Smell and discharge from the navel. The human navel is one of the most interesting parts of the human body.

x from the navel - this phenomenon is quite common, but not everyone pays attention to it due to the inaccessibility of this place. But some especially attentive and clean people often get upset when they notice that this small part of the body also has its own smell, sometimes not pleasant.

Hygiene shown

When you notice bad smell from the navel, you need to be especially careful about your personal hygiene. Try to wash yourself once or twice a day using mild soap and take a shower. The deep navel should be blotted toilet paper or a napkin to prevent water from accumulating in it.

How to Treat a Deep, Folded Navel

Clean your belly button once or twice a week cotton swab using disinfectant liquid. You can use miramistin or chlorhexidine. Fukortsin and hydrogen peroxide can dry fabrics well and get rid of unpleasant odors.

This phenomenon is especially common in obese people with a deep navel. Skin flakes, clothing lint, dirt and other particles form a dense layer of dirt in which bacteria rapidly multiply.

When your belly button gets wet

When you try to carefully maintain navel hygiene, but the unpleasant odor remains, you need to pay attention to whether there is any discharge from the navel. If the navel gets wet, this may be a symptom of umbilical fistula, omphalitis (inflammation umbilical ring), urachus cysts (with inflammation of the urinary duct) or other anomalies. A surgeon or dermatologist must detect an anomaly and prescribe treatment.

This is especially important when there is pain and discharge from the navel. The reaction to metal causes tissue irritation. An associated infection can cause omphalitis - inflammation of the umbilical ring.

Get tested for endometriosis

In women, a constantly weeping navel in the presence of an unpleasant odor and discharge may appear due to the formation of a focus of external endometriosis on the anterior abdominal wall. It is worth seeing a surgeon or gynecologist.

Worth a visit to the surgeon

When pain appears in the anterior abdominal wall, a feeling of tension in the navel increases, and tingling occurs, it is necessary to urgently consult a surgeon in order to exclude pathology. If an abnormality is still present, the surgeon can prescribe medications and make recommendations. Keep in mind that you need to see a doctor in a timely manner so as not to start the inflammatory process.

Body healthy person does not emit any sharp or unpleasant odors. The only exception is sweat. Its release is not a pathology, but evidence of normal thermoregulation of the body. Sweating does not require treatment, but every adult has to mask and prevent its occurrence with the help of deodorants and antiperspirants.

An unpleasant smell from the navel should alarm you and prompt you to visit a doctor. For women, there can be many reasons for this strange manifestation. By the way, any changes in this part of the body often signal the development of serious diseases.

Main reasons

The scar that forms at the site of the umbilical cord must remain dry throughout subsequent life. Among the causes of odor from the navel in a woman, it is worth noting inflammation or the presence of anomalies in the genitourinary area - these problems are most often diagnosed among the fair sex. The scar itself, in the central part of the abdomen, as a rule, does not emit any aroma. Regardless of the reason, a woman's navel odor occurs due to discharge.

Foul-smelling rumen fluid is quite common in medical practice. The following factors can cause an unpleasant odor and discharge from the navel in women:

  1. Poor quality or irregular care of the body and the umbilical area in particular.
  2. Infection with a bacterial or fungal infection.
  3. Disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. Inflammation due to chronic diseases.

Before starting treatment, the doctor must understand the reasons why the navel smells unpleasant. Despite the fact that this symptom brings a lot of discomfort, you should not try to get rid of this symptom on your own. Be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Poor hygiene

First of all, the doctor should pay attention to anatomical features your navel. In some women, the scar is too narrow or deeply retracted. This structure is most favorable for accumulation sebum and dead cells, and therefore for reproduction bacterial microflora. So, for example, if dust, particles of clothing, debris, or sand get into the area of ​​a retracted scar, tissue injury and infection are likely. At first, there may not be any smell from the navel. Most likely, itching will be felt and if the scar is not treated in a timely manner and is not eliminated foreign bodies, rotting processes will begin, which will become the very cause of the unpleasant odor from a woman’s navel.

Infections and inflammation

If the foul-smelling discharge becomes purulent and other symptoms appear (fever, swelling, hyperemia of the navel and about umbilical region), the doctor has the right to suspect omphalitis. This is one of the common bacterial diseases caused by anaerobic microorganisms. The secreted foul pus in omphalitis has yellowish tint, but as the disease progresses, the liquid may turn brown and acquire a thicker consistency.

