Treat teeth in April according to the lunar calendar. Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

At first glance, it is difficult to find anything in common between the exact and strict science of medicine and the science of astrology, which is often not taken seriously. However, the connection between them still exists and is confirmed by even the most ardent skeptics. It's about about the moon, which influences many areas of human life.

The influence of the moon on health

Currently, no one argues with the fact that the influence of the Moon on our planet and all living organisms is obvious. Everyone knows that this small satellite of the earth “manages” the ebb and flow of water in the seas and oceans. It also affects the state of the liquids inside human body(blood, lymph), as well as on the rate of cell division and growth.

Astrologers are firmly convinced that the Moon has a greater energetic influence than a physical one, which is quite difficult to verify. However, the connection between the human condition and the Moon, which was noticed in ancient times, is today confirmed by modern scientific research.

Many doctors and astrologers agree on one thing: how successful this or that will be depends on the phase of the moon. surgical intervention how quickly postoperative wounds will heal and the onset of full recovery. Here is the treatment of teeth and their prosthetics according to lunar calendar V Lately has become very popular. Many patients make an appointment with a dentist only after checking the lunar calendar for treatment and tooth extraction.

In what phase and what can be treated?

The most big number Questions arise regarding the full moon - a time to which many mysterious incidents and coincidences are attributed. During the full moon, astrologers do not recommend avoiding the removal, treatment and prosthetics of teeth, as well as any surgical interventions.

These restrictions also apply on days of eclipses, both solar and lunar. The most unfavorable and even critical days According to the lunar calendar, days 9, 7 and 15, as well as 23, 26 and 29 are considered for dental treatment.

It is also not recommended to treat teeth during the waxing moon. It is best to choose the day of the waning moon or the new moon. It is generally accepted that while it is growing, the body accumulates strength in order to later spend it during the waning Moon, that is, it is easy to endure any procedures and quickly recover.

The most favorable days for dental procedures are considered to be the days of the waning moon, that is, all the time from the full moon to the new moon.

During the new moon, tartar removal, teeth filling, crown and bridge installation will be effective. And a week before new moon You can safely remove teeth and perform jaw surgery. Favorable days for dental procedures - 2, 6, 7 and 14, as well as 15, 24, 27 and 28 days of the lunar cycle. If you are planning dental treatment and want to do it in accordance with the phases of the moon, stock up on a calendar and feel free to plan all your affairs, and also select favorable days according to the lunar calendar for treating your teeth.

You can purchase a lunar calendar for the current or future 2016 at any bookstore or kiosk.

However, remember that serious problems such as the presence of a cyst acute pain and swollen cheeks from a bad tooth should not wait for the new moon. You need to immediately go to the doctor and fix the problem.

A person’s well-being is related to the location of the Moon in relation to the Earth - its phase. This fact has long been proven by scientists and is not in doubt. Many doctors recommend coordinating therapeutic and preventive procedures, including dental treatment, with the lunar calendar. It is believed that the quality and result of the manipulation, as well as the likelihood of complications, largely depend on one or another phase of the moon.

What is the lunar calendar, how do the phases of the moon affect the human body?

The lunar calendar is one of the varieties of the calendar, which is based on periods of changing phases of the Moon, that is, on synodic months with average duration 29.53059 days. A certain position of the satellite in relation to the Earth affects the human body in different ways. Each of the lunar phases affects well-being as follows:

Before planning various medical procedures It is recommended to take into account the phases of the moon. Thanks to the lunar calendar, it is easy to determine when it is better to treat or pull out a diseased tooth and perform prosthetics, and on which days you should not plan a trip to the dentist.

Suitable days for dental treatment and other dental procedures according to the phases of the moon

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Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar is a guarantee of fast and high-quality implementation dental intervention and a quick painless recovery. The best time To remove tartar, the period when the Moon is in its waning phase is considered. During this phase, it is best to carry out manipulations to install various orthodontic structures.

It is recommended to plan major operations, including tooth extraction, 7 days before the date marked “New Moon” in the lunar calendar. However, you must not only rely on the phases of the moon, but also strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

IN otherwise following the lunar day will be inappropriate. In cases where there is a need to urgently remove or treat a diseased tooth, and the position of the Moon is unfavorable for dental intervention, Special attention should be given to the rehabilitation process.

