Gel horsepower for joints. Horsepower for joints: indications and contraindications

Joint pain can be so unbearable and debilitating, especially in old age, that patients are ready to resort to any means just to relieve it. Products under the Horsepower brand are classified as alternative medicine. Many people think that everything produced under this brand is used for the treatment and care of horses. This is wrong. Manufacturers have optimized the composition of products for people, and now the products have nothing to do with animals.

Horsepower is a gel for treating joints. This gel is intended for the treatment of pathologies in the musculoskeletal system; it eliminates pain caused by swelling and inflammation in the joints. Let's try to figure out what effect is observed from using the Horsepower gel in relieving painful symptoms.

The gel contains natural ingredients:

  • Peppermint oil. It is known for its antiseptic properties. Used as an antibacterial component that relieves skin irritations.
  • Horse chestnut extract. Its presence is due to its positive effect on the circulatory system, the fight against swelling and varicose veins.
  • Lavender oil. Another antiseptic with antibacterial and analgesic effects. Creates a pleasant aroma.
  • Vitamin E. Participates in the regeneration of damaged tissues, improves metabolism, protects blood vessels from blood clots.
  • Menthol. Relieves inflammatory processes, disinfects tissue, and has a cooling effect.

In addition to the main ingredients, the gel contains excipients: glycerin, water, methylparaben, triethanolamine. They serve to improve the texture of the cream and enhance its healing properties. Horsepower gel for joints and its composition was developed by a German doctor almost 100 years ago. The release form of the cream is plastic tubes with a volume of 500 ml.

Due to its non-traditionality and original purpose for animals, doctors do not prescribe the gel to their patients, but the reviews from people who have used it are positive. Thanks to its components, the drug has the following properties:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • metabolism increases;
  • muscle tension is relieved;
  • improves skin;
  • pain symptoms are suppressed;
  • swelling and inflammation are eliminated.

All this helps eliminate the patient’s unpleasant symptoms and improves joint mobility. It is successfully used to treat bruises, sprains, and can be used as a massage cream. The cream helps fight physiological changes during intense exercise.

Indications and contraindications

Contraindications include open wounds and abrasions, for which application of the gel is not recommended.

Doctors have not reported any side effects from the use of Horsepower joint gel. The only thing that sellers advise is not to increase the dosage prescribed in the instructions.

Due to the fact that the cream contains only natural ingredients, it should be used with caution by those who have allergic reactions. First you need to smear the back of your hand with a thin layer of gel and check the skin reaction. Redness of the skin indicates an allergy to one of the components of the product.

Due to the lack of research on drugs of this brand, they should not be used by children under 12 years of age, as well as by pregnant and lactating women.

The cream should not come into contact with the mucous membrane.

Indications include the following symptoms and ailments:

  • pain of the musculoskeletal system;
  • muscle tension, spasms;
  • joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, gonarthrosis and others;
  • household injuries: bruises, sprains;
  • preventive measures during intense physical activity;
  • as a massage cream.

Positive reviews of the gel are due to its use in the initial stages of diseases. There is no single remedy that can cure a diseased joint. Treatment is possible only in a complex of several drugs of different directions.

Instructions for use

The gel must be applied to a previously washed and dried area of ​​skin that is free of abrasions and wounds. Use light massaging movements to distribute the cream in a thin layer over the entire joint, using your fingers to rub in. After this, it is recommended to wrap your knee or elbow with a warm cloth.

For the first time, it is best to use a small amount of product. If an allergic reaction to the cream occurs, rinse it off with plenty of water and wipe dry.

The manufacturer of the balm Horsepower for joints indicated in the instructions that the frequency of use of the drug is 2 times a day with an interval of 5-6 hours.

The course of use of the drug is 14 days. Upon completion, you must take a break for two weeks. If a lasting positive effect is observed, then the balm can be used for an unlimited time with periodic breaks.

Patients note a slight cooling effect from the use of the cream, gradually turning into a warming state. The pain is noticeably dulled, swelling is reduced, and there is a feeling of lightness in the joints.

If positive dynamics are not observed, then most likely the reason lies in a more serious disease that cannot be treated with Horsepower gel.

Since ancient times, people have admired the graceful movements and incredible strength of the horse. The best painters and photographers depicted the dynamics of this animal, trying to capture the legendary horsepower.

Composition of the ointment “Horsepower”

It should be noted that “Horse Power” ointment is often confused with the so-called “Horse Gel” - a drug with a similar effect, but intended directly for animals. However, its use will not harm a person

The main active ingredients of the ointment are of natural origin. Horsepower contains mint essential oil, vitamin E and lavender oil. In addition to the main ingredients, there are also auxiliary ones.

Despite their “chemical” names, they do not cause allergic reactions and are not toxic. For example, glycerin serves as an astringent, and menthol enhances the effect of mint oil.

  • Vitamin E, included in the composition - a healing agent. In addition to joints, this ingredient has a positive effect on the skin: heals wounds, helps restore the skin, and prevents the appearance of scar tissue. Another effect is local stimulation of blood circulation, prevention of blood clots and clogging of blood vessels, strengthening their walls.
  • Peppermint essential oil enhanced with menthol plays a "double role". On the one hand, mint is a cooling agent that relaxes sore joints and tired muscles. On the other hand, it is a “conductor” that helps vitamin E quickly reach the affected tissues, stimulating blood circulation.
  • Lavender oil- a tonic. It is this that prevents overly activated blood circulation from getting out of control: penetrating after vitamin E, it tones the blood vessels and “normalizes” local blood circulation. Lavender has a beneficial effect on the skin and has analgesic properties. Also, lavender essential oil is the basis of a perfume composition that dilutes the pungent odor of the drug.

Thus, the components of the ointment work alternately. Menthol opens the way to the affected tissue, vitamin E heals, and lavender oil calms excessive bleeding and relieves pain.

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The use of Horsepower ointment has the following tangible effects:

According to the manufacturer, the components of the drug do not cause allergic reactions.

However, if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients (most often menthol or lavender oil), you should consult your doctor.

There are no restrictions on the duration of use. There are also no age restrictions. The ointment is often used even by very young dancers and athletes after grueling training and before important competitions.


Indications for the use of ointment are the following symptoms and processes:

  • Inflammatory and degenerative changes in joints: arthritis, arthrosis
  • Osteocondritis of the spine
  • Recovery period after damage to joints, tendons, ligaments, muscle tissue
  • Recovery period after fractures
  • “Meteorological pain” in the joints (pain “due to the weather”)
  • Myositis is an inflammatory lesion of skeletal muscles
  • Damage to muscle tissue after heavy physical activity (physical work, sports training)

Users also note that “Horsepower” has proven itself well as a massage balm and even a cosmetic product!

The double effect of the drug allows you to use it as a warming agent before long-term stay outside in winter. For representatives of many professions, the ointment has become a real godsend.

Instructions for use

  • Scoop up a small amount of ointment (approximately from the knuckle of your index finger);
  • Using light massaging movements, rub the ointment into the area of ​​concern for the joint or muscle tissue. Do not rub vigorously: the components of the drug may not work due to mechanical overheating;
  • Minimize your movements for 5-10 minutes;
  • For exacerbations of diseases, use 2-3 times a day. To prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, use once a day for a week.

Features of use

Horsepower ointment has a number of specific conditions of use:


The main contraindication to the use of Horsepower ointment is individual sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug. Menthol (the main active ingredient) of peppermint oil is a fairly strong allergen.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy if you are hypersensitive to odors. Do not use as a cosmetic product for highly oily skin: the composition contains moisturizers. Indicated age of use is from 3 years.

Joint pain can occur in a person regardless of his age. And in order to overcome it, you have to try different methods - follow a special diet, do physical therapy, and attend procedures. Also, some people rub all kinds of creams, balms and ointments into the sore spot, which they purchase at the pharmacy or prepare themselves according to folk recipes.

Today we will tell you about the balm-gel for joints “Horsepower”. There are a large number of positive reviews about this cream, both from patients and doctors.

Features of horse ointments

Horse creams, balms and ointments are often sold in veterinary pharmacies and intended for the treatment of animals. However, doctors do not recommend using them to treat joints in humans. They say that such products are designed for use on large animals and therefore contain too many active substances. And such a concentration can be dangerous for humans and cause reactions such as:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • irritation;
  • burns.

Moreover, the label of such a cream always states that they must be used strictly for their intended purpose and follow the instructions.

However, many people believe that creams and balms that were developed for an animal such as a horse are hypoallergenic, natural and do not contain impurities. It is for these people that a gel-balm for joints called “Horsepower” was developed.

Release form "Horsepower" for joints

Under the name “Horsepower”, among the preparations for the treatment of joints, balms, gels, balms and creams are produced that help to effectively relieve pain and relieve inflammation in the joints. For example, gels are produced in plastic tubes capacity from 100 to 500 ml. Most often, buyers choose:

  • gel balms;
  • ointment called “Horsepower”.

Regardless of the form of the drug, it has medicinal properties and contains only natural and beneficial ingredients. The most popular form of this product is a gel.

According to the instructions, the Horsepower gel or balm can be used in the following cases:

  • pain in the joints caused by injuries and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention of joint diseases during increased physical activity;
  • prevention of stretch marks and muscle strain.

What is included in the gel for joints “Horsepower”

Regardless of what you choose - gel, balm or ointment, the components will be the same:

The instructions may also contain information about auxiliary ingredients, for example, horse chestnut and others. They are selected in terms of their relationship with each other so that the finished gel or balm has maximum effectiveness.

Gel "Horsepower" has, first of all, the following properties:

  • relieves pain in the joints;
  • relaxes muscles and relieves tension in their area;
  • accelerates regenerative processes.

Price for products from the “Horsepower” series

Gel under the brand name “Horsepower” for joints can have different prices, it all depends on the manufacturing company and the form of release of the product. Prices can make a startling difference.

If we talk specifically about gel-balms, the average prices will be as follows:

  • packaging of the drug with a capacity of 500 ml – 300 rubles;
  • 200 ml tube – about 150 rubles;
  • 100 ml capacity – up to 100 rubles.

It should be added that under the brand “Horsepower” there are not only creams and ointments, but also special nutrition. It costs more, one can will cost about 1500 rubles. Gel for treating joints will cost much less, it will relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

But in the form of an ointment, “Horse Power” is sold at a price of about 500 rubles per bottle with a capacity of 500 ml.

Features of the use of gel for joints “Horsepower”

Balm-gel “Horsepower” for the treatment of joints is quite simple to use:

  • to apply the cream to a sore joint, squeeze a small amount of gel onto your palm;
  • Using massage movements, lubricate the affected joint with cream until completely absorbed.

Apply ointment to the joint maybe twice a day, in this case, do not allow the product to come into contact with the mucous membrane and other damaged areas of the skin. And to enhance the effect, wrap the sore joint with a warm scarf after applying the balm.

Application of the gel to damaged skin is strictly prohibited; the cream must not come into contact with burns and open wounds, as well as in the eyes, nose and oral cavity. It is recommended to remain at rest for about an hour after applying the ointment. Before starting to use the cream, you should consult a specialist.

Possible indications and contraindications

The instructions list the following indications for use of the product “Horsepower”:

Possible contraindications to use the cream in any form:

  • presence of damage to the skin;
  • malignant formations;
  • allergy to the product or to a specific component of it.

How harmful are horse creams to humans?

As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of information that many people use products intended not for humans, but for animals, to treat joints, purchasing them in veterinary pharmacies.

Many people say that these products are much more effective than conventional ones. contain a minimum of harmful substances.

According to customer reviews, the following drugs from the “Horsepower” series from different manufacturers are actively used:

  • means for activating the immune process;
  • antiseptics, including creams used to heal skin microcracks;
  • special shampoos that help stimulate hair growth even in bald areas;
  • gels and balms for the treatment of joints.

Doctors' opinion about "Horsepower"

It must be said that doctors never officially prescribe treatment to their patients using special drugs for animals. However, unofficially, a specialist has a different opinion regarding animal products. Most doctors agree that such drugs do no harm to the human body.

But other doctors believe that promoting products called “Horsepower” is just a marketing ploy, and their patients are just wasting money. But mostly they agree that such creams are effective, since horse cream for treating joints has the same composition as ointments for people.

Why are “Horsepower” brand balms so popular for treating joints? The fact is that in most cases, residents of large cities want to use only natural products.

Not in all cases are medications used to treat animals contain more natural ingredients than human means. We can say that now the horse cream-gel of the Alezan brand has become more popular among buyers than the usual joint cream for people.

The use of equine medicines by a person is his personal choice. And the responsibility for such a decision always lies with him, since the instructions for using such drugs state that the medicine should be used only strictly for its intended purpose.

Despite the presence of contraindications, ointment for joints is actively advertised on the Internet, especially for Alezana cream-gel for horses. Moreover, according to the description, the formula of this remedy is such that a person can get rid of the problem of diseased joints.

My history

Horse gel balm for joints helps me very well. People simply call it horse ointment. A friend of mine encouraged me to try using this gel. He said that if he raises horses to their feet, then he can even heal a person.

My wife and I decided to try to coat me with it properly; anyway, there was nothing to lose. My wife suffered from pain in the joints of her knees and it was simply unbearable to live, and I, too, had pain in my lower back and shoulder. We agreed that Vladimir would bring us gel for horses on the day off. He took it from a veterinary pharmacy.

We've been waiting for this day like a miracle

The photo shows our nameless jar with a greenish gel.

And then Saturday came. We received the treasured jar with a camphor-smelling gel-like mass of emerald green color. The smell from it was very pungent, but not unpleasant. It’s just that the nose clearly felt the vigor of the composition. Apparently horses have thick skin and therefore need more effective drugs for treatment.

On the picture: The gel or ointment sold in veterinarians is a drawn silver horse.

Horse ointment - application

We decided to apply the gel before bed so that the healing process would continue throughout the night. At nine o'clock in the evening, the wife prepared all the ingredients. Namely, the gel itself, a plastic bag and a woolen scarf. Then she applied a portion of horse gel to the sore joints and carefully rubbed it over the knee.

From above, I inserted a bag with the bottom cut off into the leg and wrapped the joint in a woolen cloth. The joint should be warm for the effect of the gel to be more complete. So she slept with the bandage until the morning. (Please note that you need to check your individual tolerance to the gel first!)

Some may need a very thin layer of putty. Well, for those who have rough skin, men, you can lubricate it stronger.

The next morning it was already easier

Such an effective drug. In total, she was treated for a week every evening and as a result the pain completely disappeared. The product is very good. The joints are simply transformed. In addition, you can always take an additional course of prevention. I don’t presume to say that I have gotten rid of joint pain forever. However, the wife runs again and the pain does not bother her at all.

For me, of course, everything is more complicated and an integrated approach is needed. Therefore, the site has other recommendations, in particular on nutrition and lifestyle.

So don't shy away from this proven remedy.

If the gel puts horses on their feet, it can even lift a person. The gel can be used to treat not only the knee joints, but also the spine. It also has a good effect on the joints of the arms and hands. Try it and you won’t regret it!

Why in the veterinarian

Because it’s easier to get a license to sell veterinary drugs, and you don’t have to pay bribes. That’s why sometimes they sell decent products among pet supplies.

The main purpose is for exacerbations, when the joints ache, when there is swelling, swelling, etc. In this case, the problem is eliminated. Chronic and salt deposits, of course, will not cure, this must be understood.

I found out that now such a gel is now being sold in pharmacies

Someone realized. Since it helps people, it would be nice to make some money from it. I don’t know how effective these store-bought gels in jars are. In my opinion, it is better to take a special horse gel from veterinary hospitals. It works exactly.

So in the comments people write that it helps. And, judging by the reviews, it’s inexpensive. So give it a try if you suffer from joint problems. It could probably work.

Here are some common gels from pharmacies:

Balm gel “Horse Power” from Horse Force - costs approximately from 10 to 15 dollars . According to reviews, it seems to be the most “working”, I don’t know about the price, check in your pharmacies. The composition is adapted to our human standards. This means you can apply it without fear of burning your skin and getting an additional burn. I checked that the gel balm works well, but now I still use veterinary ointments.

This horse ointment contains only natural ingredients. This, of course, is very valuable, as it minimizes any side effects. By the way, having studied the instructions for use, I did not find any contraindications, which means that it is suitable for everyone, in any case, before use you need to smear a test area on the skin and monitor the reaction. If nothing spills out or stings, then you can treat the joints.

The cooling version of the ointment includes mint and lavender extracts, and in a warming ointment chestnut and pepper extracts. This is good, since you can work comprehensively, combining ointments as needed. If there is a relapse and acute pain, cool it; if it aches and ache, then warm it.

Many are watching positive effect after about 6 days after the start of the course. I felt relief after 3 days. Overall, the drug is good and deserves attention.

Alezan joint cream- appeared one of the first after people became interested in horse ointments. Since it is still on sale, it means the manufacturer is doing something worthwhile... I also tested it on myself; last summer it was he who alleviated my condition when I twisted my left leg at the construction site of a utility block. The product acts more gently compared to the gel from the veterinarian. Probably ideal for women.

Ointment “Horse Dose”- has nothing to do with the famous ointment, but is named so precisely because there is a similarity and is heard. Particularly popular among weightlifters, in fact, it is promoted among them, relying on the fact that everyone knows about a certain “horse” ointment that helps joints. In camphor ointment, in principle, it is a good warming ointment, but nothing more. Promotes recovery from sprains, but does not heal joints. If you are interested in how much it costs, then focus on 5 dollars .

Horse ointment using Swiss technology. It works well, although the product is expensive and not affordable for many people, certainly pensioners. In terms of effect, the reviews are good, the drug is European and of high quality. It contains chestnuts, but you can pick them anyway, plus make an infusion with regular veterinary ointment. What I mean is that there is always an alternative - a simple ointment from a veterinarian...

Here is another sample of varieties of ointments based on the same classic veterinary ointment. This balm is from Germany, the price is, accordingly, German. Of course, the quality is excellent, the efficiency is decent. If funds allow, look for it and use it!

Here is another version of a similar German ointment

Judging by the reviews, the drug works very, very effectively. I just don't think it makes sense to overpay. If you are traveling to Europe from Belarus, then maybe you will find cheaper options in Poland.

Interesting video about the mechanism of joint pain


To summarize briefly, I will say that where there is demand, there will be supply. There are a lot of companies producing horse ointments, gels and balms, there are leaders, there are experimental batches, but they all have one thing in common - they are based on ointment for horses from veterinary centers .

Look for this unnamed ointment, it is emerald green and smells like camphor. And try. Well, if you have money, then buy pharmacy, branded ones...

I am always glad to hear your feedback about ointments and gels! Write who tried what. Let's create a truthful popular rating!

The pharmacological company that produces the “Horsepower” series recommends the gel from this line as an effective external remedy for pain that occurs in the joints during movement, for swelling, for discomfort during heavy muscle loads, as well as in the form of a massage balm and a product for skin care. The light jelly-like structure of the drug allows its molecules to quickly absorb into the skin without clogging pores or leaving an oily sheen. The thermal effect of a compress using this product helps the substance penetrate deep into the tissues and anesthetize the joints with osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, lesions of the musculoskeletal system (ligaments and joints), have a lymphatic drainage effect, removing excess fluid in the subcutaneous tissue, and also have a relaxing effect with muscle overstrain. Horsepower gel has received a variety of reviews from experts and users: from admiration for its beneficial properties to disappointment when using it in especially severe cases. Along with the natural ingredients in this drug, many users point out its drawback - the presence of parabens. Is this type of external remedy really that effective? Reviews from doctors help to correctly evaluate the drug.

“Horsepower” - a gel for the treatment or pain relief of joints?

Even modern developed medicine classifies joint diseases as rather complex problems, the treatment of which is long-lasting and not always highly effective. Experienced doctors always welcome the emergence of new products with a sustainable therapeutic effect, especially those containing natural ingredients. One of them, the “Horsepower” gel, received positive reviews from experts as a preventative and pain reliever. It can be used for rubbing in places where painful sensations are localized, treating with a small amount of the product and wrapping the joint area. You can resort to a similar procedure twice a day. The gel must be applied carefully, avoiding contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes. Otherwise, the beneficial substances in Horsepower, which have the opposite therapeutic effect - warming and relaxing (camphor and pepper extract) and cooling (eucalyptus and menthol), can cause harm. Negative reviews about the cosmetic product we are considering are usually associated with the high expectations of the users themselves or the promises of unscrupulous marketers who advertise giving up medications for the sake of the super effect of treatment with this gel.

The drug “Horsepower” (gel) has received a lot of enthusiastic comments on forums and in everyday life, most of them coming from older people and athletes, from lovers of peak physical activity and patients of orthopedic doctors.

The main components in the “Horsepower” gel and their advantages

Peppermint and lavender oils, enhanced by the presence of a powerful antioxidant - vitamin E, are contained in the popular preparation. They are considered the most favorable substances for pain relief in joints and ligaments, relieve rheumatism, muscle pain and sprains, and are good for massage and serious physical activity. The high menthol content helps transport active components deep into the tissues, lavender oil tones the skin, and vitamin E slows down the aging process of cells. The universal gel “Horsepower”, the price of which is low compared to similar drugs, is distinguished by a harmonized, proven composition. It is certified for humans and is effective as a topical remedy intended to eliminate pain symptoms of various origins.

Gel “Horsepower” for varicose veins

Recently, a tonic gel has appeared in a popular series, the main components of which are horse chestnut extract and leech extract. Like other products, “Horsepower” (gel for veins) has a superficial cooling effect, but at the same time it tones and strengthens the venous walls, increases the elasticity of small blood vessels, increases their permeability, eliminates heaviness in the legs and signs of inflammation on the surface skin, and also reduces the appearance of stars (capillary network). Reviews from doctors about the use of this gel for skin care, prevention of varicose veins and alleviation of the condition at its initial stage are positive. In advanced cases, you must contact a phlebologist and follow medical recommendations, using vein gel only with the consent of a professional.

Active components of the new product

Created on the basis of natural ingredients, the “Horse Power” gel, with leeches in its composition, also contains horse chestnut extract. This component helps reduce blood clotting, strengthen the walls of blood vessels (veins and capillaries), resolve blood clots and prevent their occurrence. Extracting leeches helps increase the lumen of capillaries, the permeability of their walls, and also reduce blood clotting. Morning and evening massage with a small amount of this gel will have a lymphatic drainage effect (reduce excess fluid from the subcutaneous tissue), strengthen blood vessels, relieve symptoms of inflammation and venous stagnation, and make spider veins and spider veins less noticeable. The superficial cooling effect of the gel normalizes the outflow of blood and lymph and eliminates heaviness in the legs. “Horsepower” - a gel for veins - doctors recommend for use by athletes or people adjusting their weight through intense physical activity, or those who experience professionally increased stress on the lower extremities (“standing” or “sedentary” work, walking in heels).

The magical effect of the drug gel, unknown to the manufacturer

Thanks to the cooling effect, “Horsepower” (gel with leeches) is recognized by customers as an excellent and at the same time inexpensive means for anti-cellulite wraps. It helps improve skin condition, increase blood circulation, and remove excess moisture from the subcutaneous tissue. Erroneous opinions expressed on forums about burning subcutaneous fat with the drug are based on a decrease in body volume after the procedure. However, “Horsepower” (gel with horse chestnut) only helps to reduce swelling, so the waist or legs become thinner. How much does such pleasure cost? Read about it below.

Magic gel “Horsepower”: price

A bulk pack of gel for tired legs (500 ml) can be purchased in pharmacies in various regions at a cost ranging from 500-800 rubles. An affordable price, designed to suit any budget, is one of the advantages of this drug.


An auxiliary agent in the complex treatment of diseases - Horsepower gel - should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to its components and a tendency to allergies.

It is also better to refrain from using it during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the drug is contraindicated for those who suffer from bronchial asthma and oncology. Consultations with doctors and drug treatment of diseases cannot be ignored in connection with the use of the Horsepower gel-balm!

What do rheumatologists say?

In addition to the main treatment, as a preventative and pain reliever, experts recommend the Horsepower gel. Reviews from doctors call it an excellent relaxing drug that relieves spasms, pain, and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Professionals only draw the attention of buyers to unfair advertising that positions the gel as the main medication, in favor of which it is supposedly necessary to abandon the medications prescribed by the doctor. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels are complex problems that need to be solved with a specialist. An external remedy such as Horsepower gel can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the aesthetic appearance of the skin, but in difficult cases it is necessary to strictly follow medical instructions!