What is cw cvc on a bank card. What is CVV2 CVC2 on a bank card

From this material you will learn what the CVV2 (CVC2) code is and where it is located on a bank card.

Every day more and more users make a variety of purchases online.

The most popular payment method is a plastic bank card, when paying with which we enter the card account details. You can, of course, pay for purchases and services using , but it’s still more convenient to do this without leaving your home.

When paying for a purchase online, the user will see the column: “CVV2/CVC2/CID” with the note “this field must be filled in.”

Let's figure it out where can I find this code and what does this abbreviation mean?.

What are CVV2 (CVC2) codes and what is their purpose?

First, let's decipher the meaning:

  • CVC2 code (Card Validation Code 2) is a 3-digit combination of Maestro system card numbers;
  • CVV2 code (Card Verification Value 2) is also a three-digit security combination, but on a Visa card.

The required combination is entered into the specified field when paying for purchases online to confirm the action by the cardholder.

It also happens that CVV2 is not indicated on the card. He not indicated on entry-level bank cards systems:

  • MasterCard Electronic;
  • Mastercard;
  • Cirrus;
  • Maestro;
  • Visa Electron.

In this case, to find out this code, you need to contact the hotline of the financial institution that issued the banking product. You can also visit the bank, taking with you a card and documents proving your identity.

Where are CVV2 (CVC2) on the map?

This combination of numbers is most often located on the back of the plastic, after the holder’s signature. In some cases, the code is preceded by the last four digits of the card number or the entire code.

On the plastic of the MasterCard system, such a combination can be written on the front part, immediately after its number.

Where are CVV2 (CVC2) on the Sberbank map? The location of the verification information does not differ from the cards of Belinvestbank, Privatbank and others. It is also located on the back of the plastic under the holder signature tape.

An exception may be the Mastercard banking product, where the combination of numbers can be located on the front side.

How else can you find out CVV2 (CVC2) if they are not printed on the card

There is only one alternative way to find a three-digit combination - contact the bank. If you can’t see the numbers on the plastic, but you need to find them out, then call or go in person to the bank that issued this product.

The employee will provide the necessary data after identifying the owner.

Increasingly, the request for card verification data is being replaced by the 3d-Secure system. The sender must have the SMS notification service enabled. Before each transaction, an SMS with a password is sent to the number linked to the plastic card, which can be used once. If the correct numbers are not entered in the special field, the message “invalid input format” will appear and the operation will not be performed.

It happens that credit and financial institutions require customers to enter, or otherwise provide, the CVV code of their bank debit or credit card. In order to provide this information, it is necessary, depending on your card, to know where the CVV code is located on the Sberbank card, on the Visa card, on the Maestro card, on the Mastercard.

What is a CVV code?

The CVV card verification code stands for Card Verification Value and is located on the back of the plastic payment card. The code consists of three numbers, and it is available on both credit cards and debit cards. It was added to cards to improve the security of electronic transactions. There is also CVV2, this is a code that is usually used to protect transactions made using a plastic card online. Usually this is three digits; the CVV code is usually located in the signature field on the back of Sberbank, Visa, Maestro and MasterCard cards.

What is the CVV code for?

The verification code works by helping to confirm that the customer has physical access to the credit card being used. This system is used to reduce fraudulent purchases made using a credit card number that has been stolen or electronically copied. If an online merchant requires a CVV code to pay for a purchase with a credit card, then the consumer simply cannot complete the purchase without access to the code, even if he knows the card number and expiration date. One of the disadvantages of requiring a CVV code is that it may discourage customers who prefer not to enter their CVV codes online.

The CVV code is an additional security measure on top of other standard security measures that require you to enter the card's expiration date and name, which must match the card number. One of the advantages of the code is that it is printed in flat digits and cannot be felt like the raised digits of a card number.

While the added security provided by CVV codes can help protect consumers from money theft over the Internet, it is not the most reliable method of preventing fraud. Thieves can remove verification codes from your credit card in a matter of seconds. The best way to save money and protect yourself from fraudulent purchases is to track all transactions made with your card as quickly as possible. To further protect consumers from fraud, banks sometimes block suspicious purchases, including those that are unusually large or made in an unusual location.

The location of the CVV2 code on the Sberbank card, as well as on other cards, is on its reverse side. You need to look for the three-digit number combination that is printed in the cardholder's signature field immediately after the last 4 digits of the card number. You can visually determine where CVV2 is located on the Sberbank map by looking at the picture.

However, there are Sberbank cards where this code is not on the card itself, but this does not mean that it does not exist. For example, Visa Virtual card holders are informed of all card details, including the CVV2 code, via SMS message. You can also view this data in your Sberbank Online personal account. And Visa Electron cardholders will not see the CVV2 code on their card because it is not intended for paying for purchases on the Internet.

CVV code on Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Virtual cards

The CVV2 code on Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Visa Virtual cards is printed at the end of the cardholder's signature strip. In front of it is the card number or the last four digits of the number. The CVV2 code itself is three-digit; its location can be seen in the picture below.

CVV code situation for Maestro cardholders

In search of information about where the CVV code is located on the Maestro card, you can look all over the place, but you will not achieve any results. The thing is that Maestro cards were not originally intended for making purchases and paying for services on the Internet, therefore CVV codes are not provided for them. If the Internet service requests this code, then you will not be able to pay for the purchase with this card. The exception is virtual stores and services, where the request for a CVV code to perform actions on the card is not carried out. Only in this case will you be able to use your Maestro card.

Finding the CVV code on a Mastercard is not difficult. It is on the back of the card, as in the previous examples. This is a three-digit code that completes the owner's card number. See the schematic location of the CVV code on a Mastercard card below.

Verification codes on bank cards - what are they for? The article discusses where CVV2/CVC2 are located on the card and the types of verification numbers. CVC2/CVV2 code - what it gives when making transactions, and how to use them.

CVV2/CVC2 – what is it?

CVV2, CVC2, 4dbc – code or so-called special sets of numbers for verifying the authenticity of a bank card. Used in so-called CNP operations. Card Not Present - literally translated from English as “there is no card at the moment.” For example, this applies to online payments that require entering only card details (its physical presence is not required).

How the abbreviations CVV2 and CVC2 stand for

CVV2 code – what is it? Card Verification Value 2 – translated from English as “card check number”. It is a verification for the Visa payment system. CVC2 (Card Validation Code 2 – “card confirmation code”) is used in MasterСard.

In both cases there is the number “2” - CVV2, CVC2. The bank card also has primary CVV/CVC codes, which are needed when physically using “plastic”.

CVC2/CVV2 – where it is on the map

Typically on the reverse side. The signature line indicates CVC2/CVV2, where the last 4 digits of the card number are printed. Next to it, three verification numbers are indicated through a “space”. Attention! This code has nothing to do with the card number, these are separate verification numbers.

A code, for example CVV2, may be indicated on the front side of the card (for American Express). Four numbers, printed in small print, are located above the card number.

Virtual cards: CVV2 on a card where it is impossible to physically see the code, provides for receiving it via SMS or phone.

  1. On the website where you pay for a service/purchase a product online, fill in the card details fields on the website.
  2. Enter CVV2 there, where the required line is located. Correctly fill out the input field, where CVV2 can also be indicated as “CVC2”, “security number”, “security code”, etc.
  3. Get the result (approval or refusal). If the payment does not go through, the CVV2/CVC2 (code on the card) was entered incorrectly. There may be other reasons:
  • there is not enough money in the account;
  • the card is not intended for virtual purchases.

Have you encountered the system request: “Enter cvc2\cvv2 code” and don’t know what it means? In our article you can read about what this code is, in what cases it is used and where the card owner can find it out.

Let's start with the definition: cvc2 cvv2 is a secret number that is used by banking services to ensure greater security for transactions made using credit or debit cards.

In other words, these are digital combinations, which are otherwise called security codes. Most often it is required when making transfers between cards, mobile transfers, as well as when linking to an electronic wallet.

This code is called differently depending on the payment system through which the card was issued.

  • In the Visa system it is called CVV2;
  • In the MasterCard system it is called CVC2;
  • In the American Express system it is called CID.

Its advantage is that you can confirm the payment transaction for any product or service without being present in the store in person, for example, in an online store or by phone.

This is also a minus. If the card falls into the hands of fraudsters, to purchase goods on the Internet, they only need to enter the owner’s name, 16-digit number and this code for the payment to be made.

Of course, you will receive a corresponding SMS on your phone about withdrawing money from your account, but returning it from a foreign bank will be very difficult.

You can find it on the reverse side of your card just below its magnetic stripe. The white field indicates a sequence of numbers, the last three of them will be the number you need (if your payment system is American Express, you need to use the last four digits).

Please note that this combination of numbers is not indicated on all cards, but only on international cards equipped with a chip. Social cards, as well as instant issuance, are not equipped with such codes.

What might you need it for?

  • It is usually requested when making a transfer from one bank card to another,
  • Or when linking the card to an electronic wallet or mobile phone.
  • In addition, it can be useful if you decide to release an additional or virtual one to your existing product online (i.e. through the Internet banking system).

Fraud cases have become more frequent today, when people deceive owners of their security code by asking them to give it to make a money transfer or check their account balance. Remember - you cannot name or show it to anyone, not even employees of a banking company, this is confidential information!

We hope that now, when paying for a purchase in online stores, you will know what to do when asked: “Enter cvc2 cvv2 code”

A plastic bank card is perhaps one of the most common financial instruments, which is widely used to make various online payments, as well as to purchase certain goods in specially equipped places. Unlike a PIN code, which is mostly used to withdraw cash or pay for purchases in a store, CVC and CVV codes are designed to confirm financial transactions made on the Internet. Thus, the owner of a bank card, by entering the CVV/CVC code in the online store, confirms physical access to the card. Simply put, the CVV/CVC code is designed to protect the owner of a plastic card from unauthorized payments when conducting payment transactions on the Internet.

What is the difference between CVC and CVV?

At their core, CVC and CVV are no different from each other, and the difference in the abbreviation is associated only with the difference in the payment systems within which the card is used.

  • CVC - Visa payment system;
  • CVV is a payment system.

Also, many of you, especially public sector employees, probably have plastic bank cards that work within the MIR payment system. So, it uses not CVC and CVV, but MirAccept. Although this protection system is no different from its counterparts.

Where to find CVC/CVV on a bank card

Having figured out what a CVC code is on a bank card, you will probably wonder where to look for it. And here everything is ridiculously simple - you need to turn over the plastic card. The last three digits located on top of the bar layer are the CVC/CVV code you need. They are usually found on a ribbon that is intended to be signed by the cardholder. Less commonly, CVC and CVV are applied below this very tape.

It is also worth noting that owners of bank cards used within the MasterCard payment system may sometimes not detect the security code on the back of the card. In this case, you should look at the front side of the plastic.

Among other things, it is worth mentioning the payment system. Although until recently it did not have the appropriate payment status for making payments via the Internet, this misunderstanding has now exhausted itself. And the CVC code required for this is now located on the back of the card, to the right of the signature block. For virtual cards, all necessary payment details are sent to the owners via SMS.