Rating of effective vitamins for hair. How to solve the problem of hair loss? List of the best vitamins for beautiful and thick curls

Manufacturers of dietary supplements bombard consumers with tempting promises from the labels of their products. Is everything so sweet and smooth or should there be some straw laid down somewhere? We look for flaws and praise the advantages of the best vitamins for hair!

Rating of the best vitamins for hair - TOP 11


Packaging volume

Average price in rubles/pcs.



60 tablets

Vertex, Russia

9 out of 10


Vitabiotics, UK

9 out of 10

Inneov (Inneov) “Density of hair”

60 tablets

Inneov Lab, France

10 of 10


60 tablets

Dansk farmaceutisk industri, Denmark

10 of 10

Merz Beauty

60 dragees (2 packs)

Merz, Germany

10 of 10


30 tablets

Veropharm, Russia

9 out of 10

Vitrum Beauty(Vitrum Beauty)

30 tablets

Unipharm, Inc., USA

10 of 10


KRKA, Slovenia

8 out of 10


TEVA Private Ltd. Co., Hungary

10 of 10


Merz, Germany

10 of 10

Lady , s formula"Healthy hair and nails"

60 tablets

PharmaMed, USA

10 of 10

Alerana is a popular remedy for strengthening brittle hair.

Photo: moveitup.ru

Approximate price: 470 rubles per pack of 60 tablets

What stands out: dual formula “Day-Night” for round-the-clock recovery

Why in the ranking: The drug is recommended by leading trichologists in Russia as the optimal complex of essential vitamins for beautiful hair. Budget dietary supplement effectively fights hair loss and brittleness as a result of stress and poor environment

Customer reviews of Aleran hair vitamins:

“...3 years ago, my hair fell out from stress, it was just terrible!!! I bought “alerana” at the pharmacy, I didn’t hope for anything, but the hair loss stopped, the hair returned to its original state, I’m very happy!..”

“...it’s convenient that the vitamins are divided into daytime and nighttime - they are absorbed better than regular multi-complexes. After a month of taking it, I even started to grow new hairs!..”

Perfectil - the best rated vitamins for hair loss

Photo: img1.liveinternet.ru

Approximate price: 513 rubles per package of 30 capsules

What stands out: presence of extracts of miraculous echinacea and bardana root

Why in the ranking: It’s not the cheapest vitamin, but according to doctors, it’s one of the best among drugs containing herbal ingredients. A vitamin “round dance” of 25 active components allows you to stop hair loss in a short time, strengthening the follicles

Customer reviews of Perfectil vitamins:

“...the price is wow, but the result definitely exceeded all my hopes! In the fall I’ll splurge on a new monthly course...”

“...after pregnancy I took two courses in a row due to massive hair loss - Perfectil helped me...”

Inneov "Hair Density" - good vitamins for hair thickness and extreme growth

Photo: www.ladyshopping.ru

Approximate price: 1244 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: the presence of a powerful antioxidant (taurine) - a protector of hair follicles from damage

Why in the ranking: mega-popular French complex for emergency hair restoration. Thanks to polyphenols of active ingredients (green tea, grape seeds), it enhances blood microcirculation, therefore, a high-quality flow of vitamins to the hair. Enriched with zinc, involved in the important synthesis of keratin

Customer reviews:

“...Inneov - the best for hair! They were the only ones that suited me: my stomach didn’t hurt, I didn’t feel sick, my hair became stronger...”

“...I’ve been taking this complex for the third year, the hair structure has become gorgeous, it grows faster, but the result does not appear immediately, the main thing is to drink the pills completely...”

“...after washing my hair fell out a lot, I tried more budget vitamins, but I really felt the benefits of Inneov...”

Femicode - vitamins for comprehensive hair strengthening

Photo: ecobion.passion.ru

Approximate price: about 1063 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: the presence of natural silicon (horsetail) and a whole range of vitamins from group B

Why in the ranking: a well-promoted Danish brand with an enviable reputation. The medical association of our country gives a high rating to the drug. The complex is designed both for preventive use and for the treatment of hair loss, dry hair, etc. The presence of biotin in the composition puts the drug among the best stimulators of accelerated hair growth.

Customer reviews:

“...after the Femicode course, not only did my hair become shiny, but my acne also disappeared somewhere - what a marvelous miracle!..”

“...because of the diet, I lost my hair and nails (((I was saved by Femicode. My hair really became better, more well-groomed or something..."

Merz Beauty - the best hair multivitamins for young mothers

Photo: i1.vitamina-shop.ru

Approximate price: 880 rubles a couple of packs of 30 tablets

What stands out: the classic combination of vitamins is supplemented by iron; ideal for expectant and nursing mothers as a source of vitamins

Why in the ranking: a reputable German universal drug takes care not only of the health of the hair, but also of the entire body. "Merz Beauty" carefully restores hair "exhausted" by coloring and curling, without requiring additional care

Customer reviews of Merz Beauty vitamins:

“...I received vitamins as a gift, I didn’t believe in the effect, but I took a chance - the goodness wouldn’t go to waste. And the miracle happened! My hair has stopped coming out - I’ll buy another package to consolidate the result...”

“...Oh, yes, the Germans, oh, well done! I didn’t even doubt the effectiveness of these vitamins. My hair is shiny - it’s lovely, everyone is jealous, I recommend Merz to my friends...”

Vitasharm - the most inexpensive hair vitamins from the premium sector

Photo: razbolit.ru

Approximate price: only about 170 rubles for 30 beauty tablets

What stands out: contains nicotinamide

Why in the ranking: Despite the poverty of the basic vitamin “cocktail” represented by the group - A, B1, B2, B6, as well as calcium pantothenate, the effect of taking Vitasharm is fantastic! Silky, elastic hair without a hint of weakness or hair loss. The secret is simple: the fewer vitamins that enter the body at once, the higher their absorption rate!

Our rating: 9/10. “Vitacharm” could have received 10 rating units, but compared to other competitors it looks sluggish due to the paucity of the composition and the lack of exotic components - it is necessary to keep up with the times. But for the manufacturer’s cunning we’ll give him a solid 9 points

Customer reviews of Vitasharm hair vitamins:

“...stimulates hair growth - I’ve definitely experienced it myself! I give 5 points out of 5..."

“...for such ridiculous money - this is a super drug! I am satisfied with the Vitasharm vitamins, my hair has become stronger..."

Vitrum Beauty: “Grow, braid, to the waist...”

Photo: www.ljplus.ru

Approximate price: 626 rubles for 30 tablets

What stands out: enriched with folic and pantothenic acids

Why in the ranking: the drug can be called the American brother of the German “Merz Beauty”, both are leading favorites among our selective compatriots. The composition of “VITRUM” is universal: a standard range of vitamins and minerals is supplemented with calcium and iron. A product with a comprehensive approach to beauty and, I must say, a very competent one. After a month's course, hair grows by leaps and bounds!

When faced with the problem of hair loss, it is important to understand what is causing it. Often the cause is a deficiency of vitamins in the body. The article will tell you how to improve hair growth, introduce you to the main vitamin complexes and reviews about them, and also help you understand which vitamins you are missing.

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Vitamins for hair loss and growth are the basis for the beauty and strength of your hair. If you are familiar with such problems, then their solution will require replenishing the supply of vitamins in the body:

  • slow hair growth;
  • hair has lost its usual shine;
  • oily roots and brittle ends;

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Vitamins are substances involved in performing basic functions in the cell: nutrition, transport, removal of harmful substances, synthesis of building elements. It is important to constantly monitor the level of vitamins in the body. To compensate for the deficiency of useful elements, it is enough to introduce foods rich in vitamins into the diet and use pharmaceutical masks. A convenient way to create the necessary reserve is multivitamin complexes.

What vitamins are missing if your hair is falling out?

An acute lack of vitamins always affects the condition and health of the body. Vitamins are responsible for many vital functions, including promoting the production of energy, which stimulates hair growth. With their severe deficiency in the diet, as well as with frequent stress and anxiety, increased fragility and hair loss are observed.

The cause of increased hair loss may be a lack of the following vitamins:

  1. B vitamins act directly and improve blood circulation in the scalp and normalize disturbed metabolism in the hair follicles.
  2. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), without which the regeneration processes are disrupted, the skin becomes dry and the hair does not receive the necessary nutrients.
  3. Vitamin A accelerates metabolic processes in the hair follicle and thereby promotes the rapid growth of new hair.
  4. Vitamin E solves the problem of antioxidant cell protection, hair becomes stronger and healthier.
  5. Vitamin F together with B vitamins, it increases blood flow in the scalp, which promotes the necessary flow of nutrients to the roots.
  6. Folic acid- a substance that the body cannot produce on its own. This is done by the intestinal microflora. With a long course of antibiotics, the level of this vital vitamin may decrease, which can lead to brittle nails and hair.

To find out why your hair is falling out and which vitamin is missing in your body, you should consult a doctor.

What vitamins are needed for hair?

Hair needs daily intake of all the above vitamins in its average daily amount. If there is a deficiency of at least one of them, then the development of hypovitaminosis with all the ensuing consequences is likely.

Vitamin E for hair

Tocopherol is vitamin E, a fat-soluble substance, the content of which is especially high in vegetable oils. The daily dose of the vitamin is 8-10 mg.

Vitamin E plays a major role in the treatment of hair loss. It has antioxidant protection - the destruction of harmful reactive oxygen species. It is thanks to this function that vitamin E is always included in vitamin complexes against hair loss.

With a deficiency of vitamin E, follicle cells die, and the hair becomes brittle and dull, and over time begins to actively fall out. You can compensate for the deficiency with the help of local application of special nourishing masks. A more convenient way is to take vitamin E capsules 1-2 times a day after meals.

B vitamins in hair ampoules

In addition to tocopherol, all B vitamins are the first line of defense against hair loss. This family has more than eight representatives - B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, H, folic acid, B12.

The main vitamins of the group that help restore impaired metabolism in the hair:

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) necessary to support metabolism in skin, hair and nails. Improves scalp blood circulation and nutrient flow. Acting on the hair follicle, it prevents hair loss and makes it healthy and thick.

Vitamin B3 (niacin)- in cells it is directly involved in the synthesis of energy, therefore, with a deficiency, a slowdown in hair growth is observed.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)- in the nervous system it participates in the metabolism of neurotransmitters, therefore, with a deficiency of vitamin B6, trophoneurotic disorders in the scalp are possible. This substance in vitamin masks restores the health of the scalp and hair.

Vitamin B9, better known as folic acid, is a substance, as mentioned above, that the body is not able to synthesize itself. The folic acid content in food should always be maintained at normal levels. Vitamin B9 is involved in cell division and cellular structures.

Vitamin B10 or H1- does not directly participate in the treatment of hair loss, but performs an important function in the normal synthesis of folic acid by intestinal microflora.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), with a deficiency of which there is a violation of the absorption of important nutrients in the body and a decrease in metabolic processes. It acts as a catalyst for chemical reactions in the cell; it is necessary to monitor the level of cyanocobalamin in the body.

It is dangerous to underestimate the role of B vitamins for hair: their deficiency leads to aggravation of hair loss. It is important to ensure that the body receives foods rich in these substances: milk, bread, cereals, offal, nuts, eggs, fish and red meat. It is possible to use B vitamins internally, as well as in masks or capsules.

What vitamins are needed for hair growth

Vitamins that promote hair growth can now be purchased at the pharmacy either in the form of a mask or as part of complexes in capsules or tablets. A quick effect is achieved by combining pharmacy vitamins and masks. Each complex contains a basic set of vitamins: group B, A, E and C, as well as additional components: macro- and microminerals. All of them perfectly replenish vitamin deficiencies, strengthen scalp hair, restore nails and improve skin condition.

Hair mask with vitamins at home

To add shine to your hair, you don’t have to spend money on expensive products; just prepare a vitamin hair mask at home.

Herbal mask

A herbal mask will need vitamins in ampoules. The choice depends on the result you expect from using the mask. It is recommended to use vitamins A, E and B2, as they combine well with each other and are easily absorbed. The effect of the mask with regular use is manifested in reducing hair loss and strengthening the roots.

Brew the herbal mixture, let it brew and add vitamins to it. Apply the slightly warm mixture to your scalp. After an hour, rinse with water and your usual shampoo.

Mask with vitamins, mustard and yolk

This option is well suited for anyone who wants to awaken dormant hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. Use vitamins B2, B3, B12, A and E in capsules, 1-2 teaspoons of dry mustard and raw yolk.

First, apply the mixture to a small area of ​​your scalp to test how the skin reacts. If you experience a strong burning sensation, wash the mixture off your head and use less mustard.

You should keep this mask on your head for no more than half an hour. Use the composition 2 times a week, and within a month your hair will become stronger and thicker.

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The best vitamins for hair

The pharmacy may offer to purchase a vitamin and mineral complex, but due to the wide variety of brands, it is sometimes difficult to settle on any specific product. We selected inexpensive and effective drugs and compiled a rating of the best complexes based on customer reviews.

Solgar vitamins for hair, nails and skin. The manufacturer of the complex is an American company that has long been known in the pharmacological market. The vitamins included in the complex stop hair loss, improve the condition of the skin and nails, and also have a general strengthening effect on the body. The product is completely hypoallergenic and does not contain fragrances or dyes.

Aleran vitamins hair products effectively combat baldness problems at different stages. The manufacturer is a Russian company, the price of the product is significantly lower than that of foreign analogues. It is an integrated approach to the problem of hair loss using balms and masks that is the key to success.

Merz for hair and nails. The manufacturer of the vitamin complex is a German company. The drug contains vitamins B, E, D, micro- and macroelements. The course of treatment lasts several months, but the first results will be noticeable after 2 weeks of use: healthy shiny hair, long and beautiful nails.

Priorin- an excellent preventative against hair loss, especially during periods of stress and emotional overstrain. Suitable for both men and women. The manufacturer of the drug is Switzerland, the price of the product will be slightly higher than average, but the result of use is worth it.

Pantovigar is a popular drug for hair loss in Russia. The multivitamin complex is used in the treatment of trichological diseases and in the prevention of hair loss. Manufacturer - Germany. The duration of treatment with the drug is up to 6 months.

Elevit- a remedy that replenishes vitamin deficiencies in food. The composition of the complex is rich and contains everything necessary for healthy hair growth. Country of origin - Switzerland.

Bunny Gummy- vitamins in the form of sweets. This complex destroyed the myth that sweets are harmful. Rich composition, absence of artificial colors and preservatives, pleasant taste - this is what makes the complex so popular.

Useful articles

Since certain biochemical reactions occur in the hair, certain vitamins are required to activate them. Moreover, each element participates in a certain type of biochemical processes and helps activate them. For example, vitamin A is directly involved in the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue. With a lack of necessary substances, women experience intense hair thinning and the general condition of their hair significantly worsens.

What does hair need?

In order for women's curls to be healthy, the human body needs all thirteen available vitamins. At the same time, some of them are especially needed, as they will ensure the natural functionality of the hair follicles. Actually, these elements are conventionally considered “hair vitamins”:

  • riboflavin – B2;
  • nicotinic acid, or nicotiamide - B3 or PP;
  • panthenol, or pantothenic acid – B5;
  • pyridoxine – B6;
  • biotin – N;
  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid – C;
  • retinol – A;
  • tocopherol – E;

For stopping hair loss in women or reducing the intensity of this process, it is necessary to consume all of the above vitamins in an amount equal to the average daily dosage.

What deficiency causes baldness?

Hair loss can occur if the body feels an urgent need for vitamins such as:

Thinning hair in women can be caused by a lack of one element, but more often hair loss processes occur against the background of a lack of several elements.

What can you take

As a rule, all of these anti-hair loss vitamins are easy to find in any pharmacy. Moreover, each vitamin can be purchased separately as ampoules, capsules or oil solutions. Such drugs have a low cost, and you will not see them directly on the counter. These are, for example, capsules with vitamin E or A, ascorbic acid powder, B vitamins in ampoules.

If vitamins against hair loss are taken separately, then each element must be taken separately from the other, keeping an hour interval between doses. So under such conditions it is difficult to take all vitamins, so you should start with panthenol, biotin, A, C, E.

If we talk about the properties of each vitamin for hair, we can note the following:

Daily consumption rate

Having decided to take inexpensive vitamins against hair loss in the form of mono-compositions, you should know what the daily dosage of a particular element is. It should also be borne in mind that the deficiency of some vitamins can be compensated for with properly selected foods. That is, some vitamins can be taken in the form of pharmaceutical products, while others can be included in the daily menu.

  • A or retinol – 1 mg per day. Present in large quantities in fish, meat, spinach;
  • B1 or thiamine – 1.5-2 mg. Present in nuts, cereals;
  • B2, riboflavin – 2 mg. Found in eggs, meat, liver, wholemeal bread products;
  • B3, nicotinamed – 15-20 mg. The source is fish, beef, yeast, grains;
  • B5, pantothenic acid – 10 mg. Found in liver, yolks, cauliflower, caviar;
  • B6, pyridoxine – 1-2 mg. Present in bananas, brewer's yeast, nuts, liver, fish;
  • B9, folic acid – 0.5 mg. Found in cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables, fish;
  • B10, papaaminobenzoic acid – 100 mg. Source - brewer's yeast, rice, fish, potatoes, yolks, nuts;
  • B12, cobalamin – 20 mcg. Found in animal fats;
  • E, tocopherol – 20 mcg. Found in soybeans, vegetable oils, legumes, nuts;
  • F – 1% of daily calorie intake. Found in soybeans, legumes, vegetable oils, and nuts.

In order to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins against hair loss, you will have to try very hard, create a proper diet and take pharmacy vitamins strictly according to the regimen. This is quite difficult, and it is not always possible to immediately determine which vitamin the body has the most urgent need for. In addition, in addition to vitamin elements, hair requires substances such as silicon, selenium, zinc, sulfur, copper, and zinc for health.

It is best to take special multivitamin complexes, which already include the entire daily requirement of the necessary elements.

Inexpensive vitamin complexes against hair loss

Undoubtedly, the cheapest vitamins are mono-composition preparations. If we talk about inexpensive vitamin and mineral complexes, we can note those whose cost does not exceed 350 rubles per package, sufficient for a month’s course. This is how you can use it:

  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • VitaCharm;
  • Deakuroy;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Complivitom Radiance;
  • Lady's Formula;
  • Revalid;
  • The formula of a woman;
  • Centrum for women;
  • Zincteral;
  • Evalar Hair Expert.

When choosing a multivitamin complex, it is not at all necessary to choose exactly the one on which it is written that it is intended for restoration and against hair loss. Replenishing the lack of vitamins throughout the body as a whole will immediately affect the hair. The hair will take on a healthier appearance and hair loss will stop if general vitamin deficiency is eliminated.

Rating of effective complexes with low cost


In particular, the “Shine” complex has been developed specifically for women. It contains vitamins A, E, C, B, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, flavone glycosides. The formula is designed to promote collagen formation, regenerate skin cells, protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, and increase the body's immunity. The price of a monthly course of 30 tablets is about 270 rubles.

Laura Evalar

Biologically active agent intended for simultaneous intake with food. Contains a minimum amount of essential vitamins. Necessary for maintaining beauty. However, it can “boast” of hyaluronic acid, vitamins E and C. As a result, collagen formation is enhanced, which has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. The price of 36 tablets is 280 rubles.

Hair expert

Alphabet Cosmetics

A complex specially created for hair, skin and nails care. The peculiarity of the intake is that the daily dose consists of three tablets, which must be taken in the morning, lunch and evening, which increases the efficiency of consumption. Course use should not exceed a couple of weeks, and no more than two applications per year should be repeated. The price of a one-time course is 320 rubles.


It is a vitamin preparation that has a powerful anti-aging effect. Increases the body's resistance to various infections and bacteria. Contains vitamins A, E, C, B (5, 6, 12), also contains iron, biotin, magnesium, zinc, chromium, silicon. Effective against intense hair loss. 30 tablets for a month of use cost 420 rubles.

Vitrum Beauty

The complex is rich in a variety of vitamins and microelements, and also contains antioxidants and bioflavonoids. It affects the entire body as a whole, significantly improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. Most suitable for girls young people leading an active lifestyle.


The composition includes vitamins A, C, E, B (6,9,12). Also contains youth coenzyme Q10. Well drug treatment is a month with taking one tablet twice a day. For prevention, two courses per year should be carried out, preferably in early spring and late autumn. The price of 30 tablets is about 750 rubles.

The causes of hair loss can be associated both with the internal state of the body and with external factors affecting a person. You can restore the structure of your hair and return it to its former strength and beauty by “nourishing” it with the right amount of healthy vitamins.

Vitamins against hair loss

Let's take a closer look at the 6 most effective vitamin complexes that help strengthening hair And stopping hair loss.


A whole complex of vitamins presented in this drug will help in the fight against hair loss. Taking just 2 peas a day for a two-month period, you can say goodbye to the constant sadness that accompanies hair loss.

One pill contains several vitamins that improve skin blood circulation in the scalp, change for the better the activity of cells throughout the body in general, and hair structures in particular.

The antioxidant properties of the constituent components will help increase hair resistance to external adverse factors, “feed” the hair, and therefore reduce hair loss.

Hair strengthening vitamins contained in Merz (A, E, C, etc.) have virtually no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance, pregnancy and the lactation period in women.

To treat hair with this drug you do not need a prescription; you can buy the complex in pharmacies and freely access it. One package (60 tablets) is enough for a month's use. The price of the drug ranges from 500 to 800 rubles.


Taking vitamins with different compositions in the morning and evening hours is what the method of fighting hair loss with the help of the Alerana complex is based on. By swallowing a morning dose of vitamins to strengthen hair, you will improve the circular flow of blood, enrich the hair roots with oxygen, speed up the processes of cell division, and also help the rapid delivery of nutrition to the hair roots and their entire structure.

The evening tablet contains components, the use of which will increase the resistance of the scalp to various diseases, stimulate hair renewal at the cellular level, and strengthen it.

"Alerana" - complex vitamins for hair loss, which not only solves the already existing problem of thinning, but also helps to become an excellent preventive measure. Contraindications for use: pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This drug is produced with vitamin components “day”/“night” in a package of 60 tablets, i.e. for a monthly course. The price range for Alerana hair strengthening vitamins is insignificant, around 470 rubles.


This pharmaceutical product is intended for those whose hair literally “falls out” from their heads. Excessive hair loss, weakened structure, resulting from chemical or increased ultraviolet exposure, can be corrected with hair vitamins contained in the preparation.

Taking three capsules a day with meals for a fairly long period (from three to six months) can restore your hair to its former beauty and stop the process of hair loss.

After 3-4 weeks of absorbing beneficial vitamins to strengthen hair, positive results in the condition of the hair are already noticeable.

The greatest effect can be obtained with long-term use. The positive effect of this product is enhanced by the presence of medical yeast, thiamine, keratin and other components beneficial for hair.

This product is not indicated for children, breastfeeding mothers, and women preparing to become mothers. When taking the drug, manifestations of allergic rashes (hives, itching), excessive sweating, rapid pulse and some problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. You can buy Pantovigar in a network of various pharmacies without a prescription at a price of 1,600 to 2,000 rubles.


Vitrum Beauty is a product containing vitamins to strengthen hair, is on the lips of many.

Results of taking Vitrum:

  • increased growth of new hair;
  • restoration and strengthening of old structural hair “structures”;
  • increasing hair density.

Vitamins against hair loss, amino acids, which form the basis of this product, act on the cellular structure of the hair by changing the metabolic process throughout the body. The metabolic mechanism returns to normal, collagen is formed, antioxidant properties increase - all this has a beneficial effect on the hair.

Two tablets per day (after meals) is the usual norm; if necessary, the dose can be increased to three tablets. The course of taking the drug is 1 month. Vitrum for hair is produced in two dosed bottles - 30 and 60 tablets. There are no contraindications for use, but there may be an individual reaction in the form of an allergy.


A powerful dose of vitamins contained in just one capsule will help against hair loss. Convenient one-time daily dosage, greater effectiveness of the drug, absence of side effects, over-the-counter availability, not too high a price - these are the main positive aspects of Perfectil.

You should take Perfectil after a good portion of food, with plenty of water to avoid stomach problems.

The action of the medicinal product is aimed at accelerating regenerative processes both in the scalp and in the cellular structure of the hair, and at improving blood microcirculation. The components of Perfectil - vitamins for strengthening hair, minerals, etc. - can change the appearance of your hair, add shine, beauty, and most importantly, health within one month course.

You should not be alarmed by the black color after bowel movements or the bright yellow color of urine; this is due to the presence of iron and riboflamin in Perfectil. You can buy one jar with 30 capsules for 480 rubles.

Read more about Perfectil vitamins in.

Hair expert

Many people prefer Evalar products for the naturalness of the components included in the preparations. “Hair Expert” is no exception, which contains natural minerals and vitamins against hair loss. Negative symptoms in the form of hair loss, itching, dandruff, etc. will become a thing of the past, and, most importantly, will not return.

Hair Expert's nutrients will work wonders on your hair. By taking 1 tablet with meals twice a day, you can get a lasting positive result. One package is enough for one month; to consolidate the result, it is advisable to drink 2-3 packages. “Expert Hair” is inexpensive - from 250 to 450 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain.