Preparation for microflora for women. Various methods of restoring vaginal microflora

Taking antibiotics often solves significant problems. But the illiterate use of these drugs can harm the general condition of the patient. The restoration of female microflora after antibiotic therapy results in serious treatment.

Microflora is a collection of different groups of microorganisms that inhabit a particular human organ system. It performs many functions:

  • Participates in water-salt metabolism.
  • Stimulates the production of its own biologically active substances.
  • Facilitates digestion.
  • Stimulates immunity.
  • Protects against the introduction of pathological flora.

Composition of microflora

Normal microflora varies in composition in certain parts of the body. It is represented by bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

All microflora is divided into permanent and random. The first consists of microorganisms that are maximally adapted to exist in certain parts of the human body; it includes non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Random microflora implies the presence in the body of microorganisms introduced from outside.

At the stage of intrauterine development, the fetus is sterile in the absence of maternal diseases. The child encounters microorganisms for the first time during childbirth. Subsequently, some of the representatives of the microflora die, and the rest take root in favorable conditions - on tissues communicating with the environment. They constitute the natural flora on the skin, upper respiratory tract, eyes, gastrointestinal tract and genitals. In these areas of the mucous membrane, the composition of microorganisms is different, but constant for a certain area (in a healthy body).

It is interesting to see the difference in the microflora of the genital organs of both sexes.

In men, the flora of the genital organs does not change throughout life and is composed of epidermal staphylococci. They normally also inhabit human skin, and its reaction is neutral-alkaline.

The natural microflora of the female genital tract (excluding the uterus - it must be sterile) changes throughout life depending on the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) in the blood:

  • During infancy and puberty, it consists of lactobacilli and bifidumbacteria.
  • During childhood and old age, the flora changes to coccal (a consequence of the low amount of estrogen).

In addition to the listed functions of normal microflora, the acidic environment of the vagina additionally has a protective property: sperm function in an alkaline environment, and an acidic environment has a detrimental effect on them. That is why only the fastest, hardiest and strongest representative can fertilize an egg, which ensures natural selection.

The composition of microflora is very variable and depends on many factors.

In addition to these bacteria, the flora can be supplemented by opportunistic microorganisms: fungi, bacteria, viruses, the number of which should not exceed more than 1% of the total mass of microorganisms. This amount will not harm the body's natural balance.

If the normal acidity of the vagina is disrupted, its microflora dies, weakening the protective function. This is manifested by the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, as well as cancer processes.

Some causes of disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina:

  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • change of sexual partners;
  • menses;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • eating disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • climate change;
  • surgical interventions;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

The state of disruption of the natural microflora is called dysbiosis. If the disease develops in the female genital area, a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is often made.

Dysbacteriosis is manifested by various symptoms and syndromes: itching and vaginal discharge (color: from white to yellow-green), which can be cheesy or foamy in nature. The clinical picture is sometimes supplemented by the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse.

This condition requires consultation with a doctor and specific treatment.

Diagnosis of vaginal dysbiosis

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to take a smear on the vaginal flora and, if an imbalance is detected, carry out PCR diagnostics to identify the specific causative agent of the disease.

About antibiotics

In this topic it is impossible not to touch upon such an urgent problem as the uncontrolled use of antibacterial drugs.

Today, the prescription and use of antibiotics is very popular, both in necessary cases and when not particularly necessary. Their use is carried out despite the fact that these drugs actively affect the entire body and, in particular, destroy the normal human microflora.

Taking antibiotics should be justified. Drugs are selected depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen. The use of inappropriate groups of antibiotics will not only not have the necessary effect on the pathogen, but will also additionally harm weakened health.

Prescribing antibiotics on your own, on the advice of neighbors or the pharmacist at the nearest pharmacy, is fraught with the possible occurrence of complications, loss of precious time and disastrous results from improper treatment. If a sick person has a viral infection, the use of antibiotics is inappropriate. Taking such drugs for fungal infection will have the opposite effect, i.e., there will be an increase in the fungal population and progression of the disease.

Antimicrobial drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the specific causative agent of the disease, preferably after obtaining the results of bacterial culture for sensitivity to antibiotics.

Antimicrobial medications are used strictly according to schedule, with a certain time interval between subsequent doses of the medication.


  • Antimicrobial drugs should not be taken with dairy and fermented milk products.
  • During the course of treatment, you should refrain from alcoholic beverages, fried, spicy, fatty and smoked foods, canned foods and sour fruits.

It is necessary to monitor your well-being after taking medications, as there is a risk of allergic reactions or side effects.

During a course of antibiotic therapy, it is necessary to maintain the natural microflora of the body by taking special medications - probiotics.

Treatment of dysbiosis

To preserve women's health, it is necessary to restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

There are 2 tasks in treating the condition in question:

  1. Suppression of pathological flora.
  2. Restoration of natural microflora.

The pathological flora is affected by specific medications depending on the group of pathogens that cause dysbacteriosis.

Restoration of microflora is carried out by taking probiotics and fermented milk products.

A specific treatment regimen for dysbiosis is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the underlying and concomitant diseases, the patient’s condition, his age and the nature of the pathological process.


  • Follow the rules of hygiene.
  • Follow a diet and eat foods rich in vitamins, microelements and low in fats and chemicals.
  • Do not engage in promiscuous sexual relations.
  • Use barrier contraception.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics and avoid thong panties.
  • Do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

It is worth mentioning that in order to detect diseases in the early stages and their timely treatment, as well as to monitor the condition of the genital organs, it is necessary to be observed by a gynecologist 2 times a year. This will help not only to avoid many problems, but also to receive answers to many emerging questions regarding health, sex life, planning and managing pregnancy, etc.

Composition of the vaginal microflora, what functions does it perform? What is vaginal dysbiosis, why does it develop and what symptoms does it cause? Methods for restoring local immunity.

The content of the article:

The vaginal microflora is a symbiosis of microorganisms that are constantly present and multiplying on the mucous membrane of this gynecological organ. The vaginal biocenosis contains lactobacilli - 95-97%, as well as opportunistic microorganisms - anaerobic and gram-positive bacilli, enterobacteria, cocci - 3-5%, respectively. Lactobacilli (Dederlein bacilli), producing lactic acid, normalize local immunity and suppress the activity of opportunistic bacteria.

Features of vaginal microflora disorders

Thanks to the symbiosis of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms, stable acidity is maintained in the vagina, so pathogenic bacteria and fungi, introduced from the outside, are neutralized in an acidic environment. Due to physiological hormonal changes - the monthly menstrual cycle - minor deviations in acidity occur.

Girls are born with a sterile vagina. But from the first second after birth, the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs are colonized by bacteria that do not need oxygen, that is, cocci and anaerobes. Dederlein's rods are present in vaginal secretions, but in small quantities. Until menstruation begins, the acidity level remains neutral. As we get older, estrogen begins to be produced, the vaginal walls thicken, and the pH drops to normal due to increased activity.

The acidity (pH) of the vagina in girls during the prestrual period is 7.0. In the future, the indicator depends on the condition of the outer part of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ.

Vaginal conditionAcidity, pH
Normal, lactobacilli3,8-4,5
Cytolytic vaginosis< 3,8
Candidal vaginitis4,0-4,5
Trichomonas colpitis5,0-6,0
Aerobic vaginitis> 6,5
Atrophic vaginitis6,0-6,5
Bacterial vaginosis, cocci and enterobacteria4,5-5,3

An imbalance of microflora is called dysbiosis or vaginal dysbiosis. That is, the activity of lactobacilli is suppressed, due to which opportunistic or pathogenic microflora begins to multiply uncontrollably. Favorable conditions arise for the development of inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

A healthy adult woman has a variety of bacteria living in her vagina - more than 40 species. Most of them are Dederlein bacilli, beneficial microflora. The microecological system is responsible for the condition of the reproductive organs.

Pathogenic microorganisms themselves - causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases and fungi - are not the cause of dysbiosis. But they cause acute inflammatory processes, which provoke a decrease in local immunity.

The main causes of vaginal microflora disturbances

Dysbacteriosis can be considered not as a disease, but as a condition.

The reasons for the imbalance of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms are:

  • Hormonal changes - can be provoked by external factors or appear when organic metabolism is disrupted and diseases of the endocrine system. External factors include: growing up, pregnancy, abortion, entering menopause.
  • Congenital anomalies of the reproductive system.
  • Treatment with certain medications - antibiotics, corticosteroids, antidepressants.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis caused by poor nutrition, malnutrition, and infectious diseases.
  • Formation of neoplasms in the gynecological system - polyps, cysts, leiomyomas.
  • Indiscriminate change of sexual partners, use of spermicides to prevent pregnancy, irregular sex life.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Neglect of hygiene of the intimate area or frequent douching, use of detergents unsuitable for caring for the genitals.

Factors causing the development of dysbiosis: chronic stress and frequent hypothermia, emotional and physical fatigue, unbalanced nutrition, emotional overload.

General signs of vaginal dysbiosis

Manifestations of bacterial dysbiosis are purely individual.

Possible symptoms:

  1. Qualitative and quantitative changes in secretions. The volume of vaginal secretion may increase or decrease, and the color, smell and consistency may change. The color becomes grayish, greenish, yellowish, the smell is ammonia, fishy, ​​sweetish. The consistency is too liquid or cheesy. A thick secretion sticks to the vaginal walls.
  2. Itching, burning, and painful sensations may occur. The mucous membrane becomes thinner and hyperemic. For some women, signs of discomfort appear only during the menstrual cycle.
  3. During coitus, unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations appear.
  4. At a young age and during the transition to menopause, sticking of the labia minora occurs.
  5. Burning and pain when urinating.
Signs of an inflammatory process when a woman’s vaginal microflora changes do not always appear. In some cases, bacterial vaginosis is discovered during a routine examination, or when the patient consults a doctor with complaints of frequent inflammatory processes, infertility, or early termination of pregnancy.

How to restore vaginal microflora?

Vaginal dysbiosis is confirmed using a scraping smear from the cervical canal and the vagina itself. Complex treatment helps restore the balance of microflora and normalize local immunity. Treatment is carried out in 2 stages. Conditions are created to increase the activity of lactobacilli and restore immunity, and then use drugs that destroy pathogenic microflora and stop the proliferation of opportunistic microflora.

Hygienic measures to restore the balance of vaginal microflora

To restore local immunity, you need to pay attention to sanitary and hygienic measures and personal care. If, due to dysbacteriosis, an STD infection has not occurred or the doctor does not insist on douching, this type of washing should be completely abandoned.

For hygienic washing, you need to use special products with a pH of up to 5.5. Even regular baby soap has a pH of 7. When washing, you need to make sure that your hands or shower head move from front to back so as not to bring E. coli to the surface of the vulvar mucosa.

Underwear and towels should be changed every day, and bedding every 3-4 days. It is advisable to choose products only from hygroscopic natural fabrics that can be washed at high temperatures - 90-100 ° C to destroy pathogens.

It is necessary to exclude overheating and hypothermia, temporarily avoid baths, visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium, or swimming in open water.

Normalization of vaginal microflora through nutrition

It is necessary to normalize the diet, abandon strict diets, consumption of foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets), high-calorie foods and fatty foods, canned food and alcohol.

Often vaginal dysbiosis develops against the background of intestinal dysbiosis. Therefore, you need to increase the amount of fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, with the exception of bananas and grapes. Food should not be overheated or overcooled; the temperature of the food should be at 25-50°C. It is necessary to increase the drinking regime with pure or mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks and green teas - from currant leaves or fennel fruits.

It is advisable to avoid whole milk. Adults have practically no bacteria that are responsible for its absorption. The development of intestinal dysbiosis can aggravate the condition of the vaginal microflora.

Medicines to restore vaginal microflora

To treat dysbiosis, medications of different groups are used.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial agents

When prescribing medications of this type, preference is given to vaginal suppositories: Clindamycin and analogues - Metronidazole, Tinidazole, Ornidazole, Neo-Penotran. But they can also prescribe antibiotics of various types, taking into account additional symptoms and concomitant diseases. The course of treatment with suppositories is 5-7 days.

Antifungal agents

When fungal flora is detected, agents that inhibit opportunistic organisms are prescribed. These include antifungal suppositories: Pimafucin, analogues of Clotrimazole, Nystatin.

In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, the use of complex products has been proven to be highly effective - Terzhinan vaginal suppositories or an analogue of Polizhinax in capsules. In addition to the antifungal component, the dosage form includes a hormonal anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates the regeneration of the mucosa.

Preparations to restore the balance of microflora

This group includes vaginal suppositories or tampons soaked in solutions made from dried bacterial cultures. Medicines used: Acylact, analogues Bifolact, Ginolact, Vaginorm or Bifidumbacterin. The multicomponent product Gynoflor is widely used. Contains lactobacilli acidophilus and estriol (synthesized estrogen hormone).

If bacterial vaginosis cannot be eliminated for a long time, Solcotrichovac is used, a vaccine to stimulate the immune system. This remedy prevents relapses and can be used for preventive purposes. The drug is administered only as prescribed by a doctor, accurately timing the injection. Administration three times, once every 2 weeks. A year after the first injection, revaccination may be required. Knowing how to restore the vaginal microflora after multiple relapses, you can avoid inflammatory processes in case of possible hypothermia or the need to be in unfavorable conditions for some time.

The therapeutic course is often supplemented with antihistamines. They try to use the latest generation medications, which are taken once a day.

Improving vaginal microflora with folk remedies

Traditional healers advise carrying out hygiene measures with the help of tar soap, which has antiseptic and antibacterial effects. It is enough to wash the genitals 2 times a week.

Manufacture tampons, wrapping the cotton wool in gauze. The ends should be left long enough so that the medical accessory can be easily removed. Tampons are soaked in honey, sea buckthorn oil, aqueous decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and whey. When preparing the infusion, 2 tbsp. l. Brew a glass of boiling water, be sure to boil for at least 1 minute, and filter.

Help restore microflora balance sitz baths. They use chamomile, calendula, oak bark, St. John's wort and sage. First, the decoctions are prepared according to the recipe described above, and then diluted in 2 liters of boiled water. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

If the gynecologist doesn't mind douching, use decoctions of the above-mentioned medicinal herbs or whey. A decoction that can be used to soak tampons and also be used for douching and sitz baths: mix equal amounts of chamomile, dried juniper berries, oak bark and walnut leaves. Brew 1 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of boiling water.

To increase general immunity, medicines are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • Rowan. Dried rowan berries are brewed as tea, boiled for 15 minutes, cooled to room temperature. Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of drink. l. onion juice and liquid honey. A glass is drunk per day, in equal portions, regardless of meals.
  • Currant. Brew blackcurrant leaves - 3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml. When the drink has cooled, add crushed garlic cloves - 5-6 pieces, and the juice of half a lemon. Stir and let sit for 1 hour. Strain. Take similarly to rowan mixture.
Have an effective effect suppositories. Melt cocoa butter - 30 ml, add lavender essential oil - 20 drops, stir until smooth. Then they form cylinders, wrap them in foil and place them in the refrigerator. To form candles, it is better to use disposable syringes. Cut off the lower part of the syringe, collect a thick mass, squeeze out a column 1.5-2 cm high. Frequency of use - 2 times a day, morning and evening, duration of the treatment course - 5-7 days.

Prevention of vaginal dysbiosis

Stabilization of local immunity helps prevent inflammatory diseases of the intimate area.
  1. When caring for yourself, use products with lactic acid.
  2. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. When having sexual contacts with unfamiliar partners, use barrier contraception (condoms).
  4. Change panty liners every 3-4 hours, and sanitary pads every 1.5-2 hours.
  5. You should avoid scented products when caring for your genitals.
  6. Make sure your diet includes a sufficient amount of raw vegetables, fruits, dairy products and high-fiber foods.
How to restore vaginal microflora - watch the video:

At the first signs indicating a disease of the genital area, you need to choose the time to visit a gynecologist. When treating with antibiotics, introduce probiotics, prebiotics and vaginal suppositories into the therapeutic regimen to restore the vaginal microflora.

Oddly enough, most girls and women remember the vaginal microflora only when it begins to be disrupted. Leading experts rightly believe that maintaining normal vaginal microflora creates serious barriers to the occurrence of various infectious and inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs. As recent statistics show, from 20 to 30% of women of reproductive age have a violation of the vaginal microflora.

Normal vaginal biocenosis

Thanks to clinical studies, scientists have found that the natural microflora of the vagina is a combination of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms. Normally, beneficial bacteria significantly outnumber opportunistic species. It is reliably known that approximately 95–97% of the vaginal biocenosis consists of lactobacilli, which, by producing lactic acid, provide an acidic environment in the vagina and protect it from infection. Opportunistic microorganisms (3–5%) are represented by the following types:

  • Gram-positive rods.
  • Gram-positive and gram-negative cocci.
  • Anaerobic rods.
  • Enterobacteriaceae.

The symbiotic relationship between beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms not only does not cause any harm, but even protects the internal genital organs from infection. Most infectious agents entering the vagina are neutralized in an acidic environment. However, it is worth noting that changes in microflora can occur during the menstrual cycle. For example, at the beginning of the cycle there is some deviation in vaginal pH towards the alkaline side. There will be a characteristic decrease in the number of lactobacilli, which is accompanied by an increase in opportunistic microorganisms. But immediately after menstruation, a rapid restoration of balance is observed.

If you notice any unnatural discharge from the genitals, do not delay visiting a doctor.

Violation of vaginal biocenosis

Not so long ago, a violation of the vaginal microflora was considered a clinical syndrome. However, it is now classified as a separate nosological entity, which is given the name bacterial vaginosis. In this pathological condition, there is a sharp decrease or absence of lactobacilli and an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms, in particular gardnerella and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria. It should be noted that neither sexually transmitted bacterial infections, nor fungi or pathogenic protozoa are the cause of bacterial vaginosis.

As a result of the development of vaginal dysbiosis, the pH of the environment in the vagina shifts to the alkaline side and becomes more than 4.5. Such changes are associated with the presence of a large number of anaerobic bacteria, which produce volatile amines that have an extremely unpleasant odor, reminiscent of rotten fish. Changes in the biocenosis and pH of the environment deprive the vagina of a biological protective barrier, creating all the conditions for the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the woman’s reproductive system.

What causes dysbiosis?

Bacterial vaginosis does not appear out of nowhere. The following may act as a provoking factor leading to disruption of the vaginal microflora:

  • Hormonal imbalance. Often observed during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during abortion, menopause, irregular sex life, etc.
  • Taking antibacterial agents. If you use antibiotics, they destroy not only dangerous, but also beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms. Uncontrolled long-term use of antibacterial drugs is particularly harmful to health.
  • Constant hypothermia, physical fatigue, unbalanced psycho-emotional stress, leading to decreased immunity.
  • Failure of the menstrual function of the ovaries of various types.
  • Past infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.
  • Too active sexual life (several sexual partners or frequent changes).
  • Both insufficient and overly thorough hygiene of the intimate area.
  • Use of hormonal oral contraception and/or use of intrauterine contraceptives.

Violation of the vaginal microflora is a disease that needs to be treated purposefully.

Manifestation of dysbiosis

In the vast majority of cases, bacterial vaginosis is manifested by local symptoms. In some patients, subjective sensations may be absent. Typical clinical picture of vaginal dysbiosis:

  • There is copious discharge from the internal genital organs (whitish-gray in color, strong unpleasant odor). Quite often observed after intimacy or during menstruation.
  • If the disturbance of the vaginal microflora is chronic, then the discharge becomes yellowish-green, more saturated and thick, and looks like a cheesy mass.
  • The amount of discharge can vary from slight to very heavy.
  • Women rarely complain of itching and problems with urination. If present, they usually appear periodically.
  • A characteristic symptom of bacterial vaginosis is the absence of inflammation of the vagina.
  • Sometimes there is heavy menstrual bleeding and a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen.

A woman who has a violation of the vaginal microflora can contribute to the development of inflammation of the head and foreskin in her sexual partner.

How to determine dysbiosis?

Basic clinical and laboratory criteria indicating bacterial vaginosis:

  • Abundant cheesy discharge with a whitish-gray tint and a very unpleasant odor, evenly covering the walls of the vagina.
  • The pH of the vaginal environment is more than 4.5.
  • Positive amine test. By mixing samples of vaginal discharge with a solution of potassium hydroxide in equal proportions, a characteristic fishy odor appears.
  • Microscopic examination identifies “key cells.” These are desquamated epithelial cells to which various opportunistic microorganisms are attached. Normally, key cells are not detected.

If at least three of the above criteria are detected, then we can safely talk about a violation of the vaginal microflora, characteristic of bacterial vaginosis. If necessary, the diagnosis is supplemented with a bacteriological research method, which makes it possible to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vaginal biocenosis.

If the vaginal microflora has been disturbed for a long time, this can affect the woman’s reproductive function.

Restoration of vaginal biocenosis

To successfully eliminate bacterial vaginosis, two main tasks must be completed:

  • Suppress excessive growth and reproduction of opportunistic bacteria (especially anaerobes) through the use of antibacterial drugs.
  • Restore normal vaginal biocenosis with the help of eubiotics, which will help increase the proportion of beneficial microorganisms.

Currently, antibacterial therapy to suppress opportunistic flora includes the administration of the following medications:

  • Clindamycin.
  • Metronidazole.
  • Tinidazole.
  • Ornidazole.

The therapeutic course can last for 5–7 days. If a woman is pregnant and suffers from bacterial vaginosis, then Clindamycin in the form of a cream is usually used. After completion of antibacterial treatment, measures are taken to restore normal vaginal biocenosis. There are no special restrictions regarding sexual activity during therapy. To boost immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes and biogenic stimulants (Actovegin, aloe extract, etc.).

With proper adherence to the regimen and compliance with all the instructions of the attending physician, the normal microflora of the vagina is restored within several weeks.

Preparations for normalization of biocenosis

How to improve vaginal microflora? Having effectively dealt with opportunistic bacteria, they move on to taking eubiotics that help restore the vaginal biocenosis. This group of drugs includes:

  • Lactobacterin.
  • Lactonorm.
  • Bifidumbacterin.
  • Acylact.
  • Ecofemin.
  • Gynoflor.


One of the most popular eubiotics used to correct vaginal biocenosis is Lactobacterin. Live bacteria contained in the drug ensure the normalization of microflora, maintaining the pH of the vaginal environment at a level of no more than 4.5. In the acidic environment created by lactobacilli, many pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms cannot grow and reproduce. Allergy to the components of the drug, vulvovaginal candidiasis and childhood are considered contraindications for use.

Side effects in the form of allergic reactions are very rare. Due to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, the simultaneous use of Lactobacterin and antibacterial drugs is not recommended. Restorative therapy using intravaginal suppositories can last 10–14 days. If necessary, repeated courses of treatment may be prescribed after 2–3 weeks. The cost of the drug Lactobacterin ranges from 130–150 rubles.


Gynoflor is widely used to normalize vaginal microflora. Unlike the previous drug, this medicine contains not only lactobacilli acidophilus, but also a small amount of estrogen (estriol). Lactobacilli successfully cope with pathogenic and opportunistic flora. Estriol ensures the restoration of the vaginal epithelium, maintaining the biocenosis and pH of the environment, without having a systemic effect on the female body. In healthy epithelium, glycogen accumulates, which is necessary for the normal functioning of lactobacilli. Contraindications include the following conditions and diseases:

  • Allergy to the main and auxiliary components of Gynoflor.
  • Neoplasms sensitive to estrogen (tumors of the breast, reproductive system, etc.).
  • Any form of endometriosis.
  • Bloody discharge from the genitals of unknown origin.
  • Young age.

I would like to note that Gynoflor does not change the level of natural hormones in the blood. In the early stages of pregnancy (1st trimester) it is not recommended to prescribe the drug. At the same time, in later stages its use is allowed if there are appropriate indications and there are no contraindications. However, there is no reliable data on the effect of Gynoflor on the course of pregnancy and fetal development, since long-term clinical studies have not been conducted.

Side effects are recorded quite rarely. Some women experienced local adverse reactions, such as redness and a burning sensation in the genital area. In addition, simultaneous use with antibiotics may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the drug. Spermicidal agents are also not recommended to be combined with Gynoflor. The course of treatment is determined solely by the attending physician, but on average it can last 1–2 weeks. During therapy, it is better for girls and women to use sanitary tampons.

In most pharmacies, the price for the domestically produced drug Gynoflor does not exceed 950 rubles per package (6 vaginal tablets). Packs of 12 tablets are also available for sale, costing about 1,300 rubles.


In prolonged and recurrent forms of bacterial vaginosis, the immunostimulating vaccine Solcotrichofac is used to normalize the vaginal microflora. The use of this specific drug not only helps to stabilize vaginal biocinosis, but also prevents the likelihood of relapses and mixed infections in approximately 80% of women. Solcotrichofak is actively used as both a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for bacterial vaginosis.

Vaccination with this drug should only be carried out by a doctor. The course includes 3 intramuscular injections. The interval between each administration is 14 days. The exact time of vaccination is calculated in advance so that injections do not coincide with menstruation. Revaccination is carried out after 12 months. The main contraindications to the use of Solcotrichofac are:

  • Allergy to vaccine components.
  • Various infections in the acute stage.
  • Tuberculous organ damage.
  • Diseases of the blood system.
  • Severe cardiovascular pathology.
  • Serious kidney problems.
  • Immunodeficiency states.

During pregnancy, whether to vaccinate with Solcotrichofak or not is decided by the doctor, taking into account the benefits for the woman and the possible risk for the child. There are practically no side reactions. In rare cases, headaches, chills, fever, general weakness, etc. were observed. The drug is also effective for recurrent trichomoniasis. You can purchase the Solcotrichofac vaccine in pharmacies with a prescription.

Restoration of vaginal microflora - in what cases is it necessary and how is it carried out? Let's talk about this topic.

When a girl is born, her vagina is sterile. But within a few days it is populated by various microorganisms - anaerobes, staphylococci, streptococci. And during puberty, lactobacilli are added to them, due to which the vaginal environment becomes acidic. Doctors say that the vaginal microflora is disturbed when the pH of the environment is more than 4.5. The so-called “key cells” are identified in the smear, and the woman herself experiences unpleasant symptoms. Such as itching, copious discharge, the mucous membrane of the labia and the urethral area may turn red.

Why does this happen? By the way, not only in women who are sexually active. And the reasons are multifaceted, including douching, the use of various spermicides and other drugs vaginally, sexually transmitted infections, immune disorders, etc. It’s worth mentioning separately about douching. Many women consider them a panacea for everything, and also an excellent way to maintain personal hygiene. Doctors are in a hurry to convince women: the vagina does not need such cleansing, this will only lead to an imbalance of microorganisms, and as a result, the appearance of pathological symptoms.

How to restore vaginal microflora and where to start? From a visit to the gynecologist, because you have unpleasant symptoms for a reason. This is due to some pathogen or infection. And it is impossible even for a doctor to determine them visually. You'll have to take a smear test. But based on the results, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Moreover, most likely, these will not be drugs to restore the vaginal microflora. If a woman has vaginal candidiasis (thrush), she will be prescribed antifungal (antimycotic) drugs. If the culprit is a pathogenic microorganism, then an antimicrobial. Both this group of drugs and the other are undoubtedly very effective, but with prolonged use they cause an imbalance. A woman may feel burning, dryness, pain during sex, and in such cases she may be prescribed another group of medications - suppositories that restore the vaginal microflora, these include Gynoflor, Atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin, Lactotsid, Lactozhinal. etc. Their cost fluctuates around 300-500 rubles. Those who want to save money on these medications practice restoring the vaginal microflora with folk remedies in the form of kefir or natural yogurt (without various additives). Some doctors of the old school advise women to insert a tampon soaked in kefir shallowly into the vagina at night and wash it with water with the addition of kefir (1 tablespoon per glass). This is especially recommended after treatment with strong antibacterial drugs.

But it cannot be said with certainty that the vaginal microflora needs restoration after antibiotics. Some drugs can disrupt it, but the balance of microorganisms is restored on its own in a fairly short time. In addition to drugs that restore microflora, drugs that stimulate the immune system are prescribed, since women’s health also depends on it.

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From early adolescence, a woman’s body reacts sensitively to the influence of various external and internal factors. During puberty, as well as after the onset of sexual life, representatives of the fair sex often encounter various pathologies of the reproductive system. One of the most common of them is vaginal dysbiosis. Every woman has encountered this condition at least once in her life, but not everyone knows what it can lead to and how important it is for the body to restore the vaginal microflora. In some cases, the pathological process does not manifest itself clinically, and the woman may not listen to the gynecologist’s recommendations to begin active treatment.

Such an attitude towards your health can lead to the development of serious complications, so at the first signs of discomfort in the vaginal area, you should consult a doctor, get examined and, if necessary, begin treatment.

The normal vaginal microflora consists of 90% lactobacilli. Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which lactobacilli are replaced by opportunistic anaerobic microorganisms. In medicine, this condition is called “bacterial vaginosis.” Vaginal dysbiosis is not a consequence of sexually transmitted infections, but it is considered a good background for the development of infectious processes.

The main pathogen found in bacterial vaginosis is Gardnerella vaginalis. An imbalance of microflora in the vagina leads to a change in its pH towards the alkaline side (from 4.5 to 7.0-7.5). In such an environment, anaerobic organisms produce large quantities of volatile amines that have the smell of rotten fish (one of the leading symptoms). Also, due to changes in acid-base balance, the function of natural biological barriers in the vagina is disrupted, which contributes to inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

There are many factors that can provoke vaginal dysbiosis. These include:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene: to maintain the normal condition of the external genitalia and vagina, you should wash them at least once a day. For intimate hygiene, it is advisable to use special products; many of them contain lactic acid, which helps maintain normal vaginal microflora. If hygienic care for the genital organs is neglected, the risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the vagina with the further development of dysbacteriosis increases;
  2. Incorrect use of tampons: often the cause of discomfort in the vagina and disruption of microflora is untimely replacement of tampons during menstruation. In the first days of menstrual bleeding, it is advisable to change the tampon. every 3 hours, and when the discharge becomes less abundant - every 6 hours. Remember, the longer the tampon is in the vagina, the better conditions are created for the development of infection;
  3. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract: bacterial vaginosis can be provoked not only by sexually transmitted infections, but also by inflammatory diseases of the urethra and bladder. When a pathogenic microorganism is introduced into the female reproductive system, the normal microflora of the vagina is necessarily disrupted. This is due to the release of toxic substances and waste products by pathogens. Candidiasis is the most common pathology accompanied by changes in the vaginal microflora. Therefore, the question of how to restore the vaginal microflora after thrush is considered very relevant;
  4. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: many diseases of the digestive system lead to disturbances in the normal intestinal microflora. Such changes can significantly affect and lead to bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, if there are symptoms of indigestion, it is necessary to restore the microflora of not only the vagina, but also the intestines;
  5. Antibiotic therapy: a huge number of pathological processes in our body are treated with antibiotics. Their mechanism of action not only eliminates pathogenic bacteria, but also has a detrimental effect on the natural microflora of the vagina and intestines. Self-medication with this group of drugs is strictly contraindicated due to the occurrence of this side effect. Restoring the vaginal microflora after antibiotics is a long process that must take place under the supervision of a doctor;
  6. Hypothermia and chronic colds lead to disruption of local immune defense mechanisms in the vagina and the appearance of bacterial vaginosis;
  7. In some cases, vaginal dysbiosis develops after an acute psycho-emotional shock;

Clinical manifestations

Often, disturbances of the vaginal microflora occur unnoticed by a woman and are discovered by chance. In other cases, the clinical picture of this pathological condition consists of:

  • The appearance of copious vaginal discharge. The discharge has a strong unpleasant odor and a grayish-white tint;
  • Feeling of itching and burning in the vagina;
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;

If dysbiosis is provoked by a urogenital infection, then the clinical picture also includes the characteristic symptoms of an infectious disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Bacterial vaginosis is detected during a gynecological examination. To confirm the diagnosis, a smear of vaginal flora must be taken. Bacterial inoculation is also carried out on nutrient media to identify the causative agent of infection and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. If necessary, use ELISA and PCR methods.

Restoring normal vaginal microflora begins with eliminating the factor that led to the occurrence of this condition. After detection of a causative agent of bacterial etiology, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In case of fungal infection of the genital organs, I use systemic and local antimycotic drugs.

If gardnerella is detected, a course of therapy with metronidazole, ornidazole or clindamycin (for oral or intravaginal administration) is prescribed.

The next step is to restore the balance of the natural vaginal microflora. The most popular method is the use of local remedies against dysbiosis. Suppositories are very effective and easy to use for restoring vaginal microflora. They contain cultures of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Some preparations also include extracts of medicinal plants that enhance the local immune defense mechanism. The duration and frequency of use of vaginal suppositories is determined solely by the gynecologist. A good result is observed after using “Bifidumbacterin”, “Lactobacterin”. Another topical remedy is vaginal tablets (“Vagilak”, “Vaginorm S”).

It is imperative to normalize the intestinal microflora. For this purpose, eubiotics are prescribed for oral administration. In addition to medications for restoring vaginal microflora, you should add various vitamin complexes to restore and strengthen the immune system.

Normalization of normal vaginal microflora occurs 3-4 weeks after the start of treatment and elimination of the cause of the disease. During treatment, it is advisable to avoid hypothermia, unprotected sexual intercourse and carefully monitor intimate hygiene.


Preventive measures to prevent the development of bacterial vaginosis include:

  1. Maintaining a normal immune system: it is important to adhere to a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, avoid alcohol abuse and smoking;
  2. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, promptly replace tampons during menstruation;
  3. Avoid unprotected sex;
  4. When prescribing antibiotics, it is imperative to use eubiotics;
  5. Contact a gynecologist promptly at the first signs of diseases of the reproductive system;
  6. Do not ignore digestive system disorders;

Restoration of the vaginal microflora should be comprehensive and under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-medication is not recommended, since first of all it is necessary to eliminate not the symptoms, but the cause of the disease.