What to do if a child has seizures. Febrile seizures in children. Spasms during hysterics

Children are much more susceptible to viral diseases accompanied by high temperature bodies. Some babies develop fever as a result of fever. They are very frightening for young parents. And at the right moment, mothers get lost and find themselves unable to spend the first necessary help. But are they as dangerous as they seem? And how to show your child the right help with cramps? To get answers to these questions, you first need to understand the cause of this phenomenon.

Why do seizures occur in children?

The causes of seizures in children can be very different. This and harmful effects even in the prenatal period, and complications during childbirth, and traumatic brain injuries. But still the most common cause their appearance is high temperature. Convulsions in a child in this case are called febrile. Occurs in children aged six months to five years.

They usually accompany viral diseases or appear during or after vaccination. However, many children have seizures only once. Note that they can also be hereditary. If older relatives had seizures in infancy, then with a high degree of probability the baby will also have a tendency to them.

Symptoms of seizures in a child

Cramps during a child's temperature are usually accompanied by a sharp throwing back of the head, all the muscles of the baby's body are tense, and the limbs are stretched. Eyes often roll back and foam appears on the lips. The teeth are clenched. Cramps occur throughout the entire body at once. Sometimes enuresis or involuntary defecation. Often, the child loses consciousness, and after it ends he does not remember what happened to him. Symptoms of febrile seizures can last from a few seconds to ten to fifteen minutes.

First necessary aid

How should parents behave if their child has a seizure due to high fever? What to do if you have seizures, and what should not be done under any circumstances?

First you should calm down and call a doctor, because panic cannot help the baby in any way. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the child, that is, prevent him from hitting himself and remove objects that could injure him. The child must be freed from excess clothing that restricts movement and placed on his side. You need to constantly be near the baby, carefully monitoring his condition.

If your child starts to turn blue and his breathing becomes erratic, you can spray it on his face. cold water. It is imperative to remember that during an attack you should not put or pour anything into the mouth, as the child may suffocate. For the same reason, in order to bring down the temperature during an attack, the child should not be given syrups or tablets orally; only the use of suppositories is allowed.

It is very important to note the duration of the seizure, and also remember exactly how the seizures manifested themselves. This information will help the doctor in the future.

Is drug treatment necessary?

Convulsions during fever in a child usually do not pose a serious danger and go away on their own. According to doctors, if attacks occur only against a background of high fever and do not last more than 15 minutes, they do not require any special treatment. As additional measures doctors sometimes prescribe medications containing calcium, or In any case, if a child experiences seizures, this is a clear reason to consult a pediatrician and, possibly, a neurologist.

When should you be concerned?

Usually, convulsions at a child’s temperature stop on their own without any consequences. However, in some cases they may indicate the presence of serious neurological diseases. There are signs that parents should pay special attention to:

    convulsions appear without fever;

    the attack covers only half of the body;

    seizures occur in children under six months of age and after five to six years of age.

In these cases, immediate consultation with a qualified specialist is necessary.

Prevention of unwanted attacks

You can prevent muscle cramps in children by using special drugs. However, they are prescribed only for prolonged and repeated seizures, if there is a risk of developing epilepsy. But given that the likelihood of this is extremely low, and similar drugs cause serious side effects, such measures are taken by neurologists extremely rarely.

Usually, to prevent seizures, it is enough to follow some simple rules. If a child has had a seizure at least once, there is a chance of it happening again. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent a significant increase in body temperature. It should be measured frequently and, possibly, antipyretic medications should be taken routinely. You should also avoid overheating. For children prone to seizures, it is better not to sunbathe for a long time or visit the sauna. It is very important to be able to properly help your baby when the temperature rises.

How to help a child with a high temperature?

In young children, the temperature rises at lightning speed. Therefore, it is necessary to measure it more often in order to quickly take action if necessary. Especially if we're talking about about babies prone to seizures.

But what to do if the moment is missed and the child is already “on fire”? Like 39 and above? In such a case extreme heat You can’t do without special medications. The safest and effective drugs Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are considered to be used in children. They are available in a variety of dosage forms, so each child can choose the best option.

How to reduce a high fever without medication?

However, you cannot rely on medications alone. The most important thing is to provide the baby the right conditions. At high temperatures, the body rapidly loses fluid, so the child needs plenty of warm drink. The most the best option there will be compote or fruit drink, although in in this case it is not so important what exactly to give the child: tea and mineral water. The main thing is that there is enough liquid. The air in the children's room should be cool, but care must be taken to ensure that the child does not freeze.

Parents often ask how to knock down without using medications? A common method is rubbing with alcohol or vinegar. But this must not be done under any circumstances! Such rubbing is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious poisoning of the child’s body.

You should not use heating pads filled with ice, as well as cold wraps. This way you can cause the skin: then it “cools down”, but the temperature internal organs continues to grow. It is very dangerous. It is best to periodically lightly wipe the baby with a handkerchief soaked in warm water. At the same time, the child should not freeze. Using this method, you can achieve a significant reduction in body temperature.

Thus, convulsions during fever in a child, although they are a rather frightening symptom, usually do not pose a serious danger to the child’s body. The main thing is to know how to properly help your child in such cases.

Most parents experience childhood seizures, and often mothers and fathers are very frightened by what is happening. Meanwhile, convulsions do not necessarily mean mortal danger, and some are even ordinary companions of growing up.

So, should we panic or not, and if we panic, then when? We decided to understand this issue with the help of Elena PARAMONOVA, a neurologist-epileptologist, founder, director and expert of the epilepsy center, paroxysmal conditions and sleep disorders "Algorithm".

“Rolling up” when screaming and crying

- Elena Nikolaevna, what kind of seizures are typical for children?

Very often, parents are afraid of affective-respiratory attacks, simply “rolling up” when crying. In fact, these attacks look quite scary - the child turns blue, falls, and bends over. Or there may also be pale fainting - often a reaction to pain, especially if you hit the back of your head, turned pale and fell. All parents are afraid of these conditions.

There are four types of affective respiratory attacks (ARAs).

    The most common one is called simple ARP. Manifests itself in the form of holding the breath at the end of exhalation. Usually the result of frustration or trauma. There are no major changes blood circulation or oxygenation and restoration of breathing occurs spontaneously.

    Blue type. Typically caused by anger or frustration, although it can also be caused by pain. The child cries and makes a forced exhalation, sometimes cyanosis occurs ( Blue colour), loss of muscle tone and loss of consciousness. Most children regain consciousness, some fall asleep for an hour or two.

    Pale type. The child turns pale (as opposed to the blue type) and loses consciousness; does not cry or cries a little.

    Complicated type. Maybe just more severe form the previous two types. This type of attack begins as "blue" or "pale" and then develops into something like an epileptic seizure. The electroencephalogram outside the seizure is essentially normal.

- What to do?

First of all, down with fear! The child needs to be brought out of this state: you can splash cold water on his face, you can wash him, slap him on the bottom or cheek, you can shake him sharply and blow into his mouth. Sometimes it helps to carry the baby to cold air, bring to open window. Any influence designed for a reflex reaction helps.

- Why do such conditions arise?

These conditions are hereditary. Often in the doctor’s office, when asked if this happened to someone close to them, adults begin to remember what, yes, happened to their brother, grandmother, sister...

- Such attacks last a lifetime?

No no. These attacks disappear after five years. But, dear parents, keep in mind that much in this matter depends on you! In families where parents have thoroughly studied the issue, listened to the doctor’s advice, understood everything and are not afraid of anything, these conditions go away quite painlessly.

But when parents react hysterically, the child may develop neurosis. It happens that sometimes children with affective-respiratory attacks realize that their parents are afraid of such conditions, and begin to simulate them, because our children are very smart creatures who can use any means to achieve a goal (laughs). Remember that a lot depends on how the parents behave.

