How does hormonal imbalance manifest after childbirth? How long does it take for hormonal levels to recover after childbirth and return to normal? How to understand that a hormonal imbalance has occurred

The uniqueness of a woman lies in her ability to continue the human race, to recreate living things, to create in the physical sense new life. The ability of the female body to bear children, that is, reproductive function, as well as the quality of life of a woman, largely depend on the balance of hormones.

The hormonal background determines the appearance of a woman - the structure of the body, its weight, hair color, and height of the woman. Some hormones determine physical state female body, a woman’s well-being, including emotions. The presence of all required hormones in proper proportions constitutes a healthy hormonal background. The most important female hormones include testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and prolactin.

Hormonal imbalance causes hormonal imbalance. Hormone deficiency in adolescence even leads to the absence of menstruation in girls and to underdevelopment of sexual characteristics. In women, hormonal imbalance leads to disruption reproductive function, to changes in the menstrual cycle. If, in conditions of disturbed hormonal balance, a woman still manages to achieve pregnancy, then the outcome most often is a miscarriage.

Changes in hormonal levels

When pregnancy occurs, a woman's hormonal levels change. An indicator of the pregnancy itself and the correctness of its development is the hCG hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin person. This hormone is immediately released by the chorion (part of the placenta) as soon as a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The hCG hormone consists of two particles - alpha and beta. It is the unique structure of the beta particle (b-hCG) that will necessarily ensure its increased level in the presence of pregnancy.

Any change in hormonal levels affects the functioning of all organs of the female body. When pregnancy occurs, its change consists not only in the production of a new hormone - hCG. Progesterone and estrogen levels also increase. IN postpartum period New hormones begin to be produced, for example, those responsible for the presence of breast milk. Flaw necessary hormones leads to hormonal imbalance.

Postpartum syndrome

Sometimes a woman thinks this way after giving birth to a child. “I’m tired, I’m depressed”, “I eat everything in a row (or have no appetite)”, “I’m irritable, I can’t sleep”, “I change my mood more often than diapers”, “I get tired quickly, I have no more strength... " - you can often hear from young mothers in the first year after childbirth. And this is not surprising - their activity and employment during this period are very high.

In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, while bearing a fetus, gives it a lot for the successful growth and development of the baby. Every mother has probably noticed changes in the structure of her hair, teeth, sometimes skin and many other changes in her body after giving birth to a child. During pregnancy, the hair of mother and child is strengthened by the intensive production of large amounts of estrogen. But in the postpartum period, its production in the body of a young mother drops sharply, which leads to hair loss and hair breakage. This is one example of postpartum hormonal imbalance. Typically, after a couple of months, hormonal balance is restored, and all signs of disturbances disappear.

However, if, with normal nutrition and proper rest, a young mother, no matter how difficult it is for her to adhere to this for the first six months of the baby’s life, she still observes disturbances in her body, it means that hormonal imbalance after childbirth has acquired a stable form, which requires immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis and symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Note! Symptoms of hormonal imbalance may include surges blood pressure, frequent attacks headache, blurred vision, swelling or insomnia, severe weight loss or continuous increase in body weight. Prolonged (more than 7 days) and painful menstrual cycle With heavy discharge(ovarian dysfunction) after stopping breastfeeding, a decrease in hormonal desire also indicates a hormonal imbalance.

An external manifestation of disorders after childbirth can be changes in a woman’s skin - stripe-like atrophy of the skin, that is, the appearance of so-called stretch marks (striae). The reason for their appearance is not only mechanical damage skin during childbirth or as a result of weight gain. Leads to the formation of striae increased activity glucocorticoids - adrenal hormones, as well as taking hormones (contraceptives) or the onset of menopause.

Note! TO external manifestations hormonal imbalance and overgrowth hair on a woman's body due to increased level male hormone– testosterone. In addition, itching of the skin may be observed, which should especially alert a woman to timely exclude the possibility of diabetes.

Note! The causes of hormonal imbalance can be heredity, increased or decreased production of hormones (most often increased estrogen levels), infectious diseases, reduced immunity, stress, syndromes chronic fatigue, unfavorable environmental conditions, too late or too early sexual life.

In turn, hormonal imbalance after childbirth can subsequently lead to many diseases in women, including disorders of the reproductive system, the impossibility of pregnancy. next pregnancy or the inability to save it.