Using the lunar calendar when planning treatment for oral diseases will help avoid complications during and after the procedure. It is not even recommended to ignore the lunar phases medical workers, since this may lead to inflammatory processes in the future and entail considerable costs to eliminate undesirable (and in some cases dangerous) consequences.

Treatment and removal of teeth depending on the position of the moon in the zodiac sign

When performing dental procedures, the horoscope is also taken into account. A representative of each zodiac sign should know the specifics of the condition of their teeth:

When visiting the dentist, you can also take into account which zodiac sign the Moon is located in. Unfavorable signs are:

  1. Aries. It is undesirable to intervene in the maxillary region and perform pulp removal.
  2. Fish. Visiting the dentist's office is not recommended due to decreased pain threshold and increasing the risk of developing allergies.
  3. Calf. Complications are likely during manipulation in the area lower jaw and maxillotemporal joint.
  4. Capricorn. Due to the vulnerability of the bones, the likelihood of fractures and injuries is high.

Favorable signs for dental procedures:

In addition, there are neutral zodiac signs. This category includes Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for dental patients in 2018

In order for the treatment to be as traumatic as possible and not provoke the occurrence of undesirable consequences, before going to the dentist you need to study the lunar calendar.

Table of dates of the current year that are suitable and not suitable for carrying out therapeutic and preventive manipulations in the oral cavity:

MonthFavorable days for performing dental proceduresUnfavorable days for performing dental procedures
January3-6, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 26-29 2, 14, 17, 19, 23-25, 30-31
February2, 3, 9, 11, 14, 18, 24-27 1, 12, 15, 19-23, 28
March3, 5, 7, 8, 12, 15, 18, 23-24 1-2, 19-22
April2, 7, 8, 11, 21-22 1, 5-6, 15-18
May6-7, 17, 21-22 -
June5, 13-15, 19-20 4, 9, 11-12, 21, 27-28
July6-8, 11-13, 21-22, 30-31 2, 9-10, 23-25, 29
August7-8, 11, 17-18 1-6, 9, 25-26, 30
September4-5, 8, 10-11, 15 1-2, 21-22, 26-29
October3-6, 9, 11-12, 16-17 9, 22-27, 31
November2, 3-6, 14, 28-19 -
December- 7, 11-12, 17-20

The specified recommendations for dental treatment in the current calendar year should be taken into account when prescribing planned procedures. However, if you have a severe toothache, you should immediately consult a doctor, regardless of what phase the Moon is in.

Astrology, which is a soft science, is often perceived with skepticism when its influence on precise medicine is assessed. However, ardent skeptics confirmed that the course of dental treatment and prosthetics is determined by the lunar phases.

From the article you will learn about how the phases of the Moon affect treatment and health in general, how the success of treatment depends on what phase the Moon is in, and you will also be able to calculate the optimal day to schedule a visit to the dentist depending on your zodiac sign.

Moon phases and their effect on teeth and health in general

Biological rhythms humans are determined by the phases of the moon

Moon phases influence living organisms: water exchange in plants, cyclical reproduction.

The new or waning moon determines the ebb and flow of the tides. Human biological rhythms are also determined by the phases of the moon.

The celestial body completes a full cycle in 29.6 days.

During this time, four phases change: new moon, waxing period, full moon, waning.

In each state the Moon remains a little more than a week.

According to astrological information, scientifically confirmed, the phases of the celestial body determine the standing of people and influence what manipulations and health procedures are indicated and contraindicated during that period.

New moon

For many people, in the initial phase of the new moon, sharp deterioration physical and psychological health

The darkest nights of the cycle occur during the new moon period.

In astrology they are associated with the manifestation of demonic, mystical forces.

Many people in the initial phase of the new moon experience a sharp deterioration in their physical and psychological health.

During this period, there is an increase in interaction between the Sun and the celestial body closest to the Earth, because of this, water begins to leave the body at a rapid pace.

This causes weakened immunity.

Appetite also worsens, performance decreases, apathy and lethargy are felt throughout the body. Lack of water makes it difficult to respiratory system.

Nausea, sweating, and involuntary muscle twitching appear.

