What are the benefits of young pine cones and shoots? Medicinal properties and contraindications of pine shoots

Pine is a symbol of health. In Vietnam and Japan it is considered a symbol of longevity, and in Finland, Sweden, and Norway it symbolizes life itself.

Evergreen pine is a coniferous tree belonging to the genus Pinaceae. A very beautiful, tall and slender tree (20-40 meters), the trunk is centimeters in diameter.

Pine grows in European countries, North America, Asia, in forests, parks, squares. It is unpretentious to the vagaries of nature, grows in any soil, but loves sunlight. It can be classified as a medicinal plant recognized throughout the world, helping against many diseases and having minor contraindications. Today there are 120 species of this wonderful plant.

Pine - benefits for the body of its components

Pine is good for health: during the times of the ancient Sumerians, its needles (pine legs) were used as compresses; in Egypt, pine resin was included in the composition for embalming corpses. During excavations of the tombs of the pharaohs, which had lain in the ground for more than 3,000 years, it was discovered that its bactericidal properties were preserved. Today, rosin and turpentine are produced from resin, and tannins.

Cosmetic preparations are produced based on essential oils: to get rid of dandruff and strengthen hair, rejuvenate and regenerate the skin of the face and body.

Pine needles secrete phytoncides that inhibit the growth and development of various bacteria. People with diseases respiratory tract, the nervous system is greatly helped by pine forest, which is a natural inhaler for the treatment of the lungs and bronchi, there are many sanatoriums for tuberculosis patients in Middle lane Russia was built precisely in pine forests.

Pine sap consists of essential oils and systematic application gets rid of depressive states, irritability.

Pine sap can cure: eczema, diseases gastrointestinal tract, furunculosis, cracked lips.

A decoction of pine buds is used: for disinfection and as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic agent, for liver diseases, rheumatism, bronchitis and dropsy.

Tinctures made from pine cones are used for heart pain. Chlorophyll paste is used to treat burn wounds, and turpentine is used for joint pain.

And, indeed, pine is a medicinal tree from the top to the roots, from which even pine honey is prepared (honey infused with pine buds or jam made from young pine cones is also called). Its like strong natural antibiotic used: when weak immunity, for colds, bronchitis, cough, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, emphysema, tuberculosis, influenza, sore throat.

This beautiful and kind pine tree gives us everything so that we can be healthy. According to ancient Greek legend, the pine tree itself is unhappy: she was in love with the patron saint of the forest, and enjoyed reciprocity, but a rival appeared, the north wind Boreas, who tore her out and left her on a lonely cliff, turning her into a pine tree. The pine tree's tears turned into amber. Walking through a pine forest or a park where pine trees grow, we symbolically collect and take home cones, and we know that pine can reward health at any time of the year.

What pine buds look like - photo

The bud consists of shortened two to three centimeter shoots surrounding a bud located in the center (crown), covered with pointed dry scales glued with resin on the stem with a fragrant resinous odor. The pine bud is pinkish on the outside and greenish-brown at the break.

It tastes a little bitter, the smell is spicy, resinous.

Composition of pine buds

IN chemical composition pine buds includes:

  1. ascorbic acid (strengthens: immunity, vascular walls, increases blood clotting);
  2. tannins (stop bleeding, regenerate tissue, destroy bacteria);
  3. alkaloids (analgesic, sedative, hypnotic properties);
  4. phytoncides (antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral properties);
  5. resin (destroys pathogenic bacteria);
  6. bitterness (increases appetite).

Pine buds with a unique healing composition are used for various diseases as a primary or additional remedy.

So, what are the benefits of pine buds for the body?

Pine buds - medicinal properties

The described remedy is used for various diseases, as it has:

  1. expectorant and bactericidal property, important for pulmonary diseases - respiratory system, when consuming the tincture or decoction, phlegm is removed and germs are destroyed;
  2. choleretic and diuretic effect for kidney diseases (removal of edema);
  3. disinfectant, helping to fight dysentery and tuberculosis (as an additional means to drug treatment);
  4. hemostatic: stopping internal and external bleeding (for thrombosis);
  5. general strengthening effect (restores: immunity, physical activity organism);
  6. cleansing function of the blood (reduction of: cholesterol, atherosclerosis, used as aid with gangrene of the limbs).

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of pine buds.

The use of pine buds in folk medicine

Proponents of treatment folk remedies They make up recipes for various diseases based on the use of pine buds. These are: decoctions, tinctures of water, milk and vodka.

They are used for colds, flu, coughs, and inflammatory processes.

Pine buds contain a lot useful substances with medicinal properties, are used to treat a whole bunch of different diseases:

  • have a calming effect on nervous system;
  • relieve headaches;
  • eliminate stomach pain;
  • have an expectorant effect (actively used for respiratory diseases);
  • affect the composition of the blood;
  • improve reproductive function;
  • keep the body in good shape.

In addition to the kidneys, young pine shoots are also very beneficial for health; they are indicated in the treatment of: myositis, radiculitis, gout and neuralgia, but to achieve positive result you need to undergo long-term treatment.

The buds of an evergreen tree also normalize blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis - frequent illness of our century, help improve metabolism.

Based on pine buds you can make steam inhalations for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, in herbal medicine, breast infusions are widely used, which necessarily contain pine buds; they can be given even to small children (in the absence of allergic reactions).

Pine buds - contraindications, harm

The kidneys are in general safe means, but they still have contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (you must consult a doctor);
  • for kidney diseases (various renal pathologies);
  • allergies, individual intolerance;
  • not for hepatitis;
  • not recommended after 70 years.

Pine buds - cough recipe

Pine buds are used to successfully treat diseases of the bronchi and lungs. The cough recipe is quite simple and effective, has an expectorant and antiseptic effect, relieving the patient of a debilitating cough.

How to brew pine buds correctly, what will you need?

You need 2 teaspoons of dry pine buds and half a liter of water.

  • Place dry pine buds in a small container with a lid;
  • to fill with water;
  • cook on the stove under the lid;
  • let it brew for 2 hours;
  • strain;

Take one tablespoon before meals (4 times a day).

A decoction of pine buds will relieve coughs, eliminate phlegm, and cleanse the bronchi.

Decoction of pine buds - how to prepare

A decoction of pine buds (the proportions are given a little higher) is prepared in different ways:

*in a steam bath;

*on an open fire.

To prepare the decoction, the following are used: pine buds and water. For syrup (it is often used for coughs in children so that the medicine does not taste so bitter), sugar or honey is sometimes added.

