How to perform a colposcopy on a woman. Gynecological procedure colposcopy: what is it and how to prepare for it? When is the best time to do a colposcopy?

Among modern diagnostic methods in gynecology, colposcopy is increasingly called. Realizing that ordinary gynecological manipulations are not very pleasant, many are prejudiced against newfangled ones. diagnostic methods. But in vain. As experts say, even tomography is not able to give a more accurate picture of the disease. During colcoscopy, a microscope is inserted directly into the vagina. This allows you to examine in detail not only the condition of organs, but also tissues.

When is colposcopy prescribed?

It is prescribed for a number of diseases, and if they are not treated in time, they can develop into malignant formations. Therefore, the importance of colcoscopy is difficult to overestimate. This list includes a dozen diseases: cervical erosion, ectopia (pseudo-erosion), polyps and papillomas, cervical endometriosis and others.

In addition to visual inspection of the epithelium, its color, structure of tissues and blood vessels, the reaction of tissues to various solutions. So, when Lugol's solution is applied to healthy tissues. They naturally are painted brown, and areas with pathological changes in tissue, if any, remain light. During a colcoscopic examination, the doctor takes a sample and tissue for biopsy. Thus, after 14 days it is possible to accurately conclude that cancer is dangerous, or to completely exclude this diagnosis. And get treatment in a timely manner.

And after colposcopy, during the first two days there may be minor pain and brown discharge. However, if after the procedure there is heavy bleeding- A doctor's examination is required.

In order not to provoke infections after such a procedure, it is advised to avoid sexual relations and even douching for the first two to three days.

What to expect from a colposcopy?

In part, this is similar to a routine examination by a gynecologist. This examination takes less than half an hour. Using a special microscope, which is installed in front of the gynecological chair, the vagina and cervix are examined not only visually, but also at the cellular level.

To assess the condition of the tissues, the doctor applies a vinegar solution or iodine solution to the suspicious tissues. This is done in order to see areas of tissue subject to pathological changes. Their color does not change. And thus, it is possible to take a tissue sample (biopsy) from it, and thus more accurately diagnose pathologies.

Many people are interested in how painful this procedure is and is it worth agreeing to it? A biopsy of the cervix is ​​almost painless, and anesthesia is used for a biopsy of the vulva or vagina.

Contraindications for colposcopy

There are almost no contraindications. But it is postponed if the examination falls during menstruation. Moreover, it is also allowed during pregnancy. It is prescribed in order to exclude pathologies of cervical development, which cannot be excluded hormonal changes in this period. Although they warn against performing a biopsy due to hypersensitivity blood vessels do not cause bleeding.

Is it worth doing a colposcopy?

If there is such a possibility, yes, because this diagnostic method allows you to identify many gynecological diseases at the earliest stages. That is, at the stage when treatment can prevent the development of pathologies into malignant ones. Unfortunately, our fears and stereotypes often play against us. Many people prefer not to know the diagnosis and move on with their lives in peace. But this approach is extremely dangerous. After all, early diagnosis of the mucous membrane and condition internal organs(cervical) could save more than one life.

Colposcopy is a modern standard gynecological procedure for examining a woman's vagina, cervix and vulva. To carry it out, the gynecologist uses a colposcope with a special lighting and optical system. Such a procedure is usually recommended if the doctor discovers a pathological condition of the cervix, vagina during a routine examination, or a cytological smear is abnormal.

However, there are cases when cancer can be suspected colposcopically in the absence of patient complaints, and if cytology and visual examination of the cervix are normal. That is, colposcopic signs appear much earlier than cytological, and, moreover, visual ones. This is a very valuable method that allows you to detect cancer at very early stage and heal him. This procedure should be included in mandatory examination all women registered with antenatal clinic(fibroids, endometriosis, etc.).

Ideally, colposcopy should be performed at least once a year on absolutely all women. Abroad, this procedure is performed on women annually, but a cytology smear is taken every 5 years (colposcopy is cheaper).

During a colposcopy, the doctor may detect any formations and take a biopsy for a thorough examination. laboratory diagnostics abnormal cells. Before primary colposcopy, most women are worried because they have insufficient information about the essence of this procedure and the results of such diagnostics.

The purpose of such a diagnosis?

Very often, precisely with cervical erosion, colposcopy is important diagnostic procedure. It is used to promptly diagnose and promptly treat diseases of the female genital organs such as:

  • Genital warts, papillomas
  • Precancerous conditions of the vulva, vagina, cervical tissue
  • Cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix
  • Cancer of the vagina or vulva

Therefore, the indication for the procedure is any deviation from the norm during examination or smear analysis, and there are no contraindications for its implementation, except for the period of menstruation. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

Preparation for cervical colposcopy

As a rule, it is recommended to carry out the procedure after the end of menstruation in the first 2-4 days. In the case when an examination is scheduled, and the woman begins menstrual flow, the procedure should be rescheduled. To prepare for cervical colposcopy you should:

  • 2 days before colposcopy you should abstain from sexual intercourse
  • The same goes for using various candles, sprays, vaginal tablets, unless the doctor specifically recommended using anything.
  • Don't use the funds intimate hygiene, and wash your genitals only with water.
  • You cannot do douching yourself a few days before colposcopy, especially since douching in itself is not in a safe way treatment (see).
  • No painkillers are required before colposcopy - it is a completely painless examination , the same as before an examination by a gynecologist, speculums are simply inserted, and the cervix is ​​examined under magnification, nothing touches it.

How is colposcopy performed?

The colposcopic picture can be influenced and distorted not in better side factors such as mucus and palpation of the uterus and appendages, therefore:

  • The doctor removes the mucus from the cervix and treats it with vinegar and Lugol, always with a cotton swab and not a gauze swab.
  • Colposcopy is done before palpation of the uterus and appendages (the same applies to the exclusion of sexual intercourse the day before).

Colposcopy can be extended or simple.

Simple colposcopy- when the examination is carried out immediately after removal of discharge from the surface of the cervix.

Extended colposcopy- performed after treating the vaginal part of the cervix with a 3% solution acetic acid and after 2 minutes the examination begins using a colposcope. After such treatment, any pathological changes become more clearly identified, since short-term swelling of the mucous membrane occurs on the surface of the cervix, and the blood supply to the tissues decreases. To determine the oncological location of cells, use Lugol's solution (.) This method is called Schiller's test; in precancerous diseases, cervical tissue cells are poor in glycogen and do not turn dark when applied with iodine or Lugol's. Therefore, during the oncological process, whitish spots can be seen against the background of brownish tissue. Then the doctor can take a biopsy - a piece of tissue for histological examination.

A biopsy is a slightly painful procedure, as it is performed with special forceps. A cervical biopsy is considered to be of little pain; sometimes there may be only a slight sensation of pressure and spasmodic pain. But during a biopsy of the vagina or vulva it can be painful, for this they use local anesthetic. In some cases, the doctor may use special remedy, reducing bleeding. During a biopsy, the gynecologist removes a small piece of cervical tissue, places it in a tube and sends it to the laboratory. After colposcopy with biopsy, a small 3-5 mm scratch remains, which quickly heals in a few days. Sometimes, in cases when next menstruation If less than 14 days remain, a biopsy may be scheduled for another day.

After 10-14 days, usually the biopsy results are ready, so after colposcopy you need to arrange with your doctor about the next visit, when the analysis is ready, in order to receive recommendations related to the examination results.

What can the results of cervical colposcopy mean?

If the doctor finds changed areas during extended colposcopy, then in some cases a biopsy is taken. With (ectopia), the affected area is not stained with Lugol, this only proves the presence of ectopia and a biopsy is not indicated.
But if:

  • pathologically altered vessels are visible (tortuous, intermittent, comma-shaped, etc.)
  • punctation - these are dotted inclusions in an area not stained by Lugol
  • mosaic is in the form of a quadrangle in various shapes again on the unpainted area
  • whitish areas without changes -

then a biopsy is required.

Even with detected changes, only one at a time appearance the doctor will not be able to establish a diagnosis, everything will depend on laboratory data after 2 weeks. When histological analysis detects tissue changes, then it will require additional examinations and therapy based on the results of the analysis.

What should not be done after colposcopy and biopsy?

If there was a colposcopy without a biopsy, then you can do whatever you want.

And if the colposcopy was with a biopsy, then after the procedure it is possible:

  • after a biopsy, a woman may have nagging pain in the lower abdomen for 4-10 days
  • appear scanty greenish or brown discharge(cm. ). Don't panic, these are variants of the norm.

To avoid complications after colposcopy with biopsy, you should follow some rules within 2 weeks:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse
  • You cannot douche, use tampons, and only use pads
  • You can't drink medicines, which contain acetylsalicylic acid
  • Limit any heavy physical activity or exercise
  • You cannot visit the bathhouse, sauna, avoid taking a bath, you should only take a shower

Colposcopy during pregnancy and biopsy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for colposcopy. Because it is painless and safe method. Colposcopy has only one contraindication - menstruation.

But it’s better not to do a biopsy, because:

  • This may cause bleeding, miscarriage, premature birth, especially in situations where placenta previa is detected.
  • And not only because of this, but also because of possible false positive results pathological changes cervix under the influence of hormones during pregnancy.
  • In addition, treatment, if anything, is still not possible until the woman gives birth (an exception may be cervical cancer, and even then advanced).

Therefore, most often, doctors do not perform a cervical biopsy during pregnancy and postpone the procedure until after childbirth. Colposcopy without a biopsy during pregnancy is safe and even if changes in the cervix are detected, already 6 weeks after the birth of the child it will be possible to repeat the colposcopy and perform the necessary biopsy.

Colposcopy is a diagnostic method necessary to identify benign, precancerous and malignant pathologies of the cervical canal. The study is carried out using a device - a colposcope; during the procedure, it is also possible to take biomaterial (scraping) from the cervix for subsequent testing.

Why is a colposcopy prescribed?

Colposcopy in gynecology is a frequently prescribed test. Its essence is to examine the cervix using a colposcope - a special binocular microscope equipped with backlight. Colposcopic examination involves studying the structure of the mucous lining of the vulva, vagina and cervix under magnification.

Women undergo colposcopy of the cervix in order to identify oncopathologies, as well as precancerous diseases or benign conditions.

Also, during colposcopy, smears are taken from the cervix and a biopsy is taken for subsequent cytological examination. In addition, the procedure allows you to obtain photographs of foci of the pathological process under necessary increase.

Using a colposcope, you can achieve an image magnification of 6-40 times. At low magnification, the specialist determines the presence of foci of pathology, evaluates their color, surface, location, and shape. Then, with high magnification, the doctor examines suspicious areas of the mucosa. If it is necessary to better visualize the vessels of the microvasculature, the specialist uses a green filter. This approach is necessary to identify invasive cancer cervix.

The colposcope consists of optical and lighting systems. The device is adapted for the procedure non-contact method. The design of the colposcope includes an optical head, a tripod and a base. This is necessary for ease of installation and use of the device. The optical head includes prismatic binoculars equipped with eyepieces that allow viewing of the tissues being examined. The head also contains an illuminator that creates the lighting necessary for work.

Colposcopic examination of the cervix can be simple or extensive.

  • During a simple procedure, the mucous lining of the cervix is ​​directly studied without the use of any additional reagents.
  • Extended cervical colposcopy involves examining the cervix after treatment with a 3% acetic acid solution. This manipulation is necessary to more clearly identify pathological changes in tissue structure. This is explained by the fact that acetic acid causes short-term swelling of the mucous membrane and vascular contraction.

Also, during extended microscopy, treatment with Lugol's solution can be performed to determine glycogen in cells. This manipulation is called the Schiller test. In precancerous conditions, mucosal epithelial cells contain little glycogen, and therefore are not stained with Lugol's solution. When examined, they look like whitish spots against the background of healthy tissue, uniformly colored brown. Treatment with Lugol's solution facilitates the selection of a site for subsequent cervical biopsy.

Indications for colposcopic examination of the cervix

A referral for colposcopy is necessary if there are such clinical indications:

  1. Detection of pathologically altered cells in a smear from the cervical canal.
  2. Suspicion of oncological diseases and a number of other pathologies (for example, genital warts).
  3. Positive result analysis for the presence of human papillomavirus in the body.
  4. Extramenstrual bleeding.
  5. Chronic inflammatory processes of the cervix.
  6. Pathological discharge.
  7. Itching and discomfort.
  8. Long lasting pain syndrome aching in the lower abdomen.

The listed conditions are the answer to the question of when to do colposcopy.

Purposes of colposcopy

Why is colposcopy needed and why is it done? The goals of this procedure are:

  • determination of precancerous pathologies and oncological diseases in patients with a positive Papanicolaou smear;
  • detailed examination of the cervical canal and vagina;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment of neoplastic processes.

The doctor must explain to the patient why colposcopy is being done and how to properly prepare for it.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

When preparing for a colposcopic examination, there is no need to adjust your diet. There are some restrictions, namely:

  1. Two days before colposcopy you should not douche.
  2. Two days before the study, you should not use intimate hygiene products.
  3. Use a condom during sexual intercourse.
  4. Do not use for a few days vaginal tablets, suppositories and other local medicines.

How is colposcopy performed?

Colposcopy is performed outside of menstruation. More often, the procedure is prescribed on days 7-10 of the cycle. This is explained by the fact that during this period the mucus in cervical canal transparent and does not cause any difficulties during the examination.

From a clinical point of view, what is cervical colposcopy and how is it performed? The procedure is performed both in outpatient and inpatient conditions. When prescribing this manipulation, the doctor must explain to the patient why colposcopy is needed in this clinical situation, what information it allows to obtain. After this, the woman is told about the rules of preparation for the procedure. The patient should also be notified that during the study, a biopsy of the biomaterial may be required for subsequent cytological examination.

A woman may be concerned about whether it is painful or not to undergo a colposcopy. Usually the procedure brings mild discomfort and does not cause pain. However, with thrush and some other pathological conditions painful sensations are still possible. Pain accompanies obtaining a biopsy. Also after colposcopy it may be a short time There will be some discomfort, but it should go away quickly.

The question is also often asked whether colposcopy is performed on virgins. The answer can be affirmative only if serious gynecological pathologies. If there are no risks for the patient, then the procedure is not performed on girls.

What kind of procedure is this, if we consider directly the sequence of actions during its implementation? You should pay attention to the following points:

  • during the procedure, the woman is positioned on a gynecological chair;
  • First, the mirrors are inserted, then the colposcope;
  • then the cervical canal and vagina are examined using low magnification, if necessary, drying the discharge with a cotton swab;
  • during examination, the specialist assesses the presence, size, quantity, nature, color of pathological foci;
  • using a green filter, the doctor assesses the condition of the vascular network;
  • if there are formations, the specialist indicates their nature: polyps, condylomas, etc.;
  • if an extended examination is necessary, the cervix is ​​treated with a solution of acetic acid, after ten seconds the mucus is removed;
  • then the foci of pathology on the surface of the mucosa are determined;
  • then a Schiller test is performed (treatment with Lugol's solution containing 2% potassium iodide, 1% iodine) and identification of iodine-negative areas, which are examined in more detail using high magnification;
  • if the need arises, a biopsy is taken, which is subsequently sent to the laboratory for histological examination.

What does colposcopy show?

Why is a colposcopic examination prescribed and what results does it provide? This technique- a correct way to identify foci of ectopia, which can be either a physiological or a pathological condition. At large sizes ectopic foci, possible bloody discharge after sexual intercourse, as well as excess mucous membranes vaginal discharge. In the absence of such symptoms, but in the presence of foci of ectopia, it does not require any correction.

Colposcopy is important for identifying precancerous pathological conditions- dysplasia. Thanks to accurate diagnostic criteria the doctor can assess the degree of dysplastic changes and prescribe adequate measures corrections.

Colposcopic examination makes it possible to identify atrophic foci, the inflammatory process, tissue proliferation with the formation of papillomas, condylomas. Colposcopy of the cervix for erosion is prescribed in mandatory and is necessary to determine the boundaries of the pathological focus and its structural features.

Is the procedure necessary during pregnancy?

  1. Is colposcopy performed during pregnancy? On early stages it is carried out in cases of doubtful or bad results smear for oncocytology from the cervix.
  2. What benefits does the manipulation give in this case? It is necessary for timely diagnosis oncopathologies and determination of tactics for managing the patient during pregnancy until the process of delivery.
  3. It is worth noting that simple, rather than extended, colposcopy is usually used. On later Colposcopic examination is not prescribed due to the risk of provoking infection and bleeding.

What to do after the procedure

After the manipulation there are no restrictions, the patient leads her usual lifestyle. You should use panty liners for one or two days - discharge is possible.

  • If a biopsy was performed during the procedure, for 10 days it is forbidden to take baths, visit the sauna and bathhouse, use tampons and douches, sex life, take medications containing aspirin.
  • The next day, it is necessary to remove the tampon that was inserted to stop the bleeding.
  • In rare cases, complications such as cervicitis and vaginitis, bleeding, allergic reactions for iodine and other reagents.

If after manipulation for 24 hours they do not stop copious discharge bloody in nature, or purulent discharge appears, the body temperature has increased, the lower abdomen hurts and weakness and dizziness are observed - you should immediately seek help medical care.

Colposcopy is modern method diagnostics

You can also see what colposcopy shows in the video:

Cervical colposcopy is one of the diagnostic methods that is now widely used in gynecology. This procedure allows us to identify the most minimal changes mucous membranes or disorders, which is especially important in the prevention and early diagnosis malignant tumor.

In contact with

How is colposcopy performed?

There are four types of colposcopy:

  1. Simple. In this case, the woman sits on a chair and a gynecological speculum For better review, after which the cervix is ​​examined using a colposcope.
  2. Extended. It is carried out in the same way as a simple one, only the mucous membrane of the uterus is stained with Lugol's solution and a three percent solution of acetic acid. This method makes it possible to identify all lesions more clearly. After staining, the mucous membrane becomes brown, and the lesions turn white.
  3. Colored. The procedure itself is similar to the previous ones, but solutions are used with which the cervix is ​​painted green or blue colors. Using this method, we study in more detail vascular network and lesions.
  4. Luminescent. Used mainly for the purpose of identifying cancer cells. For examination using UV rays, fluorochromes are used to treat the cervix. Cancerous lesions will be highlighted in pink.

The main purpose of colposcopy is to determine the presence benign disease flat cervical epithelium and establishing signs of possible malignant formation. It is important to carry out this procedure for women whose cytological smears showed signs of cellular atypia.

With the help of colposcopy, you can diagnose any pathologies; it makes it possible to determine which areas of the epithelium are most affected. If such zones are detected, the patient is sent for a targeted biopsy of the cervix, which is also very important in order to make a conclusion about the condition of the cervix.

Colposcopy refers to methods for determining cervical diseases along with smear examination. It is recommended to perform it at least once every three years if previous cytological smears were normal. If there are pathologies according to the data cytological smear Colposcopy is mandatory.

When is it better to do colposcopy: indications and contraindications

Colposcopy is used to diagnose a number of gynecological diseases.A gynecologist may prescribe such an examination in the following cases:

  • bloody issues;
  • blood and pain during or after sexual intercourse;
  • prolonged nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Colposcopy is mandatory in the following cases:

  • poor cytological smear result;
  • detection on the genitals genital warts that were caused by HPV.

On what day is it better to do a colposcopy? The study is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation or before it begins. Despite the fact that the study is quite simple, it has a number of contraindications.

Colposcopy cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • three to four weeks after abortion;
  • eight weeks after birth;
  • recent surgery or treatment of the cervix using cryodestruction;
  • allergy to acetic acid or iodine (with extended colposcopy);
  • severe atrophy of the ectocercus;
  • pronounced inflammatory process.

Preparation for cervical colposcopy

Before colposcopy, you must refrain from sexual intercourse one to two days before the colposcopy. When preparing for the study several days in advance, you need to completely abandon douching and any intimate hygiene products - it is recommended to wash your genitals only with warm water.

You should stop using any medications in the form of tablets, sprays or vaginal suppositories for several days before your colposcopy unless their use has been discussed with your doctor in advance.

Results of colposcopy examination

The main task of colposcopy is to predict possible cellular composition cervical mucosa to detect cervical cancer and precancerous diseases. Colposcopy does not make it possible to immediately make a diagnosis; it only identifies the areas of greatest damage. For precise setting A targeted biopsy is used for diagnosis.

During colposcopy, the doctor can see changed areas of tissue. If no changes are detected, then the examination result is considered good and a biopsy of cervical tissue is not prescribed. If the doctor finds changes, he performs a biopsy and sends its results to the laboratory for further analysis. Accurate results will be available only one to two weeks after colposcopy, when the results of histological examination are ready.

What to do after colposcopy

This procedure considered safe and simple gynecological examination. However, many patients complain that their stomach hurts after colposcopy, and there may also be a slight discharge with blood from the vagina. Usually these inconveniences go away after a few days. In the rarest cases, colposcopy can cause an infection of the cervix or vagina. Contact your doctor if you experience the following after a colposcopy:

  • increased body temperature after colposcopy (higher than 38 degrees);
  • chills;
  • copious discharge with blood;
  • strong painful sensations in a stomach;

After colposcopy, you may experience scanty discharge dirty green or dark Brown. Just like nagging pain after colposcopy in the lower abdomen, this phenomenon is considered normal.

For two weeks after colposcopy you cannot:

  • use vaginal tampons;
  • engage in sexual relations;
  • do physical activity;
  • do douching;
  • visit a bathhouse or sauna;
  • take medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid.

Thus, colposcopy - safe research, used for the prevention and diagnosis of cervical cancer. If you follow all the simple recommendations before and after it, it will not cause any problems.

Many women are prescribed a colposcopy procedure. This is due to its importance diagnostic value. This type research helps to identify a number of changes at the initial stage of development pathological processes on the cervix. Currently, the procedure is carried out using modern equipment, which allows you to obtain the most reliable results.

What is colposcopy

Colposcopy is a method of examining the inner walls of the vagina, as well as the vulva and cervix, using an optical device that helps determine even the slightest changes in the epithelium lining the organ. Today, the procedure is carried out in several ways. The first is standard and involves the use of a microscope. The second is almost similar, but additionally a video device is used that allows you to reproduce the study picture on the monitor screen.

Colposcope is an optical device that was invented in 1925, but improved more recently

The colposcopy method allows you to determine changes in blood vessels and abnormal cells that may be harbingers of malignant processes.

What is colposcopy - video

Why and which doctors conduct this study?

Colposcopy is prescribed for a detailed examination of the cervix and in the case when there are controversial issues, requiring staging accurate diagnosis. The procedure is of high quality differential method research that helps to identify epithelial growths, the presence of polyps and other defects of the mucous membrane. The examination is carried out only by a gynecologist.

Operating principle of a colposcope

A targeted colposcope consists of a binocular optical device that helps to obtain a three-dimensional picture by magnifying the image. The light source on the head of the device allows you to examine the cervix in detail and not miss even the slightest changes. Replaceable eyepieces help gradual increase Images.

The light source is directed to the area of ​​the speculum, which is installed in the vagina. In this case, the doctor adjusts the angle of the device to better examine the mucous membrane.

Modern video colposcopes are equipped with a special camera, which helps to obtain even more accurate data and save it for further study.

Colposcope is an optical device that allows you to obtain reliable data on the condition of the cervix and internal walls of the vagina.

Types of colposcopy

This procedure comes in two types: simple and extended. The first allows you to examine vessels and tissues, the presence of polyps, scars and erosions. Unlike the second method, it does not involve the use of additional solutions and tools. Extended colposcopy helps to obtain much more information and is performed using reagents. The main ones:

  • Lugol's solution;
  • vinegar;
  • iodine and potassium.

During extended colposcopy, a thin probe is also used. The doctor presses it on areas that seem suspicious to him. If as a result of this action the tissue begins to bleed, then we can talk about malignant degeneration of the tissue. Using reagents, the doctor treats the pathological areas and looks at the reaction. Normal tissue do not change color or (in the case of Lugol's solution) turn brown. Pathological areas acquire a light shade.

With the help of extended colposcopy it is very easy to determine initial stages malignant degeneration of the endometrium.

Colposcopy of the cervix allows to identify areas of epithelial change

Indications for the procedure

Only a doctor can determine the appropriateness of this method. If during gynecological examination If the specialist suspects any pathology, he additionally offers the patient a colposcopy. The following complaints are also indications for the procedure:

  • lower abdominal pain;
  • spotting outside of menstruation;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • purulent discharge from the genital tract.

Colposcopy can reveal:

  • the presence of genital warts on the walls of the vagina;
  • cervical erosion;
  • foci of endometriosis (pathological proliferation of endometrial tissue);
  • initial stages of malignant tissue degeneration;
  • atypical and dilated vessels;
  • inflammatory processes in the cervical canal;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • endometrial polyps.

Colposcopy is often performed several months after an abortion and other gynecological operations. This method allows you to determine complications after interventions at an early stage of development.

Contraindications to the procedure

Colposcopy is contraindicated in the first 1.5 months after childbirth, abortion and other gynecological interventions: cauterization of cervical erosion, endometrial curettage, etc. An extended type of procedure is not recommended for women with individual iodine intolerance.

Is it possible to perform colposcopy during pregnancy?

This procedure is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Not only will it not cause harm, but it will also allow the doctor to identify possible pathologies which may interfere with natural delivery. Colposcopy is performed at any stage of pregnancy. The only contraindication in in this case may serve as partial dilation of the cervix.

Is the procedure performed during menstruation?

The procedure is not carried out during menstruation, since it is not possible to obtain reliable data during this period. Bloody discharge will interfere with examination of the cervix and cervical canal. In addition, the possibility of conducting research using reagents is lost.


Preparation for colposcopy includes compliance with the following rules:

  1. Avoid sexual intercourse for two days before the procedure.
  2. Do not use douching. You can only wash the external genitalia with water.
  3. Do not use on the eve of the test vaginal suppositories and creams.
  4. Do not resort to the procedure if there is heavy bloody discharge or inform your doctor in advance.

It is better to resort to the procedure 2 days after the end of menstruation. This day of the cycle is the most favorable for colposcopy. No other special training is required.

4 important facts - video

How does the procedure work?

Colposcopy usually takes no more than 20 minutes. The patient lies down in a gynecological chair, the doctor installs a speculum in the vagina. Then he turns on the device and directs the lamp. First happens visual inspection and preliminary identification of pathological areas. Then, using Lugol's solution or acetic acid, the doctor treats the cervix using cotton swab and tweezers.

After waiting a few minutes, the gynecologist evaluates the resulting picture and records the data in the patient’s chart. If any area is colored unevenly, the doctor may perform a repeat test. If atypical areas are detected, the specialist may additionally prescribe a biopsy. This procedure involves taking small quantity tissues for microscopic examination.

In this case, you can find cancer cells, areas of hyperplasia and determine the structure of the endometrium. The biopsy is performed under local anesthesia. Using special long forceps, the doctor cuts off a small piece of tissue and, if necessary, applies a self-absorbing suture.

A biopsy is performed only if there are indications: erosions with eversion, large polyps, bleeding scars.

Pathological cervix, which is diagnosed during colposcopy

Is it painful to have a colposcopy?

The procedure is completely painless. There may be minor discomfort during the procedure, as the speculum presses on the vaginal walls. Colposcopy is not traumatic. If it is carried out experienced doctor, then no consequences will arise as a result.

What not to do after the procedure

After colposcopy, a woman can continue to do her usual activities. However, it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse for one day. Physical exercise not contraindicated. After the procedure, it is advisable not to douche or use vaginal tampons or suppositories that day.

Decoding and results

In conclusion, the following parameters should be included:

  1. Cervix: pink, smooth, no abnormal cells detected. If the doctor points out uneven color and structure, then, as a rule, he explains what the pathological zones are. These could be polyps, erosions, endometriosis, endocervicitis.
  2. Staining with Lugol's solution revealed no areas of atypia. If some areas differ in shade, this indicates the presence of pathologies.
  3. Vascular pattern without features. If there are changes, the doctor explains the nature of the atypia. Dilation of the vessel, changing its contour.
  4. Transformation zones are normally present in every woman. This means a transition from one type of epithelium to another. Transformation zone 1 is considered the norm. Types 2 and 3 require additional diagnostics.
  5. Normally, the cervix is ​​lined with multilayer flat epithelium. If cylindrical is detected, then this indicates the presence of ectopia.

As a result of the study, a diagnosis can be made:

  1. Polyp. Formed from the endometrium. It does not pose a threat to life, but must be removed, as it can bleed if injured.
  2. Endometriosis. It is a growth of the endometrium, resulting from hormonal imbalance. The amount of progesterone decreases, and estrogen increases, stimulating tissue growth. Subject to compulsory treatment, since endometriosis lesions are capable of growing into the deep layers of the uterus. The process is benign.
  3. Erosion. Can be true or false. In the first case, there is a significant pathological area (similar to a wound) on the cervix. Its edges are clear, and upon palpation it begins to bleed. False ectopia or pseudo-erosion of small size, goes away without treatment.
  4. Endocervicitis. Inflammatory process in the cervical canal occurs with the introduction of pathogenic microflora. It is important to identify the pathogen. It can be either bacterial or viral infection. Pathology is subject to mandatory treatment.

During a biopsy, the doctor indicates the location of the changed area using a special symbol on the clock. It's very easy to decipher. If, for example, there is erosion at 6 o’clock, it means that the pathological area is located in the lower half of the neck, approximately in the center (orientation according to a regular dial).

Possible consequences

If all the rules are followed, there should be no consequences after colposcopy. A small amount of brown discharge may be present. This is not a sign of pathology, but simply the iodine that was used during the procedure. May be present for some time nagging pain in the lower abdomen and vagina. Such unpleasant symptoms disappear on the second day.

Bloody discharge can occur in the presence of erosion, endometriosis and scars on the cervix; this is due to the sensitivity of pathological areas to any even minor impact.