Increased libido in men: causes, symptoms, how to reduce. Health Dangers of Excessive Sex

Excessive sexual activity sometimes interferes not only with teenagers, but also with adult men. This circumstance negatively affects both personal life and causes inconvenience at work. Increased libido is a very difficult problem for the stronger sex. Such hypersexuality can manifest itself both on a psychological and physiological background, and requires immediate treatment.

How increased libido manifests itself in men, the causes and symptoms of excessive sexual desire, and what methods exist to solve this issue, you will learn in this article.

Increased sexual activity: what is it?

How to understand that sexual desire turns into pathology? In fact, there are no specific standards for libido that need to be adhered to. For some men, it is enough to have sex once a day to feel physical “release,” while for others, three times a day is not enough. Increased libido is not measured by the number of sexual acts. This pathology is chronic.

In adolescence, hypersexuality is explained by a surge of hormones. Testosterone begins to be actively produced, physiology “takes over”, but over time the storm of hormones subsides, and the young man begins to think about other things, and not just about the female body. Normalization of hormonal levels occurs by the age of 18. However, this does not mean that sex has become a secondary aspect of life for a man. For many representatives of the stronger sex, passionate physiology ends at the age of 25.

Symptoms of excessive sexual desire in men:

  • A man’s thoughts are mainly of an erotic, sexual nature;
  • No feeling of satisfaction after sex. Even several sexual acts in a row do not bring relief;
  • The partner began to avoid intimacy;
  • Satisfaction does not occur, even after frequent masturbation;
  • When a hypersexual man sees a woman, he immediately imagines her in bed with him and experiences physical arousal.

Nymphomania is a severe disorder of the psyche and the body as a whole. This state of a man does not bring him pleasure, he is not satisfied with sexual relations. This is precisely the essence of increased libido in men. Attacks of severe sexual arousal can take you by surprise, and not at the most opportune moment. Sexologists say that this condition is more dangerous than low libido. What is behind this condition?

Causes of increased sexuality in men

With nymphomania, a man cannot control himself. All his thoughts come down to sex and physical satisfaction. If measures are not taken, the pathology will only develop, and the need for sex will intensify. It is important to seek help from a qualified sexologist who will prescribe a diagnosis, because in order to alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the disease.

The most common reasons include:

  • hormonal imbalance. The hormone testosterone is responsible for sexual desire. If it is produced in excess, a man feels a constant need for sex. This condition is quite dangerous, since excessive production of male germ cells can lead to prostate hyperplasia;
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamus. This reason is mainly associated with past illnesses, in particular meningitis or encephalitis;
  • mental disorders. The reason may lie either in the man’s state of mind or develop against the background of traumatic brain injury (damage to the blood vessels of the brain);
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • Don Juan syndrome. Sexologists specifically note this point, since it is associated with psychological disorders, namely, unsuccessful sexual intercourse, as a result of which a man tries to compensate for the “gap.”

Some men cannot realize the fact that they have become addicted to sex until this condition consumes them completely and begins to destroy them physically. With this pathology, the following signs can be noted:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • excessive irritability, anxiety, unbridled restlessness;
  • seizures;
  • manifestation of orgasm outside of sexual intercourse;
  • unstable emotional state.

If a man notices such signs, this is the first signal to seek help from a sexologist or urologist. It is possible to reduce libido in men if the correct diagnosis is made. Sometimes hormone therapy is required, and in other cases less aggressive means will help.

How to reduce libido: getting rid of excessive sexual desires

Why is it so important not to self-medicate? The fact is that decreased libido is a rather complex process that requires medical adjustment. If you overdo it with drugs, you can completely lose your sexual desire or worsen your health.

Drugs to reduce sexual desire

Hyperexcitability can be reduced with drugs of various groups. However, it is worth considering that each medication has its own contraindications and side effects. Depending on the cause of the pathology, doctors prescribe the following medications that reduce libido:

  • tablets to lower blood pressure. The principle of action of drugs in this group is quite simple: blood flows to the genitals to a lesser extent, which in turn stops physical arousal. The most common medications are Methyldopa, Pindolol, Clonidine;
  • sedatives and antidepressants. The presented group of drugs inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system. If the cause of the disease lies in psychological or nervous disorders, then drugs such as Amitriptyline, Chlorpromazine, Phenozepam will help relieve tension and relieve uncontrolled cravings for sex;
  • hormonal medications. The use of these medications should always be regulated by your doctor. Hormone therapy is used if a man has a high increase in testosterone. The most effective anabolic steroids are Turinabol, Boldenone, Trenbolone.

Using chemical and synthetic products without a doctor's prescription is very dangerous. Experts have recorded cases of “chemical castration.” This happens in the case of uncontrolled use of drugs to reduce libido.

Folk recipes against hypersexuality

How can you suppress sexual desires using traditional methods? Folk remedies are sometimes used in conjunction with drug therapy. In rare cases, natural methods of treating pathology are used as the main treatment.

There are many herbs that have a sedative effect. These include:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • licorice;
  • oregano.

You can brew herbs, arranging them at your own discretion. Even regular tea with the addition of mint will significantly reduce the desire for intimacy, calming the nervous system.

Bromine is actively used to reduce potency. Previously, it was added to soldiers' food to reduce libido. However, its properties are somewhat overestimated. Bromine has sedative properties, but does not particularly affect the reproductive function of men. Potassium bromide should not be consumed on its own or mixed into food without a doctor’s prescription, as uncontrolled use can lead to poisoning of the body.

You can naturally reduce potency using the following methods:

  • Sport. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body. Thanks to strength exercises, you can “discharge” your body well, relieve tension, and get a powerful release of endorphins into the blood (the hormone of happiness);
  • Nutrition. Advice for those who want to reduce potency by eating tasty, but incorrectly. Eating foods such as salt, sugar, beer, soy, bread, and fried foods significantly reduces sexual potential. However, it is worth noting that such a lifestyle can lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, so this method can only be used in extreme cases;
  • Rest mode. It is very important that the rhythm of life during the treatment period is measured. To do this, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, avoid stress and nervous tension.

A new natural analogue of VIAGRA, developed by European scientists to prevent IMPOTENCE and to naturally enhance POTENCE in men

In the modern world, there is very often propaganda about people’s sex life, that there is no need to suppress libido and that you need to completely surrender to your carnal desires. But at the same time, experts are observing an increase in patients with increased sexual desire. Yes, yes, male hypersexuality is a disease, not pride for a man. , and if the “bar” for sexual activity is too high, then nothing good should be expected from it.

Increased sexual excitability in men can develop into another disease - this. Hypersexuality in men is a very high sexual desire, which is very rarely satisfied, and frequent sexual intercourse and orgasms are not able to cool their sexual fervor. Such people are often called sexaholics, and their disease is called satyriasis.

Teenage hypersexuality.

This type of increased sexual desire is considered normal. At this age, boys (without sexual release) also very often experience. Every young person, while in adolescence, goes through such a “test”, and over time, sexual desire returns to normal. Psychologists, for example, recommend that in order for a boy’s sexual desire to proceed normally, parents should explain to him the processes occurring with him. Also, during adolescence, it is highly recommended to channel the sharply increased energy in boys in the right direction. It is necessary that they play sports, be physically active and do things they love (sublimation). If a young man, during the period of his hypersexuality, is unable to control his desires, then perhaps this will result in harmful situations (drugs, alcohol, cruelty, etc.).

Hypersexuality in men - Satyriasis.

Increased libido in men is not uncommon in adults who are already sexually active. Unlike young men who are in adolescence, in adult men hypersexuality is already a pathological disease. For sexaholics, sexual abstinence is especially difficult. They are able to have sexual intercourse several times in a row and do not feel sexual satisfaction. Sexual desire in such men can arise during any contact with women, and most often sexaholics - men are looking for women for release outside of marriage. The life of men with hypersexuality is like hell, because the main goal in their life is sex.

Causes of sexaholism in men:

1. Disturbances in the functioning of the hypothalamus. May be caused by encephalitis or meningitis.

2. Vascular brain damage or brain injury.

3. Hormonal disorders in the body.

4. The main and common cause is psychological disorders in men (Don Juanism syndrome, lack of attention in childhood, unsuccessful first sexual intercourse).

Treatment of increased sexual desire in men.

First of all, to treat a man for sexaholism, it is necessary to determine the cause of his hypersexuality. Sometimes increased sexual desire can be treated with medication, as well as by taking hormonal drugs. But most often the cause is mental disorders, and then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist along with treatment of the root cause. Therefore, in any case, you should definitely contact a specialist with this problem, and not self-medicate and do not delay going to the doctor. A man is also recommended to properly plan his day, have an active lifestyle, and physical activity will also help a lot. It often helps with increased sexual activity to drink soothing infusions of herbs (motherwort, lemon balm, sweet clover, oregano, thyme).

At the first manifestation of hypersexuality, this may seem like a good sign to both men and women and even

Sex is a good thing. However, as they say, you need to know when to stop. Too much zeal in this matter is fraught with consequences for the body.

How to avoid minor (and not so minor) injuries and troubles “at work” and what dangers may lie in wait for “sex champions” - the capital’s doctors spoke about this.

Press pause
- In fact, there is simply no such thing as “excess” in relation to sex! - says gynecologist, doctor of the highest category Tatyana Yakuseva. - You can make love as often as your physical and psychological allows you to. In addition, scientists have long proven that abstinence has a negative effect on our body! It is known that men often suffer from erectile dysfunction due to long pauses in intimate life and have problems with ejaculation. Women may develop psychological problems... However, moderation is needed in everything! For particularly loving natures, some dangers may still lurk...

Who's our opening act?
“A surge of passion in some cases can provoke such troubles as sprains, vaginal muscles, microtrauma of the mucous membrane, redness and abrasion,” says gynecologist-physiotherapist Daria Pomazanova. - Sometimes the head of the penis and the frenulum can suffer from friction (sometimes natural lubrication disappears for a short time due to the frequency of intercourse). Usually these annoying symptoms make themselves felt only the next day.

Also, on the outer labia, as a result of too much blood supply in them, signs of premature aging often appear in the form of wrinkles, cracks and dry skin. It is quite easy to avoid such problems - before making love, take a hot bath or shower together (this will help make the muscles more elastic) or use special intimate lubricants and gels.

So that no loads are scary, increase the time of “foreplay” - this will release natural lubrication more intensely and warm up the ligaments better.

What passions!
“Of course, most rarely (but unfortunately, this also happens!) with an overly violent manifestation of feelings, a dangerous thing can happen - rupture of the vagina (its vault, anterior wall), says plastic surgeon-gynecologist Mikhail Zinkin. - What are the consequences of such “injuries”? First of all, heavy bleeding, inflammatory processes and the penetration of infection into the body (this is not counting severe pain).

If something similar happens to you, throw away all fears and embarrassment and urgently seek help from a surgeon to avoid unwanted consequences! - the specialist warns.

Rear areas protected
By the way, doctors call anal sex the most dangerous. Even the Roman poet Martel threatened his wife with divorce because she did not want to make love to him in an unconventional way, while other Roman matrons never refused him this. It is also known that in the nineteenth century this type of intercourse was quite popular in the working environment - they resorted to it to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Some of the most common injuries during frequent anal sex are anal fissures, disruption of the mucous membrane, and stretching of the circular muscle - sphincter. The latter is especially dangerous, since over time it can lead to very serious consequences: acute forms of hemorrhoids, incontinence. This delicate muscle can easily suffer from a rupture, but it will heal very slowly and painfully.

Dangerous Gate
Some experts believe that anal sex provokes diseases such as anal cancer (dysplasia) and rectal cancer!

It will not hurt to know that this type of sex is practically an open gate for any viruses (intestinal infection, urethritis, papilloma). The mucous membrane of the rectum (anus), unlike the vaginal mucosa, is much less adapted to protect the body from infection, and condoms in this case are not a panacea, warns urologist and andrologist Dmitry Azanyan. - Also avoid combining anal sex with vaginal sex: intestinal microflora entering the vagina can cause serious infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterus.

Honey syndrome
“Another misfortune that awaits particularly ardent partners is the so-called “honeymoon syndrome,” says gynecologist Tatyana Yakuseva. - The most striking signs of this temporary illness: a feeling of discomfort during intimacy, painful urination, irritated mucous membranes, microinflammations, a burning sensation, itching, and sometimes discharge (leucorrhoea).

All these symptoms usually appear due to illnesses such as bacterial vaginosis (disturbance of the natural flora of the vagina), colpitis (inflammation of the external genital organs and vaginal mucosa) and even cystitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder).

passion berries
To relieve all these unpleasant manifestations, you will first have to limit your sexual activity.

For vaginosis and colpitis, it is useful (as a preventative measure) to drink a decoction of sage leaves, calendula, yarrow herb and juniper berries. The decoction is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight and take 30 minutes before. before meals (about 1/4 cup) for a month.

You can use this infusion for local baths at night. Warm baths with the addition of medicinal mixtures of string herbs, lavender, nettle, and oak bark will soothe and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

The affected mucous membrane can be lubricated with honey (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10). Hot baths made from pine twigs or pine extract help with leucorrhoea (brew 10 liters of boiling water with 100 g of pine twigs, keep on low heat for 30 minutes and leave for 1 hour).

To drink or not to drink?
“Too frequent active sex sometimes leads to nervous exhaustion,” says sports medicine doctor, sex therapist, psychotherapist Leonid Abramov. - This is expressed in a strong feeling of fatigue, apathy, absent-mindedness, and emotional imbalance. In addition, sex is a fairly decent physical activity on the body, during which we lose a large amount of water (half an hour of lovemaking can require the same effort as running a five-kilometer distance), and this can happen without obvious sweating.

Therefore, after each intimate contact, it is necessary to replenish moisture reserves in the body in order to prevent dehydration, which causes fatigue and increases the risk of nervous fatigue. For this, a half-liter bottle of water or juice will be enough. Mineral water will help restore the water-salt balance. As you know, green tea is a very good tonic and relieves thirst. A decoction of mint and hawthorn will calm you down and normalize the functioning of your blood vessels and heart.

Libido hormone
According to some doctors, loss of strength for sexual reasons (especially in men) can also occur due to a decrease in the hormone of sexual desire - testosterone.

When women have sex, the level of testosterone in their body increases, but in men, after frequent orgasms, the amount of this substance in the blood decreases significantly. This leads to the fact that immediately after intimacy, male muscles greatly lose their ability to contract, which leads to a sharp decrease in physical activity. In addition, a lack of libido hormone causes irritability and a feeling of depressed mood.

Drug orgasm
Uncontrolled sex negatively affects brain cells! This hypothesis was recently put forward by European sexopathologists. In their opinion, the endorphins released during orgasm (which cause a feeling of pleasure) are not as harmless as previously thought. These substances act on the body like heroin. And if heroin, penetrating through cell membranes, is distributed evenly throughout the cells of the body, then endorphins, released in the brain, act directly on its cells.

Sexopathologists claim that a kind of “overdose” of endorphins with increased sexual activity (!) can lead to irreversible changes in brain cells, which is fraught with microscopic hemorrhages, circulatory disorders, and can subsequently threaten oncological tumors. However, the founders of such a bold theory make a reservation, saying that it is too early to draw final conclusions: the hypothesis needs more detailed research!

Give me quality!
There is also an opinion that an overly energetic sex life leads to a decrease in the ability of male sperm to fertilize a female egg. Is it really?

After frequent ejaculation (for example, 4-6 times a day), the quality of sperm does deteriorate, but only for a short period! - says urologist Sergei Zhakov. - Literally within 24 hours, all the beneficial properties of the seminal fluid are restored again, so this does not affect conception in any way.

The only thing that can happen when you “overdo it” (we emphasize that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body) is a temporary lack of erection (a completely natural period of “inexcitability”) and a decrease in the amount of sperm. Sometimes so-called asthenic ejaculation can occur - this is when the seminal fluid is not erupted, but flows freely.

Second heart
But, contrary to misconceptions, an active sexual position does not have any detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart. Quite the contrary! Sexologists and cardiologists unanimously say: during regular sex, the heart muscle is trained, normal blood circulation is maintained in the body, the heart’s resistance to stress increases and the effect of a number of harmful factors leading to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease is reduced. In particular, mechanisms are launched that prevent the development of stress.

But doctors also warn: those who already suffer from any cardiovascular disease (especially myocardial infarction and heart failure) should not be zealous in “amorous matters.”

On top of that, sex is an excellent simulator for the prostate gland, or, as it is also figuratively called, “a man’s second heart.” At least it has been precisely proven that stable erection and ejaculation prevent the development of prostatitis. This is due to the fact that with regular lovemaking, the chances for bacteria to multiply in the ducts of the gland are reduced. The less stagnation of prostatic juice, the lower the likelihood of disease.

A Australian scientists have questioned the benefits of traditional sex for men's health. Biologists from the University of Western Australia argue that in fact, excessive sexual activity leads to a weakened immune system, undermining the body's resources. .

Scientists came to these conclusions by studying insects - field crickets. According to experts, the biomechanisms of men and crickets are absolutely similar. The observation revealed a connection between sperm production in the body and health in males. It turned out that during the production of high-quality semen, for example, other body systems suffer, but the immune system becomes more vulnerable during this period. The body of males turns out to be a target for various bacterial and viral infections. Moreover, the more sex, the less his ability to resist diseases.

This information is especially important, according to experts, for those who have a fairly low level of sexual desire. If a man has a tendency to neurotic reactions, then excessive sex can cause the development of neuroses. The mood can also deteriorate significantly, the man becomes irritable and hot-tempered. There may even be manifestations of aggression.

With chronic inflammation of the internal genital organs, intemperance from intimacy can also lead to very sad consequences, since it provokes an exacerbation of all ailments.

Doctors pay special attention to the time of onset of sexual activity in modern teenagers. Puberty in boys begins quite early - at 12-14 years of age. Experts warn that sexual relations at a very young age can be dangerous, since the body of boys under 15 years of age is still too weak to handle the stress experienced during sexual intercourse. After all, sexual intercourse requires a lot of energy from the body. And regular contact with a sexual partner, taking a lot of energy from a teenager, can significantly slow down, in some cases, both physical and mental development.

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