Another one potential cause odor from a woman’s navel is due to a fungal infection. Typically, the scar itches, burns, and the skin peels or becomes wet (depending on the type of pathogen).

Among the representatives of fungal microflora, Candida is the most common. This microbe prefers to live in the navel even in a healthy person, without interfering with normal well-being. Problems begin when candida actively multiplies. This happens in two cases - against the background of weakened immunity and in the presence of constant moisture in the scar area. Characteristic feature candidiasis are curdled discharge with a sour milky aroma.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system

Illnesses can cause unpleasant-smelling discharge from the umbilical area. urinary tract and genital organs, as well as anomalies of their development. In women, the cause of navel odor is most likely to be:

  • Cyst Bladder. This pathology manifests itself by the occurrence painful sensations in the abdomen, persistent low-grade fever.
  • Endometriosis. A very common disease in young and mature women, which is characterized by the proliferation of the uterine mucosa and its penetration into the peritoneum. The pathology can only be cured surgically.
  • Abnormal structure of the urinary ducts. Between the navel and bladder Each person has a kind of connecting tube - the urachus. Normally, after birth, this duct closes, but sometimes, for reasons that we will not understand, this does not happen. As a result, a urachal cyst or fistula develops, problems with urination are possible, and mucus and an unpleasant odor appear from the navel. In childhood, the pathology may not manifest itself in any way, this really happens, but sooner or later it is discovered with age. The anomaly can only be cured surgically.

What else can cause discharge?

You can't keep silent about others possible reasons odor from a woman's navel. Treatment of the problem directly depends on the provoking factor. Inflammation of the umbilical area and the release of purulent fluid can lead to:

  • Benign tumors. These include wen and atheroma, which do not have a direct effect on the scar, but when an infection or minor injury occurs, they provoke the development of a painful inflammatory process.
  • Excess weight. As stated at the beginning of the article, sweating is not a disease. But people with overweight bodies are prone to increased sweating, which makes their body constantly wet, and therefore creates all the conditions for the rapid proliferation of bacteria on the body, especially in skin folds and navel.

Navel in pregnant women

Discomfort and unpleasant odor from the umbilical cavity sometimes bother women expecting a new addition to the family. With an increase in abdominal volume future mom may notice that the skin around the scar is constantly wet. The reason for this phenomenon is most likely slight inflammation due to changes in tissue stretch.

Consequences of piercing

Fashionistas who decide to get a piercing often consult a doctor with symptoms such as discharge from the umbilical area. If the puncture was performed without the use of antiseptic drugs and compliance with hygiene rules, the consequences may be unpredictable: from severe inflammation until bleeding and blood poisoning.

Treatment Options

Let's dwell on how to get rid of the smell from the navel. Any of the diagnosed diseases and pathological conditions requires appropriate treatment. For example:

  1. Umbilical fistula or cyst - direct reading to surgery. IN otherwise serious complications are possible.
  2. For omphalitis and other inflammations of an infectious nature, doctors resort to conservative therapeutic methods. The basic principles of treatment for this disease are regular treatment of the umbilical scar with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs, maintaining dryness and cleanliness of the body.
  3. If discharge from the navel is a consequence pathological processes caused by diabetes mellitus, a woman needs to go through treatment course by reduction percentage blood sugar.

Preventive treatment of the scar

For diseases genitourinary area that provoked the smell from the navel, they are primarily treated. In all other cases, get rid of this unpleasant manifestation You can wash the scar daily with a soft washcloth and soap, and after water procedures, disinfect it with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. A woman, especially with overweight, it is important to prevent the formation of mud plugs in the navel.

Most people believe that navel discharge is only diagnosed in newborns. However, they are deeply mistaken, since this is also a completely obvious phenomenon for adults. Let's take a closer look at why blood is released from the navel in an adult.

Why does my belly button bleed?