Tincture of pine buds with vodka - how to prepare and use

At inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, sore throat, bronchitis, a vodka tincture of pine buds is prepared, which has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect. For preparation use proportions of 50:50.

  • crushed pine buds are placed in a 500 gram jar;
  • pour vodka and close the lid tightly;
  • leave for days in a warm, dark place;

filter (through cheesecloth or tea strainer);

Use: before meals, 15 drops diluted with water, 3 times a day.

150 g pine buds;

One bottle of vodka;

  • This recipe is a little more complicated than the above, prepare it as follows:

it is necessary to divide the kidneys into two parts;

  • first part: mix with vodka and leave for two weeks;
  • second part: fill with water, add lemon juice and honey, put in a warm place for 14 days;
  • after two weeks, both parts: strain and combine;
  • Close the lid tightly and put in a cool place (refrigerator) for a month.

    Application: apply three to four times a day, one tablespoon before meals.

    When to collect pine buds for treatment

    Early spring (March, in the northern regions - early April) is the time to collect pine buds. It is important not to miss the moment of their swelling and the beginning of sap flow; at this time they acquire a light green tint at the break, with brownish-orange shoots.

    During this period, the bud is fragrant with a pine scent; it secretes resinous substances and essential oils, which are very active during this period. You only need to collect closed buds; blossomed ones are not very useful for medical procedures, because they have already partially lost nutrients.

    It is more advisable to collect the buds in gloves, since the resin is difficult to wash off later! The buds are cut off together with the crown and a piece of the stem. After collection, the buds are dried in a ventilated and dry place, protected from the sun.

    Our ancestors were treated with pine buds many centuries ago. Today, the benefits of pine buds have not lost their relevance. The product is used in traditional and folk medicine. They are used: in pharmacology, they are used to prepare: diuretic, expectorant and disinfectant preparations.

    For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, choleretic agents are used, and kidneys are also used for tissue regeneration in dentistry.

    For problems associated with metabolism, rheumatism, urolithiasis and other diseases, coniferous buds will also help. They have a beneficial effect on humans, treat many diseases, and are the most sought-after and popular means for the treatment of the above diseases.

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    Who doesn't want to be healthy?

    Probably, there will not be a single person who proudly shouted back: “I am.” The opposite situation is observed: everyone wants to be healthy, every holiday they make toasts with appropriate wishes, and consider health to be the main value in our age.

    But nevertheless they do not take care of it, miss it, lose it...

    Years flash by, education, career, family, children.. Diseases.. Sadly, over the years we almost inevitably acquire diseases. Which progress very quickly, become chronic, and lead to premature old age. Well, we can’t continue any further...

    However, I’m not here to sigh on a virtual heap and read a dying epilogue to us all!

    You can start fighting and change your life for the better at any stage. And at 30, and at 40, and at 60.. It’s just that the opportunities in this fight will be different.

    Let everything take its course? Or systematically do something every day for your precious health. Just a little bit, half a step! But it will be a movement that actually happens.

    If you do nothing for years, and then one Monday you start everything at once - do exercises, go on a diet, start leading... healthy image life, then I can upset you.. You won’t last long. 97% of all beginners quit this “disastrous” activity by the end of the week. Everything is too abrupt, too much, too scary.. Change everything..

    But you and I will not be globalists doomed to failure, we will take care of our health little by little, but every day.

    Let's start working on health? Not tomorrow.. Not from Monday.. But here.. And now!

    On the website alter-zdrav.ru you will find many effective and accessible at home methods and methods of strengthening own health. We are considering treatment methods

    Special attention paid to proper (rational nutrition) and personal experience author, who has tested most of the techniques described here.

    Alternative medicine provides an alternative to medical officialdom and allows a person to find own methods treatment without drugs, cleanse your body of waste, toxins and excessive stress (we remember the hackneyed truth that all diseases are from nerves).

    Psychological tests and techniques for dealing with stress (strengthening the spirit) will help you survive in the world of speed. Lack of time should not affect your health. The techniques proposed here take very little time, but require regular implementation.

    It is possible to restore your health, it all depends on you, your desire, and perseverance. And the alter-zdrav.ru blog will do everything to provide you with the necessary information.

    Publications on the site are for informational purposes only. For a practical solution to a particular problem, you need to consult a doctor.

    Scots pine and its medicinal properties

    Pine forests are unusual in their beauty. Like slender columns, mighty trunks stretch towards the sun and, it seems, somewhere under the very sky they rustle with their green crowns. And below, at the foot, blueberries and blueberries grow on moisture-loving mosses, where the area is more open and drier - branched lingonberry bushes. The pine forest, especially when the summer is warm and humid, is full of mushrooms: white mushrooms, saffron milk caps, moss mushrooms, boletus, and russula.

    Paustovsky very figuratively and poetically conveys the charm of a pine forest: “You walk through a pine forest as if on a deep, expensive carpet... these are kilometers of silence, calmness, this is a mushroom smell, the careful fluttering of birds.”

    In our country, the most widespread species is the common pine.

    It grows mainly on sandy and dry soils. The trunk is covered with reddish-brown bark, the height can reach 30-40 m, in diameter - up to 1.5 m. Young trees have a pyramidal crown, and with age, as it grows upward, it becomes widely spreading. The leaves are needle-like needles growing on short shoots in pairs. The needles reach a length of 4...7 cm, are located on short shoots in scaly sheaths, are semi-cylindrical in shape, green in color with a bluish waxy coating. On the branches at the base of the shoots, oval-conical cones of a matte grayish-yellow color, 3...6 cm long, containing a large number of pollen. Female cones are smaller, reddish, located in 1-3 pieces at the ends of the shoots. Immature green cones have a conical shape, mature ones become oval, woody with scales diverging at the ends.

    Pine usually blooms in May. In autumn, seeds ripen in the grooves of the scales, which birds love to feast on.

    Pine truly medicinal tree- it disinfects the air, dispersing phytoncidal volatile substances in it. It is no coincidence that sanatoriums, holiday homes, and pioneer camps tend to be located in pine forests. Pine essential oils, when oxidized by air oxygen, release ozone (triatomic oxygen) into the surrounding atmosphere, which improves the health of the human body. It is especially healing for patients with tuberculosis. The beneficial effects of oxygen and ozone are combined with volatile pine secretions, which impart strong antimicrobial properties.

    Application and medicinal properties of pine and pine buds

    How medicinal tree pine was known in ancient times. During archaeological excavations on the territory of the Sumerian kingdom, clay tablets with recipes were found indicating that 5 thousand years ago the Sumerians used pine needle extracts for compresses and poultices.