Febrile seizures

- Children often have seizures at elevated temperatures. Please tell us about them.

There are typical febrile convulsions at a body temperature of 38.5 and above (this temperature is called febrile). They are characterized by the following signs:

    firstly, age from one to five;

    secondly, the duration is no longer than five minutes;

    thirdly, these are generalized seizures (spread throughout the body), in other words, the child either “pulls” or “hits” the whole body.

-5% children globe are susceptible to such seizures, and only in 5% of these five such seizures can be the onset of epilepsy. The remaining 95% have passed the age of five and entered adult life healthy people. Just keep in mind that their children can also exhibit such cramps.

There are atypical febrile seizures. This is a much more dangerous condition. Contact your doctor immediately if you observe the following signs:

    firstly, seizures begin before the age of one year (especially before 6 months!) or after five years;

    secondly, body temperature 37.5;

    thirdly, they are focal in nature, that is, a spasm passes through one half of the body, and the other is not involved.

This is very dangerous conditions, because they indicate brain diseases - the occurrence of neoplasms or the development of structural temporal lobe epilepsy.

-Elena Nikolaevna, what diseases can trigger febrile seizures in children?

Absolutely any, each person individually. Some people experience convulsions due to a sore throat, some due to pneumonia, some due to rotavirus infection, for the flu... To be fair, it should be noted that even an adult can react to a temperature of 40 with the flu with a cramp.

Seizures in adolescence

Can convulsions be companions to growth, that is, occur in adolescence and go away over time?

Of course, after all in puberty ( puberty- the period of puberty, usually 12-16 years for girls and 13-18 years for boys) the body undergoes restructuring, and it happens that it cannot cope with the load. At this age, what is more common is not even convulsions, but convulsive fainting (pulling and going limp), as well as just fainting - going limp and dripping like ice cream. They occur when strong excitement(boys are afraid of injections, for example). Available from long standing(girls faint at school assemblies on September 1st).

To exclude suspicion of some other disease, parents need to know that a person “enters” into fainting, and adolescents describe their condition quite clearly: there is a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, ringing in the ears or congestion.

If everything happens this way, then it will go away with age, but a consultation with a neurologist is, of course, mandatory. Parents just need to understand that fainting is not a reason to panic.

- Which teenagers are at risk?

These are, of course, kids who very quickly “went up” and grew up. And children who do not have physical and motor activity, those who sit at school all day and then at home in front of the computer.

-Dear Parents! Remember that for the treatment of such convulsions and fainting, the most important thing is vascular training, namely physical exercise and hardening procedures.

Elena Nikolaevna, what should you do if a teenager still experiences periodic seizures, but doctors find no abnormalities?

Don’t give up, don’t let things take their course, but look for reasons! For teenagers, everything is already the same as for adults. Non-epileptic seizures should be dealt with by doctors from a variety of specialties:

    violation heart rate detected on an ECG - see a cardiologist;

    hypoglycemia ( low sugar blood) - to an endocrinologist. After all, there are teenagers who simply don’t eat (they don’t have time, they don’t want to, they lose weight), and there are children with a predisposition to diabetes;

    hypocalcemia - low level calcium - see a therapist. And a note for mothers: be sure to monitor the intake of calcium-containing medications and vitamin D in all children, from infants to adolescents. By the way, with hypocalcemia, cramps are painful and prolonged.

    rare, but there is a tumor of the pancreas - insulinoma, which can also cause seizures - see an oncologist;

    if a teenager has a bad electroencephalogram (EEG), see an epileptologist.

-A conscientious doctor, when complaining of seizures, will always recommend doing an ECG (electrocardiogram), daily monitoring Holter ECG, EEG (electroencephalogram), donate blood for sugar and microelements: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

There are many causes of seizures, you need to be examined, look for and find them, and then treat them and create a healthy and joyful life for yourself and your children! Health to you and your children!

Interviewed by Rimma Petrak

From six months to 5 years of age. If they appeared once, then the probability of recurrence is 30%. In most cases, this phenomenon is temporary and harmless. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Symptoms of this condition

Febrile seizures are generalized seizures; in this condition, everything in children twitches: both arms, both legs, head.

Febrile seizures usually occur against the background of acute respiratory infections. viral infections, or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract occurring with fever. Seizures are divided into three types, each with its own symptoms. But there are also common ones:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • the child does not react to anything;
  • stops crying;
  • the body twitches, the head throws back;
  • Sometimes it is even possible to stop breathing (then the skin turns blue).

Did you know? Although the maximum permissible body temperature for a person is considered to be 42 degrees, there is a known case when the American Willie Jonesthis figure wasequals 46.5 degrees. The man suffered a heatstroke, which led to this number on the thermometer. Fortunately, everything ended well, and after a few weeks the patient was discharged from the hospital.


Until now, doctors cannot determine the exact causes of febrile seizures in children. What is known is that a high fever may cause a febrile attack. This happens due to the fact that in infants and children of kindergarten age the formation of the nervous system has not yet been completed. She is not able to fully control complex transmissions nerve impulses into the brain.

Heredity can also influence the occurrence of an attack. If mom or dad had such attacks in childhood, then most likely their heir will have them too. Some experts argue that a complex condition, accompanied by a severe form, past infectious diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol), can also predispose an infant to seizures.

Potential to cause febrile seizures:


There are several types of febrile seizures in a child: tonic, atonic, local.


They typically experience tension throughout the body. Accompanied by straightening lower limbs, bending and pressing the upper ones to the chest. At this moment the head is thrown back and the eyes are rolled back. Then there is a strong twitching of the body, which gradually subsides.


Accompanied complete relaxation muscle skeleton, which leads to involuntary emptying Bladder and intestines.


During such convulsions, excessive tension in the limbs occurs, twitching and rolling of the eyes. Very similar to tonic ones, only convulsions are not throughout the body, but in its individual parts (limbs).

First aid

The appearance of seizures in children causes panic in parents, especially if the child is an infant. Out of confusion, mom and dad may even fall into a stupor; to prevent this from happening, we will provide some recommendations on what to do when this problem arises.

For babies

Having discovered the first signs of seizures without fever in a child, you should:

  • Remove all objects from your baby that could cause harm to themselves. It is best to take him to his crib;
  • the surface on which the child lies must be flat;
  • lay him on his side so that it is easier for the baby to breathe and he does not choke on vomit or saliva;
  • remove tight clothing;
  • ventilate the room;
  • control breathing;
  • Do not leave your baby even one step and note the duration of the attack.

After the attack ends, you must call an ambulance or a doctor at home.

For convulsions accompanied by high fever

The algorithm of action is the same as for spasms in infants. In addition, you should try to cool the baby by wiping it damp towel in the groin, axillary, elbow and knee areas. When the attack ends, call an ambulance and give antipyretics. Typically, these seizures last from 10 seconds to a minute.

Important! Try to prevent an attack from occurring. At the first sign of a rise in temperature, begin to bring it down. If it rises above 38 degrees, then there is a high probability of a febrile attack.

What not to do during an attack

  • trying to hold twitching limbs;
  • try to open your mouth and insert something into it;
  • try to put a tablet in your mouth, give it water;
  • try to do artificial respiration If the child stops breathing, do a heart massage.


Usually, if cramps occur against the background of extreme heat, their duration is no more than 10 minutes, and they occur extremely rarely, then special treatment not required. In most cases, the baby outgrows them. But in order to prevent the possibility of developing some serious illness, it is best to undergo full examination. This is especially important if the nature of the convulsions was slightly different from that described above.

To diagnose the type of seizure, your doctor will prescribe:

Treatment and prevention

A febrile attack does not need to be interrupted. It should go away on its own. We can only ease its course and prevent serious damage from occurring.

If convulsions occur in, then the following treatment is used:

  • 25% glucose solution intravenously at the rate of four milliliters per kilogram of weight;
  • vitamin B6 intravenously;
  • an injection of a ten percent solution of calcium gluconate, at the rate of two milliliters per kilogram of weight, but not more than 10 milliliters;
  • injection of a 50% magnesium solution, at the rate of 0.2 milliliters per kilogram of weight;
  • intravenous administration of phenobarbital, at a rate of ten to thirty milligrams per kilogram of weight. Enter slowly;
  • intravenous administration of phenytoin, at a rate of twenty milligrams per kilogram of weight.
If convulsions occur due to elevated temperature, then it is enough:
  • cool the child’s skin by rubbing with alcohol or vinegar;
  • you can put cold on your forehead;
  • After an attack, give any antipyretic. If the temperature is over 38 degrees, then it is best to give the medicine in liquid form;
  • If the attack is prolonged (more than 15 minutes), you may have to give an injection of an anticonvulsant.
Prevention may be necessary only if seizures occur quite often and are long-lasting. It will consist of taking anticonvulsants, and only a doctor can prescribe them. In other cases, if you once detect a febrile seizure in a child against the background of a high temperature, then simply try to prevent it from rising to critical level. Start knocking down early.

Possible consequences

More often children's body outgrows febrile seizures. If they did not appear at high temperatures before six years, they certainly will not appear again. Their course is not accompanied by any consequences, except for short-term weakness after the attack, but it goes away on its own. Injuries caused by incorrect or untimely first aid are possible.

Often parents whose children have had febrile seizures worry about whether this will cause the development of epilepsy. The occurrence of this disease, against the background of the above, is very a rare event. In fact, the development of epilepsy can be triggered by:

  • the child's predisposition to epilepsy, i.e. if one of the parents had this disease;
  • the presence of neurological problems that were diagnosed before the onset of the first attack;
  • deviation in psychological development;
  • spasms are local in nature and last more than 15 minutes;
  • repetition of spasms within a day or two and without fever;
  • night convulsions, sleepwalking.

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century in Britain it was believed that if the temperature of the sang was lowered, it would increase life expectancy. It is not clear where this opinion came from, since even in our time its veracity has not been proven.

We hope we have made it clear to you that febrile seizures in children are not such a terrible phenomenon, although they can be scary for an inexperienced parent. But the main thing is to pull yourself together, do everything without panic and consistently. And if something does not correspond to the given symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.

In children, convulsive muscle contractions occur due to various reasons. This may include injury during childbirth, the birth of a premature fetus, problems with the functioning of the nervous system, as well as high fever or fright. Your pediatrician will tell you how cramps manifest in a child and what to do to avoid muscle spasms. To monitor your baby's body temperature, you need an accurate thermometer. A large assortment Thermometers can be found in the Daughters and Sons online store.

What do seizures look like in children?

Signs of a convulsive state depend on the reasons that provoked the reaction. For nervous system disorders this phenomenon accompanied by temporary loss of consciousness. Before this, the legs and arms involuntarily stretch, the facial muscles remain paralyzed for a while, the baby throws his head back and seems to withdraw from the outside world. A seizure may cause twitching of the limbs, profuse salivation and even vomiting. If the baby is acutely ill respiratory disease, febrile convulsions occur.

What do cramps look like when a child has a fever:

  • all muscles of the body are tense;
  • the baby throws his head back and rolls his eyes;
  • breathing becomes intermittent;
  • possible bluish discoloration of the skin;
  • the gaze is focused on one point, there is no reaction to words.

The baby can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes, then muscle spasms must pass. To speed up the reaction, it is necessary to lower the temperature (give an antipyretic). Problems arise when the temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Chaotic movements of the legs and arms are characterized by clonic seizures in children. How to recognize them? During an attack, the baby does not control movements; even the eyelids may twitch. Most often, clonic reactions occur during sleep when children are lying on their stomachs.


In medicine, a distinction is made between tonic and clonic seizures. Tonic manifest themselves as muscle tension– spasm. Clonic mean involuntary twitching muscles that occur when muscle tone changes.

For epileptic seizures that are accompanied by loss of consciousness, copious discharge saliva and foam, it is necessary to cause ambulance. For prevention, it is recommended to give baby water balanced according to mineral composition. To know how to help your baby with this problem, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

To control body temperature you need accurate thermometer. A good purchase would be the B.Well WF-5000 infrared non-contact thermometer.


How to identify seizures in a child? They are accompanied by tension in the muscles, legs, arms and face, involuntary movements, throwing back the head and rolling the eyes. The baby may lose consciousness or simply not respond to others. IN severe cases Vomiting may begin. To avoid a seizure during a cold, you need to bring down the temperature if it rises above 38 degrees.

Thoughts will be filled with memories of terrible pictures of convulsions of patients with epilepsy. But the stress will pass, everything will fall into place. As soon as the baby feels better, you can calmly figure out the reasons for what happened.

Mechanism of occurrence and causes

Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur under the influence of too much strong excitement neurons of the motor part of the brain. They mainly appear in children under 3 years of age. With age, their frequency decreases. Convulsive activity remains in only 2-3% of children diagnosed with epilepsy or organic damage CNS.

Favorable condition for the occurrence of spasms is the unformed central nervous system kids. Unpreparedness for full functioning after birth is common to all babies. However, hypoxia during intrauterine development, intoxication and infectious diseases expectant mother lead to the fact that the immaturity of the brain structure and its functions in a newborn will be more noticeable. Asphyxia, damage to the central nervous system, hemorrhages that occur during childbirth also have Negative influence on the baby's readiness for independent life. Most problems are corrected in the first year of life under the influence of drug therapy, physiotherapy.

The main causes of involuntary muscle spasms are:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries.
  2. Intoxication various types.
  3. Vaccination.
  4. Epilepsy. The disease is mainly hereditary. It is believed that it is passed on through generations to children of the same sex.
  5. Inflammatory infectious diseases of the brain, for example, meningitis, encephalitis.
  6. Neoplasms.
  7. Congenital and acquired pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine system.
  8. Heat. The threshold for responding to hyperthermia is different in different children and depends, among other things, on the formation of the central nervous system.
  9. Imbalance of vitamins and minerals.


Seizures in children are classified according to several criteria:

  • area of ​​distribution;
  • nature of tension;
  • features of the course;
  • reasons for occurrence.

Classification by area of ​​distribution

Depending on the area of ​​distribution, they speak of partial and generalized seizures. Partial (local) occur when the electrical activity of a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex increases. They manifest themselves as twitching of individual muscles of the foot, arms, tongue, including during sleep.

Generalized convulsions take over the entire body. A characteristic feature is the tension of the body to a string. In this case, the head is thrown back, the legs are straightened, the arms are bent to the chest, the teeth are clenched, the pupils do not react to light, the skin turns pale and blue. In most cases, loss of consciousness occurs. This is typical epileptic seizures, hysteria, tetanus, acute intoxication or infections, cerebral circulatory disorders.

Before an attack, hallucinations may appear; convulsions are immediately preceded by an inarticulate cry. With epilepsy, several seizures occur in a row. One attack lasts up to 20 seconds.

Classification according to the nature of voltage

Depending on the nature of the manifestation, they speak of clonic, tonic and a tonic convulsions Oh. Clonic spasm is pulsating in nature, the muscles contract and then relax. Chaotic movement of the limbs is characteristic. The baby may wake up and cry. Tonic cramps are characterized by strong, prolonged muscle tension. The limbs seem to freeze for an indefinite period of time. Appear slowly. The baby doesn't make a sound. There are also tonic-clonic convulsions.

This group of seizures includes atonic ones. They are characterized by a lack of tension. All muscles quickly relax. Involuntary bowel movements or urination may occur. Often the cause of atonic spasms is Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, which manifests itself in children aged 1 to 8 years.

Classification according to flow characteristics

Depending on the characteristics of the development of seizures, they speak of myoclonic, flexor, infantile spasms and absence.

And they instantly capture one or more muscles. Does not cause pain. From the outside they resemble tics or twitching. The main causes are metabolic disorders and brain pathologies. The attack lasts for 10-15 seconds.

Infantile convulsions during sleep in a child aged 6-12 months. Occurs during sleep or upon awakening due to sudden movements and during feeding. They manifest themselves as a scream, a grimace, rolling of the eyes, an increase in the size of the pupils. It is believed that seizures in children of this type are evidence of delay mental development. They may also be initial symptom paralysis, microcephaly or strabismus.

Flexor spasms are typical for children under 4 years of age. Unrelated flexion or extension of the body, neck, and limbs occurs, repeated several times. Duration - from a few seconds to half an hour. On a short time loss of consciousness is possible. The causes are unknown.

In children aged 4 to 14 years, absence seizure develops, characterized by stopping gaze, lack of response to external stimuli, and immobilization. In some cases, involuntary chewing movements and smacking occur. This is due to stress, fatigue, traumatic brain injury, and brain infections. By EEG data, electrical activity increases in occipital region.

Classification by causes

The most common types of seizures in children are febrile, epileptic and respiratory-affective seizures.

With the greatest frequency of manifestation between the ages of 6 and 18 months. Once occurring, convulsions with fever appear in 30% of children. The pathology covers both single muscles and separate groups. Possible facial tension and tilting of the chin. The skin turns blue, the baby sweats a lot. At some point, loss of consciousness and cessation of breathing may occur. Then comes relaxation.

Without fever, convulsions occur in a child due to epilepsy. In this case, the attack is generalized.

Respiratory-affective symptoms arise due to an excess of emotions in children from six months to 3 years. Characteristic of premature babies.


The main signs of seizure activity are:


Even after a single attack, it is important to conduct a diagnosis and understand the question of why the convulsions occurred. This will allow you to avoid relapse, prescribe treatment and simply calm down. Seizures can occur not only with fever and epilepsy. In infants they may be the first signs of cerebral palsy or mental retardation.

After recovery, the pediatrician gives a referral for tests and a visit to a neurologist or endocrinologist. Tests include a general picture of urine, blood and biochemistry. In most cases, you will need to do an electrocardiogram and consult a cardiologist.

The pediatrician and neurologist will take a history of the attack by asking questions about the following:

  • heredity;
  • what could have caused the attack;
  • features of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • features of the first year of life;
  • attack duration;
  • symptoms;
  • the nature of the seizures;
  • how many times the spasms were repeated;
  • whether there was a loss of consciousness.

In some cases, the neurologist will send you for a so-called lumbar puncture - a test cerebrospinal fluid. An electroencephalogram is required. If you suspect a neoplasm or vascular disorders the doctor gives directions for an MRI or computed tomography. A fundus examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist may be required.

Seizures with fever also require diagnosis, despite the fact that the cause of their occurrence seems clear. Only 5% of young children develop convulsive attacks during hyperthermia, so it is better to make sure that the child does not have any organic pathologies.

When the first signs of seizures occur in children, regardless of their cause, it is necessary to call urgent Care. Often parents have no idea what to do when their child has seizures.

In case of convulsive activity of any etiology, everything is removed dangerous items which can lead to injury to the patient. If an attack occurs indoors, open a window for ventilation. The temperature in the room should not be higher than 21 °C. Adults, be they parents, caregivers or teachers, must constantly remain with the patient until the attack is completely over and consciousness returns.

In all cases, when joining convulsions, stopping or holding your breath, you must remember that during an attack it is impossible to perform artificial respiration. The muscles of the respiratory tract are tense and do not allow air to pass through. You need to wait for the attack to end. It is not recommended to wake up or disturb the patient.

As first aid for convulsions in children, they are laid on a hard surface, the whole body or just the head is turned on its side, and outer clothing is removed or loosened. Under no circumstances are you given anything to drink. As soon as the cramps go away, saliva and vomit are removed from the mouth.

If a seizure begins in a child diagnosed with epilepsy, you must be prepared for the spasms to cover the entire body. They will be accompanied by loss of consciousness, and perhaps a second attack will occur. After the child is laid down, a towel roll is placed under the neck, and a corner of the towel is inserted between the molars. Under no circumstances should a metal object be placed in the mouth; it can damage the teeth, the remains of which will fall into the larynx. Any medications are administered intramuscularly and only by a doctor.

If convulsions occur in children at high temperatures, they are undressed, wiped with alcohol, and covered with a towel dipped in water. During an attack, it is unacceptable to give medications orally. The muscles are compressed, the baby still won’t swallow it, but he will be able to choke on it after the attack is over. If it is necessary to urgently take measures to reduce the temperature, put rectal suppositories with paracetamol.


Treatment tactics depends on the nature and causes of the disease.

In case of seizures with fever or convulsions of an affective-respiratory nature, children are usually not hospitalized; treatment continues at home. After the attack caused by the high temperature has ended, children are re-cooled by wiping the body with a solution of vinegar, vodka or applying a damp towel to the forehead. If after the end of the convulsions the temperature does not subside, the baby is given an antipyretic - Paracetamol or Efferalgan. If attacks recur or last for more than 15 minutes, your doctor will prescribe anticonvulsants– Diazepam or Phenobarbital. You cannot start giving them on your own.

For epilepsy, tetanus or intoxication, hospital treatment is indicated. Drugs aimed at eliminating seizures and vitamins are administered.

Urgent hospitalization is also required for newborns. In the department intensive care The baby will be constantly monitored.

Even if the convulsive episode recurs only once, children are registered and observed for 12 months.


Emergence convulsive syndrome in newborns, especially premature infants, can lead to death. It is noted that with unknown causes of repeated attacks, such children develop encephalopathy or ischemic stroke. Often death possible with meningococcal infection.

Seizures due to metabolic disorders and febrile seizures are usually treatable. The latter pass without leaving a trace, especially in infants. But if seizures occur in older children and appear repeatedly, then there is a risk oxygen starvation, delayed mental development and gross damage to all areas of the personality.

It is important to remember that the onset of an attack is accompanied by impaired coordination of movements and loss of consciousness. If dropped on asphalt, hard surfaces, sharp objects You can get injured, including traumatic brain injury. First aid should include safety measures for the victim.

It is better not to leave children prone to epilepsy alone at night. During the night's rest, when no one is watching the child, it is possible to fall out of bed, get pinched and bite off the tongue.


If seizure activity is hereditary or associated with organic brain damage, preventive measures will only help reduce the frequency and, possibly, intensity of attacks. It is impossible to exclude relapses.

About the prevention of any possible diseases The baby needs to be thought about when it is still in the expectant mother’s belly. Her lifestyle, well-being, health, nutrition affect whether the fetal organs are formed correctly and whether they work correctly.

For the born baby there should be increased attention. It is unacceptable to use alcohol or drugs during lactation. Procedures and treatment prescribed by a pediatrician or neurologist must be carried out very accurately, without doing anything on your own. The central nervous system is very sensitive. Ignoring symptoms of diseases, non-compliance with dosage medicines, self-prescription of treatment will lead to a worsening of the condition and the emergence of new pathologies.

As soon as possible, you need to start working with the baby physical activity. Do a set of age-appropriate exercises every day. Massage once every six months.

Walking on fresh air provide positive influence for the development of the baby and strengthening his health.

It is important to include foods containing potassium and magnesium in your menu:

Baths with sea ​​salt for legs, light massage, cold and hot shower.

You need to choose comfortable orthopedic shoes.

In most cases, seizures in children disappear after 4-5 years. However, when convulsions occur, especially those involving the whole body, it is important to find out their causes. Only this will allow you to assign correct treatment. To prevent the occurrence of seizures, it is important to practice prevention.

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