Useful tricks for the home. What is an ideal wife? Secrets of housekeeping

Economical, contrary to the popular saying that came to the people through the light hand of a well-known political figure, should be not only and not so much the economy of the state, but the personal economy of each person and each family. This becomes especially obvious if you understand the terminology and find out that the ancient Greeks, who at one time coined the word “economy” itself, put two semantic components into it. Translated from ancient Greek, οἶκος means house, and νόμος means law, that is, economics is, in essence, the rules of housekeeping. Whether it’s at home or on a larger scale depends only on the circumstances. The principle remains unchanged: resources, regardless of their quantity, must be spent rationally and thriftily, in one word - effectively.

But modern realities make their own adjustments to any theories, regardless of their validity and fundamentality. And their mechanisms do not always work as intended, and sometimes do not work at all. For example, savings practically lose their meaning when inflation eats up everything accumulated. Or spending a smaller amount on the purchase of a particular item in the long run results in the unsatisfactory quality of this item and entails only new expenses instead of the expected savings. In other words, life shows that you should not focus solely on clear rules and standards described in economics textbooks and home economics reference books. Intuition and experience are much more important, allowing you to navigate financial waves better than anything else and manage your household economically.

Household saving rules
Each of us, deep down in our souls, is sure that we know how to save and increase our capital. And he even willingly gives advice to friends/neighbors/co-workers, and at the same time comments on economic processes in the state no worse than financial analysts. But when it comes down to it, that is, real life, there are many obstacles to the successful implementation of reasonable reasoning in life. Either an increase in prices, or a delay in salaries, or some unforeseen expenses... And now, instead of saving, we again get into debt and expenses, promising ourselves and others that next time we will definitely be smarter and more rational! Let’s better remember right now and analyze the rules that we are used to following in managing our personal and family budgets. To make sure they are useful. Or vice versa.

  1. Recording income and expenses in writing. Making a list of necessary purchases for the month ahead and checking all expenses against this list. Surely you have heard such advice from older relatives and as a child you have more than once watched how dad or mom at the beginning of the month, having received a salary, sit down to make a list, surrounding themselves with a checkered notebook, a barn book, pens with red and blue ink and a pile of receipts for payment of utilities. Many people, ever since childhood, shudder at the need to do something like this and let accounting for the home budget take its course. Others, having matured, selflessly try for a while to follow the example of the older generation, but later also abandon this activity.
    In fact, compiling such lists is costly both in terms of time and effort. It brings certain benefits if you adhere to accounting in a disciplined and systematic manner, and allows you to clearly see what was, what was spent on, when and how it happened. This is precisely the information that can be so difficult to retain in your head and subsequently recall from memory. But the main thing in this mechanism is not the formal compilation of one or two lists, but maintaining a balance of income and expenses, that is, maintaining basic home accounting. Not everyone has enough time, patience and skill for this, and therefore the recommendation, which is basically good, remains a useless waste of time, and over time it is completely forgotten as unnecessary. But you can try using modern computer programs that have replaced barn books. Calculations are made automatically, and the information is securely stored and conveniently displayed in tables and graphs.
  2. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and purchases, which you can easily do without. Also good advice for those who have iron willpower, whose reason always prevails over emotions and who have at least a bit of asceticism. For everyone else, this recommendation remains something akin to parents’ advice to eat less sweets and wash your hands before eating, that is, reasonable, but impossible to implement. The main difficulty here lies in strictly distinguishing between what is necessary and what is not so necessary. For example, in winter you can do without buying a swimsuit, because new gloves are much more relevant, and you can wear a bikini no earlier than six months later (then buy it). But an inner voice immediately whispers that “then” these bright rags will cost five times more than now, on sale. Therefore, the division into necessary/unnecessary is very conditional, and it can only be realized if you clearly understand all your needs and your family, including in advance. And for this, it won’t hurt to follow the previous point, the pros and cons of which we discussed in the paragraph above. Although, with regard to impulsive purchases, you can and should educate yourself so that every evening you are not surprised to find an empty wallet in your wallet, which seems to be quite plump in the morning.
  3. Search for additional sources of income. This rule, perhaps, could be called the leader of the list and put it in first place. But we will leave it as the third point for one simple reason. Most of our compatriots are not sitting idle anyway, and some are already busy in more than one job. Therefore, they simply have neither the time nor the energy to search for additional income. A radical change in the type of activity, although it promises tempting prospects, can result in a completely opposite result of the loss of existing stability. And therefore, many prefer not to take risks, but to be content with the established order of things and level of income. Although you shouldn’t refuse the opportunity to earn extra money. They can be dropped off by relatives, acquaintances and even random interlocutors. Sometimes it is precisely this unexpected help from fate that comes just in time. And in any case, unplanned, but not extra money can always be used according to the next rule in our list.
  4. Regular procrastination a small but constant amount in reserve. A lot depends on how much money you can afford to save. If we are talking about a more or less significant amount, then opening a deposit bank account can really be considered a good way to insure yourself against a rainy day or save up for a major purchase. But meager savings in the bank will bring almost imperceptible profit, and houses in the nightstand risk simply depreciating due to constant price increases and currency fluctuations. In addition, there is the opposite rule, according to which money must be in motion so as not to stagnate and multiply. And even though there is a fair amount of esotericism in this approach, it cannot be denied justice. So the optimal tactic would be to create a nest egg based on your own capabilities, but not to elevate it to a cult and not to replace it with other ways to optimize the home economy.
As you can see, even in the most dogmatic rule, upon closer examination, gaps are revealed. That is, blindly following stereotypical recommendations in order to truly run a household economically is unlikely to work. Instead, you will have to be creative and show dexterity and ingenuity. But as a result, you will definitely be rewarded both financially and morally, feeling like a real master, if not of life in general, but at least of what concerns your personal living space and family budget. And this, you see, is already a lot for a comfortable life in peace with yourself, your household and price tags in stores.

How to save money on shopping and housekeeping
All this seems understandable in theory, especially after the most established myths about economical housekeeping have been debunked. But life rarely completely coincides with theory; it happens here and now, requiring quick decisions and their immediate implementation. Therefore, as the next steps in mastering the difficult but important business of economical housekeeping, we invite you to at least briefly (as far as the volume of the article allows) consider the most common situations in which we are usually required to have that very rational approach to expenses. And for ease of perception and, we hope, subsequent use, we will divide them into thematic sections:

  1. Food. According to all sociological surveys and pyramids of needs, this is the first and largest item of expenditure for every person. You can save on buying groceries, and even without much damage to the quality of food and the variety of your diet. You just need to know where, what and when it’s best to buy. For example, there is a category of products that do not spoil for a long time and which you can buy for future use and thereby save yourself from the risk of rising prices and from the need to spend a little from your daily or weekly budget on them each time. These products include pasta, cereals, flour, sugar, and salt. Economical or so-called “family” packages of such groceries are cheaper than small packages. The same goes for dry and canned pet food. Canned fish and meat, compotes, jams can also be classified in this category if your home has suitable conditions for storing them. Often small wholesale quantities are sold in special hypermarkets for private entrepreneurs, where tax is not added to the price of the goods. It makes sense to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase food for a large family and/or for yourself for future use.
    Perishable foods, which include meat, fish, dairy and fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, can be bought once a week at the market, where in the morning prices are usually lower than all week in a supermarket in the city center. If you have the opportunity to go early to the farmers market and load your trunk with natural and fresh products, then such a purchase will not only cost you less, but will also bring a lot of pleasure and benefit from the products themselves. All food grown on local land by agricultural firms and state farms, as a rule, is of higher quality and cheaper than that brought from afar (at least you do not overpay for its transportation and storage). At the same time, some vegetables can be stored in the freezer even when their season ends and the price rises. This applies mainly to peppers, carrots, onions, peas, zucchini, eggplants and other fruits that are dense enough to maintain their shape. Fruits (apples, pears, apricots, cherry plums) and berries (cherries, currants, cranberries) are also perfectly stored in a deep-frozen state.
    To avoid unnecessary expenses, do not go to the grocery store on an empty stomach and do not take children with you. It is best if you write a shopping list in advance and move from department to department according to this list, without being tempted by the appetizing smells from the confectionery and bread departments, which, by the way, are always deliberately located so that it is difficult to pass by them. It is difficult to explain to children why this time you are not planning to buy an extra chocolate bar, so in order to avoid whims and the risk of giving in to persuasion, it is better to just go grocery shopping without the kids. But this advice won’t help much if you yourself have a sweet tooth and can’t resist a kinder surprise with a Disney princess inside. And in general, remind yourself more often that the healthiest food consists of simple ingredients and minimal processing. And such products, as a rule, are cheaper than the delights of the food industry. The inaccessibility of proper nutrition is an ingrained and dangerous stereotype created by marketers of food brands. Eating during fasting and on fasting (in terms of quality, not quantity of food) diets demonstrates this very clearly.
  2. Cloth. The second largest (although for many fashionistas - the first) item of expense. Dressing stylishly and inexpensively is possible and necessary. First of all, that's what sales are for. Practical Europeans and Americans, for example, with the possible exception of celebrity millionaires, consider buying clothes from new collections to be an unreasonable extravagance and always wait for seasonal discounts. Stocks are also a storehouse of branded and inexpensive items that end up there immediately after updating the assortment in the boutique. Subscribe to the newsletter and/or create a regular customer card, and you will always be aware of new arrivals so you can buy your size. Secondly, high-quality clothing from Western brands is now easily available for purchase via the Internet. Its price compares favorably with the store price, especially since not all inexpensive brands are represented in our country. Delivery is carried out all over the world and is often free or costs very symbolic money. If you are afraid to place an order yourself, there are hundreds of intermediary entrepreneurs at your service who are engaged in purchasing such items to order.
    Thirdly, the best way not to spend extra money on clothes is to have good taste and a sense of style. Build a solid basic wardrobe based on classic, good quality items that don’t go out of fashion, can be combined in different combinations and fit perfectly on your figure. After this, it will be enough from time to time to buy missing and not very expensive accessories that will refresh your look and correspond to seasonal trends. As for children's clothing, it is already considered good practice all over the world to buy and/or exchange it on special auction sites. There you can also find toys, furniture and much more for your beloved children, who are quickly outgrowing their previous size. And, of course, custom tailoring never goes out of style. This is an expensive pleasure if you use the services of a tailor, and significant savings if you become your own tailor. This advice is not suitable for everyone, but if you have the gift and skills of cutting and sewing, then you definitely don’t have to worry about your wardrobe and wallet!
  3. Life and utilities. Regarding the purchase of many household items, household chemicals, consumables such as light bulbs and matches, as well as napkins/towels, the same rules apply as for food products: wholesale is cheaper and more profitable. In addition, please note that many large retail chains produce such products under their own brands and sell them much cheaper than third-party analogues. At the same time, the production capacity of a promoted brand and a private store label may be the same, but there is no markup for the name and resale. A shopping list compiled in advance also doesn’t hurt, especially since sometimes you can forget that you already have a supply of toilet paper at home, and accidentally add more when money is already tight. When paying at the checkout, use cash rather than bank cards. On the one hand, this way you won’t have to pay a commission, albeit a small one, to the bank. On the other hand, a specific amount in your wallet disciplines you and keeps you from making unnecessary purchases, unlike a universal credit card. Finally, do not neglect the opportunity to get a savings or discount card at the supermarket where you often shop. Even a 5% discount on total costs is a significant saving over time.
    Installing household water, gas and electricity meters pays off and allows you to save on paying for these services. Because the conditional standards of management companies can sometimes be three times higher than your real needs and costs. Especially when you leave home on a business trip or vacation. Not to mention central heating, for which bills arrive much more regularly than it is supplied to residential buildings. In the long term, many owners admit that installing an autonomous heating system turns out to be a very profitable investment. But this advice will be relevant only for those who can afford to spend a significant amount at once and return it gradually over two to three years. But energy-saving lamps, although more expensive than conventional incandescent light bulbs, are affordable for almost everyone. They last a long time, and actually use much less electrical energy.
  4. Entertainment belong to the category of not obligatory, but additional costs, so it is quite possible to save on them. It all depends on your habits and lifestyle. For some people, going to the cinema is already an event, while others feel deprived without a weekly nightclub binge. But in a general sense, we can say that you can save on movie showings through special “wholesale” screenings, when on weekend evenings three films are shown at once for the price of one ticket. Premiere shows are always more expensive than current ones. Morning ones are cheaper than evening ones. And, of course, a romantic dinner is much cheaper to prepare and eat at home than to order in a restaurant. An alternative option is to order food at home. Even trendy and expensive Japanese and Italian cuisine, if delivered, is often 25-30 percent cheaper than at a restaurant table. As for entertainment events, concerts and exhibitions, open airs have recently become very popular, which are much cheaper and more fun than indoor festivals. Also, inquire about special services in your city that provide discounts and flyers for attending various events. They often provide the opportunity to see and hear a lot of interesting things, if not completely free, then much cheaper than the standard entrance ticket price.
  5. Holidays and travel– an important part of a full life, personal development and inner harmony. But it’s extremely expensive, and the further you go, the more so. You can save on travel in two ways: through transport and through housing. This topic is very broad and worthy of a separate article, so we’ll just give a few pointers. You can save on transport by purchasing tickets from low-cost airlines, ordering them online and printing an electronic ticket yourself. The second option is to monitor seasonal offers and movements of charter flights, which can be significantly cheaper than basic fares. Instead of renting a hotel room, look for an inexpensive but comfortable hostel. These establishments are often located in the very center of the city, but are aimed at students and young travelers, so accommodation is inexpensive (cheaper than a hotel room or a separate apartment). Ready-made package offers from tour operators, as well as trips to multi-star hotels with an all-inclusive program, are always more expensive than independent travel along your own route without standard mass excursions. At the same time, they allow you to get much more impressions and memories than expensively lying in a comfortable sun lounger by a heated pool with a tenth calorie cocktail in your hand and boredom on your face. So the choice is yours and your budget, which you are willing to spend on your vacation.
To summarize, it remains to say that the entire vast sphere of the home, and personal, economy is built on one little secret. It lies in the fact that people whose consumption culture is at a high level are best able to manage their household economically. And what to include in this concept - everyone decides for himself. For some it is a gradual but constant increase in income, for others it is a reduction in expenses. But in the end, balance and rationalism are important in everything, from finding a democratic alternative to catwalk innovations to purchasing noodles until the next paycheck. But at the same time, we must not forget that saving for the sake of saving does not bring either joy or benefit, subjugating all your thoughts and preventing you from enjoying life. Therefore, from time to time, allow yourself optional, but pleasant little things that will decorate your life, lift your spirits and fill every day with meaning. After all, happiness is not found in money, no matter how banal it may sound.

Washing, cleaning, ironing, grocery shopping, and so on every day and all year round. The same worries that make your head spin. How to manage everything and at the same time remember to rest and gain strength before a new working day? It turns out that in order to have enough time for everything you just need to know how to manage your household rationally. This science is not easy, but quite accessible.

How to organize a household from scratch

Where to begin? First of all, you need to put things in order:

  • thoughts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Everyone goes to work, runs a household and has a lot of other worries. Why then do some have everything, while others have nothing? Because you need not to be lazy, but to start taking action;
  • own room. A proper rest is impossible in a constant mess. It’s unrealistic to be on time for work when you have to spend 10–15 minutes to find the right thing. It's time to organize your personal space so that everything is in its place;
  • throughout the house. To make you want to return home and gather for quiet family evenings, you simply need the appropriate atmosphere. Cleanliness, coziness and comfort are the three components of an imperishable family hearth.

Concern about how to organize a household should not fall solely on women's shoulders. Each family member must do their part. Distributing family responsibilities will help relieve you and teach others how to plan their time.

Tip No. 1. Set certain days when to do general cleaning and when to go grocery shopping. This will make life much easier and save time.

We have collected the necessary manipulations and the timing of their implementation in a table; this will help you redistribute your time and increase the efficiency of housekeeping.

Table No. 1. How to properly run a household

Regularity Cleaning Cooking Wash Purchasing groceries and other goods
Daily remove used items and immediately clean any stains that appear preparing perishable foods that are eaten in one meal (salads, sandwiches). You can cook first and meat courses once every 3 days. not required, with the exception of stains that can ruin the item. They must be eliminated immediately essential products (bread, dairy products, butter)
Weekly wet cleaning of the whole house It is recommended to prepare an unusual and interesting dish to pamper your family changing bed linen, washing clothes accumulated over the week meat, fish, salt, vegetables
Monthly carrying out an audit (disposal of damaged items, removal of shopping boxes), cleaning carpets and windows. you can prepare semi-finished products that are convenient to store in the refrigerator cleaning large blankets, tulles, curtains cereals, sugar, tea, coffee, kitchen goods, restoration of tableware (if old mugs, plates are damaged)

Proper distribution of time guarantees not only a smooth life, but also proper rest.

How to run a household. Efficient cleaning

Before you start cleaning your home, you need to acquire the necessary equipment.

What to keep in the house:

  • mop;
  • rags;
  • brushes;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • latex gloves;
  • bucket;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • furniture polishes;
  • glass cleaner.

Tip #2. Organize a special place for cleaning equipment. Boxes or baskets are perfect. This will significantly save cleaning time, because you won’t have to look for the necessary items for a long time.

To start, you will have to carry out a full and very thorough cleaning. Get rid of the junk that has been lying around for months “just in case.” This case will most likely never happen, so there is no point in collecting unnecessary things. Take a large garbage bag and walk through the entire apartment, saying goodbye to unnecessary things.

Next, find a place for each item. Neither clothes, nor books, nor anything else should lie on the sofa or hang on the chair. Put everything in its place and always put things back where they belong. Make this a rule for yourself. It is very important to learn how to organize space and then it will be much easier.

Secrets from professionals in the field of cleaning services on how to learn how to run a household:

  • It's always worth starting from the top. The ceiling, dust on cabinets, chandeliers - all this is wiped first;
  • The bedrooms are cleaned first, then the living room, kitchen and lastly the bathroom;
  • special attention is paid to places that are most exposed;
  • Correct use of special products will reduce the effort required to clean surfaces. Any drug takes time to start working. Apply the product and let it activate its power for 5-7 minutes, after which it will be much easier to remove dirt;
  • there is no escape from the dust. But if you use special polishes, you can significantly reduce its amount.

Tip #3: Buy or make your own organizers for small items. It is very convenient and practical.

If you carry out general cleaning once a week, then the rest of the time you will only need to maintain cleanliness.

How to run a proper household: cooking secrets

Feeding the whole family delicious meals is not so easy. But if you time it correctly, your household will always be tasty and satisfyingly fed.

Helpful tips on how to reduce cooking time:

  • maximum automation of the process. Not washing dishes by hand, but in the dishwasher, not a grater, but a blender, not a whisk, but a mixer, not a manual meat grinder, but an electric one;
  • menu planning. In order to always have the right products, and there is no food left over, you need to think in advance about what you are going to feed your family; preparing the first and second courses every day is completely unnecessary. It is enough to cook them once every 2–3 days;
  • preparation of semi-finished products. They should always be in the freezer in case of unexpected guests or a hard day at work, after which you simply don’t have the strength to cook anything;
  • Every experienced housewife always has several simple recipes from the most common products that are always at hand. This will help you get out and feed people in any situation;
  • using the oven. Food prepared in this way is not only healthy, but also very tasty. And it doesn’t take as much time as with traditional methods;
  • You need to wipe the stove immediately after cooking, so the dirt does not have time to dry and can be easily cleaned.

Tip #5: Buy a slow cooker. Just add your groceries and set your routine. With it, you don’t have to stand at the stove and stir your food every 10 minutes to prevent it from running away.

How to Run a Household Effectively: Laundry

With the advent of automatic washing machines, women's work became much easier. But, of course, it didn’t completely get rid of worries. Every home should have a collection basket. And all family members should take soiled things there only. This way, there will never be a problem when you have to run around the house looking for something to wash.

It would be more rational to allocate a specific day for washing each category of clothing. For example, on Friday everyone changes bed linen and towels. On Saturday, things are sent for cleaning. This way, there will be no problems with where to dry your clothes, and ironing will be easier.

Useful tips for housekeeping: quality laundry

  1. Small items of clothing are best washed in special bags.
  2. Full compliance with the recommendations on clothing labels.
  3. Items that may fade are best washed by hand in cool water.
  4. Use special conditioners to add softness.

Tip No. 6. Kitchen salt is an effective remedy for removing stains, imparting softness and even preserving color to fabrics.

After each wash, do not forget to wipe the washing machine dry and carefully check whether there are any items left in it.

How to run a household efficiently and effectively: secrets of saving

Every wise housewife should be able to spend wisely. If you follow some simple rules, you can get good savings:

  • make a list and always stick to it. Write down a list of things you need to buy at home and stick to it at the store. Cunning marketers have set up their networks at every step just to get you to buy something. In most cases, such acquisitions simply take up space in closets and are never used;
  • promotions, sales and discounts are just gimmicks. Not a single successful entrepreneur will give away goods below market value.
  • purchase large, economical packages;
  • do not chase advertised brands. Study the composition. Products with less bright wrappers do not mean they are of poor quality;
  • It is better to prefer home-cooked products to store-bought canned products. This is both useful and cheaper;
  • Make large purchases only after careful consideration. Decide at a family council whether you are ready to spend that amount.

Tip No. 7. Every housewife should have her own tricks on how to properly run a household in an apartment. Therefore, it will be very convenient to keep a special notebook where you can add simple tips and ways to maintain your home.

It is very convenient to distribute the budget for the month in advance. Set aside part to pay for utilities, part for groceries, and another part for the family piggy bank. With the remaining funds you can already afford relaxation or entertainment.

Running a household is not as difficult as it might seem at the very beginning. The main thing is not to neglect anything and love your home. Not even the richest interior will give real comfort if it does not have a soul.

Washing, cleaning, ironing, grocery shopping, and so on every day and all year round. The same worries that make your head spin. How to manage everything and at the same time remember to rest and gain strength before a new working day? It turns out that in order to have enough time for everything you just need to know how to manage your household rationally. This science is not easy, but quite accessible.

How to organize a household from scratch

Where to begin? First of all, you need to put things in order:

  • thoughts. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Everyone goes to work, runs a household and has a lot of other worries. Why then do some have everything, while others have nothing? Because you need not to be lazy, but to start taking action;
  • own room. A proper rest is impossible in a constant mess. It’s unrealistic to be on time for work when you have to spend 10–15 minutes to find the right thing. It's time to organize your personal space so that everything is in its place;
  • throughout the house. To make you want to return home and gather for quiet family evenings, you simply need the appropriate atmosphere. Cleanliness, coziness and comfort are the three components of an imperishable family hearth.

Concern about how to organize a household should not fall solely on women's shoulders. Each family member must do their part. Distributing family responsibilities will help relieve you and teach others how to plan their time.

Tip No. 1. Set certain days when to do general cleaning and when to go grocery shopping. This will make life much easier and save time.

We have collected the necessary manipulations and the timing of their implementation in a table; this will help you redistribute your time and increase the efficiency of housekeeping.

Table No. 1. How to properly run a household

Regularity Cleaning Cooking Wash Purchasing groceries and other goods
Daily remove used items and immediately clean any stains that appear preparing perishable foods that are eaten in one meal (salads, sandwiches). You can cook first and meat courses once every 3 days. not required, with the exception of stains that can ruin the item. They must be eliminated immediately essential products (bread, dairy products, butter)
Weekly wet cleaning of the whole house It is recommended to prepare an unusual and interesting dish to pamper your family changing bed linen, washing clothes accumulated over the week meat, fish, salt, vegetables
Monthly carrying out an audit (disposal of damaged items, removal of shopping boxes), cleaning carpets and windows. you can prepare semi-finished products that are convenient to store in the refrigerator cleaning large blankets, tulles, curtains cereals, sugar, tea, coffee, kitchen goods, restoration of tableware (if old mugs, plates are damaged)

Proper distribution of time guarantees not only a smooth life, but also proper rest.

How to run a household. Efficient cleaning

Before you start cleaning your home, you need to acquire the necessary equipment.

What to keep in the house:

  • mop;
  • rags;
  • brushes;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • latex gloves;
  • bucket;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • furniture polishes;
  • glass cleaner.

Tip #2. Organize a special place for cleaning equipment. Boxes or baskets are perfect. This will significantly save cleaning time, because you won’t have to look for the necessary items for a long time.

To start, you will have to carry out a full and very thorough cleaning. Get rid of the junk that has been lying around for months “just in case.” This case will most likely never happen, so there is no point in collecting unnecessary things. Take a large garbage bag and walk through the entire apartment, saying goodbye to unnecessary things.

Next, find a place for each item. Neither clothes, nor books, nor anything else should lie on the sofa or hang on the chair. Put everything in its place and always put things back where they belong. Make this a rule for yourself. It is very important to learn how to organize space and then maintaining order in the house will be much easier.

Secrets from professionals in the field of cleaning services on how to learn how to run a household:

  • It's always worth starting from the top. The ceiling, dust on cabinets, chandeliers - all this is wiped first;
  • The bedrooms are cleaned first, then the living room, kitchen and lastly the bathroom;
  • special attention is paid to places that are most exposed;
  • Correct use of special products will reduce the effort required to clean surfaces. Any drug takes time to start working. Apply the product and let it activate its power for 5-7 minutes, after which it will be much easier to remove dirt;
  • there is no escape from the dust. But if you use special polishes, you can significantly reduce its amount.

Tip #3: Buy or make your own organizers for small items. It is very convenient and practical.

If you carry out general cleaning once a week, then the rest of the time you will only need to maintain cleanliness.

How to run a proper household: cooking secrets

Feeding the whole family delicious meals is not so easy. But if you time it correctly, your household will always be tasty and satisfyingly fed.

Helpful tips on how to reduce cooking time:

  • maximum automation of the process. Not washing dishes by hand, but in the dishwasher, not a grater, but a blender, not a whisk, but a mixer, not a manual meat grinder, but an electric one;
  • menu planning. In order to always have the right products, and there is no food left over, you need to think in advance about what you are going to feed your family; preparing the first and second courses every day is completely unnecessary. It is enough to cook them once every 2–3 days;
  • preparation of semi-finished products. They should always be in the freezer in case of unexpected guests or a hard day at work, after which you simply don’t have the strength to cook anything;
  • Every experienced housewife always has several simple recipes from the most common products that are always at hand. This will help you get out and feed people in any situation;
  • using the oven. Food prepared in this way is not only healthy, but also very tasty. And it doesn’t take as much time as with traditional methods;
  • You need to wipe the stove immediately after cooking, so the dirt does not have time to dry and can be easily cleaned.

Tip #5: Buy a slow cooker. Just add your groceries and set your routine. With it, you don’t have to stand at the stove and stir your food every 10 minutes to prevent it from running away.

How to Run a Household Effectively: Laundry

With the advent of automatic washing machines, women's work became much easier. But, of course, it didn’t completely get rid of worries. Every home should have a basket for collecting dirty laundry. And all family members should take soiled things there only. This way, there will never be a problem when you have to run around the house looking for something to wash.

It would be more rational to allocate a specific day for washing each category of clothing. For example, on Friday everyone changes bed linen and towels. On Saturday, things are sent for cleaning. This way, there will be no problems with where to dry your clothes, and ironing will be easier.

Useful tips for housekeeping: quality laundry

  1. Small items of clothing are best washed in special bags.
  2. Full compliance with the recommendations on clothing labels.
  3. Items that may fade are best washed by hand in cool water.
  4. Use special conditioners to add softness.

Tip No. 6. Kitchen salt is an effective remedy for removing stains, imparting softness and even preserving color to fabrics.

After each wash, do not forget to wipe the washing machine dry and carefully check whether there are any items left in it.

How to run a household efficiently and effectively: secrets of saving

Every wise housewife should be able to spend wisely. If you follow some simple rules, you can get good savings:

  • make a list and always stick to it. Write down a list of things you need to buy at home and stick to it at the store. Cunning marketers have set up their networks at every step just to get you to buy something. In most cases, such acquisitions simply take up space in closets and are never used;
  • promotions, sales and discounts are just gimmicks. Not a single successful entrepreneur will give away goods below market value.
  • purchase large, economical packages;
  • do not chase advertised brands. Study the composition. Products with less bright wrappers do not mean they are of poor quality;
  • It is better to prefer home-cooked products to store-bought canned products. This is both useful and cheaper;
  • Make large purchases only after careful consideration. Decide at a family council whether you are ready to spend that amount.

Tip No. 7. Every housewife should have her own tricks on how to properly run a household in an apartment. Therefore, it will be very convenient to keep a special notebook where you can add simple tips and ways to maintain your home.

It is very convenient to distribute the budget for the month in advance. Set aside part to pay for utilities, part for groceries, and another part for the family piggy bank. With the remaining funds you can already afford relaxation or entertainment.

Running a household is not as difficult as it might seem at the very beginning. The main thing is not to neglect anything and love your home. Not even the richest interior will give real comfort if it does not have a soul.

“The boat of love crashed into everyday life” - you are unlikely to find a family person unfamiliar with this statement, and as life experience accumulates, you become more and more convinced of its correctness. A natural question arises: “How to avoid this?”

The topic “housekeeping” was not chosen by chance. Housework has never given me much joy. I am a creative person, and these worries seemed boring, uninteresting, and, at times, meaningless to me. The exception was days of special “inspiration”, when for some reason all the work was done easily, joyfully, efficiently and quickly. As a girl, I could afford this, since I was required to do the cleaning once every two weeks, taking turns with my sister, wash the dishes every other day, and put things away after myself, at least for the appearance of order.

The situation changed when I became a wife, housewife, and soon the mother of a wonderful baby. Household chores have become a real burden for me. It seemed like there wasn’t enough time for anything, and here there were also constant educational conversations from my husband on the topic: “When will you clean the kitchen?”

It’s hard to imagine how it all would have ended if I had not somehow met on my life’s path a mother like me... (only she had three children). And one more thing: she was quite happy with life and seemed to not think at all about these endless cleaning, washing and cooking!

Then I remembered that my husband had told me more than once: “It’s all about your attitude!” To these words, he usually received either reproaches or tears from me in response.

Thus began an intense search for a “recipe for happiness” for family women, and it became clear that “the art of housekeeping is also creativity, if you approach it creatively!”

Dear women! Life is too short to waste it endlessly complaining about your female lot. Try to change your attitude towards your usual activities, and life will change for the better.

It's no secret that it's easier and faster to do what you like! And doing the same thing every day, and even doing something you don’t like, is sometimes backbreaking work with the corresponding result: you feel tired and joyless! But everything can be changed!

My transformation

My journey in this direction began with studying materials from the Internet. This is how I got acquainted with the Flylady housekeeping system. I’ll tell you straight - I’m an impressionable person, and at first it seemed to me that this system was invented by a brilliant woman. Later, the realization came that the system did not take into account the needs of young mothers, but rather was created for working ladies. But something has taken root in my arsenal of new useful habits:

  • I started writing down things that needed to be done on a piece of paper.
  • I stopped trying to do everything at once!
  • I realized that I need to further educate myself in this area!

At the same time, I was looking for some other systems, filling in my knowledge gaps in housekeeping. My husband was silent, but I really wanted to hear that I was a good housewife.

The book “The Charm of Femininity” was a real revelation for me. The fact is that by that time I had subscribed to the mailing list from the site, and received an invitation to complete a marathon using this book for free. Initially, doubts crept in that this book was just one of the dozen books that I had read. They gave a lot of theoretical advice, were written by men, and I was looking for something else...

In the book I found answers to questions that had been tormenting my soul for so long. One of them sounded something like this:

“Who needs this?”

The need for home comfort is one of the key needs for any man. Home comfort includes cooking, washing dishes, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning and caring for children. Therefore, by performing household duties with pleasure, you seem to be saying to your husband: “You are dear to me! I love you!"

Children also feel your care and happily run to the house, which is a source of love and warmth for them. In the end, housework is simply necessary for the woman herself. After all, this is the only way she can truly love her home and family, and feel like a mistress.

A home is an extension of a woman; let’s not forget that it requires the same care as we do ourselves. This book can really help a woman build a strong family, understand her role and act in the right direction. And it was written, by the way, by Helen Adeline - a believing woman who raised 8 children!


The next step in my becoming a good housewife was getting to know this wonderful project. Yes, I agree that it is impossible to manage everything, but you can only manage the most important things! Yes, there is no point in sitting and pretending to be a defenseless child with a child in your arms, but you need to take responsibility for your life!

Thanks to the site, a picture of my little world was “drawn” in my head. You shouldn’t chase any standards and try to be what others want you to be. Try to be yourself and do whatever is required in your place to the best of your ability. By this time, homework was no longer my “super task.” On the eve of the new year, I sat down and wrote down goals for the coming year, now every month I track whether I am going in the right direction.

Training on “Menu of the week”

One of my secret desires was to undergo training on creating a menu for the week. Somehow I really wanted to organize this area of ​​my life, but I couldn’t do it myself.

And here I am on the list of training observers... What did I get in the end?

  • A menu for the week + an understanding of how much and what to prepare.
  • Freezing Charts + Reducing Waste Food.
  • Significant savings in money and effort.
  • And yet – just imagine! Cooking no longer takes me more than 1.5 hours a day!

It took me almost a year to fruitfully work on myself and study the material. All my knowledge has been formed into a single system of housekeeping - my personal one, which I will share with you.

My secrets of housekeeping

I plan the menu for the week, prepare breakfast every day, the first or second every other day for two days. I try to do all my homework before going for a walk with my son. The first half of the day is the most suitable time for such work. During daytime sleep, rest for up to half an hour is required, because... this helps to restore strength and feel like a “rested” person. After the child goes to bed, it’s time for my husband and I, I go to bed around 11 o’clock in the evening. With this approach to planning personal time, none of the family members will feel deprived of attention. And leisure for two became a real inspiration for me!

My blog about family leisure

Our relationship with my husband has improved. I heard from him that I was good at housework. And the realization came to me that he is my beloved, with whom I want to spend my whole life. And our feelings are a flower garden that requires daily care. I started looking for ideas for interesting ways to spend my free time, and as a result I decided to create a blog about family leisure. For every day of the month, I plan a small “investment” in my relationship with my husband so that the love never runs out!

Olga Bondar, mother of a two-year-old baby,author of the blog "Family Leisure"

Do you want to become a reader of the magazine “Succeed with Children!”?

The very existence of any family is closely connected with the need for daily household work. Not only the material well-being of a family, but to a large extent its moral well-being, and ultimately its strength, depends on the ability to rationally manage a household.

To run a household means to provide normal conditions for the life of the family, the work and rest of all its members, as well as the necessary order in everything.

How exactly to run a household is a purely individual matter; each family does it differently.

As in any responsible business, reasonable planning and clear organization are important in housekeeping.

One of the essential elements of housekeeping is the constant maintenance of the house in proper order; everything should be in its place, so that if necessary, any thing can be used without wasting time looking for it. This order is achieved first of all and mainly due to the fact that it is not just one person who takes care of it, but all family members without exception. At the same time, it is important not only and, perhaps, not so much to put things in order in the house every day, but to be able to maintain it. If each of the family members, without counting on the other, always cleans up after themselves, taking any thing, putting it or putting it back in its place, etc., then this will ensure the necessary order and greatly facilitate family life. life.

It’s good when each spouse takes the initiative in doing one or another available household chore. For example, a wife sees a torn button from her husband’s jacket and, without waiting for a special request, sews it on; When my husband discovered that the water tap was faulty, he immediately repaired it or called a mechanic. However, if such an order has not been established in the family, one must not rush to make claims against each other for any reason, and not rush to reproach. It is much better and easier to prompt, advise, remind, or express a request in a calm, friendly tone. Such relationships will help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and, at the same time,will provide an opportunity to deal with emerging issues in a business-like mannereconomic problems.

The following should also be noted. It’s bad when a person is stingy and petty, overly calculating, but no less bad if he goes to the other extreme and, wanting to demonstrate his “broad nature,” wastes money, buys what is needed and not needed, does not take into account real needs, without thinking , throws away what could still serve or be used somehow.

An important role in successful housekeeping is played by careful handling of food products and their rational use. Particular emphasis should be placed on the need for judicious handling of bread.

Young people who have received good working training in their parental families know how to do a lot with their own hands: girls themselves sew and alter, knit, embroider, and show creativity, which is inevitable in the household; young men can make this or that furniture, repair household appliances, make various crafts that decorate the apartment, make the necessary repairs, etc. Not to mention the fact that such amateur economic activity of spouses in the family allows them to save money, everything that is done with their own hands , usually gives greater satisfaction and serves as convincing evidence of the spouses’ real concern for the well-being of their family.

Unfortunately, it happens that young people, when they get married, do not attach much importance to the upcoming everyday work in the family, and often they are simply not accustomed to it. Their parents did not take care of this at one time, and as a result, the young wife does not know how to cook soup, mend socks, and the young husband is not able to nail a hanger properly or repair an electric switch... It is clear that such ineptitude creates many inconveniences in life together, leads to a humiliating feeling of helplessness and does not at all decorate a person. Of course, in such cases there is no need to talk about the working atmosphere of the family. Most often, in such families, young spouses gradually become dissatisfied with each other, leading to dissatisfaction, irritation, and conflicts.

During the lesson, it is advisable to especially highlight the idea that in general a normal, healthy person should be able to do everything that is necessary, if possible, this is what ensures his actual independence, independence, as well as the readiness and ability to help others. In this case, there will be no problems in housekeeping.

True, it should be noted that the cause of misunderstandings and conflicts in a young family can be not only the ineptitude of the wife or husband, but also simply the reluctance to do this or that household work.

In this case, each spouse must clearly understandthat no one will do their household chores for them and the reluctance to work for the family of one will inevitably result in an additional burden on the other.And this is not only unfair, but also fraught with all sorts of family troubles.

The law of family life isequal distribution of responsibilitieson housekeeping between all family members, of course taking into account the real capabilities of each. This is especially true for men, who often, under various pretexts, try to avoid any domestic work, clinging to outdated traditions, and consider it the lot of women.

In this regard, you can consider the following fairly typical situation with students. The young husband came home from work and began reading the newspaper while waiting for dinner. Meanwhile, the wife, who had also returned from work, ran to the shops to buy groceries, and when she returned, she began to set the table. After dinner, the husband sat down to watch TV, and the wife had to prepare lunch for the next day. Do these facts indicate the presence of a working atmosphere in this family? Can such a “distribution” of housekeeping responsibilities help strengthen the family?

A fair distribution of housekeeping responsibilities among family members and conscientious work by everyone are extremely important for raising children. The example of the father and mother's everyday attitude towards household chores plays a big role in the formation of these qualities in children.Being an involuntary witness to the constant good cooperation of father and mother in all household matters, their mutual assistance, the child naturally perceives this as the norm, as a role model.

In such cases, the child, as a rule, himself strives to take part in the joint work as much as possible and make his contribution to the common cause. Prudent parents not only encourage such a desire of their son or daughter, but also tactfully stimulate it in every possible way, offering or assigning accessible tasks, fully involving them in collective work, providing the necessary assistance with demonstrations and advice.

When involving children in household work, you need to follow a certain rule:children should be entrusted with some task from beginning to end,some kind of permanent duty, and not “pull” them with small individual tasks, from which both parents and children are mentally tired.

Thus, the working atmosphere of the family is formed gradually. The conscientious work of all members of the family team, both for society and for one’s own family, ensures the necessary harmony in relationships and guarantees material well-being. For its part, moral, calm relationships in the family, based on cooperation and mutual assistance, serve the interests of the productive work of parents and the education of children.