The reasons for bleeding from the navel of an adult include the following:

  1. Omphalitis is an inflammatory process of the epidermis in the umbilical cavity, provoked by various bacteria and fungi. Based on the nature of the pathology, omphalitis is accompanied by discharge of various etiologies. On early stage they are curdled, serous, purulent, hemorrhagic and are accompanied by the release of vesicles that have putrid smell. If the pathology is not treated, the infection penetrates the vessels and periarteritis and periphlebitis develop. In the tissues of the navel (deep layers), dense, purple strands form, causing pain. Serious complication– the most severe stage of omphalitis is the penetration of infection into subcutaneous tissue and development erysipelas or peritoneal gangrene. If pathogenic microorganisms get into the front abdominal wall, peritonitis develops, which can threaten the patient’s life.
  2. The proliferation of granulation tissue is one of the complications of omphalitis, which is tissue damage at the site of healed inflammation. With normal recovery from omphalitis, granulations clean the wound and accelerate healing. If granulation tissues are damaged by chemical/mechanical action, then from the navel there's blood coming out. Measures must be taken to stop bleeding.
  3. Endometriosis is the proliferation of the endometrium in the tissues of the abdominal cavity (it enters the peritoneum from the uterus through lymphatic vessels). As a result, there arise painful sensations, blood may appear from a woman’s navel. This process is observed before, during or after menstrual bleeding.
  4. Fistula (congenital/acquired) - a pathological opening connecting the umbilical skin with internal organs. A congenital fistula, the result of improper handling of the navel after childbirth, can become inflamed and bleed at any age. Acquired fistula is a consequence of complications of inflammation (usually purulent) of the peritoneum, strangulation of the hernia. The fistula extends into the navel, the process is accompanied by purulent and bloody issues.
  5. Piercing. If the abdominal puncture technique is violated, poor quality material (metal) is used, instruments/material are not sterile, blood vessels are damaged during the puncture, or the umbilical opening is improperly processed, the navel may bleed.
  6. Injury. Various kinds mechanical damage umbilical area (scratching, wounding sharp objects and other injuries) if untimely and improperly treated, they can fester, resulting in bleeding.

Regardless of the reason for bleeding from the navel of an adult, you should immediately seek advice from a medical facility.

Symptoms of pathology

The main sign of the development of an inflammatory process in the navel is systematic or intermittent bleeding.

Bleeding from the navel may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • discharge of different etiologies: curdled, purulent, etc., often accompanied by an unpleasant odor;
  • redness, darkening (blue discoloration) skin around the navel;
  • swelling of the navel and surrounding epidermis;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when pressing on the umbilical area;
  • fever, general malaise - rare.

Experts do not recommend self-medication, since self-treatment of the umbilical wound can lead to severe complications. To find out the real reason umbilical bleeding (discharge is a consequence of pathology), you should immediately see a surgeon. The doctor will conduct visual inspection, will take the contents of the navel for analysis, and, if necessary, prescribe additional research, for example, radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Based on the diagnostic results, he will prescribe treatment individual for each patient.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Treatment of umbilical bleeding depends on the factors that provoke it. Most often they resort to drug therapy, in severe cases it is required surgical intervention.

It is necessary to treat the umbilical wound with antiseptics - alcohol solutions iodine (10%) and brilliant green (2%), hydrogen peroxide (3%), potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), silver nitrate (lapis).

The following are also appointed local remedies(ointments):

  • Synthomycin emulsion is placed in the umbilical cavity, covered with gauze pad, apply 3-4 times a day;
  • Polymyxin sulfate - m is applied after removing the pus up to two times a day;
  • Baneocin is used 2-4 times a day and is contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • Bactroban (Muliprocin) is used at least 3 times a day for a week.

For phlegmon, necrotizing omphalitis, it is required hospital treatment, including intramuscular injections antibacterial drugs. Complicated omphalitis and peri-umbilical fistulas are subject to surgery.

The source of inflammation is excised and sutured, and drainage is installed to remove purulent discharge.

To avoid inflammation of the navel, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene:

  • take regularly water treatments, during which thoroughly rinse the umbilical cavity;
  • when crusts form on the navel, treat it with cosmetic/vegetable oil;
  • if you have a piercing, observe necessary procedures on its processing.

It is important to remember that identifying and treating pathology at an early stage guarantees quick release from unpleasant discharge.

In contact with


If you notice an unpleasant odor from your navel, be especially careful about your personal hygiene. Wash 1-2 times a day with mild soap or shower. Blot the deep one with a napkin or toilet paper so that water does not accumulate in it.

Clean the deep, folded navel 1-2 times a week with a cotton swab and disinfectant liquid. Can be used . Hydrogen peroxide and fucortsin dry fabrics well and get rid of unpleasant odors.

If you carefully observe navel hygiene, but the unpleasant odor is still present, pay attention to whether there is any discharge from the navel. If the belly button is, this may be a sign of an umbilical fistula, omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical ring), urachus (urinary duct) cyst, or other urachal abnormalities. A dermatologist or surgeon can detect an abnormality and prescribe treatment.

Remove the piercing if you notice pain or discharge from your belly button. The reaction may cause tissue irritation. An associated infection can cause omphalitis - inflammation of the umbilical ring.


The most common cause of a weeping navel is omphalitis - bacterial inflammation umbilical wound, umbilical vessels, umbilical ring or subcutaneous fat around the umbilical ring. Symptoms of omphalitis are weeping discharge, swelling, redness, unpleasant odor, itching and pain. At neglected form omphalitis in the umbilical cavity pus and. If not purulent, it will quickly spread to neighboring tissues. When the umbilical fold is treated with silver nitrate, washed with hydrogen peroxide, but when advanced stage Only surgery helps. Omphalitis can have a simple, purulent, phlegmonous or necrotic form. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci and Escherichia coli.

Umbilical fistula

Umbilical fistula is congenital pathology, which develops as a result of non-fusion of the umbilical-urinary or umbilical-intestinal duct. When the umbilical-urinary duct is not closed, the navel secretes small portions urine, this defect is especially noticeable during urination. Non-closure of the umbilical duct is fraught with intestinal or mucous discharge from the navel. In some cases, an umbilical fistula may appear as a result of a long-term inflammatory process of the anterior abdominal wall, when the navel is opened purulent abscess. An umbilical fistula is treated by excision and suturing of defects in the wall of the bladder or intestine.

Other causes of a weeping navel

In addition to omphalitis and fistula, a weeping navel can be associated with structural features of the umbilical canal, complications after piercing, and insufficient hygiene during the hot season. The narrow and deep umbilical canal is more likely to accumulate sweat and dead skin particles. This leads to infection and inflammation of the umbilical area. In some cases, the appearance of discharge from the navel may be associated with complications after piercing, which is open wound. To keep your navel healthy, it needs to be washed daily. soap suds or liquid soap, and then wipe dry with a soft towel or napkin. And remember that a clean navel is healthy skin, which is not afraid of any bacteria!


  • An adult's navel gets wet - what does it mean?
  • 10 interesting facts about your belly button
  • Inflammation of the navel in adults

The navel is a scar that forms on the human body after the umbilical cord falls off, which becomes an inconspicuous part with age. There are people who complain that it gets wet. There are several reasons for this illness.


Most often, the cause of a “wet navel” is the disease omphalitis, in which a person feels healthy, while noticing only small discharge in the form of serous or purulent-serous fluid, drying out as a crust on the body around the navel. The reasons for this are fungal or bacterial infections associated with the structural features of the navel. For example, with a narrow and retracted channel, separation of work products sebaceous glands and dead skin cells are difficult to remove, which can easily lead to infection if personal hygiene is insufficient. For omphalitis it is carried out ambulatory treatment, which consists in processing problem area cauterizing and antiseptic drugs, the use of antimicrobial or antifungal ointments.

Phlegmous and necrotizing omphalitis is less common. With this form of the disease, the skin around it becomes inflamed, redness, thickening, pain, purulent discharge, body temperature rises. The treatment is complex. The affected area is treated with antiseptics, bandages are made with antibacterial and wound healing ointments, antibiotics are injected intramuscularly, and physiotherapy is prescribed. In some cases, surgical intervention is required to open the abscesses.

Necrotic (gangrenous) omphalitis is very rare; it is a complication of the phlegmonous form. With this disease, the infection enters the abdominal cavity, necrosis and exfoliation of dead tissue occurs. This type of development of umbilical sepsis is dangerous, hematogenous osteomyelitis, peritonitis. For necrotizing omphalitis, gamma globulin injections, blood transfusions, and vitamin therapy are given.

Another cause of a “wet navel” may be a fistula. This pathology most often it is congenital and is characterized by a patent vitelline or urinary duct. If the urinary duct is not closed, a vesico-umbilical fistula occurs, through which urine oozes. If the vitelline duct is not closed, an intestinal-umbilical fistula occurs with discharge from the intestines. In the presence of inflammation, the discharge becomes purulent.

The navel is a hard-to-reach place; we rarely look at it, and even less often, we wash it thoroughly. However, our close attention to this area of ​​the body increases when an unpleasant odor appears from the navel for unclear reasons. Everything was in order, we were minding our own business, and suddenly such a problem arose. As a rule, 2 main questions arise: why did this happen and what to do? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

As you know, the navel is a retracted scar left from the umbilical cord through which we received nutrients while in the womb. IN in good condition the navel should be completely dry and not cause discomfort (no itching, no pain, no discharge, etc.). And there shouldn't be an unpleasant smell. Therefore, the first thing we do is check the navel for the presence of discharge, which indicates an inflammatory process caused by bacteria.

Discharge from the navel with an unpleasant odor can occur with omphalitis. In this case, the discharge is purulent or serous, body temperature may rise, and pain occurs. With a fistula, the umbilical discharge is transparent or white, sometimes bloody, and there is pain in the abdominal area. With navel endometriosis, women experience bloody discharge from the navel during or after menstruation.

Reasons for appearance

Usually this problem associated with inflammatory process caused by infection in the navel. Therefore, depending on the penetration of infection, we can distinguish following reasons unpleasant odor from the navel:

  • Penetration of anaerobic bacteria in a variety of ways and the formation of purulent inflammation.
  • Ingress of debris, dirt, dust, and clothing particles that can carry a variety of microorganisms.
  • Candidiasis and various fungal infections– fungi give not only an unpleasant odor, but also itching and burning.
  • Bladder cyst.
  • Sepsis that develops after an incorrectly performed piercing - piercing the navel is a whole science, you need to maintain sterility, otherwise you can introduce any infection directly into the blood.

Children smell

A foul odor from the navel is often found in children, including newborns. Parents rush to bathe the baby and wash his navel, but the smell remains, often accompanied by discharge. IN in this case It is imperative to show the child to a doctor; treating yourself at home with your grandmother’s remedies is unacceptable.

In small children, when the umbilical ring heals, fistulas can form - intestinal, urinary or bile duct fistula. Fistulas lead to a weeping navel and an unpleasant odor gradually appears. To prevent the chronic nature of the disease, you should as soon as possible carry out all necessary diagnostic measures and start treatment. In advanced cases, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

Much more dangerous cause unpleasant odor from the navel in children is omphalitis. This disease is infectious in nature, caused by staphylococci and coli. The navel turns red, crusts appear, yellow discharge, fetid odor, temperature rises to 38 degrees. Treatment at home is extremely difficult, usually little patient assigned to a hospital, where the navel is regularly washed from pus, antibacterial therapy. The treatment is not very pleasant, but it is effective.

To prevent umbilical odor in children, parents should learn a number of simple rules:

  • Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water before touching your baby - just because bacteria doesn't bite you, it doesn't mean it's safe for your baby.
  • In the first month of a child’s life, it is imperative to change his clothes daily, ironing them on both sides.
  • Be sure to bathe your child daily, maybe more than once.
  • The baby's navel should be treated with an antiseptic, which is recommended pediatrician upon inspection.

What to do?

Treatment for navel discharge is usually local. The piercing must be removed. In case of omphalitis, the navel is treated with antiseptics (alcoholic iodine solution, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, etc.), as well as special ointments (Synthomycin Emulsion, Baneocin, Bactroban, etc.). Sometimes antibiotics are required. IN severe casessurgery with drainage to get rid of pus.

For fistulas, ointments and tablets are ineffective, so usually an operation is immediately prescribed - the fistula is excised, cleaned, and then it is sutured.

Throughout the entire treatment, and in general now always, personal hygiene should be carefully observed: take a shower 1-2 times a day, wipe the navel well, and the deep navel should be regularly wiped with antiseptics, for example, fucorcin, chlorhexidine, or at least alcohol tincture calendula.

In general, unpleasant odor from the belly button can be caused by a number of reasons, but almost all of them have infectious nature. With careful adherence to personal hygiene rules, this problem rarely arises. With proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable.