1. It is advisable to use homemade vegetables or those purchased at the market. Take ripe tomatoes, remove the skin and mash with a fork;
  2. add a drop of olive oil to the mashed mass;
  3. starch is added to make the composition thicker;
  4. The resulting vegetable mass is applied to problem areas of the face in a thick layer and left for 15 minutes.

The remaining mixture is washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, the face is treated with a tonic and nourishing cream.

Another tomato recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice from fresh tomatoes and add chopped oatmeal to it;
  2. egg yolk is added to the resulting mixture, then the components are beaten until the composition is homogeneous;
  3. The mixture is applied to the areas affected by blackheads after each wash, and left for half an hour.

The composition is washed off with cool water, after which a nourishing cream should be applied to the skin.

Important: tomatoes can cause allergic reactions, so before consuming the mixture, be sure to do an allergy test.

Potato mask

A mask containing potatoes as the main ingredient will help get rid of acne. Grate a raw potato, then add two teaspoons of honey. Mix the mixture until smooth and apply to areas of skin affected by acne. Apply a bandage from a piece of gauze on top of the mask. The mask takes effect within an hour.

This composition does an excellent job of treating blackheads, pimples and various inflammatory lesions on the face.

Honey with onions

Another effective recipe for folk remedies for blackheads on the face is as follows:

  1. honey is taken and mixed with juice squeezed from onions;
  2. The composition should be kept on problem areas of the face for 25 minutes.

This daily procedure is usually performed in the evenings or before bed. A honey and onion mask has an effect similar to ready-made strips sold in pharmacies.

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of acne

It is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with it later using all known methods. This rule is also true for acne on the face. After all, rather than thinking about how to get rid of blackheads on the nose using remedies offered in pharmacies or prepared at home, it is better to use recommendations that can prevent the occurrence of inflammation:

  • Do not wash your face with regular toilet soap. Use special cosmetics for washing that are suitable for your skin type;
  • You need to cleanse the skin twice a day, using special foams and gels. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the face, depending on the type of epidermis;
  • keep the bed linen clean, especially pillowcases;
  • do not touch your face during the day unless necessary;
  • Use facial scrubs once a week.

The listed recommendations are completely simple, and when you follow them, you will forget about such a problem as acne on your face. Only competent care of the skin of the face can save you from the appearance of a new portion of comedones.

Cream for blackheads not only cleanses pores of dirt, but normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents infection and inflammation. Blackheads or comedones are sebaceous plugs that, together with dust, block oxygen to the cells. Metabolism is disrupted, inflammation appears, which can later turn into acne.

The cream contains components that, when combined, cleanse pores, relieve inflammation, prevent infection, and make the skin smooth.

These are the components:

How to get rid of blackheads on the face and nose

The problem of blackheads appears in adolescence. Due to hormonal imbalance, the sebaceous glands begin to malfunction. For some, this manifests itself as enlarged, contaminated pores, for others – inflamed pimples and blackheads. To get rid of blackheads, you need to cleanse your pores. For this, special cosmetics are used,
folk remedies.

Blackheads are nothing more than dirt mixed with sebum and trapped in the pores. Usually, comedones simply spoil the appearance and do not cause much discomfort. To get rid of them, you can peel, bleach, apply an active cream. When the sebaceous glands do not work properly, blackheads become inflamed, and pimples and acne appear in their place. This situation requires the use of medicinal cosmetics, since cleansing the skin alone is not enough. In general, to prevent the appearance of comedones on the face and nose, it is necessary to cleanse the skin in the morning and evening. One more thing to remember is that incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics can also clog pores and cause the appearance of blackheads.

How to choose a cream

The most important rule is to select cosmetics according to age and skin type. This is especially true for teenagers who do not quite understand the essence of the problem and do not know the basics of skin care.

