How to take niacin for hair growth. How does nicotinic acid work for hair? Jojoba oil plus liquid nicotinic acid

A nicotinic acid V last years It is increasingly found not only in cosmetics for permanent hair care, but also in homemade masks that women use to care for their curls on their own.

Is this substance really useful, does it heal, stimulate, nourish, and also does it strengthen the hair?

Do not confuse vitamin nicotinic acid with the cigarette component.

Doctors know that nicotinic acid is a vitamin PP, medicinal, and also cosmetic properties which have been known for a long time. It helps manage diabetes, improve carbohydrate metabolism, has a vasodilating effect.

Rich in nicotinic acid pork liver, legumes, yeast, fish, some types of meat, cow's milk, some vegetables and fruits, buckwheat, beloved by many, etc.

In the field of cosmetology, it actively affects the hair roots, improves blood supply, which is beneficial for strengthening and activating the growth of curls.

After treatment with liquid vitamin PP, hairs stop falling out and constantly splitting, become more manageable, softer, and noticeably thicker. Thanks to this hair care, gray hairs appear less often.

  1. It is also possible to treat hair with nicotinic acid at home. It’s very easy to prepare homemade skincare masks based on it, and the results from their use are noticeable after just a couple of procedures. Besides folk masks it is added to store-bought balms, professional shampoos, and curl oils.
  2. Vitamin acid quickly saturates hair strands, restoring their original healthy structure, strengthens blood vessels and nourishes hair follicles.
  3. Vitamin PP dilates blood vessels, increases the elasticity of their walls, and improves their functioning. It is quickly absorbed by the epidermis, so hair follicles are strengthened deep inside and begin to grow.
  4. Versatility of use. Nicotinic acid is indicated for any type of hair. It normalizes fat metabolism and does not dry out thin and blow-dried curls. There is no sticky or greasy residue left on the hair strands after products with nicotinic acid, as well as a specific odor.
  5. The hair roots are more quickly saturated with oxygen, which has a very beneficial effect on the beauty of the curls. They become stronger and longer. This is important for those who have been struggling with hair loss for a long time.

Read also how you can quickly restore your hair.


In general, vitamin niacin is safe. But it should be used with caution by allergy sufferers, people with increased intraocular pressure and hypertension, as well as those suffering from migraines and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Even if the above contraindications are absent, before using the product, doctors and cosmetologists advise applying a little of it to your hand. If redness appears, nicotinic acid should not be used on hair.

The use of liquid nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules

Nicotinic acid is sold in pharmacies in tablet form to be taken orally, as well as in the form of liquid in ampoules. Latest form ideal for use in for cosmetic purposes. But it is important to follow some rules:

Nicotinic acid for hair growth in tablet form

Tablets with vitamin acid are not applied to the hair, but taken orally. The effect is felt after a couple of weeks.

Vitamin PP minimizes hair loss and rapidly reduces the amount of hair remaining on combs. The growth of new small hairs is noticeable, and they appear more actively.

Therefore, if hair loss occurs, hair begins to grow worse, and becomes dull, then you need to think about taking vitamin PP in tablets. It has a wonderful effect on the beauty of hair.

1 vitamin tablet per day is enough.

You shouldn't abuse them. All signs of intolerance and side effects may appear - rash, severe tingling, hives, headaches and dizziness.

The best combination masks with nicotinic liquid acid

Flaxseed oil plus nicotinic acid.

An ampoule of liquid vitamin is mixed with a high-quality store-bought linseed oil, add liquid egg yolk, a couple of drops of vitamin E also in liquid form.

Spread this homemade mixture onto washed, slightly damp curls, massaging with your fingers and rubbing nutrients. The head is wrapped in film and a towel and left for an hour. Then the mask with vitamins is washed off. It is designed for a monthly course.

Nicotinic acid plus aloe juice.

2 ampoules of vitamin PP are mixed with aloe extract. It is also sold in pharmacies or prepared independently from the leaves of the plant.

Add half a spoon of nutritious propolis tincture to the mixture. The mask is gently rubbed into the roots of washed curls, kept for 30-40 minutes and rinsed thoroughly. warm water. The acid course is designed for 10 times with a day break.

Mustard and liquid vitamin PP.

Dry mustard powder(a couple of spoons) diluted in heated water. Mix with yolk, a spoonful of sugar and a couple of nicotine ampoules. Apply directly to the roots of washed hair.

Keep it for an hour, wrapping your head in plastic and a towel. Then carefully wash off with shampoo. This mask, which restores and regulates hair growth, is designed for everyday use. The course is a month.

Jojoba oil plus liquid nicotinic acid.

A product with such a restorative vitamin composition Ideal for all curls, dry, oily, combination, and after chemicals.

The mask normalizes greasiness, regenerates, and moisturizes the hair, helping to grow thick, shiny curls. Jojoba oil and nicotine ampoule are poured into the mask vitamin acid, a solution of vitamin E, as well as a little liquid honey.

Candied honey is pre-melted. The mixture is kept on the head, wrapped in a bag, for 40-50 minutes. Then all strands are washed off with water, adding to it Apple vinegar table or juice of one lemon.

The mask does not give bad smell, but only shimmer and freshness to the hairstyle.

Thanks to such vitamin masks with nicotinic acid, curls become stronger, do not become greasy for a long time, acquire greater volume, and also grow much faster.

It is normal if you feel warm after applying vitamin masks. An uncomfortable burning or tingling sensation is a sign of an allergy. The product needs to be washed off immediately!

Cosmetologists often mention nicotinic acid when talking about hair care. Don't be intimidated by the name, which looks like an ingredient in cigarettes. This vitamin has nothing to do with this substance; on the contrary, it is very useful microelement for hair and the body as a whole. Otherwise, nicotinic acid is called vitamin PP or nicotinamide. How nicotine tablets affect curls, you will learn the basic rules for their use and contraindications from our article.

Operating principle

Nicotinic acid is a drug that has been used in medicine for quite a long time to treat various diseases and replenish the lack of vitamin PP in the body. The substance has vasodilating effect, so it is often used as a component of hair care recipes.

This element takes an active part in the metabolic process; its deficiency negatively affects the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular system etc. Externally, a lack of niacin manifests itself in a deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, and nails.

The principle of action of nicotinimide is as follows: The substance, entering the body, gradually replenishes the lack of vitamins and increases blood circulation. Accordingly, a larger amount reaches the hair follicles. useful components, the metabolic process is accelerated. All this leads to an increase in the growth of strands, thickening, and strengthening their structure.

Note, The vitamin also affects the production of the strands’ own pigment. With regular correct use The natural shade of the curls improves, gray hair decreases, and the brightness and shine of the hair returns.

The drug is available in three forms: powder, tablets, injection solution. Today we'll talk specifically about the tablet form, and the reasons for this are as follows:

  • more wide effect effects, since after taking the tablets an improvement in the condition of nails, eyebrows, eyelashes, and skin was often observed;
  • treatment results are longer lasting compared to other forms of nicotinic acid.

Composition and benefits

Nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets contains a B vitamin called vitamin PP, vitamin B3 or niacinamide. The composition also contains excipients:

  • calcium stearate;
  • sucrose;
  • talc;
  • corn starch.

Vitamin B3 is also found in foods that we eat regularly: eggs, fish, beef liver, kidneys, beans, bread products, potatoes, chicken, dairy products, buckwheat, carrot. Read on our website what other products stimulate hair growth.

Nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets has the following advantages compared to other drugs:

  1. The drug does not dry out the skin and hair.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Long lasting results.
  5. Eliminates the problem of dandruff, split ends and hair loss.
  6. The condition of not only curls, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, nails, and skin improves.

In what cases is it accepted?

Nicotinic acid tablets are prescribed in the following situations:

  • avitaminosis;
  • postpartum period and pregnancy;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improper, poor nutrition;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • frequent migraines;
  • hair loss.

Nicotine can also eliminate the following hair problems:

  • slow curl growth;
  • hair loss;
  • dry scalp;
  • dandruff, flaking, itching of the scalp;
  • frequent use of hot tools for styling curls;
  • weakened, dull curls.

You might be interested to know which hair comb will help you grow long and thick curls.


The cost of the drug is one of its main advantages. The price in Russian pharmacies for a package of 50 tablets with a dosage of 50 mg of nicotinic acid varies from 15 to 40 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

You can purchase this product at any pharmacy. The packaging contains vitamins on a blister or in a jar and instructions for use.


Hair growth tablets with nicotinic acid should not be taken for the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • gout;
  • childhood.
  • glaucoma;
  • gastritis;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • reduced arterial pressure with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How to use it correctly

Nicotinimide for hair growth in tablets is used in a course of 15–45 days, 2 tablets per day. You need to take plenty of nicotinic acid tablets mineral water or milk, it must be taken after meals.

For prevention It is enough to take 1 tablet 1–2 days after meals.

At profuse hair loss strands you need to take 1 piece three times a day.

However, experts recommend starting with taking 1 tablet per day and in the absence adverse reactions and the result is increased to 2 pieces. In case of discomfort or deterioration of health, it is better to refuse such a remedy and look for an alternative.

Important! The course of treatment can be repeated no more than once every six months. In general, the treatment repetition interval depends on the length of the course, that is, what more course treatment, the longer the break.

In any case, before starting to use any medicine prior consultation with a doctor is required.

Photos before and after

Effect of use

The results of taking the drug appear after a couple of weeks. Typically the effect goes according to the following scheme:

  1. First, hair loss gradually stops, as evidenced by the reduction of hair on a comb that has been used regularly.
  2. Next, vellus hair appears in place of the bald patches. This suggests that the dormant bulbs have activated and begun to produce new hairs. Thanks to this, the thickness of the hairstyle increases and volume appears.
  3. 3-4 weeks after taking it, increased hair growth will become noticeable. The curls become thick, dense, and shiny. Nicotine can increase hair growth by up to 4 centimeters in a month.

However, nicotinimide has the following side effects:

  • skin redness, burning;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, dizziness, sharp drop blood pressure;
  • disorder gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, flatulence);
  • increased production of gastric juice;
  • urticaria, itchy skin;
  • deterioration of liver function.

Attention! Most frequent reaction the body's response to vitamin PP is skin redness and burning - you should not immediately stop taking the drug because of this.

Usually similar symptoms occur due to increased blood circulation in the hair follicles and disappear as the body adapts to the action of the product. However, if these symptoms do not stop for a long time and cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

TO positive aspects Nicotinimide includes:

  • affordable price;
  • ease of use;
  • long lasting effect;
  • normalization of the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • accelerating the growth rate of curls;
  • stopping hair loss;
  • the drug can be combined with other drugs.

Among negative points The use of nicotinimide is distinguished:

  • the presence of many contraindications and adverse reactions;
  • hair may begin to grow not only on the head.

To summarize, we can say that nicotinic acid is an excellent remedy By affordable price, helping to increase hair growth and improve its condition. A bunch of positive feedback only confirms the effectiveness of the product. However, you should not prescribe it yourself or abuse it; it is better to entrust this to a trichologist, because there can be a huge number of reasons for hair loss or slower growth.

Correct use of the drug according to the instructions for use and with the recommended dosage will give excellent result already after 15 days of use.

Useful videos

Nicotinic acid for hair growth.

Trichologist about nicotinic acid.

Nicotinic acid normalizes metabolism and dilates blood vessels. In addition, it is an excellent tool for accelerating the growth of curls. Vitamin PP is used to improve vision, lose weight, prevent cancer, and is an excellent moisturizer and strengthener for strands. Nicotinic acid is used to prepare various hair masks. At regular use they help cure dandruff, accelerate hair growth, and also prevent excessive hair loss. You can find many recipes effective masks, each of which is suitable for certain problems of strands and scalp.

Benefits of Vitamin PP for Hair

Nicotine is inexpensive medicine, which can be bought without a prescription. For external use Nicotinic acid is used in ampoules, which is a clear, odorless liquid. This substance has unique properties, and can give your curls beauty and health. Beneficial features for hair treatment and restoration:

  1. Improves blood circulation. Thanks to this, the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles increases. Therefore, hair growth is activated, and healthy shine and strength are returned to the strands.
  2. Cell renewal. The use of acid promotes cell renewal of the scalp and hair, which has a positive effect on the structure and appearance of the strands.
  3. Hydration. Vitamin nicotinic acid provides high-quality hydration of the scalp and strands, so fragility and dullness disappear. Besides, this effect helps get rid of dandruff.
  4. Strengthening the roots. The main reason for hair loss is weakness of the roots and various diseases scalp. Nicotinic acid restores damaged bulbs and strengthens roots.
  5. Production of pigments. After nicotinic acid, hair becomes shiny, color is restored and graying is prevented. This occurs due to the production of special pigments.

The benefits of this remedy are incredible, and it positive impact The effect on curls becomes visible after the first use. However, for the effect of use to be permanent, it is necessary to undergo a whole course of treatment.

In 2017, a new product, Nicotinic acid for hair, from the company Renewal, appeared on the parapharmaceutical market. This Nicotinic acid is specially adapted for use as a cosmetic product, in contrast to the injection form:

  • used safe packaging Bufus in the form of polymer ampoules with a convenient opening system;
  • large volume active substance(10 dropper tubes of 5 ml per package) at a competitive price;
  • There are already instructions for use as a hair strengthening product.

You can buy Renewal Nicotinic Acid for Hair in pharmacies. Check availability at your nearest pharmacy outlets or place an order through one of the online pharmacies. To learn more about Renewal Nicotinic Acid for Hair, visit

Important tip from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


Glass injectable ampoules or tablets of nicotinic acid are a medicinal product, therefore consultation with a physician is recommended before use. Despite the apparent benefits of using it for hair, there are also contraindications. Nicotinic acid rarely causes side effects, but may cause an allergic reaction or other negative effects with individual intolerance.

Nicotinic acid can be harmful in the following cases:

  • The substance is not recommended for use during menstruation or a few days before it.
  • Increased swelling.
  • In the treatment of hair loss caused by diseases of the internal organs.
  • With high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • Damage to the scalp in the form of rashes, pimples or wounds.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Also, nicotinic acid should be used carefully when oily hair. The fact is that nicotine activates activity sebaceous glands, so your head will get dirty even faster, and your curls will look greasy and sloppy.

However, if you use this substance correctly, it can give your curls beauty, health and well-groomed condition. appearance. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions for use.

Ways to use nicotine

Nicotinic acid improves the condition of curls and scalp. The use of nicotinic acid can be varied. In addition to ingestion, you can rub it into the scalp, add it to shampoo and other cosmetical tools, and also use as the main component of homemade masks for strands and scalp. The course of treatment with this remedy is 7–10 days. After which it is recommended to take a break for at least a month. IN a huge number methods and methods of using this product, everyone can find the optimal recipe for themselves.

Scalp massage

To enhance hair growth, nicotinic acid can be rubbed directly into the scalp. This is the easiest way to use this product.

However, it is important to follow all stages of treatment:

  1. First you need to wash your curls with shampoo. If this is not done, the scales will not open. In addition, nicotinic acid can introduce dirt particles into the hair follicle.
  2. Open the ampoule with acid and remove the contents using a syringe.
  3. Pour the substance from the syringe into a convenient container.
  4. Comb and divide them into several parts to simplify the application of the substance.
  5. Apply the product along the partings. It is better to start from the temples and move gradually to the back of the head. It is recommended to apply the product with your hands, dipping your fingertips into nicotinic acid. You can also use a pipette for these purposes.
  6. Massage your scalp to increase the permeability of the product.
  7. After rubbing in the acid, it is not recommended to wash your hair for 24 hours.
  8. The procedure is performed twice a week for a month. After which you need to take a break for at least a month.

Hair care by rubbing nicotinic acid will bring maximum benefits if you follow certain recommendations:

  • During the first session, it is recommended to apply only a small amount of nicotinic acid. If no rash or other symptoms appear within 24 hours side effects, next time you can use the full amount.
  • When used daily, niacin may cause headache and pressure reduction. Therefore, you should use it no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • If after several sessions of scalp massage with nicotinic acid dandruff appears, it is recommended to stop using this product.
  • Use the products immediately after opening the ampoule. Just a few minutes of contact with air, and it loses almost all its healing properties.
  • For a head massage to provide positive influence on your hair, apply an oil compress. To do this, after rubbing the product in, wrap your head with a warm towel.
  • If nicotine is used in ampoules for head massage, a feeling of warmth and burning may occur. This is absolutely normal phenomenon. But if the burning becomes severe, wash off the substance immediately. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Adding to Shampoo

Nicotinic acid can also be used for regular washing heads. To do this, the product must be added to shampoo or other hair care product, for example, balm or hair mask. However, this must be done immediately before washing your hair. If you add nicotine to a can of shampoo, useful material quickly loses its healing power. Therefore, it is recommended to mix the components immediately before application. This is the easiest way to restore curls with nicotine at home.

Oral use

Nicotinic acid is available not only in the form clear liquid, but also tablets. Tablets are intended for internal use. However, treatment with this drug can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination. The best option will be taking pills, which will be combined with external methods of restoring curls.

Homemade recipes for nicotine hair masks

Hair masks with vitamin PP are the optimal remedy for solving almost any problems with the condition of strands. Depending on the ingredients included in it, the mask will help moisturize dry hair, get rid of dandruff, stimulate growth and solve the problems of baldness. That's why best results can be achieved if a hair mask with nicotinic acid is used with other active ingredients.

Mask for hair growth with nicotinic acid

The use of acid for hair growth is a mixture of nicotine, aloe juice and red pepper. This recipe will awaken dormant hair follicles, improve blood circulation and bring thickness and strength to the strands.


  • Nicotine – 1 ampoule.
  • Aloe juice – 10 ml.
  • Red pepper infusion – 20 drops.
  • Vegetable oil – 40 ml.

Combine the above ingredients using freshly squeezed aloe juice. Olive oil is the basis of the recipe, so it can also be used in more with long and thick curls. The resulting mixture must be massaged into the scalp. If the mask remains, it can be applied to the hair itself, not only if there are no split ends. But you don't have to do this. It has a main effect on the skin and roots.

Interesting video: Using nicotinic acid for hair growth

Anti-hair loss mask with nicotinic acid


  • Ginger – 10 g.
  • Nicotine – 1 ampoule.
  • Olive oil – 20 ml.
  • Vitamin A – 10 drops.

Combine the components and apply exclusively to the scalp. A slight burning sensation may occur. Wash off after 15 minutes.

This is a fairly popular drug that has been used to stimulate hair growth at home for several decades.

In addition to mustard, onion and garlic juice, folk medicine Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, PP) was also used.

The effect of using nicotinic acid for hair

It has vasodilating properties, moderate anti-inflammatory properties, and also affects metabolic processes in tissues.

Therefore, by adding nicotinic acid to hair masks, hair will grow faster due to its vasodilating properties.

According to reviews, hair grows 1.5 cm in two weeks (under normal conditions this happens in a month).

Available in the form of tablets and also in the form of ampoules. For hair care, nicotinic acid is used in ampoules.

It is effective and safe means, the effect of which is as follows:

  1. restores hair after coloring
  2. strengthens at the roots
  3. reduces hair loss
  4. stimulates growth and makes them thick

It is important to remember that these are B vitamins, which may cause allergic reaction when applied to the skin. This reaction can manifest itself as itching, which will lead to increased hair loss.

Therefore, you need to be sure that you are not allergic to B vitamins.

Also, hypertensive patients (those with high blood pressure) should approach its use with caution, as it actively expands the capillaries.

Application of nicotinic acid - ampoules, tablets, masks

  • Nicotinic acid in ampoules

They can be purchased at any pharmacy and are inexpensive. It is best to use nicotinic acid for hair restoration in a course - one ampoule per day for a month. That is, you will need 30 ampoules.

The course can be repeated after 30 days if you want greater results.

After washing your hair and blotting off excess moisture with a towel, rub the contents of one ampoule into the scalp. The liquid in ampoules is colorless, odorless and greasy. Therefore, there is no need to wash it off.

It is most convenient to apply the solution from a syringe without a needle, gradually squeezing the liquid onto the scalp.

If you have dry scalp, you do not need to wash it every day; the contents of the ampoule can be rubbed in and not rinsed off. But if the scalp is prone to oiliness, in order to get the desired effect, better procedure do on clean skin without sebum.

The use of silicone-based shampoos will also interfere with the effects of the drug.

You may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation upon application. This is normal, as the capillaries expand and the scalp warms up.

But if more happen strong sensations- the acid needs to be washed off, as it is not suitable for you.

If after some time you notice the appearance of dandruff or itching, it is better not to use nicotinic acid, it is not suitable for you.

  • Nicotinic acid tablets

If you do not want procedures with ampoules, you can take a course using nicotinic acid tablets. You need to take one tablet three times a day, always after meals.

Since it is an acid, it can eat away at the stomach walls.

  • Masks for hair growth

The effect of nicotinic acid is enhanced if used with herbal tinctures.

Pour the contents of one ampoule into a non-metallic container and add herbal infusion(one of the suggested ones): 1 tbsp. infusion of burdock root (hops, aloe juice).

No need to rinse off.

As you can see, the remedy is quite simple, but effective. In just a month you will feel a light fluff of new hair, as well as a healthy shine and fast growth your curls.

Nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP, is very important for the whole body, including the growth and strengthening of hair. There is a lot of debate about what is better - injections, rubbing into the scalp or taking pills to make hair grow better. This article will help you understand, based on scientific facts, the opinion of doctors and reviews of women, why nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth is better than other methods of use.

What effect does nicotinic acid have?

How is nicotinic acid good for hair?

Nicotinic acid stimulates blood circulation well, which revitalizes hair follicles and makes them grow more intensively. From the flow of blood to the hair follicles, hair not only begins to grow better, but also dormant follicles are awakened, thereby activating the growth of new hair. Also, nicotinic acid very well moisturizes hair from the inside and prevents premature graying due to the production of melanin.

The dangers of using nicotinic acid

Along with positive action, nicotinic acid can also have the opposite effect in some cases. This mainly concerns the presence of diseases or incorrect dosage. After all, having long and Thick hair, I don’t want to pay for it with my health. People with hypertension should not use nicotinic acid in any form; in addition, if the dosage of the tablets is incorrect, headaches are possible.

How to take niacin tablets correctly?

As a rule, nicotinic acid in the form of tablets is available in packages of 50 pcs. 50 mg each. For prevention, 1 tablet every 1-2 days will be enough, taken only after meals. At intense hair loss hair you need to drink 1 tablet 3 times a day. In order to improve hair growth, 1-2 tablets per day will be enough. If you have been taking the pills for more than 2 months, it would be a good idea to take a biochemical analysis blood to ensure the safety of this method of improving hair growth. IN otherwise, just don’t abuse the pills, as soon as 1 jar of nicotinic acid runs out, take a break.

Nicotinic acid (tablets): useful product that helps speed up hair growth

Reviews of nicotinic acid in tablets

General reviews and results of most women

The issue of hair growth is of great concern to women; in this regard, a survey was conducted which showed that 35% of the people surveyed were able to improve hair growth or eliminate hair loss with the help of nicotinic acid. In this case, they used different methods- and the use of ampoules, by applying their contents to the hair roots, and a course of taking nicotinic acid tablets.

In general, the majority of women who had nicotinic acid in hair growth tablets at their disposal noted the following stages of improvement in curls:

  1. First of all, hair begins to fall out less, which is noticeable in the comb you use daily. You will be pleasantly surprised that everything less hair remains on clothes, in the drain after washing your hair and wherever you could previously find your fallen hairs.
  2. The next stage in improving your hair is the fluff. You will be able to notice light, thin hairs all over the surface of the head. This suggests that the hair follicles are waking up and very soon the usual hair volume will increase by 1.5 - 2 times as soon as new hair grows.
  3. Towards the end of the course of taking the pills, you can safely compare the condition of your hair before and after. The hair itself becomes thicker and denser, its structure improves, and one cannot but rejoice at the appearance of volume. Now you can enjoy your luxurious hair, and not suffer in search of products to improve your hairstyle.

Specific reviews from women


“I took nicotinic acid in tablets and only for full stomach, otherwise it may cover the entire skin. And the hair growth from it is very noticeable. But we have to take into account that the tablets have contraindications, for example, they can worsen kidney function. Therefore, read the instructions for the tablets carefully before use.”


“I’m quite thin and so I only took half a tablet a day. I did not observe any side effects, because... I drank nicotinic acid only after meals. It definitely works. I noticed hair growth and even how my nails became stronger - they became much stronger and longer.”


“At first I saw the effect of nicotinic acid on my nails, literally after a week. They began to flake and break less, and I was able to grow my nails to a length that I had never seen before. And, probably, only after a month the curls began to grow faster. Apparently, the effect of the pills manifests itself differently for everyone.”


“The hair is still growing. In a couple of months with nicotinic acid you can grow as much hair as you cannot grow in six months. I once went to the hairdresser to trim the ends of my hair. So what do you think? This master grabbed me 10 centimeters, and I didn’t even have time to understand anything. A week later, I came across information about the benefits of nicotinic acid for hair growth. This became my salvation. I take 2 nicotine tablets every day. I hope another month will bring my hair back to its previous length. Blood rushes to the surface of the skin and nourishes the roots of the hair, so this quick results. The work of nicotinic acid is based on this principle.”

It becomes clear that if you have no contraindications, then nicotinic acid will significantly improve the condition of your hair and even nails. Nicotinic acid tablets cost a symbolic amount of money, but the results will pleasantly surprise you.