They go 2 times a month. Why can periods come twice a month? Diseases of the reproductive system

Menstruation 2 times a month is certainly a pathology. Every woman knows that normally this phenomenon should occur only once a month. The time from the first day of menstruation to the onset of the next is called the menstrual cycle. Normally, it should be from 21 to 35 days. If menstrual bleeding appears for the second time in a month, for example on day 15 of the cycle, some women may not know what to do. The first thing we recommend is to contact a qualified doctor who will correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

It is important to understand that if your periods come too often, this is a disease. The sooner treatment begins, the less consequences will be good for the body. The causes of this condition can be very different - from short-term hormonal imbalance to life-threatening diseases such as cervical cancer.

Menstruation is normal condition female body. Normally, it should occur in all women reproductive age once a month. Regular menstruation begins in girls at the age of 12–14 years, and ends in women after 45 years. The meaning of this process is to separate the mucous membrane covering the surface of the uterus.

Every representative of the fair sex should know what is normal. Such information will allow you to promptly consult a doctor in case of violations.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is 21 – 35 days – this is the period that indicates the absence of women’s health problems. If they say that menstruation occurs 2 times a month, this means that the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 21 days.

The meaning of menstruation is that every month the uterus prepares for the implantation of a fertilized egg. For this reason, it is covered with a mucous layer, in which the most favorable conditions for the development of a new life. But most often, conception does not occur - this is the reason for the appearance of bleeding. Upper layer the epithelium separates along with small blood vessels, causing slight bleeding. Normally, menstruation should last 3–5 days.

The above process is regulated by hormones - progesterone and estrogen. It should be noted that the state of women’s health can largely be determined by the nature of menstruation. It’s not for nothing that at an appointment with a gynecologist you always hear the following questions: when was your last period, what is the nature of your periods, are there any clots in the discharge? Do not forget that until your periods are regular, there can be no talk of any pregnancy. This also applies to situations where menstrual bleeding recurs a second time in a month.

Causes of menstruation twice a month

Hormones and stress

The reason why menstruation came for the second time in a month can only be named qualified specialists. In fact, there are quite a few of them. This phenomenon often causes oral contraceptives. At the first stage of this method of contraception (the first 3 months), hormonal levels cannot return to normal. This results in periods less than 21 days apart.

The second, perhaps the most common reason, is hormonal imbalance caused by incorrect work hormonal system. Repeated menstrual bleeding also accompanies women during the rehabilitation period after an abortion.

Various stress, emotional and mental stress can cause frequent menstruation. The fact is that women Health- this is a very fragile system, which is subject to Negative influence unfavorable factors. Sometimes this syndrome accompanies representatives of the fair sex who use the IUD for contraception. In this case, to solve the problem, the IUD should be removed and another method of preventing unwanted pregnancy should be chosen.

Sometimes a discharge similar to menstruation may appear when a fertilized egg implants into the walls of the uterus. But they should not be confused with menstrual bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy also has the same symptoms - a woman may notice scanty discharge Red. Sometimes the cause of repeated menstrual bleeding can be a change in weather and climate conditions.

In any case, if the short interval between cycles occurs only once, there should be no cause for concern.


The reason why menstruation occurs for the second time in a row in a month may be the most various diseases. Among them are the following women's health disorders:

  • adenomyosis;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis;
  • cervical cancer;
  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

Adenomyosis is caused by hormonal imbalances in the body and is inflammatory process. Cervical cancer provokes severe changes in female body. It is accompanied by watery discharge Brown. Under no circumstances should you put off going to the doctor if this happens. dangerous symptom. Endometriosis is a pathology of the female genital organs, which provokes disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Myoma is benign neoplasm, representing the growth muscle tissue uterus. If your period starts ahead of schedule, the reason may lie in the inflammatory process of the ovaries or erosion of the cervix. It should be understood that all of the above diseases require qualified medical care.

What to do if your period comes twice a month?

If you have recently started taking hormonal contraceptives, there is no reason to visit the doctor. Also, do not worry if this condition was caused by a change in climate or weather. Often, disruptions to the menstrual cycle occur in the off-season. Don't worry if the interval between menstruation is 21 days. Some people think that this results in periods occurring twice a month, but in reality it is 21 days. menstrual cycle- this is the norm.

If you are concerned about discharge of a strange nature, unusual sharp pains lower abdomen, no regular cycle- this is a reason to visit the doctor. Anyway medical checkup will identify the cause of this condition. Remember that sometimes a timely visit to the doctor saves women from infertility. And in some cases, it helps to promptly and successfully cure cancer.