    Turpentine and its purified preparations ( turpentine oil, terpin hydrate) have an antiseptic, local irritant and distracting effect. They are used in ointments, balms and other mixtures externally for rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs. For the treatment of skin diseases in the composition various ointments use pine tar (Vishnevsky ointment).

    IN modern pharmacology pine needles are considered valuable vitamin preparation, infusions and concentrates are prepared from it for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and vitamin deficiency, and are also used as a disinfectant, expectorant and diuretic.

    It has been revealed that pine needles can accumulate up to 300 mg% of the vitamin; in addition, it is rich, in addition to chlorophyll, in carotene, vitamin K, phytoncides, tannins, alkaloids, and terpenes.

    During the siege of Leningrad, the production of a vitamin drink from pine needles was established at the Forestry Academy. And throughout the country, during the difficult years of the war, people were treated for scurvy with infusions of pine needles. Post-war research fellows the same academy developed the production of chlorophyll-carotene paste, which has a high therapeutic effect in surgery, dentistry and other industries practical medicine. This paste, obtained according to the recipe of F. T. Solodsky, is widely used as an external remedy for burns, various skin diseases, prescribed orally for peptic ulcers.

    Nowadays, an extract from pine needles is popular, which is added to medicinal baths prescribed for nervous and cardiovascular diseases. In demand toothpaste“Coniferous”, strengthens the gums and disinfects the oral cavity. And from pine essential oil, the drug “Pinabin” is obtained, used for kidney stones.

    A vitamin drink from pine needles can be prepared at home.

    We offer the recipe composition, in grams: pine needles - 200, water - 1100, sugar - 40, aromatic essence - 7, citric acid - 5. Fresh green pine needles are washed in cold water and then immersed in boiling water. Cook for 30...40 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Sugar, aromatic essence and citric acid are added to the decoction. The drink is filtered and cooled. Store in a cool place for no more than 10 hours.

    Small supplies of fresh pine needles can be stored in the cold for up to 2 months. The highest content of vitamin C was found in autumn and spring needles of two to three years of age; in a warm room, the content of ascorbic acid decreases sharply after 5...10 days of storage.

    Swollen and not yet blossomed pine buds are accumulators of biologically active substances - resin, essential oils, starch, bitter and tannins, mineral salts. The decoction and infusion of pine nights have long been used to treat rickets, chronic inflammation bronchi, rheumatism, old rashes. Infusions help remove stones, reduce inflammation in bladder, have weak diuretic and choleretic properties. Pine bud extracts kill pathogenic microflora of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. A decoction of the kidneys is used for inhalation for pulmonary diseases. Kidneys are included in breast and diuretic preparations.

    Pine bud recipes

    To prepare the mixture at home, you need to pour 50 g of buds into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, and then strain. To improve the taste, add 500 g of sugar to the infusion and boil until syrup is obtained. You can add 50 g of honey to the strained syrup. Drink the mixture 5...6 spoons per day.

    “Pine honey” is made from the buds - a common jam that has a whitish-golden color and a pleasant pine aroma. Along with other medicinal properties, jam is useful for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.


    Pine buds are harvested before they begin to bloom in February - March. You should not collect buds from pine undergrowth and plantings, since cut shoots stop the growth of the tree. From the tops of young trees (on old trees the buds are very small), crowns consisting of several connected buds with a stem up to 3 mm long are cut off with pruning shears. Harvesting is carried out under a special permit from the forestry department in felling and thinning areas.

    The collected bud crowns are placed in baskets and immediately delivered to the drying site. Dry in rooms with good ventilation or under a canopy, spreading the raw material in a layer of 3...4 cm on a clean bedding. With good ventilation in dry weather, the buds dry out on average in 2 weeks. Ovens or ovens cannot be used for drying, as the nozzles disintegrate, and the resin melts and flows out. Well-dried raw materials should be in the form of crowns or single buds, pinkish-brown on the outside, and green or greenish-brown on the fracture, covered with light brown scales with resin protruding in some places; the taste is bitter, the smell is aromatic, resinous.

    The buds are packaged in plywood, cardboard boxes or other containers; Store in a dry, well-ventilated area for up to 2 years.


    Preparations from pine needles, buds, and pine cones are contraindicated in case of kidney disease (glomerulonephritis) or pregnancy. You should refrain from treating hepatitis during its acute course. Excessive intake of coniferous preparations can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney parenchyma, headache and general malaise. Preparations including turpentine are contraindicated for nephritis and nephrosis. Hypotonics should be approached with caution when taking some medicines from pine, and those suffering from thrombosis should be very careful with pollen and cones. Particular attention to walks in the pine forest, despite their obvious benefits for the body, should be paid to patients with severe heart failure: pine phytoncides, especially in the spring, aggravate angina and, causing severe attacks, can lead to dire consequences.

    Other entries from the category “Trees and their medicinal properties”:

    The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician. The administration and owners of the site, under no circumstances and conditions, are liable for any indirect or unintentional damage or losses associated with the information published on this site or its use.

    Young pine shoots: medicinal properties and contraindications

    Everyone is familiar with a tree like pine, which grows everywhere. Surely there is no person who would not love walks in pine forests. Even the air in them is as if you can taste it. Even a short walk among the pine trees can relieve all accumulated fatigue and charge a person with a lot of energy. Having been close to these unpretentious coniferous trees, exuding a unique and specific aroma, anyone will feel reborn.

    Pine is a miracle tree

    But the miracle tree can provide not only excellent rest and relaxation. IN folk medicine Pine shoots are of particular value. Their medicinal properties are used to treat many diseases. And the air of the pine forest itself has a wonderful healing effect on humans.

    With the help of the needles of this tree, especially the youngest, soft, emerald-colored needles, you can treat almost all diseases that exist. Most often, needles are used to treat diseases such as:

    • Kidney diseases;
    • Convulsions;
    • Haemorrhoids;
    • Problems of the cardiovascular system.

    Young pine shoots, the medicinal properties of which were well known to our grandmothers, also help with atrophy optic nerve, as well as retinal detachment. This product is capable of removing radionuclides from the body. During the war years, decoctions from the needles of this tree saved many lives, as they helped to increase immunity, which was greatly undermined by difficult times.

    Composition of medicinal raw materials made from pine shoots

    Pine shoots have simply excellent medicinal properties. This is facilitated by their composition. The young branches and newly formed needles of this miracle healer contain substances used in many medicines resinous substances. They are also rich ascorbic acid, which is why in ancient times it was used as a means to treat such a terrible disease as scurvy.

    Pine shoots also do not lose their medicinal properties in alcohol due to the fact that a large number of compounds that are compatible with it have accumulated in the needles. Young shoots also contain numerous micro- and macroelements. Don't forget about the generated essential oil containing terpene compounds.

    Pine shoots and traditional medicine

    This one has medicinal plant pine shoots are used. Medicinal properties have been used in folk medicine for many centuries. All kinds of decoctions and ointments necessary for the treatment of many serious diseases are prepared from them, and they are also added to the bath.

    But even in the case when a person is not sick with anything, but simply has vitamin deficiency and syndrome in the spring chronic fatigue, products prepared from young pine shoots will also come to the rescue.

    But in folk medicine, not only decoctions for which pine shoots were used are used. The medicinal properties of vodka tincture eliminate both the causes and symptoms of vitamin deficiency in humans. The tincture is also an excellent antiseptic, acts well as a choleretic and diuretic, promotes expectoration of sputum and treats any inflammatory pathologies formed in the upper respiratory tract.

    Ten diseases affected by pine needles

    What can completely heal this evergreen tree? Pine shoots, the medicinal properties they have, relieve many diseases. Only ten are listed below; needles can get rid of them without any problems or consequences:

    1. Any cold-related illnesses. The needles of the plant are used for this. When crushed, it helps get rid of a runny nose, and in the form of a decoction it is used for sore throats and prolonged colds;
    2. Good infusions and decoctions of young pine shoots help with atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    3. Skin diseases are also treated with the help of pine twigs, and the resin present on them is used to make an ointment for furunculosis, carbuncles, and ulcers;
    4. At pulmonary diseases The product prepared from the shoots helps to liquefy and better separate the mucus present in the bronchi and lungs. These remedies are also used for tuberculosis;
    5. A decoction prepared from pine shoots and pine needles also cures diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
    6. And in the case when a person is diagnosed with any disease of the digestive organs, this plant becomes an indispensable assistant;
    7. Young pine shoots can also cope with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, radiculitis, joint pain;
    8. Pine shoots have proven themselves well in the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
    9. In the treatment of neuroses they are used as sedative in the form of tinctures or baths;
    10. Thanks to young pine shoots, you can get rid of migraines, headaches and noise.

    Pharmacological properties of drugs prepared from pine

    Young pine shoots are used not only in folk medicine, but also in domestic pharmacology. Their medicinal properties have long been appreciated by traditional medicine. Aqueous infusions or alcoholic extracts are mostly prepared from the young shoots of this plant. Their decoction is also added to bath water.

    A good therapeutic effect from preparations prepared from young pine twigs is achieved thanks to the biologically active substances they contain, which can have both anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects on the body.

    Also, products that are prepared on the basis of pine are prescribed in traditional medicine as an addition to the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of stones in the bile ducts or urinary organs, as well as in the kidneys.

    Ways to use pine shoots

    Pine branches with young needles are usually used as follows:

    • A decoction of them is often prepared when an antitumor agent is required;
    • In the form of a paste or ointment, they have found application in the treatment of skin pathologies, burns, ulcers, boils;
    • A decoction of them added to a bath has excellent soothing properties.

    Here is the simplest but most effective decoction that pine shoots give; their medicinal properties are used by many:

    Take 4 cups of finely trimmed pine needles, pour cold boiled water. Add two teaspoons to the prepared mixture of hydrochloric acid. All this should stand for three days in the dark, and after that the product is filtered. You need to take half a glass twice a day, adding a little honey or sugar just before taking it.

    Pine shoot jam is an excellent medicine

    In addition to the above uses of pine needles, the medicinal properties of pine shoots can be used by preparing delicacies such as jam or honey from them. The recipes are quite simple and do not require special knowledge of cooking, but the benefits of using them are simply enormous. First of all, use is recommended for those people who very often suffer from colds. It is worth not forgetting about their existence even when there are chronic diseases respiratory organs.

    Contraindications to the use of pine shoots

    Many sources describe how they are used in alternative medicine young pine shoots, medicinal properties and contraindications to their use. Considering all this information, a patient with a history of a certain disease has an excellent opportunity to improve his well-being with the help of pine needles and prevent possible negative consequences.

    • The use of drugs prepared from young pine shoots during pregnancy, as well as feeding a child, is completely contraindicated;
    • You should refrain from using them for hepatitis, especially when it occurs in an acute form;
    • Uncontrolled use of this drug is not recommended. large quantities, since in this case pine needles can easily cause strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as general malaise, headache and renal parenchyma;
    • Hypertensive patients should take certain medications prepared from the needles and twigs of this tree with great caution.

    All this information makes it possible to use pine shoots, their medicinal properties and contraindications for the benefit of your body. Indeed, thanks to them, it is possible not only to prolong the period of remission of some diseases, but also to achieve a complete cure.

    Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials from pine needles

    Pine needles are used for many medicinal purposes. In order for a product prepared on its basis to bring only benefits and not make a person suffer from possible negative consequences, the collection rules must be followed. The healing properties of pine shoots can manifest themselves in full force only in this case. You can harvest pine needles and branches at any time, but the best period is early spring, when young shoots appear on the trees. They are the ones who have the greatest healing power.

    The rules for preparing them are quite simple and are as follows:

    • Young shoots are cut with a sharp knife;
    • To dry, lay out in a well-ventilated area in one row;
    • During drying, the raw materials should be turned over several times to prevent the formation of mold.

    They can also be dried hanging on stretched ropes. Coniferous shoots prepared in this way should be stored in canvas bags.

    Self-harvested pine shoots have medicinal properties and contraindications. But the latter, for the most part, appear when the rules for collecting this magnificent raw material were violated.

    More information

    Pine needles and buds have long been used in folk medicine

    What beneficial properties does “coniferous” medicine have and how to use it in folk medicine

    Pine, fir, spruce and other representatives of the coniferous family have long enjoyed well-deserved respect among fans of traditional medicine. Medicines based on buds, pine needles, and pine twigs are used folk healers for the treatment of colds, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism and other ailments. Once upon a time, residents of the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, hunters, travelers, fishermen saved themselves from scurvy, colds and all other ailments with fragrant conifers vitamin drinks. The fact is that the needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid - vitamin C, which helps strengthen immune system. In winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it was this drink that helped them survive in harsh climatic conditions.
    Nowadays, scientists have found that the needles and buds of pine and spruce contain many biologically active substances that are extremely beneficial for human body. A decoction of pine buds is used to treat coughs and bronchitis, for rinsing and inhalation for sore throat and pharyngitis. In winter, when colds and flu make us cough more often, this natural remedy is useful in any home.
    A vitamin drink is especially useful for us in winter, when we usually feel a lack of vigor and energy, although, of course, you can drink it all year round. Moreover, winter young (one-year-old) needles have the most beneficial properties, because they contain less resinous substances and more different vitamins and other biologically active substances. The needles retain their qualities better in the cold (under snow - up to two months). If you put the branches warmly, in a jar of water, the needles will lose their vitamin qualities already on the third or fourth day. So if you want to prepare the most correct pine drink, collect the pine needles right now.