The state of the hormonal levels after childbirth can be determined by the results of a special blood test and a hormone test, which will characterize the state of all organs and systems of the body, as well as the general well-being of the woman. Based on the results of this analysis, gynecologists and endocrinologists prescribe the necessary drug therapy in order to maximally prevent the harm caused to the body by hormonal imbalance. Self-medication with hormones is unacceptable. But following a diet (in some cases and necessarily on the advice of a doctor), as well as healthy image life will only speed up the recovery of the young mother, who her child so needs.

A woman’s condition after childbirth depends on the proper production of hormones and hormonal levels, which often fail. During pregnancy, all the work of hormones is aimed at ensuring proper development fetus and child nutrition after birth. After childbirth and the lactation period, a woman’s hormonal levels are usually restored. If she notices changes in her body, then she needs to undergo an examination and undergo the appropriate tests.

Hormonal disbalance after childbirth, it most often affects the endocrine and reproductive system body. A woman should contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Treatment is complex: hormonal and folk remedies; it is necessary to reconsider nutrition and lifestyle.

Why didn't the hormonal system recover?

A woman’s hormonal levels partially return to normal 1-2 months after childbirth. It should recover completely only after the woman stops breastfeeding. Her prolactin, which is responsible for milk production and the proper functioning of the ovaries, will decrease. Why does hormonal imbalance not recover and makes itself felt after the period has expired? This may be due to the following phenomena:

  • difficult pregnancy, threat of premature birth;
  • premature birth or birth with complications;
  • insufficient production of breast milk, its absence, undeveloped mammary glands;
  • infectious, viral diseases immediately after birth;
  • illnesses suffered during pregnancy;
  • taking contraceptives during lactation;
  • postpartum stress;
  • fatigue, depression;
  • change in diet;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • smoking.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth will not recover on its own. The woman herself needs help. With the birth of the baby, she has more troubles; she spends all the time with the child, depriving herself of sleep and rest. Caring for a newborn should fall not only on the young mother, but also on other household members. The routine of a young mother has changed, but she should strive to gradually return to the usual rhythm of life.

When a woman’s activity is excessive, the restoration of hormonal levels is disrupted. A young mother returns to intensive work, stressful physical training and snacks for a quick fix. The woman stops breastfeeding and starts using contraceptives. Such actions are incomprehensible to the body. He was not prepared to immediately join in active image life. Hormonal imbalance after childbirth will be restored long period time.

There is a high production of some hormones and a lack of others. A woman experiences changes in her body that are accompanied by symptoms:

  • deterioration of health;
  • skin condition;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • gynecological ones develop;
  • endocrine diseases.

After childbirth, it is necessary to allow the body to restore all systems, including hormonal ones. Disturbing the background can lead to undesirable consequences.

What does hormone imbalance lead to?

After 3-4 months, the routine of feeding and walking with the newborn takes on its own shape, and the woman enters the usual rhythm of life that she led before giving birth. During this period, she should listen to her body: assess physical recovery after childbirth, analyze her psychological and emotional state. If a woman’s hormonal levels have not yet been restored, she will discover symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

  • Emotional instability: outbursts of aggression, tearfulness, irritability.
  • Psychological symptoms: guilt, suspiciousness, suspicion. She may consider herself a bad mother and blame her husband for the fact that he began to work late and stopped helping her. The psychological state can lead to loss of the feeling of motherhood and reluctance to breastfeed the baby.
  • Hormonal imbalances lead to decreased libido and depressed mood. During this period, a woman thinks that life is over.
  • A woman will notice physical symptoms immediately. She may experience significant weight gain, menstrual irregularities, pain during menstruation, hair loss on the scalp, and increased hair growth in unwanted places. There may be rashes and acne on the face and body.

Hormonal imbalance can lead to prolonged postpartum depression and affect correct work internal organs. The question of restoring hormonal imbalance should arise before a woman after the end of the lactation period. Very often, a young mother after giving birth ceases to attract attention to herself. She needs outside advice and help from loved ones. Hormonal imbalance in a woman after childbirth can lead to the destruction of a family.

Weight gain or loss

Depending on what is tormenting a woman, what changes have occurred in her body after the birth of a child, she is prescribed tests for certain hormones. Before starting to examine the patient, the doctor will recommend that the young mother normalize her daily routine and diet, because hormonal imbalance may depend on these factors.

After giving birth, many women gain weight. The diets they use are effective for a short period of time. Training doesn't bring results. Obesity may be promoted increased production hormone ghrelin. It is responsible for the feeling of hunger. When ghrelin production is high, a woman constantly wants to eat, which leads to obesity.

IN postpartum period A woman may experience excessive weight loss. She doesn't feel hungry. The hormone leptin is responsible for the feeling of satiety.” When there is an excess of leptin, the brain gives a command to the body not to eat food - not to eat. A woman forgets about food and loses weight.

The production of ghrelin and leptin may depend not only on hormonal imbalance after childbirth, but also on the woman’s sleep time. If she sleeps 4-5 hours a day, instead of the prescribed 8-9 hours, this will lead to an increase in ghrelin by 15%. Leptin will decrease by the same percentage. Before taking a hormone test for obesity or weight loss, the endocrinologist will recommend that the woman normalize her sleep.

Acne on the face and body

Women after childbirth often suffer from the appearance of a rash on the face and body. The endocrinologist will suggest sticking to a certain diet and prescribe an ultrasound. thyroid gland, pelvic organs and blood test for hormones.

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone. It is the first to respond to thyroid dysfunction, when no external changes occur and other tests do not show the disease.
  • Common hormones T4 and T3. They regulate mental processes in humans, provide favorable psychological condition, control the functions of gastrointestinal tract and genital organs.
  • Estrogens contribute to the uniform distribution of subcutaneous fat in a woman’s body and ensure proper functioning sebaceous glands, prepare the female body for bearing a fetus.
  • Mineralcorticoids. They are responsible for water-salt metabolism.
  • Glucocorticoids. Regulate metabolic processes carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The imbalance of these hormones is directly related to acne rashes on a woman’s body. In addition to diet, the doctor will prescribe hormonal medications.

Alopecia after childbirth

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance may be associated with a woman’s hair loss. Hair loss occurs for many reasons:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical exercise;
  • metabolic disease.

Which doctor should I contact if such a problem arises? When alopecia is accompanied by other symptoms: obesity, appearance acne, you need to go to an endocrinologist. He will prescribe a test for thyroid hormones and endorphins. You should also contact a trichologist. The doctor will order a dihydrotestosterone test. If its concentration in the blood is high, then hair follicles die off. Alopecia appears 4 months after birth.

Sometimes women, on the contrary, develop hair in unwanted places. This is due to an increase in male hormones. The hair is black in color and stiff. They're growing over upper lip, on the chin, chest. Beauty salons They offer their hair removal services, but they will grow back if the hormonal levels are not restored.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance

It is impossible to restore hormonal levels alone medicines. It is necessary to change the entire way of life. A young mother should not get tired while caring for her baby. It is important that she gets enough sleep, eats right and rests.

As hormonal drugs An endocrinologist, gynecologist or trichologist may prescribe:

  • cyclodinone - consists of twig fruits, suppresses the activity of prolactin, restores the imbalance of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland and female genital organs, is prescribed to restore the menstrual cycle, eliminate irritability, headaches before menstruation;
  • estriol - analogue female hormone, used vaginally for disorders of the vaginal mucosa, changes in functions urinary tract that are caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • regulon - the main components are desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, normalizes the menstrual cycle, suppresses the production of prolactin.

Herbal infusions and decoctions will help eliminate symptoms and restore hormonal levels:

  • sage normalizes the amount of estrogen;
  • goose cinquefoil will increase the production of progesterone;
  • oregano will promote the formation of the female sex hormone and normalize the monthly cycle;
  • hops are a phytoestrogen.

You cannot use hormonal medications on your own. Self-medication can lead to further imbalance of hormones. Before treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination, take tests and follow the recommendations of the treating doctor. Therapy does not eliminate the symptoms of the disease; it is aimed at restoring hormonal levels.

You have already gotten used to your new role - the role of mother. It's time to remember that you are a woman and take some time for yourself. Raging hormones return to normal only after a woman stops breastfeeding her baby. Not only the quantity and quality of milk, but also the intensity of the production of other hormones depends on the concentration of prolactin, which is responsible for lactation - if there is more of some, then less of others.

When breastfeeding ends, prolactin levels decrease, and a signal is sent to the brain that allows the production of other biologically active substances. The amount of progesterone and estrogen in the body immediately increases, on which the menstrual cycle depends. The woman’s body is rebuilt in accordance with the tasks that become urgent, in particular, it will rush to restore its reproductive function.

So that everything goes smoothly

Prolactin levels increase gradually throughout pregnancy. By the time the baby is born, when milk becomes in demand, this hormone in the body expectant mother enough to start breastfeeding immediately after birth. Accordingly, by the end of lactation, with a gradual reduction in the number of feedings, the level of prolactin also gradually decreases. From this point of view, in order for the process of completing lactation to be painless for the body, with less stress, it is important to introduce complementary foods into the baby’s diet in a timely manner. As a result, the number of feedings will gradually decrease.

By the end of lactation (a year and a half after giving birth), the mother no longer feeds 12 times a day, as at first, but 2-3 times. But sooner or later a moment comes when even rare breastfeeding you need to stop completely. Then it is better to curtail the lactation function immediately. It will be difficult for the body to readjust if the end natural feeding will occur in parts, and episodic attachments of the baby to the breast will continue. Each such “unscheduled” feeding of the baby can cause jumps in prolactin, and as a result, hormonal imbalance.

IMPORTANT! Start protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy with the help of hormonal drugs, preferably three, or preferably six months after it has established regular cycle menstruation interrupted by pregnancy and lactation.

No sudden movements

Restoring hormonal levels depends on many factors, and the production of hormones in the right ratio is a very delicate mechanism. It is associated with daily routine, diet, psycho emotional state, environmental conditions, transferred viral infections. Completion breastfeeding- a difficult period for a woman. Don’t rush to radically change your lifestyle right away. Allow your body to adapt to new conditions. At the end of lactation, you must follow the same “sanatorium-resort” regimen for some time - rest more, go to fresh air. It is very important to continue to eat well. After all, hormonal levels often go wrong simply because the young mother’s body lacks some elements - iodine, iron or even protein. Hormones are ready to be produced, but building material for them, no... To normalize hormonal levels, it is not required hormone therapy- it is enough to adjust your diet and daily routine. Please pay attention to beneficial features pineapple and some other exotics.

Almost all young mothers in our country experience iodine deficiency. In this regard, during pregnancy, all women are recommended to take iodine supplements. A lack of iodine in an expectant mother can increase the level of thyroid hormones, in particular hormone TSH. This can cause the fetus to develop heart defects. It is advisable to take tests for hormone levels before conception. After all, it also happens that a woman already has some kind of endocrine pathology. It gets worse during pregnancy. As a result, after birth, hormonal levels do not return to normal, and drug treatment is required.

Restoring menstruation

Every woman who has given birth is interested in the question of when she should expect to return. critical days" The speed of restoration of the menstrual cycle directly depends on hormonal levels. And it is closely related to lactation.

✓ If a child feeds only on breast milk and receives his mother’s breast at any time of the day, as they say, on demand, then the resumption of menstruation should be expected no earlier than the end of the first year of the baby’s life, around the end of the lactation period.

✓ With the introduction of complementary foods, the child receives less mother's milk within 24 hours, and then the restoration of the menstrual cycle after childbirth can begin before the end of the breastfeeding period.

✓ If the baby was supplemented with formula milk from birth, i.e. If he was on a mixed diet, then the restoration of menstruation after childbirth occurs, as a rule, at 3-4 months of the baby’s life.

✓ When the baby is on the artificial feeding and does not receive breast milk at all; ovulation begins approximately 10-12 weeks after the baby is born.

FACT! The establishment of a regular menstrual cycle no later than six months after the end of breastfeeding indicates that the woman’s body has undergone hormonal changes.

Is there something wrong

It happens that lactation period ended, but the long-awaited hormonal balance in the body does not occur. In this case, do not delay visiting an endocrinologist and take a blood test for hormones. Pregnancy can be a trigger various diseases, including endocrine ones. What symptoms should alert you?

✓ INSONALITY. You cannot fall asleep for a long time or your sleep is short, restless, with frequent awakenings. This may be due to sharp drop progesterone levels. It has a relaxing effect, so when the amount of this hormone decreases, you experience overstimulation.

✓ SAD MOOD. This condition may be caused low level in the body estrogen is a hormone that preserves youth and a positive attitude in life.

✓ CHANGES IN APPEARANCE. If symptoms such as hair loss, weight gain, constipation, tachycardia, dry skin appear, you should check your thyroid hormones.

✓ SUDDEN SUSPENSION OF MILK, IRREGULARITY OF MENSTRUGS can be caused by the so-called “free prolactin” circulating in the blood when the body does not stop producing it even after the end of lactation.

* * *

The hormonal levels of a young mother are restored after the cessation of lactation, on average after 1-2 months, in in some cases Menstruation may resume while breastfeeding. While a woman is lactating, it is best to avoid taking combined oral contraceptives. If after stopping breastfeeding the menstrual cycle does not return for more than 1 month, consult a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is no need to take special blood tests for hormones after pregnancy. For contraception after the end of lactation, it is best to use combined oral contraceptives(COOK). Modern COCs contain natural estrogen - estradiol, which is identical to the hormone produced in a woman’s body in the ovaries.

After childbirth, a woman often experiences a disruption in her hormonal system body. Physiological systems While carrying a child, they work with redoubled force to provide the fetus with everything it needs for development. After the birth of the baby, hormonal levels should be restored. If this does not happen, then it is required individual work with a young mother to maintain her health.

Hormonal changes after childbirth

Typically, a woman's postpartum period lasts approximately 6 weeks after the baby is born. During this period of time, all body systems gradually return to normal, and hormonal levels improve:

  • Restoration of muscle tone of the uterus. During lactation in large quantities Oxytocin is released, which promotes active contraction muscle fibers. Women experience cramping sensations during this period. After a short period of time, the pain subsides and the tone of the uterus returns to normal.
  • The vaginal mucosa becomes intact and swelling disappears. Due to a lack of estrogen, new mothers may experience dryness in the genitals, which over time gives way to a moist environment.
  • The ovaries stop working at an accelerated pace and produce in increased concentration progesterone, which protected the fetus from miscarriage. Due to the maturation of new follicles, the load on the ovaries is noticeably reduced.
  • Prolactin concentration returns to normal. Prolactin was not allowed high content in the body follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone. This process canceled ovulation and menstruation, but did not protect against pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the release of an egg and its fertilization is possible in new maturing follicles. After pregnancy and childbirth, prolactin stops being released in such large quantities.
  • Blood clotting also returns to normal. Cardiovascular and respiratory system completely restored.

In addition, a woman who has given birth decreases body weight and blood volume. After stopping breastfeeding, menstruation begins 6 to 8 weeks later. It is this moment that doctors record as the completion of the restoration of hormonal levels in a woman who has given birth.

Reference! A nursing woman may not have periods during the entire lactation process. Doctors also attribute this fact to the normal functioning of the mother’s body, and it is quite true.

Why does hormonal imbalance occur after childbirth?

There are several reasons for hormonal imbalance in the body of the mother who gave birth:

  • difficult birth and pathological changes during the birth process;
  • loss of large volumes of blood during natural birth or during caesarean section;
  • regular stress during pregnancy, emotional overload, psychological discomfort and apathy;
  • previous infectious diseases during pregnancy;
  • failures in endocrine system body;
  • unbalanced nutrition of pregnant women, insufficient consumption fresh vegetables and fruits, following diets without consulting a specialist;
  • lack of time for sleep and rest, disruption of nighttime routine and wakefulness;
  • consumption by a woman during pregnancy alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • reception medicines without doctor's recommendations;
  • poor environmental conditions in the woman’s place of residence.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance after childbirth

When there is a hormonal imbalance, a woman’s physical, mental and emotional state changes. A young mother can independently detect signs of a disorder, paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Frequent changes in mood, most of which are occupied by a depressed state. Emotional instability and psychological breakdowns occur.
  • The nervous system is exhausted, and the desire to cry regularly appears. The woman becomes irritable and even develops an aggressive state.
  • Feelings of guilt and thoughts of failure in the role of mother become heightened. Suspicion and suspiciousness arise.
  • The mood worsens and becomes depressed. It is difficult to restore it with medications or delicious food.
  • It disappears against this background breast milk, an additional feeling of guilt and failure of maternal qualities arises.
  • Hair begins to fall out rapidly.
  • A huge difference in weight compared to what it was before giving birth: either excess or deficiency.
  • Coming painful menstruation with copious discharge.
  • appear on the skin of various nature rashes. The body is covered with uncharacteristic pigmentation.
  • Libido decreases. A woman has no desire to have sexual intercourse, but during intercourse she feels painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus.

Attention! Against the background of these symptoms postpartum depression may last from one to two months. With a longer period, the ratio of estrogen and progesterone is sharply disrupted, which leads to a malfunction throughout the woman’s body.

How to restore hormonal levels after childbirth?

In order to diagnose the cause of hormonal imbalance and determine the hormone that needs to be brought back to normal, you need to take urine and blood tests for hormones. After an accurate diagnosis, a therapist or gynecologist can advise the woman to take medications, such as biocalcium, cellulose, cordyceps, biozinc, estrinol, cyclodinone or antilipid tea.

A woman must comply correct mode day and eat foods that saturate her body as much as possible. various vitamins and microelements. To prevent the quality of milk from deteriorating, you should avoid high-calorie and fatty foods. The maternal body is subject to high-quality restoration through good sleep and rest in daytime days.