There are many reasons why menstruation may occur twice a month. Every woman should monitor her health and know in what situations it is necessary health care. The nature of menstruation can tell a lot about women's health.

Menstruation 2 times a month is an infrequent phenomenon for people, and is definitely not normal, moreover: menstruation 2 times a month is a clear reason to visit a gynecologist. Appearance bloody discharge in a woman, it is evidence of the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. And if a woman can confidently say that she has a regular menstrual cycle, then this indicates that there are no disorders in her body and the reproductive system is functioning correctly. However, sometimes it fails for unknown reasons. In such cases, it is possible that menstruation will occur 2 times a month. Naturally, this causes extreme concern and discomfort, but from the point of view of doctors, the second period in a month is not always a pathology.

For example, in adolescents, menstruation occurs 2 times a month due to the development hormonal balance in the developing organism. And older women should seek help from a doctor, who will conduct further examination and identify the presence of pathologies.

Reasons for menstruation 2 times a month

To begin with, it is worth saying that the menstrual cycle healthy woman is 28-32 days. If this pause between monthly discharge is regular, then the body works without any disturbances.

However, gynecologists note that regular periods (menstruation) can occur a second time if the reproductive cycle lasts from 21 to 28 days. These are quite common cases in young girls under the age of 18.

Such clinical manifestations should cause concern, as they may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Why does menstruation happen 2 times a month? Exist various reasons that explain this situation.

Specific cases that are not pathological:

The above reasons are not pathological, but can provoke menstruation for the second time in the cycle.

Pathological menstruation 2 times a month - what does this mean?

If a woman has her period for the second time, then this may be the consequences of serious illnesses female organs. The most common of them are:

The diseases indicated in the list are pathological in nature and require immediate medical attention.

Perhaps it's pregnancy! Another explanation for menstruation 2 times a month

Sometimes repeated periods may occur in case of conception. The fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, and may be damaged blood vessels. Then minor things happen bleeding. This is how attachment occurs ovum in 10% of pregnancies.

Other cases of menstruation more than once a month

It happens that a woman mistakes bleeding for menstruation. But you need to know that bleeding differs in the consistency of the discharge, color and abundance. Very often this situation leads to severe stress, provoking a surge in hormonal background. This causes unexpected bleeding. It is worth remembering that in any case it is better to visit a gynecologist and not self-medicate. Serious illnesses are a threat to the entire body.

The regular occurrence of menstruation indicates proper functioning of the reproductive system women, as well as the lack pathological processes.

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However, it happens that a girl gets her period twice a month. This immediately causes concern, but does not always indicate any pathology. For example, if a girl who first encountered this phenomenon experiences menstruation for the second time in a month, this may be due to stabilization of hormonal levels.

If a mature woman has her second period within a month, she must immediately consult a doctor in order to diagnose a possible pathological process.

Visit to the gynecologist

The menstrual cycle is normal

Menstruation, which does not occur twice a month, but in accordance with lunar calendar, indicate the trouble-free operation of all mechanisms responsible for procreation. Average duration The interval between bleeding is usually 28–32 days. Also find out why.

We also note that menstruation can occur twice a month even when the number of days between bleeding in women is 21 - 28. This may be due to the characteristics of the body of a particular representative of the fair sex, and is not a pathology.

Calculation monthly cycle

Reasons for the violation

There are many reasons that can explain why menstruation occurs 2 times a month. Let's look at the most common cases.

  1. Reception hormonal contraceptives. As soon as a woman starts taking such drugs, she may bleed again in the first or second month. This feature can be repeated two or three times, and after that the hormonal levels stabilize and the cycle returns to normal.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. In this case, menstruation for the second time in one month is quite likely. For example, the presence of an inflammatory process inside a girl’s reproductive organ prevents sufficient release of progesterone, while the endometrial layer will be separated a little earlier and again lead to menstrual bleeding. Moreover, an abortion or childbirth also has a significant impact on the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones. Therefore, such processes can cause menstruation to come 2 times a month.
  3. Age characteristics. In a girl, the appearance of the first menstruation indicates the beginning of the activity of the reproductive organs. However this system It is still developing, so your period may come for the second time in a month. This does not at all indicate any disease or pathology. Everything returns to normal within a couple of years. A woman whose age is close to menopause, may also encounter this problem. This is due to the aging process, which affects hormonal levels.
  4. Discharge during ovulation. Everyone knows that 2 weeks after the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs, in other words, the destruction of the follicle and the release of an egg that is ready for fertilization. If fusion with sperm has occurred, the egg attaches to the pre-prepared endometrial layer in the uterus. These processes may be accompanied by slight damage to the capillaries in the body, which will cause slight brownish spotting. Most girls mistake them for periods that appear 2 times a month. This phenomenon is caused only by physiology and does not require contacting a gynecologist.
  5. A spiral inside the uterus. Application this method contraception may affect the occurrence of discharge mistaken for menstruation. If such a feature is observed more than once and is abundant, then the spiral must be removed in order to avoid the development of pathologies inside the organs responsible for reproductive function.

Diseases that cause bleeding

In addition to the reasons described above, there are a lot of pathological processes that negatively affect a woman’s organs and cause bleeding from the vagina.

Let's look at the most dangerous diseases.

  1. Uterine fibroids. This tumor itself is not considered a malignant formation, but it can grow to large sizes. At some stage of growth, disturbances in the production of sex hormones occur, and this leads to the onset of repeated menstruation. Myoma should be treated with medication, and sometimes even with surgery.
  2. Adenomyosis. This is an inflammatory process that can also affect endocrine system, why menstruation appears twice a month.
  3. Pathology of the fallopian tubes, inflammation of the ovaries, cervical erosion. All of these processes are often capable of causing both menstruation and intrauterine bleeding. If blood appears in the presence of these pathologies, an urgent medical examination is necessary in order to avoid the development of anemia.
  4. Polyps and endometriosis. These processes develop inside the uterus. Certain circumstances can affect the occurrence of menstruation, because it is the remains of exfoliated endometrium.
  5. Uterine cancer. If there are malignant tumors in a woman’s main reproductive organ, they can cause repeated bleeding, watery discharge from the vagina. Such menstruation requires immediate consultation with a doctor in order to full examination body.
  6. Interrupted pregnancy. If the fertilized egg fails to attach to the uterus, the body gets rid of it. In other words, a miscarriage occurs. This process is accompanied by the release of blood, which does not depend on the menstrual cycle.
  7. Ectopic pregnancy. If the development of the embryo began not in the uterus, but in fallopian tube, there may be a discharge of blood from the vagina that looks like menstruation. It is worth noting that this pathology is very dangerous for a woman and requires immediate surgical intervention.
  8. Poor blood clotting. This feature can also answer the question of why menstruation occurs 2 times in one month.
The meaning of emotional state

Every woman should remember that, as a rule, the frequent appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina is not menstruation, but bleeding that only resembles it.

The onset of menstruation with the continuation of the cycle indicates the proper functioning of the woman’s reproductive system. This means that the system did not fail and no pathology developed. But this happens when a girl gets her period twice a month. This is often not considered a pathology - in young girls this may indicate stabilization of hormonal levels. This phenomenon in a mature woman can signal some kind of pathology, as a result of which it is unsafe to ignore it.

Why do my periods come 2 times a month, reasons this phenomenon and methods for restoring the cycle will be described in this article. The menstrual cycle is considered normal if the interval between bleeding is 28-32 days. If menstruation appeared at the beginning of the month - the 1st day, then with a cycle of 28 days, the onset of the next menstruation should be expected at the end of the same month. This happens to girls under 18 years of age.

It happens less in women long cycle, equal to 21 days, means that menstruation will come twice a month, this is not a pathology, but a feature of the body of a young lady. You should be concerned when menstruation begins every 2 weeks. What are the reasons for this phenomenon, and when should you consult a doctor?

Why menstrual cycle became twice a month - they allocate here following reasons of this phenomenon:

  • Application contraception. In the first months of using oral contraceptives, the body gets used to them and the appearance of spotting does not indicate danger. But heavy periods require immediate medical attention. Irregular cycle Maybe a woman who has the IUD installed will have periods twice a month for some time.
  • Age. Teenagers and older women may have critical days twice a month. In young girls this happens when a normal cycle is established. In older women, it indicates that menopause is approaching.
  • Pregnancy. This is the most safe reason irregular “arrival” of menstruation. Sometimes menstruation occurs two weeks after the previous one - this is the movement of the egg into the uterine cavity. If the discharge is small, it means that the egg has been fertilized. If the bleeding is significant, then this may indicate ectopic pregnancy. A woman should immediately consult a doctor to prevent a pipe rupture.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs. Many diseases affect menstrual irregularities. This could be uterine fibroids, polypoid, hyperplasia or cancer. Most often, such diseases occur in women over 35 years of age - the most dangerous age, since the onset of menopause is still far away, and changes in the body can negatively affect health. Repeated periods often begin after an abortion or abdominal surgery on reproductive organs. The body can also signal an inflammatory process.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Most often, repeated menstruation occurs in women with hormonal imbalance. An abnormal cycle can occur for a long time in a woman who has had an abortion or due to a severe infection.

This is interesting: “Harmless” stress can also cause frequent bleeding. Hormonal imbalance due to emotional stress- a common occurrence. The recurrence of menstruation can be a single occurrence or last for several months. Stress for the body can be overwork or insomnia.

Sometimes bleeding of a different nature is mistaken for the onset of menstruation. For example, the development of cervical erosion is also normal phenomenon bleeding. Regular bleeding may also begin, which women confuse with menstruation, but this requires medical intervention. The reasons for the disordered monthly cycle may be climate change and even PMS.

Gynecological diseases

It is important to know that such problems - heavy or scanty (but constant) bleeding - are a must gynecological disease. It may not be serious, but it is worth getting tested.

The following are considered serious pathologies:

  • Myoma is benign education in the uterine cavity, which can grow to large sizes. The disease entails a hormonal imbalance, instability in the production of hormones occurs, which leads to the onset of menstruation 2 times a month.
  • Inflammation of the appendages. This disease also leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of bleeding between periods.
  • Polyps and endometriosis. Similar pathology causes the recurrence of menstruation in one month.
  • Uterine cancer. Regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, bleeding occurs. If cervical cancer has developed, there will be a watery, brown discharge that can last for a whole month or even more.
  • Poor blood clotting. Menstruation occurs twice a month and lasts longer than three days.
  • Early miscarriage. Unscheduled bleeding can be a spontaneous abortion in the early stages. But the girl, unaware of the pregnancy, takes them for the beginning of menstruation.

The above pathologies should be treated, for which you need to contact a gynecologist. A specialist should be contacted whenever bleeding causes severe pain.

What to do if your period comes 2 times a month

If the problem in question appears, you should first undergo an examination. If there are pathologies such as uterine fibroids, polyps, hyperplasia or tumor, then the doctor will prescribe correct treatment. Additionally, the patient is sent for an ultrasound to exclude pregnancy and determine the nature of the pathology. When visiting a doctor, you should not keep silent about taking contraceptives and whether there is a delay in menstruation. Ultrasound helps to identify pathologies of the pelvic organs. A referral is also given for hormone tests; if there are changes, then adequate treatment is prescribed.

When the body is working normally and all systems are functioning properly correct mode, no violations menstrual period can not be. It is important to remember that extracurricular bleeding is a sign of illness or another problem in the body that should be addressed by a doctor immediately.

Which occur twice in one cycle, can appear for various reasons and indicate some problems of the reproductive system.

When is the menstrual cycle considered normal?

The duration is special for each woman, since no two organisms are identical. But there are still some norms and frameworks by which the normal state is determined internal organs and their work.

Normal cycle varies from 21 to 35 days. If the break between cycles is short, then menstruation may begin at the beginning and end of the month, but this is within normal limits. If the delay is longer than this period, then this indicates either the onset or presence of malignant tumors or illnesses. Appearances characteristic bleeding ahead of schedule, that is, if your period comes for the second time in a month after the first, this is also a signal from the body about problems. Only a doctor can determine what to do, but there are several reasons for this violation.

Did you know? Healthy uterus at rest it usually measures 7-8 centimeters in length and about 5 in width. And with the onset of pregnancy, amazing changes occur to it: before it begins to reach the navel, and at 36 weeks its edge reaches the chest.