    Here is a recipe that was used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases by real Siberians: pour 100 g of pine needles into a liter hot water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat, do not boil. Leave for an hour, then strain, add 1-2 teaspoons. spoons of honey and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. This drink is incredibly rich in vitamin C and other microelements; it speeds up recovery from flu and colds, and also has a strong bactericidal effect.

    Powerful healing power pine buds have. They contain many substances important for human health: various essential oils, vitamins, saponins, acids, sugar, starch, resins and tannins. Prepared from pine buds medicinal decoctions, infusions and tinctures, make jam, brew buds as tea, prepare salads and delicious aromatic drinks. Preparations based on pine buds have excellent diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant and disinfectant properties. They are especially often used for colds to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Here are some recipes.

    Pine buds for cough

    1 table. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of pine buds, cover with a lid, leave for 15–20 minutes, strain. Adults take half a glass warm 2 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks. You can prepare the infusion of pine buds differently: 1 table. pour a spoonful of kidneys into 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for an hour, strain and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day.
    When coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, drink a decoction of pine buds in milk in small sips: boil 50 g of buds in 0.5 liters of milk for 20 minutes, strain.
    Inhalation with pine buds helps relieve coughing attacks: pour 1 teaspoon of pine buds into a teapot, pour boiling water over them and breathe in warm steam through the spout of the teapot. Pine essential oil and resin coat the respiratory tract and soothe irritation.
    Sweet cough syrup from pine buds: pour 50 g of buds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar and boil the syrup, or add 50 g of honey to the strained infusion. Drink 5-6 spoons a day. This medicine is especially suitable for children.

    Pine needles for coughs and colds

    The simplest thing is to cook restorative infusion , which will help improve immunity and adaptive properties of the body. Grind the pine needles in a mortar or enamel pan with a small amount cold boiled water. Then add boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 (that is, there should be 1 part pine needles, 10 parts water). Acidify the liquid with lemon juice or citric acid and cook for half an hour over low heat, then leave for three hours, strain and take as tonic 2 times a day after meals, a third of a glass.
    You can also cook healing pine water : 50 g of pine needles (this is about a handful of pine needles), pour 2 liters of water, add chopped onion skins and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of crushed licorice root. Cook the broth over low heat for 20 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons. spoons of crushed rose hips and boil for about another minute. Infuse, well wrapped in a scarf or blanket, for 10–12 hours. Strain and drink as much as you want without limitation (up to 2 liters per day). This drink nourishes the body essential vitamins, removes “toxins”, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of many ailments.
    For bronchitis and pneumonia medicinal drink they cook differently : 5 table. spoons of crushed pine needles are mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry rose hips, pour a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 4-5 hours. Strain and drink instead of water throughout the day, adding honey and lemon if desired.
    If you collect pine buds at the end of March - beginning of April, dry them, grind them into powder, you will get effective remedy for the treatment of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and used as a diuretic.

    Pine baths

    Pine baths are recommended by doctors for many diseases - rheumatism, nervous disorders, insomnia, bronchial asthma, paralysis, gout, obesity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, muscle and joint rheumatism, sciatica, joint inflammation, pulmonary diseases and catarrh of the respiratory tract. This procedure has an extremely beneficial effect on the body, at the same time calming and strengthening the heart and nervous system. And taking a fragrant pine bath is a pleasure!
    Coniferous baths are prepared as follows: brew pine needles and chopped young twigs in boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and add the infusion to the bath with hot water. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes. This procedure calms and strengthens the nervous system and heart, normalizes metabolism, promotes restoration of strength and calmness, and helps cope with insomnia.
    And what powerful healing and cosmetic effect does it have on the body? pine broom ! An energetic massage with such a broom in a bathhouse with patting and tapping kneads all the muscles of the body, while all the beneficial substances present in the needles strengthen healing effect. To prevent the prickly pine broom from leaving marks and scratches on the body, it is first steamed with boiling water for 10–15 minutes, after which the pine needles become more elastic and tender.

    Pine Pollen

    Another wonderful remedy that pine gives us is pollen. Those who have been taking for years pine pollen, feel great. This simple remedy strengthens the immune system and protects the body from premature aging. In addition, pollen is sprinkled on wounds to speed up their healing.
    Young shoots, male inflorescences with unshed pollen, or the pollen itself are infused in alcohol or brewed with boiling water or milk, honey, butter, and sometimes eggs are added and drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis. And freshly collected resin is poured with water, placed in the sun for 9 days and drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis.
    Young “female” cones, infused with water or alcohol, are drunk for heart pain; green cones of the first year, infused with vodka, are used for high blood pressure and as a hemostatic agent.

    Jam is prepared from young pine shoots, which has a therapeutic effect on coughs, pneumonia and bronchitis: 1 kg of washed raw material is poured with 3 cups of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 20 minutes, left for 24 hours, filtered, and squeezed. Bring the broth to a boil, add 4 cups of sugar, boil, stirring slowly, until the sugar dissolves (about 10 minutes). The finished jam is poured into glass jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 table. spoon several times a day.

    Attention, there are contraindications!
    Pine needles and buds help in the treatment of many diseases. But, like any other medicines, they have their contraindications. So, you should not use coniferous medicines for chronic and acute diseases liver, kidneys, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis and pregnancy.

