The new composition of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma of the seventh convocation has become known - Tagil workers. A deputy of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma ended up in intensive care after crashing on an ATV

Technical malfunction and pilot error remained the main versions of the Tu-154 in the Black Sea until recently. But what could disable the car so quickly that the crew did not even have time to issue a distress signal, for which it is enough to press one button? Spectrum collected official and unofficial versions of the possible causes of the disaster, which were announced by the evening of December 26.

Soon after the crash of the Tu-154, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Article 351 of the Criminal Code (violation of flight rules resulting in grave consequences), but this is a formality necessary for the investigation, and it does not say anything about the possible causes of the disaster. The crew did not inform ground services about any emergency situations on board; the plane simply disappeared from radar.

At the same time, as the Kommersant newspaper learned, the investigation already has a priority version, according to which the airliner fell into the sea due to a pilot error. According to experts, whose names the newspaper does not disclose, the pilots gained altitude too vigorously during takeoff and brought the plane to supercritical angles of attack, which is why it lost speed and, instead of gaining altitude, began to descend over the sea, touched the water with its tail and sank.

The version of the terrorist attack that is the first to suggest itself in such circumstances is the authorities. “At present, no signs and facts indicating the possibility of committing a terrorist act or sabotage on board an aircraft have been received,” RIA Novosti quotes the FSB report. The main versions include foreign objects getting into the engine, low-quality fuel leading to loss of power and engine failure, piloting error and technical malfunction of the aircraft. The department's press service claims that the Tu-154 did not transport military or dual-use cargo, or pyrotechnics. The plane contained only passengers' luggage and 150 kg of food and medicine.

The Ministry of Defense reacted sharply to media reports that some passengers on the crashed plane were wearing life jackets. A department spokesman said these messages were “shameful insinuations that are absolutely untrue.”

The head of the flight safety service of the Russian Armed Forces told TASS that the Tu-154 was technically sound. According to RIA Novosti, the aircraft was produced in 1983, and its last major overhaul was done in December 2014 at the Aviakor plant. Representatives of the authorities hastened to declare that 33 years for an aircraft is not a critical period. “The assigned service life of this aircraft today is 40 years, and if we take foreign analogues, then some aircraft have a service life of up to 60 years,” said Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

Meanwhile, according to Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, quoted by Kommersant, “the main versions are: piloting error or technical malfunction.”

“Evidence testimonies and other objective data obtained during the investigation indicate that the plane could not gain altitude and for some reason - possibly overload and technical malfunction - crashed into the sea,” a source familiar with the matter told Interfax. with the situation.

According to Kommersant, an eyewitness to the disaster was an employee of the coast guard of the FSB border troops. The newspaper quotes his story with reference to an unnamed source close to the investigation. How, the plane taking off from Adler airport did not gain altitude, but on the contrary began to quickly descend as if the crew intended to land on water. But, according to an eyewitness, even for landing the position of the plane was unusual - its nose was too raised - the border guard compared it to a motorcycle raised on its hind legs. Soon the plane touched the surface with its tail, the tail fell off, the plane crashed and immediately went under water.

It was previously known that contact with the plane was lost almost immediately after takeoff. The Tu-154 took off at approximately 5:24, and 2 minutes and 44 seconds later the dispatcher warned the crew about an oncoming aircraft landing. The transporter confirmed receipt of the command, after which it stopped responding and disappeared from radar. The publication also reports, citing its sources, that the Tu-154 fell about one and a half kilometers from the coast, and the bulk of the debris was scattered within a radius of 1.5 kilometers and at a depth of about 70 meters.

However, experts interviewed by Kommersant admit that the cause of the disaster could have been a technical malfunction. For example, an airplane could deviate from its intended flight path due to non-synchronous retraction of the flaps. Their uniform release is monitored by a special automatic system SPZ-1A, which, in case of mismatch, turns off their hydraulic drive and prompts the pilot to switch to manual control. However, in the event of, for example, a break in the flap drive, SPZ-1A will not be able to do anything.

Another reason for the deviation from the trajectory and uncontrolled descent could have been getting into a so-called flat spin, from which it is almost impossible for the Tu-154 to escape. This situation could have been provoked, for example, by a jammed Tu-154 stabilizer.

According to the third version of experts, which is generally similar to the one that the investigation considers as the main one and which is confirmed by the testimony of a single eyewitness, if the Tu-154 climbs too quickly, its three powerful engines are located in the tail, it may experience problems at high angles of attack : when entering the vacuum zone that occurs behind the wings, the engines enter an abnormal surge mode, and the effectiveness of the stabilizer decreases. All this together leads to the car losing speed, lifting its nose and falling into a tailspin.

Similar circumstances led to the death of a Tu-154M aircraft of Rossiya Airlines near Donetsk in 2006, flying from Anapa to St. Petersburg with 170 passengers on board. The pilots then tried to get out of the thunderstorm front by sharply gaining altitude, but their plane fell into a flat tailspin and fell for several minutes before crashing on the ground.

The newspaper's sources treated the version of the terrorist attack with doubt. According to an unnamed security official, Russian aircraft flying to Syria are being monitored by NATO and its allies. “Even if we wanted to conceal the terrorist attack on board, it would have been recorded and immediately made public by our neighbors in the region,” explained the publication’s interlocutor. According to him, if even a small explosion had occurred on board the plane, it would have collapsed upon impact with the water, but the results of an examination of the crash site indicate that the Tu-154 sank to the bottom relatively intact.

The British newspaper Independent quotes former air traffic controller Vitaly Andreev, who says that a technical malfunction could not prevent the crew from urgently reporting it. “A number of factors point to some kind of ‘external interference,’” the article says. The Guardian, in turn, writes that Tu-154 aircraft were widely used in Soviet times, but now only military personnel fly them.

At the moment, the main version of the crash is considered to be a technical malfunction. However, what is this malfunction that prevents the pilot from even reporting the problem? In most cases of technical disasters, the situation does not develop so quickly that it does not allow the crew to at least report the problems that have arisen...

The option of planting an explosive device on a plane seems unlikely. The procedure for inspecting and preparing an aircraft for flight at Russian airports is one of the strictest in the world. But it’s hard to believe in a technical malfunction that destroys an airplane so quickly. It’s strange why an attack from the ground is not being considered... The plane crashed before gaining altitude, actually during takeoff. The range of the MANPADS and the time of fall, the height of the impact and the range of the detected debris make it possible to think about attacking the aircraft using MANPADS. A video from a surveillance camera appeared on the Internet, which recorded the possible moment of the plane explosion (see video below).

Despite the fact that such versions are not being considered, there is still an opinion that a very likely way to destroy the aircraft is to use MANPADS on taking off and landing aircraft. A civilian airliner is completely defenseless against such weapons!

There is no need for complex methods of penetrating the aircraft's security zone, and there is no risk of being detected when attempting to plant explosive devices in the aircraft. All an attacker needs to do is take out a MANPADS and take a place on the takeoff or landing trajectory.

Is it difficult to get MANPADS? I will not reveal the details, but it is obvious that this is possible in our turbulent times. The cost of MANPADS is also not an insurmountable barrier... Is it difficult to take a position on the take-off trajectory? In most cases, no - it's not difficult. Incl. This is not difficult at sea, all you need is a motor boat, or an attack directly from the coast.

It is reported that the wreckage of the plane is located no further than 6-7 km from the coast. Generally speaking, this coincides with the combat use radius of MANPADS. The plane crashed 2 minutes after takeoff. All this says that the version with MANPADS is probable, not impossible.

MANPADS have small weight and dimensions, allowing them to be secretly moved to the attack area. Combined with the short time it takes to get ready to fire (no more than 30 s), the concealed location on the ground and the suddenness of the use of these systems are ensured. In addition, MANPADS are distinguished by ease of training and combat use, as well as high operational reliability in various physical, geographical and climatic conditions.

According to the Ministry of Defense, the aircraft was in fully operational condition and was piloted by experienced pilots. It is important that the crew of the deceased Tu-154 included a navigator who took part in the landing of a truly technically faulty Tu-154 (“dancing carcass” that flew to the repair site from the Chkalovsky airfield). Moreover, the Tu-154 is an aircraft that has complete mechanical duplication of almost all vital flight control devices. This means that such people would hardly instantly lose control of the plane, even if it had serious technical malfunctions. Perhaps they would not have been able to avoid the tragedy, but they had to have time to report to the ground...