Causes of deviations that are not considered pathology

Of course, such a violation is bound to cause concern or concern. But there are many reasons that affect the body and can lead to similar condition. It is impossible to exclude an action like external factors affecting the body, as well as internal changes, which, however, are not pathological.
Here is the list possible reasons, which affect a woman or girl and can provoke repeated periods:

  • Quite often, teenagers get periods twice a month. The reason is that hormones at this age are very unstable, which causes schedule disruptions.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Similar problem causes instability and chaos in the cycle. Such a disorder may occur due to inflammation of internal organs.
  • Often, due to a miscarriage, the duration of the break can be disrupted and lead to such shifts. It may also be due to hormonal imbalance after the loss of a child.
  • may cause such by-effect, especially during the first months of use.
  • Not pathological feature the body is also that menstruation 2 times in one calendar month, that is, at the beginning and at the end of the month, can appear for the reason that the girl simply has a short period between cycles. Often appears in those for whom it is 21-26 days.
  • For women preparing for pregnancy, such a failure may indicate its imminent onset.
  • Minor discharge with blood may appear during ovulation or fertilization and the implantation of the egg into the walls of the uterus.
  • sometimes causes not only a schedule failure, but also constant heavy bleeding. In this case, it is very important to contact a gynecologist and use a different method of contraception. The spiral needs to be removed.

Important!Very often, representatives of the fairer sex experience bleeding while on vacation. There is no need to worry about this, as this is due to changes in climate or time zone. This usually only occurs once and does not happen again.

There are many various reasons, causing a similar malfunction in the reproductive system. If menstruation occurs twice a month, then this may even be due to strong negative emotions that affect the body. Do not immediately think that this is the influence of the disease.

Pathologies that cause bleeding from the uterus

Sometimes it crashes normal operation genital organs may arise as a result of the influence of more serious violations, diseases or infections. Here are the main ones pathological causes, causing cycle failure:

Important! Extraordinary bloody discharge-This is not menstruation, but only menstrual-like bleeding. Its cause is most often hormonal surge caused by stress, emotional turmoil, overwork or even lack of sleep. You should pay attention if they become the norm and appear constantly.

Also, disorders can be caused by other diseases that the body has suffered. For example, bleeding after infections or severe colds is very common.

The meaning of emotional state

A woman’s emotions often become a source of problems - both for those around her and for herself. Bloody or spotting discharge is not always evidence of the onset of menstruation. Such troubles may well be caused by instability of emotions.

Quite a lot of women have concerns about whether it is possible if their periods come 2 times in one month. Such a violation does not make it impossible to have children, but you must inform your doctor about this and undergo examinations, since the presence of other diseases and pathologies may interfere.
Stress of different nature and duration always leave their mark on the work not only nervous system, but also hormonal. Large emotional or mental stress can cause disruptions and disruptions to the schedule. Even experiences leave an imprint on the functioning of the body, since health is actually a very fragile system. Active mental stress, bad dream, non-compliance with the rest regime, worries and uncontrollable emotions can cause the appearance of discharge.

To eliminate this factor, it is best to:

  • do not worry about everything and try to avoid shocks;
  • keep all emotions under control, do not allow personal boundaries to be violated;
  • monitor medications taken and their effects;
  • take tests and undergo check-ups with a doctor;
  • control hormonal levels.

Did you know? The acidity level of the vagina is quite high, around 3 to 4, when the normal neutral pH is 7. This is equal to the acidity in beer or tomatoes. And all because of colonies of bacteria that are actively developing. Lactobacilli, which are part of the main group of the internal ecosystem, create a similar environment from their waste products. At the same time, it is she who protects the body and the uterus from the invasion of other microorganisms that move precisely to the places of colonization of the former.

In what cases should you consult a doctor if your menstrual frequency is irregular?

Essentially, disturbances are caused big amount reasons. If a girl’s period begins 10 days after the previous one, this is due to the formation of the hormonal system in the body. This is normal, but still to avoid more serious problems or to eliminate the possibility of developing diseases, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

If the bleeding is one-time, there is no need to worry. If it repeats regularly, occurs not only twice, but more often, more than 3 times, with a pause of several days, then you should definitely consult a doctor and get tested.

If menstruation appears for the second time in a month after, then the reason is a violation of hormone concentrations. You should inform your doctor about this, as such a violation may become permanent.
With such discharge of a different nature, which is accompanied by pain and unpleasant sensations, you must immediately contact a specialist, as this may be a symptom of not only serious gynecological diseases, but also abnormalities in the functioning of other internal organs, inflammation of the kidneys or Bladder. Accurate diagnosis Only a doctor can do it.

In the case when menstruation begins to come twice a month in women over 40 years old, there is only one reason - the onset of menopause. This is one of the fairly common signs of its approach.

Every girl and woman should remember that even rare but recurring discharge necessarily requires consultation with a doctor. Timely detection and competent treatment problems will help you cope with illnesses faster. And if the reason is that you get nervous too often, there is only one piece of advice - think about yourself and your health.