Antibiotics for coughs are inexpensive. When are antibiotics needed for coughs in adults?

If your cold is accompanied by a cough, then in most cases you cannot do without antibiotics. It so happens that doctors like to prescribe antibacterial drugs without conducting appropriate tests to determine the nature of the disease. Often this is done simply to avoid complications and subsequent accusations that the therapist mistreated the patient.

In what cases are antibacterial drugs necessary?

Before prescribing antibiotics for a cough, your doctor should refer you to a routine finger prick blood test - based on its results, you can judge the causes of the disease. Of course, if your blood formula is significantly changed, leukocytes and ESR are elevated, then you cannot do without antibacterial agents. In other cases, antibiotics for coughing will not be needed - expectorants and antiviral drugs. But with confirmed pneumonia or bronchitis, which are usually caused by bacteria, they will be necessary.

How to determine the type of infection

Of course, in some cases, the doctor may consider that treating a cough with antibiotics is necessary even without testing. So, they are prescribed if the specialist is sure that the infection is bacterial. This may be indicated by the following signs: temperature not lower than 38 0 C for 2 days, shortness of breath, characteristic wheezing, intoxication of the body. In addition, the bacterial nature of the disease may be indicated by the absence of a runny nose, which is usually present with all viral infections. If you or your child have been diagnosed with bronchitis, tracheitis, or pleurisy, then antibiotics for coughing will definitely be prescribed. These inflammatory diseases can only be treated with their help.


Considering that many medicines can be purchased in our pharmacies without a prescription, people like to prescribe antibiotics for coughs on their own. But such a practice is fraught with serious consequences, the least terrible of which will be subsequent immunity to drugs of a certain class. In addition, in some cases, antibiotics can even worsen the condition, because they kill many beneficial microorganisms. Even doctors cannot always correctly determine which antibiotic for a cough will help best. Therefore, attempts to choose an antibacterial drug on your own or with the help of a pharmacist at a pharmacy are often unsuccessful. These medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account a blood test. general condition the patient and his medical history. Only in this case can we hope that the treatment will be effective and side effects will be kept to a minimum.

Are antibiotics a panacea?

Despite the fact that the list of indications for which it is recommended to take antibacterial drugs is quite large, in most cases you can do without them. Besides, latest research talk about their ineffectiveness in many cases. So, if the cough was caused by a viral disease (as is most often the case), you can do without them. Respiratory infections can be treated quite successfully with other methods.

When should you take antibiotics for a dry cough, and how justified is taking such drugs? To begin with, it should be noted that any cough, including dry cough, can be a manifestation of both viral and bacterial infection. And its treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it.

Antibiotics are drugs designed to destroy pathogenic microorganisms; they only kill bacteria; they are useless for viral infections. Therefore, the prescription of antibiotics for dry cough should be used when the cough is bacterial in nature. Only a doctor can establish this fact, solely on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis.

Groups of antibiotics for coughs

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces three groups of antibiotics that can be used in the treatment of dry cough.

    The penicillin group, which includes semisynthetic antibiotics:

    • augmentin;


    If a person has an allergy to one of them, then it is cross-allergic, that is, it will manifest itself to all other drugs from this group.

    The cephalosporin group is by far the most extensive. In total, several generations of such drugs have been developed. Moreover, with each generation their effectiveness increases and toxicity decreases, so we can say that these antibiotics are the most gentle. They are even used during pregnancy.

    This group includes:

    • cefpir;

      cefazolin, and other drugs.

    The macrolide group is considered the most effective against strepto- and staphylococci. At the same time, it is relatively gentle in its effect on the human body.

    This group includes the following antibiotics:

    • azithromycin;


      roxithromycin and others.

What antibiotics are prescribed for dry cough?

For children and adults in the treatment of diseases accompanied by a dry cough, it is most often prescribed different drugs(or choose different dosages, taking into account the characteristics of the body). For adults, the most common choice is to prescribe penicillin antibiotics.

In particular, these are drugs such as:

Among the antibiotics of other groups, azithromycin, sumamed, suprax and some others should be highlighted. Each of them has its own scope of application.

Ceftriaxone is considered one of the most effective. It is prescribed even for such a serious illness as pneumonia. Most often it is prescribed in the form intramuscular injections. This way it is absorbed by the body much better and with fewer side effects.

Almost each of the listed antibiotics has a very impressive list side effects. This may include dizziness, nausea, various disorders from the outside of cardio-vascular system and digestive organs. And, of course, this is an allergy, up to angioedema and anaphylactic shock.

That is why, if allergic reactions to any group of antibiotics have been observed in the past, you should immediately inform your doctor about this. Perhaps he will be able to replace the drug with something safer from an allergy point of view. But even if there were no such reactions before, they may appear next time. At the first symptoms you should consult a doctor.

What antibiotics can children take?

For children under two years of age, antibiotics are prescribed with extreme caution and only in the most severe cases, since the harm of such drugs to a fragile body may exceed the effect of therapy.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

General principles for the use of antibacterial drugs

It should be understood that in fact, taking antibiotics for a dry cough does not help either to soften it or to liquefy and remove sputum. Completely different drugs are used for this.

Antibiotics are needed solely to destroy the bacteria that caused this cough, which in itself is only a protective reaction of the body. With the help of a cough, the body tries to get rid of phlegm, including those containing pathogenic bacteria.

At the same time, bacteria, like any living organism, have excellent adaptive abilities. This is especially true for staphylococcus and streptococcus. Sooner or later they lose sensitivity to most popular drugs. Therefore, you should not take any antibiotics just because they are advertised on television or because they helped your friends. If it turns out that pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to the active substance, the situation will only worsen.

Such medications can only be prescribed by a doctor, and laboratory tests are usually carried out for this. The patient gives general analysis blood, in which a sharp increase in leukocytes is noticeable. If necessary, bacterial culture is done to determine the causative agent of the infection and its resistance to certain antibiotics.

Sometimes the doctor immediately prescribes the drug, based on the general clinical picture, age and health of the patient.

Antibiotics are not taken for a long time.

As a rule, the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days. You cannot stop taking the drug before the end of the course, since there is a risk that not all pathogenic microflora will be destroyed. But it is not recommended to drink them longer than prescribed, since long-term use Such drugs always carry a risk of developing dysbacteriosis. After all, antibiotics do not act selectively exclusively on pathogenic bacteria; they also destroy beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dysbacteriosis is dangerous because the absence of such microflora reduces immunity and makes our body practically defenseless for some period, so that it can again be attacked by pathogenic microorganisms.

Finally, any antibiotic has a number of contraindications and side effects, and among the latter the most common is allergies. Therefore, you need to take the drug in the dosage in which the doctor prescribed it, so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

For what diseases are antibiotics prescribed?

What diseases are accompanied by such a symptom as dry cough:

    Tracheitis and tracheobronchitis.

    Such diseases can be either viral or bacterial in nature (they are caused by streptococcus and staphylococcus). A characteristic symptom is a dry cough, which is most severe at night and in the morning. A severe cough can even be caused by deep breath or laughter.

    This is a disease that can be provoked by both viruses and several types of pathogens (these are streptococci and staphylococci, less commonly pneumococci), as well as fungi of the Candida family. To the number characteristic symptoms include not only coughing caused by irritation back wall, but also dryness in oral cavity, soreness, feeling of discomfort.

    Acute tonsillitis.
    This is a disease that in everyday life is most often called sore throat. Dry cough in such cases occurs when tonsillitis is accompanied by pharyngitis. In this case, most often the causative agent of the disease is Staphylococcus aureus, although it is also possible to suffer from a mixed infection.

    It can be accompanied by both dry and wet cough. Bronchitis is not always bacterial in nature; sometimes it is caused by various unfavorable environmental factors and harmful substances, polluting the air (which is why city residents get sick with it more often). The presence of bacteria that cause infection can only be determined by test results.

    With this disease, dry cough is rare, but it does happen. Although the onset of the disease can also be triggered by a virus (for example, influenza), it is always accompanied by a bacterial infection.

    Most often it is caused by a bacterial infection, although medicine also knows cases of non-infectious pleurisy. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

    This dangerous disease, which at one time was considered defeated, but today it has returned again, and the number of cases is only growing every year. It is always caused by the activity of microorganisms - acid-fast microbacteria, of which there are more than 70 species.

    One of the symptoms of tuberculosis is a dry cough, sometimes mixed with blood. Moreover, tuberculosis is also dangerous because for a long time there may be no cough at all.

All these diseases, in addition to cough, can be accompanied by other symptoms, including increased body temperature, weakness, and other manifestations of intoxication.

Cough in 80% of cases is a consequence of infection entering the body. This is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases that occur under the influence of bacteria or viruses.

Antibiotics for coughs in adults are becoming the most effective method treatment for bacterial origin. They are the ones who quickly and effectively help fight most infections.

Only a doctor can prescribe these drugs. He knows the features of various pharmacological agents, their direction and is able to take into account their impact on the patient’s body.

It should be remembered that cough antibiotics effective only for diseases caused by bacterial infection. For the treatment of influenza, parainfluenza, measles, rotavirus infection or ARVI requires other medications.

If the patient has severe respiratory symptoms, you can't start self-treatment antibiotics. Before this, you need to visit a doctor.

For colds or hypothermia, such therapy is also contraindicated. Such an effect on the body's microflora will do more harm than good..

Taking antibiotics in this case will only make it worse clinical picture and will harm the body. Therefore, first they carry out laboratory test detachable nose and pharynx. And only after that treatment is prescribed.

If the disease has become severe or protracted, then it is best to fight it with antibacterial drugs that affect the most various microflora. As a rule, at the same time, the doctor prescribes immunostimulants or vitamins.

Antibiotics for a severe cough are prescribed by a specialist to treat:

  • Bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • sinusitis;
  • tuberculosis.

Exceeding the dose of an antibiotic or, conversely, taking the drug haphazardly will not help get rid of the disease, but will cause side effects.

These diseases vary in their main symptoms, but they are all caused by some kind of bacterial infection. Typically the patient complains of a severe cough, lightheadedness, or headache.

High temperatures in excess of thirty-eight degrees Celsius are common. The patient may have difficulty breathing and experiences severe symptoms intoxication.

Antibiotics for coughs will very quickly help relieve all these manifestations. They will not only help you forget about them, but will also help you get rid of headaches, runny nose, general malaise, weakness, and other symptoms. To do this, you must strictly follow the dosage regimen, which is indicated in the instructions and developed by your doctor.

Classification of drugs

Typically, specialists prescribe antibacterial agents belonging to:

  • Penicillins (Ampiox, Augmentin, Amoxiclav);
  • macrolides (Clarithromycin, Roxithromycin, Azithromycin);
  • cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefpirome or Cefazolin).

It is necessary to choose a drug based on the range of pathogens for which it is destructive.

It is of great importance whether the patient produces sputum. Some antibiotics are more targeted at wet coughs, while others are more targeted at dry coughs.

The longer the disease continues, the more wide range actions must have antibacterial agent. Therefore, most often the doctor prescribes Amoxiclav as a medicine with universal effects..

In addition, the specialist closely monitors the patient’s changing well-being. If the condition improves, antibiotics are discontinued, and if the condition worsens, the drug is replaced with a more effective one. If the course of treatment is completed, but the cough does not disappear, it means that the antibacterial agent was chosen incorrectly or the person did not comply with all the doctor’s requirements.

Choice of antibiotic

Typically, for respiratory diseases the following are prescribed:

  • Ampiox. It actively affects the inflammatory process, destroys infection and quickly improves the patient’s well-being. The drug is able to affect even resistant microflora.
  • Ampicillin effectively eliminates the symptoms of respiratory diseases. However, it should be noted that it is contraindicated for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Augmentin affects severe, difficult-to-treat respiratory diseases. He is able to cope with. It is especially effective for pneumonia.
  • Suprax is modern drug, which produces results even in the most difficult cases. It quickly relieves bronchospasm, helps remove phlegm and destroys infection.
  • Ceftriaxone is prescribed for conditions of moderate and extreme severity. It is especially effective with. As a rule, the drug is administered by injection and is most often used in a hospital setting.

As you can see, the drugs have different purposes and it is impossible to choose an antibacterial agent on your own.

Moreover, uncontrolled use can create resistance in the body to these drugs, after which it will be difficult to influence any disease..

Antibiotics for wet cough

A wet cough is always easier to treat than a dry cough. Therefore, it is necessary to take a sputum test to select an antibacterial agent. In addition, the doctor must put accurate diagnosis and determine the drugs that are most effective for the therapy being performed.

A wet cough often accompanies pneumonia or bronchitis. Therefore, it is prescribed simultaneously with. Together, they help to effectively eliminate irritation of the inner surface of the respiratory tract, reduce swelling, remove excess mucus and destroy infection.

Most often, the doctor prescribes:

  • Sumamed.

The drug is used in the form of capsules, tablets, powders, and suspensions. Most often it is used for severe paroxysmal productive cough. This is enough strong remedy, so it is taken once a day.

  • Amoxiclav.

Available in tablet form or in injection ampoules. It has a small number of side effects and contraindications, and also has a gentle effect on the body's microflora. The doctor decides how many times a day it should be used. The main condition that must be met is that the interval between doses is eight hours.

  • Azithromycin.

Used for many respiratory infectious diseases. It quickly and effectively destroys pathogenic microflora, allowing you to transform a dry cough into a wet one. One dose of the drug per day is enough.

Antibiotics are taken at the same time every day. They do not differ in the speed of action, like those that can stop any cough within 20 minutes.

To effectively fight bacteria, the active substance must accumulate in the body in small portions, which usually takes 3-7 days. Failure to use them can lead to a decrease in the concentration of the drug in the blood and, as a result, to the ineffectiveness of the entire treatment.

A week is usually enough for all the main symptoms to subside.

However, the first signs of improvement should be noticeable within the first three days. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to replace the drug.

Antibiotics for dry cough

Each antibacterial agent has a serious list of contraindications and incompatibility with other drugs. For a person who does not have special education, it is impossible to understand these complexities.

For a non-productive cough, a completely different selection of pharmacological agents is needed. Typically, the underlying cause of the disease is a strong inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the effect of infection on the body.

In the absence of bronchial discharge, antibacterial drugs have the most best action. It is also necessary to take mucolytics.

In this case, antibiotics will be more effective for a runny nose and cough:

  • Fromilid.

It is used for the treatment of all departments respiratory system. Therefore, its use is indicated even for severe and chronic forms diseases. Most often it is prescribed for sinusitis, chlamydia, pharyngitis or laryngitis. Take it twice a day, one tablet. The course of therapy is at least six days. If there is a special recommendation from a doctor, it can be extended for the same period.

  • Azitrox.

It is based on azithromycin, which effectively affects infectious diseases respiratory tract. The drug is available in the form of granules, tablets or powder. It should be taken three times a day.

  • Macropen.

Can eliminate even very severe coughs. It is effective against most pathogens of various diseases of the ENT organs. This drug is prescribed for sinusitis, legionellosis, scarlet fever, whooping cough, diphtheria. Take it three times a day.

  • Ceftriaxone.

Prescribed for severe pathologies with severe symptoms. Most often it is used for bronchitis or pneumonia. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

Antibiotics for dry coughs quickly help positive effect on the patient's well-being. However, you should not take them without a prescription from a specialist, despite the fact that they are sold freely in pharmacies.

This is very strong drugs, individual intolerance active substance or the wrong choice of drug can have a detrimental effect on the patient's body.

As already mentioned, antibiotics should only be used under the strict supervision of a physician. The trouble is that many people consider them to be an absolutely harmless medicine that is suitable for treating absolutely any ailment.

This has led to doctors all over the world sounding the alarm due to the loss of sensitivity of many pathogens to antibacterial drugs. If the trend continues, then in the future it will be very difficult to select medications for the treatment of seriously ill people.

Side effects

You should know that among the main side effects of antibiotic use are::

  • Ineffective for viral diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • negative effects on the liver;
  • decreased immunity;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hearing loss;
  • negative effect on the kidneys;
  • danger of use for people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • inadmissibility of use during pregnancy, etc.

Therefore, a specialist who is familiar with all types of contraindications, taking into account general anamnesis The patient selects the optimal type of drug for him, as well as drugs that can correct side effects.


Antibiotics are prescribed only if they cannot be avoided. If the drug is not indicated, then it is contraindicated. This is the basic principle of antibacterial drug therapy.

Antibiotics for coughs should be taken only when clearly indicated. differential diagnosis, since each of these medications has its own range of infections that it targets.

Most often, antibacterial substances are prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, laryngitis, tracheitis and other pathologies, the main symptom of which is cough.

However, it should be taken into account that respiratory manifestations not for everyone infectious disease. Cough often accompanies cardiac diseases and pathologies nervous system, allergies, and dysfunctions gastrointestinal tract. It is clear that in these cases antibiotics will be ineffective.

In addition, uncontrolled use of such drugs significantly weakens protective forces, opening wide the gates of any incoming infection.

People suffering chronic diseases, sometimes it is quite difficult to tolerate taking antibacterial agents. They cause mass destruction pathogenic flora, which during the processes of cellular decay can provoke severe intoxication or allergic reaction body.

Almost every disease of the respiratory system that has infectious nature, accompanied by a cough. Therefore, antibiotics are the drugs of choice in these cases.

Despite the fact that they are the optimal type of treatment for many diseases, only a doctor can prescribe these antibacterial agents. It is necessary to know the exact diagnosis, the type of pathogen, the patient’s health status, as well as concomitant diseases.

In contact with

Cough and antibiotics are closely related for many people. According to sociological surveys and statistical data, more than sixty percent of the population of our country after just a few days severe cough start taking antibiotics. Moreover, almost half of them do not consider it necessary to visit a doctor first. This terrible mistake can lead to serious health problems because it is not always this symptom requires taking medications of this type. In order to understand in which cases strong medications are needed and in which they are not, you should know what diseases can be cured with their help.

Antibiotics for coughs for which diseases are indicated for use?

It is immediately worth noting that the names of such drugs, as well as the instructions for their use, do not contain any information about the fact that they help to heal from this symptom. Therefore, choosing suitable medicine, it should be remembered that there is no such disease as cough. This is just a symptom that may accompany various ailments. This means that there are no names of antibiotics that can help cope with such a symptom.

Antibiotic cough medicine helps treat the disease only if it is bacterial. For viral infections and colds, its use is not advisable.

Here is a list of diseases for which the doctor prescribes antibiotic drugs:

  • Pneumonia. In case of pneumonia, a patient in mandatory Broad-spectrum antibiotics that successfully cure cough are prescribed. Such products are put in order within five to seven days. lung tissue. In case of severe damage to the lungs, injections or cough tablets with antibiotics can fight the main symptom for longer. In this case, the doctor considers it appropriate to change them or extend the course for another five to seven days.
  • Tracheitis. On initial stages this disease is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as tablets and sprays that soften the throat mucosa. However, if the disease does not subside within three to four days, the patient is prescribed antibiotics against cough and sore throat.
  • Tonsillitis. For sore throat and cough, antibiotics are prescribed only if it is non-viral.
  • Tuberculosis. This disease cannot be completely cured, but with proper treatment, the body’s condition is maintained with cough tablets and antibiotic injections.

Separately, it should be said about such a disease as bronchitis. An illness that affects the bronchi does not always require such strong drugs. In some cases, the doctor decides on the need to prescribe only anti-inflammatory drugs. Antibiotics for bronchitis and cough are used for deep obstruction. Another example confirming the need for their use is the strong chest cough for bronchitis, which also requires antibiotics.

Antibiotics for cough names

There are many medications of this type. In the table below you can find the names of the most popular and common antibiotic-type drugs.


Indications for use



Bronchitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract.

Pregnancy and lactation, acute cardiac and renal failure, gastritis and peptic ulcer, childhood up to a year.

Bronchitis and pneumonia.

Kidney and liver diseases, children under 3 years of age, gastrointestinal diseases.


Respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, children under 12 years of age.


Bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia

Peptic ulcer and gastritis, renal and liver dysfunction, children under 3 years of age.

Z-factor (cough antibiotic 3 tablets)

Tracheitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 18 years of age, serious diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys.

Please note that the information in the table is provided for informational purposes only. Only a doctor should prescribe cough antibiotics, the list of which is given above.

When do antibiotics for coughs and colds not help?

Colds themselves do not require taking strong medications. They are treated with medications whose action is aimed at specific symptom, for example, fever or runny nose. With more serious illnesses, such as ARVI and influenza, as well as other viruses, taking strong medicines is also impractical, since they do not affect bacteria and microorganisms that cause infection. Drugs of this type are prescribed only if the flu or other virus causes complications.

Cough - no independent disease. This is just a symptom indicating the development of certain ailments in the body. Antibiotics for coughs in adults are prescribed to eliminate the cause that provoked their occurrence.

Treatment of cough with antibiotics common cold completely inappropriate. Respiratory diseases can be successfully combated with antipyretics, as well as drugs based on medicinal herbs. It is permissible to take an antibiotic for cough if the symptoms of the disease could be caused by mycoplasmas or chlamydia. Antibiotics for coughs that occur with acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are not used, since they are not able to affect viruses.

When to treat a cough with antibiotics

In order for the treatment to be correct and, accordingly, effective, you need to know the difference between viral disease from bacterial. Indeed, completely different drugs are used to eliminate pathogens of both types of infection.

Signs of a viral infection:

As already mentioned, if the disease is acutely infectious (for example, respiratory or influenza), taking antibiotics is strictly prohibited. Since the culprit of the disease is a virus, and it must be treated with any of the effective antiviral drugs. It is logical that antibacterial medications cannot fight viruses. Their target is bacteria.

Bacterial infection is characterized by thick sputum, which accumulates not only in the upper, but also in the lower respiratory tract. The sputum is greenish or yellowish color, pus may be present. A bacterial infection can be suspected by high temperature which persists for 3 days, prolonged course of the disease, shortness of breath and high content in the blood of leukocytes.

It should be noted that harmful bacteria are extremely rarely the cause of primary infection. A bacterial infection often joins a viral one against the background general decline body resistance.

This happens when:

Let us emphasize once again that antibacterial drugs are effective exclusively against coughs of a bacterial nature. For example, cough antibiotics should be taken if:

  • acute and purulent tracheitis;
  • bacterial bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis.

Taking antibacterial drugs should be strictly targeted. If such medications are used without prescription and a clear diagnosis, they can provoke a significant exacerbation of the disease and the development of complications.

List of drugs for adults

When, after taking tests, it was discovered that the cough had bacterial origin, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment with antibacterial agents. Here is a list of drugs that are most often prescribed to adults today.

Adults are usually prescribed antibiotics in tablets (capsules). If necessary, can be administered by injection. For children, special forms are provided - suspensions (powders) or syrups. Of course, an adult can also purchase the drug in “children’s” form if swallowing tablets or capsules is uncomfortable. However, in this case, you need to carefully observe the dosage - if it is calculated for a child, the medicine simply will not work.

Among these forms of release of antibacterial drugs, the suspension “Summamed” and syrup “Ospen” (from penicillins) are most often prescribed. If the cough is very severe, it is better to prefer these forms of drugs so as not to accidentally choke.

How to take it correctly

The selection of antibiotics must be competent and individual. Even if you have all the symptoms of a bacterial infection, you still need to get your sputum tested. Such a study identifies a specific pathogen, and at the same time checks how sensitive it is to antibacterial drugs. Having received the culture results, the doctor will accurately determine the cough and the type of antibiotic that will cope with the disease in this case.

The algorithm for detecting a bacterial infection is extremely simple. However, it happens that the patient's condition deteriorates very quickly. There is simply no time to wait for test results. Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics experimentally - trying out options. One of them will definitely work, and the patient will need to take it in a course.

Antibacterial drugs must be taken at the same time. By observing such punctuality, concentration will be created in the blood active ingredients, which is enough for the rapid death of harmful bacteria. If you ignore recommendations regarding the regularity of taking medications, bacteria will increase resistance to them. Accordingly, the effect of treatment will be minimal.

At correct intake antibacterial medications, relief should occur within the first 2 days. If this does not happen, it is advisable to change the drug.

By increasing the dosage, you will not speed up the onset of recovery, but you will develop intoxication and allergies. The doctor always indicates the duration of the course in the prescription - it must be completed. Even if you feel much better, you will have to finish the medicine (or finish it off).

Note that the course of treatment for a bacterial infection, in addition to antibiotics, necessarily involves taking other medications (antipyretics, expectorants, immunomodulators). They cannot be neglected, because antibacterial drugs are not a panacea at all.

It must also be taken into account that long-term use provides antibiotics adverse effect on intestinal microflora. To restore it, you need to take these drugs in combination with probiotics.

Let's summarize

Any antibacterial agent (regardless of group affiliation) stops the vital activity of various bacteria inhabiting the body. Unfortunately, there is no drug yet that would specifically kill only harmful microorganisms and leave the beneficial ones alone.

The active ingredients of antibiotics do not divide bacteria into harmful and beneficial - they destroy both. Therefore, you can get allergies and dysbacteriosis as side effects.

To minimize the adverse effects on the body, it is advisable to opt for antibiotics that have a broad spectrum of action - they eliminate several symptoms at once.

What drug to use for treatment different types cough in adults can only be determined by a doctor. Antibacterial drugs should not be used uncontrollably. The first symptoms of a cold, runny nose and sore throat, can be relieved with completely different medications. Antibiotics can only be prescribed by your doctor.