    Other “coniferous” recipes for traditional medicine

    Wound healing ointment from pine needles
    Prepare a decoction of pine needles (crush 10–20 g of pine needles in a mortar or ladle, add a glass of water and bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, then remove from the stove, let cool and strain). Then put the liquid back on the fire and evaporate it to half the original volume, then melt it in it lard. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid and place in a warm oven for several hours. When the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a jar. This ointment is good for scratches, abrasions, boils, and ulcers.
    Decoction of pine buds with honey
    For throat diseases, sore throat, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, a decoction of pine buds with honey helps well. It is prepared like this: 100 g of raw material is boiled in 2.5 liters of water until the liquid evaporates to 0.5 liter. After this, filter, add 250 g of sugar, and after cooling - 250 g of honey. This composition is drunk 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. For articular rheumatism and sciatica, drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals.
    Healing spruce “honey”
    This wonderful product has many healing properties and is useful for colds, pneumonia and bronchitis, heart and vascular diseases, anemia, depression and loss of strength. You need to collect young shoots of pine (or spruce), rinse them under running water cold water, dry on paper or a towel. Then place the pine needles in a large glass jar as follows: a layer of pine needles, a layer of sugar, and so on, until the very top. The last layer is sugar. A 3-liter jar requires about 1.2 kg of sugar. Leave the jar in the room overnight, and in the morning mix the pine mass with a large wooden spoon, tie the neck of the jar with a cloth or gauze and place this jar in the sun. They insist for ten days. In this case, the needles will gradually rise upward, and all the juice will remain below. On the eleventh day, the juice is poured into bottles and sealed tightly with corks. The liquid should be stored at room temperature. In medicinal and for preventive purposes Drink tea or water with spruce “honey” 2-3 times a day.

    For osteochondrosis – pine puree

    Pine buds also have another ability - to help with diseases of the spine and joints, osteochondrosis. Something few people know about. This is the recipe that herbalist Veronika Kvashnina shared with us.
    – It is better to prepare medicine for osteochondrosis in winter. At this time of year, the buds have the greatest healing power. You need to collect pine buds, preferably choosing the largest ones, as large as possible - the activity of the buds depends on their size. Then wash them, dry them with a paper or linen towel and pass them through a meat grinder, add them to the resulting mass granulated sugar(2:1). Place the mixture in a large glass jar and place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for two weeks. Gradually, the mixture will change color: at first the “puree” will be bright green, almost malachite in color, then it will turn brown. As soon as the color changes, the medicine is ready. It can be stored for a long time, but you should not take it orally for more than three weeks. They do this: a teaspoon of pine puree is placed in the mouth and slowly, slowly dissolved. You need to take the product 3 times a day.

    Spruce beer

    The healing properties of pine needles are preserved not only in fresh, but also even... in beer and other strong drinks. For many centuries, taiga beer saved hunters and fishermen, residents of Altai, Siberia and the North of Russia from illness. By the way, spruce beer was brewed not only in our country. For example, in England and some other European countries, healing medicine was popular alcoholic drink, which was prepared from spruce needles, molasses and yeast. It was believed that regular consumption of “black beer” would allow you to forget about coughs and colds forever.
    Similar spruce beer was brewed almost until the middle of the last century in the French provinces of Canada. They also produced non-alcoholic spruce lemonade, which for many Quebecers is still associated with childhood. Now only one small company produces soda with the aroma of pine branches. And only one brewery in New Zealand brews spruce beer, claiming to use an old recipe from 1773. This is a dense drink with a very strong pine smell and an unexpected tea taste (the beer contains tea tree manuka) is very specific and is not particularly popular.

    We all know that a walk through a pine forest is not only a pleasant pastime, but also beneficial for the body. Our lungs are saturated with oxygen. But few people know that pine buds, cones, pine needles and other forest gifts can be used in cooking. They are rich in useful substances, which have been known for decades.

    Pine shoot jam. Benefit

    Jam made from cones and pine shoots is not just an unusual delicacy, but also an excellent cure for many diseases.

    Regular use pine jam from young shoots - good way get rid of such a disease as anemia. It strengthens cardiovascular system, increases hemoglobin levels and improves blood composition. Coniferous fruits help cure gastritis and ulcers. In addition, they improve the digestive process. Cone jam improves immunity and is an excellent antidepressant. Pine buds are good to take for diseases such as arthritis or gout. They help with diseases of the lungs and bronchi (bronchitis, pneumonia).

    As for pine cones, we can safely say that when used correctly they help in the fight against stroke. Thanks to the resin contained in their composition, the shoots also help after a stroke during the recovery period. But it's not that simple. Not all cones and jam made from them can help with such a serious illness. It is necessary to know the period of their full ripening and only then start collecting. It is believed that best time for collecting them, this is the beginning - mid-autumn. It is during this period that the cones contain a large amount of vitamins, essential oils and medicinal tannins. At the same time, the fruits do not have time to harden, which makes them easy to collect and process.

    The harm that pine shoots can cause

    It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of pine products. However, before consuming even pine shoots jam, you need to know what side effects it can have an effect on the body.

    For example, jam made from pine cones is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease. People over 60 years of age should use it with caution, and, of course, in case of allergic reactions. This delicacy is very dangerous for pregnant women, since the essential oils contained in the shoots can cause allergies, even if the woman was completely healthy before. It is not advisable to give jam to children under three years of age.

    When to collect pine shoots for jam

    It all depends on which shoots you are going to make jam from. If we're talking about about pine buds, then harvesting should be done in early spring, before the buds have time to open. During this period, the pines gain strength, and the buds have a pronounced aroma. When collecting raw materials, attention should be paid to the place where they are broken. It should be brown or green in color.

    As for the cones, the period for their collection occurs at the end of May - beginning of June, before they have time to harden. Ripe cones are no longer suitable for making jam. In order to understand whether the fruits are overripe, pierce them with your fingernail. If it pierces easily, then you can tear it off. The size of the fruit can be from one to three centimeters. The exception is cones that will be used for the prevention and treatment of stroke. These fruits are best harvested in the first half of autumn.

    Storage and processing of shoots

    After harvesting, the fruits should be laid out in a well-ventilated area on cloth or parchment paper. It is not recommended to dry in dryers or ovens, because the fruits contain a large amount of essential oil, which can lose beneficial features. Dried raw materials should be placed in a paper bag or cardboard box and left in a dark, ventilated place. The preparations can be stored for no more than two years.

    Secrets of collecting pine fruits

    Of course, collected buds or cones can be bought at the market. But if there is an opportunity to collect them yourself, then you should not miss it. If you want your jam to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to know a few secrets.

    How to make jam from pine shoots

    Before cooking a healthy and tasty delicacy, the prepared pine cones must be rinsed well, or better yet, left in water for an hour. Next we start cleaning them. Let's look at a couple of recipes for preparing pine fruits.

    Pine shoot jam. The recipe is classic. Pour water over the cones, bring to a boil, and boil for about 30 minutes. Next, put in the same water in a dark place and leave for at least 12 hours. After this, catch the cones and add sugar to the broth (proportion 1:1). Place back on the stove over low heat and simmer until thickened (about 2 hours). At the end, pour the cones back in. You can use a few pieces for flavor or all of them. Boil for another 5 minutes. Now you can roll it into jars.

    Pine shoot jam. Recipe without cooking. Cut the green buds and roll in sugar. Then pour into jars, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Upper layer should be the thickest. Wrap the jar with gauze and place in a bright, warm place. Remove and shake occasionally to ensure the sugar is well distributed. After the syrup has formed, the jar can be closed and placed in the refrigerator.

    The healing properties of pine buds help reduce anxiety, strengthen the immune system, and treat respiratory diseases. The resinous acids and B vitamins contained in the kidneys have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect on the human body. In folk medicine, pine buds are most often used in the preparation of decoctions, infusions, syrups and alcohol tinctures.

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      Procurement of raw materials

      Young pine shoots are harvested around the beginning of March, when the awakening buds begin to grow. Cut them with sharp pruning shears, grabbing branches up to 5 cm long. Pay attention to the fact that the resinous scales fit the buds tightly on all sides.

      There are no problems with finding unique raw materials, since Scots pine has a wide growing area. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is recommended to collect buds in places far from roads and populated areas.

      For drying, the raw materials are laid out on paper in well-ventilated rooms - verandas, sheds, attics. During drying, it is necessary to constantly stir the shoots.

      You cannot force the process using ovens, electric dryers and furnaces, because when heated, valuable essential oil evaporates.

      Dried pine buds must be placed in closed containers - glass jars, wooden boxes.

      Medicinal properties of pine cones - use in folk medicine and contraindications


      IN structural formula The following elements were identified from pine buds:

      • resinous acids;
      • phytoncides;
      • tannins;
      • unique essential oil;
      • complex of minerals;
      • carotene;
      • vitamins B and C;
      • starch;
      • alkaloids;
      • bitter substance.

      Among valuable substances terpenes are released: limonene - aromatic fragrance, pinene - component turpentine, cadinene - a component of essential oil, borneol - an intermediate product of camphor.

      Beneficial features

      In folk medicine, the following medicinal properties of pine shoots awakening after winter are known:

      • immunostimulating;
      • expectorants;
      • anti-inflammatory;
      • antiviral;
      • diuretic;
      • diuretics;
      • antiseptic;
      • calming;
      • antimicrobial;
      • blood purifying;
      • secretory.

      When using pine buds, the blood is cleansed, metabolism is normalized, and immunity is increased. During a cold, the cough softens, free breathing is restored, pain is reduced, and the condition of the skin improves.


      It is necessary to include decoctions, infusions and other remedies from pine shoots in treatment in order to speed up recovery for the following diseases:

      • muscle inflammation;
      • rheumatism;
      • bronchitis – acute, chronic;
      • dropsy;
      • diseases of the pancreas;
      • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
      • catarrh of the respiratory tract;
      • cholelithiasis, peptic ulcer;
      • pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
      • joint diseases, radiculitis, neuralgia;
      • atherosclerosis;
      • hypertension;
      • liver pathologies;
      • gastritis.

      Due to the effective liquefaction and removal of sputum, priority is given to the use of pine buds for coughs. They are used for treatment dermatological diseases- psoriasis, eczema, lichen. They also help to recover after a stroke. Infusions are used to treat the skin with external lesions - burns, wounds, ulcers, ulcers.

      Dosage forms

      From pine shoots you can prepare various healing agents which must be used correctly.


      To create a decoction you will need a tablespoon of raw materials, which must be crushed and poured into an enamel pan. Then add water - two glasses, boil for one minute. Remove the drink from the stove, cover the pan with a towel and leave for half an hour to infuse. Take the product three times a day, 50 ml.

      In therapeutic practice, decoctions are used for inhalation for inflammation of the throat and pharynx. They are used to rinse the mouth to get rid of stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, and are also used for lesions skin.


      Since the infusion does not involve boiling, it retains many useful substances. To prepare, you need to take a glass of boiling water and pour it over a tablespoon of shoots. The infusion is kept under a towel for two hours. After 8 hours, take two tablespoons of it as a diuretic, antipyretic, and expectorant.

      Pine honey

      Pine honey is perfect for treating colds accompanied by cough. A kilogram of fresh buds is infused in a liter of cool water for about six hours, then boiled over low heat for 30 minutes and squeezed through folded gauze.

      If necessary, add boiling water to the mixture. Place the pan on the fire, after adding 2 kg of sugar with the addition of citric acid powder. After boiling for ten minutes, the mass is poured into sterile jars and covered with plastic lids. Medicine prepared for future use is stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take it before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 20 ml. The dosage for children is halved.

      There is another way to cook pine honey. Young fresh shoots are rinsed with water, placed in an enamel pan, adding water, and boiled under the lid for 20 minutes. After removing the pan from the heat, leave it for a day to infuse.

      The resulting broth is filtered into another pan, after which sugar is added in the proportions of 1 kg per 1 liter. The infusion is boiled for 1.5 hours over medium heat, periodically removing the foam. While hot, the mixture is poured into sterilized jars and cooled, covered with plastic lids. This honey will not spoil even in room conditions.


      A tincture is prepared from crushed buds, doused with vodka 1:10. With daily shaking, infuse for two weeks, then filter and pour into bottles with tight lids.

      Homemade vodka tincture is not used for lubrication open wounds. It is used internally in the treatment of inflammatory infections, first diluted in 50 ml of boiled water. Rubbing the tincture on diseased areas for joint diseases, bruises, and sprains is effective.


      The syrup is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis. To prepare it you will need fresh spring shoots passed through a meat grinder. A three-liter sterile jar is filled to the shoulders, pouring honey (one and a half glasses) into it. After mixing, place the liquid in a cool place. When the released syrup turns brownish, you need to squeeze out the remainder through double gauze. All the liquid is filtered through nylon again, poured into a bottle with a stopper and placed in the refrigerator.

      It should be taken half an hour before meals, one teaspoon at a time. The duration of the course is at least three weeks followed by a one-week break. The syrup relieves pain arising from osteochondrosis well.

    Everyone is familiar with a tree like pine, which grows everywhere. Surely there is no person who would not love walks in pine forests. Even the air in them is as if you can taste it. Even a short walk among the pine trees can relieve all accumulated fatigue and charge a person with a lot of energy. Having been close to these unpretentious coniferous trees, which exude a unique and specific aroma, anyone will feel reborn.

    Pine - a miracle tree

    But the miracle tree can provide not only excellent rest and relaxation. In folk medicine, pine shoots are of particular value. Their medicinal properties are used to treat many diseases. And the air of the pine forest itself has a wonderful healing effect on humans.

    With the help of the needles of this tree, especially the youngest, soft, emerald-colored needles, you can treat almost all diseases that exist. Most often, needles are used to treat diseases such as:

    • Kidney diseases;
    • Convulsions;
    • Haemorrhoids;
    • Problems of the cardiovascular system.

    Young pine shoots, the medicinal properties of which were well known to our grandmothers, also help with atrophy of the optic nerve, as well as retinal detachment. This product is capable of removing radionuclides from the body. During the war years, decoctions from the needles of this tree saved many lives, as they helped to increase immunity, which was greatly undermined by difficult times.

    Composition of medicinal raw materials made from pine shoots

    Pine shoots have simply excellent medicinal properties. This is facilitated by their composition. The young branches and newly formed needles of this miracle healer contain resinous substances used in many medicines. They are also rich in ascorbic acid, which is why in ancient times it was used as a means to treat such a terrible disease as scurvy.

    Pine shoots also do not lose their medicinal properties in alcohol due to the fact that a large number of compounds that are compatible with it have accumulated in the needles. Young shoots also contain numerous micro- and macroelements. Don’t forget about the essential oil produced, which contains terpene compounds.

    Pine shoots and traditional medicine

    This medicinal plant uses pine shoots. Medicinal properties have been used in folk medicine for many centuries. All kinds of decoctions and ointments necessary for the treatment of many serious diseases are prepared from them, and they are also added to the bath.

    But even in the case when a person is not sick with anything, but simply has vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue syndrome in the spring, products prepared from young pine shoots will also come to the rescue.

    But in folk medicine, not only decoctions for which pine shoots were used are used. The medicinal properties of vodka tincture eliminate both the causes in a person and the tincture is also an excellent antiseptic, acts well as a choleretic and diuretic, promotes expectoration of sputum and treats any inflammatory pathologies formed in the upper respiratory tract.

    Ten diseases affected by pine needles

    What can completely heal this evergreen tree? Pine shoots, the medicinal properties they have, relieve many diseases. Only ten are listed below; needles can get rid of them without any problems or consequences:

    1. Any cold-related illnesses. The needles of the plant are used for this. When crushed, it helps get rid of a runny nose, and in the form of a decoction it is used for sore throats and prolonged colds;
    2. Good infusions and decoctions of young pine shoots help with atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    3. Skin diseases are also treated with the help of pine twigs, and the resin present on them is used to make an ointment for furunculosis, carbuncles, and ulcers;
    4. For pulmonary diseases, a remedy prepared from the shoots helps to liquefy and better separate the mucus present in the bronchi and lungs. These remedies are also used for tuberculosis;
    5. A decoction prepared from pine shoots and pine needles also cures diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys;
    6. And in the case when a person is diagnosed with any disease of the digestive organs, this plant becomes an indispensable assistant;
    7. Young pine shoots can also cope with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatism, radiculitis, joint pain;
    8. Pine shoots have proven themselves well in the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
    9. When they are used as a sedative in the form of tinctures or baths;
    10. Thanks to young pine shoots, you can get rid of migraines, headaches and noise.

    Pharmacological properties of drugs prepared from pine

    Young pine shoots are used not only in folk medicine, but also in domestic pharmacology. Their medicinal properties have long been appreciated by traditional medicine. Aqueous infusions or alcoholic extracts are mostly prepared from the young shoots of this plant. Their decoction is also added to bath water.

    A good therapeutic effect from preparations prepared from young pine twigs is achieved thanks to the biologically active substances they contain, which can have both anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects on the body.

    Also, products that are prepared on the basis of pine are prescribed in traditional medicine as an addition to the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of stones in the bile ducts or urinary organs, as well as in the kidneys.

    Ways to use pine shoots

    Pine branches with young needles are usually used as follows:

    • A decoction of them is often prepared when an antitumor agent is required;
    • In the form of a paste or ointment, they have found application in the treatment of skin pathologies, burns, ulcers, boils;
    • A decoction of them added to a bath has excellent soothing properties.

    Here is the simplest but most effective decoction that pine shoots give; their medicinal properties are used by many:

    Take 4 cups of finely trimmed pine needles and fill them with cold boiled water. Two teaspoons of hydrochloric acid are added to the prepared mixture. All this should stand for three days in the dark, and after that the product is filtered. You need to take half a glass twice a day, adding a little honey or sugar just before taking it.

    Pine shoot jam is an excellent medicine

    In addition to the above uses of pine needles, the medicinal properties of pine shoots can be used by preparing delicacies such as jam or honey from them. The recipes are quite simple and do not require special knowledge of cooking, but the benefits of using them are simply enormous. First of all, use is recommended for those people who very often suffer from colds. It is worth not forgetting about their existence even when there are chronic respiratory diseases.

    Contraindications to the use of pine shoots

    Many sources describe how young pine shoots are used in alternative medicine, their medicinal properties and contraindications to their use. Considering all this information, a patient with a history of a certain disease has an excellent opportunity to improve his well-being with the help of pine needles and prevent possible negative consequences.

    • The use of drugs prepared from young pine shoots during pregnancy, as well as feeding a child, is completely contraindicated;
    • You should refrain from using them for hepatitis, especially when it occurs in an acute form;
    • Uncontrolled intake of this drug in large quantities is not recommended, since in this case pine needles can easily cause a strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as general malaise, headache and;
    • Hypertensive patients should take certain medications prepared from the needles and twigs of this tree with great caution.

    All this information makes it possible to use pine shoots, their medicinal properties and contraindications for the benefit of your body. Indeed, thanks to them, it is possible not only to prolong the period of remission of some diseases, but also to achieve a complete cure.

    Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials from pine needles

    Pine needles are used for many medicinal purposes. In order for a product prepared on its basis to bring only benefits and not make a person suffer from possible negative consequences, the collection rules must be followed. The healing properties of pine shoots can manifest themselves in full force only in this case. You can harvest pine needles and branches at any time, but the best period is early spring, when young shoots appear on the trees. They are the ones who have the greatest healing power.

    The rules for preparing them are quite simple and are as follows:

    • Young shoots are cut with a sharp knife;
    • To dry, lay out in a well-ventilated area in one row;
    • During drying, the raw materials should be turned over several times to prevent the formation of mold.

    They can also be dried hanging on stretched ropes. Coniferous shoots prepared in this way should be stored in canvas bags.
    Self-harvested pine shoots have medicinal properties and contraindications. But the latter, for the most part, appear when the rules for collecting this magnificent raw material were violated.