All this allows us to consider MANPADS with a fairly high degree of probability as an “ideal” means of terrorist attack on civilian airliners! And therefore it should be considered in cases of sudden aircraft crashes at altitudes that allow the aircraft to be attacked with the help of MANPADS.

It is worth noting that the crash of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula also falls under this scheme. The plane did not have time to gain altitude and was flying over vast, uncontrolled desert spaces... Why is the version of an attack from the ground ruled out? This may be an accident, but both crashes are related to events in the Middle East. One directly occurred in the Middle East. In today's tragedy, the plane was flying to the Middle East...

In any case, I would consider it right for the authorized bodies to seriously investigate the version of the Tu-154 attack from the ground, using MANPADS.

P.S. Discuss about the age and country of origin of the aircraft, about the so-called. "old stuff" I have no desire. Tu-154 is a reliable machine, proven over the years. Flight safety is determined not by age, but by flight readiness, which in itself is not related to the age of the aircraft.

The Local Government Commission under the Nizhny Tagil City Duma approved the list of candidates for the competition commission for the election of the new head of the city. It included two representatives each from the main Tagil financial and industrial groups - EVRAZ and Uralvagonzavod. The latter enterprise is represented by the head of metallurgical production at UVZ, Roman Gorelenko, and the general director of Uralkriomash, Dmitry Skoropupov. From EVRAZ, the commission included honorary citizens of the city, director of NTMK’s coke production, deputy Nikita Berkutov, as well as adviser to the managing director of the enterprise and chairman of the local Public Chamber, Mikhail Arshansky. Candidates will be finally approved at a meeting of the NTGD on August 9.

“There is no intrigue here. We sat on the commission for three minutes, there was one question. People were chosen, there are no questions for them. Therefore, it is unlikely that a situation will arise in the Duma in which it will not be possible to approve these candidacies. Voting will be open." -Chairman of the Duma Commission on Self-Government Vadim Raudshtein told the AN “Between the Lines”.

According to deputy Leonid Martyushev, recently a meeting of the Duma Commission on Regulations and Ethics, of which he is a member, also took place within the walls of the City Duma. At the same time, during the commission, Irina Busygina, Vladimir Antonov and Martyushev himself voted for holding a secret ballot to elect the composition of the competition commission.

“I have always been and will be for the open adoption of all decisions by deputies. But [Chief of Staff of the Nizhny Tagil Administration] Andrey Lenda, a foreign body in our power, suggested holding an open vote, so I voted against it. I don’t know, maybe someone else received some other instructions later, since they are already talking about open voting. In the Duma, this issue will be resolved in any case,” -said Leonid Martyushev.

Martyushev also expressed surprise that the list of candidates does not include the chairman of the local government commission, lawyer Vadim Raudshtein.

“It takes a lot of time, -Vadim Raudshtein told the agency. -I am an active lawyer. Of course, I will never pass by my colleagues if I need some help. But do all the interviews, listen to programs -it will be a distraction from work.”

The mayor of Nizhny Tagil will be elected in the fall by Duma deputies for a period of five years from those people who will be allowed to the final vote by a special competition commission of eight people. One half of the commission will be appointed by deputies of the local duma on August 9, the composition of the second will be determined in the near future by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev.

“It is generally unclear on what principle the City Duma selected candidates for the competition commission,” -noted a Tagil United Russia deputy who wished to remain anonymous. -[Chairman of the Duma] Alexey Pyrin is on vacation, many deputies are also on vacation somewhere now. Lenda runs to the Duma on the fifth floor almost every day, dispensing her advice. Therefore, it is difficult to actually say how deputies will vote at the Duma on August 9.”

On June 5, the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region almost unanimously approved Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev’s bill to abolish direct elections of the head of Nizhny Tagil and introduce a new system. After this, the local City Duma considered the issue of amending the city charter, with public hearings on July 4. During an open vote, 606 Tagil residents voted in favor of amending the city charter, 45 voted against (including several journalists), and another 40 abstained. Many who came did not vote at all.

A deputy of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma ended up in intensive care after crashing on an ATV

Deputy of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma, head of the UVZ thermal power plant Andrey Galakhov Website of the Nizhny Tagil Duma

Deputy of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma, head of the UVZ thermal power plant Andrei Galakhov had a serious accident while riding an ATV. As reported by the publication “Between the Lines” with reference to the vice-speaker of the representative body Leonid Martyushev, the accident occurred early in the morning of July 22 near Kirovgrad.

“He was hospitalized in the Kirovgrad hospital. The injury was so serious that they decided to send him to Yekaterinburg, and for a long time the question of whether he was transportable was decided. He has a serious condition, an open craniocerebral injury,” Martyushev said.

According to him, the chairman of the social policy committee of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly, Vyacheslav Pogudin, helped with the transfer of Galakhov to Central City Clinical Hospital No. 23 of Yekaterinburg.

“Andrei Anatolyevich was in a small hospital in Kirovgrad,” said Vyacheslav Pogudin. “It is clear that the conditions, technologies, personnel, that is, the capabilities of this hospital are limited. Providing full assistance to seriously ill patients is not possible. The goal was to attract the attention of the region and, if possible, either provide assistance on the spot by specialists from Yekaterinburg, or transport the patient. Although... I can assure you that the actions of the Center for Disaster Medicine of the Sverdlovsk Region, this routing would have taken place without my participation. We contacted the chief physician of this center in the morning, and he sent a team of doctors there, including resuscitators and a neurosurgeon. After appropriate preparation of the patient on site, he was transported to the 23rd hospital in Yekaterinburg.”

It has been updated by two-thirds: of the 28 deputies, only eight previously worked in previous convocations.

Twenty people still had no experience of parliamentarism. Among them are four people’s representatives, including three heads of Tagil schools. Never before, since its creation in the 90s of the last century, has the Nizhny Tagil Duma had such a composition, for which it immediately received the definition of “A Duma with a female face, but a male character.”

A few hours ago, the Nizhny Tagil election commission, chaired by Lidia Bryzgalova, presented certificates to the winners of the 2017 city Duma elections.

The first to receive mandates as people's representatives were 14 deputies who were elected from electoral districts, then the same number from lists from political parties. Before this solemn event, which put an end to the election campaign, it was announced that the four winning party candidates had exercised their legal right and refused their seats as deputies. Three, since they already hold positions in government structures: the elected head of Nizhny Tagil Sergei Nosov, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region Alexey Kushnarev and Vladimir Roshchupkin. They gave way to other candidates.

It also became known about the refusal to exercise the powers of the deputy of the Nizhny Tagil City Duma, the head of the apparatus of the city administration, Andrei Lenda. His mandate was redistributed in favor of the artistic director of the Nizhny Tagil Drama Theater Igor Bulygin - the first representative of the cultural sector in the local parliament for all convocations.

After all the changes, the composition of the City Duma of the seventh convocation was formed as follows - by electoral district it included:

Ruslan Yusupov
- Roman Gorelenko,
- Vadim Raudshtein,
-Igor Bazilevich,
-Vladimir Antonov
- Nikita Berkutov,
-Nikolai Atamankin,
- Denis Koryakin,
- Igor Temnov,
- Andrey Obelchak,
- Vyacheslav Malykh,
- Galina Maslikova,
-Konstantin Shvedov,
-Alexey Pyrin.

According to the party lists, the following were elected to the City Duma:
-Anton Gusev.
- Leonid Martyushev,
-Igor Makarov,
- Vladislav Potanin,
- Alexander Petrov,
- Andrey Palatov,
- Oleg Perminov,
-Irina Busygina,
- Gadzhi Abdulov,
-Dmitry Skoropupov,
-Maria Lisina,
-Mikhail Kruchinin,
- Larisa Gizenko,
-Igor Bulygin.

The newly elected deputies were congratulated by the mayor of the city, Sergei Nosov:

I believe that the Duma is not a place for political struggle. We have one policy – ​​the welfare of Tagil residents. Everyone who came to the Nizhny Tagil Duma should understand this. I hope this convocation will be the most open. Get to work! – the mayor admonished the people’s representatives.

In their response, each of the speakers also emphasized that they intend to work in the Duma as one team, regardless of their affiliation with political associations.

Photo by Nikolai ANTONOV.