Burning in the rectum due to nervousness. Causes of burning in the anus. Itching in anorectovaginal diseases

Many people are ashamed to talk about the existence of certain problems, one of such problems is a burning sensation in the anus. You should not remain silent about such symptoms; they are a warning that something is wrong with the body. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after conducting all the necessary studies. And the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of identifying the disease and recovering.

If you feel itching in the anus, you should not think that this is not a serious enough symptom to see a doctor. Most people have a psychological barrier when it comes to rectal disease. You need to know what causes itching in the anus and how to relieve yourself of unpleasant symptoms before seeing a doctor.

Causes of burning in the anus

If a burning sensation occurs in the anus, the causes of the disease can be very diverse. Let us examine in detail why this symptom may appear. This disease can be caused by:

  1. Neglect of hygiene. This does not mean the number of washes, but infrequent changes of underwear, tight trousers or thongs, and the use of hard paper after emptying. Insufficiently soft toilet paper can damage the anus, which increases the percentage of infection in microcracks. An irritated environment does not have complete protection, and bacteria and fungi can easily colonize the damaged area.
  2. Decreased local immunity due to excessive hygiene. Frequent washing is not always good, since the natural environment of the organ is disrupted; water and detergents wash away immunoglobulins and other beneficial cells that prevent infection. Too dry skin is prone to microcracks, which can also lead to infection.
  3. A burning sensation in the anus can occur due to diaper rash - red spots with weeping sores and blisters. At risk are overweight people, people who sweat profusely, those who do physical work, and those with a lot of hair around the anus. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, as the problem may recur; if you ignore the discomfort, infection may occur, followed by a septic process.
  4. Itching in the anus when hemorrhoids begin. Itching and burning in the anus are the initial symptoms; pain is added to them, which intensifies with diarrhea. Eventually the person cannot sit or even move. Hemorrhoids may be accompanied by bright scarlet blood discharge after bowel movements and the formation of painful lumps outside and inside. Hemorrhoids are a serious condition that can lead to rectal prolapse or surgery.
  5. A burning sensation in the anus after defecation indicates the presence of polyps, anorectal fistulas, and fissures in the rectum. Additional signs of their appearance are the sphincter not closing completely. People who abuse anal sex are at risk.
  6. Worms are another reason why a person experiences discomfort. Females lay eggs by crawling out of the anus, which causes an itchy anus. Children get sick more often, but in adults, helminthic infestation is not excluded. The appearance of worms is accompanied by grinding of teeth during night sleep, decreased memory and attention, and in some cases (when infected with roundworms) the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted: flatulence, frequent bowel movements, diarrhea.
  7. Irritation also occurs when shaving hair around the anus. The hairs grow in, which is why itching occurs.
  8. Itching is caused by allergies to any cosmetic care products.
  9. Itching occurs in patients with diabetes because the skin is extremely dry.
  10. Diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder can also cause discomfort in the anus. The bile ducts become clogged or work asynchronously, causing bile acid to enter the blood and the mucous membranes to become irritated. Giardiasis may develop, then the stool will be greasy and oily, and cramping pain will occur in the abdomen.
  11. Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, STDs) are another reason. With STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), either formations on the skin or unusual discharge from the vagina/penis are usually observed.
  12. Intestinal dysbiosis causes itching due to changes in the chemical composition of feces, irritating the anus.
  13. In some cases, a burning sensation occurs if a malignant or benign tumor has formed in the rectum.
  14. Neurogenic problems are pathologies associated with the nervous system and skin diseases.

As we can see, itching is not a harmless phenomenon; the above reasons are not the entire spectrum. A burning sensation in the anus in women can indicate both harmless thrush and gynecological pathologies, and itching in the anus in men is one of the signs of prostatitis or urethritis.

If itching is observed in a baby, the cause may be diaper dermatitis. The primary development of pathology can be diapers, due to which feces come into close contact with the baby’s skin. The discharge easily causes redness and itching of the delicate skin of the newborn. At risk are babies who are bottle-fed, as such nutrition makes the feces more alkaline. If irritation appears, you need to change diapers immediately after defecation, wash the baby and sprinkle the skin with talcum powder or powder.

Itching of the anal area is of two types: primary and secondary, as proctologists tell us. Depending on the type, one or another treatment is prescribed. Primary, or idiopathic, itching most often affects the male population from 30 to 60 years old. With secondary itching, the cause is identified, but it is not so simple, and diagnosis can take a long time.

Diagnostic methods that identify the causes of irritation in the anus

To establish the true cause of itching, you need to visit a proctologist, dermatologist and gastroenterologist, in some cases you will have to visit a gynecologist/proctologist. Only a complete diagnosis will help answer exactly why there is itching in the anus.

Diagnostics consists of several laboratory tests:

  • blood and urine are collected for general analysis;
  • a blood test is taken to detect diabetes mellitus;
  • blood chemistry;
  • vaginal or urethral swabs;
  • stool sampling for flora examination to identify dysbacteriosis;
  • In addition to taking tests, you may have to undergo an instrumental examination of the intestines: anoscopy or colonoscopy.

The doctor narrows the range of procedures through a detailed questioning of the patient. For example:

  • if a strong burning sensation is activated after stool, then hemorrhoids are likely to develop;
  • if after drinking alcoholic beverages, eating spicy and fried foods, then this indicates inflammation in the intestines;

The doctor examines the patient for the presence of diseases of the endocrine system and fungal lesions. And only after a full diagnosis, the doctor determines how to treat itching.

Discomfort in the anus: treatment of the disease

First of all, you should decide: itching and burning are a symptom or a diagnosis. If the itching is caused by hemorrhoids, then treatment is with suppositories and ointments; for dysbacteriosis, drugs with lactic acid bacteria are used - any disease requires its own therapeutic regimen, which can only be prescribed by the appropriate doctor.

If itching or burning in the anus is caused by an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed. Itching from neuroses is treated with sedatives and various sedatives. If the cause of itching is skin diseases, drying ointments, for example, zinc, are prescribed. If itching is caused by diseases of the internal organs, these diseases are treated. If diseases of the genital organs are detected, complex, individual, complex therapy is prescribed. If discomfort is associated with infections and fungi, then antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. When affected by worms, Pirantel or Vormil is prescribed.

Diseases of the rectum require complex therapy, as well as lifestyle changes and diet. Remedies for hemorrhoids and fissures: Relief, Gepatrombin, Belogent, Aurobin, Troxevasin and many others.

There are also alternative treatments. If the causes of discomfort are not found or a trip to the doctor is postponed for objective reasons, local treatment is used.

Traditional medicine in the fight against disease

Therapeutic sitz baths can help prevent itching and irritation in the anus. A decoction is prepared from various herbs: calendula, birch buds, oak bark, chamomile. The mixture is added to water with a temperature of 37°C; sit for no more than 30 minutes. It is best to take baths half an hour before bedtime. The decoction heals the skin, improves overall tone, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Many decoctions can be taken orally. The effect when taken orally does not occur immediately, but the effect is more lasting. A decoction of walnut leaves, chamomile and burdock roots is suitable. The herbs should be diluted 1:1, the decoction should be drunk chilled 3 times a day. Pharmaceutical chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, burdock heals, and walnut strengthens.

A mixture of Vaseline and cranberry juice will also help. For 50 ml of juice add 200 g of Vaseline. Apply the ointment to the anus 2 times a day for 7 days. Another way is lotions and compresses. Ice is wrapped in gauze and applied to the anus. Lotions are made with a decoction of periwinkle.

Preventive methods

Rinsing the anus with cold water without soap after defecation (do not use toilet paper), at the end of washing you can turn on warm water. Cold water improves blood circulation, ensures blood flow to the anus, and as a result, microcracks, if any, heal. Remember to turn on warm water at the end of the wash, especially in winter - this will help avoid excessive cooling of the perineum. Finally, blot the perineum with a napkin or soft towel.

After rinsing, you should smear the anus with baby cream so that a protective layer is formed on the skin, preventing bacteria from penetrating into the irritated and weakened environment. The cream will also prevent dryness. If the itching is caused by diaper rash, then the cream should be replaced with antibiotic gels, for example, Levomekol.

Physical education is a good helper in the fight against diseases of the anus. Physical activity improves blood circulation, increases immunity and, as a result, accelerates healing. If there is pain in the anus, it is better to hold off on physical activity, as it may worsen the situation.

Underwear must be changed every day, it is best to iron it to avoid infection in microcracks (not visible to the eye) through the fabric.

Avoid using synthetic materials, give preference to cotton products.

Avoid constipation. Proper nutrition will help with this. Be sure to include vegetables in your diet, but if constipation cannot be avoided, take a laxative.

How to properly treat hemorrhoids at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • seeing blood on paper once again;
  • wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce swollen, painful lumps;
  • suffer every trip to the toilet from discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • again and again hope for success, look forward to results and be upset by a new ineffective drug.

