Umbilical fistula in a child. The main causes of occurrence. At home

Navel fistulas in children are often observed, especially in infancy. They are the remnants of the embryonic ducts functioning in the first 2 to 5 months of intrauterine life: the vitelline duct, through which the embryo receives nutrition from the yolk sac connected to the small intestine, and the urinary duct, from which fetal urine is discharged into the small intestine. amniotic fluid. By the time the child is born, these ducts undergo reverse development, but sometimes remain partially (incomplete fistulas) or along their entire length (complete fistulas). In addition, in the navel area there may be fistulas of the stomach, gall bladder, appendix, etc., which are formed as a result of the infringement of these organs by a ligature during ligation umbilical cord, containing a small and unrecognized fetal hernia.

Incomplete umbilical fistulas in children

Incomplete fistulas(Fig. 74) are observed more often than full

Clinical picture. The unobliterated umbilical end of the duct, lined with mucous membrane, secretes. The accumulated fluid is released through the umbilical fossa. The existence of a fistula in itself does not cause concern to the child. The main complaints of parents boil down to the existence of an umbilical wound that does not heal for a long time, the discharge from which stains the laundry. When examined at the bottom of the umbilical fossa they find small area pale granulations, among which you can see a pinpoint fistula opening. When you press on the umbilical area, a droplet appears from the fistula serous fluid. In some cases, you can feel the cord running from the navel towards the bladder.

Course of incomplete fistulas long lasting. In some cases, as a result of infection, an inflammatory process develops in the wall of the fistula, and then the discharge takes on a purulent character. The inflammatory process is prone to relapse. There are cases when, after long-term treatment, the fistula opening is closed, the wound is epithelialized, but then, as a result of the accumulation of secretion in a closed cavity, it suddenly breaks into the umbilical fossa with copious discharge of serous or serous-purulent fluid. The fistula appears again, and the picture repeats itself. Sometimes after one or two suppurations of the fistula, the discharge from the umbilical wound becomes more and more scanty, the wound closes, and the fistula heals itself. The process of spontaneous closure of the fistula occurs more often in the interval between the 2nd and 6th months of life.

Recognizing an incomplete umbilical fistula is not difficult. It should be suspected in all cases where there are indications of a long-term non-healing umbilical wound. To confirm the diagnosis, the area of ​​the umbilical fossa is examined with a thin button-shaped probe, which is used to find the fistula opening among the granulations. Typically, the probe penetrates to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm vertically or towards the suprapubic region. Direction fistula tract gives grounds to judge its origin. If the fistula penetrates to a great depth, then it is advisable to perform x-ray fistulography by injecting a 20% solution of sergosine or iodolipol (0.5 - 1 ml) into the fistula tract through a blunt needle. Such a study is necessary in order to exclude the presence of a complete fistula and to form an accurate idea of ​​the fistula course. Sometimes, deep in the tissues, the fistula tract ends in a cystic expansion of larger or smaller sizes. For shallow (up to 2 cm) fistulas, there is no need for x-ray examination.

There is no differential diagnosis between vitelline duct fistula and urinary tract fistula in an outpatient setting. of great importance, because tactics and therapeutic measures united with them.

Rice. 74. Incomplete umbilical fistulas (a-b). Scheme

Treatment: for incomplete fistulas a wait-and-see approach should be followed. Experience shows that sometimes some of them close on their own by 6 months of life. Parents should be explained that the existence of an uncomplicated fistula does not cause harm to health. The danger arises only when it suppurates. In order to prevent suppuration, it is important to keep the umbilical fossa clean. In addition to general hygienic baths, it is recommended to wipe the navel several times a day with a cotton swab soaked in weak solution potassium permanganate.

To speed up the process of obliteration of the fistula tract, cauterizing and disinfecting substances can be successfully introduced into the fistula tract. The most accessible and safest of them are 5% iodine tincture or 10% silver nitrate solution.

Through a cannula carefully inserted into the fistula tract, 0.2 - 0.3 ml of the substance is injected once every 7 - 10 days. The course of treatment consists of 4 - 5 injections. If there is no effect, the course is repeated after 2 - 3 weeks.

If the treatment is not successful, surgical removal of the fistula should be recommended. The operation, which consists of excision of the navel along with the fistulous tract, is indicated after the age of 6 months. It is produced in inpatient conditions. Indications for earlier intervention are given when the fistulous tract is long and ends in a cyst-like expansion.

Complete umbilical fistulas in children

Complete fistulas(Fig. 75) are characterized by the fact that the contents of the organ bearing the fistula constantly flow through them. Their clinic is quite typical.

Clinical picture. In case of vitelline fistula, leakage of contents is noticed in the next few days after the umbilical remnant falls off small intestine through the umbilical fossa. Upon examination, an infiltrated and hyperemic navel is discovered, from which the bright red mucous membrane of the fistula sometimes protrudes and liquid intestinal contents flow out. Over time, the constant leakage of intestinal contents leads to malnutrition and suppuration of the navel. The child is not gaining weight well and is behind in physical development. A wide fistula can be early complicated by eversion of the intestinal wall opposite the duct (evagination), which is facilitated by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during screaming and straining. The evaginate has the appearance of a bright red protrusion with a bluish tint of an irregular or oval shape, soft-elastic consistency. Evagination is accompanied by symptoms of intestinal obstruction (vomiting, bloating, stool retention, etc.), the strangulated intestine becomes necrotic.

Rice. 75. Complete navel fistulas (a-b). Scheme.

Urinary tract fistula is observed less frequently. With it, through the umbilical fossa, it is released drop by drop clear liquid(urine). If the fistula tract has a wide opening, urine is released in a stream when screaming and straining. By pressing on the bladder area, you can almost completely empty the organ.

As a result of constant exposure intestinal juice or urine with complete fistulas, the skin around the navel becomes macerated, ulcerated, and infected. The inflammatory process also develops in the wall of the fistula tract. All this poses a great danger of developing a toxic-septic condition.

Recognizing a complete umbilical fistula As a rule, it does not cause any difficulties. Just by the nature of the discharge, one can quite accurately establish the existence of one or another type of fistula. But sometimes, if the fistula opening is narrow, this data is for accurate diagnosis not enough. Complete fistulas of the vitelline duct are observed, in which only a cloudy liquid resembling urine is released through a narrow passage. In these cases, diagnosis is helped by probing the fistula (the button-shaped probe “falls” into the intestinal lumen), or even better, X-ray fistulography. It is advisable to carry out the latter in a hospital, because it has great differential diagnostic significance, especially if we keep in mind the possibility of the existence of a fistula of the gallbladder, stomach, etc., resulting from the application of a ligature to these organs during ligation of the umbilical cord.

In case of complete fistula of the urinary tract, to clarify the diagnosis, it is also more correct to resort to x-ray fistulography in the hospital. In the clinic, you can perform a color test: a color test is inserted into the fistula through a thin polyethylene tube. coloring matter(methylene blue solution) and the presence of it in the urine confirms the diagnosis. You can inject dye into the bladder through a soft catheter and monitor its release from the fistula opening.

Treatment: complete fistulas They do not close on their own, so treatment is only surgical, in a hospital. Given the risk of severe complications with them, surgery should be recommended as soon as possible after diagnosis. There are no age-related contraindications to surgery. In particular, surgery should not be delayed if intestinal fistula. Only with a narrow fistula of the urinary tract can surgery be postponed until 6 months of age.

Guide children's polyclinic surgery.-L.: Medicine. -1986

After the birth of a child, parents face even more worries than during pregnancy. Often the anxiety of mothers and fathers is associated with.

The disease is a hole that is still in the unhealed navel, leading to internal organs- intestines, bladder. It is usually diagnosed in newborns, rarely in adults.

What is umbilical fistula, what are its symptoms, is the disease treatable?

What is a navel fistula?

Fistula is most often observed in the first months of life. It represents particles of embryonic ducts that functioned from 2 to 5 months of the fetus’s life in the womb:

  • yolk sac - through which the fetus receives nutrition from the yolk sac, which connects to the small intestine;
  • urinary - with the help of this duct, the fetal urine enters the amniotic fluid.

When the baby is born, these ducts undergo reverse development. Sometimes it happens that they are preserved partially - incomplete fistula, or entirely - complete.

Can a fistula appear in an adult?

In some cases, when there is a threat to the baby’s health, doctors insist on inpatient treatment. When suppuration is prescribed antibacterial therapy and ultra-high frequency treatment (UHF). Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly for 7-10 days.

Besides, medicines can be inserted using a cannula. The tube is carefully placed into the fistula opening and 0.2-0.3 ml of the substance is injected. The medicine is administered once every 7 days. Duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks. A total of 4 procedures are performed, maximum 5.

Along with antibiotics, antipyretic and painkillers based on ibuprofen or paracetamol, immunostimulating drugs (), and drugs that restore intestinal microflora () are used.

If treatment does not work positive results, then the doctor will insist on an operation to remove the fistula. Carried out, as a rule, at 6 one month old. Early intervention is indicated when the passage of the fistula is too long and the pathology is complicated by the formation of cysts.

When exactly should you have surgery?

Surgical intervention and subsequent hospital treatment are indicated only in the case of a complete fistula. Considering the danger and high probability of complications, the operation should be performed immediately. Age restrictions no to surgery.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The navel fistula is completely excised, and the resulting holes in the intestine or bladder stitched up. The surgical technique for all types of disease is the same.

Folk remedies for the treatment of navel fistula?

Traditional methods of treatment are often used in the treatment of umbilical fistula. However, it should be remembered that they cannot be used as main ones, but only as adjuvant therapy at home.

Herbal infusions

For this recipe you need to buy chamomile and calendula flowers at the pharmacy. You will need half a tablespoon of each plant. Place them in a container and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to saturate for 2 hours. Wipe the umbilical wound 2-3 times a day with cotton swab, soaked in infusion.

A medicine that draws pus from a wound


  • 5 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 small onion.

Grind the plant and add oil. Stir and leave under gauze to saturate for a day. Grate the onion using a medium-sized grater and add to the oily pulp. Stir, place on gauze folded in 3-4 layers. Apply the compress for 30 minutes once a day.

Dissolve in cool boiled water before acquisition dark brown. Add the same amount of aloe juice. Soak gauze in this mixture and apply to the navel.

What can result from not treating a navel fistula? What is the danger?

Complications are caused high probability fistula infection. In this case, the discharge takes on a purulent character. This is very dangerous condition, requiring immediate medical intervention.

The pathology can also be complicated by omphalitis - infection of the umbilical wound, which leads to inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as to disruption of tissue epithelization processes.

Can the fistula appear again?

In some cases, infection causes inflammation in the wall of the fistula, which leads to purulent discharge. Inflammation is often prone to new manifestations. This is due to the fact that after long-term treatment the hole is closed, the wound is epithelialized, but after this, when the secretion is concentrated in a confined space, it breaks into the umbilical fossa, which leads to copious purulent discharge. The process of inflammation is repeated again.

Navel fistula may also occur after surgery. This usually occurs due to a hit foreign body, after which the inflammatory process develops.

After healing the fistula, you should definitely adhere to prevention. To do this, you need to keep the wound clean and maintain hygiene. umbilical region. The baby should be bathed in boiled water for a month. In addition, parents must monitor their child’s bowel movements. In case of constipation, it is necessary to act immediately, because the tension of the muscles of the umbilical wall is extremely difficult for an unhealed navel.

Video Diseases of the navel during the newborn period, what to do?

Inflammation in the area anus it is difficult to notice in a baby initial stage. One of dangerous pathologies– paraproctitis in infants. It is diagnosed more often in children under 14 years of age, 60% of whom experienced the disease before the age of 6 months. In boys, pathology occurs 5 times more often, because due to anatomical features structure, the pressure inside the rectum is higher in them than in girls.

general description

The disease occurs when pathogenic microbes enter tissue lower section rectum. In infants, especially when breastfeeding, inflammation is caused by staphylococcal bacteria. Initially, a small cyst forms, which, if the course is unfavorable, turns into an abscess.

Paraproctitis comes in three forms:

  1. Subcutaneous, next to the anus - it can be seen without medical devices. This is a common type, observed in half of the cases;
  2. Submucosa, located in the lower part of the rectum;
  3. Subcutaneous-submucosal – mixed type.

The abscess can come out, near the anus and break through. If the process occurs inside the rectum, the infection provokes the formation of a fistula. When pus enters the abdominal cavity, there is a risk of peritonitis.

Reasons for appearance

The occurrence of paraproctitis is promoted by:

  1. . Sensitive skin and the mucous membrane of the lower rectum are injured during difficult defecation, straining, bacteria enter microcracks and cause inflammation;
  2. – frequent bowel movements irritate the mucous membrane;
  3. arising from prickly heat, improper wearing of a diaper, reduce local immunity, the skin is susceptible to microtraumas;
  4. Poor hygiene – aggressive cosmetical tools for washing, untimely cleansing of the skin from feces;
  5. Anomalous structure anal glands, into the ducts of which pathogenic microflora enters and begins to actively multiply;
  6. Congenital abnormalities in the development of rectal mucosa.
  7. Immunodeficiency conditions caused by infectious diseases, hypothermia. Defensive forces organisms are reduced, creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of dangerous bacteria;
  8. One of common reasons is proctitis - inflammation of the rectal mucosa. It occurs due to the body's rejection breast milk, artificial mixtures, . Undigested substances irritate the intestinal mucosa, stool can be seen .

Proctitis often occurs in the first weeks of life.

Symptoms of acute paraproctitis

Characteristic signs of the disease:

  1. Temperature rises to 39°;
  2. The child becomes capricious, it is impossible to calm him down in the usual ways;
  3. Decreased appetite, refusal to eat;
  4. The baby becomes apathetic, reactions are reduced;
  5. Defecation and release of gases are accompanied by intense crying;
  6. Symptoms are painful in a baby when sitting;
  7. Painful sensations lead to stool retention, bloating, and deterioration of the general condition;
  8. When examining the anus, there is noticeable redness and compactions in the form of nodules that are easily palpable. The child's reaction increases when pressure is applied due to painful sensations. On early stage it feels like this area is hot even without general increase temperature.

Difference from hemorrhoids

Similar signs are observed when a baby develops hemorrhoids, but due to the non-infectious course of the disease, the child does not have a fever. He is quite active, there is no malaise, general health normal.

Hemorrhoidal bumps appear after physical activity. The disease develops over several months, in contrast to paraproctitis, in which inflammation turns into an abscess in about 7 days (the timing varies from person to person). Hemorrhoids with untimely treatment can turn into an inflammatory form, causing paraproctitis.

What should parents be wary of?

The first symptoms appear at the end of the 1st day of disease development. On the 2nd or 3rd day, purulent discharge from the formation is possible, if it comes out, or discharge from anus if the abscess has broken through into the rectum. After this, a lot of mucus comes out along with the feces, which is formed during tissue healing.

It is difficult to identify pathology if general background– decreased immunity and heat during teething. In such conditions, paraproctitis can be noticed by external signs or when pus appears from the anus.

Subcutaneous paraproctitis in newborns is easier to diagnose by external manifestations. In the submucosal form, the main symptom is a temperature not higher than 37.5°, the abscess is not visible, the diagnosis becomes more complicated, parents consult a doctor in the acute phase. It is dangerous due to the breakthrough of an abscess in internal cavity, the development of sepsis is possible. It is characterized by an increase in temperature up to 40°, increased heart rate, and possible vomiting due to general intoxication body. Immediate health care, if signs appear, you need to call an ambulance.

Chronic form

If acute paraproctitis breaks into the intestines, a fistula canal is formed and the cells become infected. A chronic form of paraproctitis occurs, exacerbation of which occurs several times a year. Spontaneous closure of the fistula for a long time is possible. According to their location, fistulas are:

  • Complete - the passage connects the skin and the wall of the rectum;
  • Incompletely open - there is no connection with the rectum, an abscess forms on the skin;
  • Incompletely closed - they exit in the rectum and end in the fatty tissue.

Fistulas can be congenital and with acute paraproctitis they enlarge, turning into complete ones. Asymmetry of the buttocks and perineal tissue may be observed.


The doctor examines the rectum by palpation, determines the location of the formation, its size, the degree of compaction (in the initial stage it is higher, when an abscess forms, the tissue becomes softer). When paraproctitis is located on the inner wall of the rectum, external examination is ineffective; anoscopy is performed to examine the rectum. If a fistula has formed in a baby due to paraproctitis, an ultrasound and probing are performed to determine the location of its course.

When conducting general analysis blood signs are revealed inflammatory process in organism: increased content leukocytes and high speed erythrocyte sedimentation. Additionally carry out biochemical research blood, urine test. If pus is released, the bacteria that causes the infection are determined from it in order to prescribe antibiotic therapy. To find out the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to show the baby to an immunologist to rule out lactose intolerance and infectious diseases.

Features of treatment

Acute form

Purulent paraproctitis in acute form is subject to mandatory surgical intervention on the day the diagnosis is confirmed, since there is a danger of the spread of infection and general intoxication if the formation breaks through into the intestine. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 20 minutes. If there is a fistula, it is carried out in two stages:

  1. It is opened, cleaned of pus, washed and drainage is installed. To prevent infection, a 7-day course of antibiotics is prescribed;
  2. When the baby's condition improves (after 3-4 days), the drainage is removed. After defecation, the child is given a sitz bath in a solution.

For three days after surgery, a slag-free diet is prescribed. Microenemas are administered for several days after bowel movements to cleanse the intestines. Physiotherapy is carried out to improve the baby's condition. Usually after two weeks the child is discharged for further treatment at home. Additionally, drugs are prescribed that restore intestinal microflora. If there are no complications after the operation, the prognosis is good, the baby will fully recover.


At chronic form may recommend ointments: ichthyol, Vishnevsky, levomekol, anti-inflammatory suppositories, antibacterial drugs. IN in rare cases conservative treatment helps get rid of fistula. If not, the child will have the operation after two years, because before this time surgical intervention Without a clear threat to the baby's health, it is not recommended.

What not to do

Paraproctitis is often accompanied by constipation in a newborn; they are used to ease stool, and Dr. Komarovsky also recommends using them. The likelihood of noticing signs of inflammation increases. However, the product has paraproctitis among its contraindications; you should consult a doctor before using glycerin suppositories.

Can not use folk remedies for treating a baby without consulting a pediatrician and finding out the cause. Such therapy can lead to allergies and infectious complications.

Possibility of relapse

Reasons for recurrence of the disease:

  • Prolonged course of the disease and late surgical removal;
  • Independent opening of a purulent formation;
  • Treatment of paraproctitis using conservative methods;
  • Seals remaining at the site of suppuration.

Between relapses the child feels normal, the signs of a relapse are similar to the symptoms acute paraproctitis. The abscess opens on its own or is removed surgically.

Preventive measures

Following the rules helps to avoid repeated exacerbations:

  • Strengthening the immune system by hardening, daily walks, establishing feeding and sleeping patterns, good nutrition. The baby should not be allowed to become hypothermic. Summer is a time of drafts, from which you need to protect a child, especially a sweaty one;
  • Normalization of digestion, maintenance intestinal microflora to prevent diarrhea, prevent constipation, sufficient fluid intake;
  • Careful hygiene of the baby - regular bathing, washing after each bowel movement;
  • Sitz baths with potassium permanganate 2-3 times a day, the solution should be slightly pink, the temperature should not exceed 39°. The crystals are diluted in a separate container, filtered and added to bathing water. If infant can't sit yet, he gets a full bath. Additional moisturizing of the skin with baby cream is necessary, since manganese can dry it out;
  • Gymnastics, rational physical exercise normalize blood flow, serve as a good prevention of hemorrhoids. You should avoid letting your baby lie in the crib for long periods of time.

Preventing the disease helps to avoid negative consequences. It is necessary to regularly visit the pediatrician and independently examine the baby for redness and swelling near the anus. If signs appear, it is dangerous to treat the child yourself; you should consult a doctor.

Everyone good day! Reading a lot about the problems of infants, I have more than once come across such a disease as navel fistula in newborns. And today I decided to do a review on this topic.

The thing is extremely unpleasant. And it causes panic among parents! After all, it’s kind of a hole! How to deal with this? And what are the causes?

It's difficult to determine on your own. After all, you need to be able to see the depression under the secretions. Not every doctor is capable of this! When a fistula is suspected, the hospital uses the probe method. A special device is inserted into the recess, and if it goes inward by 1.5 cm, a diagnosis of fistula is made.

What is it? This is a hole in the unhealed navel, leading to the internal organs, most often the intestines.

When the umbilical cord is cut, a wound remains. But nothing should ooze through it. In addition to the ichor and small quantity first days. And here the vitelline duct remains open, which should not be the case. Therefore, there is more than enough allocation here. Now, depending on the stage of opening of this vitelline duct, complete and incomplete fistulas are distinguished.

  • Complete, when the duct is completely open and does not close up at all. This is the most insidious type, because the discharge may include urine and feces, mixed with pus and other troubles. Around the umbilical area, redness occurs, sometimes peeling of the upper skin layer. In general, the picture is terrible.
  • Incomplete when the duct is not completely closed. Those. partial recess. Fortunately, this species is more common than the first. How to distinguish? By the amount of fluid released. There is much less of it than in the first case. Yes, and there are no fecal impurities.

But in both cases, discharge is present. It is still difficult for an inexperienced parent to determine the presence of a fistula. And how to distinguish it from other pathologies? There are several signs.


What does it look like, is it clear? But when strange formations appear in the navel, it begins to scare any parent. What signs are characteristic of a fistulous recess?

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Redness of the umbilical area.
  • There must be a discharge. The navel begins to get wet all the time. Sniff, there may be, or the smell of intestinal feces.
  • From tension, for example, strong crying, the umbilical wound bulges outward.

But the most important sign is the hole. A non-closing point is visible, going deeper. It’s rare to see something like this on your own. Basically, the disease is diagnosed by a doctor. How to protect your baby from trouble? You need to know the root causes!


The reasons have not been fully identified. And the most interesting thing is that even a healed depression can return again after a couple of months. And now a little anatomy. The umbilical cord, through which the child communicates with the mother, is cut after birth. Until this moment, i.e. in utero, the vitelline duct should close.

This is one of the components of the umbilical cord, through which nutrition occurs. After all, it connects the intestines with the yolk sac. So, if after cutting the umbilical cord this duct remains open, a fistula-like opening appears. So why does intrauterine overgrowth not occur?

The following reasons are identified:

    Weak muscles abdominal wall.

    Incorrect placement of the thread on the umbilical cord when cutting.

Well that's more congenital causes. And there are also purchased ones:

    Pinched umbilical hernia.

    Intestinal injury.

In general, the fistulous duct anomaly can occur at any age. But most often, the disease affects very young patients. How to deal with the disease?


Dear parents, as you probably guessed, treatment will depend on the type. So shake off the doctor accurate diagnosis. So, with a complete fistula, there is only one method. This is an operation. Don't be scared right away. This is better than watching the consequences later if you refuse surgical intervention. Which? I'll tell you a little later.

If the recess is incomplete, there clinical picture another. Home therapy is most often prescribed:

    Peroxide treatment.

    Applying sterile dressings using or.

I heard that sometimes they leave the treatment with green paint. True, I don’t understand why? It is applied as a standard, initially after discharge. If it didn't help, why continue? Well, everything is at the discretion of the doctor and the vigilance of the parent. So don't be shy about bombarding your pediatrician with questions.

This standard scheme. But there is also treatment for incomplete fistulous opening in the hospital. Why, if it is not so dangerous? Yes to avoid disastrous consequences. As a rule, a hospital is offered if there is pus or if the child is very young.

What kind of therapy is carried out there? Most often, this is antibiotic therapy and procedures aimed at releasing pus. And far from washing. Purulent discharge expelled by ultra-high frequency therapy. This technique is considered the most loyal. Agree, you can’t do it at home. Therefore, if you have already been offered a hospital, do not rush to refuse. Moreover, the consequences can be dire.

What is the threat?

You may be surprised, but in some cases the formation heals on its own. True, I don’t know which parent has the strength to wait. After all, this will happen in about six months! Everyday treatments with only peroxide and brilliant green. No dressings or other activities. Moreover, there is a high risk of suppuration!

In general, a navel that doesn’t heal for a long time is a big risk in itself! And then count the hole! This is a direct connection with the urinary or intestinal organs... infection is likely at any moment. Omphalitis may occur. By the way, this is the most favorable thing. After all, if cured in time, it will not bring harm. And if you start the process, the development of peritonitis is not far away.

So if you are in doubt about any of the treatments, think carefully. After all, the health of a small and helpless creature is at stake.

But, I already wrote that even a prolonged fistula can return. How to avoid this? Is it better to prevent it in the first place?


When I was looking for prevention, I expected something incredible. After all, all the causes have not yet been clarified. But everything turned out to be simple. I have broken down the methods point by point:

  1. Maintaining hygiene. By the way, with great vigilance. Any wound is a risk of infection and inflammation. Be sure to keep your navel clean.
  2. After treatment, bathe the child in boiled water at a comfortable temperature for at least a month.
  3. When bathing, add potassium permanganate. It dries and heals perfectly. And this is what we need! Is it true?
  4. Monitor the abdominal muscles. Do strengthening exercises. Don't let your baby overexert himself. Be sure to control your stool! After all frequent constipation with a weak peritoneum, they are extremely difficult for the navel.

So everything ingenious is simple. The basis of child care is cleanliness. And vigilance. At the slightest symptoms described above, consult a doctor immediately.

Tell me, have you already encountered this disease? How do you treat it? What do the doctors suggest? Perhaps there is additional methods? Share! Leave comments and become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!