If the product causes redness of the skin, peeling, or other unpleasant effects, it is better to discard it. We are talking about individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

Rules of application

Blackhead cream can be used daily. It does not contain aggressive components that, if used frequently, cause side effects or addiction. The basic rule of application is to apply the cosmetic product only to
pre-cleansed skin. You can wash your face with warm water, use milk and lotion for wiping. For better effectiveness, it is recommended to steam your face. The facial skin is cleansed of cosmetics and dirt. Tilt your head over the steam and cover with a towel. The procedure lasts about 7 minutes. For a similar effect, you can wash your face several times with warm water or carry out the procedure after a bath or shower.

Cream for blackheads Differin

Product made in France. Refers to medicinal cosmetics, sold in pharmacies. The cream is intended for the treatment of acne. That is, it fights blackheads with serious skin problems.

Action of the drug:

Diffecrin is available in the form of a gel (suitable for dry skin with enlarged pores and comedones, without acne), cream (for oily, combination skin with inflammation, pimples, acne).

Rules of application:

  1. The product is applied in a thin layer, without rubbing, to problem areas.
  2. It is recommended to do the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
  3. You must use it for at least a month, if necessary, extend it to 3 months.
  4. The cream makes the skin unprotected from ultraviolet rays. You should not be in the sun during treatment; it is recommended to use sunscreen. It is best to postpone Differin treatment to the cold season.

Itching and flaking in the first 3 days of using the cream is a normal skin reaction to active regeneration. The disadvantage of the drug is the depletion of the skin layer. Do not use for longer than the specified time. The cost of production is about 700 rubles.


A Chinese-made cream mask that has recently become very popular. The main components are therapeutic mud. The effect is equivalent to a salon cleaning. In this case, you can do the procedure at home in a calm environment.

Action of the cream mask:

The cream has a sticky structure. The mask adheres to the skin of the face, the active components penetrate the pores and epidermal cells.

Rules of application:

  1. Pre-steam your face;
  2. clean with scrub;
  3. apply a thick layer of cream film to problem areas;
  4. wait 15 minutes;
  5. remove in one motion.


Domestic products. The cream has a light consistency and is quickly absorbed. Smells nice. The product is intended for all skin types.

Action of the cream:

The active component is anti-sebum acids. Herbal extracts and oils soothe the skin, restore water balance.

Rules of application:

  1. used twice a day while washing;
  2. moisturize facial skin;
  3. apply the product to problem areas;
  4. massage;
  5. rinse with comfortable water.

The cosmetic product is especially suitable for young teenage skin. Natural ingredients carefully cleanse dirt and care for the skin. The cost of production is about 100 rubles.


Natural oxygen-containing cosmetics of domestic production. Blackhead remover provides comprehensive skin care. The product is suitable for daily use.

Action of the cream:

The composition of the cream is very rich and varied. Only natural ingredients are used, which is good news:

  • Japanese rose extract to eliminate blackheads;
  • An oxygen complex that improves metabolism and saturates endometrial cells;
  • Regu-Seb is an antiseborrheic component that relieves irritation and removes peeling;
  • Vitamins A, E for active regeneration and restoration of the skin;
  • Panthenol – eliminates inflammation, soothes the skin;
  • Pentavitin – moisturizes.

Rules of application:

It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day to cleansed skin. After 2 weeks of use, the activity of the sebaceous glands will increase, the skin will become oilier, and shine will appear. This is considered normal. Because in this way the cream draws out excess fat. After continuing to use the cream, the skin condition will normalize and there will be no blackheads. The course is 3 months. Then they take a break. The cost of Faberlic cream is within 350 rubles.


Medicine made in India. Designed to combat pimples, acne, and moderately severe blackheads.

Action of the drug:

Rules of application:

  1. The cream is applied to clean skin once a day, preferably before bedtime;
  2. The product is distributed onto problem areas, pointwise, without rubbing;
  3. Do not use if the skin is damaged - abrasions, scratches;
  4. At first, use every other day;
  5. The course of treatment is 3 months;
  6. Clensite should be used during the cold season as it makes the skin sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

At the beginning of acne treatment, the rashes worsen. But after a week of use, the skin will begin to improve. The cost of the cream is about 600 rubles.

Cream mask with fruit acids Bark

Domestic products are designed for gentle skin care of any type.

Action of the cream mask:

The extensive effect of the product is due to its rich composition. The bark mask includes tartaric acid, citric acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, grape seed oil, panthenol, allantoin.

Rules of application:

  1. The mask is applied to dry, clean skin, without prior preparation;
  2. the first time it is left for 7 minutes, then the time is extended;
  3. wash off with a warm rein;
  4. After the procedure, you can apply nourishing cream Bark;
  5. For dry skin, peeling from blackheads is done once a week, for oily skin – 2 times;
  6. the course of treatment consists of 15 procedures.

The cost of products is within 650 rubles.


The product is produced in the USA. In a short time it has become a real lifesaver for young people in the fight against blackheads. The mask contains charcoal, which can dissolve sebaceous plugs and remove fat.

Action of the product:

The composition of the cream-mask is designed so that the product is distributed over all areas of problem skin and adheres thoroughly. At this time, the mask absorbs pore contamination and releases micronutrients to the skin. As a result, the effect of the cosmetic product is as follows:

The product contains bamboo charcoal, wheat sprouts, vitamin B5, glycerin, grapefruit oil, olive squalane.

Rules of application:

  1. Apply a thick layer of cream to problem areas of the skin;
  2. Leave until completely dry for 30 minutes;
  3. They tear off in one motion;
  4. Rinse your face with cool water to tighten the pores.

The cost of a fashion product is about 1000 rubles.

  • Rating of salon procedures
  • Preventive measures

Causes of blackheads on the nose

Black dots on the nose are an unpleasant phenomenon, but familiar to many girls. They appear due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands - most often in adolescence, when the hormonal levels in the body change. However, sometimes the reasons may be different.

Genetic predisposition

It is believed that skin type and sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to male hormones are inherited. If one of your parents suffered from acne and blackheads in adolescence, then you are not immune from them.


Dermatologists are divided into two camps: some believe that food does not affect the condition of the skin and the activity of the sebaceous glands, others believe the opposite.

Be that as it may, most people notice rashes on their faces if they overused fatty, floury and sweet foods the day before.

Prevention of blackheads on the nose - thorough cleansing of the skin © iStock

Diseases of internal organs

The activity of the sebaceous glands is regulated by hormones, which is why blackheads and pimples often serve as a signal of problems with the endocrine system.


It negatively affects all systems of the body, and with increased oily skin it provokes inflammatory processes, increased sebum secretion and clogged pores.

Illiterate skin care

Incorrectly selected cosmetics can aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should exclude from care:

    fatty creams with a dense texture;

    cosmetics based on mineral oils.

The best remedies for blackheads

Quite a lot of products have been developed to get rid of blackheads on the nose. The main rule when choosing is to focus on your skin type.

    Stripes from blackheads

    They are applied to previously cleansed skin and left for 10–15 minutes. During this time, the adhesive surface has time to “pull” dirt out of the pores. Strips can be used 2-3 times a week.

    Cleansing masks

    Formulas based on different types of clay help to deeply cleanse pores and normalize sebum secretion. It is recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a week.

    Tonics and lotions

    These products with acids (benzoic, salicylic, glycolic) are suitable for daily care and help exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis.

    A rather rough and traumatic type of cleansing, but very effective with regular use (1-2 times a week). This exfoliation is not suitable for people with sensitive and irritation-prone skin.

Here are a few examples of suitable means.

Cleansing gels

Lotions and scrubs


Rating of salon procedures

The fight against blackheads on the nose is not limited to home care. It is recommended to visit a cosmetologist once a month.

Salon treatments for blackheads – cryomassage and dehincrustation © iStock

    Mechanical cleaning

    Using special professional products, the skin is first prepared so that cleaning is as traumatic as possible, and then the cosmetologist manually cleanses the pores using squeezing movements.

    Acid peeling

    Helps fight hyperkeratosis, effectively cleanses pores of impurities, and also prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the mouths of the sebaceous glands, which leads to inflammatory rashes.

    Ultrasonic cleaning

    The principle of this type of cleansing is based on the ability of high-frequency sound vibrations to activate blood and lymph flow, as well as cellular metabolism and cleanse the surface layer of the skin. During the process of ultrasonic cleaning, sebaceous plugs and dead cells are removed from the skin.


    This procedure is considered effective and safe. During the session, the skin cells are exposed to a direct electric current, which acts as a conductor, helping a special solution penetrate the skin, which cleanses the pores.


    Massage with liquid nitrogen dries out pimples and perfectly fights stagnant spots left behind.

Preventive measures

It is quite possible to avoid the appearance of blackheads. This is what is needed for this.

    Regularly cleanse skin.

    Do not use cosmetics with mineral oils.

    Reconsider diet. Make sure that it is based on fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, seafood, and red meat.

    Observe drinking regime and drink about two liters of clean still water daily.

    Give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol significantly worsen the condition of the skin and complexion.

The main reasons for the formation of acne on the face:

  • habit of touching your face with your hands;
  • stress;
  • hormonal disorders, hereditary factor;
  • treatment with corticosteroids.

Acne affects a person's psychological state. In order to avoid low self-esteem and unreasonable complexes in the future, it is recommended not to delay the treatment of acne.

Effect of acne medications

Knowing the cause of acne formation, it is easier to choose the right effective remedy. There are hundreds of drugs that have proven themselves, most of them have 80% similar composition.

Therapeutic effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agents: inflamed pimples contain pus, and this is unfavorable microflora, especially streptococci. Without destroying pathological microorganisms, it is impossible to completely cure acne; drugs are prepared on the basis of an antibiotic.
  • Regenerative products: for rapid healing of acne wounds, containing ingredients that accelerate tissue restoration - retinol, B vitamins, Vitamin C, E.
  • Cleansers and moisturizers: dissolve dirt and oil accumulated on the surface of the skin during the day. The composition contains soft surfactants (surfactants), for example, Coco-Betaine, Caprylyl / Capryl Glucoside and others. On the tube they look for: glycolic acid - Glycolic Acid, lactic acid - Lactic Acid, salicylic acid - Salicylic Acid.
Olga Rosen

Anti-acne medications should not clog the pores on the skin; this aggravates inflammation, blocks the access of oxygen, which creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of the most dangerous infections. Avoid cleansers that contain anionic surfactants: Sodium Myreth Sulfate (SMS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). And a dangerous product that clogs the mouth of the sebaceous ducts, but creates a false effect of moisture: Mineral Oil.

External acne treatments are divided into ointments, gels, creams, and moisturizing solutions. Dermatologists recommend using medications of different forms for the treatment of acne, small spots and blackheads, combining them wisely.

Top 10 best acne remedies

Manufacturers of medicinal products take into account the characteristics of skin at different ages, the causes of acne formation, and the sensitivity of the epidermis. The best acne treatments: hypoallergenic and free of toxic substances. Not all the most expensive products meet these requirements, so we will analyze the available and best drugs against rashes on the face.

  1. First place is shared by and. Salicylic acid can destroy half of the bacteria existing in the wound, dissolves comedones, and restores tissue after acne. The regenerative ability of the skin depends on the characteristics and strength of the drug. Stagnant red spots are removed with salicylic acid, it penetrates deep into the skin and cleanses. Zinerit contains erythromycin and zinc acetate, which together destroy unfavorable microflora and cleanse the skin. Zinc in Zinerit has an anti-inflammatory effect and dries, which leads to the complete disappearance of acne.
  2. ranks second among the best products due to its natural composition and ability to cleanse pores, destroying pathological microorganisms. The advantages of Vishnevsky ointment include effectiveness for people of all ages, low cost, and completely natural composition. Tar cleanses pores, brightens the skin, xeroform disinfects and disinfects, castor oil warms and softens the epidermis, improves blood circulation, and accelerates recovery.
  3. - an effective remedy for the treatment of acne, available with a doctor's prescription at the pharmacy. You can also prepare chatterbox yourself by purchasing salicylic acid, boric alcohol, and a chloramphenicol plate from the pharmacy. All these substances are mixed, and the result is the most effective remedy prepared at home.

  4. – a strong antiseptic drug that can fight gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The highly concentrated product also destroys some types of viruses. Chlorhexidine is a good remedy for removing acne; it penetrates deep into the skin and remains there for a long time, sufficient to provide a therapeutic effect. The drug is strong, but does not damage the tissue surface of the face. Available in the form of solution, gel, patches and creams. The disadvantage is that it is contraindicated for use in children, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for dermatitis. Pustules and any rash on the face are treated with chlorhexidine daily until the problem completely disappears.
  5. – a herbal effective remedy against acne, acne and large age spots. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cleansing and other therapeutic effects necessary to eliminate dermatological problems. Using aloe is quite simple: wipe the skin with a torn aloe leaf or squeeze out the juice and apply it to the face. Use aloe in the morning on skin cleansed with water. Treatment is carried out daily until the rash is completely gone. Masks are made from aloe, egg yolk and sour cream are added.
  6. – the product is based on vitamin A, which has a healing effect. Differin can be treated for an unlimited time; it does not contain an antibiotic. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect and effectively copes with comedones. The safest remedy on the entire list, but the results from its use are visible only after two months. In some cases, the course of treatment is repeated after a week and combined with internal medications: antibiotics, vitamins. You can choose Differin cream or gel; for oily skin, use a gel, and for dry and sensitive skin, choose a cream that will moisturize well and heal an irritated face.
  7. – a drug that suppresses the proliferation of pathological microorganisms, prevents the formation of acne and cleanses the skin. Baziron moisturizes the skin, creates free access of oxygen to epidermal cells, and reduces the secretion of subcutaneous fat. Apply the ointment once a day, and after a month a good result is visible. The drug provokes side effects: dryness, irritation, allergic reaction, excessive peeling.
  8. – an effective anti-acne product has a drying effect, relieves inflammation, promotes exfoliation and rapid healing of the wound. It is completely natural, one of the safest, and can be used at any age. The product is cheap and can be used in combination with other drugs against rashes on the face. The disadvantage of soap treatment is that it does not have the most pleasant smell and the risk of drying out the skin with frequent use. It is better to use in the evening: lather the soap and wash. Do not rub into the skin, movements should be light, after the procedure the foam is washed off with clean water.
  9. – contains olive oil, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, shea butter, pentenol. Together, these components have an anti-inflammatory effect, prevent the formation of a new rash, relieve irritation on the face, and fight fungal infections. Natural oils in Cynovit soften and envelop the skin, protecting it from external aggressive agents. Cynovit ointment soothes sensitive skin, stimulates regeneration, and destroys unfavorable microflora.
  10. And . Isotretinoin is a retinoid drug that treats the most severe forms of acne and is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, including seborrhea. This is a strong medicinal product and is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, as it has a negative effect on the fetus. It is used for a month, after which the doctor can continue the course of treatment. Zinc ointment reduces the production of subcutaneous sebum, dries, relieves inflammation, increases the elasticity of the skin, and disinfects. The ointment effectively fights pustules, spots on the face after acne removal, reduces skin irritation and even rejuvenates. Zinc ointment regenerates damaged areas of the epidermis and is used together with other medicinal products.

In addition to the proposed drugs, there are many little-known remedies for acne, which are therefore not yet appreciated. These are Polysorb, Roaccutane, dandelion tincture, onion and honey mask.

It is worth considering that acne treatment is carried out not only with the best medications, but also with lifestyle changes. It is important to eat right, avoid foods that negatively affect the skin, normalize sleep, in this case we can say.

On a note

Preparations for the treatment of acne with contraindications. Before using medicinal products at home, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Self-medication is prohibited in the following cases:

  • chronic skin disease: psoriasis, seborrhea;
  • allergic processes, irritations;
  • open wounds;
  • some drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • intolerance to individual components of the drug.

They will help you quickly get rid of dermatological defects if you first undergo an examination by a specialist, find out the cause of the rash and identify possible contraindications.

Remedies for acne are prepared at home and include masks, applications, steam baths with medicinal herbs.

Video on how to choose the right acne treatment.