Efficiency drug therapy increases with simultaneous use some traditional medicine treatments:

  • To normalize estrogen production, you need to brew sage tincture. Take a tablespoon of dry raw material per glass of boiling water, infuse for about 30 minutes and take 3 times a day before each meal. The tincture should be consumed from 6 to 15 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • To increase progesterone production, drink cinquefoil tincture during days 16-25 of the cycle. Preparation and reception this tool similar to sage medicine.
  • For intensive production of female sex hormones, crush 2 tablespoons pharmaceutical herb oregano and pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture. You need to take 150 mg 2 times a day, immediately before meals.
  • Aromatic hops can be called a good phytoestrogen. It needs to be brewed in a thermos for 8 hours. Add a tablespoon of herb to a glass of boiling water. Take 2 times a day, 150 ml.

Important! Folk remedies to restore hormonal levels should be used only after consultation with experienced specialist. Self-treatment contraindicated, as it cannot take into account everyone physiological characteristics the mother's body without proper examination by an experienced doctor.

A young mother’s diet must include such foods as: sea ​​fish, black cumin seed oil, olive, flaxseed, nuts. These products contain beneficial fatty acid Omega-3 and cholesterol, which are very important for the synthesis of sex hormones.

Also, a woman’s diet should periodically include foods rich in the amino acids tryptophan and phenylalanine, which play a large role in the synthesis of endorphins and stabilization of the emotional state. These include dates, bananas, tomatoes, hard cheeses, eggs, beef and turkey.

A prerequisite for improving the hormonal levels of a young mother is her good mood. Therefore, a woman is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and communicate with interesting people, avoid negative influence environment and pamper yourself with various pleasant surprises.

After childbirth, a woman’s general health and the body’s hormonal levels are disrupted. During this period, the young mother should not forget about herself and eat right, as well as get enough sleep and not be nervous. Doctors prescribe for women in labor during this period medications, which are able to restore well-being and normalize the patient’s hormonal levels, and also recommend using traditional methods treatment.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Now you have already gotten used to the role of a mother, so it’s time to remember mommy that she is still a woman. Full recovery hormonal changes after childbirth occur after the mother stops breastfeeding her baby. After all, the quality and quantity of milk, as well as the intensity of the production of some other hormones, depend on prolactin, which is responsible for lactation.

When breastfeeding ends, prolactin levels decrease, which means a signal is sent to the brain that allows it to be produced by other biological active substances. The level of estrogen and progesterone begins to increase in the body, which regulate the menstrual cycle. Female body is usually rebuilt in accordance with certain tasks that become relevant precisely in this moment, for example, after childbirth and lactation, she is in a hurry to restore reproductive function.

Prolactin increases gradually throughout pregnancy. And by the birth of the baby, i.e. when it becomes necessary to feed the baby with milk, the hormone becomes quite sufficient to begin breastfeeding immediately after delivery. And towards the end of breastfeeding, when the number of feedings is gradually reduced, the level of prolactin decreases as smoothly as it increases during pregnancy.

Therefore, in order for the breastfeeding process to be as painless as possible for the mother’s body, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods to the baby on time, which will gradually reduce the number of feedings.

Hormonal levels after childbirth

Complete restoration of hormonal levels, as a rule, depends on several factors, and the production of hormones in the required ratio is a rather delicate mechanism. And it is connected, first of all, with the daily routine, as well as with the diet, and even the emotional state, various experiences infectious diseases. Completion of lactation is enough difficult period for any woman. You don't need to radically change your lifestyle. It is better to let the body adapt to the next changes. Even after finishing breastfeeding, it is necessary to follow a special regime, i.e. spend time in the fresh air, relax more. And, of course, do not forget about good nutrition. It is not uncommon for hormonal imbalances to occur due to the fact that the mother lacks certain elements, for example, iodine, protein or iron. Hormones should have been produced a long time ago, but the body does not have enough building material to normalize hormonal levels. Often, in order to normalize hormone levels, it is quite enough to simply adjust your diet, as well as maintain the correct daily routine.

Almost all mothers in our big country experience a certain iodine deficiency. Therefore, during pregnancy, all expectant mothers need to take special iodine-containing medications. But a lack of iodine in a pregnant woman increases the level of thyroid hormones, for example, TSH, which can cause the development of heart defects in the unborn baby.

Remember to protect yourself hormonal drugs from unwanted pregnancy, preferably 3 years after birth, and even better six months after the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle.