May 14 magnetic storms. Types of magnetic storms. The influence of magnetic storms on humans

Sometimes causeless deterioration of the condition and Bad mood associated with the occurrence of solar flares. On such days a person should devote Special attention your health to avoid unpleasant consequences. Thanks to monthly schedule magnetic storms you can protect yourself from the negative effects of the Sun.

It has already been proven that the Sun has an impact on human health, and first of all this concerns weather-sensitive people. Deterioration in well-being, mood swings, exacerbation of chronic diseases are not the only troubles that you may encounter during geomagnetic fluctuations. It is impossible to avoid the effects of magnetic storms, but you can take everything in advance necessary measures to protect your health. The magnetic storm schedule will help you with this.

Geomagnetic disturbance from May 7 to 8

Already at the beginning of the month we will experience a slight geomagnetic fluctuation. Meteorologists say that this magnetic disturbance does not pose a particular health hazard. However, the activity of the Sun can affect not so much the physical, but the emotional state. During this period, it is recommended to avoid overexertion, severe physical activity and conflicts with others. Try to spend more time relaxing and walking in the fresh air. During this period, the occurrence of stress, insomnia and panic attacks. In this case, doctors recommend not to neglect the means traditional medicine and use herbal infusions.

Strong magnetic storm on May 17

According to meteorologists, the strongest magnetic storm this month will occur on May 17. Already a day before its occurrence, weather-sensitive people can feel it. negative impact. During this period, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases are particularly at risk. If you're one of them, stock up on them all. necessary medications, and in case of severe deterioration, consult a doctor immediately. To avoid unpleasant consequences, on this day it is recommended to unload your body by giving up heavy and harmful products. Malicious influence The sun can also affect your mood, so try to control your emotions and avoid communicating with aggressive people. Meteorologists also recommend giving up bad habits and attending noisy events.

Magnetosphere disturbance on May 18

The consequences of a strong magnetic storm may bother you for several days, and in addition to this, another geomagnetic disturbance awaits us on May 18. On this day the Sun will not be too active, but many people will still experience discomfort. Mood swings are possible, which will cause apathy, decreased productivity and depression. At this time, conflicts and unpleasant communication should be avoided, and free time practice meditation and devote time to your favorite activities.

Magnetic storm May 31

Astrologers report that on the last day of the month we will again have to experience a magnetic storm. On this day solar activity will not reach high level, but even in this case, doctors advise not to ignore even the slightest changes in well-being. On this day, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from it. During periods of magnetic storms, a person needs strength, and to digest heavy products a lot of energy is consumed, so doctors recommend eating plant-based foods, cereals and legumes.

How to protect your health during magnetic storms

As you already understand, even small geomagnetic fluctuations can affect the human body. In this regard, doctors have developed recommendations that must be followed during magnetic storms in order to avoid harmful consequences.

If you suffer from any diseases, you should stock up on the necessary medications in advance. This primarily applies to those who are planning to go on a trip or business trip. In this case, the drugs should always be stored in a bag or travel first aid kit.

Calming infusions will help you get rid of headaches and bad mood. If during the day you are forced to stay in a stuffy room, periodically take a break and spend your free time in the fresh air.

Should be completely abandoned bad habits and be in noisy companies as little as possible. Give preference to a more healthy and relaxing holiday. If you feel weak and low in strength, use effective meditation. With its help, you can strengthen your immune system, and also get rid of fatigue and apathy.

During magnetic storms, you should radically change your diet. First of all, it is recommended to give up harmful and fatty foods. Try to drink more clean water and eat exclusively light meals rich in protein and vitamins.

Excess weight- one of current problems 21st century. On this moment there are many ways to deal with extra pounds, but, as experience shows, not all of them are effective. For those who dream of becoming the owner perfect figure, astrologers have developed diets that are based on the characteristics of your Zodiac Sign. We wish you happiness and health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

A magnetic storm is a consequence of a cosmic hurricane, which is particularly powerful. Typically, wind with pieces of plasma moves from the Sun at a speed of 300-1000 kilometers per hour in the direction of planet Earth. The schedule of magnetic days in May 2018 by day and time allows you to understand when and what to prepare for.

Every living organism on Earth is subject to negative influence magnetic fields. Solar flares are considered the most dangerous, since they lead to serious fluctuations and imbalances in the atmosphere of planet Earth. Adverse consequences are called magnetic storms.

The following negative effects of magnetic storms are noted:

  • interruptions in modern systems communications;
  • interference in the operation of equipment, television and radio reception;
  • the risk of aircraft crashes and transport accidents increases;
  • people face serious problems regarding their health and their condition: emotional instability, exacerbation of chronic diseases, increased risk of death.

Thus, magnetic storms are very dangerous for many inhabitants of planet Earth.

Who is most susceptible to magnetic storms?

Magnetic storms affect all people and even devices. However, some people are at particular risk.

  1. Women. To date, it has been proven that women are most exposed to the negative effects of solar activity. This is due to the following changes in female body: cortisol (stress hormone) is released in greater quantities than in men. Particular sensitivity to magnetic storms occurs at the beginning and end of menstrual cycle, during pregnancy. Women face high blood pressure, joint pain, and migraines.
  2. Elderly people and babies. Doctors note that infants and men and women over 50 years of age are very vulnerable. For this reason, it is advisable to closely monitor your well-being, because the circulatory and vascular systems are more vulnerable to adverse factors.
  3. Airplane and subway passengers. It is important to note that at an altitude of 9-11 thousand kilometers above the earth, the atmosphere becomes rarefied, as a result of which people are very vulnerable to the adverse effects of magnetic fields.
  4. Residents of northern latitudes. Many people who live in northern latitudes experience especially strong influence magnetic vibrations. Residents of the far north, Norilsk and Murmansk are very vulnerable to magnetic storms.
  5. Hypersensitive and weather-dependent people. People different ages with an unstable psycho-emotional background are very vulnerable not only to unfavorable weather conditions, but also before magnetic storms. The following are noted unwanted changes in good health and emotional level: mood swings, feeling incomprehensible anxiety, “tinnitus”, “compression” in the chest area.

The schedule of magnetic days in May 2018 by day and hour allows you to understand in what periods it is best to take care of your emotional and physical state.

There will be several magnetic storms in May 2018.

  1. The first storm occurred on May 7-8. Experts note that at the beginning of the month there may be only a slight geomagnetic disturbance, so special risk for health is missing.
  2. The magnetic storm on May 17-18 will be the most powerful in the last spring month. There is a particular risk for those who have serious cardiovascular disease and may need to take preventative medications. During this period, it is very important to take care of your health and prevent unwanted effects on your well-being. In addition, it is noted increased risks related to mood and performance. On May 17-18, 2018, it is advisable to refuse active actions, emotional experiences.
  3. There will also be a magnetic storm on May 31st. Solar activity will be quite high for weather-sensitive people who should pay special attention to their health and emotional state.

The schedule of magnetic days in May 2018 by day and hour allows you to understand which days of the last spring month you need to pay more attention to your physical and emotional state.

How to behave correctly during magnetic storms

The following tips will help you improve your emotional and physical state even during a magnetic storm:

  • It is recommended to take medications for heart pain, headaches, and sedatives;
  • It is advisable to do yoga and breathing exercises to regulate the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthen the immune system;
  • It is advisable to go on holiday to the mountains, where Fresh air improves well-being;
  • sudden and active movements and unnecessary physical labor should be avoided;
  • It is recommended to give up fatty, sweet, high-calorie foods, because it would be preferable to focus on fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread;
  • It is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking.

Magnetic storms are periods of increased solar activity, during which every person should be more concerned about their physical and emotional state.

May prepares many challenges weather dependent people.

Magnetic storms are invisible vortex flows that arise as a result of the interaction of accelerated particles of the Sun with the Earth's magnetic field.

Because of them, people with cardiovascular pathologies suffer the most. mental disorders, elevated or reduced level blood pressure, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Magnetic storms in May 2018: dates

A magnetic storm covered Ukraine today, May 8 – but experts call it weak. A small magnetic storm is expected on May 9 and 10.

And here the strongest magnetic storms are forecast from May 11 to May 17. In particular, a serious magnetic storm is expected on May 17, the echoes will also be felt on May 18.

Average magnetic storms will take place from May 20 to 25. During this period, people with heart disease will suffer the most. Others may suffer from migraines and insomnia.

Weak magnetic storms are forecast from May 28 to May 31. Most people will not feel any special changes during this period, but bad mood, apathy and loss of strength are possible.

Previously, "Glavred" wrote about. In particular, you should first pay attention to nutrition. On days of magnetic storms, you should avoid overeating - it increases the load on the cardiovascular system.

Every month a portion of solar plasma arrives from space, which disrupts the geomagnetic shell of our planet. Such “intrusions” can cause Negative consequences, in particular deterioration of health. It is worth noting that average frequency magnetic storms - 3-4 times a month. Depending on the strength, they can last a couple of hours or a couple of days.

Charged particles emitted by the Sun and forming the so-called solar wind, reaching the Earth, begin to interact with its magnetic field. As solar activity increases and the number of flying particles increases, tension increases magnetic field. Such disturbances of the geomagnetic situation, differing increased strength and duration are called magnetic storms.

What does a magnetic storm affect?

Due to changes in blood viscosity against the background of magnetic field fluctuations, cardiac vascular system may malfunction.

Viscosity increases the tendency of blood to form clots, reduces gas exchange, which leads to hypoxia (lack of oxygen supply to tissues). As with any stress, the release of adrenaline increases, which leads to an increase in blood pressure.

All this taken together can cause cardiovascular breakdowns. People who already have cardiovascular pathology need to be especially attentive to their health.

During magnetic storms, the production of the hormone melanin, an internal antioxidant and a powerful natural adaptogen responsible for resistance to stressful situations, decreases. Consequently, the body’s resistance to stress decreases.

In people with unstable psyche And autonomic system Those who are emotionally unbalanced on days of magnetic storms may experience dizziness and nervous breakdowns.

In spring and autumn, the number of magnetic storms usually increases. On average they happen two to three times a month.

In autumn, combined with seasonal depression and psycho-emotional instability, people with cardiovascular diseases tolerate magnetic storms worse.

In sunny weather this is easier. But in the absence of sun, fewer endorphins are produced and the state of stress worsens, therefore, it is worth paying more attention to health. Moreover, this applies not only to cores.

The heart is a muscle that pumps blood, so it reacts faster to such natural changes.

But the condition of this muscle depends precisely on the quality of the vessels that supply it with blood. If there is additionally vascular atherosclerosis and a tendency to spasms, the condition may worsen in storm conditions.

U healthy people The degree of discomfort on “magnetic” days may vary. Some do not feel the effects of storms or adapt to them. But more than half of the Earth's population still reacts to magnetic storms (and about 10% of them are young people).

Protection against magnetic storms

Regardless of whether the person is addicted or not, in any case it is worth taking precautions so as not to force your body to suffer. Here are some recommendations:

1. On such days, you should not get out of bed abruptly because you may feel dizzy and the man will fall to faint. And when you wake up in the morning, get up only when there are no so-called “flies” in front of your eyes.

2. To tone blood vessels, you should take cool shower and rub with a towel until the body turns red. Thus, a person forces blood to circulate better.

3. On days of magnetic storms, it is very good to go out into the fresh air, especially before bed. This is very good medicine for the body.

4. Be sure to adjust your diet so that there is no overeating, and as you know, overeating causes problems with the heart and blood vessels. The diet should be light without fats and acids. And the very first thing you need to exclude, of course, is coffee!

5. And most importantly, go to bed no later than eleven o’clock in the evening and the duration of sleep should be at least eight hours. In order for the body to rest and receive its legitimate “melatonin”, which normalizes blood pressure and generally increases immunity to everything negative.

6. Rest more, and postpone all important decisions until later. late dates. Stay calm even in the most confusing situations. As people say, “all diseases come from nerves.”

7. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and also eat some chocolate and drink hot cocoa. Since these products help the body produce a special “happiness” hormone. When there is enough of it in the body, then a person is not afraid of any magnetic storms!

Magnetic storms in May 2018 - geomagnetic activity schedule

On May 7, 2018, astronomers expect the first magnetic storm of this month, which will be classified as weak storms in strength. In the hourly forecast of geomagnetic activity for the next three days, the first bursts of magnetospheric instability are expected on Sunday, May 6, starting at 6 a.m. Moscow time. This activity will continue, which will not reach the level of a weak storm, until approximately 15:00 Moscow time.

Following Monday's magnetic storm, magnetospheric instability similar to that expected on Sunday is also forecast for Tuesday, May 8.

The main event that astronomers expect will take place on May 17, 2018. On Earth on this day, a medium-strong magnetic storm is possible, which will be noticeable to weather-sensitive people.

Let us recall that on April 20, 2018, the most serious storm of the current year was registered, which reached the level of an average storm - G2. Overall, 2018 has been fairly quiet so far in terms of solar activity, and the April event has become noticeable over the past four months.

The magnetic storm that astronomers expect based on mathematical calculations will essentially be caused by the same reasons as the April one. The fact is that the solar wind, which caused the event in April, continues to be ejected by the Sun, but the Earth is now out of its zone of action. By May 17, due to the rotation of the Sun, it will again turn to the Earth on the same side as two weeks ago. Due to this, our planet will again be affected by the same emission of particles that caused the magnetic storm last month.

The last month of spring usually brings a lot of trouble to weather-dependent people. The weather outside is already hot like summer, and not everyone can survive it painlessly for the body. In addition, solar activity increases and magnetic storms are observed, which sometimes makes the condition completely unbearable. We’ll tell you in our article how strong geomagnetic disturbances in the Earth’s field will be in May 2018.

Magnetic storms affect our health in different ways. Someone feels weak in the body and unwilling to do anything. Others suffer from headaches and tachycardia, others suffer from insomnia and nervous tension. It is impossible to say with certainty that you are a completely independent person - the strength of the impact of magnetic storms on your body can change even from month to month. Your stability depends primarily on general condition body and even from the environment - in a state of stress you can be weakened by the whims of nature, and in in a great mood even the most weather-sensitive person can survive a storm without pain.

Scientists have not agreed on how to determine the level of human sensitivity, Wordyou reports. But they came up with an interesting theory: storms really only affect 10% of the planet’s population. The rest are prevented from experiencing geomagnetic disturbances painlessly by suspiciousness and self-hypnosis.

Are you really suffering from magnetic storms or are you just inventing your own weakness, and you always need to be prepared for dangerous periods, and therefore we are telling you the schedule of magnetic storms for the beginning of May 2018.

Magnetic storms in May 2018 - schedule

The first ten days of the month passed relatively calmly. Geomagnetic disturbances were observed on the 8th-10th, but they were weak, so only people who were completely weak to the mood of nature could feel them.

Strong magnetic storms of 4-6 points await us ahead. In particular, people can feel bad for no particular reason from 17 to 19 May. During this period, even those who consider their body should take care of themselves tough nut to crack. For weather-dependent people, it is better to stay at home these days and not take risks.

The last ten days of May will be calm - complete calm and no surges. In this case, the weakest magnetic disturbances that will pass 23-27 numbers, can still develop into a storm of up to force 4, so it’s better not to let your guard down.

How to survive magnetic storms in May 2018

Experts believe that the first rule for weather dependent people and for those who are afraid of becoming one is to keep your body constantly in good shape. If you are physically and mentally healthy, strengthen your immune system and try not to succumb to stress, then magnetic vibrations will not be painful.

Those who have chronic diseases, on days of magnetic storms it is better to have with you necessary medications, and if your condition gets worse, immediately contact a doctor.

In general healthy eating, moderate activity, giving up alcohol and smoking, as well as other bad habits will significantly ease your suffering. On days of magnetic storms, it is better not to take on important matters and devote time either to routine work that does not require much physical and moral strength, or to relaxation and walks in the fresh air.

Helps cope with stress herbal teas— It’s better to avoid coffee and energy drinks altogether, so as not to further injure your body.

If you are weather sensitive during magnetic storms, refrain from driving, communicating with people you find unpleasant, and from sorting out any relationships - wait out the dangerous period so as not to aggravate the situation and not get into trouble.