Painkiller tablets in blue packaging. List of strong and safe painkillers, tablets

Painkillers in tablet form are analgesics of various pharmacological classes that eliminate or relieve pain. They can be called the most popular for humans, since pain accompanies any disease.

Popular painkillers are on everyone's lips. They are widely advertised on television and are present in the home medicine cabinet. Each of them has its own characteristics and common features. It is important to know which ones are best to choose in a particular case.

Classification of painkillers

Most “work” at the level of the central nervous system. It is the activation of neurons (in subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex) that causes subjective painful sensations in a person. Some bind specific receptors directly in tissues.

The division into groups is based on the mechanism of action. The strength of the analgesic effect and the severity of the negative impact on the body depend on it.

  • Narcotic. They inhibit brain receptors, not only those responsible for the formation of pain, but also many others. This explains the large number of adverse reactions: sleeping pills and sedatives, depression of the respiratory and cough centers, increased tone of the intestinal and bladder muscles, mental disorders (hallucinations).
  • Non-narcotic. They do not depress the central nervous system and do not have a psychotropic effect. There is no such thing as habituation. These are popular medications known to most people.
  • Mixed mechanism. The most popular is Tramadol.
  • Peripheral. Prevents the spread of pathological excitation in the tissues of the body. Additionally, NSAIDs, salicylates, pyrazolone derivatives and others relieve inflammation.

For patients, it is not the classification group that is important, but the specifics of use: in which cases it is better to use it, what side effects it has, and to whom it is contraindicated. Let's look at these issues in more detail.

List of effective painkillers

Brands containing the same active ingredient are often advertised on television. In this case, the “promotion” of a brand is not a sign of its effectiveness. Each should be prescribed taking into account the mechanism of action, indications and contraindications.

There are several analgesics in your home medicine cabinet. They are taken in various situations, without realizing that most of them are universal. Let's list the effective tablets.

Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol)

It is an analgesic-antipyretic. It effectively reduces the temperature. Blocks the formation of prostaglandins, which increase the sensitivity of receptors to pain mediators, and the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

Prescribed in the following cases: headache, toothache, myalgia, painful periods, injuries, hemorrhoids, burns. Adverse reactions occur rarely. Available in tablet form and suspension for children.

Contraindicated in childhood (up to 1 month), pregnancy (III trimester), renal failure, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Does not mix with alcohol. It is prescribed in a short course – no more than 5-7 days.

Acetylsalicylic acid (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Prescribed for inflammation in joints and muscles. Reduces temperature, but is used for this purpose only in adults.

Has an adverse effect on the stomach and intestines (with prolonged use). Prohibited for bronchial asthma, hemorrhagic diathesis, erosive and ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.

The course of treatment should not exceed seven days. The most common side effects are heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and tinnitus. Long-term use should be discussed with your doctor.

The most famous analgesic, reduces body temperature and inflammation. It is prescribed in the same way as paracetamol - after surgical interventions (in injection form), for renal and hepatic colic, traumatic injuries and bruises.

Release form: tablets and solution for injection. Included in the lytic mixture (together with papaverine and diphenhydramine) - an urgent need to reduce temperature or relieve pain.

Contraindicated for up to 3 months, for pregnant and lactating women, for severe liver and kidney damage. Not compatible with alcohol. Adverse effects include the ability to reduce blood pressure and cause allergies.

Ibuprofen (MIG, Nurofen)

A complex NSAID that blocks several mechanisms of the inflammatory response. Effectively relieves joint pain, back pain, headaches, dental pain, myalgia, discomfort due to dysmenorrhea and rheumatoid arthritis.

There are tablet forms, suspension, and rectal suppositories. Used in pediatrics as an antipyretic. It is considered one of the safest, subject to age-specific dosages.

Contraindications are similar to aspirin, as it can cause erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Undesirable effects occur in case of overdose or use for more than 3 days. These are dyspeptic symptoms, weakness, hypotension.

Amidopyrine (pyramidon)

Belongs to the pyrazolone group with a pronounced property of lowering body temperature. Pain relief applies to all types of pain of moderate and low intensity.

Among the indications, neuralgia (arising along the course of a nerve), joint changes (arthritis, arthrosis), rheumatism, and feverish conditions in adults are in first place.

It is rarely prescribed to children due to stronger side effects: on hematopoiesis, gastrointestinal mucosa. Prohibited for patients with bronchial asthma, pregnant and lactating women. Severe cases of allergy to amidopyrine have been described.

Ortofen (Diclofenac, Voltaren)

An NSAID that is primarily effective for joint and muscle pain. Has a moderate antipyretic effect. Blocks the synthesis of prostaglandins at the level of the brain and in the tissues of various organs.

Relieves swelling of joints, increases range of motion. Reduces tissue swelling during inflammation. Prescribed in the postoperative period and after injuries. It is not usually used to reduce body temperature.

Contraindicated for bronchial asthma, problems with the stomach and intestines, kidney and liver failure. Not prescribed for women in the third trimester of pregnancy, or for adolescents under 18 years of age.

A drug from the group of antispasmodics. Blocks the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, including the brain, and bronchi. Used for spastic pain (cholecystitis, enterocolitis, renal colic, angina).

In addition to being an analgesic, it has a hypotensive effect (lowers blood pressure), relieves seizures, and has a calming effect (sedative effect). By slowing down intracardiac conduction, it relieves an attack of tachycardia.

Contraindicated in children under 6 months, with AV heart block, renal failure, glaucoma and allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Available in various dosage forms.

Complex drug. Contains NSAIDs (metamizole sodium, similar to pyramidon), an antispasmodic (a piperidine derivative that completely replicates the effects of papaverine) and an M-anticholinergic blocker (fenpiverinium bromide), which enhances the antispasmodic effect.

Indications are very similar to papaverine: diseases of the stomach and intestines (spastic colitis, gastritis), biliary tract, urolithiasis, dysmenorrhea, pathology of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

Contraindications: suspicion of “acute abdomen” (surgical pathology requiring emergency surgery), renal and liver failure, glaucoma and others.

The most powerful painkillers

Unfortunately, many acute and chronic diseases are accompanied by severe pain, which makes the patient’s life unbearable. In such cases, you cannot do without potent analgesics. Most of them are used under strict medical supervision in a hospital or are prescribed by prescription.

You should take medications from the following list carefully. Most have strong side effects and many contraindications. Can be addictive with long-term treatment.

Sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. Mixed type - narcotic and non-narcotic, which makes it effective for severe pain. It is not as addictive as pure opioids and does not depress the respiratory center.

Popular in oncology, traumatology, surgery (in the postoperative period), cardiology (for acute myocardial infarction), and during painful medical procedures. Available in the form of drops, solution for injection, rectal suppositories.

Not prescribed for conditions with depression of the nervous system (alcohol and drug poisoning), in children, with severe renal and liver failure. During pregnancy, use only for health reasons.

Refers to narcotic analgesics of central action. It is used for conditions that cannot be alleviated with the help of non-narcotic drugs: burns, injuries, cancer, myocardial infarction and many other conditions.

Available in tablet form and solution for injection. Sold in pharmacies only by prescription. It is a drug that is subject to strict reporting. Usually used in a hospital setting.

Contraindicated in cases of depression of the respiratory center or intolerance to individual components. The list of situations when promedol should be used with caution is very extensive. Adverse reactions can occur from all body systems.

Refers to central narcotic natural analgesics. It is actively used to treat dry cough due to its ability to block the cough center.

The mechanism of analgesic action is stimulation of opiate receptors in various organs, including the brain. Due to this, the emotional perception of sensations changes.

Compared to other drugs in this group, it depresses the respiratory center less. It is used to treat migraines, and (pain occurs with a strong painful cough).

NVPP acting only as an analgesic. Unable to reduce body temperature and fight inflammation. Its strength is close to that of narcotic analgesics, but does not have their side effects.

Since it does not cause depression of the central nervous system and addiction, it can be used for a long time for severe pain of any localization: oncology, burns, toothache, trauma, neuralgia.

Contraindicated for peptic ulcers and intolerance to components. Not used in pediatrics or pregnant women (no clinical trials). Adverse effects on the body are not common: nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the stomach, drowsiness.

Nimesulide (“Nise”, “Aponil”)

NSAIDs belong to a new generation, as they act selectively. It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, but does not affect healthy tissue. Due to this, it is safer and has a wider range of applications.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and antiaggregation effects. Popular for pain in the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, myalgia, radiculitis and other diseases). It is also effective for headaches and algodismenorrhea.

Contraindications do not differ from those for this group. Not used during pregnancy, in childhood, with impaired liver and kidney function, with erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and bronchial asthma.

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Today, painkillers are found in every home medicine cabinet. Most drugs from this group can be purchased without providing a prescription form from a specialist. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right analgesics. The reason is that many medications that relieve pain are very dangerous.

Most of them can cause negative consequences in the form of adverse reactions.


In pharmaceuticals, there are a large number of different groups of medications that relieve pain. Any subgroup of painkillers should be used for specific types of pain. Medicines can be divided into:

  1. Pyrazolones and their combinations– are made on the basis of pyrazolone. Such drugs have an analgesic effect. Easily relieves heat and inflammation. From the digestive tract they are quickly absorbed into the blood plasma. The maximum effect is achieved two hours after taking the product. But the half-life is slow. The components included in the drug can be eliminated within 29-175 hours. They are suitable for joints, muscles, diseases accompanied by fever.
  2. Combined analgesics containing several components at once - contain the main active ingredient paracetamol. The pure component is considered a strong analgesic. And with the addition of complex auxiliary substances, the properties of the substance are significantly enhanced. In most cases, such drugs are used to relieve pain from colds.
  3. Antimigraine drugs– used to relieve migraines. This disease manifests itself in the form of a serious condition that depresses a person’s general well-being. Pathological changes can lead to narrowing of the capillaries. Ordinary painkillers may not be effective. Therefore, when the first symptoms of migraine appear, drugs of this category are immediately used, which easily dilate blood vessels.
  4. – effectively relieve pain. They are designed to simultaneously eliminate both pain and inflammatory processes of various types. They do not contain hormones. Therefore, they do not pose a threat to human health. Minimum number of side effects are detected. Easily eliminate acute and chronic forms of diseases accompanied by inflammation and pain.
  5. COX-2 inhibitors- belong to NSAIDs. But they differ in a special mechanism of action on the human body. Products in this category are considered safe and very effective. They do not block COX-1, protecting the gastric mucosa. Therefore, they do not pose a threat to the gastrointestinal tract. These drugs are approved for use by people with gastritis and stomach ulcers. Such patients should take medications with a proton pump, since the medications can produce hydrochloric acid.
  6. Antispasmodics– are able to suppress the entry of calcium into smooth muscle fiber cells. Therefore, they easily dilate blood vessels and smooth muscles. Stimulates cardiac activity and reduces blood pressure. They have antispasmodic properties. Capable of relieving pain. They are used for intestinal colic, pain in the abdominal area, discomfort during the menstrual cycle and disruptions in the performance of cerebral circulation.
  7. Specific painkillers- officially classified as anticonvulsants. But against the background of this effect, drugs in this group easily reduce severe forms of postoperative pain effects. They are also able to relieve acute pain and reduce sensitivity in very severe wounds. Therefore, such drugs are used after invasive interventions. Suppress the sensitivity of damaged peripheral nerves.

Pyrazolones and their combinations

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

Release forms: tablets, suppositories, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. But it is worth considering that injections can be given to adults and adolescents over 14 years of age. Not recommended for kidney and liver problems. From 51 to 61 depending on the manufacturer.


It is an effective analgesic. Easily relieves pain and colic. Contraindicated in asthma, hematopoietic depression, neuritis. From 95 rubles.


Has analgesic properties. Able to relieve spasmodic reactions and pain. Contraindicated in cases of suppression of blood circulation in the bone marrow, failure of the kidneys and liver. From 48 rubles.

Available in tablets and solution. Eliminates pain. Eliminates spasms of smooth muscles. Can be used as an adjuvant after surgery. Angina pectoris, glaucoma, granulocytopenia, hyperplasia. From 125 to 289 depending on the release form.


Easily eliminates pain. Used for migraines and toothache. Able to reduce body temperature. Heart failure, hypotension, asthma, circulatory depression. The cost of 20 tablets is 120 rubles. The cost of 100 tablets is 384 rubles.

Combined analgesics

Vicks Active SymptoMax, Vicks Active SymptoMax +

Produced in powder form for oral administration. Contains ascorbic acid. Eliminates pain of various localizations. Eliminates sore throat and nasal congestion. Contraindicated in patients with ischemic heart disease, phenylketonuria, glaucoma, fructose intolerance. From 204 to 338 depending on the release form.


Available in tablets. It is an analgesic and antipyretic. Easily eliminates acute respiratory diseases. May be prescribed for childhood infections. Contraindicated for asthma, hematopoietic disorders, allergies, kidney and liver dysfunction. From 127 to 260 per package.


Available in tablets. Refers to combination anilides. Contains paracetamol. Easily eliminates pain. Contraindicated in cases of gevadal intolerance, inhibition of bone marrow functioning, and gastric ulcers. From 250 rub.

It is a combining agent with an analgesic effect. Capable of relieving pain. Prescribed for neuralgia, lumbar ischialgia. Contraindicated for bleeding, erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 200 rubles.


Available in film tablets. It is an antispasmodic. Contains paracetamol. Easily eliminates spasms of light muscles. Suppresses biliary colic. Contraindicated in case of malfunction of bone marrow circulation, pregnancy and lactation. From 109 rubles.

Antimigraine drugs


Available in the form of film tablets. Eliminates any migraine attacks. Take 50 milligrams per day. The maximum dosage is 300 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of stroke, myocardial infarction, basilar migraine, malfunction of the kidneys and liver. From 112 to 181 depending on the release form.


It is a serotonergic drug. It begins to act two hours after taking the first dosage. Easily relieves pain. Contraindicated in case of arterial hypertension, ischemia, arrhythmia, failures in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. From 500 rubles.


It is a selective agonist. Eliminates any migraine symptoms. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Recommended for use in adult patients and adolescents over eighteen years of age. Not recommended for ischemia, liver and kidney problems. Prohibited for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 600 rub.


Eliminates any manifestations of migraine. Produced in the form of film tablets. Easily eliminates headaches and malaise. The maximum dosage of the drug is 160 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of cerebral hematopoiesis failures, peripheral vascular diseases, arterial hypertension. From 413 rubles.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Forms of release of the drug: ointments, suppositories, capsules and suspension for injections. Injections are allowed for people over 18 years of age. All other forms of release are prescribed to patients over six years of age. The drug relieves pain and inflammation. The ointment is contraindicated for hemophilia, gastrointestinal bleeding, erosions, and ulcers. From 28 to 47 depending on the form of release.


It is an antiplatelet agent. It has a common analogue - acetylsalicylic acid. Available in tablet form. Eliminates headaches and toothaches, sore throat, discomfort in joints and muscles. Contraindicated for erosions, ulcers, hemorrhagic diathesis, bronchial asthma. From 20 to 150 depending on the manufacturer.

Release forms: suppositories and tablets. The drug is able to diffuse into the synovial fluid. Has rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. 99% bound to plasma proteins. Eliminates traumatic inflammation of soft tissues. Contraindicated in the “aspirin triad”, in case of malfunction of the kidneys and liver, hypersensitivity and hematopoietic disorders. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 200 rub.


Available in the form of tablets and solution. But it is worth considering that injections are allowed for patients over 18 years of age. The drug has an analgesic effect. Easily relieves pain syndromes. The drug is contraindicated for rhinitis, urticaria, bleeding, erosion, gastrointestinal ulcers, hypocoagulation, hemorrhagic stroke. 35-40 rubles depending on the form of release.

Release forms: ointments, suppositories, tablets and solution. Injections are allowed for patients over 16 years of age. Used for rheumatism, inflammation of muscles and joints. The drug is able to eliminate pain. Contraindicated in heart failure, erosions, ulcers, intestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal bleeding. From 341 to 472 depending on the release form.

COX-2 inhibitors

The product is available in capsule form. Has an antipyretic effect. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Easily relieves any inflammation. Eliminates pain in osteoarthritis. Bronchial asthma, cerebrovascular diseases, colitis, hypersensitivity. From 500 to 800 rubles depending on the number of capsules.

Available in tablets and suspension form for oral administration. Treats both acute and chronic diseases. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. The maximum dosage of the drug is 25 milligrams. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 600 rub.


Capable of hydrolyzing quickly. Used for intense and moderate pain. Prescribed by specialists after surgical interventions. May reduce the need to use other analgesics. Not recommended for patients with acute peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, acute rhinitis. From 450 rub.


Has an antipyretic effect. Capable of having an analgesic effect. Easily relieves any inflammation. Can be used for advanced ankylosing spondylitis. Prescribed to eliminate short-term dental pain. Erosion and gastric ulcers, hemophilia, ischemia, intestinal inflammation. 7 tablets weighing 120 milligrams cost 560-600 rubles.

Is an inhibitor. Easily relieves dental pain. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed by specialists for myalgia and arthralgia. Contraindicated for erosions, ulcers, heart failure, genetic alcoholism and drug addiction. From 70 to 130 rubles depending on the form of release.


Available in the form of a solution for injection. Eliminates spasms of smooth muscles. The drug can relieve pain from unpleasant manifestations in the form of renal colic. Recommended for spastic constipation. Injections are not recommended for patients with cardiogenic shock, glaucoma and adenoma. From 11 to 143 depending on the form of release.


The drug is taken 50 milligrams three times a day. It is prescribed for gastrointestinal dyskinesia. The drug is able to eliminate irritable bowel syndrome, discomfort in the form of spasms. Hypersensitivity. The drug is not recommended for simultaneous use with an anti-inflammatory patch. From 635 rub.


Available in capsules and tablets. Used for spastic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It is an analgesic medication. Take 100 milligrams four times a day. Contraindicated in pregnant women and hypersensitive patients. From 522 rubles.


Easily relieves inflammation. Has a disinfecting effect. Has antiseptic properties. Has an antimicrobial effect. Capable of increasing appetite. Available in the form of drops and ointments. Not recommended for hypersensitive people who are allergic to essential oils. From 400 rub.

The product is available in the form of a suspension for oral administration, and also as a liquid extract like an ointment for external use. Contains chamomile inflorescences. Easily relieves any inflammation. Not recommended for hypersensitive people who are allergic to flowers. From 450 rubles.

Specific painkillers


Used for monotherapy and neuropathic pain manifestations. Can cause dizziness, diarrhea, and sleep disturbances. The recommended daily dosage is 900 milligrams. Contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and hypersensitive patients. From 402.

Each of us keeps different types of medicines in our medicine cabinet at home that may be needed in emergencies. Among them are painkillers that can help relieve various types of pain - toothache or headache, as well as improve well-being in other unpleasant conditions. As doctors say, the very fact of pain should make a person worry, because this indicates that not everything is in order with one’s health and a serious illness is beginning to develop. For this reason, if you notice pain in one area of ​​your body or another, you should take action.

However, this does not mean that you should turn to the painkillers in your home medicine cabinet and take them until the pain goes away, neglecting the recommendations for their proper use. It is important to remember that any drug that has an analgesic effect is intended exclusively for for temporary relief of an unpleasant condition. Therefore, if pain bothers you regularly, then you definitely need to undergo an examination and begin treatment, which the doctor should choose for you, based on the results obtained.

Classification of painkillers

A person who is experiencing pain for the first time will probably want to know what pills he should take in order to improve his well-being as quickly as possible. To give the correct answer to this question, you need to know the nature and nature of the pain, and only a qualified specialist can do this. All famous today painkillers can be classified into 2 large groups:

Based on the composition and principle of action, painkillers offered in pharmacies today can be classified into several subgroups:

Painkillers for headaches

Headache treatment, arising from fatigue, nervous tension or colds, requires the use of appropriate painkillers. These are the tablets Baralgin, Tempalgin, Citramon, Analgin. To improve well-being during migraines that occur against the background of vasospasm, patients are prescribed stronger medications.


It is most often prescribed to patients to relieve headaches of unknown origin. The drug is very popular and has been used for several decades. Its main active ingredients are caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid, which have a dilating effect on blood vessels, help relieve spasms, eliminate pain and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug also contains the substance paracetamol, which has pronounced antipyretic and analgesic properties. The medication is contraindicated for use in people with bleeding disorders, gastric ulcers and gout. You can purchase this product in pharmacies for prices ranging from 10 to 30 rubles.


Another popular drug from the category of non-narcotic analgesics, the main active component of which is metamizole sodium. It has a strong analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is prescribed for eliminating pain of various natures. But it must be taken with caution due to the risk of allergic reactions and negative effects on the hematopoietic system. You can purchase this product in pharmacies at prices ranging from 12 to 50 rubles.


This drug has a pronounced anti-migraine effect, as a result of which it is often prescribed to people suffering from attacks of severe headaches. In pharmacies, the product is sold in the form of film-coated tablets.

Considering that Sumatriptan has many contraindications, It is not recommended to use it alone to treat migraines. Only a doctor can prescribe it, and the patient must be regularly monitored by him during treatment. If the drug is used incorrectly, atypical reactions may occur in the nervous, digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This product is sold in pharmacies at a price of 120 rubles.

Also in pharmacies you can find many analgesics of combined action, which can be used to eliminate headache attacks. The most famous among them are Pentalgin and Solpadeine. To eliminate vascular spasm, you can take Papaverine, No-shpu, Buscopan. Such well-known drugs as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and Ketoprofen can help eliminate inflammatory processes accompanied by headaches.

Tablets for toothache

Although the desired effect can be achieved with the help of painkillers to relieve toothache, it should be understood that in any case the patient will have to see a dentist for appropriate treatment. These tablets can be taken only for a short time and exclusively to relieve acute pain. But after you feel better, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. The most effective remedies that can relieve toothache are the following:

Pharmacies also offer many other effective drugs that can be used to relieve toothache. Among them, Analgin, Spazmalgon, Tempalgin, Pentalgin performed well.

Tablets for relieving back pain

Quite often, back pain is accompanied by diseases such as spondylosis, radiculitis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others. To relieve pain of this nature Doctors most often prescribe drugs from the NSAID group (Nimesulide, Naproxen, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen), as well as non-narcotic analgesics (Ketanov or Pentalgin) or drugs from the narcotic group (Tramal or Tramadol).

Strong painkillers

Every person who is constantly bothered by pain of various nature would probably like to know if there are pills having the strongest analgesic effect. Today, there are enough such drugs in pharmacies. The most famous among them are drugs based on opioid analgesics. These include the following: ·

  • Ketanov;
  • Morphine;
  • Fentanyl;
  • Promedol;
  • Tramal;
  • Codeine;
  • Tramadol.

Each of these drugs provides a powerful analgesic effect, but pain pills should be used with caution due to the presence of a large number of contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to take into account that the drugs listed above can cause addiction and drug dependence in a person. Children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, are prohibited from taking these drugs. They can only be prescribed in emergency cases. You won’t be able to use them yourself, since you can buy them in a pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription.

Among pain pills, representing the group of NSAIDs and non-narcotic antispasmodics, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, the following drugs have shown the best results - Meloxam, Celebrex, Solpadeine, Sedalgin.


Pain is one of the most unpleasant symptoms a person can experience. Its appearance can seriously disrupt the lives of any of us. Therefore, every person who has it tries to find means that will help him quickly improve his well-being. Pharmacies offer many effective painkillers that can quickly relieve unpleasant pain. But without knowing exactly why the pain arose, you should not expect that it will not arise again in the future.

Therefore, the use of any strong painkillers should be considered only as temporary measure. But after stabilizing your condition, you must definitely see a doctor in order to take a more thorough look at your health and do everything possible to prevent such ailments from occurring in the future.

At all times, the problem of eliminating pain has been relevant. Pain relief is the removal of the body's sensitivity to pain artificially. This is very important for successful surgery, diagnosis and treatment. Pain is a protective mechanism of our body, which helps us not to cause injury or injury to ourselves. But there are situations in which the pain needs to be “turned off.” This is why pain pills are so popular. A separate science deals with methods of pain relief - anesthesiology. Painkillers have been used since time immemorial. Since ancient times, humanity has used the simplest methods of pain relief - with the help of medicinal herbs. Medicines that relieve pain for various pathological conditions often consist of plant alkaloids. And since the 19th century, a unique substance - morphine - began to be used in medicine. Pain relief can be local (anesthesia) or general (anesthesia). During local treatment, those nerve endings and pathways that carry the signal to the central nervous system from the periphery are reliably blocked. However, it simply does not reach the center of the nervous system. But general anesthesia is based on the inhibition of those formations in the brain that are responsible for the perception of pain.

A good quality pain reliever will help you quickly cope with any type of pain. Now the level of anesthesia has reached such heights that almost any surgical intervention can reliably block pain. There are different types of anesthesia:

  1. General.
  2. Local.
  3. Combined.

During combined surgery, local anesthesia and anesthesia are combined.

Today's level of anesthesia is primarily provided by a wide class of painkillers. Properly selected strong painkillers will help you effectively cope with any type of pain. There are a number of their classifications. We will try to figure out what painkillers are currently used, how they work, and which of them are considered the most effective. Let's also find out whether the strongest painkiller is available in the pharmacy. Basic analgesics are known to almost everyone. These are paracetamol, local anesthetics, opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Types of drugs for pain relief

Painkillers are called analgesics. There are just a huge number of them being produced now. Painkillers are widely available in every pharmacy. But you need to understand that the list of substances that can relieve pain is not as wide as the list of drugs themselves. In fact, in many drugs the composition of the active ingredients is duplicated or very similar. The only difference is the brand under which it is produced. Pain can be localized in different parts of our body, have a different nature and cause of occurrence. To eliminate it, you should use analgesics wisely. This is why strong painkillers are so popular. In this case, the pain is relieved, the pain threshold changes, or the structure of the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system is temporarily damaged. The substance flupirtine, antidepressants and anticonvulsants have a similar effect. Often those drugs are used that do not eliminate pain themselves, but at the same time effectively enhance the analgesic effect of other drugs. These are antispasmodics and muscle relaxants.

All painkillers are divided into:

  1. Opioid.
  2. Non-opioid.
  3. Combined.

All other remedies are considered symptomatic. They can help you get maximum results in minimal time. Nowadays, non-opioid drugs have become the most popular. This popularity lies in the fact that they are non-narcotic, but at the same time quite effective. They have fewer side effects, are available to everyone and are available without a prescription and are not addictive.

Most often, painkillers are offered in tablet form. The strong painkiller in tablets is convenient to use and easily fits in your purse or even wallet. In Europe and America, one of the most popular analgesics is paracetamol. It is used for various types of pain, both for adults and children. But in our country there is a tendency to more often use antispasmodics, for example, No-Shpa, to combat pain. Opioid drugs are also used now. But they are prescribed much less frequently, since they are narcotic drugs. The need to keep strict records of the prescription of narcotic drugs has a particularly serious impact on their use. Since this matter is quite troublesome, doctors prefer to prescribe non-opioid drugs. But these drugs have a strong analgesic effect. Therefore, in European countries and America, the procedure for prescribing opioid drugs is much simpler. If the doctor nevertheless decides to prescribe a drug from the opioid class, he takes on considerable responsibility for the patient. It is important to take into account its psychological and social characteristics and keep the level of painkiller in the blood under constant control. In addition, the doctor will need to keep strict records of opioid medications, and in case of control, provide all documents.

The most powerful painkillers are opioid drugs. But these drugs may differ in the strength of their analgesic effect. The most powerful painkillers may not have narcotic properties. This is due to the fact that their narcotic properties are very low. At the same time, they perfectly eliminate pain. The huge advantage of such drugs is that they do not cause addiction. Their accounting is not so strict. That's why they are prescribed more often.

Types of pain: acute and chronic

In fact, pain is our ally. It signals that there is damage to tissues or organs. The mechanism of transmission of pain may be different. It depends on the specific type of pain. Based on the specific type of pain, the doctor prescribes a painkiller of a certain group.

There are two types of pain:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic.

They have different mechanisms of appearance. Acute pain is warning in nature. This is a signal that something has gone wrong, some tissue injury has occurred. If the damage is minor, the pain will soon go away. What is the mechanism of its appearance? It's quite simple. Under the influence of external or internal factors, special pain receptors are activated. Only those in the area that is damaged come into effect. Therefore, the pain is local. The signal is then transmitted along nerve fibers to the spinal cord. After this, the ascending pathways in the spinal cord are activated, and the central nervous system is activated. Muscle fibers reflexively respond to pain signals. And here is the result - a person, for example, quickly withdraws his hand from the fire or a hot object. This way we avoid large-scale damage to our tissues and organs.

Chronic pain lasts longer than normal healing. Very often, with chronic pain, there is no obvious tissue damage. In fact, chronic pain is a medical, economic, social and psychological problem. The specific type of pain and the mechanism of its formation will play a decisive role.

A special enzyme, cyclooxygenase (COX), is actively involved in this process. The action of many painkillers is based precisely on the blockade of COX. At the same time, their side effects on the gastrointestinal tract and blood condition are often observed. The risk of thrombosis increases. If the pain is chronic, then the changes occur quite deeply - in the central nervous system. They are no longer local, as with acute pain. Such pain affects pain receptors so strongly that they then react overly sensitively even to mild pain. Very often pain occurs in parallel with the inflammatory process. Therefore, some painkillers also relieve the inflammatory process. In severe cases, for example, during the development and necrosis of cancerous tumors, the membranes of neurons undergo serious changes.

To quickly restore damaged tissue, the body turns on a protective mechanism in the form of an inflammatory process. It's a kind of adaptation. This mechanism is triggered very quickly during chronic pain.

Types of pain by injury mechanisms

Pain is also divided according to the mechanisms of damage that provoked it. According to the pathophysiological classification, the following types of pain are distinguished:

  1. Nociceptive.
  2. Neuropathic.
  3. Dysfunctional.

Nociceptive pain occurs when specific structures in the body are damaged. It is localized. Often it is directly related to an increase in activity and movement. As soon as a person begins to move, it can subside or, conversely, become stronger. Often it is even affected by changes in body position or physical condition.

Types of nociceptive pain:

  1. Inflammatory.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Ischemic.

The nature of neuropathic pain is uncertain. If the doctor asks the patient to indicate exactly the place where he feels pain, then the patient cannot accurately determine its location. This pain is very intense and can cause strong emotions in the patient. Patients often describe it as burning, cutting, like an electric shock, etc. When neuropathic pain appears, high excitability is observed in the structures of the peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. Sensitivity may be impaired. Often there is an overly strong pain reaction even to a small painful stimulus. Sometimes patients complain of a feeling of goosebumps, numbness, and itching.

Neuropathic pain is observed with radiculopathy, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, and various neuropathies.

Dysfunctional pain is a bit like nociceptive pain. But there is no visible damage to body tissues. At the same time, objective studies of the patient’s body condition often do not correspond to the degree of his suffering. This is explained by the fact that the activity of pain neurons greatly increases due to a decrease in the inhibitory signal.

How painkillers work

How do the painkillers that we are used to taking work? For mechanical and ischemic pain, it is necessary to locally influence its source itself. In this case, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

For neuropathic pain, drug treatment for its causes is prescribed. If it's all about the inflammatory process, then anti-inflammatory or antiviral drugs are prescribed. If the source of pain is identified, then it must be influenced locally. These could be therapeutic blockades, etc. Sometimes additional medications are prescribed: anticonvulsants, antidepressants, etc. If the pain is chronic, the patient may even need to consult a psychiatrist. He must assess the level of affective reaction to it.

From the history of painkillers

Active study of painkillers began in the second half of the 20th century and does not stop today. This is due to the development of the level of clinical trials. The goal of scientists is to find the most effective and at the same time safe painkillers. But in fact, there are already drugs that have proven their effectiveness and have become a kind of classic. Finding a new substance is not so easy. Often new drugs only duplicate those that already exist. In many analgesics, the active substance is duplicated, but it is important to understand that the role is played not only by what the drug is made of, but also by how this substance is obtained and how purified it is. However, on the Internet you can often find information about finding the cheapest analogues of effective analgesics. Such copies of well-known drugs are called generics. Generics are not always complete biological equivalents of a known effective drug.

But the history of analgesics began much earlier. As early as the 17th century, quinine was used for pain relief. Doctors have long noticed and appreciated its ability to relieve inflammation and pain. Edward Stone, back in 1763, conducted a study of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of willow bark. A hundred years later this remedy was widely used. In 1824, an attempt was made to isolate the active substance, salicylate, from the bark of this tree. This is how the class of analgesics, NSAIDs, was born. Already in 1860, they began to actively synthesize salicylic acid. The very first synthetic NSAID was antipyrine (phenazone). It appeared fourteen years before aspirin. In 1893, amidopyrine (pyramidon) was invented. It has become a universal and very famous pain reliever.

Then the analgesics market developed at tremendous speed. Many drugs had serious side effects and even toxicity. Therefore, they have not found widespread use. But even salicylic acid has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, painkillers should be taken wisely, strictly as prescribed by the doctor, without exceeding their dose.

What painkillers are the most effective and powerful?

If you need to quickly overcome pain, it is very important that the remedy copes with this task in the best possible way and without serious complications. Therefore, we try to take the most powerful analgesics. This is the wrong approach, since the most powerful analgesics should be taken strictly on the recommendation of a doctor in the most severe cases.

What are the most powerful analgesics? First of all, these are opioids. But they are prescribed for severe pain associated with serious tissue damage or disease. According to research, all modern NSAIDs are quite effective. The main thing is to accurately calculate the dosage and take into account recommendations regarding the method of administration and duration of treatment with the drug.

Basic painkillers

Despite the fact that in pharmacies we can see a great variety of analgesic drugs. But these are just trademarks. In fact, there are 4 main substances that can relieve pain:

  1. Aspirin.
  2. Paracetamol.
  3. Ibuprofen.
  4. Analgin.


Its professional name is acetylsalicylic acid. This drug is very well known to everyone. Over the years, it has proven effective in combating pain and fever. But he is not as harmless as he might seem. Aspirin can cause liver disease and Reye's syndrome. It is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age. Also, the drug strongly irritates the mucous tissues of the stomach, therefore it is contraindicated for gastritis and ulcers. Its use for relieving menstrual pain is not recommended. It is better to take it after meals with water, or preferably milk.


The safest analgesic. It is not so toxic and reduces fever well. Therefore, it can be used during pregnancy and pediatrics. But with prolonged use, it still has a negative effect on the liver.


Rarely has side effects. In addition to analgesic, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. Often prescribed for bruises and joint pain. Can be prescribed to children. Helps relieve menstrual pain. To achieve a good effect, ibuprofen must be taken several times a day. If it irritates the gastric mucosa, it is rare. With long-term use, it can have a negative effect on kidney function, which is why doctors prefer to prescribe it in episodes.


Analgin is used very often and in some cases incorrectly. Therefore, WHO is seeking to reduce the frequency of taking this drug. It has a lot of side effects: it inhibits the functioning of the hematopoietic system and negatively affects the kidneys and liver. It is better to listen to doctors and use analgin only when absolutely necessary. But it also has undeniable advantages over other painkillers: it quickly relieves pain, it can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly.


This drug has been little studied. It has a pronounced analgesic effect and does not irritate the stomach. Has a long-lasting effect – up to 12 hours. But it can interfere with liver function. There are countries in which it is prohibited for use in pediatrics. And since it can cause drowsiness, the drug is contraindicated when driving a vehicle.

Combined products

They combine several active ingredients at once. They are able to enhance each other's effects. Often such drugs are used in difficult cases. Strong painkillers most often consist of several components. They often contain phenobarbital, codeine, and caffeine. They enhance the effect of the analgesic. One of the popular such drugs is solpadeine. It is based on paracetamol, the action of which is complemented by caffeine and codeine. Another popular product - Pentalgin - contains caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine, which enhance the effect of the main substances - analgin and paracetamol.

Of course, such combination products have a powerful effect. But they can also cause a number of side effects.

Prospects for analgesics

The class of analgesics continues to actively develop. Although their active research has continued for more than a century, the search for effective and safe painkillers continues. Scientists are actively trying to explore new classes of such drugs. These substances have high analgesic effectiveness. They actively influence the process of transmitting pain sensations at various stages. Research is also underway on those agents that can influence those structures of our body that can suppress pain.

But there are cases in which opioids are most effective. Therefore, in our country, many doctors are making attempts to soften the requirements for their registration. But this also has an important drawback. If it is possible to relax the bureaucratic requirements for the issuance and recording of opioid drugs, then all responsibility for prescribing such drugs and their use will fall on the doctor himself. Practitioners will have to try to follow the gradation of treatment. The main key to success in the fight against pain is to determine its nature, source and mechanism of occurrence. Doctors should strive to ensure that treatment is staged. It is very important to clearly explain to the patient all the objectives of such treatment and the duration of the drug. When prescribing opioid medications, possible psychosocial risk factors must be adequately assessed. Opioid and narcotic analgesics are used in serious cases when other groups of analgesics are ineffective. It is important that the doctor explains how to use it correctly and carefully monitors this in the further course of treatment.

What do strong analgesics consist of, and how to use them correctly so as not to cause irreparable harm to health? What can happen in case of overdose? Can they cause serious side effects? Each of us needs answers to all these questions. After all, we regularly use painkillers.

Pain syndrome accompanies many pathological conditions. And therapy often begins with the pain relief stage. What drugs will help cope with pain best? How do they “work”? Can they provoke new diseases?

We have already mentioned that analgesics are divided into two groups: non-narcotic and narcotic. They have different mechanisms of action.

Narcotic analgesics

This type of painkiller is prescribed when the pain is very severe. It is narcotic analgesics that are the most powerful. The specific remedy is selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the required duration of their effect. There are short-acting remedies. They are effective in case of pain attacks. But long-acting drugs can relieve the patient of severe excruciating pain for a long time.

Narcotic painkillers that have become the most famous:

  1. Methadone.
  2. Morphine.
  3. Promedol.
  4. Omnopon.

Narcotic painkillers are so effective due to their high analgesic activity. They are used in cases of serious injuries, injuries that are accompanied by simply unbearable pain. But the disadvantage of these drugs is that they have a profound effect on the central nervous system. This is what makes them so effective. If such drugs are taken for a long time or the dosage is exceeded, the patient soon becomes addicted. He begins to suffer from addiction, both physical and psychological. One of the serious side effects is all kinds of hallucinations. Various somatic manifestations are also observed: the tone of the intestines and bladder increases, breathing is depressed, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and drowsiness are observed.

Groups of narcotic painkillers

Based on their physical and chemical properties, these substances are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Alkaloids of natural origin. They are isolated from poppy seeds. This is morphine, codeine.
  2. Semi-synthetic. These are substances that are obtained by changing the morphine molecule. For example, ethylmorphine.
  3. Synthetic. They are obtained as a result of chemical synthesis (fentanyl, tramadol, promedol).

You should know that using narcotic analgesics on your own is strictly prohibited. Their uncontrolled use can seriously harm your health. They can cause serious side effects.

How to choose the right painkiller

In order to choose the right analgesic, you should take into account the nature and nature of the pain. Only an experienced doctor can do this. Are there universal analgesics? In fact, there are drugs that can completely eliminate sensitivity to pain. But this is within the competence of the anesthesiologist in clinical cases. More often, you just need to remove the very cause of the pain syndrome. It is very important that the drug is selected adequately. After all, there are pathological conditions in which pain relief is not required at all. In such cases, it is better to eliminate the cause of the pain itself. For example, in the case of menstrual pain and intestinal colic, you just need to relieve the spasm. Here it is more appropriate to take an antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu.

If the pain appears due to a spasm, then it is relieved with a medicine that contains a combination of an antispasmodic and an analgesic. For example, espumizan copes with intestinal pain. Nitroglycerin is used for pain in the chest area, because it can quickly dilate blood vessels. For headaches caused by high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs should be used. But relieving the pain itself in such a state is dangerous.


Is it possible to choose your own analgesic? Every day we are recommended all kinds of painkillers from television screens. But don’t take risks and choose an analgesic yourself! This is very risky or simply will not work. Regarding the selection of the drug, you should always consult your doctor. He will take into account the type of pain, determine its cause, nature, and only then recommend the necessary painkiller. A very telling example is when a person experiences a headache due to high blood pressure. If he simply drowns it out with an analgesic, then the reason will remain. But high blood pressure is extremely dangerous! Here it is important not to take a painkiller, but to reduce the pressure. There is a whole list of pathological conditions during which it is strictly forbidden to take analgesics.

If you are experiencing severe pain in the abdominal cavity, you should call an ambulance rather than take painkillers. After all, this could be a symptom of appendicitis, bleeding due to ectopic pregnancy, or intestinal obstruction.

If there is severe pain in the heart area, you should take nitroglycerin. If after 10 minutes the same sensations remain, you should take the drug again. If the pain does not go away even after these measures, then you need to call an ambulance.

If the headache is so severe that the patient loses consciousness, vomiting, and drowsiness appear, then you should not hesitate to call an ambulance. These are very alarming symptoms. This often accompanies a stroke or encephalitis. In this case, the doctor must first conduct a thorough examination and then prescribe an analgesic.

Unfortunately, many still resort to self-medication. Analgesics have become very accessible, and mass advertising creates the illusion of their universal effectiveness and safety. They are inexpensive, and it seems like a very simple decision to buy a popular painkiller and not waste time going to the doctor. This is an extremely dangerous misconception!

So, let's summarize. If the pain really bothers you, then you can and should fight it. Analgesics can quickly cope with it. But choosing painkillers on your own is dangerous. Trust your doctor. Only he will be able to choose the right drug based on the type of pain and its characteristics. It is also worth remembering that pain is a signal from the body that a certain problem has arisen. In some cases, you should not immediately suppress it, but you need to find out the reason.


People have long learned to deal with pain, and now, fortunately, in the 20th–21st centuries a great variety of medicines for various uses have appeared, including to fight pain of different nature and origin. Everyone has encountered pain, alas, this is inevitable while a person is alive, and you have to, whether you like it or not, sometimes take a painkiller pill. Now let’s look a little deeper into this issue by delving into the world of painkillers.

All analgesics are conventionally divided into groups:

  1. Analgesics of the pyrazolone series.
  2. Combined action.
  3. Antimigraine drugs (intended only to combat headaches).
  4. NSAIDs.
  5. Opiate analgesics.
  6. Antispasmodic drugs.

But this article will only talk about the most strong and effective painkillers tablets that have a distinctive effect on pain receptors, potent in nature from various groups.

Pyrazolone analgesics

Among the analgesics of the pyrazolone series, you can choose Baralgetas or Spazmolgon. The action of these tablets is based on the amplification effect its constituent components each other, which allows you to suppress pain of a pronounced nature.

Metamizole sodium is combined with Pitophenone and Fenpiverinium bromide. First constituent substance analgesic effect, the second has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle muscles, the third component additionally affects smooth muscle fibers.

Thanks to their successful layout, these medications are widely used as for adults, so for children in the following cases:

  1. Pain caused by spasm of blood vessels or smooth muscles: migraine, urinary system, renal colic, hepatic or biliary colic, inflammation of the intestinal walls.
  2. High blood pressure can decrease due to relaxation of the vascular wall, but only slightly.
  3. Increased tone of the uterus, including during pregnancy. In women, this drug is widely used during the menstrual cycle; it can reduce pain or stop it completely when other pills cannot cope with it. During pregnancy, replaces such a drug as Drotaverine, since its unfavorable effect on the cervix during this period has been revealed, which interferes with the normal course of pregnancy.

The drug is simply irreplaceable for women with isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Combination drugs

In combination tablets, the active component of which is paracetamol (which alone can relieve moderate pain) in combination with other components, the analgesic effect is enhanced many times over.

Including colds, such variants of this combination drug are used as Vicks Active, Symptomax. The second number of the active substance is Phenylephrine, a drug vasoconstrictor effect, used for muscle-joint pain. Brustan And Ibuklin — analgesic activity occurs due to the content of Paracetamol and a powerful antipyretic and anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug Ibuprofen. Actively interacts with Paracetamol and has a pronounced analgesic effect. It is used for colds and in children. Release form: oral soluble tablets.

Tempalgin known since ancient times for its moderate analgesic effect. The active ingredient triacetonamine-4-toluenesulfonate enhances the effect of analgin, reducing anxiety and tension.

Pentalgin is included in the list of potent drugs from the group of combined analgesics in tablet form. The domestic company producing this drug created it based on 5 components: Drotaverine, Caffeine, Naproxen, Paracetamol, Pheniramine maleate. Of these, two are antispasmodic, antipyretic components and one is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Widely used for migraines, feverish conditions and severe pain of a neurological nature.

Antimigraine drugs

Antimigraine drugs used for difficult migraine pain, which has a complex appearance and requires relief with drugs.

The drug is used effectively to combat migraines Eletriptan. He is capable relieve severe pain, is especially effective at the beginning of its appearance. One form of this drug from the American company Pfizer is registered on the domestic market under the name Relpax.

Frovatriptan- used for migraine pain, dilates the vascular wall more effectively. It is presented on the market from the German company Frovamigran.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Many of these drugs have pronounced analgesic activity. Ibuprofen, besides the good ones analgesic properties, is capable of lowering temperature and is widely used in infants, thanks to the accessible form of the drug in the form of suppositories and ointments. There is an effect on muscle and joint pain.

Ketorolac, undoubtedly, is part of the most potent drugs, the effect of the drug can be compare with some drugs from the group of opioid analgesics. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, it should be used with caution, as it causes a number of side effects with prolonged or frequent use.

Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa, which leads to abdominal pain, digestive disorders, and even diarrhea. Causes headaches, rare reported cases of severe exposure on the stomach in the form of a perforation of the stomach wall (perforation). May lead to renal and/or liver failure with long-term use. Ketorolac can be used for injuries and fractures, for pain relief in the postoperative period and at various stages of cancer. Represented in the domestic market by trade names Thorolak, Ketorol.

Narcotic analgesics

These are the most powerful painkillers that can be addictive, so they can be used only in extreme cases! The mechanism of action is to block opioid receptors and inhibit pain impulses. The person’s reaction to pain also decreases, a feeling of calm comes, a feeling of euphoria. To avoid cases of drug addiction to these drugs, they are used only as a last resort, in the later stages of cancer or in other severe cases. Opioid analgesics are used in anesthesia for the act of premedication, the preparatory stage before spinal or epidural anesthesia.

Drugs available on the domestic market Fentanyl, Morphine, Tramadol. Fentanyl- a drug that is a thousand times more effective than morphine derivatives and is used in intensive care as the most powerful painkiller.

Morphine is used internally, but is less effective than with parenteral administration. This is due to the low bioavailability of the drug and poor penetration through the BBB. Duration of action is within 4–5 hours.

In the mechanism of action, one can note a disruption in the process of pain signal transmission in the afferent structures of the central nervous system. Morphine can disrupt the transmission of signals through pain receptors in the spinal cord and parts of the central nervous system, the nucleus of the thalamus.

Tramadol refers to analgesics of mixed action with a pronounced analgesic effect. Able to inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine and releases serotonin. Does not provide negative influence on gastrointestinal motility. Duration of action is 5–8 hours. Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, within 90%. Its maximum amount in the blood reaches its limit after 2 hours, the bioavailability of the drug is 70%. The drug does not depend on the time and amount of food intake; the effect is enhanced many times over with regular and long-term use. 90% is excreted through the kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of narcotic analgesics: hypersensitivity, alcohol poisoning, sleeping pill poisoning, pregnancy and lactation. On the domestic market, these drugs are strictly regulated by government agencies.