Increased susceptibility to disease chronic diseases are getting worse. It is not advisable to carry out serious manipulations with your body during the new moon phase, this also applies to dental treatment. The body will perceive surgical interventions as a blow to its immune system.

During the new moon, it is recommended to refuse treatment, dental prosthetics, exercise during this period preventive measures. Relaxing procedures are indicated for the body as a whole. On will benefit massage, warm baths with essential oils, therapeutic fasting.

Waxing Crescent

The waxing moon phase allows you to carry out therapeutic manipulations with your body. But they must be balanced. A person’s energy field strengthens, making it easier for him to perceive interventions.

In general, for the body during this period, the beginning of medical therapy is indicated - in the phase of the waxing Moon, the body is tuned to changes and adapts to them faster.

Full moon

Even if you enter medicine correct and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause adverse reaction

The full moon phase, when the Moon opposes the Sun, is characterized by instability.

If men react more brightly to the new moon, then the opposite is true with the full moon.

Women during this period feel ambivalent: they are haunted either by apathy and depression, or by causeless joy and euphoria.

It is unpredictable how medical therapy may turn out during this period.

A sign of unfavorability is also that during the full moon the body absorbs the maximum of the funds it has received.

Even if the drug is administered correctly and in the right dosage, there is a risk that it will cause an adverse reaction.

Are becoming worse and nervous diseases, aggressiveness, excitability, which does not allow any manipulations with the body and teeth in particular. Another reason to refuse interventions is increased blood loss and poor wound healing.

Waning moon

As you approach the new moon in a few days, you feel a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being.

In this phase, the body returns to its best condition, the fluid level returns to normal, energy plan smooth and stable.

Shown health treatments, including dental treatment.

During the waning moon phase, the following are useful:

  • removal of toxins and waste;
  • surgical interventions;
  • treatment of kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental treatment and prosthetics;
  • weight loss procedures.

When approaching the new moon, a decrease in immunity and a deterioration in well-being are felt within a few days. One or two days before the new cycle, stop the healing procedures.

Moon eclipse

Moon eclipse- an unpredictable period. Its effect on the body is different. Some feel a surge of energy, while others simply cannot get out of bed due to decreased vitality.

During what phases of dental treatment is the most beneficial?

Depending on the type of treatment, how beneficial the effect of therapy is is determined. On the new moon they spend therapeutic treatment starting from the second day of the cycle.

Exchange processes begin to accelerate as the full moon approaches, so it is effective:

During the period of the waning moon, the work of the immune system is maximum, recovery occurs quickly.


  • filling;
  • deletion;
  • installation of bridges, braces, staples and dentures;
  • other types of surgery.

Which ones are unfavorable?

In the first days of the new moon and the last days of the waning moon, the full moon is an unfavorable period. Regeneration processes slow down, immune functions decrease. Conduct dental procedures it is forbidden.


The phase of the convex Moon is favorable for cleansing from toxins and waste, so cleaning and prevention in dentistry is possible. However, in this cycle bleeding increases, which will adversely affect the removal.

Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar depending on the zodiac

The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located affects the body.

For dental health and oral cavity in astrology, the planet Saturn is responsible and depending on how the constellation is combined according to the horoscope and it, treatment occurs:

Dental treatment depending on the lunar day

The lunar calendar influences the procedures, since the phase of the celestial body determines the state of the body.


  • 3,4 and 5 days of the waning moon for tooth extraction (wounds heal quickly, the risk of inflammation is minimal);
  • 2, 27 and 28 days for cleaning the canals (decreasing allergic reactions, inflammation is rare);
  • Days 6 and 14 for filling (the process of healing and acceptance of the material by the body is successful);
  • 6, 24 and 30 days for installation of crowns (little pus discharge and edematous conditions appear);
  • 1.4, 8, 10-19, 21-25 days for therapy and preventive cleansing ( the immune system in good condition).

Important! Unfavorable days of the day of visit dental office The 7th, 20th and 29th days of the moon phase are considered. On these days, immunity decreases, bleeding and swelling are possible.

How to schedule a tooth extraction according to the lunar calendar?

To plan tooth extraction should take into account the sign in which the celestial body is located, a specific day, as well as what phase the Moon is in.

Before visiting the dentist, consider:

You can find out when it is favorable to remove teeth yourself by looking at which zodiac circle and day the celestial body is in.

For this purpose, special tables have been developed for the year, which are easy to navigate.


Dental prosthetics are done during the waning moon, as a last resort- 3-6 days young. This is due to the fact that on other days there is a risk that the device will not take root and will be rejected as a result of swelling or an allergic reaction.

Lucky days, in which it is better to prosthetize a tooth - when the celestial body is in Leo, Taurus, Scorpio.

Best dates for dental treatment in 2018

And the table presents best dates for dental treatment:

Serious problems(cyst, sharp pain, discharge of pus) require immediate medical attention, regardless of the phase of the moon.

Experts in the field of astrology suggest synchronizing the elimination dental problems with the satellite cycle. It has been scientifically proven that during the waning moon the body is at rest. And this contributes to the effectiveness of treatment. Astrologers also tried to calculate the period when it is better to remove and treat dental units.

The influence of phases on the human body

Let's look at what the relationship is based on. Experts talk about several main phases affecting our entire world:

  • On the new moon it turns out negative impact to the ground. During this period, it is better not to plan a trip to the dentist.
  • The waxing Moon promotes all endeavors. The body is full of strength, so even complex operations will be successful, without complications.
  • During the full moon, the peak influence of the satellite on the body was recorded. It is better to postpone a visit to the dentist, especially surgical interventions, since blood does not clot well during this period.
  • The moment of the waning phase can negatively affect your well-being. Protective functions organisms are falling these days. In this regard, it is better to postpone visiting the dentist. All procedures can be painful and accompanied by complications.
  • During the period of the Sputnik eclipse, a person poorly resists the attack of microorganisms. Against this background, viral and infectious diseases that prevent you from visiting the dentist.

Favorable days according to zodiac signs

Zodiac signs also influence when teeth can be removed or treated according to the lunar calendar. Astrologers believe that there is a powerful relationship between them and the Satellite.

Let's consider the influence of zodiac signs:

  • The Moon in Aries does not have a beneficial effect on the start of treatment and dental prosthetics. According to the lunar calendar, it is considered not the most successful cycle for dental procedures.
  • The Moon in Taurus does not foretell anything bad.
  • Moon in Gemini - suggests visiting a doctor is acceptable. But the effectiveness of treatment can also be affected by the unfavorable phase of the satellite itself.
  • The Moon in Cancer is a perfect period for all dental procedures.
  • Moon in the sign of Leo - these days even complex medical problems are expected to be solved.
  • The Moon in the sign of Virgo can be attributed to the neutral period.
  • Moon in Scorpio - astrologers say that this is great days, to eliminate any anomalies of the dental system.
  • Moon in Libra - during this period, experts talk about a successful visit to the dentist.
  • The satellite is going through the Sagittarius cycle - you can safely go to the doctor.
  • The Moon in Capricorn is not conducive to medical procedures.
  • The Moon in Aquarius is a neutral period in relation to all areas of medicine.
  • Moon in Pisces – if the situation does not require immediate intervention doctor, then it is better to postpone going to him for a while.

Favorable days for dental treatment

Astrologers have determined favorable numbers to visit the dentist. Days for dental treatment are presented in the following list:

  • 6th lunar day - astrologers have established it as the ideal period for all types of therapeutic and preventive manipulations. Good luck in everything. Treatment process supposed to be effective and pain-free;
  • The 14th day of each cycle is also considered suitable for carrying out procedures. It is possible to visit the dentist and lunar days 28 and 30;
  • 19th day – treatment can be planned, since the person is full of energy during this period;
  • Day 24 is considered a neutral date;
  • Unsuccessful days for treatment are the 7th, 29th, and 30th days. It is advisable to postpone a visit to the doctor in order to avoid complications.

Tooth extraction according to the lunar calendar

Tooth extraction according to the lunar calendar should be virtually pain-free. In addition, astrologers promise that by following the schedule, the development of complications can be avoided. Let's consider which lunar days are best to remove teeth:

  • The 14th day is considered the most ideal period for extraction. If you remove teeth on this day according to the lunar calendar, the wound will quickly heal and the manipulation will take place without pain or complications.
  • Our ancestors still counted days 9, 15, 23 of the cycle unfavorable period for all matters, including for. People at this moment are too weakened and vulnerable.

Astrologers recommend carrying out any surgical intervention, including dental procedures, 7 days before the new moon. At the same time, experts pay attention to the need to exclude days when it is better not to remove teeth. According to the lunar calendar, this is the presence of the Satellite in Libra, Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Cancer and Taurus.

If you have to choose which lunar day is suitable for removal, it is better to go to the doctor on one of the specified dates. Neutral numbers are also suitable. Dentists pay attention to the fact that in case of urgent need, teeth cannot be removed according to the lunar calendar. You need to seek help urgently.

Dental prosthetics according to the lunar calendar

If lunar days for treatment have been determined, then dental prosthetics can also be planned. Which day should you go to the orthodontist? Let's look at the graph.

Preliminary preparation of the oral cavity in the form of prosthetics can be performed on the waning Moon. The most suitable period is considered to be the presence of the Satellite in Capricorn. You can also see a doctor every 14th lunar day. The body is full of strength and can cope with any difficulties.

It is advisable to plan the installation of all orthodontic prostheses during the period when the Moon is waning. In this case, it is necessary to exclude moments when the Satellite is in Taurus and Aries.

Experts in the field of astrology believe that by choosing a favorable day to visit the dental office, you can increase the effectiveness of all procedures. Many people have already tried this theory on themselves.

However, doctors are skeptical about this approach and do not recommend postponing going to the clinic for too long. It is possible to determine on which lunar day to remove or treat teeth only in cases of sluggish processes.

Useful video about dental treatment according to the lunar calendar

Every living organism on our planet is influenced by the solar-lunar cycle. Thanks to this phenomenon, we can observe periods when the moon fills with powerful energy and restores vitality. There are also periods when the night light, as if deliberately making its own adjustments to plans, weakens you and has a detrimental effect on the body.

For many people, visiting the dentist is associated with unpleasant and painful sensations. However, dental treatment according to the lunar calendar will help not only relieve pain, but also significantly shorten the recovery period and reduce the risk of possible complications.

Moon phases and their effect on the human body

Astrologers distinguish eight phases of the movement of the earth's satellite. Determining which phase the night star has entered is not difficult. The moon is in two states - waxing and waning. The final chord of the waxing moon is the full moon, and the cycle of the waning moon is reborn into the new moon. We propose to consider in detail the phases that are noted in the dental treatment calendar and the influence of the lunar calendar on our body:

Favorable days for treatment and tooth extraction

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In 2015, Russian dentists conducted an experiment. The topic of study was the influence of astrology on the quality of dental procedures.

Statistics have shown that on certain days, treatment and removal of teeth, installation of crowns and bridges are more successful, faster and more efficient.

From the point of view of the lunar day

  • The most favorable lunar days to remove a tooth will be: 3, 4 and 5 in the waning moon phase. These days, the removal will be almost painless, and the wounds will heal faster. The body is full of energy and copes well with harmful bacteria.
  • The most successful days for cleaning and treating root canals in a tooth are: 2, 27 and 28 lunar days. This way you can avoid the occurrence of inflammatory processes. The risk of cysts appearing under the root and allergic reactions is reduced.
  • If you need to fill a tooth, then pay attention to the 6th and 14th lunar days. According to the lunar calendar, the installed filling will be more durable, and the procedure will pass without complications.
  • When installing a dental bridge or crown, choose: 6, 24 and 30 lunar days. During this period, the likelihood of gum swelling and the appearance of purulent discharge decreases.
  • For dental therapy, the following are considered neutral: 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25 days of the lunar calendar. During this period, crowns and dentures can be installed.
  • The most unfavorable days for visiting doctors or making serious decisions are: 7, 20, 29 days. These days are marked by the opportunity frequent inflammations And heavy bleeding during surgical interventions. The body, due to a weakened immune system, may succumb to infection or infection.

From the point of view of the horoscope (zodiac signs)

The effectiveness of treatment also depends on the horoscope and in which zodiac sign the moon is located. Usually, the planet Saturn is responsible for the condition of the oral cavity. There are 12 signs on the modern astrological chart and each has an incredible influence on the human body.