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to put up with this? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective drugs? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we bring to your attention the method of Marta Volkova, who spoke about an effective and inexpensive way to get rid of HEMORRHOIDS forever in just 5 days...

No one is immune from diseases associated with the anus and rectum, accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Everyone is interested in information about what to do, what procedures to carry out. This condition has a negative impact on people’s health, psyche, and performance.

Many reasons provoke itching, pain, burning in the anus, and discomfort around the anus. The pathology causes severe irritation and a feeling of confusion in patients, it is one of the most frequently diagnosed problems in proctology, and occurs in men, women, and children of all ages.

Seeking help from a specialist will help you avoid irreparable consequences, as well as get an answer to the question of why the opening of the colon, through which feces are excreted, itches. If you properly treat and eliminate the causes that provoked the patient’s unpleasant condition, then in a short period you can forget about such problems for a long time.
Why do proctological problems appear?

The main factors that can provoke itching, pain, burning in the anus in men, women and children include:

  • violation of the frequency of hygiene procedures;
  • overweight;
  • removing hair around the anus, wearing low-quality underwear;
  • inflammatory processes, malignant neoplasms of the rectum;
  • diabetes mellitus, causing itching, severe burning in and around the anus;
  • infection of the intestines by pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the presence of pubic lice, worms, lamblia, causing diarrhea;
  • diagnosis of hemorrhoids, vaginal candidiasis in women;
  • rectal fissures, condylomas, anorectal fistulas;
  • unstable functioning of the bile ducts;
  • intestinal dysbiosis, causing irritation of the anus after defecation, pain, burning in the anus;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • allergic manifestations and skin diseases.

Each cause determines the level of complexity of the problem, treatment and other ways to resolve it. If you promptly seek help from a specialist, you can always find out why there is a burning sensation during bowel movements, itching, as well as effective methods to eliminate the problem in a short period.

Diagnostic methods

Burning in the anus, pain, itching in this area, causing discomfort, nervous irritation of patients, may be signs of diseases of the rectum and intestines. Treatment of identified diseases is determined by the causes of their occurrence. Carrying out diagnostic measures provides an opportunity to determine the proctological problem. These include:

  • visual, urologist for men, gynecologist for women;
  • carrying out a coprogram after bowel movement, colonoscopy, anoscopy;
  • stool analysis to identify worms, lamblia, which cause diarrhea;
  • examination of stool for bacteriological indicators, intestinal infections;
  • taking a smear for pathogenic flora from the urethra of men or the vagina of women;
  • blood test for glucose levels;
  • consultations with a dermatologist, gastroenterologist.

Treatment of diseases that cause itching, burning of the anus

The results of diagnostic measures determine the main causes of the unpleasant condition and its treatment. Irritation and pain after anal sex confirm the presence of a crack in the hole. What to do if this area itches after a bowel movement? This symptom indicates weakness and the need to strengthen muscles.

Discomfort, itching in this area after eating spicy, salty foods indicates. To properly treat such symptoms, you must immediately seek help from a doctor. He will always answer questions about why the area around the anus itches and a burning sensation appears after stool. In such cases, a diet is prescribed that excludes from the diet all foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa, alcohol, and drug treatment based on antibiotics. To relieve irritation and pain in the anus after stool, it is recommended to take antispasmodics and use suppositories, gels, and topical ointments.

Find out what methods you can treat hemorrhoids and get rid of burning in the anus from the video:

The list of hygiene procedures includes douching with disinfectant and antibacterial solutions, enemas with decoctions of chamomile, string, calendula, sea buckthorn oil, as well as sitz baths with potassium permanganate. Making them is not difficult.

If hemorrhoidal cones, rectal prolapse, or anal fissure are detected, complex treatment and a full course of physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. If itching after stool is caused by helminthic infestations, specific anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. The appointment time is determined by the attending physician. Folk remedies in the form of pumpkin seeds, pomegranate peels, onions, garlic, tansy and wormwood decoctions are used as an auxiliary therapy.

If discomfort in the area of ​​its opening, pain in the rectum are caused by nervous disorders, then patients are recommended to take antihistamines and sedatives. Such treatment will eliminate all symptoms of an unpleasant proctological condition.

A serious attitude to the doctor’s recommendations and strict adherence to his prescriptions allows you to effectively treat burning, irritation of the anus, rectal fissures and guarantees a positive result and a quick elimination of the cause of their occurrence. If you adhere to a daily hygiene routine, you can always avoid an unpleasant condition in proctology.

Is it itchy in the anal area? There can be many reasons - hemorrhoids, worms, and diabetes... Itching of the skin in the anus is a common phenomenon and can bother a person for a long time. How to determine the cause of anal itching and get rid of it?

When a person is sick and experiences some unpleasant sensations, he often complains about his condition to others. So we often say that we have a headache, a stomach ache or pressure in the heart area. At the same time, we are confident that we will be understood and sympathized with. But there are some diseases whose symptoms you are unlikely to complain about out loud at work or in the company of friends. For example, you probably won't want to voice that you're worried about itching in your anus. But the “inconvenience” of this problem does not mean that it should be ignored. Itching in the area is a fairly common problem that can bother you for a long time. In order for the itching to disappear, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence and take appropriate measures.

Itching is unpleasant and debilitating

Itching may occur directly in the anus, or the entire perineum may itch. The itching can be mild and short-lived, or it can be severe and unbearable. Burning, swelling of the skin, excessive moisture in the irritated area, thickening of the skin or, conversely, its peeling are also possible.

Do not be shy and endure these unpleasant and often exhausting sensations. To find out the causes of this disorder, you need to contact a proctologist.

Why does itching in the anus occur?

The causes of itching in the anus are many and very diverse. Such itching can be a symptom of some disease or an independent disease. Based on this, itching in the anal area is divided into primary or idiopathic anal itching and secondary.

Idiopathic anal itching occurs without any obvious reasons and is considered an independent disease.

Secondary itching in the anal area caused by certain reasons. Their list includes:

  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures
  • tumor in the rectal area
  • diabetes
  • liver diseases
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular colitis
  • sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis
  • the use of antibiotics and the resulting dysbiosis
  • dermatitis due to the use of ointments and suppositories, soaps, powders, shampoos
  • worms
  • fungal infections
  • allergic reaction to food or alcohol

Other reasons can also lead to itching, for example, excessively careful hygiene, allergic reactions of various kinds, and stress. The most common causes of itching in the anus are hemorrhoids, worms and fungal diseases.

Determining the cause is the key to success in the fight against itching

To get rid of itching in the anal area, you need to find its root cause and treat it. To do this, you need to see a doctor and conduct a series of studies.

As a rule, you must submit:

  • blood sugar test
  • feces on worm eggs
  • analysis for the presence of dysbacteriosis
  • do

Other studies may be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

What does the treatment consist of?

After establishing the causes of itching, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. Typically treatment includes:

    Prescription of medications aimed at treating the underlying disease

    The use of topical medications aimed at eliminating itching


In some cases, even surgery may be necessary.

But there are a number of measures that need to be taken first. They are relevant for any cause of itching and will help relieve your condition.

The first thing to do if you have itching in the anus

    Get rid of uncomfortable clothing that presses and is too tight to the affected area.

    Do not wear clothes made of synthetic materials.

    Change the personal care product you are using; it may contain some substances that irritate your skin.

    Avoid hot baths.

    Do daily rinsing with cool water.

Diet against itching

Those who suffer from itching in the anus are advised to exclude from the diet:

  • smoked

  • alcohol


You must also ensure that your food contains enough vitamins and fiber.

A “minor” problem can become serious

Many people suffering from itching in the anus are embarrassed by the inconvenience and seeming frivolity of the problem. And the person puts off going to the doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own. But if the problem is neglected, it can lead to eczema, bleeding and ulcers. In addition, constant itching interferes with normal sleep, causes irritability and spoils the mood. Chronic itching in the anal area is a constant feeling of discomfort and tension.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor, do not start the problem and do not let it worsen the quality of your life!

A symptom such as itching in the anus is an unpleasant condition that irritates the human nervous system. This symptom does not allow you to concentrate on doing any work, causes a lot of inconvenience and ultimately leads to negative consequences.

We'll try to figure it out:

  • what causes itching in the anus;
  • how to get rid of this condition;
  • as evidenced by the butt in the anus;
  • in what cases should you consult a doctor?

This material is for informational purposes only. Self-treatment of itching in the anus, based on the proposed data, is not recommended


Most often, itching in the anus has very prosaic causes. Among the most likely factors that can cause this condition are:

  • hemorrhoids, including internal ones;
  • rectal fissures;
  • rectal polyps;
  • helminthic infestation with pinworms.

Often the cause of itching in the anus is intestinal dysbiosis. Disruption of the microflora leads to

That the acid-base balance in the rectum is disturbed. This leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and causes a burning sensation in the anus. But the first thing that needs to be ruled out when this unpleasant phenomenon appears is worms.

A distinctive symptom that worms cause severe itching in a person in the anus is the appearance of symptoms at night and in the evening. It is at this time of day that pinworms crawl out of the anus in order to lay eggs in the folds of the external opening of the rectum. Subsequently, as the pinworm eggs emerge, the backside can appear at any time of the day.

For diagnosis, it is enough to take tests immediately after the itching appears, scraping for worm eggs. To do this, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment and prevention

Constant itching in the anus requires treatment to begin immediately. If with helminthic infestation the itching is periodic, then with more serious pathologies this phenomenon can be permanent.

The most common causes of itching are internal and external hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. These diseases are a constant threat to your health. The fact is that even a slight itching in the anus indicates that there is a constant process of epithelization and healing. Consequently, you have wounds and wound surfaces in the rectal area. This can cause both extensive bleeding and blood poisoning.

If you are concerned about constant itching in the anus, treatment should begin with a visit to a proctologist. This specialist will conduct a series of examinations and rule out the presence of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. He will also be able to see the presence of polyps, which can subsequently cause the development of colorectal cancer.

After examination by a proctologist, you can receive a referral to an infectious disease specialist and gastroenterologist. There you will be given an accurate diagnosis and prescribed appropriate and correct treatment for itching in the anus.

Burning and itching

Symptoms such as itching and burning in the anus can only be caused by exacerbation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of rectal fissures. In exceptional cases, this is due to a violation of the diet. In particular,

If you like spicy food seasoned with chili pepper, then the itching and burning sensation in your anus may be due to the irritating effect of food debris that is formed in the feces. In this case, itching and burning appears after defecation and persists for no more than two hours.

If you are concerned about constant itching and burning in the anus, you should urgently consult a proctologist. Only a specialist can give you an accurate diagnosis.

What does itching in the anus mean?

Constant and periodic, severe and not very itching in the anus can tell a lot about your diet, your lifestyle and your habits. But, first of all, itching in the anus indicates that:

  • you have a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane in the rectum and anus;
  • you have a tendency to form hemorrhoids;
  • you have stagnation of blood in the pelvis;
  • you have a violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • You probably have a helminthic infestation with pinworms (enterobiasis).

At the first appearance of itching in the anus, seek medical help. Especially if it concerns your child. In children, itching in the anus causes not only somatic, but also mental illnesses. As recent studies by British scientists show, it is helminthic infestation and constant itching in the anus in childhood that leads to a person having problems with gender and sexual orientation in adulthood.

In children, itching in the anus also negatively affects school performance, perseverance and ability to concentrate.

Treatment with ointment

In order to effectively treat itching in the anus, the ointment should be selected taking into account the specific disease that causes this symptom. If your itching in the anus is caused by a helminthic infestation, then the most effective remedy is careful personal hygiene. After each bowel movement, you should thoroughly rinse the anus with warm water and baby soap and treat it with glycerin. All underwear should be thoroughly washed in hot water and laundry soap and ironed with a hot iron. This will eliminate the possibility of re-infection. But, first of all, in this case, enterobiasis should be treated. Such drugs as decaris and pyrantel are quite effective.

If itching in the anus is caused by hemorrhoids and fissures, an ointment can be recommended such as:

  • heparin ointment;
  • relief ointment for hemorrhoids;
  • Troxevasin gel.

Menovazin perfectly relieves itching and burning in the anus. This drug also relieves pain and relieves irritation from external hemorrhoids.

It’s not often that you come across a male (or female) who wants to tell anyone about his sores associated with the rectum and anus. That’s why most men try not only to shut up, but also to for a long time They don’t try to reveal that something unpleasant is going on in their anus. And often such a symptom as a burning sensation in the anus remains without proper attention for a long time. But it is very unfair and even to some extent cruel to do this in relation to your own health. After all, a burning sensation is just something that lies on the surface, i.e. is a tangible sign.

This phenomenon itself may be far from being so harmless and hide quite serious male diseases. Prostatitis (and far from the worst case), for example. Therefore, it is better to come to your senses in time and go to an appointment with a proctologist, who will examine and, perhaps, refer you to another specialist if the disease does not fall within his area of ​​competence.

Diseases associated with pain, itching and burning of the anus are quite common. Having such a problem, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. That’s why he’s a doctor, to help solve a patient’s problem, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Below we will talk about why men experience itching, pain and burning in the anus, what causes it and how to treat these extremely unpleasant experiences.

Possible causes of burning in the anus

A proctologist deals with diseases of the anus and rectum. Modern medicine has accumulated enough methods for diagnosing problems associated with proctology: laboratory, micro- and video diagnostics. These techniques enable doctors to identify at an early stage a particular disease that has caused severe burning and itching in the anus, and for the patient to promptly begin treatment prescribed through diagnostics and the identified diagnosis.

But, as you know, the health of a particular person is in his own hands. And therefore, the responsibility for promptly paying attention to such symptoms as pain and burning in the anus, and going to see a specialist with this symptom, falls entirely on the shoulders of the patient.

Immediate causes of burning

Acceptable causes of this pathological condition are considered to be:

  • hemorrhoids inside or outside;
  • fissures affecting the anus;
  • polyps on the rectum;
  • proctosigmoiditis, which has reached a chronic stage;
  • dysbacterial disease;
  • anorectal fistulas;
  • helminths, pinworms;
  • prostatitis or urethritis among males;
  • gynecology in women.

Let us dwell in more detail on each reason why a burning sensation in the anus may occur.

Indirect causes of burning

Often the body can produce completely unpredictable symptoms of a certain disease. What is this connected with? First of all, the state of health of the person himself plays a significant role. Also, considerable importance is given to the human environment. There are several other indirect factors.

  1. Diabetes. Often this pathology is manifested not only by scratching in the anus, but also by itching in the pubic area.
  2. Obesity. People who are overweight are characterized by increased sweating, which provokes chafing of the skin folds in places where they come into contact with each other (chin area, armpits, anus). Diaper rash can be the root cause of severe itching in the anus.
  3. Food allergies. If a person is susceptible to allergic diseases, then itching most likely becomes just an allergic reaction. At the same time, it may well itch in the anus.
  4. Allergy to chemicals. Ingredients in laundry detergent, soap, and personal care products may well cause anal itch. Take drastic measures - change household chemicals.
  5. Allergy to medications. If you are taking any other medications, then itching may indicate an allergic reaction to the components of these medications.
  6. Mental disorders. In a state of severe psychosis, tingling sensations on the skin and itching all over the body, including in the anus, may appear.

How to treat anal burning and itching?

Before the actual treatment, you need to be completely confident in the correctness of your judgment regarding the cause of the burning sensation in the anal area. It is possible that poor nutrition may be the cause. And then, to get rid of unpleasant sensations, it will be enough to review your diet.

Often itching is caused by foods such as sweets and alcoholic drinks. Such a common male problem as prostatitis can also cause a burning sensation in the rectum. In any case, to identify the exact cause, a thorough examination should be carried out and a number of tests should be taken: blood for bilirubin, urea, sugar, creatine and others.

If no causes can be found, it is important to exclude causes such as diseases of the intestinal tract and stomach. Keep the anus exceptionally clean: wash it after each visit to the toilet. Provide physical education classes or give physical activity to the body in some other way. Treat the washed anal area with medicinal compositions in the form of creams or gels.

It takes a long time to treat manifestations of burning and itching in the anus, so it’s better to immediately stock up on much-needed patience and not give in to panic. If during the examination it was possible to identify the underlying disease and, even more so, to treat it, then the itching will not linger in the body for a long time in the area of ​​the anus and rectum: it will go away on its own.

But sometimes anal burning sensations can turn life into a complete nightmare. In order to slightly alleviate the condition, reduce itching, irritation and burning, special medications are used. Typically, the effect of such drugs is based on blocking nerve endings, that is, they are used as a local anesthetic. Such drugs contain lidocaine, benzocaine, dyclonine, proxin, tetracaine.

Hydrocortisone creams are very popular. But these products have one drawback: their use for more than 5 days is unacceptable. A good method of relieving itching is the use of protectors that create a protective barrier.

Protectors are considered:

  • lanolin;
  • cocoa butter;
  • kaolin;
  • zinc oxide;
  • starch;
  • glycerol;
  • fish liver oil (cod or shark);
  • calamine;
  • petrolatum.

Soda baths with the addition of calendula or chamomile flowers can be a good way to relieve itching.

If you find any reason (or lack thereof) for scratching in such an inappropriate place as the anus, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

Especially if the unpleasant symptoms have lasted for more than one day. Agree, it’s stupid to waste time on your own recovery. After all, in the future you will have to spend not only time resources, but also money. Don’t let the pathology in your body cause even more harm!