Atorvastatin and Atoris: which is better, comparison. Roxera or Atoris - which is better? Storage conditions and periods

Properties of Atorvastatin

Analogues of the drug

  • Atoris;
  • Atomax;
  • Atorvox;
  • Vasator;
  • Lipona;
  • Liprimar;
  • Tulip;
  • Torvazin;
  • Storvas;
  • Torvacard.

10 mg, 30 pcs. 170 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 319 rub.
40 mg, 30 pcs. 381 rub.
10 mg, 30 pcs. 238 rub.
10 mg, 30 pcs. 109 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 147 rub.
40 mg, 30 pcs. 231 rub.
10 mg, 30 pcs. 110 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 186 rub.

  • cholesterol level;
  • patient's reaction to the drug.

Konstantin Ilyich Bulyshev

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  • Blood analyzers
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  • Atherosclerosis
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Often, with hypercholesterolemia, when the diet is ineffective, doctors prescribe a course of Atorvastatin, analogues of which can be easily found in pharmacies. The prices for this drug vary; if the patient cannot afford the prescribed medication, you can choose cheaper analogues. Next, let's take a closer look at the most popular drugs with the active ingredient atorvastatin.

Properties of Atorvastatin

Drugs containing the active ingredient atorvastatin are used in combination with diet and physical activity. This treatment system helps combat high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

Atorvastatin is absorbed into the body quite quickly. 1–2 hours after oral administration, its plasma concentration reaches its highest point. It is important to note that food reduces both the rate and extent of absorption of the active substance, however, according to studies, if Atorvastatin is taken on an empty stomach and during a meal, LDL-C levels decrease equally. In the evening after taking the drug, the amount of active substance in the plasma is less than in the morning. But the degree of reduction in LDL cholesterol does not depend on the hour at which the drug was taken.

Atorvastatin is excreted in the bile and through extrahepatic biotransformation. The half-life is approximately 14 hours. But the inhibitory activity of the substance can last up to 30 hours after one dose of the drug. Atorvastatin is not excreted during hemodialysis. If patients have liver problems, they may experience elevated levels of atorvastatin.

Analogues of the drug

Atorvastatin is released different manufacturers. The most popular analogues of the drug:

  • Atoris;
  • Atomax;
  • Atorvox;
  • Vasator;
  • Lipona;
  • Liprimar;
  • Tulip;
  • Torvazin;
  • Storvas;
  • Torvacard.

Basics active substance of all these drugs - atorvastatin. It is important to note that the pricing policy is primarily influenced by the country of origin. The cheapest analogues of Atorvastatin are Russian production. Let's consider the pricing policy of the drug from domestic manufacturers.

Atorvastatin-Verte (Vertex, Russia)
10 mg, 30 pcs. 170 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 319 rub.
40 mg, 30 pcs. 381 rub.
Atorvastatin (Kanofarma, Russia)
10 mg, 30 pcs. 238 rub.
Atorvastatin-C3 ( North Star, Russia)
10 mg, 30 pcs. 109 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 147 rub.
40 mg, 30 pcs. 231 rub.
Atorvastatin (Biocom, Russia)
10 mg, 30 pcs. 110 rub.
20 mg, 30 pcs. 186 rub.

These drugs can most often be found in pharmacies; the tables indicate average price per package.

Features of the use of substitutes

Atoris is available in the form of tablets with dosages of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 60 mg. As a rule, taking the drug begins with a small dose once a day. This dosage applies to adult patients. If 2 weeks after the start of treatment and the patient does not feel any changes, the dose of Atoris should be gradually increased. The period between dose increases should be at least 14 days. You cannot adjust the dosage yourself; this should be done by a doctor based on the results of the lipid profile. The maximum therapeutic effect of Atoris is achieved after 28 days.

Torvacard is sold in tablets of 10, 20 and 40 mg. The tablet must be taken orally as a whole. There is no need to chew or break it. Some patients complain of muscle pain while taking Torvacard. In the presence of similar symptoms the medicine needs to be changed.

Atorvastatin substitute Atomax must be taken at the same time. The initial dosage can be adjusted as needed, but in this case, blood lipid levels should be checked every 2 weeks. It often happens that while taking Atomax, a patient has problems with sleep and bowel movements, he may get tired quickly, complain of pain in the throat and stomach. If you have these symptoms, you should consult your doctor to find a different drug.

Storvas can be taken at any time of the day and regardless of meals. The dosage of the drug is selected individually. For size daily dose affects:

  • cholesterol level;
  • patient's reaction to the drug.

During the entire course of treatment, urine and blood tests must be monitored; it is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys and liver. If a person has a problem with alcohol or has been diagnosed with liver disease, it may be better to choose a different drug. Storvas should not be taken during pregnancy.

As for Tulip, it must be taken into account that if the patient had a stroke six months before starting to take the drug or suffered an ischemic attack, then the maximum dosage can provoke a repeat hemorrhagic stroke. Since Tulip can cause dizziness and loss of coordination, during therapy it is recommended to avoid working with complex equipment and driving vehicles.

What should you know about taking statins for high cholesterol?

Statins reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver by lowering its levels in the blood. These potent substances block the enzymatic function of HMG - CoA reductase, which synthesizes cholesterol. They can reduce the risk of heart attacks and eliminate inflammatory processes in vessels.

  • Indications and contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Rosuvastatin
  • Atorvastatins
  • Simvastatin
  • Fluvastatin
  • Lovastatin
  • Features of the use of drugs
  • Do I need to get rid of LDL at a level of 7 mmol/l?
  • Replacing statins

Indications and contraindications

After receiving the test results, the doctor may prescribe medications that the person must take for a long time under strict medical supervision.

Taking statins affects:

  • decreased biosynthesis of cholesterol by the liver;
  • demotion total cholesterol by 45%, “bad” LDL by 60%;
  • an increase in the amount of “good” HDL cholesterol;
  • reduction in the occurrence of ischemic complications, heart attacks, angina by 25%.

Who needs them?

For anyone susceptible to severe coronary syndrome, taking statins is vital.

To reduce side effects, the doctor needs to decide which statin group to treat the patient with, maintain strict control of biochemistry (tests every trimester), and if transaminase increases three times, stop taking the drug.

Taking statins is contraindicated:

Side effects

Doctors claim that statins for lowering cholesterol significantly prolong life, reduce the risk of heart attacks and remove “bad” LDL in the blood, leading to an increase in “good” LDL.

On this moment Safe statins that do not cause side effects and do not cause harm have not yet been invented. You can't self-prescribe medication if you're worried about high cholesterol.

The decision in which direction of treatment should be carried out and which particular drug is suitable for the patient is made by the attending physician, based on age, gender, chronic diseases, bad habits and lifestyle of the patient.

People who take the drug for a long time may experience the following reactions:

Side effects may also include impotence, obesity, and edema.

What drugs exist in Russia?

Statins for cholesterol latest generation differ in the active substance, but in all other respects they are similar.


This is the most common and effective group drugs that reduce blood cholesterol by 55%. Being destroyed for a long time, rosuvastatin remains in the body much longer than other substances.


Drugs in this group have less noticeable effect than the previous group - they lower cholesterol by up to 47%, but prevent the formation of cholesterol from fatty tissues. They also help increase the level of “good” HDL.


When taking medications from this group, cholesterol levels drop to 38%.


This is the weakest of all synthetic agent. Effective at 29%. It is taken when diets, physical exercise, weight loss do not give results. So far there is only one generic of this group - Lescol Forte.


Lovastatin is made from a natural fungus and reduces cholesterol levels by 25%. Doctors rarely prescribe this medicine, preferring more effective drugs.

If the doctor has prescribed a drug, then you need to take it exactly with the dosage that he recommended. Today, doctors are too lazy to recommend drugs that suit the patient’s budget, especially since the choice is quite large.

Features of the use of drugs

What should you consider when taking drugs in this group:

In the United States, doctors recently prescribed statins to lower cholesterol on the basis that they lengthen the lives of people with heart disease. They recommended prescribing fairly large doses to their Russian colleagues.

Since these drugs had not yet been thoroughly studied, and the benefits were more obvious than the harm, side effects paid little attention. But it found that 20% of people taking statin therapy developed adverse effects.

According to Canadian researchers, 57% of people develop cataracts, and if a person suffers from diabetes, the percentage increases to 82. With these statistics, it follows that statins reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, but due to serious side effects they should not be prescribed to those who have not previously suffered from heart disease or suffered a stroke.

There is another point of view of scientists: low level cholesterol is much more dangerous than high cholesterol, and statins work to lower it.

With low cholesterol, there are risks of neoplasms, disorders in the liver and kidneys, nervous disorders, anemia, premature deaths, and even cases of suicide have been identified.

Do I need to get rid of LDL at a level of 7 mmol/l?

Some scientists argue that the culprit of heart attacks is not high cholesterol, but magnesium deficiency, which causes diabetes, hypertension, arrhythmia and angina. Statins suppress the body's ability to restore cholesterol.

Arterial scars contain cholesterol, and when damaged by accumulated proteins and acids, it eliminates the damage.

In order to ensure muscle growth and normal functioning of the body, we need that same “bad” LDL, and with its deficiency, pain in the back and muscles appears, which is often complained of by patients taking statin drugs.

Mevalonate produces cholesterol, but it also produces other useful elements, without which they develop serious illnesses. Namely, its production is reduced by statins. They also lead to development diabetes mellitus, cholesterol increases, and there is a risk of ischemia, stroke and cardiac disorders.

The side effects of statins are dangerous. They develop unnoticed by a person and affect his brain activity, especially in older people.

Any prolonged interference with natural processes results in harm, which sometimes cannot be corrected. If a person over 50 years old has high cholesterol, this is a sign of presence serious illnesses– infections, inflammations, diseases digestive organs, failure of carbohydrate metabolism.

For cholesterol itself is not the cause of disease, but an indicator of the condition of a person as a whole. This means that it fights and protects the body, and does not lead to poor health. And first you need to look for the cause, and then deal with the symptoms that accompany this or that disorder.

Replacing statins

In order to reduce the dosage and reduce collateral damage, cardiologists prescribe fibrates - an alternative to statins. Taking fibrates reduces extravascular deposits by 20%. But they also have side effects, entailing dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, potency disorders, venous thromboembolism, allergies.

Fibrates include Lipantil, Exlip, Ciprofibrate - Lipanor, Gemfibrozil.

Among natural remedies that help fight high cholesterol, the following are distinguished:

Of course, this alternative is inferior to chemical drugs, but mild naturally, without harm, helps bring the blood composition back to normal. Many people do not deny the benefits of fasting; they take decoctions and infusions from traditional medicine recipes.

Strategies to lower blood cholesterol include:

Physical exercise, balanced diet and exception bad habits will contribute positive result and brings real benefits, and the reception chemical substances, which has serious side effects, is under investigation.

You have been suffering from constant headaches, migraines, severe shortness of breath at the slightest load and plus to all this pronounced HYPERTENSION? Did you know that all these symptoms indicate INCREASED CHOLESTEROL levels in your body? And all that is necessary is to bring cholesterol back to normal.

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, the fight against pathology is not on your side. Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can all these symptoms be tolerated? How much money and time have you already spent on ineffective treatment SYMPTOMS, and not the disease itself? After all, it is more correct to treat not the symptoms of the disease, but the disease itself! Do you agree?

And Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug produced in tablet form. The drugs have a similar active ingredient, but are produced by different pharmacological companies. Tablets are prescribed to regulate the concentration of cholesterol in the blood in case of hypercholesterolemia, cardiac or vascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus.

The medicine is produced in tablet form. One pill contains 10, 20, 40 mg of atorvastatin.

Auxiliary composition may vary depending on the manufacturer. Companies producing Atorvastatin are Kanonpharma/Northern Star/Vertex, Russia or Teva, Israel.

One package of thick paper contains 10-40 or 100 tablets. The cost of Atorvastatin is from 161 to 568 rubles.

Indications: complex therapy for hypercholesterolemia, diabetes (type 2), coronary heart disease and other heart and vascular diseases.


  • Lactation
  • Endocrine and metabolic disorders
  • Atorvastatin intolerance
  • Liver diseases
  • Severe infections
  • Extensive injuries
  • Pregnancy
  • Reproductive age
  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Surgical interventions.

Atorvastatin is taken orally against the background of a lipid-lowering diet. Initial dose – 10 mg, maximum amount per day – 80 mg. The tablets are taken once a day. Treatment lasts at least 30 days.

Adverse reactions develop quite often. After taking Atorvastatin, the activity of the nervous, cardiac, digestive, respiratory, skin, genitourinary, locomotor and immune systems may be disrupted.

The drug is produced in tablet form. Basic component– atorvastatin calcium. One pill contains 10.36 mg, 20.72 mg or 31.08 mg of the base substance.

Regardless of the amount of atorvastatin calcium in tablets (10-40 mg), Atoris has the same auxiliary composition:

  • E 572
  • Povidone – K 25
  • Croscarmellose sodium
  • Milk sugar
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Macrogol 400 and so on.
  • 10 tablets are packed in blisters, placed with annotation in a cardboard box.

Manufacturer of tablets - KRKA, Slovenia and KRKA-RUS, Russia. The cost of the medicine is from 400 rubles.

Atoris is a lipid-lowering drug that inhibits HMG-CoA reductase. The medicine is used to treat elevated levels of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in the body and to prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases.


  • Pregnancy
  • Atorvastatin intolerance
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Lactase intolerance or deficiency
  • Diseases skeletal muscles
  • Minor age
  • Rhabdomnolysis
  • Alcoholism.

Atoris is drunk once a day, regardless of the time of meal. The dosage is 10-80 mg. Medicinal action observed after 14 days from the start of taking the pills.

Possible negative reactions of Atoris are chest discomfort, nasopharyngitis, weakness, thrombocytopenia, allergic manifestations, impaired blood sugar concentration, depression, myalgia, dizziness. Anorexia, asthenia, respiratory and auditory dysfunction, atralgia, convulsions, insomnia, headache, pancreatitis, nausea, renal failure.

Which is better, comparison

Decide which drug good Atoris or Atorvastatin, and which is better, difficult. Since both products contain the same base substance. Medicines are produced in the same (tablet) form, have similar indications, adverse reactions, contraindications, method of administration and dosage.

Atorvastatin and Atoris are not considered original means. These are generics of Liprimar. And many doctors are convinced that original drugs are of better quality and more effective than their copies.

There is also an opinion among doctors that medicines produced by foreign pharmacological companies are of higher quality. Based on this, doctors recommend taking Atoris. However, Atorvastatin has a significant advantage - a lower price.

So, answering the question of what is the difference between Atoris and Atorvastatin, doctors and their patients note that these drugs are almost identical. The only difference is that the drugs are manufactured by different companies and have different prices.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Prohibited when breastfeeding

Has restrictions for children

Allowed for older people

Has limitations for liver problems

Allowed for kidney problems

Lipid-lowering drugs are designed to lower the lipoprotein index in the body. The properties of these drugs are to suppress the synthesis of cholesterol by liver cells. Lipid-lowering drugs include statins. Representatives of the third generation based on the active component of atorvastatin are the drug Atorvastatin and its analogue Atoris. In this article we will look at what is better to take in a particular case - Atoris or Atorvastatin.

Review of Atoris and Atorvastatin

Atoris was developed as a substitute for the original 3rd generation statin drug Liprimar (Germany), which is not affordable for most patients. Atoris has an almost identical composition to the original and the same effectiveness in reducing cholesterol. Under the influence of Atoris, the following actions occur in the body:

Atorvastatin is a modern drug of the 3rd generation statin group, which is produced by Russian and Israeli pharmacological companies. The medication actively affects the enzyme reductase, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents the development of atherosclerotic processes.

A drug based on atorvastatin calcium is available only in tablet form (with a dosage of 10, 20, and 40 mg). Atorvastatin can be taken in pediatrics from the age of 10 with homozygous hereditary hypercholesterolemia.

Russian medicines cost significantly less than their foreign counterparts. Their cost is:

  1. From 110 rub. per pack of 10 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg.
  2. From 260 rub. per package of medicine with a dose of 20 mg.
  3. It costs from 300 to 375 rubles for a package of 10 tablets with a dosage of 40 mg.

The principle of action of the drugs

The active component in both drugs is atorvastatin, which interferes with the activity of the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase and normalizes the production of mevalonic acid, which is the basis of sterols formed at the initial stage of synthesis of cholesterol molecules in hepatocytes.

With the help of medications, the volume of cholesterol produced is reduced, which triggers LDL receptors that capture bad cholesterol molecules and promote their utilization through bile acids. Lipid catabolism is significantly enhanced and there is a significant reduction in “bad” cholesterol. Blood plasma is cleared of free cholesterol.

Also, the main component in medicinal preparations inhibits the synthesis of very low density lipids, which reduces their production, and also reduces the synthesis of triglyceride molecules.

In addition to this therapeutic effect, medications have an effect on the arterial membranes vasodilator effect, and also reduce the viscosity of blood plasma and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic deposits.

Taking statins reduces the development of complicated forms of ischemia and prevents heart attack and stroke.

The pharmacokinetics of 3rd generation statins are the same:

  • maximum concentration – 1-2 hours after taking the tablet;
  • the pharmaceutical effect does not depend on the age and gender category of the patient;
  • if the patient is suffering chronic alcoholism with cirrhosis of the liver, then the concentration of the active component exceeds the norm in the liver by 16 times;
  • if you take statins after meals, then their absorption is reduced;
  • bioavailability –12%;
  • relationship between statin and plasma proteins – 95-98%;
  • Metabolism of statins occurs on cellular level in liver tissue and does not affect the blood-brain barrier;
  • the drug passes through the placental barrier and is detected in breast milk;
  • metabolites that are formed in liver cells can provide good protection up to 30 hours;
  • The release of the medication begins after 14 hours. 45% is excreted with bile, and the rest with feces.

Indications and contraindications

Third generation statins are prescribed for certain disorders in lipid balance, as well as for other pathologies. These are:

As a preventative measure, medications are prescribed for:

  • the formation of atherosclerotic accumulations in the endothelium of the arteries in patients at risk;
  • cardiac diseases.

Contraindications for the use of statin drugs in therapy include:

  • high sensitivity of the body to atorvastatin;
  • liver pathologies in acute and severe forms;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • increased transaminases;
  • myopathy, other muscular and skeletal pathologies in history;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a child;
  • age under 18 years;
  • unreliable contraception in women childbearing age.

Children are prescribed drugs from the age of 10 for familial homozygous cholesterolemia, but are not prescribed a strict diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, statins are not prescribed. cause of lung passing through the placental barrier and high risk development of intrauterine pathologies in the fetus. For the same reason, it is not taken when breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

Taking statins is not tied to the time of eating; the only recommendation is to take them at the same time.

Most effective time to take the medicine - before bedtime, because at night the concentration of cholesterol is highest. Before starting therapy and the entire course of taking statins, it should be accompanied by an anti-cholesterol diet, which, in combination with medicine shows good reduction HS.

The dosage regimen and dosage for both drugs are the same. The initial dosage per day is 10 mg, for primary or mixed hypercholesterolemia - 20 mg. Children with hereditary homozygous hypercholesterolemia are not prescribed a dosage higher than 10 mg. For hypertriglyceridemia, the initial dosage is 10 mg with a gradual increase to 40 mg.

Prevention of cardiac pathologies - 20 mg followed by doubling the dose. Elderly patients or those with kidney disease moderate severity do not prescribe a dosage higher than 20 mg per day. Treatment of a patient with a dosage of 80 mg is possible only in a hospital and under the supervision of doctors.

Treatment of systemic atherosclerosis should begin with a dose of 10 or 20 mg, depending on the stage of disease progression, and then double the dosage (the first increase can be done after 2 weeks of use).

A change in drug can occur only after 30 days of therapy have passed and the maximum effectiveness of the statin has been achieved. It is not recommended to change the drug to an analogue or increase the dosage before.

Key differences and effectiveness?

What is the difference between Atoris and Atorvastatin? Both medications are generics of the original drug Liprimar. There is a difference in the country of origin: Atorvastatin is produced in Russia, and Atoris is its foreign analogue. The cost of these two drugs is also different. Atorvastatin costs 2-3 times less than the foreign drug. The effectiveness of both medications in the treatment is almost the same.

The effectiveness of the drug depends not only on the active component, but also on the correctly selected composition of auxiliary components. Difference in therapeutic effect of both medications is insignificant, but it still exists and must be taken into account when choosing a drug for treatment - Atoris or Atorvastatin.

Atorvastatin with a dosage of 10 mg shows the following therapeutic effect:

  • decrease in total cholesterol – by 33%;
  • LDL – decrease by 47%;
  • triglycerides decrease by 9%;
  • apo B decreases by 37%;
  • apo A (3%) and HDL increase by 9-10%.

Therapeutic effect of Atoris with a dosage of 10 mg:

  • total cholesterol index – decrease by 38%;
  • decrease in LDL by 50%;
  • TG are reduced by 13%;
  • apo B is reduced by 42%;
  • HDL levels increase by 10-12%
  • increase in apo A - by 4%.

Side effects

3rd generation statins are the same as drugs of previous generations and modern means, have a large list of side effects on all organs. For this reason, statins are not intended for self-medication, because if taken incorrectly, they can lead to fatal outcome. A correctly selected dose of the drug by a doctor reduces the risk of developing negative reactions in organism:

Organs and systems Negative effects
Nervous system and brain
  • dizziness and headache of varying intensity;
  • lack of coordination in movement and unsteadiness in gait;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • paresthesia;
  • neuropathy;
  • decreased memory, vision;
  • tinnitus.
Heart and blood flow
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • anemia.
Muscles and skeletal apparatus
  • myalgia, arthralgia and cramps in muscle tissue;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • arthritis;
  • myopathy and rhabdomyolysis.
Digestive tract
  • dyspeptic abnormalities;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholestasis;
  • dry mouth and stomatitis;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea, constipation, flatulence;
  • increase in transaminases.
Epidermis and allergies
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • urticaria, erythema;
  • Quincke's edema.
Respiratory system
  • bronchospasms;
  • dyspnea;
  • bleeding from the sinuses.
General negative effects in the body
  • body fatigue;
  • breast growth in men and impotence;
  • decreased libido in women;
  • increase or decrease in blood glucose.

Interaction with other medications and analogues

For complex therapy It is necessary to carefully select drugs with which statins may interact to avoid side effects from joint therapy:

Below are analogues of Atoris and Russian Atorvastatin, which are used in the treatment of systemic atherosclerosis and increased concentration cholesterol in the blood. Basic active ingredient in these analogues – atorvastatin:

  1. Liprimar – original drug 3 generations of statins. Manufactured in Germany (Pfizer), where everything went through clinical researches. The safest and most effective statin in its subgroup. The only drawback is the very high price.
  2. Indian analogue of Atomax– the drug is prescribed for the prevention of cardiac diseases and systemic atherosclerosis.
  3. Torvacard (Zentiva, Slovenia)- the most popular analogue in Russia. An effective medication that has an affordable price.

Behind last decades cardiovascular pathologies came out on top among the causes of death. The laws of biology cannot be abolished: no matter where a person lives, no matter what he eats, changes in blood vessels are inevitable with age.

Atherosclerosis today has a particularly malignant course: with an increased incidence of hypertension, stroke, and heart attack.

Pollution level environment, Lifestyle modern man(nourishment, decreased motor activity, overweight body) cannot always be controlled.

One of the main risk factors is poor nutrition: overeating, abuse fatty foods, which provokes increased production of adipose tissue and “bad” cholesterol (CH). The higher the level of low-density lipids, the greater the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Statins help normalize LDL and triglycerol levels. Their prominent representative is Torvacard, a lipid-lowering drug that inhibits HMG-CoA reductase and is effective in many pathologies: for diabetics, hypertensive patients, and also for hereditary diseases.

The active component of the drug is atorvastatin, which reduces total cholesterol by 30-46%, LDL by 40-60%; Triglycerol levels are also reduced.

Composition, form of medicine and price

In convex tablets, covered with film, contained calcium salt atorvastatin in the amount of 10, 20 or 40 g. Supplement the base substance:

Medicines are available by prescription. For Torvacard, the price in the pharmacy chain depends on their dosage and quantity in the box, for example, Torvacard 20 mg price is 90 tablets. –1066 rub.

The medicine is suitable for use for 4 years, special conditions it is not required for storage.

Pharmacological characteristics


The synthetic drug Torvacard inhibits HMG-CoA reductase, limiting the rate of cholesterol synthesis. CS, triglycerides, lipoproteins are in circulatory system in complex.

Depending on their density, they are separated into fractions by ultracentrifugation. The liver incorporates triglycerol and cholesterol into the lowest density lipids (VLDL), where they enter the bloodstream to be sent to peripheral tissues.

Experiments on animals revealed that statin reduces the concentration of cholesterol and lipid by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase and producing cholesterol. The number of “bad” cholesterol receptors, which enhance the absorption of lipoproteins of this type, also increases. Reduces atorvastine and LDL synthesis.

Torvacard helps reduce OC, VLDL, TG, and LDL levels even for patients with non-familial and familial hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia, which rarely respond to therapy with alternative medications.

There is information about directly proportional dependence between mortality in pathologies of the heart and blood vessels and LDL content and OX and inversely proportional – for HDL.

Torvakard and its metabolites are pharmacologically active for human body. The main place of their localization is the liver, which performs the function of cholesterol synthesis and LDL clearance. When compared with the systemic content of the drug, the dosage of Torvacard is more actively correlated with a reduction in LDL levels.

The individual dose is selected based on the results of the therapeutic response.


  1. Suction. The drug is actively absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract after internal use, reaching the highest concentration within one to two hours. The level of absorption increases with increasing dose of Torvacard. Its bioavailability is at the level of 14%, the level of inhibitory activity towards HMG-CoA reductase is 30%. The indicator of low bioavailability is explained by pre-systemic clearance in the gastrointestinal tract and biotransformation in the liver. The rate of absorption of the medicine is delayed by food, but the drop in levels of “harmful” cholesterol is separate or joint reception food and medicine are not affected. If you use a statin in the evening, its concentration decreases by 30%, but this result does not affect the reduction in the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  2. Distribution. Over 98% active substance binds to blood proteins. Experiments on rats have shown that the drug can enter mother's milk.
  3. Metabolism. The drug is intensively metabolized. About 70% of its inhibitory activity against HMG-CoA reductase is provided by metabolites.
  4. Excretion. Most of atorvastine and its derivatives are excreted in the bile after processing in the liver. The half-life of statin is up to 14 hours. After consuming a dose, no more than 2% of the drug enters the urine.
  5. Sexual and age characteristics. U healthy people In mature age, the percentage of statin content is higher than in young people, hence the degree of reduction LDL levels they have more. In women, the content of Torvacard in the blood is higher, but this factor does not affect the rate of decrease in LDL levels. There are no data on the reaction of children to Torvacard.
  6. Kidney pathologies. Renal failure does not affect the percentage of statin levels and does not require dose adjustment. Hemodialysis will not increase the clearance of the drug, since atorvastine is tightly bound to proteins.
  7. Liver diseases. Liver diseases associated with alcohol abuse affect the level of the drug in the blood: its content is noticeably increased.

The information presented as a change by several times is the ratio of cases of concurrent use of drugs and Torvacard alone.

The information shown as a percentage is the difference in data when using Torvacard separately. AUC is the area under the curve showing the level of atorvastatin over a certain time. C max – the most high content ingredients in the blood.

Medications for concurrent use and dosage

Dose Change in AUC Change C max
Cyclosporine 520 mg / 2 times. / day, constantly. 10 mg 1 time/day. for 28 days 8.7 rub. 10.7 RUR
Saquinavir 400 mg twice a day/ Ritonavir 400 mg twice a day, 15 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. for 4 days 3.9 rub. 4.3 rub.
Telaprevir 750 mg every 8 hours, 10 days. 20 mg RD RUB 7.88 10.6 rub.
Itraconazole 200 mg 1 r. / day, 4 days. 40 mg RD. 3.3 rub. 20%
Clarithromycin 500g 2 times a day, 9 days. 80 mg 1 time/day. For 8 days 4.4 r 5.4 rub.
Fosamprenavir 1400 mg twice a day, 14 days. 10 mg 1 time per day for 4 days. 2.3 rub. . 4.04 rub.
Grapefruit juice, 250 ml once a day. 40 mg 1 time/day. n. 37% 16%
Nelfinavir 1250 mg twice a day, 14 days 10 mg 1 time/day. at 28 d 74% 2.2 rub.
Erythromycin 0.5 g 4 times a day, 7 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. 51% No changes
Diltiazem 240 mg 1 time/day, 28 days. 80 mg 1 time/day. 15% 12%
Amlodipine 10 mg, single dose 10 mg 1 time/day. 33% 38%
Colestipol 10 mg twice a day, 28 weeks. 40 mg 1 time/day. at 28 weeks not identified 26%
Cimetidine 300 mg once a day, 4 weeks. 10 mg 1 time/day. for 2 weeks up to1% 11%
Efavirenz 600 mg once a day, 14 days. 10 mg for 3 days. 41% 1%
Maalox TC ® 30 ml 1 r./day, 17 days. 10 mg 1 time/day. for 15 days 33% 34%
Rifampin 600 mg once a day, 5 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. 80% 40%
Fenofibrate 160 mg once a day, 7 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. 3% 2%
Gemfibrozil 0.6g 2 times a day, 7 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. 35% up to 1%
Boceprevir 0.8g 3 times/day, 7 days. 40 mg 1 time/day. RUB 2.30 RUB 2.66

The risk of skeletal muscle disease (rhabdomyolysis) exists when Torvacard comes into contact with medications that increase its levels. It is dangerous to combine it with cyclosporine, stiripentol, telithromycin, clarithromycin, delavirdine, ketoconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, itraconazole and HIV inhibitors.

Usually, analogs are selected that do not interact with Torvacard. If a decision is made to combine them, all the risks and benefits of such therapy are calculated.

Statins and fusidic acid are not compatible: atorvastatin is canceled during the course of acid therapy.

If the patient takes medications that increase the level of statin in the blood, prescribe minimum dosage Torvakarda. Constant monitoring of such patients is mandatory.

With prolonged therapy with statins, manifestations of lung diseases are not excluded: shortness of breath, cough, weight loss, fatigue, fever. At the first symptoms of interstitial lung disease, Torvacard is discontinued.

Some studies suggest that statins can significantly increase blood sugar levels. Patients with prediabetes may require antidiabetic therapy. But if we compare this threat with the danger of vascular damage, then the use of statins may be justified.

Representatives of the risk group (fast sugar up to 6.9 mmol/l, BMI > 30 kg/m2, high triglycerol concentration, hypertension) are constantly monitored for biochemical parameters and clinical condition.

Some auxiliary components may also cause undesirable consequences. For example, lactose is not suitable for individuals with galactose intolerance or lactase deficiency.

Patients with IHD of the heart and patients at risk for angina pectoris, Torvacard is prescribed in parallel with the diet.

Torvacard: indications and contraindications for use

Adults without signs of coronary artery disease, but with prerequisites for its formation (hypertension, smoking, age, reduced rate HDL, a hereditary predisposition to heart disease) is prescribed to prevent stroke, myocardial infarction, and reduce the risk of revascularization procedures.

For type 2 diabetics without symptoms of coronary artery disease, but with risk factors such as retinopathy, albuminuria (protein in the urine indicating kidney pathology), smoking or hypertension, a statin is prescribed to prevent heart attack and stroke.

In case of clinically significant ischemic heart disease, atorvastatin is prescribed for the prevention of lethal and non-lethal heart attack and stroke, facilitating the revascularization procedure, reducing the risk of hospitalization in case of stagnation in heart.

For hyperlipidemia, the drug Tovacard is indicated in parallel with a diet that reduces the levels of “bad” cholesterol and triglycerol and improves HDL.

Torvacard is not prescribed for liver diseases in active stage and increased sensitivity to the ingredients of atorvastatin.

Pregnant women, as well as those women who may become pregnant, should not use Torvacard, since statins are dangerous for the fetus. Patients of childbearing age should take a responsible approach to the choice of contraceptives.

Even with normal course pregnancy, the percentage of cholesterol and triglycerol is higher than normal. Lipid-lowering drugs are not useful in this case, because cholesterol and its derivatives are needed for the full formation of the fetus.

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease and it develops over decades, so short-term use of atorvastine will not affect the course of hypercholesterolemia.

For Torvakard, studies have not been conducted on the effect of the drug on a breastfed child. But in general, statins can pass into mother’s milk, causing undesirable consequences in infants. Therefore, for women taking Torvacard, it is advisable to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition.

Directions for use and dosage

For hyperlipidemia and dyslipidemia, the instructions recommend the first dose of Tovacard within 10-20 mg/day. If “bad” cholesterol needs to be reduced by 45% or more, you can start with 49 mg/day. The general limits of the dosage range are 10-80 mg/day.

Take the tablets once, at any time, regardless of meals. When prescribing an initial or maintenance dose, they are guided by the goals of therapy and the body’s response. After 2-4 weeks or when the dose changes, lipid levels should be checked and the regimen adjusted.

For children 10-17 years old with heterozygous hypercholesterolemia, the course begins with 10 mg/day. The maximum dose of Tovakar is up to 20 mg/day. There are no data on the response of children to more serious doses. The norm is adjusted every 4 weeks or more.

If there is a history of homozygous hypercholesterolemia, the dosage range of Torvacard is 10-80 mg/day. Statin is used in combination with lipid-lowering drugs, as well as in cases where such therapy is not available.

In patients with renal failure, dose adjustment is not required, since such pathologies do not affect the effectiveness of atorvastatin.

Help with overdose

There is no special treatment for excessive use of Torvacard. They choose methods depending on the symptoms, supplementing them with supportive measures. Due to the rapid binding of the active component to blood proteins, you should not count on increasing its clearance using hemodialysis.

For Thorakard, detailed instructions for use can be found here

Side effects

Clinical adverse effects identified in 2% of patients taking different doses Torvakarda, regardless of the reasons, are presented in the table.

Side effects Any dose 10 mg 20 mg 40 mg 80 mg Placebo
Nasopharyngitis 8,3 12,9 5,3 7 4,2 8,2
Arthralgia 6,9 8,9 11,7 10,6 4,3 6,5
Stool disorder 6,8 7,3 6,4 14,1 5,2 6,3
Leg pain 6 8,5 3,7 9,3 3,1 5,9
Urinary tract infection 5,7 6,9 6,4 8 4,1 5,6
Dyspeptic disorders 4,7 5,9 3,2 6 3,3 4,3
Nausea 4 3,7 3,7 7,1 3,8 3,5
Muscle and bone pain 3,8 5,2 3,2 5,1 2,3 3,6
Muscle spasms 3,6 4,6 4,8 5,1 2,4 3
Myalgia 3,5 3,6 5,9 8,4 2,7 3,1
Sleep disorder 3 2,8 1,1 5,3 2,8 2,9
Pharyngolaryngeal pain 2,3 3,9 1,6 2,8 0,7 2,1

Atorvastatin has little effect on the level of attention and reaction when working with machinery or driving vehicles.

Torvacard - analogues

Medicines with similar properties may contain atorvastatin or simply have similar functions of influencing the body. Before deciding to switch to Alternative option treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

By active active ingredient You can choose more expensive and cheaper analogues for Torvacard:

Based on the results of the effect on the body, Torvacard can be replaced by:

Before using Torvacard or another statin, it is important to study the instructions for use and understand side effects and compatibility with related products.

Statins are used to treat higher level cholesterol. Drugs of this type that are currently being produced tend not only to lower “bad” cholesterol, but also stimulate the production of a useful substance.

They are prescribed in case of advanced disease, if there is a risk of developing a heart attack or stroke. And also if non-drug methods not effective.

The effect is noticeable after a month of therapy with such drugs. Despite this, their maximum reliability positive influence does not exist. According to some studies, they have far more side effects than benefits.

However, there are patients who should definitely be treated with statins:

  1. for the prevention of stroke, heart attack;
  2. with ischemia;
  3. after surgical intervention on the heart and blood vessels;
  4. if a person has angina pectoris;
  5. in the presence of acute coronary syndrome.

They are also prescribed after 40 years, in case of illness of cardio-vascular system, as well as people whose close relatives died from heart pathologies.

Medicines in this group are prescribed to prolong the life of patients suffering from high cholesterol. But this fact does not mean that they are prescribed to all patients with hypercholesterolemia, but only in case of unsuccessful treatment without medication.

Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor in case of urgent need. Some of the most effective statins are Atoris and Rosuvastatin. They are prescribed for lipid metabolism disorders and heart diseases.

To understand which drugs are the most effective, Atoris or Rosuvastatin, you need to know the mechanisms of influence and side effects of both drugs and how they differ. Both means have more than one good review from users.

Indications and contraindications of drugs

Atoris is a concentration reducer bad cholesterol and plaques in size, slowing down the development of atherosclerosis.

The main active ingredient is atorvastatin. The original medicine atorvastatin is Liprimar, and Atoris is an identical drug, but more affordable in price.

Atoris is prescribed when high cholesterol, high risks of developing cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to its action, the risks of blood clots are minimized.

Indications for use:

  • High cholesterol levels in adults and children over 10 years of age.
  • Prevention of heart attack.
  • Stroke prevention.
  • Prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diabetes.
  • Recovery period after surgical intervention on the cardiovascular system.

The medicine interacts poorly with other drugs. The use of statins along with other types of medications can cause severe side effects in the form of disruption of the liver and kidneys. This is especially true for antibiotics, drugs against fungus, against hypertension, arrhythmia, and drugs that strengthen the immune system. Before taking the medicine, you need to discuss this with a specialist.

Do not use the product if you have severe liver diseases; individual intolerance to the main one, or excipients; with caution: for alcoholism, disorders endocrine system, diabetes, infections.

Rosuvastatin is a lipid-lowering drug that is prescribed when other treatment methods are not effective. It is also prescribed for some other disorders. The medicine must be taken in combination with a diet.

  1. Hypercholesterolemia of any type.
  2. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is also often prescribed for homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Before using the medicine, the patient must switch to special diet from cholesterol. This will help make the therapy easier and should be followed for a long time, preferably even after treatment.

The drug also has a number of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to substances;
  • liver diseases in the active phase;
  • during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • in case of lactose intolerance;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • childhood;

Contraindication for use is concurrent treatment with Cyclosporine.

Instructions for use of drugs

Each of the drugs has its own fixed instructions for use.

Atoris is available in tablet form. The course of therapy usually begins with a dosage of 10 milligrams per day. After just a month, the number of tablets can be increased to enhance the effect. Maximum – 80 milligrams per day.

For each age group The dosage is different, you need to be especially careful about the amount for older people and women during menopause. In addition to the obvious advantages, the drug has some side effects.

It has been noted that taking Atoris often causes muscle pain, stomach upsets, headaches, increased fatigue, slight impairment of memory and thinking functions. Despite this, the tablets are brought more benefits than harm, and they should be stopped if the side effects are difficult for the patient to tolerate.

No cases of drug overdose were found.

When taking pills, you need to follow a special diet, active image life, it is advisable to engage in physical exercise. If the patient has problems with weight, they should lose weight. Treatment will be more effective if a person follows healthy image life.

If the patient is bothered by muscle pain and general weakness, you should contact a specialist. During treatment, you need to keep your liver and kidney function under control, so you should undergo an examination at 6 and 12 weeks.

It must be remembered that the drug can increase glucose levels in diabetics. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, in a cool, dark place. The price of the drug in Russia is from 357 rubles

Rosuvastatin is available in tablet form. Should be taken orally with plenty of water. It is necessary to start treatment with 10 milligrams per day, then, if necessary, you can increase the dose. In case of renal failure, the dose should be halved at the very beginning of the course of therapy. The maximum effect can be observed within three weeks after the start of therapy. The drug also has side effects in the form of:

  1. myalgia;
  2. muscle hypertonicity;
  3. arthritis; bronchial asthma;
  4. insomnia; depression; pneumonia;
  5. increased pressure; increased anxiety;
  6. rhinitis; angina pectoris; allergies;
  7. angioedema;
  8. diabetes mellitus; increased heart rate.

Jaundice and hepatitis occur very rarely. To avoid negative effects You should discuss taking the drug with your doctor and use it with extreme caution. The cost of the drug in Russia is from 275 rubles.

Only a specialist can decide Atoris or Rosuvastatin: which is better, because each of them can have different characteristics and have different effects on the human body.

Main analogues of drugs

Both drugs have similar medicinal effects.

Analogs of these drugs have the same effect, but some are cheaper, with some differences in dosage.

If necessary, they can replace the main medicine, but the replacement must be agreed with the doctor. Many can be taken as an alternative.

Experts include the drugs Atorvastatin, Roxera, Rosucard, Simvastatin, Vasilip, Cardiostatin, Lovastatin as substitutes for the drug Atoris.

Prices for drugs vary quite widely. Some of them are much more affordable. You can buy them without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Rosuvastatin also has a replacement.